#also donating my binders to the lgbt center at my school next week and i feel sooo free
urboymutual · 2 years
dean back on the dash omg hi dean 🥰🥰 hope u are doing so good and healing so so well I love youuuu <3 ❤️💖💝💗💕
hiiii thank u !! i finally looked at my chest and it looks good so far :3 ily2 and hope ur doing good!!!
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maxgrayarchived · 7 years
For the commission thing: the high school gay-straight alliance president and one of the JROTC officers dating?
    A few things: One) I do have a friend in JROTC and she helped me a ton during this, million hugs and thanks to her since I know nothing about ROTC but Two) She couldn’t help me too much with the officer thing and I still have trouble grappling the whole concept, so I didn’t go too in depth. Please, if I messed ANYTHING up, let me know, I’d love to learn. Here goes nothing.
    PS: I’m also dead tired, so if something doesn’t make sense, go ahead and point it out
    It wasn’t really my idea.
    I mean, the fundraiser in general was, but it was a pretty simple plan- Not even a plan, just the base of one. It was Ajax who heard about the shelter, did some digging, reached out, and came to me right before the GSA meeting to give me the plan and insist I take the blame. He isn’t in the GSA with me- Claims he doesn’t have the time -but he might as well be with how much he contributes.
    Even if he insisted I take the credit, I make it clear that it was Ajax’s idea. No one is really surprised.
    “This is more of a bigger project,” I say. I’m sitting on one of the desks, my feet planted on the chair. “We’ll do a couple difference fundraisers leading up to it. If you guys have any ideas, you can say ‘em now, but we’ll talk it over next Wednesday, as well, and the donation bucket will be in the office again.”
    “When’s the deadline?” Melanie asks. She’s sitting, leaning against the back of her chair with her legs thrown over Brandon’s lap.
    “Three weeks from now, so we should get going soon. Any personal projects you want to do should be done between now and next Wednesday- The rest of the time will be spent on the bigger projects.”
    I hop down from the desk as they erupt in chatter.
    “Hey, Wesley! Come here.”
    I head to the back of the room, where Roxy is sitting with her girlfriend, her hood pulled over her red hair. “What is it?”
    “We were thinking,” she nods to Angel without looking at her, “you know, since she switched to culinary, she can probably convince the teacher to get the class to help out. We can sell shit at lunch.”
    “Can you get that done by Friday?” I ask.
    Roxy glances at Angel, who nods. She looks back at me. “Yeah.”
    “Go for it. Have the teacher put the funds in the donation bucket.”
    A few more minutes later and the school releases the clubs for the day, everyone spilling out of the room, eager to get home. I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I leave, whispers of plans for the fundraiser surrounding me.
    Ajax is waiting for me in front of the school. “Need a ride?” He asks, nodding towards the parking lot.
    I usually wait around doing homework after GSA until my parents get off work and one of them can come pick me up, but sometimes Ajax waits up since we live in the same neighborhood.
    I raise an eyebrow. “No, I’ll walk.”
    He laughs, and I roll my eyes as he takes my backpack and leads me to his car. “How was it today?”
    “Pretty good.” I lean back in the seat as he starts the car and pulls away from the parking lot. “I told them about your idea.”
    “You tell ‘em it was mine?”
    “Of course you did.”
    I glance at him. “I don’t need to take credit for your ideas. I have plenty of my own.”
    He looks at me, just for a second, before turning back to the road, a little smile forcing its way onto his face.
    “You know, if you ever have the time, you can just walk in,” I tell him. “I know most people need to sign up, but it’s not a big deal once or twice.”
    “Listen, if you have time to sit in your car for a half hour, you have time to sit in the GSA classroom for a half hour.”
    Ajax leans over and pops over the glove compartment, revealing at least ten sandwich bags of index cards. “I’m pretty good at making use of time.”
    “Studying is going to kill you,” I murmur, pushing the glove compartment closed again.
    “Responsibility is going to kill you,” he counters, and I roll my eyes.
    He stops the car in front of my house, grinning at me. “See you tomorrow?”
    “Yeah. Thanks for the ride.”
    The next day, I come in early to help Melanie and Brandon hang up posters they made for the fundraiser.
    GSA hosting fundraisers to raise donations for Los Angeles LGBT Center for homeless LGBT youth
    “We’re gonna talk to the art teacher later today,” Brandon says. “See if we can get the classes to do commissions Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Put the money towards the fundraisers.”
    “Hey,” Roxy says, raising an eyebrow past me. “Someone’s waiting on you.”
    I glance back, hiding a smile when I see Ajax. “I’ll talk to him in a minute-”
    Brandon rolls his eyes. “We can finish up. Go.”
    I look at him. “I can help-”
    They don’t respond, but Roxy gently pushes me, Ajax chuckling, so I hand them the posters I’m carrying and go over to him.
    “Miss me already?” I ask.
    He grins. “What can I say, I’m clingy.” He’s in his ROTC uniform, holding his cover to his chest. “How’s the fundraiser going?”
    We start walking, not heading anywhere in particular, and Ajax takes my backpack and slings it over his shoulder. “Good,” I say, shrugging. “A lot of people have already let me know what they’re doing on their own, and a bunch of people are bringing in donations today.” I look at him. “It was a good idea.”
    He smiles, looking away. “And… How are you doing?”
    We stop by the front door; The parking lot is near empty, only a few cars sprinkled through the mist, no person in sight. Frost colours the windows.
    I think for a moment. “I’ve been studying a lot for finals. My parents are out of town, so I’m in charge of my little sister for the month. We’ve got ‘till the end of the month to raise significant funds for the LGBT center. Uh… I’ve been getting more weekend shifts at work. Haven’t had much time to sleep.” I glance at him. “How are you doing?”
    “Finals- I’ve been studying a lot lately, too. Lots of homework.”
    We stand there for a moment, as the parking lot starts to fill up and the sky starts to brighten, and then Ajax hands me my backpack and we say goodbye to head to our lockers.
    By next Wednesday, my worries prove unnecessary- We have plenty of funds by the end of the first week by donations alone. I get to the GSA meeting a little late, holding my binder to my chest, my backpack hanging open on my arm.
    “Jesus, we thought we’d have to go without you,” Roxy says dryly.
    “You wouldn’t be able to. I’m the only one who knows what we’re doing.”
    “Bastard,” Brandon mumbles.
    “Alright, first project,” I dump my binder on a desk and set my backpack down. I stride to the whiteboard in the front of the room and scrawl along as I speak, “the school’s allowing us to hold a movie night this Friday. Rent movies or bring some of your own in and be at the gym at seven. They’ll have to buy tickets, but it’ll be cheap.” I glance back at them. “Who’s bringing movies?”
    I write down everyone who raises their hands, and we spend the rest of the meeting planning it out. People promise to provide what they can; Movies, food, blankets, and anything else we can think of. I hand everyone a stack of fifty tickets the art department made at the end of the meeting. I’m situating my binder back into my backpack in the empty classroom when someone knocks on the doorframe.
    I look up. “Two weeks in a row? It’s almost like you’re into me.”
    Ajax grins. “Want a ride?”
    As he drives, I tell him about the movie night. “It’s gonna last pretty late. Do you have time to show up?”
    He bites his lip. “I don’t know,” he murmurs. “Finals are next week… I-”
    “Gotta study?”
    He glances at me, and even if I’m laughing, he looks guilty. I shake my head a little and rest my hand on his knee. He looks surprised but the guilt eases from his expression and he relaxes. Though I didn’t originally plan to, I leave my hand there until he stops at my house.
    “Call me,” he says, “if you need a break from babysitting duty.”
    I scoff. “You’ll probably bring your flashcards.”
    “I’m a really good multitasker.” He winks.
    Friday, I stay after school with a few others from the GSA and some volunteers to set up the gym. We set up chairs, pillows, and blankets everywhere and a few guys from the music department set up the projector and speakers. We’re setting up snack tables when people start showing up.
    We’re about an hour into it and I’m sitting with Roxy selling entrance to walk-ins when Ajax walks in. I raise an eyebrow as he grins sheepishly, flashing a ticket.
    I look at Roxy sharply, who looks amused. “Nobody told me you sold him a ticket.” Usually they tell me when he plans on showing up to these things.
    She shrugs. “Must have slipped my mind.”
    I drag my gaze back to Ajax, and stamp his ticket, deadpan. “You gonna escort me inside?” He asks.
    I cross my arms over the table and rest my chin on them. “I’ve got work to do.”
    “Well, clearly,” he plans his hands on the table, eyeing me, “you deserve a break.”
    Roxy quirks an eyebrow at me. “You think I can’t handle stamping tickets?”
    I slowly lean back. “I guess I can show you inside.”
    He rests his hand against the small of my back as I lead him through the gym to a spot I know it fairly unoccupied. He sits on one of the pillows laid out and I look at him in surprise when he grabs my hand and tugs so I’m sitting on the pillow next to him.
    He laughs. “What? You think I came for the movies?”
    “I’m surprised you didn’t bring your flashcards,” I grumble.
    “Hey, Wes?” He leans back on his palms, one hand planted by my far hip. “How are you doing?”
    I glance at him. “I’m sitting next to you.”
    He smiles. “Well, I do hope that’s a good thing.”
    I lean in and kiss his cheek, lingering there for a moment. He brings a hand up to brush his fingers through my hairline. I press my forehead against his and kiss him softly. He rests his other hand on the side of my neck and we kiss once, twice, before pulling away, our foreheads pressed together and breathing slowly.
    “You planned this,” I murmur.
    We spend a little while after that watching movies. He goes back to leaning on his palms but my chest is pressed into his side and I’m only half focusing on the films, occasionally zoning out or focusing on our body heat.
    He doesn’t stay the whole time- He has far too much studying for that. But he does promise to stop by over the weekend, and I need to get back to working, anyway. He kisses me before he leaves, smiling, and I ask, “How are you doing?”
    “Finally kissing you.”
If you’re interested in sending me commissions, I write them for free so send in anything you’d like. I only request is that they’re LGBT and very cute ((the cute part since that why I started this in the first place)).
Edited version will be put on my website and Wattpad soon
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