#also an elvis doll and a motorcycle phone
reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
gotta make a list of stuff to look for next time i go to antique stores. if i had one of those blacklight flashlights i'd put uranium dishware on it but alas, i don't and can't test any.
anything anyone wants me to try to get pictures of?
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satninroses · 1 year
Your neighbor/friend elvis is fixing/working on something that requires him to be laying on the ground. You are sitting watching him just hanging out. He asks if you can give him a hand and hold up a part of the thing he is fixing (maybe motorcycle, a car or something like that idk lol). The thing is heavy so to get a solid grip you have to stand up your with legs on either side of his body that is laying on the ground on his back. You have a bend in your knees slightly squatting over him honestly struggling to hold said item up. He happens to glance up and you are standing right over his line of sight (in a dress). But for some reason reader doesn’t have any panties on today. So here we have the reader is squatting legs spread directly above elvis. He definitely slows down fixing this on purpose to have you hold it longer. You finally say you can’t hold it any longer. Maybe he says something like “don’t you feel a breeze darlin” and reader instantly realizes. Screaming but she can’t go anywhere because she is still holding item up. Elvis chuckles at her squirming around before he tells her she can let go. She instantly moves away and is humiliated. Elvis definitely didn’t mind tho
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(A/N): I’m trying out new formatting! I might tweak it a little bit over the next few posts! Please let me know what you all like!
Pairing: Mechanic! Elvis Presley x Reader
Word Count: 2,068
Warnings: SMUT! MINORS DNI! Swearing, Reader is NOT wearing undies, teasing, embarrassment, Elvis being an ass, Implied smut
June in Tennessee was absolutely ridiculous. Unless you were wearing next to nothing, there was a good chance that you overheated. Unluckily for you, your car had decided to take a different route and bust up on you while you were trying to leave your house. It was hot. You were frustrated. There was absolutely nothing that could have made the day better.
Except for you sexy mechanic boyfriend.
You met Elvis almost 2 years ago when the same thing happened to you. The only difference is that it was August and you were on the freeway. You walked almost a mile towards the outskirts of Memphis in search of a little body shop you spotted on your way out of town. Things with Elvis just clicked instantly and you were happy to call him your own.
You slammed your hand against the steering wheel and got out of the car. You stomped back inside your house and slammed the door. “Stupid car. It’s so hot WHY IS IT SO HOT!” You couldn’t tell if you were more mad at the heat or the car.
You pulled the phone off the receiver and dialed the body shop Elvis worked at. It rung a few times before Elvis’ deep sultry voice answered.
“Presley Body Shop. This is Elvis speaking how can I help you?”
“Hi baby!” He perked up at the sound of your voice. His heart was pounding in his chest like a fool while he smiled boyishly from the other end.
“Hey Doll. Whatsa’ matter? Care givin’ you trouble again?”
“You know it. I tried to run some errands but the universe had other plans. Can you come pick it up?” You smiled as you spoke. Knowing Elvis and his talent with cars, it would be a quick in-n-out.
“Well, I’m about to go on break. Why don’t I just come there? I’ll take the truck and bring some tools.”
“Oh, but it’s your break! I wouldn’t wanna bother you!” You pleaded.
“Baby, trust me. Any time away from here is a good time. I’m on my way girlie. Sit tight.” You two exchanged goodbyes and you hung the phone back up. You slipped off your shoes and ran down to your room to change. It was miserable out and you were sweating. You could at least make yourself look a little more presentable for him.
You peeled off the shorts and shirt you had been wearing in exchange for a little white satin slip dress. You knew it was a little risqué to be wearing it outside but it was only gonna be in front of your boyfriend. You also decided to forgo underwear as you deemed it way too hot outside to be trapped under so many layers. You teased your hair a little bit and applied a layer of some pink lipstick. You rushed downstairs and slipped on a pair of white heels.
Right as you were getting ready to go out and wait for him, there was a fast knock at your door. You opened it to reveal Elvis. He had one one of those mechanic jumpsuits and a pair of boots. He was covered in grease and sweat.
‘God I want him to fuck me right now!’ You clenched your thighs together slightly and smiled at him. “Hi baby! I missed you!” You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and he smiled back at you. “Missed you too yittle. Now, what’s the issue with ya car?” You giggled at his sudden nonchalantness but nonetheless, told him what was up.
“Well, I was trying to go to the store and when I started my car, the engine popped! The A/C when out too. I’m not sure what’s wrong with it.” You spoke to him. He nodded along with what you were saying to show he understood and he was listening.
You grabbed your keys and walked out to the garage with him. “Let me show you what I mean.” You turned on the ignition. For a moment, it almost sounded like it was gonna start. However, it sputtered a few times and the headlights went off again. “See! I dunno why it’s doin’ that!”
Elvis looked at the car perplexed. He knew that you had just ran around town a few days ago with him and it sounded just fine. What was so wrong with it now? He walked towards the hood of the car and popped it open. He took a long time examining it before sighing and closing the hood.
“Baby, I think Imma need to look under your car. I got a tool box in my truck, can you go grab it doll?” You nodded and sent him a sweet smile before skipping off to the truck. Meanwhile, he stationed himself under your car and began to skim around to find the issue.
You had returned with the tool box barley in your hand. It was hot and it was also heavy. The swear forming in your hands caused it to keep slipping out of your hands. You rushed your way through your garage and dropped it in front of him.
“Woah! Coulda’ hit me there doll! Whatsa’ matter?”
“It’s so heavy! And it was slipping out of my hands.”
He chuckles while you purse your lips. “You better not be laughing at me E!” He lets out a hearty laugh and smiles at you. “Never baby!”
You roll your eyes and pull of a folding chair to sit on. Elvis had returned back to the underside of the car to look for the culprit to your issues. “Baby, can you hand me the flashlight to your left?” You nodded and bent down to give it to him.
For a while, this cycle of sitting down, getting up to hand him things, and sitting backdown continued. Elvis was obviously working hard while you just sat there and looked pretty. You were no car mechanic, sure, but you still wanted to be of some help to him.
“Elvis, is there anything I can do to help? I just don’t wanna sit here and do nothin’.” You rose from the chair and stood over him. He pushes himself out from under your car to answer. As soon as he’s fully out from under, he looks directly up at you. However, instead of your face, he’s met with your pussy.
His eyes widen and he opens his mouth, only to close it right after. His pupils are blown wide and a blush is evident on his face. “W-what did ya s-say? I ain’t hear you is all.” He stumbles pitifully over his words.
You cock an eyebrow up and look down. “I asked if you needed any help. Are you ok?” You asked. Your lips pursed as you studied the look on his face. He looked like he didn’t understand what you asked and just kept staring at you.
“Uhh… Earth to Elvis? What’s wrong?”
At your question, he finally snaps out of his trance and looks you in the eyes. A grin that slowly turns into one of his lopsided grins is evident.
“Nothin’ baby. If you want, you can hold my tool box for me so I don’t have to keep getting up to grab tools.” You says in his sweet molasses accent. You smile and nodded.
You bend down to pick up the tool box and hold it in your hands while still standing him. It was heavy - ridiculously so - but you wanted to help out seeing as you were the one who got yourself into this mess.
For close to 10 minutes, Elvis would emerge and re-emerge from the underside of your car with a bolt or a wrench. He would swap them out for a different tool. However, before he would go back under, he would look up at you and stare into space for a while. At first, you smiled at him under the false pretense that he was looking at you and not your cunt but, after the first 5 times of doing that, you began to get skeptical.
“Elvis, you keep looking at me with that look. Is there something on me?” You spoke anxiously. What if you had bug on you or a stain on your dress?
“Eh.. lack-there-of baby.” He spoke smugly. You turned your head to the side and stared down at him, confused.
He got a big dopey smile and pushed himself back under the car too continue working again. There was a deep rumble coming from his chest that sounded a lot like him laughing. An pang in your chest rang out through your whole body as you watched his lower body vibrate with a laugh. You felt tears well up in your eyes and you sniffled- rather loudly.
Sensing some kind of distress, he quickly pushed himself out and again and stared into your eyes. “Baby what’s wrong?” He looked at you with sad eyes.
“You keep staring and laughing at me! Is there something wrong with me? And what does ‘Lack-there-of’ even mean!”
You looked at him through damp eyelashes while sporting an irritated face. He smiled again and let out another hearty laugh.
Anger bubbled in your stomach like boiling water, just ready to spill over the edge. Before you had the chance to set the tool box down on the ground, he sat up and gripped your thigh.
“Don’t you feel a breeze?”
You stood for a second, very confused, as you looked at him. “Elvis, what do you mean?”
“You ain’t go panties on baby.”
Your eyes widen and your heart sinks. You thought back to that morning when you had decided against panties because of the heat. If you thought it was hot before, it was whole hell of a lot hotter now.
You gasped and stared right down into his pretty blues. A smirk was trained in his face while he let out a low snicker. Your mouth hung open, almost detached from your jaw.
“I-… Elvis… I-I can’t-“ You stumbled out. Your cheeks turned a bright shade of red and the horrifying reality finally set in. ‘That’s why he kept looking at me. That’s what he was looking at.’
Your grip on the toolbox almost loosened completely and fell on Elvis’ stomach. His snicker turned into a full on laugh. You closed your jaw and gave him an almost murderous look.
“Stop looking you pervert! Why didn’t you tell me what you saw!” Your normally soft temper was amplified tenfold. How could he just sit there while you embarrassed yourself? How were you getting so turned on from this?
“Elvis! Please let me go put some panties on!”
“No baby, I’m almost done. Just stay like that for a few more minutes and afterwards, I’ll show you how sorry I am.”
At the sound of this deep sultry voice commanding you, the wetness that had slicked up your thighs had dripped down your legs. The cocky look on his face only grew once he had seen what he was doing to you.
“Well. Ain’t that a sight.” Your red face turned even MORE red at his smug and mocking tone. You whimpered and attempted to close your legs a little bit. His hand shot up and held your mid thigh.
“No. Keep ‘em open. Wanna see my pretty girl.” You gulped heavily and nodded. You spread your legs open a little bit and continued to hold the toolbox.
The next 5 minutes continued in a sort of system. He would emerge, and stare right up at your pussy for a moment whispering sweet nothings up at you. He would lazily look for his next tool and slid back under the car. Finally, he had finished and came out from under the car fully.
You stepped back and set the tool box down on the ground, pouncing on him and holding him on the ground. You gave him an annoyed glance and squinted your eyes.
“You’re an asshole Elvis.”
“I know. But I’m your asshole, ain’t that right doll?”
You huffed out and picked yourself back up and off of him. You stood and offered a hand to him on the ground. He pulled himself up and smirked down at you. He pressed his lips against yours and held your waist in his big mitts. He released you from the kiss and took on a seductive look.
“Baby, let me treat you to an apology, please?”
(Faves!!: @gracerose68 @presleyenterprise @elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @ccab @18lkpeters @myradiaz )
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