#also bailey jacob & sam are fucking MAGNIFICENT in this
cvntdracvla · 2 years
Ok sooooo ummmm penny for your thoughts on all this???
okay hello! hi this shits All Over the place so forgive me for this mess
sooo we all knew what we were getting ourselves into right. we knew what this was. a toxic relationship between Vampires. not ur run of the mill romcom. a gothic romance. this is a regular sunday for gothic romance enjoyers lol
lestat punched through a mans HEAD in the first episode & then turned around n gave a Beautiful heart touching speach ab how much he loves louis. hes has never shied away from violence. they r vampires. they feed on ppls blood n kill to survive so why is this such a big suprise to everybody ???
yeah i was suprised they would go there n really lean into the gothic part. but this is not a relationship between two men. they have supernatural abilities, speed, strength etc. n can do all kinds of shit. this is not exactly a shocker now is it ???
louis has self-admitedly been poking n proding lestat. constantly reminding him of claudia, being cruel to him n ignoring him. lestats love is all consuming, encompasing. hes a hedonist who lives to indulge himself. n they have been baricading in the town house for 7 long years. louis wouldnt even speak to him, has been feeding on animals so u can imagine what kinda company he was for lestat whos longing to be loved n to feel his love. ppl have been saying that there are "two brothers" living in their house. am i justifiying lestat beating louis to a pulp ??? no. but he did have his reasons to snap.
claudia has been Real stupid w her kills, acting like a child, which she only looks like n has not been for a while. n when lestat has to deal w louis n claudia constantly moping around screaming ??? i would have been a bigger bitch than him. he only made her a vampire on louis request, nay Begging. he never wanted to be a father and honestly cant blame him. its not just family drama n nuisance now police r lichrally Monitoring them. n then claudia blames him for everything n somehow louis is absolved of his crimes cuz they have a special connection lestat n her dont. his parenting is sadistic but on the other hand, louis' is too human. when none of them are humans anymore and the human rules no longer apply.
so she goes out into the world, sees that independence is not All That its cracked up to be and then comes back to take louis from lestat ??? n now lestats panicking cuz he sees how louis suffered & longer for her & suddenly shes asking him to chose between him and her. so hes reasonably affraid that louis will leave him for her. especially after the downfall of their relationship cuz its been Rough babygirl.
and then they start speaking w thier minds n he goes crazy cuz he could never do that w them. so hes helpless n resorts to violence. backed into a corner so what r u gonna do? when claudia says "let him go. its me you want." n its like No baby its exactly the opposite. he only wanted louis for himself. he never wanted tou and he never wanted to share his love and he says it himself.
and THEN he hits us w "i have waited... i have patiently waited in vain... for you to love me... as i love you" he basically said reject me so i can move on lol.
also "all vampires are created from trauma" when u think ab the way lestat has been created........ hits different
so TLDR what im saying lestat is a cunt but not for no reason. emotional abuse can hurt just as bad as physical can and when its all said and done they All have their fucking problems (lestat most lets be real), but thats why we love them n thats why i tune in for the fucking drama & the poetry & beauty & horror this show gives me. they understand love is pain, its complicated and its all consuming etc etc
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