#also damn i'm kinda impressed with how fast i managed to write this
waldau · 2 months
hi! can i request reader kissing mingyu's moles, please? or his whole face, honestly 😚 (the urge to pepper kisses across his pretty face is too much sometimes 🥺)
homecoming — kim mingyu | 1,561 words | fluff
this. also i accidentally typed "abby" instead of "baby" so cheers to that. since it's already the sixth in korea, happy birthday to none other than our very own kim mingyu!!! he's a huge ball of human sunshine and i love him so much :) thanks for sending in this request at such a good time, anon!
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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there's very few things mingyu loves more than you, his members and what does he does for a living.
okay, that's a lie. there's only one thing he loves more than you, his members, and what he does for a living.
it happens to be coming home to you.
as much as he loves going to new places and trying new things, there's something about the knowledge, the certainty of coming back home to you every single time that makes him giddy all the way from his head to his toes. he could be absolutely sleep-deprived because of his terrible international schedules or because of his turbulent flights, but the thought of coming back home to you breathes life into him like nothing else.
he could almost fly to you, when he makes a mental list of everything he's going to do with you when he comes back home, free from schedules and appearances even just for a little while. he loves seeing the literal light in your eyes that appears when you spot him. he loves your arms which cling onto him with almost as much strength as he usually has, and the kisses you give him.
maybe, just maybe, mingyu is indecisive when it comes to you. but he can't choose only one thing he loves about you. he loves when you smile at him, when you tell him about everything that's happened in your day, when you let him in on jokes with your friends, when you get him things that reminded you of him, when you stroke his hair oh-so gently when he has a headache — the list is endless. and every single thing about you makes him love you a little more every single day.
mingyu is sappy. he doesn't mind being called a simp in the least. how could simping be a bad thing, when it comes to you? he's proud of the way he shows off how much he loves you, loves the way you don't shy away from showing him off to your friends, and is amused by the way his members pretend to be disgusted every single time they see you being affectionate with each other. he loves being yours and he loves that you're his, too.
but this?
coming back home to you a day before he promised to be back? pushing open the door to your shared bedroom and seeing your eyes widen before you push your laptop away and throw yourself at him, squeezing him so hard that he coughs and pats your back?
it might be his most favourite thing about you. so far.
"gyu!" you finally exclaim, pulling back to look up into his eyes. "i thought you were coming back tomorrow?"
"we had a choice to go back earlier if we wanted, so i took it. obviously."
"obviously," you repeat.
once upon a time mingyu was shy to hold eye contact with you for even five seconds, but now he swears he can do it for hours, if you would let him, and if both of you had the time. "i missed you. so much."
"i know, baby," he says, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "because i missed you too."
you say nothing, simply wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest, pressing kisses to his collarbone over his shirt. mingyu wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close and letting you hold him for however long you want to. you hate being away from him for so long, and he hates it too, but being like this with you makes up for it.
"dinner?" you ask, pulling away from him. "and then cuddles?"
"i'm not too hungry," he says, hands now moving down to your waist, unwilling to let go so soon. "but i'll take cuddles first. we can have something before we sleep."
you stare into each other's eyes for what feels like just a few seconds to mingyu before you kiss the tip of his nose. "what was that for?"
"did you forget you wanted to shower? you texted me about looking forward to using our new shower."
mingyu groans, hands bunching up the fabric of your hoodie. his old hoodie, now yours. "do i have to?"
"you said you wanted to, baby. won't it help you sleep better?"
just because you're right doesn't mean it's fun. he huffs and makes a big show of letting you go, loving the placating kisses you place on his cheek. both of you know it's going to be a lost cause if you kiss him on the lips. you give him one final kiss before promising to cuddle with him the whole night.
true to your word, you're waiting on the couch underneath a blanket, snacks arranged on the table in front of you, and the television in standby. there's this show you started watching together before he left for his tour, and as much as mingyu wants to know what happens after last episode's cliffhanger, nothing seems more enticing than holding you in his arms and marvelling the fact that he's back with you again.
his favourite person in the whole world.
"really? your favourite?" you ask, turning around in his arms and looking up at him, chin resting on his chest. you look so good, he thinks, heart twinging mildly for no reason.
"you just said i was your favourite person."
he didn't realize he's said that out loud. "yeah," he says, grinning, because it's true. "of course you are."
"and you're mine. my favourite human."
"...human? you have a favourite non-human thing, too?"
"wonwoo's cat," you say solemnly. "obviously."
"hey," he pouts, grumpy just the slightest bit. "you're my favourite everything. i should be your favourite everything, too."
"but you're my everything," you say with a straight face. "and i'd love you even if you became a cat somehow."
"stop," mingyu mumbles, pushing his face into your hair so you don't see him blushing. "you can't attack me like that."
"you're my boyfriend, so..."
mingyu huffs and settles his chin on your head. it's comforting, your familiar weight in his arms as he feels your ear press down right over where his heart is. he hopes you hear how it's beating for you.
"hey," you say a while later, muffled by mingyu's hoodie. he lets go of you just enough so you can turn and look at him. "how was your tour?"
"i missed cooking for you," he blurts out. "i mean, the food was great, and i know you would've loved seeing the places we saw, but i just missed seeing you smile."
"yeah?" you ask, a shy smile taking over your face. you've been together for quite a while and it still amazes mingyu that you get shy every time he says something like that. he hopes you know he's never going to stop.
"mhm. i think...i think we should go to LA the next time you're free."
"we're free, you mean," you say with a small frown. "it's so hard for us to get holidays at the same time these days."
"i know," mingyu soothes you, kissing your forehead. "but i like being like this with you. and i'll be like this for however long you want us to."
"forever," you say immediately, drawing a giggle out of mingyu.
"if only."
you sigh and push yourself up so that you're straddling mingyu's waist, legs on either side of his thighs, hands on his shoulders holding him in place. then you lean down, and even though he knows what's coming, it doesn't stop a little shiver from running through his body.
"welcome home, gyu," you say, pulling away from his lips. "i love you."
mingyu struggles to form words for a few moments. "i love you, too," he breathes out eventually. it just never stops being true. in fact, the more he says it, the truer it gets. you're his everything as well.
"i love you."
mingyu frowns. "i...love you...too? so much?"
you shake your head and the next thing he knows is that he's being attacked with tiny kisses to his face. little imprints of your love over every inch of his skin you're able to lay your lips on.
"stop!" he giggles, making no actual attempt to dislodge you. "it tickles!"
"one for every day you were away from me," you say, before attacking him again.
it's only after a minute that he manages to pull you off, making you sit on him again. "hey, i definitely wasn't away for a month! i'm scared to see what you'll do if i'm gone for that long."
"i'll find a way to tag along somehow. also, did you know?"
"your moles are where your lover kissed you the most in your previous life."
mingyu blinks. "do you believe that?"
you shrug. "it sounds nice, doesn't it?"
"only if you were my lover in my past life."
you turn your face away from him, and even though he can't see you, he knows you're too flustered to come up with words.
"i just realized," he says, turning your face gently back to him, "you don't have any moles near your lips. want me to fix that so we can look at them in our next life?"
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu
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feladi-fority · 2 months
Happy Homestuck day everyone!
Fuck, insane I'm still obsessed with a comic THIS OLD but what can you do.
I feel like people often focus on what Homestuck did poorly or just discuss the characters or the comic abstractly, so in this post I wanna go into a bit more detail about what I think this comic did really really right which I'm yet to see done in other media.
The dialogue is just fantastic. Hussie really knows how to write naturalistic internet style dialogue and it breaths life into characters which otherwise are very flat. So many of the characters are objectively very simple but the dialogue is just so good they still feel like real people. Like Nepeta is objectively very boring, but the dialogue made her feel real enough to make past me kin her.
The format gets a lot of attention for using flash animation and games, but I think the real biggest strength of Homestuck's format is the pesterlogs. I read through Kill 6 Billion Demons a bit ago which is a very similar comic to Homestuck and despite loving it I found I didn't grow nearly as attached to the characters as I did HS. The reason I've come to as to why is that in K6BD the standard comic formatting just doesn't allow natural the characters to be normal people and have normal conversations without totally killing the pacing, so to maintain a fast pace it has to keep that to a minimum. In Homestuck, however, the pesterlogs allow characters to just kinda talk about whatever for normal amounts of time while not requiring the plot to just stop around them. John can ramble about his love of Con Air while doing important ectobiology shit. This gives the audience time to get to know these characters while maintain the lightning fast pace of acts 3 and 4 and a bit of 2 and 5.
The time travel, holy shit like I have NEVER seen time travel done so well, I used to think I hated time travel in media until I read this comic. The comedy gotten through time-traveling chat clients and the use of stable time loops for the story is just so masterfully done. The fact HS manages to have very few plot-holes in terms of its time travel internal consistency is seriously impressive compared to other stories featuring it. I crave so badly a story which can reach the peaks of the lil' Cal reveal and the conversions Karkat had with Karkat.
The fandom hooks. Like most stories are out here letting the fandom do some shipping or have a fun set of factions or a magic system to sort their fav characters into. Homestuck is here quadrupling the potential ships. "My story has 4 elements and what element you have is determined by your personality" Homestuck has a character personality sorting system with 336 possible combinations. Your story has one cool unique world to imagine being in? Homestuck has several. How would your fav react in the Hunger Games? How would they react to their entire planet being destroyed and being sent into a game designed to allow personal expression as much as possible! The lore is also overcomplicated but it does a great job at helping the audience through it. Like fuck this shit was crack to my neurodivergent ass.
The [s] pages were fucking AWESOME, like I am yet to feel the emotion the best [s] pages did since I finished reading the comic for the first time. The complexity of the storytelling means that when it's being told visually you need to actively interpret what's happening, causing strong moments of "oh shit!" when you realize what you just saw, further making an already awesome animation even better!
The way the comic mythologized the feeling of growing up online was so fucking cool to my terminally online ass. It made the worldbuilding feel so much more compelling than similarly complex fantasy worldbuilding ever has.
I might have missed a few things Homestuck did really well I'd like to bring up so I might make another post later, but like, damn. Homestuck was an incredibly unique work and I haven't seen anything like it since. One of my goals in life is to make a work that makes other feels how this comic made me feel cuz nothing has scratched that itch for me, but who knows if I'll succeed at that.
Either way, happy 413! I'm a derse sylph of heart btw <3
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 4 months
heyy!! enjoyed dyvj a great deal so came here to ur blog to peruse and stalk BUT your style of answering asks was slightly enigmatic and ultimately so silly and funny and kinda cool that i have no choice but to send an ask... your peculiar ask answering has beguiled me so... but i digress
EXCELLENT story so far!!! quite funny sometimes and more than anything i was surprised and impressed at the depth you managed to pull in the story at various intervals, whether it's the body-horror of the mc's powers, the disquieting atmosphere of exploring that damn building in the flashback, the oppressive sense of restriction that haunts everything the mc thinks and even the choices, and how far from normality the mc is now!! you balance serious and lighthearted pretty well it rlly works for me - really really great stuff i got hooked on ur writing pretty fast :]
super interested to see where the storylines for alistair (slightly suspicious looking there my pasta guy) and the flashback four go!! also i just really adore the little team and all the characters in the team yayayy mc is finding some semblance of human connection outside of the coven :') anyway i'm loving everything so far have a great one author!!
Hello public ask #7. Wow! What a lucky number! Am I silly and enigmatic? Or am I a priestess from the seventh century huffing volcano fumes? I do love volcano fumes, they're yummy in my tummy... anyways, here's what the vision says:
"This is such a lovely comment/ask. I've basically had it open for the last three days and keep looking at it smiling. I'm glad the shifts in tone work for you - it's not been for everyone, but I've enjoyed playing around with the mood scene by scene. I dunno why everyone thinks Alistair is dubious he is a friend :("
Awww, I think the volcano likes you :)
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chemicalbrew · 2 years
Simon Blackquill >:)
oh god this got so long so fast. under the cut it goes
First impression
Why are they letting a prisoner serve in the court. Bro, wait, he's kinda hot. Those bags under his eyes, holy shit...
And then he goes like
……………Hmph. ……Enough jabbering. Get on with it, already. ……Must we continue to fritter away time like this? An opening statement… would be pointless.
Look at those sweet, sweet ellipses. Truly, he is the edgelord of Ace Attorney 🖤 I think what I remember the most was just being really excited to hear his speech bubbles. And then WOAH, he has a completely unique one of his own in addition to the objection!! Damn...
Not to mention, he calls the judge His Baldness and it's still funny to me. King shit 👑
Bravo, Your Baldness. Your years of experience shine bright like your head.
Impression now
Is he the best prosecutor in the series? No. It's factually impossible to top Edgeworth, who literally has two spinoffs to himself that I consider to be better than most mainline games (aside from aa3, because that game is a banger). And of course, Miles has some of the most remarkable character development in the main games, too. You can't not at least appreciate the guy, and Simon just can't top that.
The change in writing teams (and the stupid no-spoiler policy that supposedly exists when it really should not) was pretty damn harmful to aa5-6 as a whole, and is obviously part of the reason for my answer as well (even if it in part led to Simon's existence, since he is almost completely disconnected from og trilogy events)... not only did it make the whole air of the games feel off, it also led to huge disconnects between 5 and 6 on their own.
As a very recent (to me) example, a common criticism against my latest favorite case (6-4, that I just finished a few days ago and then my friend did a celebratory art spam for me, heheeh) is that it ends up ignoring the obvious development Athena went through (both on her own and in relation to Simon) in aa5. And, like. Even though I did just say I love the case (enough to consider it ~top 2-3 cases in the series), and Simon+Athena (more on them later, I guess) are my favorite parts of it... I have nothing to really say against this criticism.
I understand that Athena's newfound power and confidence from the end of aa5 needed to be sacrificed in some way to show the delicious mentor \ student+found family dynamics (after all, what is there to teach someone who's already found her footing?), but I also can't deny that the erasure of the character's past accomplishments and developments was quite extreme. The funny thing is, I think reverting Athena's knowledge\confidence levels could serve as a great way to show the kind of threat the new prosecutor (Nahyuta. The ourple one.) presents, but... by now he's been around for three whole cases (counting 6-4) already, and even then, Yuty's writing, imo, is much weaker than Simon's ever was in the 5th game (because they didn't overtly rely on catchphrases while writing Simon, smhhh).
As for the point of this whole ramble... Simon physically can't be the best prosecutor, because, unfortunately, neither games he stars in had writers that could get their shit 100% together. There we go.
But... is he my favorite prosecutor in the series? yes, unless whoever stars in Great Ace Attorney manages to impress me even more. I know a lot of it is recency bias (I'm pretty sure I beat the original trilogy sometime in 2019-20, then I beat aa4 last year, but I only just met Simon in aa5-6 this year), but I'm going to be honest. You can't not appreciate Edgeworth, as I said, but for me, I think, most of the time appreciation is as far as it went with him. Now that I think about it, it might be part of how I prefer latching onto characters with clear gaps and flaws (flashes neon arrow signs at Simon and Nahyuta) more than well-written obvious fan favorites?? But yeah, either way, Edgeworth is cool and all, but not even while playing his games did I feel anything blorbo-esque towards him.
Meanwhile Simon, the motherfucker that he is, wormed his way into my blorbo storage room entirely too fast. There's something about his design, based entirely around black and white while still having just enough intricate details, that just stuck with me (it even serves Taka well, cause his brown feathers stand out even more in such an arrangement!). And then there's his theme (that bass, dude...) and voice (still mad we apparently don't know who did the work. Whoever it was, they did so well...) Not to mention, the way he words things... simultaneously somewhat flowery and most of the time efficient and straightforward... yeah, maybe there's a reason he had me that quickly, ngl.
Favorite moment
Ohhh, time to break into my phone's screenshot folder!!
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^ just general one-off noteworthy stuff I managed to dig up. I dunno, his particular flavor of Jerkish Prosecution is so enjoyable to me, like I said🖤 Especially combined with the voice impression his speech bubbles give off... 'I relish the chance to cut down a great man' like, SIR???
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^ actual three favorite moments. The first is important foreshadowing (knowing it's himself he talks about is so 🥺... Of course, he's not going to make it easy, because he convinced himself the suffering was deserved...).
The second is simultaneously ridiculously funny and a memorable power move (he really said 'Just walk out! You can leave! Even if you're convicted!'), while also being very much justified, since what he's responding to is almost useless testimony from an arrogant kid who thinks he's a genius because he gets straight As. You really can't fault Simon for having had it with all that shit 🖤
And the third... well, it's honestly nothing much, but it's memorable to me anyway, because a) HE HAS A POINT and b) it reminds me of Robin... one of blorbos ever... also every chance I can take to see a forward-facing sprite of him is A+
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And these are just my favorite shots of him from the games themselves. It was always funny to me seeing the bright confetti from the not guilty verdicts over his plain ass grumpy face, and that last shot from 6-4 had no right to make him look so good, smh.
Idea for a story
I think basically everything pertaining to him could make for a nice story in the right hands.
Were all these stories he was telling about his fellow inmates real? How much more ridiculous could you make them, given this is AA we are talking about? Did he get to meet characters that were given guilty verdicts and imprisoned in previous games?
Literally everything with him and Athena. I don't know, just plop them into a room together and study them like bugs! Mentor+student? Parental figure+a young girl finding her place in the world? Exploring a feedback loop from her mom trying to help her with psychology and science and Simon being inspired to pick it all up for similar reasons? Stubborn emotionally scarred man who operates by tough love+equally determined ball of sunshine? Boomer+zoomer? Flowery persuasiveness+honest and straight-to-the-point assistance? Yeah, they got all that going for them and more. It's fucking wonderful. Let me into the alternative universe that lets them have their own game PLEASE...
What\who exactly convinced him to adopt the ridiculous samurai\swordplay aesthetic? I mean, it works, but... what if he is secretly also a Steel Samurai fan or something? :p
In general, how did being told by Miles fucking Edgeworth that you're allowed and basically have to get back to work again to have a chance at basically anything in life feel? Must have been quite a day, huh?
And then, of course, how did he end up adjusting to having freedom again, having all but convinced himself that cold prison cells were his lot in life? At least his job didn't actually change, so... maybe he would plunge himself into work?
What kind of shenanigans did he let Taka get up to, and what misadventures did they have together when they first bonded? What about him having an interest in birds in general? Would he be... jealous of ornithologists?
Food - be it soba or something else. Is he a fancy connoisseur at heart or would he just take whatever he's given? How would he react to having to try something new - like, say, a burger from Nahyuta? lol
This is the obligatory 'ugh I love blackmadhi' bullet point, except I don't actually have anything coherent to say, I just think they work well when you rotate them in your mind together. Two souls from opposing cultures being equally fucked by law and yet working hard in their own ways for the sake for returning to the ideals of pursuing the truth, in the exact same position, but with wildly different and not fully compatible methods... YEAH...
What could be said about his relationship with Aura? And what exactly did he think of his sister's connection to Metis, with her being a mentor and just a presence in his life in general? At first glance, they're just siblings with their bond taken to the extreme and tested by unfortunate circumstances, but exploring that tragedy and what they had before then is what makes this dynamic interesting to me. I just like sad shit, I guess... And then there's this off-handed quip from Phoenix about them that's just way too funny:
(Robot abuse, hawk attacks... Blackquill family life must sure be interesting.)
Unpopular opinion
Unfortunately, since this is not Nahyuta we are talking about, I can't just 'haha, the unpopular opinion is that I actually like him' out of this one... I probably could, given that Simon's still getting called an edgelord (derogatory) straight out of deviantart in 2022, but that's cheap anyway...
Um... I guess I'll just restate what I was saying about 6-4 earlier: him having to be there to support Athena by itself is not a bad thing, it was just handled poorly in part because of the weaker writing and in part because of the baffling decision to try and focus this game on like five characters at the same time... they spread themselves too thin :(
The whole point of having characters go through games-long journeys in the series is that they never truly stop learning, not even when they're actually considered accomplished. This case was a great opportunity to show this again, but it wasn't used to its fullest potential.
Favorite relationship
As per the 'idea for a story' bullet: him and Athena as found family and naturally opposing personalities still being tightly united across time and space :D You just can't go wrong with what's basically chomp lite with a huge deal of devotion and perseverance (that cannot help but show itself through the rough words and treatment) on the side
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^ literally the essence of what I love so much about their writing together. Just seeing 'yup!' and 'ye gods' next to each other is taking me out 🖤🧡
And him and Nahyuta just like. In general. Do you think two prosecutors can on purpose kiss... maybe...
Favorite headcanon
He was going to cut his hair again after being released, and the only reason he didn't was because Athena has too much fun playing with it\burying herself in his hair. She would also counter his propositions with 'but Siiimon it's so fluffy... 😭' every single time, and it was too powerful for him to handle. So, long hair it is.
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amimimi · 3 years
Hi it's actually my first time requesting 💀 can you do like the reader is a volleyball player from a different school who came to their school to compete and is hella intimidating cause they're really quiet and doesn't really smile that often and their team won. Maybe do yamaguchi, tsuki, tendou, bokuto and suna?
I'm sorry if it's messy i get nervous cause it's my first time requesting 😭✋
hey angel! thank you for sending this in!! And don’t worry, this wasn’t messy at all!
also, i didn’t know if you meant reader’s team played the guys’ teams so i’m sorry if i misunderstood!
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the strong, silent type; yamaguchi, tsukishima, tendou, bokuto, suna
synopsis: in which you somehow manage to catch a certain someone’s attention without having to say a word (well, barely a word)
pairings: yamaguchi x reader, tsukishima x reader, tendou x reader, bokuto x reader, suna x reader
warnings: swearing
notes: this is my first haikyuu request!!
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baby boy is intrigued to say the least
he’s also, you know, very intimidated
karasuno is hosting volleyball camp for the weekend so a few of schools from the area come over
karasuno lost a match so they go do a lap up the hill and back down
yamaguchi shakily walks back into the gym, panting and sweating profusely from the run
two other teams are playing so he decided to watch and catch his breath
it’s getting pretty intense until your team’s setter sets the ball for you
you run up and leap in the air, your brows furrowed with determination and tongue sticking slightly out, and you spike ball, slamming it to the opponents ground
and it’s slams so fucking loud
yamaguchi mouth drops, impressed by your raw power
by then tsukishima has joined him, standing alongside yamaguchi
“sheesh” tsukishima mutters at how hard you struck the ball
meanwhile, yamaguchi’s jaw is still on the floor as he watches you with sparkles in his eyes
your teammates erupt in cheer while you’re just like 😐👍
yamaguchi tells tsukishima that they should congratulate your team (he’s talking about you mostly)
and tsuki is like “okay have fun doing that!”
and yamaguchi is like “w-wait! please go with me? they’re scary 🥺”
and tsukishima is like “this is so stupid...” but he ends up going with yamaguchi nskdicnwiwjs
you’re drinking from your water bottle when you feel a slight tap on your shoulder
you whirl around to see tsukishima and yamaguchi LITERALLY standing like—
⠀ ⠀ ⠀(\__/)
 _ノ ヽ ノ\_
`/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ
(  (三ヽ人  /   |
| ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ  ノ
   |( 王 ノ〈 (\__/)
  / ╰ ╯ \/ \>
yamaguchi pipes up from where he stands, slightly behind tsukishima
“that last spike you did was really cool!” he squeaks, mentally slapping himself for how he voice cracked on “cool”
you blink in surprise before you gently smile
and yamaguchi, in his head of course, is like “HOLY SH*T THEY SMILED??!&)&8:9:”
“thank you” you reply, “i don’t think you told me your name”
when i tell you this man is not FAZEDDDDD
like he does not give a shit how intimidating you are
he notices that you’re a great volleyball player and that you’re a great coordinator
but that’s where it ends
he’s not intrigued enough/doesn’t care about the motivations of other people
you both walk up to the lil fountain outside the gym to refill your water bottle at the same time
you both sorta halt, before tsukishima motions for you to go first
you nod and thank him quietly, moving to refill your water bottle
tsuki feels his eyebrows furrow when a loud yell suddenly splits the silence, already recognizing who that might be
he turns around and of course, it’s hinata yelping and dodging kageyama’s blows, while the latter yells profanities at hinata
tsukishima sees that you’ve turned around too, trying to see what was going on
“what a couple of morons...” tsukishima mutters to you
you blink at tsukishima, straight faced as ever, before saying, “you shouldn’t bad mouth your team mates”
he thought since you were quiet and serious looking, that you kinda hated everyone/were pessimistic
you thought WRONG
he turns back to you with raised eyebrows, a little surprised and slight embarrassed about being scorned
you just smile at him and tsuki is surprised for a second time
“see you inside” you nod politely and before walking past him
get rekt tsukishima
yes, my slightly odd looking yet handsome son
he is NOT intimidated by you—AT ALL (have you seen his bestie? 😭)
in fact, the first time tendou sees you, he watches you for like 17 seconds and is like “oh...oh i’m bout to ANNOY TF OUTTA OF THEM”
i feel like he just wants to single out serious people and f*ck around with them—all in good taste though!
will try and goad you into messing up from across the net
but you’re just like 😐😑😐
switches tactics by trying giving you odd compliments
“y/n, right? i like the curvature of your spine,,,very unique 😌”
or “you have such delicate earlobes, y/n!”
if anything, he’s annoying both his teammates and yours
but he’s not done
starts crooning these lil songs about you, that he’s making up on the spot
he’s still not throwing you off your game but you are glancing over at him with a strange expression on your face
that just encourages him even more
eventually, semi smacks the back of tendou’s neck and gives him the “stfu” look
tendou glances over to see your lips twitching into a smile and he’s just smiles real big and wide at you
my precious boy
he’d probably see you, standing there off to the side from where your teammates are huddled
and he thinks “omg,,,they’re shy,,,and lonely,,,I HAVE TO HELP THEM!”
but you’re just zoning out or something, completely fine
bokuto is trying to collect introverts like they’re f*ckin pokemon cards
he thinks he’s good with all kinds of people (and he is!) but he thinks he’s especially good with quieter people
after your match, bokuto bounds up to you with akaashi trailing behind (he’s there for damage control mostly)
“hey there!” bokuto smiles and your eyes slightly widen at how his voice booms throughout the whole gym. “your team did amazing out there! i couldn’t believe how coordinated you all are! and the way that you flew? your spikes could use a bit more force but you’re amazing either way—”
you generally feel overwhelmed by hyperactive people, but you’re REALLY feeling it now
especially considering how tired you are after that match and how fast Bokuto is talking
you honestly can’t keep up with what he’s saying to you, his eyes glimmer are glimmering and his whole face is lit up and DAMN you don’t have the heart to interrupt him
so you just nod at him with wide eyes like “yup, mhm, yea, that’s right, of course”
when he finally finished his spiel, you take the opportunity to ask for his name
and you’re like “oh! yeah! you’re one of the top 3 aces in the nation right?”
bokuto’s grin widens even further, but before he can respond, akaashi cuts in with “top 5 actually”
and bokuto whirls around with a look that screams utter betrayal—like B*TCH!!&/8:73?
“that’s really impressive!” you smile and bokuto’s mouth drops because DID YOU JUST MAKE A FACIAL EXPRESSION???
he’s hyping himself up like “aha, didn’t even talk to them for FIVE minutes and i already cracked them 😤”
he’s just gonna stare at you
like a creepy ass owl or something
he sees your minding your own business respectfully and he’s like “...this feels insulting”
he thinks that YOU think that you’re some tough ass b*tch
suna: they’re trying to intimidate us
ojiro: ...they’re just standing there
suna: you think they’re trying to intimidate us?
ojiro: no, i don’t actually—
suna: nah, they’re definitely trying to intimidate us
so suna tries to intimidate YOU—reverse uno that b*tch
will stare at you from across the court with his hands shoved in his shorts like—🧍‍♂️
it honestly is a little unsettling because you just see this tall ass, lanky figure in your peripheral vision and your turn to see this guy STARING AT YOU LIKE—👁‍🗨👄👁‍🗨
he scares your teammates too dkfjdkshs
if you’re team is playing his, he will forcefully block your spikes and then just stare back at you LIKE DAMN, YOU GOOD?
the whole thing lets up, when your teams go to shake hands
you take his hand in yours and give him a firm shake, genuinely smiling
“you play well!” you compliment
“...you do too” he says hesitantly and you nod slightly before letting go of his hand and going to shake Osamu’s
he tells ojiro later that you had a “firm grip” and ojiro’s like “...mhm 😒”
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notes: i wanna write more haikyuu (specifically timeskip)! also not me projecting the odd feeling i have for suna where it’s like a cross of “everything about you annoys me” and “damn u kinda hot 🙄”. my love/hate relationship with aquarius men 😌
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
You Changed But Still the Same
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Pairings : Ex! Katsuki Bakugou x Ex! Reader.
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word Count : 3428
3rd Person's POV
A Year ago since that fateful day where everything ended and the only thing that's left were the memories and promises from the past. Y/n and Bakugou who were High school sweethearts had quite a past together but sometimes all the good things come to an end .
That's exactly what happened, Bakugou at some point in his life had to pick between two things , y/n or his Hero Career. He picked His Hero Career even though y/nl tried to desperately persuade him that it could work out. She tried her best to persuade Katsuki that They can grow Together.
Even though it was painful, Katsuki still stuck to his choice leaving everything behind . Leaving y/n with her heart that has been shattered, Leaving her to pick up all the broken pieces herself.
He had to pick his Hero career because he knew he needed to become stronger, strong enough to Be confident that He will be able to protect her in the future. Strong enough to flaunt her to the world without worrying how many villains would be after his lover. As surprising as it may seem his reason why he picked his career over her was because of her, not because he wanted to be number one... He'll admit that, it was his former goal but after meeting her everything changed.
He actually wanted to become a better version of himself because no matter how good he is, theres still a nagging feeling at the back of his head that says he does not deserve her because she deserves so much more.
Today was a special Day because Class 1-A was holding a reunion party. And Katsuki normally turns down events like this bit this time , he was excited because he knew y/n would be there. Now he was ready, Now he was confident, Now all he needed to do was to get his Girl back.
Y/n, She was never the same after that dreadful day. She never knew why she was Never Enough for Katsuki... She doesn't know why she's not a good enough reason to be picked. She never knew why He had to leave her in the dust, Hurt and alone. And honestly no matter how hard she tried to forget him. It never worked, She was still hung up on him like before and because of that. She hated him so much.
She started overworking herself doing more hero work than necessary since it's the only thing that could keep her mind away from him.
Her smile faded and she was never the same, she moved to another city because being in the same city where there's a possibility for her and Katsuki to work together is too painful for her.
She managed to rise to the hero rankings in the city she moved in. She was well known and villains feared her. But she started distancing herself from others, always taking on solo jobs and gradually turning colder by time.
It took a lot of persuading from the girls for her to eventually agree to this little reunion and she wasn't looking forward to it.
Because he was going to be there, it was already 6 and she was late since the agreed time to meet was 5 sharp bit she got caught up fighting Villains on her way . Of course the girls were furious but after hearing her reason they were much more understanding than expected.
They were supposed to meet in a Restaurant the boys booked all for their class and of course wearing something fancy was required because according to Momo they should ' Dress for the Occasion ' .
So of course y/n did try to make an effort to dress up because She wanted to prove to everyone that she was fine without Katsuki. Because back then when they broke up, Everything fell apart and she stopped caring about everything around her.
She loves the girls because they almost Wrestled Katsuki for hurting her , and some of the Boys even attempted to fight him because Y/n was a wreck back then.
But now look at her. She's not a narcissistic bitch but she really outdid herself. She wore a red sleeveless fishtail dress that clung onto her curves like it was her own skin, the dress had little crystal details that matched her hair. Her make up was Smoky and elegant and her lips were a crimson color of red. Her hair was curled on the ends and she did end up dyeing her hair to H/c, she also had a few accessories on, like the emerald necklace, a few bracelets she randomly picked out and a small Phoenix Hair clip.
She looked gorgeous and she could tell from the way passersby looked at her when she got out of her car right infront of the restaurant.
She walked towards the receptionist who was oogling on her figure.
Clearing her throat she caught the attention of the receptionist.
" I'm here for Denki Kaminari's Party " Y/n stated and the receptionist immediately stumbled towards the door opening it for her.
" This way ma'am "
" Thank you " Y/n thanked the man who started nodding his head nervously and she made her way inside.
The whole place was noisy and she could see her old classmates chatting and drinking the night away.
The first one to notice her was Momo.
" Oh my God Y/n!? Is that you " Momo exclaimed running towards y/n and giving the girl a tight hug.
The whole room was quiet, everyone's attention was directed towards y/n. She really was a head turner. The states she was getting was a bit overwhelming but she didn't mind. Someone in the room did Though.
" Woah! You really did dress to impress Missy! Where the hell have you been? " Mina joined in and y/n didn't hesitate to hug her as well.
" You're Drop Dead Gorgeous! We didn't even recognize you... I mean... Look at You! Damn " Hagakure complimented slapping y/n's ass.
" Hey keep your hands to yourself " Y/n muttered as she shoved Hagakure playfully.
" My goodness! I can't believe my eyes, Don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend!? It's kinda impossible for you Not to if you Look that Hot " Uraraka joined their little group and soon the boys also gathered around her to Either greet and hug her or comment on how she looks.
The attention she's getting was flattering but a bit suffocating.
" Ok, enough about me. How are you guys? " Y/n tried changing the subject but none of them were up for it.
" Well Duh, we all work in the same city and some of us gets paired up from Time to Time so there's nothing new about us that we didn't Know. You on the other hand moved to another fucking City and we barely have any contact with you so don't change the subject " Jiro stated and everyone seemed to fire their questions towards me one by one.
" So how are you? Are things good over there? I heard you ranked 2 in your city"
" Yeah everything is alright , things are pretty stressful though "
" You're pretty popular there! I see you on the news all the time "
" Er... Well... I can't even get some alone time without people trying to shove themselves to me "
As y/n was bombarded with questions a certain blonde male kept his gaze glued to her figure, she was gorgeous that's for sure and he could barely keep his eyes off her figure but that doesn't mean everyone else had to do that.
Even if they aren't together anymore. She is still considered to be his property and it's pissing him off that she didn't even try to acknowledge his existence. It was spissing him so much that she gave everyone a hug and not him. Why is she so happy talking to other men when he's right here waiting for her to finally look at him.
It's fucking irritating . She was beautiful... Too beautiful that he feels like someone else would take her if he even dares to look away.
It was painful to see how much she had grown without him. He's starting to regret his decision. Damn it. He knew he missed her but fuck. He didn't know he missed her to the point where it's actually painful to see her here but ignore him like he's nothing.
His mood was foul and everyone noticed, sure they were pissed that Bakugou Had the face to hurt y/n but they saw how hurt he was too, and one time during a small get together Bakugou started screaming her name and yelling why he left while sobbing angrily like a sick lunatic. And they finally understood why he made such a rash decision. It was because of his insecurities and nobody thought that this Haughty Hero was actually insecure about something.
And everyone felt bad for him because after y/n left he was a reckless Asshole who kept getting himself hurt over and over again as if he's pushing himself to the brink of death on purpose. Everyone knew he regretted his past actions and that's exactly why they were gonna help these two love sick puppies out.
" Hey! Let's play Seven Minutes in Heaven! " Denki suggested and everyone got the message.
" Really? Denki why would we play that here?" Y/n laughed but to her surprise everyone was in on it too.
" Yeah sounds fun! "
" I'll get the bottle! "
" Who's going first? "
Everyone was seated on the floor forming a circle.
" Ok I'll spin the bottle and if the bottle lands on you, you have to go in the closet with the person the end of the bottle is pointing towards. Simple as that " Kirishima explained and he started spinning the bottle.
" Hey y/n have you heard about the latest trend lately? " Momo asked y/n who's eyes we're torn away from the bottle and her attention was snapped towards Momo.
Sero moved fast and immediately pointed the bottle at y/n and Bakugou.
Bakugou saw the whole thing and he stared at his friends in disbelief.
" Kaachan.... I think you deserve a second chance " Izuku muttered and everyone gave Bakugou a thumbs up or a supporting look.
Bakugou was touched as he stared at everyone with thankful eyes but he was a prideful asshole so he turned his head away muttering.
" I don't need your help shitty extras " His comment made everyone chuckle.
" You better not ruin this Bakugou or else I'll poke your eyes out " Jiro threatened before she turned to y/n
" Y/n! You're going in the Closet with Bakugou! "
Y/n froze at the mention of Bakugou's name her eyes trailing down to ten bottle that was pointing at her and Katsuki.
" What? No" Y/n grumbled her tone filled with venom. Bakugou noticed her tone and it almost made him flinch.
" It's only seven minutes y/n...dont tell me you still love him that's why you refuse to do so " Denki stated slyly earning a menacing glare from the girl that made him shiver.
" I'll fucking do it and you better watch me you Prick " Y/n stood up from her place stomping her way towards the closet, opening it as she pointed inside her gaze landing on Bakugou.
" Get in so we could get this over with " She hissed before stomping inside Bakugou who was a bit astonished by how fierce she had become. But nonetheless he followed her inside the closet closing it as he stepped inside.
It was quiet, far too quiet but he was determined to change that.
" Y/n...I-"
" Shut up" Y/n cut him off sharply and he can't believe he was this sensitive when it came to her because damn it hurt when she said it like that.
" I'm sorry... I know it's not gonna fucking Cut all the shit I put you-"
" You fucking bastard I said shut up " Y/n growled but Bakugou continued.
" I was the biggest idiot in the world --"
" Bakugou. Fuck off. "
" Please just lis--"
" Did you listen to me?! Did you listen to me when I begged you to not end things between us? Did you know how much pain I felt losing you? Because you didn't have the fucking balls to choose me? Do you know how worthless I felt? I felt like I wasn't a good enough reason for you to choose me. I felt like I wasn't enough, because you never looked back on your decision and just kept going leaving me behind ... To pick myself up and pretend like nothing happened. Stop this Bullshit Katsuki, Let's just pretend like we're strangers causing its better that way---" Y/n was cut off with Katsuki's harsh tone.
" Don't you dare Fucking Go there woman! I'm a poor excuse of a boyfriend I know! And I regret the day I made the decision in leaving you because everyday is like walking in an eternity of hell without you.. I missed you so damn much... I missed your laugh... Your smug smile... Everything... I missed you! You wanna know why I ended things? It was because I felt weak, I felt like you deserve better so don't you dare say that you're not enough! Because you're more than enough! I was scared that villains may come after me and they'll take you because I wasn't strong enough! That's why I dedicated my time in trying to be better because the day I'll be ready is the day I'll claim you back . Today is the day.... And you have no idea how painful every passing day is for me without you.... And you turned me into this pathetic shitty love struck idiot who becomes soft and mushy when you're around!... I'm pouring out my feelings here because this may be the last! And I'm not good at this shit you dumbass! You knew that from the start but... I'm begging you Please... Give me another chance Because I Fucking Love you" Bakugou's voice broke at the end of his sentence and y/n was conflicted.
Was this why he left? It still doesn't count for what he did! He hurt her yet why does she feel so happy to hear him say that? Why is her heart beating so fast when he said those three words she never knew she craved. Why is her mind and heart urging her to give him another chance? Simple she knew the answer and it was because she never stopped loving him at all. Even though she hated him, she still loved him the same.
The room was filled with silence and y/n couldn't mutter another word. She wanted to say Yes. But her pride was getting in the way.
Bakugou was losing his patience, growling in frustration he lunged himself at her pinning her to the wall with both of her hands pinned above her head by Katsuki's hand.
" Screw it Bitch, I miss you too much to Just Let this shit slide. If you Kiss back you're Fucking Mine Again you Hear me!? " Bakugou yelled and he didn't give y/n any time to protest because his lips were already on hers.
Kissing her lips with Vigor and Neediness. It almost seemed desperate , he continued Kissing the girl with everything he had, devouring her lips with his and it didn't take long for y/n's pride to hold out because but broke the second Katsuki's Lips touched hers.
She kissed back with the same intensity. Katsuki let go of her hands and her hands immediately flew up to his neck pulling him closer as her fingers ran through his hair, she dug her fingers through his hair tugging on it desperately . Katsuki's hands were roaming her body in any way they could until finally stopping on her waist.
Fuck he missed her so much, he missed her so Fucking much and right now. He's gonna savor every moment of this. He missed these lips and how she kissed him.
If Oxygen wasn't much of a problem then neither of them would have pulled back.
Panting and breathless Katsuki pressed his forehead along hers a deep chuckle vibrating from his chest.
" So.... Was that a Yes? " Y/n could her the smugness of his voice making her growl at him.
" I Fucking kissed you back didn't I? " She snapped rolling her eyes.
" Well... I didn't quite feel it... Oh well, Looks like we're gonna have to do it again " Katsuki smirked and he was about to dive in for another round but Kaminari had slammed the door open making the two flinch.
" Times up---oh" Kaminari grinned as Katsuki and Y/n glared daggers at him.
" You shitty Pikachu! Can't you see we're busy here!? " Katsuki roared as he tried grabbing Denki who immediately ran away form the door.
With a sigh y/n dragged Katsuki out of the closet and everyone was looking at them with playful eyes, some even giving Katsuki a suggestive wink.
Y/n's eyes trailed up to Katsuki's face and she paled almost immediately seeing the red lipstick smudge on his lips.
" Katsuki you Fucking asshole! You smudged my lipstick! " Y/n barked smacking Katsuki's head and Katsuki was fats to react.
" Haah!? I didn't hear you complaining when I was sucking your lips woman! " Katsuki barked back.
" How the fuck was I supposed to complain when you were practically shoving your lips towards mine!? " Y/n said in defense as she raised her hand about to smack Katsuki's head again but he caught her hand .
Katsuki bent down and slung y/n over his shoulder carrying the angry girl.
" Shut up woman, I'll buy you a whole mall of lipstick if it makes you feel any better, and you extras!... Well... I'm only gonna say this once... T-Thank you " Katsuki muttered and everyone cheered and teased the blonde boy who was now cussing everyone for laughing at him.
" Put me down! " Y/n yelled pinching Katsuki's back but it had no effect because the boy didn't even flinch.
" We're heading out early! " Katsuki yelled but the entrance was blocked by the girls.
" Umm, No! We were the ones who put in a lot of effort in bringing her here Bakugou! You can't just take her away! And everyone missed her you asshole! " Jiro growled and Katsuki was immediately pissed off.
" She's Mine! Of course I can take her away! " Katsuki barked glaring daggers at the girls.
" Well looks like we're gonna have to fight in order to see who's keeping her then " Momo stated as she pulled out a staff from her arm.
Y/n was snatched away from Katsuki's shoulder by none other than Izuku who had a smirk on his face.
" Sorry Kaachan but we wanna hang out with her too" Izuku smiled and it only angered the blonde even more.
" You Fucking Extras! Give her back! "
" Why don't you guys just calm down and let me Go Home! " Y/n yelled throwing her arms up helplessly.
" No! " Everyone responded almost immediately.
" I believe we can't do that y/n because Tonight you're the prize for whoever gets to take you out of the door first! " Kids yelled and everyone was excited except for y/n who knew this wasn't gonna end well and she knows for a fact that this restaurant will become nothing but a pile of debris and rocks once everything is over.
" Oh it's on! " Uraraka jumped in excitement.
" I'll Fucking kill all of you Extras and Take back what's mine! " Katsuki yelled angrily sparks coming out of his hands.
And Y/n was right, by the end of the day the whole restaurant was destroyed, everyone was injured the moment yeh fight ensued and nobody won because y/n stepped out of the restaurant herself.
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Hi, law student anon here! (And no lmao I'm not british but I do live in England) I was wondering, do you have any headcanons for how the characters survived law school? Like what their uni was, their favourite modules, their experience, random trivia, anything really 😂
Hello arse anon!! I can try!! 😅😅
I won’t be mentioning real universities or businesses cause this is an ace attorney au at heart so...nothing is real lmao :) and I also don’t know what is taught at law school so sorry if this is vague...I am just a newbie college student...Wanting to go into secondary education *dies*
Francis: Francis started out college in an arts program! He was going to major in painting and interior design. He also planned on flipping houses with Jeanne. But when she was murdered during his sophomore year in college, he dropped out to grieve and regain his composure. Jeanne’s case made a huge impact on his life and he changed his career course to become a prosecutor. While he did party a little and was social, he was focused on his education. Jeanne’s parents and his own supported him all the way!! There were times where he struggled because of his Art Brain getting distracted but he pushed through!! As hard as he could!!! He did not enjoy learning about banking law or anything having to do with math. Poor Fran nearly flunked math lmao
Arthur: Arthur wanted to be a lawyer in order to break the cycle of dirtbag criminals in his family. But in the beginning, he intended on going into elder law. He made friends with multiple professors who told him he’d do great working with old people and Art really loved the idea of representing old people when they didn’t have anyone else on their side. As he worked through the law program, he decided on being a defense attorney instead! He wasn’t very social in college and seeing him in full punk attire for law lectures was truly a sight to see lmao. He did very well!! He was in the top 7 of his class! When he graduated, only Griffin came to see him. His parents didn’t enjoy the idea of him being a lawyer cause...they’re criminals lmaoooo
Alfred: Alfred switched majors like three times. He originally wanted to be a sports team manager!! He fell out of love with that very fast. Then he wanted to be a mechanic! He also ended up hating that. He’s always wanted to help people though as when he saw Arthur in court, he was like ‘wowie I could do that!!!’ So he did! He played football and basketball, juggled a frat life and law school all at once. It’s kinda impressive now he managed such a broad social life as well as his schooling. He struggled with writing because he tended to just barf words on a page. He knew what laws were and all the info he needed in order to win a fake case but he needed help learning to speak and write eloquently. Arthur tutored him :) and Matt picked on him “You can’t say ‘bro’ in court, Al” “Shut up!!!! >:(“
Yao: Back in his day, being a lawyer wasnt glorfied the way it is now. With the 3 day trial system being brand new, he had a lot to adjust to. He did his best and met his wife in college!! Yao was not only a teachers pet, he quickly worked his way up to be the head of the tennis team lol. His college experience wasn’t anything spectacular but once he graduated, he shadowed a bunch of defense attorneys who now have their own reality tv show lmao. Working in LA was hard and he came close to quitting many times but he got a big break when he got to work a murder case!! He won (even though the client was guilty oops) and people flocked to him! Without taking on that case, he would have totally quit working with the law and worked in real estate with his wife (now ex wife)
Roderich: Roddy went to a super expensive law school on the East coast before moving to California. His family is rich so they just threw money at him and let him do whatever he wanted. His childhood was great cause he got whatever he wanted but he didn’t have like...the opportunity to help others cause it wasn’t something rich people did. So as he grew up he wanted to help others and seeing prosecutors on tv or reading about them in books??? He decided that he wanted to do that. He did not make any friends in college. He went to class, grinded through work and slept when he could. He was on a constant grind, going out of his way to prove himself as the best and I mean...He was. Roderich ended up being in the top 3 of his class. He was scooped uo almost immediately by the city prosecutors office when he made it to LA and has been working with them ever since! He really wants to be the chief prosecutor but he isn’t gonna push his luck
Eliza: Eliza is a first generation college goer in her family! She busted her ASS to get scholarships for academics and soccer and took out a sizable loan in order to get herself through school. Literally a self made woman and she’s just awesome for it. She knew she wanted to be a lawyer from the start so figuring out a career path wasn’t very hard. She and her college soccer team were super close, they went out a lot and had grouo study sessions all the time. She still keeps in contact with a couple of them!! She sucked up a lot to her professors to get on their good sides so they’d curve her grade at the end of the semester and hey! She got most of them to do that so good for her
Ivan: Ivan was pushed into going to a school that he didn’t want to go to poor guy. His mother paid for everything but he wasn’t allowed to participate in clubs cause it would ‘distract him’. He managed to convince her to let him join the damn chess club during his second year of college but she made him quit when he started getting close to his teammates. He graduated early because he took so many credit hours but his college experience was shit overall. He made like two friends but spent almost all of his time studying or shadowing his mom’s friends in court or just sitting in on trials, writing reports on them as he watched. Then he’d hand them in to his mother later. She was stricter with him than she was with Natalya but still just...awful lol. He went to the lawschool his mother went to so they recognized his name and would be like “Oh! Hey we got a Braginsky here! How’s you’s mom?” He hated how everyone talked about her. Sometimes he thought that those professors would just pass him cause he was a Braginsky...ugh...
Natalya: Her mother put her through the same law school as Ivan. She worked herself to the bone to graduate early in order to catch up to him. She wants to be the best. She wants their mother to be proud of her. She shadowed multiple prosecutors who used to work with her mom and attended as many public trials as possible in order to take notes. Throughout her college years she has super dark eye bags cause she just....Didnt sleep. Ivan would take her in and make her rest at his place where it was quiet. She was allowed to be in the choir and her mom would actually come to their concerts which was something she would usually say no to. Nat was also allowed to have more friends than Ivan which kinda made her feel bad cause her brother is so isolated all the time. Oh well. She’s still his friend :’)
Kiku: Kiku survived law school through spite alone. His mom insisted that he was not cut out to be a lawyer and every time she said that, he wanted to be a lawyer even more!! He took out loans and got himself through school. He had a lot of professors that he ended up liking and bonded with his ‘criminal psychology’ professor!! He didn’t have many friends but he felt comfortable going to that professor for advice. Kiku was very interested In bankruptcy law from the beginning but he thought that being a defense attorney would be more rewarding as well as more impressive to his family
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mirainawen · 5 years
Little!Adam + Kevin, "We must make more cookies before they come back and find the jar empty!" "No, you just want to eat more." A pout. "Well, I guess we could make more and then leave them one each." "Sounds fair to me. Besides if they asks, I'm telling them you ate them all." "Hey, I thought we were a team. And besides, they'd never believe you, especially with that chocolate all over your face."
So…a million years later…I slowly begin to write again…
What do you call an overwrought prophet and a de-aged half-Winchester? The beginning of a terrible, cosmic joke
He’s certainly seen weirder things, Kevin thinks one surreal Saturday morning in early May. Just…maybe none quite so strange as the one that sat across from him that morning. He wasn’t even supposed to be here and somehow Sam and Dean did what Winchesters do best in his life: railroad it. Dean’d, of course, gotten the last word, slamming the bunker door shut tight as he and Sam headed out, and the silence had hung heavy and bitter over the whole place.
Kevin’s less than thrilled, and had been all night. Sleeping on it hadn’t taken much of the sting out of it, though ‘sleep’ was used loosely. As for the only other occupant, well, nothing had ever seemed to sit well with him in the first place, and now? Now, he didn’t have a clue what to do with the motion-sensitive bomb turned-
“What?” Adam suddenly grumps, staring in disgruntlement at the box of Lucky Charms in his small fingers.
-turned five-year-old.
And wasn’t that the most bizarre thing of all? Nothing he’d seen since the Winchester Intrusion had prepared him for this, and apparently Sam and Dean were just as stumped despite all their years in the business.
Kevin realizes he’s probably supposed to answer, so he manages tightly, “What?” He’s honestly not sure he really wants to approach whatever’s under Adam’s skin this morning with a ten-foot surgical knife. He’d witnessed some impressive fits of temper in his occasional visits the past year of “sabbatical.” Sabbatical? Was that even a thing in the hunter’s world? Or…Men of Letters? Whichever.
“Deh-coder’s gone.” Adam explains, shaking the cereal box to produce a rustle that drops an uncertain prick into Kevin’s stomach. It was half gone at the very least, and hadn’t they opened that box last night? (An uneasy dinner that was still…uneasy.)
Damn, but how much had the kid had already? And how long had he been up before Kevin had stumbled for the coffee pot? Adam hadn’t said a word, barely seemed to acknowledge him, and honestly…that, at the very least, had seemed about accurate for what he’d seen of Adam the past year. But, unfortunately, it had also meant that in his previous fog he had approached the situation with the same manner he’d treated it since Adam first arrived: Adam had alternated quietly disdainful and loudly argumentative, and he wasn’t on Kevin’s radar as long as Kevin wasn’t on Adam’s. And he usually wasn’t unless it was for a disdainful sneer.
But Dean had warned last night to keep a close eye on the de-aged kid, hadn’t he? Sam had seemed a little more lax, just shrugging with an assurance that Adam was fine most of the time. So…what had they gotten him into? Sugar-crazed kids were not his idea of a good time. How had he been tagged into baby-sitting duty? The half-Winchester was a Sam and Dean problem (case, point, name), and he had enough of his own as a stressed out, wanted prophet on the run from a tireless destiny. He was an unfortunate plaything of an indifferent and infuriating fate. Sam and Dean should be the ones giving him a break, not making things worse.
Winchesters bred extra bizarre at an alarming rate, and he wished they’d leave him out of it.
Adam sighs heavily, and Kevin careens abruptly back into the present with a blink. “Hello, prophet-man? What happened to it?”
“Uh…” Kevin scrambles, staring at the sleep-tousled five-year-old in one of Sam’s or Dean’s shirts. The kid stares back pointedly. What were they…?
Adam snorts. “Sam and Dean said you were sooooo smart.”
Taken aback, he realizes Adam had been looking to him for answers. But, “They do?” pops out before he can think about it, surprised.
Adam sighs again, this time heavier and more annoyed. The box thunks softly on the table before he pushes it away. “Yeah,” he grouches, “but they’re kinda stupid so whatever.” He’s glaring down at the bowl with…wait…Kevin blinks, peering closer. Was the kid pouting?
Suddenly he realizes just what he’d started to think the night before: if he ignored the fact that he’d been informed upon his arrival that this tyke was Adam Milligan, half-Winchester, angelic body bag and the stubborn little shit giving Sam and Dean all kinds of grief the past year, he could easily believe that the irritated five-year-old Dean had gotten into a shouting match with at bedtime was actually a next-generation Winchester kid, product of a busted condom and one of Dean’s conquests or something. Adam could rival Dean on his best day even before the kid had been de-aged.
He shakes himself from this ridiculous train of thought before it derails entirely. Pouting though he may be, there’s still plenty of room for the animosity Adam never seems short on.
“Of course,” he snarks in return. But…well, he agrees with the disgruntlement Adam feels, if not the outright sentiment. Plus, he has no desire to set the kid off: Adam had proved he could throw quite the meltdown over the fury and hatred he harbored towards his brothers, and Kevin knows it’s still in that frame, even if it was much smaller now; Adam’s animosity was a lot like cigarette smoke: lingering long after the smoker is gone. No need poking a sleeping grizzly. Last night had proven that.
Adam’s eyes flick to his face, a cutting look that pours ice through Kevin’s veins; he’s seen it a dozen times before, even if the face forming the expression is softer and younger. Shit, what had he said?
Worry over a tantrum vanishes as Adam smiles. “Maybe you’re not stupid.” He grants benevolently, and Kevin thinks sarcastically how nice it is to be let off by a five-year-old. He does not mention that this grant insinuates that Sam and Dean might actually be smart enough to know what they’re talking about then. Adam’s not going to give ground on his brothers, and honestly, Kevin would be shocked if he ever did.
“Now,” Adam pauses, stretching a little before settling deeper into his chair, Lucky Charms softening in whole milk. “The deh-coder is gone.”
“Maybe Dean took it.” He snarks, shrugging around his coffee. He’s not had nearly enough.
Electric blue eyes narrow, something tightening along Adam’s jaw. “Dick.”
Kevin’s brows shoot toward the roof and the coffee stings at the back of his throat as he narrowly avoids choking. Had to be Dean’s influence. Had to.
Well imagining the bitchiness on Sam’s face every time Dean did what Dean did best (and that is, be himself) in front of the kid, he stifles a chuckle at the image.
Adam seems relatively satisfied with Kevin’s answer because he shoots forward and digs into his bowl with all the put-out gusto the kid was known for, twenty-something or five irrelevant. Two charms slide stickily down the outside of the bowl and a splash of milk pulls three pieces of grain with it. Kevin’s suddenly standing in his mom’s kitchen five years previous with his cousins in the process of destroying it and he was in charge.
“Don’t make a mess,” he grumps sharply into his mug, swallowing the horror he feels at having to babysit again.
Adam smacks his lips. “No,” and there it is, the contrary brat is back full force. So much for appeasing the kid with snarks about his brothers.
How had he gotten roped into this?
It’d been an hour and death cannot come fast enough for Kevin. Honestly, when would he be released from this mortal coil? He hated his life, hated it ever since the incident, see, and having powers sucked, and he never asked for any of this. He’s going to kill Sam and Dean slowly and painfully with some trick he’s learned from that angelic tablet, he swears it, while Adam “don’t call me Winchester” Milligan takes a long hike off a short pier.
The kid was a nightmare on steroids with an unhealthy side of late night haunting, and Kevin’s going to lose his goddamned mind again. That would make the third time this year, but honestly who’s counting? (He is. He’s counting. He hates it.)
“Adam!” He snaps for the fifth time in as many seconds. Adam wasn’t listening.
“I’m busy, prophet-man!” Adam snaps, launching himself to the other side of the couch. The kool-aid Kevin most certainly did not get him sloshes dangerously close to the brim of the cup in Adam’s hand. “You’re inner-uping!” Adam starts his count over, hop, hop-
“No, get off the couch with that!” Kevin snatches for Adam’s arm, which is stupid, stupid, on his part; first, that kool-aid’s definitely going overboard; second, Adam’s…Adam’s never taken well to his personal space being invaded. He’s seen Dean make that mistake a few too many times.
He catches air instead as Adam whips to the side to avoid him, overbalances, and there goes the kool-aid down Kevin’s front (not the couch, he thinks thankfully, but still irritated). Adam kicks the cushion, pushing into the back of the couch with a growl.
He kicks his leg out. “Now I have to start again,” he grouches.
“Not with that,” Kevin snatches the now-empty cup.
“Hey!” Adam snaps. “That’s mine!”
“Well it shouldn’t be,” Kevin’s grouching as he wipes the bright red liquid off his face. Now he needs a shower…he shudders to think what would happen if Adam was left unsupervised even for a military one. “I didn’t say you could have kool-aid.” It just pops out, and Kevin shudders harder at suddenly turning into a disgruntled authority figure. Why should he care if the kid has too much sugar?
He remembers Sam’s disheveled appearance at the bunker door last night as if he hadn’t slept in an age, and remembers why.
Sleep was about the only pleasure Kevin had left to him. With few nightmares, courtesy of a mental block Cas had given him. He didn’t dream much, but it was better than being on pills, he supposed. 
“Yeah, well, you’re not Dean.” Adam grumps, and Kevin snorts.
Yeah, thank God. He got to check out as soon as either Winchester returned. Why hadn’t they just called Garth if they needed to check a lead? This seemed way more like a Garth gig than a prophet’s duty.
Kevin’s stomach sinks through the floor, though, as he abruptly realizes he’d said Yeah, thank God out loud when Adam’s face darkens.
“Yeah, well I didn’t say I wanted you here.” Adam shoots back.
“No.” Kevin admits. Avoid the tantrum, is all he’s thinking. Don’t set the kid off. Adam’s fine most of the time, Sam had assured, and so that had to mean that Sam had tricks that Dean didn’t; channel Sam. Keep the peace. “And I didn’t say I wanted to be here, either, kid. Guess neither of us got much say in this.”
Adam’s scowl grows darker. “Don’t call me a kid. I’m not a kid.”
Yes, he’d heard that quite a bit last night during that shouting match. A glance or two at Sam’s pointed look at the far wall had confirmed Kevin’s growing theory: it wasn’t a new argument, and no doubt he’d been hearing it in various forms for far longer than a couple weeks. Say, a year?
“Fine. Just remember, dude, this is your brothers’ doing.” As much as Adam didn’t need much prodding to light that anger he harbored toward them, blaming absent parties seemed the easiest way to diffuse his disgruntlement toward him. The last thing Kevin wanted to deal with was Adam’s temper.
Adam groans, long, hard, angry. “Uggggghh, I KNOW.” He throws himself off the couch. “They don’t like me!”
That’s unexpected, but, well…not surprising. You’ve been a huge pain in the ass since you got back, kid is not going to go over well, even if he substituted ‘Adam’ for ‘kid’. But maybe that was the problem, Kevin thinks abruptly. He is a kid, at least now - and what kid wanted to feel like his own family didn’t like him? Sam had hinted the night before that Adam’s…consciousness seemed to come in and out: in moments he seemed more his old self, but those moments were fewer and farther between. This Adam was young and ruled by emotions he didn’t understand. At least the adult probably did.
Adam pauses and whips back around on Kevin, glaring up at him. “You don’t like me,” he accuses, and Kevin’s brows bounce toward the ceiling.
“You’re not particularly likeable.” He shoots back before he can think.
Adam’s eyes narrow. “You’re not either! You’re AH…noying.”
“You know, I think you said the same thing about Dean last night. Sammy too?” he goads.
“You can’t call him Sammy.” Adam’s voice has turned to venom, and for a moment, Kevin thinks he probably should have quit while he was ahead. He doesn’t know what he’s falling head first into.
“You know something, Adam, I think you think everyone’s annoying because you don’t like anyone.”
Adam’s lips thin into a scrunched, wet line. There’s a kool-aid stain rimming the sides of his mouth, at glaring odds with the fury radiating off his impossibly tiny frame. “Maybe,” he challenges, “I hate everyone cause everyone hated me first.”
That gives Kevin pause, stilling the world for a moment. He can see how Dean so easily gets pulled into arguing with him. There’s something about Adam that dares people to challenge him, something about his absolute certainty in anything he says that demands a retort. No wonder Dean can’t leave it be. And Kevin…well, Kevin’s not really sure why he let himself get drawn in. Channel Sam.
“Nobody…nobody hates you.” His incredulity takes centre stage first. He wouldn’t say that Sam and Dean loved Adam, and feeling obligated is a far cry from caring, but…hate was a strong word. And felt vile coming from a child about his own family. He knows, logically, it’s not a child saying it and blood doesn’t automatically mean family, he’d learned that lesson the hard way a few times over, but something in Kevin wants to reach out regardless.
Saving people. He wasn’t quite to the whole hunting things stage, but maybe he’d always been in the business of salvation. He’d never had faith in a great many things, and even less the past few years, but there were many different forms of salvation. Everyone starts with a soft heart, his mother used to say. Nobody was born angry or hard.
It’s easier not to care. He knows that. But he’d had a few arguments with certain Winchesters about it for good reason. Damn, but he missed his mom unbelievably, all the time.
Adam’s staring resolutely across the room, brow puckered and lower lip matching, but…but it’s not trembling, thank- whatever. (He hasn’t decided.)
“Hey,” he says softly, reaching out to gently put a hand on a bony shoulder. Adam turns to look at him, electric blue eyes cold and lined in red, light bruising across the bridge of his nose from some accident; those eyes seem somehow ancient and dead and lost all at the same time, and the room goes cold to Kevin. “Sam’s very fond of you.”
“Sam left me.” Adam answers in a dull tone that strikes a funny feeling in Kevin’s gut.
Sam left me… Kevin stares into those eyes, but even he doesn’t know what he’s searching for. Answers, maybe. Guidance, oddly enough: a way to help. Kevin feels it pulsing beneath his skin, an alien power to save save save, and-
“It was cold.” Adam offers softly, head tilting slightly. One shoulder rose and fell. “And hot. It was so bright. Always. All the time. And dark. So dark and quiet.” He raised one finger to his lips. “Shh, Sam.” The hand fell in mid-air, the other raising to join its counterpart inches apart with palms curled upward as though he held something in them. “I…” he shudders a breath, and Kevin doesn’t quite know why but he shudders too, a freezing tingle up his spine that needs someplace to escape.
Adam’s eyes flick to Kevin’s again. “Don’t wake up.” He says.
Kevin’s brow furrows, until his mind echoes the shuddery breath, I…don’t wake up. The floor disappears out from under him.
Adam abruptly pushes his hand off his shoulder and steps back. “Only you here, prophet-man.” He says, smiling with something so acrid it, too, is vile on the face of a child.  “They left.”
They left you? Kevin thinks, but can’t speak. Doesn’t even know that he should. He doesn’t know enough, he doesn’t know anything. And what had- what had he felt, prickling along the edges of Adam’s skin, thrumming against his hand? It hadn’t felt…it had been alien. It had felt…no, he doesn’t want to think it. But it reminds him of holding the tablet and he doesn’t know enough.
He takes a second, sits down properly on the floor and stares at Adam. The kid hasn’t stormed off, so maybe there was talking to him.
“You’re mad Sam and Dean left last night, aren’t you?”
Adam’s brow lifts, which is unexpected for a five-year-old. “I don’t care.” He says stiffly, making as though to turn away, but he wavers. He glances sidelong at Kevin with an uncertainty that keeps Kevin’s gears turning wildly. There’s less of that bizarre dead look in his eyes and more of the angry kid he’s been seeing the past some-odd hours. Less chill.
“I think you do.” He says.
“I think you’re mad.” Adam shoots back, squinting at Kevin. “You don’t wanna be here.”
“No, I didn’t.” Kevin admits.
Adam nods. “Then you don’t have to pretend to care about me. I can take care of myself.” He snatches the empty cup from the coffee table. “This is my cup,” he says plainly, and it’s so absurdly young and childlike that Kevin wonders what had been going through his head a moment ago. Kid had some serious nightmares. Nothing angelic about it, barring their source.
“Um, sorry, but no more kool-aid for you.” Kevin gestures pointedly at himself, feels the sticky pull where the drink had dried on his skin, especially his face.
Adam looks at him like he’s plainly stupid. “If you weren’t here, where would you be?” he asks unexpectedly, and Kevin blinks.
“Oh, um…uh…Probably Colorado.” Garth had set him up pretty solidly out in the national forest. It was no veritable fortress like the Men of Letters bunker the Winchesters had inherited, but a cabin in the woods on the river was remote enough to give him some peace of mind. Cas had put some security measures in place, and Kevin had since reinforced them with further tricks he’d translated from the tablet.
Adam nods, turning away. “Then I think you should go back there, prophet-man.” The voice is deceptively light and...sweet.
Kevin blinks. “Yeah, nice try. Your brothers would kill me.”
“No,” Adam executes a turn on his heel. “They like you.” And the way Adam juts out his chin hints at bitterness.
Kevin sighs. “I’m afraid they’d still kill me, Adam. You’re like 2 feet tall and five. Not exactly old enough to be left alone.”
Adam folds his arms. The cup wavers against his side, tilting back and forth as his mind turns. “You sound like Dean,” he finally passes judgement.
“Well, sometimes Dean has like a little bit of sense.” He pinches his fingers close together to illustrate, hoping to draw the kid out.
Adam plucks his empty hand from the crook of his elbow, splaying his fingers as he stares down at them. “I’ve saved them a few times, you know,” he says loftily, and Kevin suddenly wonders if maybe he hasn’t been talking to the kid at all the past few minutes. His consciousness seems to slide back and forth between... Sam’s uncertain voice tapers off.
He doesn’t know what to do, but he finds himself reaching out. Adam’s just at arms’ length and Kevin leans in, closing his fingers around the tiny fist; the fingers are soft and malleable, bending beneath Kevin’s. Adam slowly raises his eyes, but they don’t hold the same look they did earlier: distant, sure, but not a deadly maelstrom like before. Kevin can’t put his finger on this one.
Why had he never had a single conversation with the adult? Adam’s just as lost and angry and terrified as the rest of them, and Kevin thinks they might have been friends.
“What happened?” he asks softly, and something jerks through Adam’s frame.
He tugs on his hand. “It was sup-POSed to be okay. He said…he said…”
“Who said?” he asks gently. There’s that feeling again, of touching the tablet; it wiggles beneath the skin of Adam’s fingers, but it's softer now, not quite as volatile.
Adam looks down, and that feeling passes. It’s a five-year-old hanging his head before Kevin, eyes shut, letting out a breath to his bare feet. “I think...I think I did something bad.” He says softly. “Is that...is that why Sam and Dean are mad at me all the time?” And if there’d been any doubt a moment before, it’s certain now: that’s all child staring back at Kevin, frightened and sad and desolate.
“No,” he finds himself shaking his head, because salvation is first and foremost for lost children, isn’t it? Nobody is born with a hard heart, Kev. Anger is where hurt still touches a tender place. “They were born grumpy.” He pokes at Adam’s stomach, because, well, okay, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Adam doesn’t smile, but he doesn’t flinch either.
Kevin stifles a sigh. What did one do for kids who used to be adults who’d been eaten alive, resurrected, thrown into a demonic, eternal cage with the devil himself, then rescued and brought back to the very people who’d only tolerated your existence the first (second?) time and who saw you as an obligation? Dean’s guilt could fill stadiums, but it couldn’t build a damned thing. 
Not that he knows much better, either. None of this was exactly covered anywhere in his past life and there was nothing at all of help in that tablet. 
“Sam’s not grumpy ‘less I wake him.” Adam finally says, softly but like he wants to contribute.
“No,” Kevin agrees, forcing a small smile to tick at his mouth. “You really gotta get on Sam’s nerves, don’t you?”
“And I do.” Adam is speaking to his toes again, and Kevin frowns.
“Somehow, I doubt that.” Kevin lies, rolling his eyes.
Adam’s frown deepens even as it turns on the prophet. “You don’t lie good.”
Well. He stifles a sigh.
“Nobody gets on Sam’s nerves like Dean, even you. Don’t argue with me, I have more experience than you.”
Adam folds his arms. “Yeah, and whose fault is that?”
“Not mine or yours.” Kevin shoots back as he pushes to his feet. “Now, uh...I think dysfunctional family-” Adam cocks his head like he’s puzzled “-means we should have milk and cookies.” Mom always made milk and cookies after a bad day: bad grades, rejection, bullies- you name it. Kevin feels a bit wistful even thinking about carrying on the tradition, but at the same time: it feels...good.
Adam, of course, careens full force into five-year-old and lights up like it's Christmas. “Yes!” He shoots from the room like a rocket, and Kevin startles.
“Hey! Wait!” And chases after the kid.
Adam’s feet are swinging freely in the air as he maws through a cookie the size of Kevin’s fist, reheated just enough in the microwave that they were soft and gooey. Crumbs decorate his lap, the floor, and even the counter on his left like incriminating evidence. His face fares little better, but he’s clearly feeling better. Kevin thinks he can forget all about the chill that had crept up his spine and that tugging sense of urgency to fix. Vivid imagination, right?
“You know,” he says, leaning on the end of the counter. Adam doesn’t turn his head, but his eyes cut his direction. “Your brothers are very annoying, you know that?” He’s ignoring a text from Garth -GARTH!- asking after Adam’s well-being. Damn Sam and Dean haven’t even bothered to check in.
Adam snorts. “You’re tellin’ me, prophet-man. Dean thinks I need supervision.”
Kevin’s jaw drops at the deadpan look the kid, a kid, gives him. Somewhere in there, Adam’s not a kid, but right now- there’s not a trace of anything else, and it is honestly screwing with Kevin’s mind. And his mind has been screwed with a lot.
Adam jams the rest of the cookie into his mouth, takes a big sip of milk before carefully returning the cup to the counter, rimming his messy face with a white mustache. “They mess up your life too?”
“You’re pretty grim for a five year old.” Kevin says instead.
Adam shrugs. “You ask stupid questions for a smarty pants.”
“Touche.” Honestly, at this point, he’s pretty sure he should just get used to it. If this was what adult Adam was like...might be worth making a friend. Wouldn’t that drive Dean up the wall?
Adam half reaches for the empty plate behind him when Kevin says, “That’s it. They’re all gone.”
Adam’s eyes widen. “What?” He stares at the plate, then across the room at the cookie jar.
“Nope. All out.” Kevin confirms.
Adam is quiet for a moment, mouth working, before he looks at Kevin with sudden urgency. “We’ve gotta make more before they come back and find the jar empty!”
“No, you just want to eat more.” Kevin laughs.
Adam’s lower lip protrudes. Pouting.
“Well…” Kevin finds himself hedging. “I guess we could make more and then leave them one each.” He reasons.
Adam nods solemnly. “Agreed. Besides, if they ask, I’ll just tell them you ate them all.”
“Hey! I thought we were a united front against your brothers? They’ll never believe you, especially with that chocolate all over your face!”
“I’ll wash! Can’t stop me, prophet-man!” Adam pushes off the counter, nearly giving Kevin a heart attack as he lands with a rather unpleasant slap of bare feet against the tile, but Adam gets up like he throws himself off of stuff all the time and-
The sound of the bunker door unlocking and opening sounds through the place. Adam’s eyes widen as they land on Kevin.
“We’re screwed.” Kevin announces, just as Sam’s voice carries through the bunker.
“Hey, guys?”
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crue6xx · 5 years
Type: rough gay smut. also drunk Nikki
Pairing:Nikki×Male reader
Requested by: lovely Anon
So this is very new to me, although its a bit hard picturing Nikki gay without tommy I think it'll be fun to write.
This is a no hate post. I tolerate no hate. This blog is a safe place so please pass by this post if you don't like it.
"Damn" you whispered to yourself, you looked over taking a drink from your bottle as you watched a hot guy a table across from you smiling and laughing, weird though he stopped. And overly excited because 1. Its Nikki fucking sixx and 2.HOTTTTTT
"You see it too?" Your friend pointed out to the table.
"See what?" You looked curiously like you weren't starring at those guys.
"That guy is getting a blow from that girl under the table" your other friend seemed impressed.
You noticed why he stopped laughing and why his expressions were more.....interesting.
You got up to buy another round for you and your friends, you saw the guy again...this time closer.
"Want to buy a ticket to the VIP blacklight room?" The bouncer asked after your order.
"Yeah sure" saying still memorized by Nikkis eyes.
"Here ya go, $20" you paid and gave the round out to your friends.
You got up left and didn't say a word when Nikki walked into the blacklight VIP room.
You entered and the room was almost dedicated to motley crue with, posters, music, records, everything.
"Hey" Nikki looked up from a couch at you you could tell he was drunk, but not off his rails.
"Hi" you were chill for meeting your idol, crush, and inspiration.
"Your hot" you accidentally said aloud, Nikki had you fucked up and now you did stuff like that.
"So your a twink, huh....kinda hot" wow you were surprised by the comment he made about you being even slightly hot.
"Really? Your a twink then too huh"
"No I'm horny...and drunk and well I'm not sure"
"How do you manage to make that seem like it makes sense at all" you chuckled
"I just do...hey I like you laugh its cute" Nikki was so chill and so beautiful.
You were surprised, embarrassed, and flattered.
You walked over to Nikki, he grabbed your waist and yanked you onto his lap, where you could feel his massive hard bulge on your ass.
"Take your clothes off" Nikki demanded.
"Alright then, same for you bad boy" you sumbmisivly pulled down his pants and underwear.
You grabbed hold if his member and jerked him off while kissing him, Nikki had his hands in all the right places at all the right times.
Nikki pulled down your underwear. The new feeling was a surprise attack of pleasure and confusion for the both of you, and god was he good.
"Get on your knees" Nikki slowly motioned you down to his hips and crotch, he shoved himself down your throat mercicly while you pleasured yourself, Nikki face fucking you and his moans and grunts where some of the hottest things you have ever heard.
As you eagerly tried to not make a noise you could feel a rush of adrenaline and pleasure in your body shake right before you were finished.
Nikki still hitting it hard in the back of your throat, was going fast at it until he came to slow pase after cumming.
"God your fantastic" wiping your mouth.
"I was subtle" he winked
6 notes · View notes
I would like a scenario if you don't mind? I have a wired love Kidd like he is my all time favorite. anyway I want for him to find his O/c beaten n almost dying and going on a killing spree an I was thinking he nurse's her back to health but after that wont even touch her an she feels unwanted an has dark thoughts like 'he thinks i'm weak an dose not love me anymore. She try's to levee an they get into a big fight where she comes clean on everything and it ends really NSFW I hope this is ok
Of course hun~ But let me apologize first for taking solong with your request! Unfortunately I don’t include nsfw in scenarios, I still hope it’s okay!
Kid didn’t count the days. He didn’t think that it would matter. He didn’t think he needed to. But right now, he kinda wished he did. Because he couldn’tremember. When was the last time they really talked to each other?When was the last time they actually looked at each other? When was the lasttime he touched her? Fuck, he just couldn’t remember. But it’s been quitesome time ago, that much was sure. But damn, why did things change like this? Why isn’t he able to be with her like he used to be? Kid sighed. Oh yes, he already knew the answer to that question. It is because something happened. Something he still didn’t manage to get over with, silly as it sounds. Kid clenched his fists at the thoughts of that day. That event. And the fact that he wasn’t able to goddamn protect her.
It was probablyaround two or three weeks ago, maybe even a bit longer, on an averageday. It was around noon when his ship docked at the new island and he wanted to use theopportunity to stock up some supplies they’ve been running low on,but as soon as he set foot on the island his girlfriend had instantly grabbedhis arm and dragged him into the small town. „Couple time“, yeahthat was what she said she wanted. Kid wasn’t really pleased byit, but since they did less and less stuff together lately he didn’tcomplain. And it wasn’t too bad, actually. They were walking around the town, chatting, occasionally stopping to enter a store, yes it was apretty calm day actually. Of course the citizens and visitors of thetown stared at them, and as soon as they realized who he was thestreets emptied themselves pretty fast. Not that he cared, of course.Yes, everything was pretty… good.
Until it happened.
Three minutes. Three goddamn minutes.It couldn’t have been much more. His girlfriend had asked him if hecould get her some ice cream from a vendor nearby while she wanted togo back to the shop down the street to take a look at the outfits again, and even though he didn’t like to play the role of the errand boy, he still left to get her what she wanted without complaining. But after he got her ice cream and went to the shop, he didn’t see her. He took a look inside the store, but shewasn’t there either. The ice cream already started to melt and a small drop ran down his hand when he heard it. Laughter, muffled groans and thesound of someone punching and kicking something. It came from a smallside street right next to the shop, so Kid quickly walked over there and thenhe saw it.
It took him 5 seconds. He didn’t need more. As soon as hesaw his girlfriend lying on the ground, injured and bruised, whilethree thugs continued to laugh at her and beat her, he lost it.Within the blink of an eye he had grabbed the first thug’s head andslammed it so hard against the wall that he could hear the skullcrack. The two other thugs didn’t even manage to comprehend what justhappened when Kid violently punched the second one so hard into the stomach that he flew backwards and crashed into the next building. Kid quickly grabbed the last one by his throat and squeezed as hard as he could, easily breaking the thug’s neck. After he dropped the now lifeless body he tried to calm himself down before he would wreck the goddamn town. Adrenaline rushed through his veins and he couldn’t think straight anymore. But then, he heard a sob from behind him. His blood calmed down a bit and he snapped out of his blind rage and quickly rushed to (Y/N), who was unconsciously lying on the ground. His girlfriend’sbody was covered in bruises, her left leg was seemingly broken and blood seeped outof a big wound on her head. Kid wasted no time in picking her up andcarrying her right back to the ship, all while trying to keep her awake by softly slapping her cheeks and trying to talk to her. As soon as they reached theship he immediately took her to the doctor and just in case somethingmight happen he stayed at her side during the medical treatment she received.
Kid wasn’t the sentimental type. By nomeans he was. But the image of his girlfriend lying on the ground asthese damn thugs beat her wouldn’t leave his head. He just couldn’tpush it away. If only he had been there sooner, or didn’t even split upwith her in the first place, but damn- how was he supposed to knowthat something like that would happen? And since that day he avoided her. He didn’t even actually know why, but he just needed the space. And for the last few days he also got the impression that she avoided him too. (Y/N) always looked down when he was close to her, she didn’t talk to him and even seemed to walk away as soon as he was near. Was it because he didn’t save her earlier? Because he couldn’t protect her? Or what else was going on in her mind? Damn. Kid ran his hand through his spikey red hair and let out an annoyed sigh. Looks like he had to talk to her now. Things just couldn’t go on like this anymore! And with that in mind, Kid quickly left his cabin to look for her. Weirdly though, he couldn’t find her in the places where she usually was. He searched through the entire ship and got seemingly annoyed in the process, until he finally went on deck and saw her. She was right next to the lifeboats and appearantly she loaded it with something. Slightly confused Kid took a step closer to her to get a better look at what she was doing. Yes, she was really loading the boat with supplies! What the hell? Does she want to leave or something?
Kid finally decided to make his presence known and asked her „Where are you going?“ while slightly narrowing his eyes. She shuddered and stopped by the sudden sound of his voice, but then quickly continued to load things onto the boat.. „I don’t know. Away, Iguess?“ Kid took a step closer towards her, while staring at her back. „Andwhy would you want to leave?“ (Y/N) still didn’t turn around, and hervoice sounded suprisingly dull as she answered. „I just need some time to think, Iguess.“ Annoyed by her reply, Kid grabbed her shoulder while angrily clenching his jaw.
„Dammit, (Y/N)! Stop playing games withme and tell me what’s going on with you lately!“ (Y/N) dropped the small bag she had in her hands and finally turnedaround to face him. Tears were streaming down her face and she gave him an angry glare. „What’swrong with me?! How about you tell me what’s wrong with you first!Ever since that day when I was attacked you act as if I’m nothing but air! Youdon’t talk to me, you don’t look at me, you don’t even touch me! Isit because I weren’t able to fight off these thugs? Is it because youthink I am too damn weak for you? Am I a bother to you? Tell me Kid!“Kid was frozen in place, unable to say anything. That was it? Thatwas why she was so distant the entire time? Because she thought shewas a bother to him? He had to control himself in order not to breakout into laughter. „You gotta be kidding me right now, (Y/N)!“ Aflash of anger appeared in her eyes and she wiped off the tears withthe back of her hand. „Why would I make jokes like that?! It’s the truth!” Kid let out a small, irritated sigh and looked past her at the boat.  “No, it ain’t the truth. You want to know why I avoided you? Because I can’t freakin’ look at you anymore.” (Y/N)’s eyes widen in suprisement and she gave him a shocked glance. It took Kid a moment to realize what he just said and he instantly wanted to slam his hand against his forehead. “No, shit, (Y/N) I didn’t mean it like that! I mean, damn, whenever I look at you… I just always see you, lying on that shitty ground with these damn thugs beating you up. I was too late to fucking protect you, I couldn’t save you from these damn thugs and now I can’t look at you because it reminds me of how I fucking failed.” (Y/N)’s eyes were still widen in shock, and she wasn’t able to say anything. “You were never a bother to me, and don’t you dare to think that ever again!” Tears started to well up in (Y/N)’s eyes again and she quickly threw herself at her boyfriend to trap him in an affectionate hug. “And don’t you dare think that any of what happened was your fault! You rescued me and cared for me, so please stop blaming yourself. I’m just… so glad to know the truth. It was silly of me to avoid you without asking you about your feelings.” Kid let out another sigh before hugging his girlfriend back. Damn was he glad that this was finally over. He stayed with her like this for a few more moments before deciding to gently break away from her, mostly because he didn’t want a crewmate to see them like that. “Don’t you ever fucking think of leaving me again.” He whispered before leaning in a bit. “I won’t.” (Y/N) whispered with a smile before leaning in as well to kiss him. But even though he totally wanted to, Kid definitely didn’t want to risk to be seen like this with his girlfriend, so he quickly moved away again.
“Alright. Then unload the damn boat and come back to my cabin. I weren’t able to be with you for so freakin’ long that another lonely night will drive me crazy.” He told her before turning around and going back to his cabin, with a cheeky grin placed on his lips.
There there there! Hope you liked it (~^_^)~! Next things I’ll be writing will be the love h/c for Shanks and Kid so stay tuned~
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