#also dry scalp and dandruff are not the same thing and so many people unnecessarily
braywashed · 1 year
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hippo-love-affair · 5 years
How to Alleviate Hair Loss
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Losing hair? Yeah, me too. If your body is starving, you're most likely gonna lose hair. Sorry. But there are some things you can do to try and prevent it.
I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I am not medically qualified in any way whatsoever, I'm just some random anorexic girl on the Internet. Please do your research (and ideally, consult a doctor) before starting any new supplement or medication, as it may have unintended side effects or drug interactions. Also, please get your thyroid checked, as the reason for your hair loss may be a thyroid problem caused by your ED!!
❤️ Protein
Hair is made of keratin, a protein. That's why you need plenty of protein in your diet in order for your body to produce keratin and maintain your hair (and your skin and nails). If you need protein supplements, there are plenty of different ones out there, from pills to powder to drinks.
🧡 Iron
Along with a host of other problems, iron deficiency can cause hair loss, and it's super common in people with EDs. You should probably be taking an iron supplement, especially if you have a uterus. You can take iron pills or a women's multivitamin (check the label, but "women's" usually means it's high in iron). I take the Up&Up women's daily multivitamin because it was like $5 for 300 pills, but if I weren't broke, I would've bought the Centrum women's complete multivitamin. Just remember that your body can't get rid of excess iron, so very high amounts can be dangerous.
💛 Vitamin B
When it comes to hair, everyone raves about biotin (vitamin B7). But if you take too much, you'll deplete your pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which can affect your skin, and because it's a water-soluble vitamin, any excess biotin will just be excreted. So rather than taking those 10,000mcg biotin pills, take a B-complex vitamin or a multivitamin that covers vitamin B.
Riboflavin (B2) deficiency can cause hair loss.
Niacin (B3) improves circulation to the scalp and boosts the production of keratin.
Pyridoxine (B6) helps manage hormonal hair loss and metabolizes protein that can be used to build keratin.
Biotin (B7) deficiency causes hair loss.
Pantothenic acid (B5) regulates the skin. It's absorbed by the same intestinal receptors as biotin, so too much biotin will prevent B5 from being absorbed and cause acne or a rash!
Folate (B9) is needed for cellular growth, including that of hair cells.
Vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia, which can lead to hair loss.
💚 Vitamin C
To absorb iron, your body needs vitamin C, so a vitamin C deficiency can lead to an iron deficiency. Plus, vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants decrease oxidative stress, which is caused by an excess of unstable molecules called "free radicals" and can lead to hair loss. Vitamin C is also needed to produce another antioxidant, collagen (which we'll talk about later). If you've got a multivitamin, it probably contains vitamin C, but there are vitamin C pills too.
💙 Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps create new hair follicles, and a deficiency can cause hair loss. You can take supplements (it's often added to calcium supplements, which you should probably be taking anyway), but your skin produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun, so you should also go out and get some sunshine! Keep in mind that vitamin D is fat-soluble, so you need fat in your diet to absorb it--along with the fact that a low-fat diet can cause a hormonal imbalance, which might also affect your hair, you need dietary fat because of fat-soluble nutrients like vitamin D! But because it's fat-soluble, be aware that if you take too much of it via supplements, you can get ill.
💜 Vitamin E
Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant. It may also improve circulation to the scalp. Used topically, vitamin E can moisturize the hair and scalp. It can be found in multivitamins, vitamin E pills, and, for topical use, in hair products like shampoo and hair masks. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, but an overdose is unlikely to make you sick. However, high doses can turn into a pro-oxidant and increase oxidative stress.
❤️ Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an antioxidant that prevents hair damage and helps produce sebum, an oily substance which moisturizes your hair. A vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair loss, but ironically, too much vitamin A can cause hair loss too. It's also a fat-soluble vitamin, so high amounts can make you sick and an overdose can be dangerous. But if you have trouble getting your recommended daily amount of vitamin A, try a multivitamin containing vitamin A or a vitamin A pill.
🧡 Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3s promote hair growth and shine. They decrease inflammation that can damage hair follicles and impede nutrition to the hair, and because they're fatty acids, they keep the scalp and hair from drying out. Fish oil pills are the easiest way to supplement omega-3s, but there are vegan supplements too. Just don't forget that omega-3s are fat-soluble and can be harmful in high doses.
💛 Zinc
Zinc is an antioxidant that is needed for cellular growth and repair, which includes the cells of hair and hair follicles. It also helps with protein synthesis, micronutrient absorption, and sebum production. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss, but like vitamin A, too much can also cause hair loss, as well as making you ill, so be careful. You can find zinc in zinc pills, multivitamins, and many calcium+magnesium supplements.
💚 Selenium
Selenium is an antioxidant that is incorporated into proteins called "selenoproteins," which help build keratin. Your body also uses it to maintain the thyroid, preventing hormonal hair loss, and when applied topically, it kills fungus that leads to dandruff. This is another one that causes hair loss and sickness with both deficiency and overdose. So unless you're using it topically in dandruff treatment, use selenium wisely. In addition to selenium pills, look for it in multivitamins and some zinc supplements.
💙 Silica
As a key component in connective tissue, silica strengthens hair fibers. It also strengthens blood vessels, thus increasing blood circulation to the scalp. It's anti-inflammatory and is necessary for collagen production. It helps to balance hormones, too, which prevents hormonal hair loss. Silica pills and powder come from several sources—typically seaweed or the horsetail plant—but you can also find it in mineral water.
💜 Collagen
Several of the amino acids used to build keratin are found in collagen, and it may fight free radicals as well. Try looking into collagen pills or powder.
Here's a few examples of good foods for your hair! If the emojis don't match perfectly, shhh, yes they do.
🥦 Leafy greens (spinach, kale, collard, broccoli, chard, arugula, etc)
iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, silica, antioxidants
🌾 Fortified whole grains (oats, whole wheat, whole rye, whole barley, brown rice, quinoa, etc)
protein, iron, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, silica
🥚 Whole eggs
protein, iron, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, collagen
🐟 Salmon, tuna, and other fish
protein, iron, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A, omega-3s, selenium
🌰 Nuts and seeds
protein, iron, vitamin B, vitamin E, omega-3s, zinc, selenium, antioxidants
🥜 Legumes (soybeans, chickpeas, beans, peanuts, peas, lentils, etc)
protein, iron, vitamin B, zinc, selenium, silica, antioxidants
🥛 Fortified dairy
protein, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin A, omega-3s, zinc, selenium
🍄 Mushrooms
protein, iron, vitamin B, vitamin D, zinc, selenium
🥕 Carrots
vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, silica, antioxidants
🥩 Meat
protein, iron, vitamin B, zinc, selenium
🥔 Potatoes
iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc, selenium
🍈 Mangos
vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, silica
🍌 Bananas
vitamin B, vitamin C, selenium, silica
🍠 Sweet potatoes
iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, antioxidants
🍑 Dried apricots
iron, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A
🍫 Dark chocolate
iron, zinc, antioxidants
🥑 Avocados
vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E
🍓 Berries
vitamin C, vitamin E, antioxidants
🍅 Tomatoes
vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A
🍲 Bone broth
protein, collagen
🍮 Gelatin
protein, collagen
🍊 Oranges
vitamin B, vitamin C
Hair Care
✨ Avoid any kind of heat or harsh chemicals.
✨ Gently comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb instead of brushing it.
✨ To reduce knots and tangles, sleep with your hair in a loose standard braid. I like to put a fabric scrunchie on the very end, but I don't tie off the top of the braid.
✨ Never comb your hair when it's wet. Gently finger-comb it if you really have to.
✨ Avoid tight hairstyles (remember JoJo Siwa's hairline?).
✨ Use scrunchies, scarves, ribbons, and ribbon ties instead of hair ties.
✨ Only wash your hair 1-3 times a week. If needed, use dry shampoo, baby powder, or cornstarch in between washes.
✨ Shower in cool or cold water.
✨ Use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.
✨ Opt for natural hair products when possible.
✨ Do a nourishing/moisturizing/replenishing hair mask or a deep condition once a week.
✨ Gently massage your head for a few minutes every day to stimulate blood circulation to your scalp. For extra blood flow, do it while hanging your head upside down.
✨ Trim your hair regularly.
✨ Avoid unnecessarily touching your hair.
✨ Add a few drops of castor oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, and/or argan oil to a couple tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil, plus 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. Now you have growth-stimulating hair oil to massage into your scalp.
(NOTE: I have not tried these products myself!! Most of them are recommendations from MyProAna users.)
This brand has shampoos, conditioners, serums, etc. for hair thinning. The products get great reviews on Amazon, and some are even best sellers or Amazon's Choice products (I assume Amazon's Choice means it's good).
This brand is designed for thinning hair and includes various products, including hair regrowth treatments. These products also get great Amazon reviews, with a couple best sellers and Amazon's Choice products.
🌼 ApHogee
This brand uses protein in a variety of products made for damaged hair. Great Amazon reviews and an Amazon's Choice product.
🌻 Grow Gorgeous
This brand has shampoos, conditioners, serums, etc. for thinning and damaged hair. The Amazon reviews are decent and there's an Amazon's Choice product.
🏵️ OGX Thick & Full + Biotin & Collagen shampoo and conditioner
I have no idea how effective the ingredients are when used topically, but for what it's worth, this shampoo and conditioner contains biotin, collagen, and wheat protein. The Amazon reviews look good and the 19.5 oz duo-set is an Amazon's Choice product. OGX has other hair products for nourishing, healing, etc., but it's not like they were recommended by a rando on MyProAna, so I have no idea if they're any good 🤷
🌷 Rogaine
This is the brand name for topical minoxidil, which is currently the only FDA-approved treatment for female hair loss. I DO NOT KNOW IF IT CAN TREAT HAIR LOSS FROM MALNOURISHMENT, but I actually plan to buy some generic minoxidil off eBay when I go back to school. There's a 2% formula and a 5% formula; the 5% formula has been found to work more effectively.
💐 Propecia
This is the brand name for finasteride, the only other FDA-approved treatment for hair loss, but it is not approved for women. However, a recent study found that for women, a daily dose of 2.5 mg (the normal dose is 1 mg) improved hair loss without many side effects. Idk though, I personally wouldn't take it unless the FDA approves it for women. Just in case, y'know? I'm not sure if you can get it over-the-counter, but it does appear that you can buy it online.
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Good luck!
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