#also bobby died 😭 not really but still. and by sam? ahhhh his boy? his son? the last of his family? ahhhhh😭
batcavescolony · 1 month
S3 E11 Supernatural
Oh this one HURT! I heard the 'I'm the heat of the moment' memes and it's Sam having a groundhog day episode but this stung. The Trickster trying to get Sam to get that he isn't gonna save Dean. They then had Sam live after Dean died giving him a glimpse of what it's gonna be like when he goes to hell. When Dean died Sam became an impressive hunter, he was void of emotion and only set on destroying. I wonder what he gonna be like in s4 when Dean actually goes to hell (cus I don't think thell find a way to get him out of it)
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