#also also! did shanks in turn know that ace was roger's son before the marineford stuff??
drowning-moonlight · 6 months
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so Ace specifically learned good manners for the sole purpose of thanking Shanks for saving Luffy??
he's such a sweet brother omg
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freckle-face-ace · 1 month
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Portgas D Ace X CisFem Reader
Waves lapped against the sides of the ship, gulls could be heard outside the porthole indicating land was near. The room wasn't familiar, but the jolly roger hanging on the wall was; it was a ship in the fleet. His heart skipped a few beats as he rubbed his eyes and made his way to his feet. He couldn't hear any voices out on deck but continued to walk the halls running his fingers over the timbers lining his path.
A harsh briney wind whipped through his waves as he stepped fully onto the deck. Land was in fact near, they'd been docked. He could see the bay from where he stood as the sun was sneaking up passed the horizon behind the ship. Perhaps they'd gone to stock up or moved the banquet to the shore, as he'd taken this as a sign of victory at Marineford.
"You finally made it brat."
The voice stopped Ace in his tracks, it felt like forever since the last time he was called out by his father.
"Pops?" The raven spun to face the enormous man.
Even sitting on bare timbers the old man towered over his adopted son. Why was he on this ship? Maybe the Moby Dick had taken too much damage during battle? Right now Ace's mind was too all over the place to really care for answers.
"You never were one to be on time, were you lad?" Pops chuckled.
"On time? So they are having a banquet?" Ace perked.
"Not at all." the old man answered, "They've been waiting for us."
"Did you drink too much? You're not making any sense."
"You'll see soon enough." Pops rose with ease to lead Ace off the ship.
The men walked in silence around the bay and up a steep hill. Morning light cast over two monuments that Ace couldn't quite make out from so far away but as they approached his heart sank. The ground around the carved granite was littered with swords of all sizes. Whitebeard's gigantic coat swayed gently in the breeze as it hung over his bisentō, a tattered jolly roger waved from above. Ace's rubies slowly moved to the right where a smaller head stone sat, perched atop were his dagger, beads and hat. A ridiculous awray of flowers covered both stones and the ground around them.
"Red-Hair..." Marco's voice drew Ace's attention from the head stone, "I don't know how to thank you enough."
He looked awful and worn out, tired eyes swept up the towering memorial as he adjusted the bandages wrapped around his head.
"No need for any of that," Shanks sighed stepping next to the blond, "he may have been my enemy but Whitebeard was a man worthy of respect."
Ace moved forward confused, "Oi, Marco!"
Neither male acknowledged his presence.
“Shanks, what the fuck-" the raven was silenced as his father's hand enveloped his back turning him, "Pops I - what are they talking about? What is this place?"
"Take a seat lad." Pops rumbled.
Ace did as instructed facing his father. The old man took a moment to find his words and stroked his mustache thoughtfully.
"I know that you are aware of your death lad." Pops smiled softly, "I also know you've fallen in love."
"It wasn't a dream." Ace murmured running a shaky hand through his hair.
He'd thought he was back, that you and your world were some sort of illusion he had while recovering, it always felt too good to be true.
Pops shook his head, smile still present,"It wasn't, and F/N needs you more than anyone here ever did."
"Thatch." Ace whispered.
“Ah, I've seen him already, he wasn't allowed to tell you, so don't hold it against him. This is a place you must find on your own."
"So..." Ace paused before voicing his thoughts, "so you died too? When? Why didn't you come where Thatch and I are?"
"I didn't survive Marineford either." he answered flatly, "You and Thatch had someone waiting for you, someone from beyond our world." his golden eyes swayed over to Shanks' retreating form and back to Marco, "I had many friends and many enemies and many more shameless, brainless sons. There is no other world for me."
Ace swallowed passed the lump in his throat. He'd never considered Pops' death, especially not after finding Thatch, he just assumed the man would appear and they'd be together again some day. He stood and placed his right hand on Marco's shoulder.
The blond closed his tired dry eyes and bowed his head, "We will make you proud, yoi."
"It's time to go." Pops rumbled.
Ace turned back toward his father, "I just have one more question. Is Luffy safe?"
"He is and he has a great path to follow." Pops moved to wrap his enormous arm around Ace's shoulders, "There are some things that are difficult for an old pirate to say, but you will always be my son and I will always love you."
Ace rubbed the tears from his eyes, "Love you too Pops."
With a gasp he opened his eyes to see your calm sleeping face. He slid from his pillow to your chest while you instinctively wrapped your arms around him and nuzzled into his hair.
"You ok babe?" you murmured sleepily.
He nodded and burrowed further into your warmth.
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g-on-ef · 5 years
Battle for the Ocean’s Hearts
A/N: I am so sorry for the late update this was originally supposed to be updated last week, unfortunatly I got sick and was unable to update so I am sorry about that but anywhore here it is my new ASL marine Au fic ^^ also since everyone wanted it I have gone with the first choice where Law is a captain and Zoro and Nami are a part of his crew. I may one day write a version of Law being Doflamingo’s right hand man but for now we will use this version ^^. okay enough of my babbling let’s get on with the show
Summary: Ace, Sabo, and Luffy become Marines. While Garp is happy his grandsons are Marines he’s not happy to see the first commander of the Whitebeard pirates, the captain of the infamous Heart Pirates, and his son’s second in command trying to get with his grandsons and turn them into pirates.
Chapter 1: Garp’s gamble
He’d be the first to admit that he was not meant to be around children, especially with the way Dragon turned out. Seriously? The most wanted man in the world as well as becoming leader of the Revolutionary army? Garp’s fist of Love may or may not have caused the poor boy some brain damage or maybe he was always meant to be a rebel. His teen years were a nightmare for his wife.
Either way, Dragon should be the prime example as to why he shouldn’t be around children deep down Garp felt that if he touched them he would ruin them for whatever future they would want to have.
And yet, that didn’t matter to Gol D. Roger, right before his execution Roger asked Garp for a favor and that was to take care of his son and pregnant wife. At first Garp thought the man was crazy, seriously him? Taking care of a child, and not just any child but the Pirate King’s child? He should have refused, should have told him no and give him every reason why he shouldn’t be anywhere near a child, Dragon being the prime example.
But he didn’t.
Instead he took the child in and a tiny part of him couldn’t help but wonder that he was his second chance to give this child what Roger and Rouge couldn’t and where he failed with Dragon.
When Dragon came to him and told him about his grandson, Luffy and told him to take care of Luffy Garp should have reminded him how he basically left Dragon to raise himself. Of course, he understood why he couldn’t send him to his other parent, the man was a dangerous pirate. One of the dangerous men to cross the sea so Dragon was trusting his father with the care of his son.
Garp should have smack the boy for getting involve with a pirate a Yonko no less and refuse to take care of his boy, Luffy.
But he didn’t.
Instead he took to Dadan where he left Ace so that she could take care of them and thought they would be okay.
He was wrong.
Sabo another boy they met and decided he would be their brother got hurt and would have died had it not been for Shanks, Luffy’s father who saved the poor boy before he could be blasted to little pieces.
To make things worse both Makino and Dadan told him of Shanks plans to take all three boys with him. Garp decided to do the one thing that he should have done in the beginning. The one thing he should have done with Dragon when the boy became a teenager.
Take the boys back to Marineford to be Marines.
He knew it was a great risk to take since both Luffy and Ace had pirate blood flowing through the veins. Luffy with Shanks and Ace with both Roger and Rouge. Not to mention how all three of them wanted to be free and live their lives with no rules or regrets.
While he didn’t have any connection with Sabo like he did with Luffy and Ace he still felt an attachment towards the boy when he first met him. Something about the boy reminded him of Dragon.
Which is why he had to do whatever he could to save them from being hunted down like animals and being killed.
He already spoke with Sengekou and he promised that as long as Ace and Luffy stayed on the side of the Marines then neither of them would be killed and their parents would be kept a secret.
Garp would have to play his cards right especially with Luffy, since he found out his relations to Shanks, the boy was excited to have him as a father and even more excited to know he would go out to sea with him.
Still, Garp had to take a chance, a chance to save his grandsons before Death took them from him.
Taking a deep breath Garp headed towards the boys’ room and hoped for the best.
He found the boys sitting crisscrossed in the center of their room, each one with a smile on their face as they talked about going out to sea with Shanks and his crew.
“Boys,” Garp interrupted them. The boys screamed at the sound of his voice before they began to scramble to their feet to get away from him.
Garp felt his eye twitched before he grabbed them by the scruff of their necks and dropped them on their bed.
He watched as both Sabo and Luffy tried to hide behind Ace who was trying to look tough but Garp could see a little fear in him.
“Listen up brats, I am taking you all with me to Marinefort,” he said looking at them with a cold expression showing them he meant business.
“What?! Why?!” Ace shouted his fear was now replaced with anger.
“Because, I heard about Shanks and his plans to take you out to sea,”
“My dad! Hey Gramps, did you know he’s my dad?! Luffy asked, his smile was wide and bright it almost made Garp smile, almost.
“Yes, Luffy I knew. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think Shanks knew or that it matter but I was wrong, on both accounts so now I am taking you and your brothers to Marinefort where you will be train to become Marines,”
“Why would we want that?” Sabo asked, he owe Shanks his life for saving him, as well as bringing him back to his brothers so why would he give up the opportunity to explore the world and be free?
Garp took a deep breath, he knew what he was doing, that he was about to manipulate these boys but if it meant that they will live to be his age then Garp would gladly lie to them.
“Because brats, I’m trying to protect you three,”
He looked at Ace who’s mask of ferocity turned to terror as he realized what Garp was about to say next.
“Ace, they found out the truth about you, I don’t know how but they know who you are and who’s your father,”
Okay that was a lie, it was Garp who told them, but Ace did not have to know that.
“They said they would come here to arrest you, I however spoke with Sengeku, only he knows and I was able to struck a deal with him if you become a Marine then nothing will happen. You won’t be hunted down and will get a chance to live,”
Ace looked scared the mere thought that someone outside of his family knowing his secret and that they will hunt him down frighten him. The thought that they can come here and hurt him…thoughts of Luffy and Sabo getting hurt because of him invaded his mind.
Images of their bodies covered in blood, their screams calling for help clouded his head. He would do anything for his brothers even if it meant becoming a Marine.
“If…if I become a Marine…Luffy and Sabo will be okay?”
Inside Garp’s heart was breaking especially with seeing the look of fear and defeat on his grandson but he had to remain strong,
“It’s for their own good, I need to protect them in any way that I can,”
Ace nodded his head, he grabbed his orange hat, the one Luffy and Sabo gave him for his birthday and placed it on his lap.
“Okay…I’ll…I’ll become a marine,”
Sabo and Luffy looked at Ace, their brother was trying to protect them shouldering the weight of the world on his shoulder and doing whatever he can to save his brothers.
Luffy and Sabo looked at one another they couldn’t let Ace do this alone, sure they could become pirates but…then they would run into Ace…and they would have to fight each other…not like their training sessions but an actual physical confrontation and that was something they didn’t want to do.
They knew what they had to do, even if it meant giving up their dreams, they would do it, for Ace they would sacrifice everything for him.
Garp looked at Luffy and Sabo who removed their hats before looking at their laps.
“So, will we,” they said.
Garp couldn’t help but smile a little on the inside, however…he felt a piece of him die.
A/N: Well love it hate it tell me what you guys think ^^ next update will be Friday August 9th. Till then ^*^ 
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justm3h · 6 years
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Plot - Triskaidekaphobia
Summary: Marco has lived many lives. Lives as a civilian, lives with the Marines, lives as a pirate and the smallest butterfly effect makes each adventure new. But each death has him waking up after eating the first fruit of his life.
Another chance, another life.
One more shot to make things right.
Characters: Marco the Phoenix, Monkey D. Garp, Bell-mere, Donquiote “Corazon” Rosicante, Coby, Gol D. Roger, Silvers Rayleigh, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Makino, Monkey D. Luffy, Edward Newgate, Thatch, Portgas D. Rouge, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Monkey D.Dragon, Buggy, Straw Hat Crew, Kureha, Nico Olvia, Marshall D. Teach, Trafalgar D. Water Law
Pairing: Rouge/Roger, slight Makino/Shanks but mostly Gen
The first life Marco lives is boring and normal. He passes peacefully, a respected but simple village doctor, flames flicker even as he’s eyes fall shut for the last time. Only for that not to be true, as he opens them once again to hands the size of a child and not an old man.
The second life he travels the South Blue. He wants to see what the sea has to offer him and he makes friends and learns so much. He dies this time by drowning, and decides he doesn’t like it very much.
The third time, he starts figuring things out. Each death has him wake up right after eating the worst tasting fruit of his life. He’s grown use to the blue flames that heal and the obsession with cinnamon but the healing is a gift enough.
Marco travels further, learning skills of a sailor. He enjoys navigating the most, for the stars are the only thing that seem to be consistent with every redo.
His third adventure ends, accidentally being eaten in the calm belt. Another mistake he swears to Never Make Again.
The fourth one comes and he realizes he needs to learn how to fight and joins the Marines.
He’s not very good at first, more often than not, he fumbles and fails and it stuck in a lower position for some time. He only hears later of the Summit War and even then it’s just boring news that doesn’t matter on the blues.
One drowning later and Marco becomes a Marine again on count 5. His ‘talent’ is noticed. He’s sent to the Grandline and trains with other fresh recruits. He is in awe as he catches sight of the admirals and of the legendary hero Garp. The Marines try to figure out what fruit he ate but have as much luck as he has in the past. He makes it as far as Captain before dying tragically protecting his men.
6 and 7 are much the same. Joins the Marines and is satisfied with the rank of Captain. He enjoys having the spunky Bell-mere under his tutelage til she is transferred and quit soon after. Marco enjoys seeing Rosicante grow from a brat he babysat to a fine Marine although still a walking disaster.
Marco always takes different posts and assignments, never wanting to have the confusion of knowing something he shouldn’t. It doesn’t stop him from befriending a few of the same people over and over again, but those are just some binds he’s not willing to let go.
But 5 to 7 are also where Marco really starts to notice something wrong with the world. He never noticed on the Blues, too isolated from the Grandline and the Red to pay much mind to it.
There was corruption, Marines taking bribes or turning a blind eye to the pleadings of the people who begged for help. The admirals were bias, unable to get pasted their own convictions to just help.
It caused Bell-mere to leave and Rosicante’s death.
It hurt.
8 seems to hurt the most. He was put under the care of Garp. He learned so much about the Vice Admiral, Garp yelled about his brat grandkids and Fists of Love were a daily occurrence. Regardless of his violence, Garp was what the Marines should have been. Heroes. Marco could see it in the boy and his friend that Garp adopted, made all too clear when the pink haired boy jumped in front of a cannon.
He and Bogard would watch from a distance as the two chore boys trained. Fought for the right to be Marines. Bogard taught Helmeppo, the tall blond better with blades, while Marco taught Coby the basics of hand to hand til Garp took over their training.
Marco always made sure to patch the young men up at the end of the day, a doctors work never done, even after they picked a fight with Garp’s grandson.
“Dumb Brats,” he joking at Garp as he checks over Coby and Helmeppo after their fight.
Marco got a good look at Garp’s grandson, Monkey D. Luffy. He was much like his grandfather, even as they both fell asleep in the middle of their own fight.
But Marco hasn’t seen pirates like these since Roger, despite the Marine propaganda, his cabin boy Shanks, or Whitebeard. Considering the rookie pirate had Red-Haired Shanks’ old straw hat…. Who if all the praises Coby said were true, saved him and a whole town, was more hero than a pirate had the right to be.
Monkey D. Luffy who dreamed of being King of the Pirates. Well, Marco could admit to himself he wouldn’t mind seeing the boy become the second King.
Even if the crew couldn’t handle a few cannonballs from Garp at the moment.
Then Marineford. The stories he had heard in passing before, if he lived long enough to hear them, paled in comparison to the actual event.
It was a massacre. Garp fell and so did his grandson. Whitebeard died on his feet seeing his adopted son and blood son of Gol D. Roger perish under the executioner’s blade. And there impaled on a molten fist was Coby, the boy Garp hoped would continue his legacy.
Marco died, a screech echoing over the battlefield as he flew to attack the lava man, with ice and light ripping through his body.
9 and 1st Time Pirate
9 he wakes to wings not hands and realizes just exactly what the fruit did to him.
Marco does not join the Marines this time, preferring to not think about all the blood and death he still had nightmares about.
This time, he flies and travels. The seas no longer limit him and stars will always be his guide. He doesn’t tire but can just fly for what seems like forever.
The blond witnesses Gol D. Roger’s death, spotting the would be faces of many soon to be known names. It’s curious but Red Hair asks if he wants to join his crew.
“You look interesting!”
Needing something new and knowing full well what kind of pirate the young man is from endless rants from Garp, Marco accepts. Not like he has anything better to do.
It’s maybe the worst decision he’s ever made as the seemingly endless parties usually leave it up to him to keep them on course, unable to get drunk without the help of seastone.
He’s grateful when Benn joins, if not just to keep Shanks somewhat in line for a pirate. There are questions about his knowledge of the Marines and he makes no point to hide that he ‘quit’.
“Being a pirate suit you more?”
“Seems so Cap.”
If more pirates were like Red Hair, he ponders, watching the man make a fool of himself for a pretty green haired girl, then there wouldn’t been so many issues in the world.
Marco meets a young Monkey D. Luffy, still as mischievous as before, and laughs at the reaction Shanks has when he learns the kid he’s taken a shine to is related to Garp.
“He’s got his Grandfather’s smile.”
“I’m concerned how you know that, Marc.”
It goes much like canon, Luffy is kidnapped and is taken to the middle of the bay and Marco is actually the one who flys Shanks out there.
Marco has a first hand experience of watching Shanks lose his arm. He apologizes for not being faster but Shanks just smiles.
“He’s worth it.”
Shanks becomes Emperor, Marco and Benn both arguably first mate but Marco gets his first bounty poster.
“The Phoenix?”
“Pretty on the nose with that one.”
They have many clashes, with pirates and other Marines alike. Marco finds he enjoys the meetings with the man called Whitebeard the most. At worst, they have a fight but usually they are all too hungover by the time it gets to that.
The morning after a rare party between Shanks and Whitebeard, the air was full of the smell of breakfast and hint of something else. It made Marco pause his berated tairaid against Shanks’ stupidity and abruptly walks away. He followed the smell, leading him to the Moby Dicks kitchen where a man in a chefs suit was elbow deep in kneading bread. But the smell. He breathed it in barely noticing Shanks and Benn following.
The chef looks up and smiles.
“Hey! You’re on Shanks crew, right? I’m Thatch, head chef and 3rd commander! Nice to meet you… hey hello? You in there?”
Thatch looks confused as he holds up the cinnamon and Marco’s eyes follow. Left, right, up, down. Thatch eventually hands Marco a fresh roll and he literally coos with joy.
Shanks LOOSES it. Marco screeches, launching at Shanks with a kick. They run out of the kitchen and Thatch is just so confused and Benn is amused.
The Red Force is then on always stocked with Cinnamon and Thatch always gifts Marco with new cinnamon treats to try, a personal challenge of his.
Marineford comes again, Shanks having tried to prevent it but failed. It was hard to hear that Thatch had been killed but Marco keeps focused as they fight Kaido to make it in time to do anything.
By the time they arrive, it’s much the same nightmare as before. Garp survives but both his grandchildren have fallen, Whitebeard stands dead once again with much of his children at his feet. Shanks was able to save Coby, the boy just inches from having a face full of magma. The Marines scream victory but Marco can only feel hollow.
He’s been on both sides of that battlefield now and neither feel like a victory.
The Red Hair pirates help with gathering the dead, Marco keeping watch on everything as much as he can. Garp looks at him with such mistrust it hurts more than anything.
He offers his condolences, something he couldn’t offer a corpse previously. Garp is somber but accepts. The true sadness is when he gives Shanks the straw hat telling him that Luffy would have wanted him to have it.
It’s not til after the funerals that Marco sits with Shanks and Benn. He’s got a sea stone ring on as he drinks and drinks.
He tells them the truth. He’s old and seen this before and nothing changes. Death seems to be the only result.
They talk to him about the Marines, about the first time, about everything.
“I see these things and don’t know how to fix them. All the paths seem to lead to that blasted war.”
Benn looks at him, “Have you really tried?”
Marco stares into his drink. Has he? He’s taken different roads but never really did much to change things did he?
The phoenix finds new determined and confidence in the faith that both of them have in him to fix things. They won’t remember him, no one does, but they were proud to call him nakama for all these years.
“If you ever need us, find us again, tell us something that only we would know and a bottle of booze. We’ll drink together again.” Shanks tells him before stabbing Marco through the heart.
10 and the Guardian
10 and Marco awakes on a mission. He grows just old enough to be accepted as a cabin boy and flies. Flies far, far away from his home to the Grand line. Where he find the Roger pirates, a budding crew well on their way to greatness. He learns from the best, gaining first hand experience on why the Pirate King was so formidable.
Haki is a well worth nightmare to learn from two of its greatest users. Even if it meant that he had to babysit a younger and somehow even more reckless Shanks and fellow cabin boy Buggy.
Marco watches with a whole new level of sadness at Roger’s passing. Shanks again asks for him to join his crew but Marco declines stating that he’s going to travel for a bit and figure out where life takes him.
Where it ends up taking him, is more preset than he would have Shanks believe. He follows Garp to a small island in the South blue where he see Rouge give birth to the little boy named Ace.
Garp confronts the man but Marco has kept his powers a secret from the Marines this time, a fall back for if things got dicey. He follows Garp, bird shaped so know no one is the wiser.
He spends years watching over the boy. Raising him in ways that Garp couldn’t. He’s there for when Garp brings Luffy to the town for Makino to care for. He watches over these boys that are so, so important.
And he meets Shanks again when the Red Hair Pirates come to town.
Marco lets Shanks meet Luffy and pulls him aside to take a walk. They walk to the forest where Shanks feels eyes watching. Marco remains calm and jovial even as two young boys attack him with metal pipes.
He easily defeats the two and leaves Shanks stunned for once. He watches as both brats yell at Marco for beating them again as Marco scolds them right back for their poor technique.
The tall blond introduces the two brats as Ace and Sabo, his charges shared under Garp.
“Garp?! That old fart?!”
“Hey! Don’t you call gramps an old fart, dye job!”
“What did you just call me brat?!”
Shanks and Ace bicker with each other as Marco and Sabo watch amused.
Shanks spends most of the walk back grumbling about pain in the ass kids.
“He takes after Roger but I see more of Rouge in him.”
“Ugh he’s just as stubborn as the Cap.. tain.” Shanks pauses… and stares at Marco then back at the forest and the back at Marco. “He- That’s?!”
“You have to swear never to speak of this Shanks… Garp and I have protected him for this long. I would hate to think we failed because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.”
“Never. For the Captain and Rouge’s son never…. tell me more about him Marco.”
“Let’s go talk over drinks.”
Marco still enjoys getting a shocked face out of Shanks.
For the whole year he’s in the East Blue, he splits his time between Luffy and the two boys on the mountain.
Shanks shares stories of his time as a cabin boy on Roger’s crew, which causes Ace to get mad but then he’s pacified when hearing other tales of his mother.
Ace doesn’t hate his father quite as much this time but still has enough of a stigma to still be angry with him.
But canon has a way of happening and Shanks once again loses an arm for Luffy. Marco watches with sadness knowing his friend will be sailing from the Blue permanently. He bids them a safe journey and for Benn to keep his sanity. Shanks just laugh and they share a hug.
Garp returns, furious that Marco lets his brat grandson be influenced by that damn Red Hair. Marco just shrugs, knowing full well if Garp meant it he would have come back sooner. News of Red Hair being in the East Blue wasn’t hard to find, Marco could clearly remember Garp complaining about it while he was in the Marines. The Phoenix does inform Garp that Shanks knows about Ace and the grandfather sighs.
“He’s got his mother’s freckles as clear as day.”
“Suits him.”
Luffy befriends the boys who become brothers then canon canon canon. Marco can only do so much good saving Ace and Dudan, and then going to search for Sabo. He finds the boy on a ship in a coma in the hands of…
“Ah, hello Dragon.”
The two talk, Marco explaining who the boy is and his… situation. Marco holds off on moving the boy till he wakes, his injuries far too severe to move him right away.
So Dragon and Marco talk. Marco is kind enough to share stories of Luffy growing up, something the father smiles at. It’s a peace offering.
Sabo awakens with amnesia. He reacts poorly to going home but seems to take pause at the mention of brothers.
“Ace? Luffy?”
“Yes. Those are their names.”
“I have brothers.”
Marco and Sabo go back home, with Dragon leaving Marco with his den den number in case there’s something Garp can’t handle. Ace and Luffy barely let Sabo out of their sight for days but help the boy relearn things and heal.
Years pass and both Ace and Sabo are the age to set sail. Marco stays with Luffy as they watch the boy’s two older brother sail away together. Marco tells them to watch each others backs and keep their wits.
“More than anything stay safe, stay alive.”
“You worry too much Marc, we’ll be fine.“
"I’ll keep him out of trouble Marco.”
There Marco remains hearing about the two’s adventures with brief updates via the mail. He’s pleased to see both have taken up with Whitebeard. The old man would keep the boys safe.
The day Luffy sets out, Marco goes with him. Luffy pouts but he’s pleased that he’ll have some of his family with him. Marco flies high above enjoying the sun and completely misses the whirlpool until it’s too late. He can only watch as Luffy bobs in the water stuck in a barrel.
Just great.
East Blue basically happens with a plus one Marco. He tries to stay out of the way as much as possible, he’s not Luffy’s crew, these aren’t his fights but seeing all these familiar faces is both nice and painful.
He watches Coby’s beginning and the strength he got from Luffy plus how much Helmeppo changed.
Seeing Buggy, Roger’s other cabin boy, again was interesting.
“Oh damn, a flashy idiot from the past.”
“You know this clown?!”
“We were part of the same crew.”
“Did he have the nose then too?”
“ah… ”
They travel from one island to the next, picking up a first mate, navigator, and then a sharpshooter. Marco was sad to hear about Usopp’s mother passing, he hadn’t been aware of her death while still traveling with Shanks and as a doctor, it was probably something he could have prevented.
Marco left the Baratie early, flying after Nami with the other boat following his lead.
Marco pats Luffy on the head before he goes, “Stay safe.”
“Yosh~!” He nods at Hawkeye and flys off.
Learning exactly how Bell-mere passed was hard. She died like a hero protecting her girls and he could respect that after now raising so many kids, so many times, himself.
Still he honors Luffy’s claim of dibs but does destroy the Marine ships nearby, earning his bounty to raise once again.
Lougetown was interesting. He has no wish to see the site where Roger died, he’s seen it too many times as is and walks towards a familiar presence on the other side of town. He finds Dragon in a hole in the wall pub and they have drinks.
Small talk is exchanged and the leader of the revolutionary army has some good gossip… and some bad.
“Ace and Sabo have been seen leaving the new world for paradise… its said they are tracking someone named Teach…”
Their talk is cut short when the wind picks up from a storm rolling in… and a person barges in yelling about an execution in the square.
“Looks like your son found trouble again. Does he get that from you or his mother?”
“No comment.”
Marco rushes ahead, allowing Dragon to slip away into the shadows. He doesn’t do much but does strike some more fear of god into Buggy for messing with his chick.
They escape with a shared nod between Dragon and Marco.
When they start sharing their dreams on the way up reverse mountain, Marco has a vague one to share “To prevent the future.”
Que the beginning of the Alabasta arc. Past knowledge has always been limited when it comes to Luffy’s journey. It was filled with misinformation and other hole so he was honestly not expecting for there to be a GIANT WHALE. Oh, hi Crocus.
“You know this flower?”
“Reluctantly, yoi.”
“My name is Crocus, the lighthouse keeper of Twin Capes. I’m 71 years old, a Gemini and type AB blood.”
They sail away from the capes, experiencing the strange weather of the Grandline for the first time. “It feels like coming home.” The Blues no longer felt quite the home, like the Grandline.
They arrive at Whiskey Peak and Marco is instantly suspicious. He joins the drinking with merry joy. They could try to get him drunk all they wanted but even with a seastone ring, he’s partied with Roger, Shanks and Whitebeard. This was nothing.
He fake passes out with Nami and Zoro, both having caught on to the plot.
Baroque Works reveals themselves and Marco fights the Millions. They are weak even by Grandline standards but their numbers prove to be the most annoying.
As Vivi explains what’s happening to her country and Mr.0 being Crocodile things are starting to become clear on how the Navy originally covered the whole mess up.
Little Garden is basically identical expect Marco is with Sanji as most of this goes down. So he’s not involved with any of it.
When Nami comes down sick, Marco tries to cure her but is unfamiliar with her illness. His memory reminds him of a long since wiped out Disease that it could be but he doesn’t have the ingredients. His flames help keep her fever down but are unable to do much else.
When Marco isn’t looking after Nami, he’s taken over navigation getting them safely to Drum… Mostly, til this hippo gets on deck. Marco has the sick satisfaction of seeing Luffy send the little gremlin flying for eating a chunk of Merry.
Marco would fly Nami all the way to the top but its too snowy and windy for him to make the flight safely with a passenger, especially one as sick as she was. He joins Luffy and Sanji in carrying her up to the top, the cold not really an issue. Luffy tries to fight him on it but Marco hits him on the head with his own Fist of Love.
“She’s Nakama, Luffy. I’m going, yoi.”
Marco is the one to carry Sanji to the top while Luffy still has Nami. He’s exhausted but awake when Chopper finds them by the cliff. He heals naturally, bundled up in a blanket by a fire. He hears Dr. Kureha’s story about Chopper and the island, casually wondering if it would have been the same for him had he known from the beginning he could shift into a flaming bird.
Wapol’s arrival at the castle is unwelcomed in his opinion and short lasting at least. He, as always, stays out of the fight, but assists the Doctor in keeping Sanji out of it as well.
lucky:i like how he’s present but not changing things
Wapol is defeated giving Kureha and Marco a chance to chat. It turns into this and that, the will of D., and…
“Your eyes look old.”
“I bet.”
“How many cycles have you gone through, Phoenix?“
"Rebirths? Is that what you call it? Bah. no matter… not everyone can age as gracefully as me.”
She admits that she read about it once briefly in an old medical tomb. A previous user went insane on their 13th rebirth.
“I’m on my 10th, yoi. I don’t even know why it keeps happening.”
“Well you might want to figure that one out soon.”
“Any hints?”
“The book mention they went crazy and burned to ash, nothing about a cure.”
They leave, both merry and somber. Marco won’t abandon Luffy to go hunt for a solution he may not even find.
So the Strawhat crew is finally almost to Alabasta. Mr.2 doesn’t get Marco’s face cause he was in bird form looking down on the shenanigans.
The dock and Marco feels the two familiar presences with a large smile. They meet back up with Ace first then Sabo who was spying as Ace got into trouble with Smoker.
Luffy introduces his two brothers much to the crews shock. Two Whitebeard pirates and they are Luffy’s brothers?! Marco laughs glad to have his boys back in one place if not just for a bit.
Ace and Sabo inform him they’ve been tracking a traitor named Teach. Marco actually pulls them both aside and tells them to be careful and don’t underestimate him.
“Do you know something Marc?”
“…I don’t like this. If he’s underhanded enough to stab a crewmate, who knows what else he has planned.”
“We’ll be careful.”
They travel across the sand and dunes, Marco switching between flight and walking. The heat is aggravating but manageable.
They seem to be on a wild goose chase when the rebel army moved and the rain base is also a dead end. They race to stop Crocodile, Luffy and he crew taking care of the fights while Marco flies the bomb into the middle of the sky to explode.
They rest and recover, Marco getting scolded for once for his recklessness, and finally set sail on Merry on to discover a new crew mate.
Marco isn’t sure what to think about Nico Robin. But she doesn’t seem to have any ill intentions so he accepts her easily enough.
When the log post points up to a sky island, Marco offers to fly up and set it so they can just continue on but Luffy pouts at him, rejecting his proposal to no one’s surprise.
Marco stays on the ship at Mock town, avoiding the encounter with Blackbeard and his crew.
The Skypedia arc goes as well as expected. Marco briefly explains the basics of Haki as Enel tries to strike them again and again with lightning.
Luffy wins, Marco comments on Enel’s poor luck of finding the one man in all the seas immune to his attacks.
Marco can tell something is wrong with Merry. At night he can hear a hammer tapping away. His worst fears are confirmed at Water 7.
The Phoenix can only watch as the crew learns of Merry broken keel and then of Luffy’s fight with Usopp. He can’t condone Usopp’s behavior but understands why the long nose felt so deeply about it.
Because he going to miss Merry too.
Things are only further complicated when Robin leaves along with the arrival of CP9. In his lives, Marco never encountered the Marines spies but had heard enough about them to realize they were bad news. With the reveal of the blueprints for Pluton, Marco is on high alert.
Marco follows the escaping CP9 with the captured Franky and Usopp, flying high above to not be seen.
The crew is all reunited as they approach Enies Lobby. It’s through his travels, Marco has learned a great deal of the corruption of the Marines, but hearing of the truth for the buster call on Robin’s home is sickening.
One by one, the Straw Hats beat CP9, Marco taking care of many of the minions running around the place.
As the buster call arrives, Marco destroys many of the Marine ships until Luffy defeats Lucci. The crew escapes on Merry, Marco watching from the sky’s over head. Even he can’t help but cry when they give her a funeral by fire.
Marco is elated seeing Garp, Coby and Helmeppo again. It’s on friendly terms for the first time since he had been a Marine and he missed their shenanigans. Luffy’s father is no surprise to him and Garp calls him out, Marco admitting he’s met him before.
“Damn annoying brat.”
They set sail on the new Thousand Sunny, Marco knocking away some of Garps cannonballs. Somethings never change.
Thriller Bark is interesting, Marco had heard of Moriah’s island ship but had never seen it and now was wishing he never had the chance. His shadow was never personal stolen from him, Haki keeping it safe from Moriah’s grubby hands.
Brook is about the closest thing Marco has ever seen to his own rebirth powers but quickly discovers that’s not quite right as he could only do it once and he never looped.
Still Marco can’t help but sympathize that the skeleton spent so long by himself.
For all their attempts, the one to finally take down Oars is Marco. He had waited and watched and seen them give it their all but the truth is clear. They can’t quite manage.
But he can.
Still the first time in a while he’s been able to let loose, becoming far too lax this loop to have any time to fight. But Oars falls and Marco feels refreshed.
He worries as Luffy takes so much damage from Moriah and the with the arrival of Kuma he has to step in. Marco is the one to take all of Luffy’s damage instead of Zoro. He knocked both Sanji and Zoro out to do it. Kuma looks at the fallen young men and then at Marco who just smiles.
“You’ve helped raise Dragon’s son into a fine man with a good crew.”
“He did that all by himself, yoi.”
Marco awakens to the worried looks of the Straw Hat crew, all wondering what happened.
He smiles and says it was nothing as both Sanji and Zoro look at him blankly, the area covered in his blood. They can be mad at him all they want, he’d make the same choice every time.
They sail to Sabody and Marco ditches the crew at Shakky’s bar, talking with her over drinks for a bit. He’s informed that Ace and Sabo were not as careful as he had hoped, they were captured and sent to Impel Down.
“Damn those brats. I warned them.”
“It gets worse Marco-kun. Ace has been scheduled for execution.”
“Of course he has.”
Marco is still at Shakky’s when the Straw Hats and Ray return.
“Welcome back Ray-san.”
“Ah Marco! Been a while!”
It’s revealed that Marco was also on Roger’s crew along with Ray much to the shock of everyone, including Luffy.
“How was I supposed to know?!”
“I’ve told you enough stories that you should have figured it out, yoi.”
The crew has to make a run for it as they are outclassed and outnumbered by gathering Marine forces. Between Kuma, Pacificas, and the Admiral Kizaru, they stood no chance.
Marco tries to protect the crew from Kuma but fails as he too is blasted away, unable to break out of the paw bubble.
Marco is sent to the Red Force to the shock of its crew. He’s fucking furious, fighting Kaido and flying as fast as he can directly to Marineford but arrives too late.
Now not only were Ace and Luffy dead, but Sabo as well. Marco collapses in grief, dying as magma melts him.
So ends loop 10, probably the harshest yet on his poor heart.
11 and Canon at last
Marco is at a loss for what to do at the start of 11. It feels like he’s missing something and can’t quite figure out what.
He travels to the not yet destroyed island of Ohara, still known for its vast knowledge and thousands of books.
Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to find a single one on helping him. Marco had located the medical book Kureha mentioned but it listed more of what happened should he fail than succeed. Doomed to ash, it seemed was his fate.
While there, he befriends a woman named Olivia, now knowing that this woman was Robin’s mother.
They talk only a handful of times before he departs, but he warns her that Ohara was already suspected to be researching the void century and to be careful.
He flies to Roger, the man still young and not yet a pirate. Roger humors Marco as he asks questions, generally amusing as the boy, still a boy, takes a small comfort in huddling into the man’s side.
“I don’t know how to save them, yoi. Every time I try, they die worse than the last.”
“Maybe it’s not about saving them, but giving them the best chance at survival?”
“What Ray said! I know I’d give up everything to save my crew!”
Rayleigh offers that if what he’s tried so far didn’t work, maybe he could try something else. Marco thinks and there’s one crew directly involved he hasn’t tried yet. He thanks the two and promises they’ll meet again someday and flys to find a young Whitebeard.
Marco joins Whitebeard’s crew, watches as it grows from a handful of men to multiple divisions. It’s hard to call him Pops, having been enemies and only sometimes allies, but Newgate is just as stubborn as Roger in many cases and looks so proud the first time the name slips from his mouth.
He never fights against Roger and his crew, usually brushing past the bewildered pirates with a bottle split between him and Ray, even if he has to deal with the ‘you’re too young for drinking’ comments.
Marco is promoted to first mate and is stunned as that spot has always been Diamond Jozu’s position. But the crew voted and they trust him and he’s their big brother. It makes Marco feel warm.
Marco is the one to recruit Thatch, young and bright not yet with his iconic hairstyle. But his cooking is just what they need on a growing crew and Thatch thrives.
Life continues, and things come to pass just like before. Roger dies and Marco sees first hand the decline of Whitebeard. The realization time is killing his old Captain’s rival is hard, not even his flames can heal old age.
He probably enjoys the fights with Shanks crew the most because he knows what they want, a good drink and maybe a fight. As Pops and Shanks yell and clash he walks up to Benn as offers him a drink and a safe place to watch from. He’ll take every chance he gets to enjoy the company of his friends before its slips away.
It’s been years but it also passed in a blink of an eye as reports of Jinbe fighting an upcoming rookie reaches the deck of the Moby Dick. Marco lets out a breath. Ace.
Marco never saw how Pops took one look at this brat and wanted him on his crew.
Never saw how Thatch’s eyes lit up as Ace snapped back sarcastically and knew he found something fun.
Never saw how the crew slowly adopted this angry child as their own and he gradually accepted them too.
Never saw how Luffy’s first bounty poster made his whole world and how it was all torn down when one of his own division kills Thatch.
Now Marco sees how the once happy family fell, all because of one devil fruit. They only later identify it as the Dark Dark fruit, and reading the far too short description of its powers, leaves Marco wondering what other secrets it had.
So we have canon, Ace goes after Teach despite Marco’s warnings and pleas. He does and Marco can only mentally prepare himself for the worst. Shanks distracts Kaido as they head to war. It’s planned a bit differently than he’s seen it in the past, but that’s what past knowledge gets you.
He goes to war like canon and the war ends like canon. Ace and Pops are dead but Luffy escaped with the help of the up and coming supernova, Trafalgar Law.
It feels like a fever dream as Marco stands in front of the two graves of Ace and Pops, shoulder to shoulder with Shanks once again.
“I could use a drink.”
“Get me a seastone ring and I’ll give you a story too.”
Marco and Shanks drink in quiet in the Captain’s room on the Red Force. It looks nearly identical to the times when he’s been on the crew, even has his wanted poster on the wall.
“Why am I on your walls, Shanks? Trying to get me to join more than just your crew?”
“You know, I put it up when I was smashed and never felt like taking it down. Seemed to belong there.”
“You don’t say.”
They drink and drink til bottles litter the floor. Marco is the only one still going, drinking and talking about everything. Shanks slowed when the bird mentioned his multiple pasts and stopped when Marco said they had once been nakama. It was sobering and he started comforting the man when the tears got to be too much.
“I got so close Shanks. I only have one try left, yoi.”
“Sounds like you got close this time Marc… just… whatever you do next time, do what you want. Make the changes that matter to you.”
Marco waits til Shanks is asleep before taking a nearby knife and plunging it into his heart.
12 and one sane life left, Marco awakens on a mission. If this is going to be his last chance… then he’s going to make sure all the people he cares about survive.
He joins Edward Newgate as the very first member of his new crew, easily calling the older man ‘Pops’ and man decides he likes the sound of that.
There’s nothing he can do for Roger, his illness incurable even to his healing blue flames (it was something he tried very early on), but before the man’s death, they drink and Marco tells him all sorts of stories about a boy named Ace and his brothers. Roger laughs till he cries.
“You know something Phoenix, if I ever had a son, he would be named Ace.”
“It’s a good name.”
“It really is.”
He’s sure Roger realizes the truth in the end, telling the Phoenix to look after him and his mother for him.
It took some planing and a lot of luck but after Roger’s execution Marco was able to lead Garp to Rouge faster than previously. It took secret letters and a few other bribes but the Marine was able to smuggle the woman off Baterilla, taking her and the baby she carried to the East Blue where she would be safe.
Marco handled the business on Ohara personally, but when Olivia failed to listen to his warnings, he knocked her out. Shoving her at Saul and Robin, the group escaped the Buster Call but were still tracked by the government for years to come.
Years later, he arrives in the North Blue just in time to save his old ward from several gunshot wounds, helping him and the crying boy to the next town over.
He sends money and a letter to Bell-mere telling her she’s worth more to her girls alive than dead.
Marco clears Tom’s name before Spandam can kill him, Cutty Flam is still presumed dead after attempting to stop the sea train.
The Phoenix sends medicine to Usopp’s mother and prevents the death of Chopper’s mentor Hiluluk.
Marco easily befriends Ace, welcoming him into the new crew. He saves Thatch from death, but for all his careful planning Teach still escapes.
With the war still on, Marco plots and toils.
Upon Shanks’ visit he has both crews agree to be close at hand incase something goes wrong, which it will and does.
Completely cuts the whole confrontation between the two captains having seen it too many times.
“None of us have time for your squabbling, not our crews or Ace, yoi.”
Hearing of the execution, Marco sends out orders to all their allies and just one more.
He calls a number he had memorized long ago. It didn’t pick up the first ring or even the second but on the third…
“Hello Dragon.”
It’s all set as Marco stands on the Moby in the middle of Marineford. He’s done all he could in planning for this.
He watches as Luffy predictable falls from the sky, challenging anyone who dare stands in his way. He watches as the Marines pull out all their tricks to stop Whitebeard. He watches and waits and there.
Ace’s true weakness that he was always too kind, Marco thought as the fire man would not let the taunt go. He stops and that’s all the chance Akainu needed. The admiral attacks but Akainu’s fist impaled not Ace but him. There was a just hiss as flames tried to heal, gasps of Ace and Luffy watched in horror.
“Run, damn brats.”
Marco falls but it’s the first time he’s satisfied. He laughs and fixes a stare at Blackbeard.
“It will never be your age.”
The Phoenix lives and dies in cycles. It brings the dawn, the coming of a new time.
Marco hopes that with his death, it will be their age, Luffy’s or Ace’s or Sabo’s. That’s what he wishes to see. Them to live, them to be free.
Broken Hourglass
Marco awakens to what he assumes with be 13, where he will slowly go mad and lose all sense of reality till he turns to ash.
Instead he’s surrounded by crying faces.
“You big feathered idiot!” Cried Thatch rubbing at his face, attempting to hide flowing tears. “What were you thinking?!”
“I think we all know he wasn’t thinking anything good.” Answered Shanks appearing with a grin just in eyesight.
Marco took the moment to get good look at all the faces surrounding him. There were his boys, Luffy, Ace, and an all grown up Sabo just as much hugging each other as they were to clutching on to his sash.
There was a tall blond man in a pink hat crying next to a much smaller boy with pink hair, a man with a spotted hat giving them awkward comforting pats on the back.
Pops was over to the side with Garp and Rayleigh, the old guard watching over them.
Marco sat up, noticing no hole in his chest and that they were no longer on Marineford. “What happened, yoi?”
“You kinda exploded. Sent Akainu flying back and the battle almost continued if it wasn’t for pinky here. We thought you were dead till the ashes came together and there you were Marc, bird form and all.”
Marco gulped looking at Shanks. “M-Marc?”
“Yeah. We all remember. Some of it? Most of it? Ehhh how did you ever keep it all straight???”
Marco laughs and laughs. Because no one died and that mattered more than anything.
Bell-mare remembers and sees the note and is absolutely gonna punch him when she gets the chance.
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