#also btw if it were me on classic mode in 3houses if you were to lose a crest bearing unit
furuichis · 2 years
yes i know that the gautier crest being plastered on every asset is because it was the placeholder crest and the fe3h assets are... not very polished (just zoom on any portrait and you will see that the ends are still. shaky lineart lol I think it's more visible on byleth) but i can and WILL twist the game to make it relevant. I will make things WORSE. look at this hc
something something the gautier blood/crest being the easiest to manipulate/experiment on. cornelia(cleobulus) got her hands on the corpse of mrs gautier (1st one) before she was buried and retrieved the unborn child to experiment on/study what was left. I think it would be even more tragic if the child had a crest but idk if it's even "detectable", but they were doing blood experiments anyway so. Maybe ?
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