#like its a combination of my personal trauma feelings and my blorbo trauma feelings and the song really being that damn good
burnmywholelifedown · 2 years
what did rina sawayama put in hold the girl? cause it keeps hitting like a drug. it's probably the trauma let's be honest.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 9 months
“plots please” 👀
send me “plots please” and I’ll respond with 3 (or more) interesting plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses! | ACCEPTING
HIIIIII BROZI 👀👀👀 Thank you for sending this in! I won't lie to you when I saw this was so hard to narrow down based on the sheer number of compatible interactions we would have for our characters!!
BECAUSE LIKE, the impulse monkey on my shoulder is telling me to throw EVERYTHING down to see which one of our blorbos maul each other like rabid animals and which ones get along nicely! Haha
ALSO SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR THE WALL OF TEXT, I don't know how it got this long and frankly I'm a little terrified!
I spent a long time trying to hash out how to rank these, but please bare with me! I think ANY combination of muses could be fascinating to analyze given the sheer personality differences between muses.
In total my muses that have DBD centered AUs are: Sally Smithson / The Nurse (default verse), Evan Macmillan / The Trapper (default verse), Doe (default verse, original character), The Green Maiden (AU verse, original character), Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull (AU verse)
So any of them would work with most of your muses! Though I will say Doe, my original character, additionally has verses for the TCM franchise, F13 & more general horror which could be fun to play with for your Thomas Hewitt, Bubba and or Jason muses!
It all, ultimately, depends on the sort of thread you're going for/dynamics you want to play with!
Sally is dread, she is sardonic, powerful and hateful. She's EXACTLY who you picture when you think of a 100+ year old ghost sealed away in the tomb of an old asylum that was host to insurmountable pain and exploitation. She's kind of death embodied to an extent, but that's a different conversation! There are moments of intense apathy, cruelty and hatred, it's not sadism but its more a thing she feels is justice. But there are equally moments of intense kindness and compassion as well.
Think of it like this, let's say Bubba got completely overwhelmed after a trial, snowballs thrown at him, stabbed by the survivors, flashbanged, just completely attacked on all angles. Sally would be a killer who would stop in an attempt to help him ground himself and calm down without hurting him any further. BUT at the same time, Sally is the sort of woman who would realize Dwight is hiding in a locker, and strangle one of his teammates outside of the door in his line of sight as a direct 'you deserve to see what your cowardice caused, I gave this one a clean death, I won't give you that,'
As a person, I would recommend Sally in threads with characters like Frank, Dwight, the Chainsaw bros or Mikey. I think she could be kind to Bubba and Tommy, but like, enemy on first sight with Michael and with Dwight and Frank, let's just say her bitterness would shiiiiine baybeee.
Evan, he's a funny guy, kind of an inverse of a character like Jason. He's big, strong, caked up brick wall of a man who is extremely intimidating. Rough, a bit coarse, abrupt and to the point, and aggressive but he's one of my more lighthearted characters. He really doesn't give a single solitary shit about the Entity and playing by her games, he's out here for him, so he's doing what he must to survive and overcome the trauma that's left him a shell of a person. He's good in action and aggression threads, he's not INSANELY powerful, but he's more willing to goof around than Sally with the big caveat that he's unwilling/unable to give those brief moments of intense compassion and care that Sally is.
Evan is a guy I would recommend for a thread with Frank, Mike, maybe Tommy and/or Jason. A thread between them could be a bit chaotic with the differing personalities but that's not a bad thing! It's interesting! Even though I think Evan may end up throwing Frank through a window at some point! Haha
And Doe, well, she's my token survivor character, but don't take that to mean she isn't developed and doesn't have a full personality of her own! Haha. Doe excels in many things, she's resourceful, clever, fox-like, sly & sweet. She wears her heart on her sleeve and feels with every fiber of her person. Really she's a scream queen in every respect. But her big thing is that she is COWARDLY, she is cowardly, shaped by her fear and all of her perks and even her backstory hinged on this.
She was relatively normal growing, born into a small family in Vancouver, but faced terrifying visions of her many, many gruesome deaths from an early age. Traumatized her, anxiety disorder, but as always she ran away from it mentally, repressing it. Grew up, aspirations to be one of the big names on the cusp of the computer age. Extremely into programming and engineering, wanted to be a pioneer and a business woman but you need money to do that. Got a dead end job at a mall and finished one evening, went outside, became involved in a murder. Saw everything, cowardice took over and she left the victim to their fate and fled. Victim went missing, her trying to tell authorities did nothing, guilt and a mental breakdown from the repressed trauma came back. She ran away, terrified she would be killed next. Got killed, lost her name, most of her memories & in a cosmic punishment is now trapped in the hell she witnessed premonitions of throughout her childhood. Now forever running in place, fighting to survive, not knowing she's already dead, nameless and largely forgotten and facing all the deaths that kept her up at night.
Despite this doom and gloom, she's actually one of my lightest, funnest characters! She's a freak (affectionate) and a weirdo (loving), she's eccentric and a little off center but she hates her cowardice. She wants to live not shaped by her terror and to OWN her deaths, y'know? Like, she'll die anyways, she wants to be in control of the show and when she bows out. For this reason I consider her a bit more of a long haul / plot driven character that's great for slow burn character changing plot! But given she's 80s, bubbly, scream queen weirdo, she'd be just as fun in one offs too!
I also have like,,, 500 different verses for her too, so she could easily be slotted in ANYWHERE with any of your characters, but she is, uhhh, she is a lot and a bit more sad than my other characters!
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I WON'T LIE TO YOU BROZI, there are so many potential plots it's not even funny. Modern AU for Sally has a bit of a crossover with Frank (albeit centered around Frank when I played him) WHICH I WOULD LOVE TO EXPLORE. Something about Sally and Mikey as they have very similar yet such very very different backgrounds, etc. Evan and Jason forming the 'complex feelings about all feelings of friendship being corrupted by cruelty and weird feelings about not having present familial figures' etc etc.
It might be a bit better to message me directly about certain character combinations for ideas! Haha. I'd feel terrible if I dumped more walls of text on top of you! OH ALSO!! Even though it's unpolished, I'd love to burst out Doe's carrd so you could look over the different verses to see if you'd like to play around with any of them!! Either way, don't hesitate to hit me up and don't be a stranger! I am bursting with ideas!!
OOOOOOOH, not to be too presumptuous but I've love to play with some of the canon dynamics, if it'd be alright with you!
For instance, Trapper and the dislike of all Dwights, which was made canon in the Hooked On You game which is allowed... sometimes! It's hit and miss with me and I can't forgive the fact they haven't given us the swimsuit skin for Trapper yet! Haha.
But also some more theoretical ones, things like potential uneasiness on Dwight's account given the fact Doe spent so long as a theoretical person, running from the other survivors as though they were killers. Stuff like that!! You certainly don't have to BUT I LIVE FOR PRIOR CONNECTIONS AND PLOTTED SHIPS, romantic and otherwise!
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ughh ty for ur amazing tags it was so disgusting how they were 1. telling on themselves claiming poc and fat people aren't attractive and 2. wishing racism and body shaming on an actor in the name of justice(??). not that im surprised anyway their crowd was the one that demonized lucas and ignored caleb for years. one of my favorite characters is patrick and he wasn't allowed even a nightmare sequence he was just forgotten by the narrative and brushed off. a Black victim of abuse not even given a voice, just forcibly suppressed and used to move the plot along to fuel jason's satanic bullshit. he is ignored by the large majority of the fandom that focuses all their attention on white boy of the week but think hating billy is enough to compensate for their favouritism and racism. i hate how poc are treated in this show but its not enough for ppl to just direct all their performative criticism on a character they want actual racist harassment directed at them too. so disgusting.
i don't normally beef on the internet (i much prefer throwing hands irl actually, but ppl seem to enjoy hiding their shit behind a screen lol), but i really did such a hard double take at those tags.
i really can't fathom tearing down another character because your fav gets shit. i fully understand that characters like lucas and argyle don't get a lot of attention and that's likely a combination of a) the duffer's own bias sidelining those characters, and b) fans' bias in ignoring poc. that doesn't mean i'm gonna throw hands with your average eddie or steve stan or whatever, i don't find that productive. i'd rather engage with fans that already enjoy my fav or are open to consuming content about them and encourage (in this long winded example) eddie stans to enjoy argyle content without making them feel guilty about their blorbo.
same goes for every time i see someone thinking that if they kick down billy it will elevate nancy or lucas or max or eddie or steve. it's petty, it doesn't work, and the only things that result from it are a) an echo chambers where all your fellow salty mutuals will yes man you, or b) ppl who like what you just talked shit about are gonna roll up asking what your damage is. lo and behold.
even putting all of the dumb nancy vs billy nonsense aside (and for the record i think the duffers badly wrote both characters in different ways), those fucking tags were just. SUCH an accidental slip reveal of what that person really thinks. i don't think they're a horrible person or whatever but they're definitely a dick and think that as long as they hate the right character they're correct and good.
like you said, wishing bigotry on a person/character just because you don't like them is a weird fucking thing to say. at that point i barely care what the context of the post was. can you imagine saying that out loud in a room full of fat ppl/poc? i don't think any of them are gonna come to the conclusion that you mean it as a roundabouts insult against a popular hot white actor/character and go 'oh yes haha you're so right i totally think fans hating him for being brown/fat is preferable'. i personally would have torn down whoever said that shit to me irl, that's some white ass performative activism i don't have time for, but it seems like ppl don't think about how the shit they say would sound out loud irl to the very ppl they seem to be trying to support
nevermind that any given piece of billy fanfiction and an awful lot of fanart explores the trauma billy has gone through more than it goes 'ah yes blonde boy hot'. we can have tho conversations without being pricks saying shit in bad faith about it. like, most billy fans i see are huge fans of patrick and mourn his lost potential. because we know how the duffers treat their abused characters.
this shit isn't a contest, but often the shit you say about a character affects ppl who are similar to/identity with that character. if in your pursuit to hate and spit about a character, you say shitty things that make poc, fat ppl, abuse victims, etc., feel like you're insulting them or just using them as props for your wokeness, then you need to take a step back and ask yourself if maybe you needa chill and reevaluate what you're doing. it's not a good look, and neither is the mindset that revenge and punitive 'justice' should be prioritized above healing, growth, and connection.
(like c'mon we can redeem fictional war criminals but we can't let an 18 year old being abused by his dad work through his racial biases? like the latter isn't a much more common situation that happens irl to real abused teens with bigoted parents? alright)
anyway, i'm glad you appreciated my tag rambles, i really was just word vomiting in a fury lol
if you love patrick and enjoy the idea of patrick and billy interacting, i have a # patrick mcckinley tag and a # kingr*ve tag for each respectively (i lump all my patrick and billy stuff under their ship whether platonic or romantic bc patrick stuff is scarce enough as it is). cheers!
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