#also can i get a shout out to my boi Crian
li-lbamboo · 1 year
I rarely post anything other than reblogs, but I felt compelled to share this with the teeny Tumblr corner of fellow deltora quest enjoyers.
I was rereading the og series for the nth time (as I am want to do) and noticed this sneaky tidbit included by Rodda when describing Anna waaaay back in ch 4 of the first book:
"Crian roused him and helped him into the small house behind the forge. At his call, a sweet-faced girl came running..."
OK, now flash foward 12 chapters and a time skip, we have the scene where our newly acquainted companions are visited by a mysterious spirit who is revealed to be Jasmine's mother...
"...a thick, billowing mist began to form...The three companions froze. Out of the mist, a wavering white figure appeared. It was a woman, sweet-faced and smiling."
- FoS, chapter 16
(!!!) I really like to think I'm not reading too much into this but i thought it was pretty neat and v sneaky of her!! It was always all there!! Everything in its place!!!
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