#also edelgard was my favorite lord in 3H ok so i. i understand.
Sorry for ruining your posting kfjdj I also didn't know such a person existed but I ended up finding the post where they defended him because it was the same one in which they said they hated Park cos she was abusive and manipulative to Haruka 😭😭 like. The dissonance between what they can't accept and what they CAN just cos they find a guy hot really gets me
OH NO YOU'RE GOOD THE TIMING WAS JUST REALLY FUNNY the halo effect and misogyny can hold grimy ugly hands unfortunately
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oh damn i aint readin all that. i skimmed it just for you but if i read it any more i was gonna feel my eyebrows merge as i pinched them together perplexed
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izanyas · 4 years
what do you think about all the 3h lords so far? like full thoughts and all!!
thank u for asking... i haven’t played black eagles yet and i’m only 2/3 done with golden deer so i’m not sure how precise i can be outside of blue lions which i finished
i already know edelgard is gonna be my fav but i think as a leader objectively i love claude the most, i really like his relationship with byleth and how he calls her “my friend” (i'm gonna talk exclusively of f!byleth because m!byleth is dead to me) and he’s the only one of the three i could consider marrying to byleth. dimitri is weird about the teacher/student thing and edelgard is married to dorothea.
ughhh what else. ok i did love dimitri a lot actually, but rather than loving him on his own i loved him deeply through his relationships with his friends, and especially dedue and felix... dimitri/dedue/felix is my otp and i cry alone in my corner. blue lions route kind of left me with my questions because it explains so little, i think i would’ve been better off playing it last rather than first, but i still ended up loving it a lot as a whole. 
felix, dedue and mercedes were very bright spots, especially dedue, and i loved slowly untangling the tragedy of duscur and what it meant to both dedue and dimitri and why their relationship is as it is... at first i was a little skeptical of the whole “brown dude sworn to protect white prince of the country who massacred his people” but very surprisingly the story behind all of it ended up being very heartfelt and satisfying. dimitri and dedue’s A support left me 😣😭💕💖
i’m now playing golden deer while having recruited felix so i also get to see how felix understands dimitri’s fall into sorrow and madness at the beginning of part 2 and it’s painful and very emotional. i love it. i think i’m getting sidetracked by other characters, i’m sorry, but i really love dimitri the most thru the lens of his relationships with dedue and felix!! other than this yes he is a good person and it broke my heart when he ended up killing edelgard after trying so hard to reconcile with her... i’m ngl this sibling stuff always hits me so hard i was in shambles every time we saw glimpses of their past together and how much they love each other on a personal level but are torn apart by politics and their differing goals
anyway i don’t think i will ever be able to play church route it’s gonna be edelgard or bust sorry rhea
now CLAUDE is a whole other bag of worms and i love him very very dearly too. he’s self-assured and secretive at the same time and you can really feel that he is very clever under his relaxed persona—in a way sylvain really failed to be imo, like the misogyny and stupidity was just too much idc how genius he is under all of it. (i’m sorry i just really dislike him) i still don’t know every detail of his life yet, but i’m very interested in his supports with cyril and imo he is the most reliable and well-rounded character in the game. also he is insanely powerful with a bow and i love it. my army is always 50% archers 25% mages and 25% felix
what else is there!!! yes i like that while dimitri and edelgard are fighting and he becomes involved in the war he still always keeps himself aware of the world outside of fodlan, and his ambition remains to open the borders... that is so cool and my favorite ambition out of all the lords
i can’t say much about edelgard yet because i can only guess at her motivations from what i see on BL and GD sides + a few cryptic tweets by my friends who played BE haha but i love how intense she is and i really can’t wait to see what happens on her side of the story once i’m done with claude’s. ask me again once i’ve finished the game for good!!
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