#also completely disinterested in anything punisher related do not reccomend me that shit
aaronymous999 · 1 year
Give me good comics to read I’m begging you 🙏
Preferably superhero but my mind is open, I do like action but character driven mixed with action is my absolute favorite of all time!!
Also comics I already have on my radar and will pick up soon ( basically don’t suggest these I’m gonna read em soon ):
-Neil Gaiman’s Sandman
-Wayne Family Adventures ( I don’t really like Batman but it’s free and found family so I’ll try it out )
-Invincible ( Probably? I liked the show so I’m curious )
-Watchmen ( My dad owns a physical copy so why not :3 )
-Marvel’s Adventures Spider-Man ( I think that’s the name? The one with Chat in it because her <3 )
I mostly have only read Spider-Man comics and I am really wanting to get into other superheroes!! The only non-spidey comic I’ve read is The Vision ( ? the one with his family it was pretty good )
Some superheroes in particular I really wanna get into because I really like their screen adaptations or find interesting:
The X-Men in general
Blue Beetle
Fantastic Four
Anything Spider-Man related in any way!
Batwoman ( the new one not the first one )
Ms Marvel
Spectrum/Captain Marvel ( Monica Rambeau )
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