#also editing 306 was a total pain- it was so dark!
smoulderingocean · 5 years
Nick Blaine Appreciation Week Day 1: Nick + favourite scenes
Season 1:
When Nick learns that June is pregnant- 1x10 (Night)
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Nick’s reaction of pure love just gets me every single time. In that moment June needed his love and devotion to be able to see this baby as a good thing and he gives that to her. He no longer keeps his distance like he tried to after they “broke up”. Instead he completely bares his soul to her. I love that he sees their baby as the beautiful miracle she is and that he gets June to see that too through his reaction of love. In a world where good things are so far and few between, it’s beautiful seeing two people embrace that moment together. 
And then there’s just something I love so much about how Nick let his walls down. He was completely open and vulnerable with her here and that is what brings June comfort. I really love how he stared at their hands on top of her belly followed by him nuzzling his face into her arm and clenching his jaw. He was clearly completely overwhelmed by the knowledge they were going to have a baby. It’s just too good. 
Also, I really do love so much that Nick was the first person to touch her belly, especially knowing how little of a chance he got to in the future. We might not have gotten to see Nick feel the baby move, but knowing he got this one moment is comforting because they both deserve that so much.
This was one of the first moments where we really got to see love winning and that’s just beautiful. Love is beautiful and it’s worth living for and this scene is a clear reminder of that.
Bonus- When June goes to Nick- 1x05 (Faithful)
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This is probably one of the hottest love scenes ever because of how empowering it is. Nick is just so completely in tune with June, knowing exactly what she needs based on something she mentioned earlier (”please don’t tell me what to do”) and by paying attention to her actions. He just intuitively knows what she needs from him and gives it to her completely. He lets her undress him and then herself without ever touching her, waiting to give her the control over the situation. Their nudity is beautiful too in that it signifies openness and complete vulnerability. 
Throughout the whole scene, Nick is completely focused on June’s pleasure and her agency; reverently touching her body with his hands and mouth and gladly letting her be on top without being asked. Nick giving her pleasure is an act of resistance in a society so afraid of female pleasure. He wants her to feel good and he does his damnedest to do that, paying attention to bodily cues and adjusting to what she wants and needs, like changing how their hands are positioned. 
I love that he scoffs in disbelief when he first sees her at the door, knowing how risky of a situation it is and being impressed and attracted to her bravery and boldness. 
Additionally, this is also a moment for both of them to take back their tainted first time. Nick was a rape victim in that situation too and so getting to see him have an emotional and pleasurable encounter with June when she comes to him, the kind of encounter he dreamed of since falling in love with her, is also empowering and beautiful. 
Seeing June and Nick both take control of the situation in different ways is simply the best. Seeing a female-focused sex scene was amazing and empowering. There’s not enough good I can say about this scene. (Except the lamp situation- Nick needs to stock up!) 
Season 2: 
When Nick tells June about Luke and Moira- 2x09 (Smart Power)
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This is probably my top Nick moment as a whole as it’s truly indicative of his goodness. Here Nick is, having fallen even more in love with June after meeting Luke, telling her everything that Luke needed and wanted him to tell her even though it was painful for him. He was open and honest, and it was so beautiful.  
Nick didn’t take credit for the letters getting out even though he was instrumental in doing so and his actions could get him killed. Instead, he simply told June the things she deserved and needed to know. Nick did the right thing in this situation even though it caused him great pain; even though in his mind, telling June these things meant the probable end of their relationship and his dreams for them. Nick could have kept those things to himself and taken credit for the letters and taken full control of the situation with June, including giving in to her affections, but he didn’t. He pulled away from her hug and told her everything. He gave her the control she deserves, something he tries to do as often as possible. He had to tell her these things even though it broke his heart and even though he worried about how she’d react because he knew that she deserved to know these things and also because Luke deserved to be able to tell June these things. 
After telling her these things and seeing June’s joyful reaction, Nick distances himself because the situation is so complicated for them and he wants to give June the space to process what she has learned while also heartbrokenly feeling like he no longer had a spot in her world. He loves her so much, but he also lets her go in that moment because he loves her so much. He wants her to be happy and he’ll sacrifice his own happiness for that.
But before leaving, Nick has to let her know that; he has to makes sure that June knows he loves her. Nick tells June that he loves her as a way to remind her that no matter what, he’ll always be there for her because he loves her but that he also doesn’t expect anything from her because he loves her- he just needed for her to know how much she truly means to him. 
This is the scene that cements Nick’s goodness; his compassion for others, his respect for both June and Luke, and his deep love for June were on full display. This scene shows who he truly is. He could have chosen the easiest way and not have told June anything- there’s no way she would have known that he’d withheld things from her. But instead, Nick chose the most painful and difficult thing because it was the right thing to do and that matters more than his own happiness and comfort. It is when people have choices like this -choices to use their power for good or for bad in a difficult time- that we see who they really are, and Nick chose to use his power for good even though it hurt him. That shows the kind of person who he truly is, which is a good man.
This scene is total and complete pure and selfless love and that’s one of the reasons I love Nick so much- he represents the goodness left in the world.  
Bonus- When Nick holds Holly- 2x13 (The Word)
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The beaming smile. The sniffles. The nervousness as he cradled Holly carefully for the first time. His sweet whispers to her. The clear feeling of being overwhelmed and awed. June declaring her love to him. These are all reasons why this is one of my favourite Nick moments. 
It is an empowering moment and a pure and tender victory; a true family portrait in a place that tried everything to prevent this from happening. This is possibly one of the most earned moments I have ever seen on television. They all deserved this moment so much. 
Nick, who hadn’t been able or allowed to be involved with June during her pregnancy or with Holly after she was born, finally got his moment where he truly got to be a dad and a real family with June. The love poured out of him. 
And then him being stuck speechless when June declares her love for him- too good. It really shows that he never expected anything from her no matter how much he wanted it and that’s just perfect and encapsulates who he truly is. 
This is the best moment of Nick’s life and he realizes that it is occurring in Gilead and that that these two people, who are his entire world, can’t stay there. So he lives in his love for them while also letting go of his dreams because them getting out is more important to him. He is saying hello to his family in this moment while at the same time saying goodbye. 
This whole scene was just so beautiful. It was the perfect balance of heartbreaking and happy. I’ll be forever glad that they got to experience this one moment of being a true family together and I hope we get more.     
Season 3:
The Snow Kiss- 3x06 (Household)
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This might be the most aesthetically beautiful kiss I’ve ever seen. It’s simply gorgeous and romantic. 
Nick’s small sigh as June runs to him and they begin to kiss perfectly encapsulates his deep love for her and the intensity of his feelings. She takes his breath away, constantly, and it’s just so good. 
And then Nick kisses her with all the passion in the world, showing just how badly he needs her after their time apart. He’s very intently living in that moment as he deepens their kiss because in that moment, she’s all the matters in the world. He’s giving in to his needs for her and is sinking into their embrace. He is pouring all his love into that, not knowing if he’ll ever get another chance to express those feelings again. 
And, my favourite part, he leans back in for just one more kiss because he can’t quite bear stopping or being apart from her- he just needs to kiss her and love her. And then he starts kissing her neck and shoulder, fully intent on giving her pleasure and holding onto what could be their last moment together, which I just found very sweet- he just wants her and he wants her badly. 
Add in Nick’s signature “hey” and this kiss was just perfect. The scene looked like the wedding they deserve to have. It was just gorgeous.    
Bonus- When June tells Luke about Nick- 3x05 (Unknown Caller)
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So while season 3 had little in the way of Nick scenes and Nick wasn’t directly involved in this moment, it’s one of my favourite Nick moments from this season as Nick’s fatherhood was acknowledged and June admitted her love for Nick to someone other than herself and Nick. 
June’s honesty towards Luke about Holly’s paternity and how she came to be was truly moving and lovely and was indicative of her love for Nick. This moment is key to showing Nick’s importance to June as telling Luke these things -that Holly was born out of love with Nick and that June built a life in Gilead with Nick- is painful for June and Luke both, but were also things she couldn’t let stay unknown. This is extremely significant for Nick’s place in June’s life and for the legitimacy of their relationship. 
June was choosing to love Nick and to let that love out in this moment and that’s just beautiful for them both.
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