#also can you elaborate on the lazio locker room incident per favor
cruyffista · 6 months
If we believe all the gossiping and rumoring (and in old forums in italian we can still find all sorts of them):
1934 World Cup Monti;
1970 team also had some suspicions;
1982 is infamous but around Torino if you ask the old generation apparently the rumors are even more salacious (and apparently Rossi and Cabrini weren't the only ones); I think until today old people of that time treat their supposed affair as fact;
In the 1990 World Cup there were 2 who were a couple;
Paolo Maldini just because he wore a pink jersey, however apart from this in these old forums a lot of people talk about him too;
Lazio locker room incident (and the real role Nesta had in it);
ADP had so many rumors, the most infamous one was that he was dating Raoul Bova; Honestly the fact that Totti of all people defended gay people in a time when you would be mocked for it, and knowing that he and ADP are close always made me wonder if there was a bit of true in the ADP rumors;
the blind article about an italian NT player being caught in a gay orgy in a yacht (there's still a lot of theories about who it was).
The Friday orgy in Juventus was another one;
A 2012 article during that year Euros outing 2 players who ere gay (thankfully this time no names were delivered) but it was enough to know that Cassano is an asshole;
Honestly a lot of italian players and players who went to play in Italy suddenly had all sort of rumors, some of it i've always thought it was some sort of prejudice relating to physical appearences.
Thank you so much for typing this out ❤️❤️ I had no idea that there was so much gossip surrounding the Italian national team. I think a lot of it was probably related to players who were perceived as "effeminate"/deviating from standard masculinity etc... but I do wonder whether there's some truth to at least some of it.
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