#also another type of burp that you didn't mention but that i absolutely love are the DEEP burps
emoticonheart · 1 year
What’s your favorite type of belch: the lazy, long ones that just roll out of your mouth when you’re resting from a big meal, or the short but loud ones that make other people clasp their ears to muffle the sound? Maybe the juicy, saliva-spraying burps that come from drinking too much liquid, or the foul, gassy eruptions that can bring tears to people’s eyes? Or is it some other kind of eructation entirely?
oh gosh the first two 100%. but while my ultimate favorite would probably be length and volume combined, if i had to choose, i think i'd have to go with length.
imagine, if you will: someone finishing an absolutely ginormous meal. they've eaten so much that they can't bring themselves to stand, so they just lean back in their seat as they rub their full stomach. then, they open their mouth as a casual belch comes rolling out. it's not bery impressive in terms of volume, and they don't even seem to realize they're burping, with their eyes half lidded and shoulders slumped. but even so, the belch just keeps going. and going. and going. there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. then, when it finally does peter out, they just heave out a contented sigh, too tired and full to remark on how truly impressive that was.
oh yeah. that's the stuff.
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