#also carly crying over bobbie dying and nina still being there was also gross but I'll give a *slight* pass because of the grief...SLIGHT
burned-lariat · 9 months
Poor Drew losing his life by HIS OWN CHOICES. Nina didn't force him to commit a crime, or take a plea deal where he'd be going to prison anyway, or even operate as a mole for Sonny, which led to the beating in the shower. Nina didn't keep him from Scout, nor did she push him into being completely focused on Carly. See, that's on him.
What keeps getting ignored is that A CRIME WAS STILL COMMITTED! CREW ARE STILL CRIMINALS! Yes, Nina turned them in out of spite, but she wouldn't have had anything to call about if they didn't break the fucking law!
And here comes Drew, big bumbling Drew, out here beating his chest like he's some tough guy, chatting about not beating Nina up just because she's a woman. The same man willing to isolate and throw his daughter, the daughter he claims to love oh-so much, he's using as a guilt chip as if he'd know how to put his kids' needs before his own or his girlfriend's. What a punk-ass, weak little bitch. That beating couldn't have happened to a nicer man, truly. I only wish it did kill him.
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