#also because i thought the junkyard would have them cheap but nope
I feel a little silly I've been driving around with 1 headlight for a month putting off ordering one cos shipping was slow but Amazon had them with 1 day shipping.
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sintama · 8 years
Stardew Valley Fable of the Six Farmers(Chapter 1!)
(This is a long one, brace yourselves! Our sextuplets finally have enough with modern reality and decide to open Grandpa’s letter.) It had been 20 years since grandpa passed away. The sextuplets had grown, passing their classes, making friends, getting into and leaving relationships, causing trouble, graduating… Now, they were each separated, as 24-year-old adults with their own homes, jobs and lives… And it was terrible. Nina had succeeded with average grades, her worst class being English. Her high school years weren’t too exciting- she simply wanted to graduate. But once she did… she had no clue what was next! Being the normal one had its flaws, as she could only get part-time jobs and night shifts for lousy pay… Until Joja Mart was set up and seeking new workers. She jumped at the opportunity, seeing as Joja Mart was practically a superstore! It included employee discounts and everything! HUGE. MISTAKE. Rather than getting the usual supermarket job, Nina was stuck as an office girl, gluing herself to a seat and typing reply letters from happy or unhappy customers for… honestly, she forgot how long. The days wore her out, the nights were miserable, her sleep schedule was never the same, her eating habits out of control. Everything had gone downhill so quickly… On the other side of the coin, Marien had passed high school as a model student. Student council president for three years in a row and a usual volunteer for whatever the school needed. Too bad all that work had gone to waste. Marien had graduate, with the goal to go into college… But without a degree in mind! Rater than waste money on courses, she decided to save up… Which meant working in a run-down grocery store, having to force a smile to even the whiniest customer. Her boss was no help either- insisting she do all the work while co-workers got off slacking. It was a living nightmare. Maybelle ended up no where better. The quiet kid at the back of class who was a B student, was now a delivery girl for the newspaper… The very boring, no-one-buys-this-but-your-aunt newspaper. Her pay was terrible- so poor she had to resort to staying in a crappy apartment with noisy neighbours. She had to pay rent quickly, and worry about food later… She’d sometimes go days on a single meal. Oh, why was the world so unfair? Amelia had tried to stay optimistic- she really did! After all, it was her dream to work with jewellery… But not like this. She didn’t want this… Standing for hours on end, watching patrons in the mall pass by, giving no second thought to the jewellery store on the corner, right across from a family restaurant… She’d be bored out of her mind before her shift was ever over. The jewellery they had wasn’t even well done! It looked cheap, and breakable to even the most average person imaginable. Amelia could do better in her sleep! If one thought Ciel was depressed before adulthood, wait until they see her now! The formerly adventurous and rebellious child was now a lazy, do-nothing adult who lived in the basement of their parents’ home. All she would do is wake up, eat a meal or two, then hide back into the dark basement as she scrolled through posts on her phone until her shift at the arcade. Correction; it wasn’t an arcade- it was more like a video arcade junkyard. The place was a mess, the pay was garbage and the carpet was stinky from… something. Soda? She hoped so… Half the games there were broken, the glass cases smashed by teenagers who had broken in, or simply did it while the workers were on break… And who’s paycheck was cut because of it? Ciel’s. It didn’t help that the arcade was on the pier, Ciel having a fear of the ocean since a bunch of drunk teens thought it’d be funny to take the employee of the arcade and throw her out into the ocean on a stormy night… It… wasn’t pleasant. Cynthia was the last to embrace the empty feeling that had consumed each sister one by one, like grapes picked off the vine. She was the worst academically, so she only got a job at a fast food joint down the street. Not only were the hours long and every day, but she had to deal with the DUMBEST people! If the menu doesn’t say it’s 10 dollars, then it isn’t 10 dollars!! Understand this, please! And then there’d be times she would be blamed for another worker’s error. Like, no, she didn’t do your order- yell at Steve, not her. It began to weight her down, her smile having to turn more and more forced by the day… Suddenly, as if on instinct, one night, each sister remembered the letter their grandfather gave them on his death bed… One by one, they searched for the letter, eventually finding it in drawers or a dirty cabinet or their pocket. Taking a deep breath, they peeled back the covering and took out the letter. As if by fate, each had their names on it… ‘My dearest Nina,’ The letter began, the handwriting slightly shaken, though it was obviously their grandfather’s writing. ‘I understand you are a very sociable girl, even at your age! In the future, you will find your outgoing nature to be your greatest strength, and it will guide you on the path of success. Rather than give you and your sisters a random object that could easily be lost or forgotten, I am giving you one of my six farms. Yes, that’s right, your old man had six farms. Though, some got more use than others. One of them, which I am bestowing onto you, dear Nina, is Magnolia Farm, named after the wonderful magnolia flowers your great grandmother gave me. This land is just outside of town, only a short trip away. I figured it would be perfect for you, seeing as you adore meeting new people so much! Where is Magnolia Farm? It is in Stardew Valley, a country-side town I lived in for years. I have told the residents to prepare for your arrival- don’t be surprised if the Mayor visits you first, Lewis was always such a funny fellow! Much love, Grandpa.’ ‘My dearest Marien,’ Marien read on, having to grab her reading glasses for this. ‘Do you remember the time you shared a story with me? The one about the water princess? And how you were convinced the river outside my home would take you to her kingdom? And you kept saying you would be the next heir to the water throne? You were so captivated by the water, I sometimes thought I’d have to drag you back indoors! I hope this love for nature continues into your adolescence. Because, rather than give you and your sisters an object or heirloom to share, I’ve decided to give you each one of my old farms. You, dear Marien, will earn the deed to Stardew Farm, a farm surrounded by rivers. It’s quiet a way away from town, but I’m sure you will enjoy the solitude it brings. Stardew Farm is in Stardew Valley, a country-side town that small and quaint- just your taste. Don’t worry, your sisters will be joining you there. Become your own water princess, my dear Marien. Grandpa believes in you!’ ‘My dearest Maybell,’ Maybelle sighed. “Even after four years, he can’t spell my name.” She scoffed, laying back before glancing at the ceiling, as if her grandfather could hear her. “There’s an ‘e’ at the end…” Nonetheless, she read on. ‘I understand you are not the most sociable person out of your sisters. I also understand your hidden love for nature.’ “…Shit, he caught on.” Maybelle chuckled to herself. ‘From the walks in the woods, to the grass bracelets, your love of the forest was apparent from the start. As such, rather than give you or your sisters an heirloom to share, I’ve decided to give you each one of my farms. You, dear Maybel,’ “My name isn’t that hard!” Maybelle whined, groaning into a pillow in anger before continuing. ‘Will be the new proud owner of Pine Farm, a lot of lush land that lays deep within the forest of Stardew Valley. The path may be overgrown by now, but with your hard work, you’ll clear it in no time. Do you remember Stardew Valley? I showed it to you and your sisters a while back. It’s in the country; it’s a small town with a low population. The locals will be very friendly, I should know. Hopefully, one of them remembers where Pine Farm is, and can guide you there. Enjoy yourself. -Grandpa. P.S:’ Wait, there’s more? ‘I know how to spell your name, Maybelle. I just enjoy messing with you.’ “…Of course.” Maybelle shook her head, chuckling. ‘My dearest Amelia,’ “Oh! That’s me!” Amelia smiled, relieved to hear, or rather read, her grandpa’s voice again. ‘Do you still have that ring you ‘borrowed’ from grandma’s jewellery box?’ “…Uh oh, he knew about that?” ‘Or the ruby necklace that you swore you’d only put on for a second?’ “…And that?” ‘Or what about the diamond bracelet that you got muddy?’ Amelia gulped. Grandpa was far too observant for her liking… ‘Nonetheless, I trust you have kept every piece of grandma’s jewellery safe from further harm, yes?’ This letter just made Amelia feel worse… She had to sell most of it to pay for housing, food and what have you… Though she did keep quite a bit of it. ‘Either way, your love of jewels must mean you like digging for them, right? I remember how many times I’d have your father bury a small stone for you to dig up in your sandbox or in the backyard. I hope your love is still strong- because, instead of giving you and your sisters money or more objects, I’ve decided to give you each one of my farms in Stardew Valley. You, my dear Amelia, will get Crystal Farm. Don’t get too excited now! The farm is atop a large hill, where mining is a major source of income and you can mine all the gems you desire!’ Amelia jumped to her feet, her eyes beaming at the thought. Her own gems? It sounded too good to be true! ‘Remember to visit town when you can, and be mindful of the weather- wind is terrible up there! Love, Grandpa.’ ‘My dearest Ciel,’ Ciel blankly looked at the paper. Great, after 20 years of nothing, she was getting something stupid- a watch, maybe? ‘I know you don’t like reading,’ No. ‘or listening to rules,’ Nope. ‘or doing anything by the book.’ Got that right. ‘So, I will be blunt with you. You are without a doubt the bravest of your sisters. You always face danger head on, and it is both admirable, and a very dangerous habit… So, rather than give you or your sisters special prizes, I decided to each give you the deed to one of my farms in Stardew Valley. You, dear Ciel, have Ebony Farm, a farm found deep in the mountains, where monsters lurk at night. I was hesitant to give this to one of you, but I know you can do it. Stardew Valley is a country-side village I fled to when I was in your situation, and I hope it’s a refuge for you and your sisters in your times of need. I wish you all the best luck. -Grandpa.’ Ciel put the letter away, deciding to sleep on it. Would she just abandon everything to go to the country…? ‘My dearest Cynthia,’ Cynthia’s eyes threatened to close already from exhaustion, but… She had to keep reading. ‘I remember you telling me of those summer days, when your family would take you to the beach and you would be the first in the sand, building sandcastles and molding forts while your sisters did their best to stay cool in the water. You said you were stronger, because the heat never bothered you. Well, what would you say if I got you a beach farm? Because, I’ve decided to give each of you girls one of my farms in Stardew Valley. Yours, dear Cynthia, is Dusk Farm, situated right on the beach. True, the rising tide may cause some issues, but you are sure to love it!’ A beach farm? That sounded… like an interesting challenge! ‘Do your best. And remember your sunscreen! Love, Grandpa.’ Almost simultaneously, each sister rose to their feet, began packing their bags, gathering what money they could and scrambled to the bus station for a ticket. They were each leaving the next day, wasting no time to escape this dreadful reality to embrace what their loving grandfather had left them. Their gratitude towards him were limitless now; their hearts soaring at the thought of a brand-new life… The next morning, each of them said farewell to their parents, exchanging hugs and kisses and promises to write while tears of happiness were shed. At around 8 A.M, they headed for the bus station to take the bus to Stardew Valley, sitting one behind the other as discussion rose over what was to come of them. What were their first plans? Who would they meet? Were any of them going to back out? No. They couldn’t. This was their new start. But, it was a long bus ride there… Only time would tell of their future in Stardew Valley.
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