#also for context I’m picturing Tobirama and Izuna to be about 10/11 here and their brothers to be 17/18
ladykissingfish · 11 months
*Madara and Hashirama, taking Izuna and Tobirama to a pumpkin patch*
Madara: Geez, will you two hurry it up already?!
Hashirama: Madara. Come on, we talked about this, didn’t we? This is their first time here, they’re excited, so let them take their time picking out a pumpkin.
*the two lean against a fence, watching as Tobirama and Izuna walk slowly up and down rows of pumpkins, stopping to inspect different ones*
Madara: You realize we could have just gotten them large pumpkins from the market, probably at half the cost of what they charge here?
Hashirama: That’s not the point, love. Picking out your own pumpkin on a farm like this just … it has a different flavor to it, that’s all. Let them enjoy themselves. And anyway what are you in such a hurry to leave for? It’s such a gorgeous day! Almost perfect.
Madara: It’s barely 50 degrees and cloudy. How is that perfect?
Hashirama: Perfect fall weather! And besides … I know you don’t like to talk about this but you know that Tobi and Izu really like each other. But Tobi is so shy around him … spending time at places like this is nice for them.
Madara: *sighs* I know, I know. But they’re too young to date; if I see your brother pull anything I’ll break his hand.
Hashirama: You sure are a romance-killer, aren’t you?
Madara: Izuna is my most precious treasure. You think I’m gonna let just anyone take him from me? 
Hashirama: Is he going to be saying the same thing, when I marry you and take you away, mm? *playfully kisses along Madara’s neck*
Madara, blushing: S-stop it, pervert. And I’m not so easily won. You’re going to have to go a long way to convince me that a Senju is worthy of the hand of the mighty Madara Uchiha.
Hashirama: *whispering in Madara’s ear* Funny because your hand isn’t the part of you I’m most interested in ~
*the two make out for a while, until Izuna comes running up to them lugging a huge pumpkin*
Izuna, to Madara: Big brother! I found the best one! It has no spots on it and it’s perfectly round on all sides!
Madara: You certainly picked a big one, didn’t you? Where’s Tobirama?
Izuna: His is so big he can barely lift it!
Madara: I’ll go help him. You wait here with Hashirama. *walks off*
Hashirama: Hey, how about after this you and your brother come back to our house? We can carve the pumpkins and make some snacks and —
Izuna, voice deepening, eyes glowing red: Listen Senju, I don’t care what you do in private but when we’re in public, you won’t be groping and kissing on my brother like that, you got it?! Have some respect for the Uchiha image, asshole. 
Hashirama: I — I —
Izuna: And another thing, slow the hell down. We’re breaking tradition because I’M going to marry Tobirama BEFORE you get married to my brother. Another ten years and he’s mine. Don’t you dare try and upstage our wedding or … *the two tomoe in his eyes swirl in a circle* You will pay. Got it?
Hashirama: G-got it …
*Madara and Tobirama walk up, Madara carrying Tobirama’s pumpkin*
Madara: I think these guys found the biggest pumpkins on this whole farm. Let’s go pay for these then head out of here. We — Hashirama, what’s wrong?? You look like you saw a ghost!
Hashirama, stuttering while glancing nervously at Izuna: I-it’s nothing. M-Madara. J-just a little c-cold is all.
Madara: *moves toward him* Here, let me help you warm up and —
Hashirama: NO! I mean, I’m okay. Er, here … *hands Madara his wallet* You go pay for their pumpkins … I’ve gotta visit the bathroom really quick … *runs off*
Tobirama: Nii-san is acting very strangely. Maybe I should go check on him …
Izuna: I know what will help … do your transformation jutsu and pretend you’re me. When he figures out you fooled him he’ll laugh and feel better!
Tobirama: Good idea … *henges into Izuna* Be right back.
*a few minutes later, blood-curling screams are heard from the bathroom area and Madara and Izuna look to see Hashirama running full-speed from the “fake” Izuna*
Madara: My goodness, Senju’s are certainly strange.
Izuna, grinning: Agreed.
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