#also eye horror warning for daemonbluns bg
magax-destroyer · 2 years
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By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes...
It's time for the next pet showcase, and today I've got a treat! I've introduced a lot of good pets (and Erican) so far, but what about some... bad pets? Some naughty pets? After all, for every hero, there needs to be at least one villain, right?
That's what today's showcase is going to be! 6 pets who aren't exactly up to anything good! So it's time to get dark... darker... yet darker...
CW/TW for: Death mention in Flynnigane's description Vague mentions of all sorts of abuse in Daemonblun's description
Final warning: This time, everything below is over 2,000 words long. These guys have long backstories to lay out their motivations. And I am not kidding about those content warnings. Please read with caution.
(Not all of these customs are accurate on site)
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Name: Lixation Pronouns: she/her Color: Alien Petpet: Diddler (Nosh-o-Matic Jr.)
An Alien Aisha who formerly worked on Virtupets Space Station, Lixation always found Neopia to be a curious little planet... though she didn't really seem too concerned about ever going down to visit. She spent most of her time busy working, goofing off with her petpet, playing games, and eating lots of sweets...
Lixation has two friends on the space station: Selevrris (the two of them are each other's "Besties") and Sythian, the Jetsam's boyfriend. One day, through several shenanigans, the Alien Aisha ended up getting a little taste of the Candy Ruki... and she realized he tasted just as sweet as he looked...
After Sythian disappeared to Neopia, Selevrris sent Lixation down to the planet to find him and bring him home to the space station. Of course, being an opportunist, Lixation is using this chance to find the Ruki and... eat him. After all, she can just say he died when his escape pod crashed!
Since Lixation is extremely new to Neopia, she doesn't have any friends yet... and she's not exactly focused on making any. Selevrris, however, is her bestie. She just won't mention that she wants to make his boyfriend into her snack...
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Name: Lypekia Pronouns: she/her Color: Red Petpet: Pawkeet (Sir Bob of Geraptiku)
The Red Xweetok known as Lypekia started out as a simple treasure hunter, motivated by tales from her family. She comes from a long legacy of pirates and bounty hunters, who are all looking for a grand treasure that they feel is their birthright...
Lypekia is named after her great, great, great... something, grandmother, who was a very important ship hand working under a certain pirate Aisha...
As she continued to hunt for treasure, the Xweetok slowly found herself slipping into more nefarious dealings... and ultimately, she became the captain of her own ship and crew in an attempt to cover more ground in finding the big one. The treasure that was rightfully hers this entire time.
And soon she learned about a certain manor in the Haunted Woods...
Relationship-wise, Lypekia has made an enemy out of absolutely everyone at Erican's manor. She especially despises Erican himself, and she also hates Cartaker for humiliating her in a sword fight. You'd think she and Flynnigane would get along since they both hate Erican, but they both don't like for each other; she thinks Flynn is after her treasure, and Flynn thinks she's after Erican... and that Aisha is his to claim.
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Name: Flynnigane (no, you cannot call him Flynn) Pronouns: he/him Color: Ghost (Formerly Royal) Petpet: Ghost Carma (Pascal)
Born a Royal Ruki in Shenkuu, Flynnigane spent most of his days working in the Lunar Temple, charting Kreludor's phases over Neopia. The Ruki figured he'd simply spend his whole life in Shenkuu, though he did long to go exploring... He'd always watch the flying ships coming and going and wished he could just... get on one and fly far away.
And then he happened to meet a pirate Aisha one day. He might not have had a flying ship, but he still had a ship, and he was looking for new recruits... And to be honest with you, Flynnigane might've had a little bit of a crush on him just at first sight. So, the Ruki gave up a life of charting the moon for a life of seafaring and navigating... and maybe a little bit of swashbuckling too.
Of course, it wasn't to last... That pirate Aisha was a really cutthroat man. He should've bailed out as soon as he saw the Aisha throw that Xweetok overboard... but... he thought that Erican loved him.
When Erican betrayed his entire crew, the authorities assumed Flynnigane had been the head of the pirating operation on the ship, so the Ruki was imprisoned for the rest of his life. Every day, his anger and bitterness grew, to the point where he hated Erican so much... when he finally did die, his spirit couldn't exactly move on...
Now cursed to roam Neopia for eternity, Flynnigane has sworn to get revenge on that Aisha... only to discover his ghost is still around as well. The Ruki found the manor in the Haunted Woods and confronted the new homeowner...
Flynnigane isn't exactly completely tethered to the mortal coil anymore, due to a nasty hit he took from a sword... Now, his legs are little more than a misty wisp, and his ghost tends to flicker and disappear occasionally... But that only makes him more dangerous.
Much like Lypekia, the Ghost Ruki has made an enemy out of everyone at Erican's manor... though he absolutely despises Erican himself, and is planning to take that ghost to... wherever ghosts go when they're completely destroyed. And yet... some stupid, illogical part of himself still loves that damn bastard...
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Name: Jettinson (or Jett!) Pronouns: he/him Color: Royal Petpet: Talpidat (Skworlp)
A young Zafara from Brightvale, Jett lived with his twin sister Campenelle and their father. Unlike his sister, Jettinson isn't exactly book smart... nor is he particularly interested in sitting around a stuffy library full of books studying. That's all anyone in Brightvale does is study! It's so boring!
So Jett would usually spend his days causing trouble around Meridell, just trying to entertain himself. Of course, he was more of a nuisance than anything, so most people tended to just ignore him... Just like everyone in Brightvale did...
Until the day a Tyrannian Peophin took notice of the Zafara as he was walking home. Jettinson was merely lugging home a ton of Motes for his sister when the Peophin struck up a conversation with him.
Jett began ranting to this stranger about how dull life in Brightvale was, how he just wanted to get away from it all and go exploring... and the Peophin pointed out that the Zafara could be doing so much more than wasting his time around these boring kingdoms.
Like, say, he could be helping to find a lost Faerie Pteri...
And with that, Jettinson got dressed in his edgiest attire, grabbed a pair of daggers, and decided to become the Peophin's little henchman. And he's having so much fun! It's like getting to go adventuring in a tabletop game! Too bad he has yet to understand that he's taken the role of the bad guy...
Obviously he loves his twin sister Cam, though the two have fallen out of contact... Jett, of course, is also completely devoted to Daemonblun, since the Peophin basically had the Zafara swear his eternal loyalty to him. He doesn't like Wysteranium that much, because that stupid Gelert keeps making him cry, nor does he really care much for a certain Nimmo...
And oh boy, do not get him started about Erosollo and their friends. They keep getting in his way of finding the Pteri for Daemonblun! Who do they even think they are?!
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Name: Wysteranium Pronouns: they/them Color: Stealthy Petpet: Seti (Tranquility)
The mysterious cloaked Gelert is an enigma to nearly everyone they encounter... Not that anyone dares to get very close, since they exude a horrific aura of sadness and despair...
Wysteranium was abandoned as a puppy on the streets of Neovia, where they spent their days hiding away from everyone... Unbeknownst to them, they were abandoned because of their incredibly strange magical powers; they have the ability to influence the emotions of others. They can read people's emotional states... and force their own feelings on to anyone near them. Unfortunately, because they were so scared all of the time and unable to control their powers, they ended up making everyone around too afraid of them to approach...
Until the day they encountered a beautiful Faerie Pteri, who took the Gelert in. She gave them a name, a home, and began helping them learn to control their powers... It's just too bad that someone else in the house was also interested in Wys's powers...
Daemonblun would regularly take them downstairs to his lab, wanting to see what their powers did... But Wysteranium's auras never worked on the Peophin. Nonetheless, Daemonblun coerced them into keeping their mouth shut about his experiments with them... After all, they were just some tramp Necroptosis had found on the streets. They could easily end up back there.
Ultimately, Wys was too terrified of Daemonblun to do anything to stop him... which just lead to him committing one atrocity after another. Including mutating a certain Acara...
When the Peophin up and disappeared from his original lab, Wysteranium fled their home as well, wandering Neopia as they tried to find somewhere to just... be away from everyone. Unfortunately, that didn't help them hide from Daemonblun, and when the Peophin and Gelert crossed paths again, he got them right back under his hoof before taking off, in search of a certain Pteri...
Uh... Relationships! Necroptosis is Wysteranium's adoptive mother, and Cursyn is their best friend... They don't particularly get along with Jettinson, not helped by the fact that the Zafara is the only one around the lab who is affected by their powers. As I said, they're positively terrified of Daemonblun. They also don't like a certain group of hooligans... especially their leader.
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Name: Dr. Daemonblun (I don't believe this man has ever been to medical school...) Pronouns: he/him Color: Tyrannian Petpet: Robot Cobrall (Mercutio) (It was definitely not always a snake...) Daemonblun prides himself on being Neopia's leading "magicologist". That is to say, he studies magic and the effects of magic on Neopians through a scientific lens. Despite not having his own magical powers, that won't stop him... And neither will those silly things called "ethics" and "morals". No one really knows the Peophin's past... or his family, either. Luckily, his notes still exist, and he'll show interested parties... though they tend to react with utter horror.
His research started with experimenting with simple Petpets and magical artifacts he got from his wife. Since he has no magical powers of his own, he essentially has to "borrow" power from whatever sources he can find... And then his wife brought home a Stealthy Gelert, who happened to be a pathokinetic.
Daemonblun has never really been the... emotional type. He can fake emotions, sure, but genuinely feeling something is extremely rare for him... That Gelert represented everything he wanted for himself. Magic, and feelings. Unfortunately, their powers couldn't make him feel, and he had to abandon his... "research" with them due to how volatile their powers were...
His next subject was an extremely young Kyrii... and he was able to create a device to drain the Kyrii's magic out of their body and into a vial. Non-lethally, of course, though that Kyrii was sick for a while after... Of course, Daemonblun wasn't sure if it was exactly safe for him to inject himself with that magic. He could explode, after all.
His final subject was a Halloween Acara, who already had lightning magic... And since the Acara was already a mage, Daemonblun was sure it'd be safe to inject him with some extra magic. After all, what's a little extra power? The results of that experiment were the most interesting he'd seen yet... As it turns out, excessive magical power isn't good for young Acaras. Their bodies tend to... melt.
After that, and an incident wherein his lab was burned to the ground by the Acara's mother, the Peophin took to wandering Neopia. He ultimately took up temporary residence in a certain manor deep in the Haunted Woods, where his housemates were innocently oblivious to what a monster they were actually housing. He went back to working on Petpets, owing to the fact that he now had no mages to work with...
...until the day he had crossed paths with a certain Stealthy Gelert again. Upon finding them, and not-too-subtly reigning them back in to working with him, Daemonblun packed up his things and left the manor... but not without leaving a mess in that first room of the catacombs...
Where was he going? Wherever he had to, to find a certain Faerie Pteri again. This included Brightvale, where he picked up a Royal Zafara looking for adventure... before ultimately, the group retreated to Moltara, where they wouldn't be bothered.
Err, relationships, right... Daemonblun is Necroptosis’s ex-wife... Cursyn and Erosollo are his sons, though he doesn’t feel much for them. Technically, Wys is his adopted child too, but... he doesn’t really acknowledge that. His "minions" are the most unfortunate people on the planet for having to deal with him... He doesn't exactly care about them or anything. Everyone who knows the truth about him hates him... and you can't really blame them...
Well... this was a really messed up way to end the post... Uh, tune in next time for-
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