#also as usual im on my captive prince bullshit
burnmywholelifedown · 2 years
what did rina sawayama put in hold the girl? cause it keeps hitting like a drug. it's probably the trauma let's be honest.
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selchwife · 6 months
idk if ive talked here about the. most of star war au tbh? hard to summarize. rambling incoming
essentially. pfeil was prince of zygerria, but it sucked for numerous reasons (terrible fascist hell culture, abusive family, etc). his mom was physically violent and during one altercation he freaks out and kills her with the dark side of the force. like jsut explodes her. obviously being like 15 he panics and flees the planet as a stowaway on the first ship he can find.
he ends up on this planet I MADE UP <3 called orphan, which is an orphan planet (hence the name). it's home to an imperial shipyard, and in essence it kind of functions like a prison colony and general shunting-off place for Undesirables. nothing grows there, it's all solid ice, its day-night cycle is managed by a big stupid orbital lamp and the ice crystals in the air cause a lot of optical illusions. the overseer lets him stay on the condition that he work, and everyone sort of quietly overlooks the fact that he gives a fake name and doesn't legally exist and the obviousness of like. i mean come on this little zygerrian guy shows up and then a few days later you hear on the news that their prince is missing and his mom is dead? DUH
anyway. orphan sucks, the optical bullshit and isolation and bad safety standards and all cause a LOT of industrial accidents and general malaise. pfeil just kind of absorbs this horrible atmosphere and gets mad about it and mad at the empire and it all sort of festers until someone Else gets into an accident and he's had Enough and steals a ship to go attack the first imperial operation he comes across and hopes he'll just get blown up. instead thrawn grabs him, and he does his typical thing of like "oh hmmm, he might be useful later," and essentially lets him go and leads him to the ghost crew.
i think pfeil meets up with everybody after the shit with maul, so between seasons 2 and 3. obviously kanan doesn't like him bc he's got the most rancid dark side vibes humanly possibly (felinely possible?) but ezra likes him. pfeil gets weird about kanan thinking he's ontologically evil since he's already got massive guilt issues and ocd also. everybody else is some level of cool with him though. he and zeb get along particularly well since they're the least humany of the crew i think, and obviously he has force shit in common with ezra and an interest in art in common with sabine. hera just kind of adopts him
i tend to imagine season 3 is kind of like...he has a lot of soul searching to do about his self destructive/suicidal tendencies and connection to the force and kanan really only makes it worse. i think a lot that pfeil would seek out the bendu and be like OKAY SO YOURE A GREAT AND WISE TEACHER. IM ALL FUCKED UP. HOW DO I STOP BEING FORCE SENSITIVE. and ofc the bendu is like Well you'd have to kill yourself (the living force is part of everyone, you can't not be alive unless you're dead, etc). and pfeil being pfeil takes this to mean "Ah, so i am morally obligated to kill myself then" which. Not what he said
the big battle at atollon is probably his nadir, really. i had been thinking he gets over his whole Thing before then but really his behavior ive written for it suggests he is in fact still up to his usual bullshit. snooping as usual i see. anyway. it is Terribly hopeless for the rebels so i imagine pfeil processes this as like "I can make a difference in the survival of the rebellion. By finally doing the moral thing and CRAZY DYING." and goes out there and fights like an insane scary reckless person until his ship does, in fact, get blown up.
i think this is where there are two sort of possibilities. either way he survives due to the horrible inside of him (dark side of the force). in an au where emet expy polydegmon is emperor, he gets scooped out of space and put in a bacta tank and shit, and there's an uncomfortable captor-captive romance thing that happens and whatever, i still haven't found a way to plot that out in my head to my satisfaction, i never like it. it's not interesting anyway.
the thing that i did this whole big long preamble for is that like. i started thinking "ok but what if i DIDNT replace palpatine with a cuntress. what would happen then." i don't think sheevy palps would scoop pfeil out of the space dirt, honestly. polydegmon initially wants to get in on that because he thinks his dark side echo bullshit might be useful and then falls in love with him and is like oh no oh fuck god dammit, but i think palpatine is too busy being palpatine to take much interest in pfeil, and beyond that i think he'd rather have pfeil be dead than potentially bring another apprentice into the stupid mix bc it's not like pfeil is as cool and badass in the force as luke or anything.
what i'm saying mostly is that i think it would be interesting if maybe in this timeline pfeil was stuck as a pfeilsicle out in space until like. idk. new republic times probably. fry from futurama ass situation
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handcat · 4 years
NOPE. Book Tag
Source: here
thank you @sunel0 <3
1. NOPE. Ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage, or simply because the ending was crappy.
everything, everything, it has been years since i read that but that twist/ending was bullshit, i have never felt more rage in my life, fuck that book, fuck, i dont remember all of the details of it but in general it felt like shit, it just brushed away all of the stakes and demonized people with mental illnesses and generally felt like garbage, god i am pissed
2. NOPE. Protagonist: A main character you dislike and drives you crazy.
main guy of giovannis room i forget his name because im dumb, first of all, i love that book, i really do, im not saying i dont like it i just want to make that clear dfasafds, but i would kick main guys ass any day of the week <3
3. NOPE. Series: A series that turned out to be one huge pile of NOPE. after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it, or a series you gave up on because it wasn’t worth it anymore.
this was awhile ago lol but the maze runner books, i loved the first one and then i got part way into the second and realized i hated where the story was going and stopped reading, that was in like middle school and i do not remember what i didnt like but i was pissed
4. NOPE. Popular pairing: A “ship” you don’t support.
idk, i cant really think of a specific one offhand, aside from like obviously gross ones but yeah idk, best i can think of is in trc when ppl ship kavinsky with people, or really like any dream pack stuff, but to each their own, i just dont vibe with all that lol
5. NOPE. Plot twist: A plot twist you didn’t see coming or didn’t like.
can i say everything, everything again? it really pissed me off, i still remember the pure rage i felt reading that 
6. NOPE. Protagonist action/decision: A character decision that made you shake your head NOPE.
every decision made by zebulon in the death and life of zebulon finch, i love those books but he is stupid as fuck <3
7. NOPE. Genre: A genre you will never read.
okay i have read high fantasy before but generally i just don't vibe with it, idk its hard to get invested for me :/
8. NOPE. Book format: Book formatting you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different edition.
not super applicable but i CAN’T read ebooks, my brain just does not comprehend, similar thing with audiobooks, i only listen to audiobooks of things ive already read bc i space out a lot and miss chunks lol
9. NOPE. Trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE.
stories that are like super futuristic technology stuff with like tech genius characters??? is that a trope??? does that make sense??? anyway i hate that, i dont think ive read many books like that so ill use the mcu as an example :) it just feels like theres no stakes because everything can be solved by just inventing a new machine! also most uses of time travel, i forgot that one (exceptions would be like bill and ted or paper girls but they are rare)
10. NOPE. Recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly hyped and pushed at you that you simply refuse to read.
i haven't seen it much recently, but captive prince, just the whole premise and shit that ive heard about it makes me very uncomfortable
11. NOPE. Cliche/pet peeve: A cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.
too many pop culture references and shit like that, i feel like i dont see it a lot in stuff i read, but like an example is more recent rr stuff, like it just rarely works and takes me out of the story and i just do not like it
12. NOPE. Love interest: The love interest that’s not worthy of being one. A character you don’t think should have been a viable love interest.
i couldnt think of one soooooo colin greenmantle! he’s a weak bitch who didn’t deserve piper and im glad she killed him!
13. NOPE. Book: A book that shouldn’t have existed that made you say NOPE.
all for the game... its bad
14. NOPE. Villain: A scary villain/antagonist you would hate to cross and would make you run in the opposite direction.
dr leather from zebulon finch!!!!!! why was he like that???? hweee.... fweee..... bitch ill kill you!!!! he was my first thought, idk if hes the scariest but he was fucked up!!! meat etiquette???? people garden????
15. NOPE. Death: A character death that still haunts you.
noah czerny, i do not see it <3
16. NOPE. Author: An author you had a bad experience reading for and have decided to quit.
cassandra claire, i started the mortal instruments in middle school but tbh with just everything ive heard about her and the content of her books... no
okay! now tagging people! i said i wouldnt tag more people but im actually curious so im going to! as usual no pressure! @audikatia @darkadam @pynches @gaynanlynch @adamparrishthot @czernydefencesquad uhhhh and anyone else who wants to! yeehaw!
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lipstickchatexu · 5 years
under the cut are my historical muses!! please like this post if you’re interested in plotting with any of them ! please DO NOT like this post if you are only interested in ban as i will only be accepting plots with him on a selective bases as last time i introduced my historical muses he was the only one people where interested in and that was very saddening for me:/ 
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king ban. younger half brother of sang and the current ruler. older brother of luda. married to queen sun. murdered his father and pinned it on his brother so he could take the thrown for himself. has three wives but outside of his wives MOST of his lovers are male. stabbed is brother a bunch of times and left him for dead in the woods. e v i l. he’s prince zuko without the redemption arc. no redemption arc for him! he’s an asshole. age thirty. fc: hong jong hyun
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prince sang, also called king sang by his followers. the older half brother of ban and the rightful king. older half brother of luda. was engaged to sun before YA KNOW his brother tried to kill him and married her instead. was left for dead in the woods where geon found him and spent years nursing him back to help. started a rebellion to get his throne back and return the kingdom back to peaceful times. his main driving force is getting his brother off the throne because he’s e v i l (did i mention ban is evil yet??). age thirty. fc: im siwan
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queen sun. wife of ban, former fiance of sang. older sister of rin. is basically pulling a sansa stark and playing everyone. has convinced her husband that she’s totally loyal to him. spoiler alert she’s not. she’s not sure if the rumors that sang is alive and leading the rebellion are true but she never lost faith in him or their love and so to help she’s basically trained a secret army of palace women into being warriors and assassins. and before you ask the reason she hasn’t killed ban yet is because there’s no heir to take his place yet OKAY she’s working on it! sassy. a feminist. queen. i love her. age: twenty-eight. fc: kang hanna
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rin. younger brother of sun and a member of the palace guard. like his sister, rin is still fiercely loyal to king sang. honestly if it wasn’t for his desire to protect sun he would have run away and joined the rebellion by now. is the definition of looks like he can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll. although don’t be fooled boy is deadly with a sword. constantly his to stop himself from just lopping ban’s head off every time he opens his mouth. a protective boy who loves his mom and his sister and believes the word can be a better place if only everyone would calm down for like two seconds. age twenty-five. 
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princess luda. younger sister of ban and younger half sister of sang. was just a child when the rebellion happened and ban has kind of warped her memory of all it. while she outwardly believes ban’s story that sang killed the former king she’s started to have doubts about it. was very sickly as a child and still has major health issues so she has not been out of the palace more than a handful of times in her life. might be a bit bratty and spoiled but she’s getting there. is secretly learning things from queen sun that she is definitely not supposed to be learning. age twenty. fc: gong seung yeon
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daehwi. the son of one of king ban’s royal advisors and also ban’s former lover. emphasis on F O R M E R lover. after rumors spread throughout the palace that the royal advisors and lords and other angry old men where trying to find evidence of ban’s affair with men he turned on daehwi and publicly punished and humiliated him before banishing him from the palace, leaving daehwi deeply broken. he wandered aimlessly for a time before he ended up joining sang’s rebellion. while sang welcomes daewhi, other members of the rebellion are still hostile towards him. age twenty-five. fc: cho yoon woo
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jeonghee. a former lady of queen sun’s who was also one of king ban’s concubines (long story). she fled the palace after she found out she was pregnant with the king’s child and sought asylum with sang and the rebels where she gave birth to her son eun who’s six years old now. much like won, she does not partake in a lot of the fighting but often assists won in surgeries and healing. age twenty-five. fc: shin se kyung
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ara. a member of the rebellion. the daughter of a blacksmith who always wanted to change the world. though her father was too old and weak to join the rebellion, ara went after he encouraged her to make a difference. she is fiercely loyal to king sang to the point where most people think she’s in love with him despite being the worlds biggest lesbian. badass archer warrior woman whom i love. age twenty-six. fc: seo ye ji
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jinwon, usually just called sook. the older brother of sook and the rebellion’s medic. suffers from a serious case of nightmares thanks to the traumatic childhood he shares with his sister. is actually a pacifist and stays out of the fighting is probably the only member of the rebellion who’s never killed anyone. has literally brought everyone back from the broink of death at least twice. let him rest please. age twenty-four. fc: yoo seung ho
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jinsook, usually just called sook. the younger sister of won. has a deeply DEEPLY traumitizing past that i will only tell you about if you ask but basically she’s got a bone to pick with king ban and his soldiers. her father was executed on the same night that ban killed the king and took the throne. is the youngest warrior in the rebellion. actual human version of the  (ง •̀_•́)ง face. age nineteen. fc: z.hera
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hyoseop. a former scholar who fled from ban’s rule after his betrayal of sang. his wife was murdered by royal soldiers after refusing to house them and he hid himself in the woods for many years, becoming the source of many stories about a mean wizard who lived in the deep, deep woods. was pulled into sang’s rebellion after realizing he had a chance to avenge his wife’s death. age thirty-two. fc: yoon shi yoon
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saebyeol. one of queen sun’s lady and the commander of her secret group of warriors and assassins. she’s also called the spider and is responsible for the deaths of several high ranking officials although of course no one knows that saebyeol is the spider because she wears a mask. is rolling her eyes anytime a man is speaking. generally does no speak which has led most people to believe she is simple minded. age twenty-nine. fc: han yeri
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geon. older brother of hae, jung and yoo. the son a high ranking official. after his father was killed, geon left home at seventeen to join the rebellion only for his whole family to be taken captive as revenge. a very skilled archer and is sort of considered the rebellion’s secret weapon. sad angsty boy who just wants to save his family. and also maybe shoot a few royal soldiers. age twenty-two. fc: kwak dong yeon
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hae. younger sister of geon and the older sister of jung and yoo. being held captive because of her brother’s allegiance to the rebellion. queen sun’s protege. she uses her beauty and innocent naivity to trick people into thinking she’s helpless when she’s not. is really tired of ban and his bullshit and really wants someone to just stab him. age nineteen. fc: kim yoo jung.
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jung. the younger brother of geon and hae and the twin brother of yoo. being held captive by the king because of his brother’s allegiance to the rebellion. angsty and angry and general wants to fight everyone but at his core is just scared of losing everyone and everything someone give him a hug. age sixteen. fc: nam dae reum. 
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yoo. the younger sister of geon and hae and the twin sister of jung. being held captive by the king because of her brother’s allegiance to the rebellion. works as an atendant to princess luda but is a sneaky little thing and likes to hide in closets and eavesdrop on people. age sixteen. fc: kim saeron. 
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