#also for the record I love arven too
roxannarambles · 2 years
Nemona is the best rival in the entire franchise (other than perhaps Lord N), allow me to gush for a bit . . .
Her raw enthusiasum and sincere, joyful obsession/hyperfixation on pokemon battling is just so wonderful. I love her energy, and I love how infectious her excitement is, and I love how she rocks up and takes one look at us and is like ‘I like you already, I can already tell you’re Good People and you are my new best friend’ and she honestly means it. It feels like the extrovert taking the shy introvert under her wing, which is damn wonderful when you’ve been lonely and friendless for a long time. She’s bubbly and she’s smart and she’s poised, and she somehow takes something that I am bored with (the same old gym battles we’ve been doing since we were six) and breathes new life into it. 
And she has plenty of flaws too, her character has depth to it (just like the other two main characters), which I also appreciate so much. The main 3 play off each other very well
I feel like Nemona finally achives what Gamefreak has been trying to accomplish with a friendly rival character for ages
And the way her story with the player develops and concludes!! The way she so desperately wants someone she can go all-out against, the way she genuinely believes in us and helps us grow, sometimes throwing stuff at us that’s a little bit unfair but she does it ‘cause she thinks we can handle it, pushing us just a bit past our comfort zone, but also pulling her punches other times, understanding that it’s a balance....
but maybe even more importantly, NOT being into pokemon battling just for power or just ‘to be stronger’ like so many other characters but instead being into it because. it’s fun. it’s fun. not some fake-ass afterschool special “oh it doesnt matter who wins or loses as long as everyone has fun,” but just wanting a genuinely GOOD battle, is all. wanting to win yes but also just enjoying the thrill of a close match, appreciating something that’s well-played by both parties. like, I’m pretty sure this is something the franchise has tried to express TONS of times before but this is the first time I’ve felt like they’ve actually nailed it. 
and we start with nemona choosing the starter that’s weak to our starter because that’s what she does, she holds back because she wants to give people the chance to learn and grow, she wants to share the love of battling with others, and then by the end of it, when she finally fights you in the last battle without pulling any punches, and how estatic she is by the end of it, it’s so cute and it’s so great
immaculate vibes
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turojo · 4 months
THE PLOT REVEEAAALED. Part 1 // Since I’m retiring off the rpc in a week or two, might as well spill the deats of my plans ✌️ This correlated with an overarching plot taking several of my muses ( here, @laprimera , @luxestial , @koraichalcum and a miraidon I wanted to make ). This is also main verse ( ie-Scarlet version Turo, Sada is mortis and Turo comes back after the events of SCARVIO ).
Long af post ahead —
FROM THE BEGINNING - Turo was a brilliant boarding student attending Naranja/UVA academy. He’s largely left to his own devices and expected to stick to his studies as his parents were largely aloof and distant but understand how incredibly intelligent he is. Turo largely felt the same and focused purely on his academics hoping to become a great researcher like Heath who’s studies he’s admired through his Violet Book on strange phenomenon and Pokémon found in Paldea’s very Crator.
His course was largely in the sciences and physics but he figured he’d explore a little with the schools large curriculum. Pokémon battling became something he was incredibly good at once he literally broke it down to literal science and stats. Meanwhile his other interests was in computer and software engineering with robotics to boot that’d make him standout from his peers (as well as alienating him at the same time). He went to class with a large amount of Paldea’s current teachers all to varying degrees of familiarity though never really having close friendships with any. Sada however became something of an annoying intellectual rival and close friend at the same time, sharing an infinity for Heath’s work.
They had a back and forth for some time during his time at school. Meanwhile he was quickly ascending as the top trainer during the academy’s treasure hunt season and taking the gym challenge. Eventually he would be recorded in Paldea’s Hall of Fame as its champion at one point (which can still be seen in Paldea’s library) but quickly lost interest once the challenge was done so to speak. Perhaps he was driven with far reaching goals and pivoted back to sciences instead. During this time he’d take some apprenticeships, his first being under an engineering company working on some peculiar and very tech forward armor for some strange Pokémon called “Mewtwo”. It was heavily under wraps esp with who it was being commissioned from but it was here working alongside brilliant minds in tech and computer engineering that it became his calling.
Apparently it was lucky he had to go back to Paldea to finish up schooling cause uh,,,apparently there was a freak accident that wiped out the company in Kanto not to long after. Ah well.
He’d finish his time in Paldea with honors and end up being in a long relationship with Sada into marriage. The two had moved past differences and noticed just how passionate they were for each other and their love of exploration. While Turo did go out of region to pursue further schooling for a physics doctorates he’d continue to work and thrive with Sada in creating their own research labs so they may persue their interests. Jacq and Clavell were picked up as part of their research team and a surprise baby boy, Arven, came into their lives. They’ve taken to bits of Heath’s work that have yet to be explored again in Paldea mostly out of fear and intense taboo. They’d both be made Paldea’s new regional professors known for their brilliance and research break throughs on some of Paldea’s environmental mysteries but still be hushed as equally screwy and far too ambitious. Their plans to set up a research lab INSIDE the Crater was gwafed at by any partners or sponsors they presented to. The Crater hadn’t been touched for 200 years for a reason. Heath had lost a lot of his research team and came out half-mad babbling nonsense about imaginative Pokémon and the crystals that held some powerful mystery. Even further before was Paldea’s founding history finding nothing but misfortune trying to explore its depths..
But thankfully someone DID see the potential in their work and exploring further. Their project was funded and picked up by the, at the time, young champion Geeta who took over Turo’s place as league champ (a seat he pretty much abandoned tbh) and the reformed League alongside the academy. So long as they could use their research for their students and Paldea they’d help out and even venture with them in it’s unknown depths. Finally their work was moving forward.
And it went off better then expected! Eventually they would discover the terastilization phenomenon involving the teracrystals within the Crater, in which would be renamed “Area Zero” to coincide with the other parts of Paldea. He could’ve stopped there. With the newfound acclaim he and Sada would’ve been more then okay exploring other avenues. …But the power of the crystals begged to go further then just a tool for Pokémon battling. It was very reactive to any tool they paired it with. Turo had tinkered with its properties a bit during their initial research project. Programs and machines he’d code and engineer became incredibly efficient with a teracrystal core, almost as if the energy was lifelike. In their exploration they came upon the mysterious, huge, entity they called Terapagos dormant at the Crater’s core where they hypothesized is where the source of the crystal and power came from. Attempting to wake it made everything around them unstable due to the enormous energy fluxes. It was best kept asleep but that didn’t mean they could not use its power still (not knowing at the time the danger for even being in its presence). Sada and him had the same idea of perhaps pushing the boundaries further.
They’d build a Time Machine to explore places and things no one has ever touched on before. Sada wanted to see the past and Turo wanted to see if his research would impact the future. It was done in secret though. Both of them had turned jaded and suspicious of company and even the League helping out. Little did he or anyone on the team know about the cognitive effects of the crystals or Terapagos. The episodes of hysteria or intense anxiety breaks within the team were chalked up to just being underground for so long without sunlight or being overworked. The team was thinning out the further their work was going but he paid little mind on anything but the research at hand. With their team having less hands he’d have to spend more time underground working. At some point he’d even neglect going up to see his own son and any advice to come up was ignored. Too much to do. No one understood that.
There was a lot of strain in the coming days between a team that would not stop leaving, mood swings, and intense cryptic visions he’d be plagued with. He’d envision whole conversations with Terapagos that called itself “MOTHERSHIP” beckoning they continue to work for knowledge sake and the mysteries it held that was unearthly. Clearly…it wasnt a Pokémon at all. But the further he prodded the further he lost sight of reality.
He and Sada once a happily married couple were always at ends with one another. Neither could agree where to take the project or how their research panned out. Something wasn’t adding up and Turo was slowly seeing through the cognitive haze. The Crater was dangerous and perhaps…they shouldn’t have touched upon its mysteries after all. The crystals were actually a lot more unpredictable and unstable then expected, the new Pokémon emerging from the rips in time space they created were on a confused rampage even more then what the league could handle and it was impossible to manage a whole lab with just two. He and Sada were the last scientists here. Geeta who became something of a close confidant even hesitated to continue protecting the labs at such hopeless odds but stood by despite her and the league being kept mostly out of the loop with the Time Machine.
But no word to leave would make Sada budge. By then their relationship had deeply soured, on the verge of divorce, and Turo caught in his own impudence simply left her to her own devices. He abandoned Area Zero, his wife, his young son, and everything he built in Paldea and would go on a ten year run not looking back.
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giantchasm · 2 years
let's hear abt the fucked up au
OK. So, as you may have seen, when I first beat Scarlet and Violet I made the following meme as a goofy little joke about how I thought it was funny another time travel plot came immediately after PLA
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I didn't think it through much more than that at the time. But the post has been making rounds and as its popped up in my notifications again and again, I got to thinking...-
It's said in Scarlet and Violet that humans can't come back through the time machine. But let's humor the idea for a moment, just for funsies: What if Barry and Emmet did seek Sada out to get their loved ones back? What if it worked? Wouldn't that make for such a happy ending?
...On the surface, at least.
You see, there's a theory I've seen floating around about Area Zero. The theory posits that the time machine isn't an actual time machine, and that the Paradox Pokemon aren't actually from the past or future. This theory reasons that the 'time machine,' Paradox Pokemon, and AI professor were actually created by a legendary not yet in the game-- one only alluded to in the Scarlet/Violet book.
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The going theory at the moment is that this Pokemon is some sort of eldritch entity that feeds off of imagination/desire and creates things based on people's wishes. That's why the box art legendaries resemble Heath's beloved Cyclizar and why the paradox Pokemon exist despite the holes in the timeline they create. None of it is real.
But if two people were to go to Area Zero with the wish of being reunited with those they care about, what would happen? Would it be like what happened when Turo/Sada went to Area Zero with the desire to see what they saw in the Scarlet/Violet book?
Would something be birthed?
What I'm trying to say is imagine an AU where Barry and Emmet get wind of what Sada's doing, go to the crater to hopefully be reunited with their loved ones, and are-- except... they're not. They're reunited with replicas based on their loved ones exactly as they perceive them.
They don't notice the things that don't add up. 'Dawn' and 'Ingo' behave exactly how they anticipate they would. But for everyone else...-
Things are weird.
Ingo doesn't remember how to run the singles train the way he should (After all, Emmet wasn't there.) Dawn doesn't recall conversations she had with Lucas or Rowan when Barry wasn't listening. Neither of them remember anything about Hisui despite historical records showing that's where they went.
...What's going on?
Their other loved ones would grow suspicious. Things wouldn't add up. But when they'd try to point this out, they'd be rebuked. Clearly they're "just not happy Dawn and Ingo are home."
So they begin to investigate the crater themselves and come in contact with some teens who claim to have entered it. Cue the Scarlet and Violet friend group also catching wind of what's going on.
And a shitstorm ensuing as Florian/Juliana, Nemona, Penny and Arven travel to Sinnoh and Unova to talk with Lucas, Elesa, Cynthia, and anyone else who might become wrapped up in all of this (I can see Looker getting involved) all to try and save Barry and Emmet from the same fate that befell the professor; AKA getting way too wrapped up in a fantasy.
But that's easier said than done. The two would drag their heels in, and it doesn't seem like 'Dawn' or 'Ingo' mean harm. After all... Koiraidon might be fake, too, and Koraidon is perfectly loving and sweet.
Scooby Doo investigation antics and psychological horror ensue.
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
Afterthoughts about the main story of Pokémon Scarlet (spoilers obviously):
At various points in the game I felt that things had been half-assed, probably due to time crunch and insufficient staffing, like the lack of fun NPC interactions, poor town planning and shopping options. The plot which culminates in “The Way Home,” however, my word, they whole-assed that. This was my best experience yet in terms of feeling like I got to be in the anime, either the climax of a season or one of the movies, and that was super cool and satisfying.
I know now why I love Arven so much, he’s a blend of the grumpy but caring big brother (eg Piers) and the traumatised character you are there to help heal through your journey together (eg Lillie). I like this SO much better than a rivals plotline where you’re supposed to crush some other kid’s dreams to achieve yours (eg Hau, Hop). They even addressed this with Nemona, the most conventional rival, by having Paldea’s Pokémon League structured differently so that Champion is a rank multiple people can hold at the same time. You don’t have to knock Nemona off her perch to succeed and she’s just absolutely thrilled to have you rise to join her.
Is Penny so sarcastic and unpleasant because she was bullied and it’s made her defensive, or did people take against her because she’s sarcastic and unpleasant? No kid deserves to be bullied but some kids are disliked for a reason. Anyway Penny, you have cool hair and a cosy hoodie but you’re coming off as a bit of a dick, maybe work on that.
Nemona, you are one of nature’s sunbeams and if I shook you I would hear your brain cell rattling around like a bead. I loved it when Koraidon was nervous and she petted its nose.
The dynamic in the crater of everyone wanting to claim me as their BFF was pretty amusing. For the record, Arven is my bestie (we shared a life-changing field trip after all), I like Nemona very much and I am taking care of Penny because Clavell asked me to.
The team-getting-to-know-each-other dialogue text as we moved down through the crater went by a bit too quickly and without pausing to let me press A when I was ready to advance, which was strange.
Also strange was the apparent last-minute attempt to give Nemona some backstory. She’s… posh. Well shit, I’ve seen her house, I could have told you that - and it has no bearing on what she wants or how she behaves at all. Not even “I want to earn my own achievements and not be treated differently based on my family’s status.”
While I thought that the storyline about Arven and his parent (mother in Scarlet, father in Violet) was really good emotional stuff, I was struck by how - well, S/V are interesting with regards to gender. There’s been a deliberate if flawed attempt to make the player character customisation gender-neutral (but in the “unisex means everyone wears boys’ clothes” way rather than providing a skirt version of the uniforms that anyone could wear - at least they didn’t limit the hairstyles) and there are characters who are distinctly unconventional in their gender presentation - Rika with her dapper butch style, Grusha who many people mistook at first sight for a pretty girl, Mr Saguaro in general (although he seems a bit more like the incongruous comedy option). You can also see the two professors option as an effort at balance, but it has the side effect that while both characters are neglectful parents to Arven, a neglectful mother tends to be perceived more harshly than a neglectful father, particularly if she prioritises a high-powered career over her child. I may have missed something but I caught only a glancing reference to who Arven’s other parent might be and Arven makes no reference to feeling let down by that person. Thus, playing Scarlet, I sometimes felt a bit uncomfortable about the impression a child who only played Scarlet and didn’t know about Violet would be getting.
It’s interesting to look at Sada alongside Lusamine. We get a much clearer impression in S/M that Lusamine is narcissistic - that she’s built up this idea of how great she is being so loving and caring to all those rescued Pokémon, and she thinks of her love as this fabulous blessing and gift, rather than something Lillie and Gladion should be able to expect. (I won’t say “take for granted” because children should appreciate their parents’ love and care, but not with a sense of obligation or unworthiness for it.) Sada doesn’t really have the same kind of dialogue getting that point across, although you can infer she’s a similar kind of person. I appreciated the exchange between AI Sada and Arven when she speaks to him apparently from the real Sada’s memories and emotions, and apologises and Arven says that she can’t just say something like that now. It doesn’t really make things better for him and it would take more time and effort than a few loving words, however sincere, to make the necessary difference.
Of course, then she almost immediately peaces out to go back to the Stone Age rather than stick around to try to make it up to him. (Complicated, to be sure, by the fact she isn’t his actual mother, she’s a robot who’s kind of trashed and riddled with weird crystals and frankly probably won’t survive long where she’s going, but still, she chooses to leave him.)
I was a bit saddened by the fact that part of Arven’s acceptance of what happened seems to be a belief that it was understandable for his mother to be more interested in a time machine than in him. No it wasn’t! You’re a good boy! Evidently his little buddy is going to have to stick close and encourage him to think better of himself. And maybe we can go on an Adventour with Peony, I think that would really cheer him up.
Also, unbelievably awful that Sada or Turo made him responsible for Koraidon or Miraidon when he was just a kid, gave him no help to look after a Pokémon no one alive has any experience with, and made him feel like it was his fault when he lost control of the situation. What bloody useless parents. No wonder Arven resents Koraidon or Miraidon, and it’s a sign of his good character that despite feeling that way he’s still basically kind to it.
Anyway, I’m glad we healed his dog.
And all that said, “the Professor is the Big Bad” was a really fun twist and also kind of economical character-wise. Chairman Rose was an absolute dud of a Big Bad, particularly after a batshit powerhouse like Lusamine, so I was pleased to see he was an anomaly rather than typical for the games going forward.
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misanthropecopy · 2 years
So thoughts on Pokemon scvi, or in just my case violet. Warning there are major spoilers below:
I personally enjoyed it, more so than I did with the last gen at least. Though I must confess that I am what you call a casual gamer, who focuses more on the story than the actual gameplay so the obvious glitches didn’t bother me too much. I actually found some of them to be funny. That being said, I know if my filthy casual eyes noticed them, everyone else probably saw them too. Personally the only glitch that bothered me was the elite four soundtrack going on like a broken record as I battled them. It did produce some kind of urgency within me, but it was a shame that I didn’t get to hear the full theme. With that out of the way, lets get on to what I enjoyed the most about it the story. 
Now when I purchased Violet I was set on doing all three paths, which seemed to be the right decision. I really enjoyed how the stories addressed different kinds of trauma. Arven with his parents, Penny/Team Star being bullied into becoming a lowkey gang themselves. Heck even Nemona despite her happy-go-lucky and frankly fearless nature probably suffers from having a lack of real friends. Since it’s apparently implied her battle-loving nature often drives people away. Then there is Miraidon or the main box legendary, whose dealing with not only losing a territorial dispute, but also LITERALLY WATCHING THEIR “CARETAKER” TAKE A FATAL BLOW FOR THEM. I CANNOT stress enough how scarred they must have been from that.
Another thing I enjoyed was that in the climax we actually STOPPED some human innovation here. In Pokemon science is often praised as seen with the npc in each starting town claiming “Science is amazing” and all that in every generation. But Pokemon doesn’t often address the price you pay for “progress” and how easily it can lead to hubris before an inevitible downfall. It’s part of why I like both Mewtwos stories/origins so much, as they are living testaments to the cost of humans trying to play God. Both Turo and Sada were so consumed with their work and seeing their dreams fulfilled, that not only did they neglect their son they failed to see the consequences of what their goals might do to the environment. Sure they protected Miraidon/Koraidon in the end, but did they ever learn their lesson? This we are not given an answer on. 
Speaking of the Pokemon, let’s talk about them. I or was leaning towards Sprigatito when the first trailer came out and while I was a little disappointed that it stood up, I have to admit it was the cutest of all the gen 9 starter evos for me. I love my Modest-natured girl named Spring and will take down anyone who gets creepy with her. The tinkatink line is freaking hilarious and there are plenty of weird, new mons that I caught simply because I wanted to know more about these funky little creatures. There were very few designs that I didn’t like in this gen, which is pretty sweet. The fact that you interact and actually get the box legendary in the beginning of the game is great, as it let’s you really form a bond with it. You may not be able to use it in battle, but it’s with you when you picnic, it’s your main mode of trasportation, you share your meals with it and frankly it has a cute, almost dog/cat-like personality. It’s really fun, to be around and use.
Now let’s talk about the implications of the future Pokemon found in area zero.
I’m fairly certain that in both version of the games these paradox Pokemon are violent and can be beyond anyone’s control. As seen with professor Turo/Sada. Now in Sada’s case, that would seem obvious right? She literally took Pokemon that were from a million years ago, during a time where humans probably didn’t exist yet. Of course these Pokemon unfamiliar with mankind in general would be prone to lash out at them, right? So what’s the deal with the futuristic Pokemon? All of them seem to be robots of some design, so wouldn’t it be logical that they obey human commands, like most current Pokemon do? Why are they so volatile then? Well I have two theories on this. One is that humanity died out and left the planet in an almost uninhabitable state. So much that some or many Pokemon species had to become more mechanical to survive. Who knows? Maybe even some Mewtwo had a hand in altering their genetic structure, so they might live? The second theory I have is basically just that humans in the future are made of far more sturdier stuff then present people in Pokemon. 
Either way, I had a fun time. Though I probably won’t bother with the post-game stuff until Gamefreak updates the scvi to fix their blatant bugs.
To any Gamefreak/Nintendo person who may be reading this: Please, there’s no need to rush your games. Take time to have a break once in a while. Spend time with your friends and family. An overworked head will not bring out the best you have the offer. We don’t need a Pokemon game every year. Heck you don’t even have to release any side games for a while. Just focus on the next gen for now and if you need to delay a game, do it. I at least will understand.
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whwhwhwg mizukitty here um sorry for being in ur inbox so often this'll be my last ask of like the week idk i prommy I just like talkin 2 u since ur my only pjsk mootie,,, I'm just here 2 spit out some of my au and hc stuff
-in my head kanade has a basement for the sole purpose of all of niigo being able to live there (they were all gonna move in together somewhere else but Kanade's really attached to living there) so it's jus there for convenience. Kanade uses her fathers old work room as a bedroom, they reworked her parents room into Mafuyu's room, and kanades old room is Mizuki's new room. They have like one of those nice basements and there's two rooms down there and its decently sized. One of tjem is Enas room and the other ones kinda like a recording room of sorts? I'm so normal about tbem
-i wanna make a pokemon x pjsk au,, I could obviously just insert the pjsk charachters into Pokemon but that's boring soo,, one day I came up with an idea for a nemopen au that makes their meeting adjacent to how niigo met. Their dynamic is like,,, ok so it's like kanamafu except um idk. They're more like nenean/mizunene to me but yeag. Penny is a little like Mafuyu and nemonas personality is more like Mizuki's but also maybe a lil Kanade since theyre trying to save penny in this au. I need an alias for both of them still (penny already has cassiopia but like,, I want somethin else,,, maybe I'll just give up and use Cassiopeia idk) I haven't even thought about this au since I came up with it so theres nothing much for jt . Still don't know what to do with Arven an Juliana in this au though. Maybe I could incorporate Kieran into it too. Penny and kieran are friends in my heart
-back to pjsk!! My mizuan (kind of) childhood friends au that I love so very dearly. They meet in middle school and yeah shenanigans ensue. I want a version where they meet Ena too though but all I can think of for that working is an and Mizuki manage to convince their parents to let them go to art school but thwt doesn't make much sense?? Maybe to escape the bullying but eh still? Still childhood friends t4t mizuan au means everytbing 2 me
-holy balls this is long
-OH WAIT I JUST RRALKZED. FOR THE NEMOPEN AU. I COULD INCLUDE TEAM STAR JN SOME WAY. oh em gee. I could. Wait. Ortega as Mizuki. Ohmy arceus. Great starclan. I'm a genius yiu guys. Mela could be ena. They just give me the same vibes yk. I love how it's all team Star and then Nemona's just there
Ok byebye sorry 4 this um dies and
honored to be your only pjsk mootie 💪 you're my only pokemon mootie I think <3 i love your au ideas so so much childhood friends t4t mizuan is so sigma and kanade deserves to keep her group mates in her basement 🥰🥰 don't know much abt pokemon but I think that au has potential
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joyce-neltora-delly · 3 years
My Neverhood lore
When you take a bad concept from when you were 13 and remake it. I like the backstory but I dunno if it makes sense to you - I´m not a writer.
But as @gweniala said, a character is nothing without at least of a short story.
Some time has passed after Klayman has saved The Neverhood from the Evil Engine No 9. Hoborg creates more sons and daughters. One of them is a Hoodian named Klaytain. He seems nice at first but he´s intrigued by the crown just like Klogg, however, he feels like he shouldn´t mess with its owner for some reason. He wonders why does Hoborg have it on his head the whole time. He comes to a conclusion that it´s connected with his life, without it, he´s lifeless unless the crown returns to his head.
One day, Hoborg makes a mistake by mentioning Klogg. Klaytain starts to wonder why Hoborgs´ firstborn isn´t on the Neverhood. Hoborg, being naive again, tells him why he was banished and that he died some time ago. He also tells him that he must never put his crown on his head or else he´ll get corrupted. Klaytain sees this as an opportunity to get the crown albeit for different reasons than Klogg, he thinks that he´s special and he wont become corrupted, because he´s a pure being, more thougtful,and no one can compare. He sneaks into the castle and steals Hoborgs´ crown.
But crown doesn´t choose and he becomes corrupted. He becomes even more arrogant and full of himself. He wants to prove everyone how „pure“ he is. Klaytain renames himself to Dentain, as to cut ties with, in his opinion, naive Hoborg and mindless Hoodians. He thinks that Hoodians have no self awareness, that there are like sheep, who only like mundane stuff like fun etc.
But, Neverhood isn´t empty anymore. He gets noticed by Starkin, one of Hoborgs´ sons and a big admirer of Klayman. Starkin calls others, they catch Dentain and return the crown to Hoborg.
Hoborgs knows he won´t repeat the same mistake as with Klogg so he banishes Dentain from the Neverhood.
During his banishment, he stumbles upon planet Idznak. He knows that Skullmonkeys are dumb, because he read the whole Hall of Records. He creates a fake crown and impersonates Arven.
He manipulates all the Skullmonkeys, Ynts and Victoids into thinking that Hoborg plans to invade Idznak and turn it into a colony that exploits its population. Their plan? To manipulate Hoodians so they unwillingly become slaves on Idznak, steal crown from Hoborg and make a ghost town out of the Neverhood.
Jerry-O sees all of this and warns The Neverhood but it´s too late. Dentains´ army has already departured with technology that was built from Kloggs sketches that Dentain found on Idznak.
However, Dentain has a trick up his sleeve. He says to the Hoodians that he came to free them from the prison that is Neverhood. „There is a vast universe to be explored and you´d rather waste your time here?“ he says. He tells them that Hoborg is actually a tyrant that controls the whole land. „He can create anything, right? Stuff you´ll fall in love with or make your lives happier. But what if you become boring for him? He can easily destroy you and create better life forms and world. He sees all of you as toys. He created this world deliberately small so he can control all of you and do what he wants. Because this is his world, after all.“
Then, he tells Hoodians that he came to take them to his new world, where he will respect them and let them explore. He promises that they´ll be free.
Hoborg denies this fact and says that he simply didn´t have enough clay to create a big world he originally dreamed to build.
But the damage has already been done. Almost no one has read the whole Hall of Records, let alone the Hoborg part, because it was so long. Hoodians start to notice details like why does Hoborg live in a distant castle, at the edge of The Neverhood? Does he have something to hide? Why doesn´t he live with them?
Then the Hoodians are given a choice to stay or to go but Dentain knows this is only a cover-up.Most of them leave because they get manipulated. The whole mob steals Hoborgs´ crown and give it to Dentain because they think he should be the rightful ruler and creator.
Klayman and Starkin are worried. They plead for others to return but are dismissed as traitors. The only Hoodian who stays with them is Nellil, Starkins´ girlfriend.
Back on Idznak, Hoodians realize they´ve been tricked and become slaves to Dentain and other creatures.
Jerry-O´s message finally reaches the Neverhood. Starkin realizes the truth. He gets skeptical at first, since what if Dentains´ claims were true but is quickly calmed by Klayman who assures him that he knows the truth, since he read the Hall of Records with Nellil and the Hall only writes about things that actually happened.
And so, Starkin, Klayman and Nellil embark on a journey to save all the Hoodians. Will they defeat Dentain and other creatures, retrieve the crown to Hoborg and convince others to return to the Neverhood?
- puzzles, platforming, RPG battles at the end of the level
- Level Up with every saved Hoodian
- character change
Klayman = puzzle segments, defense type
Starkin = platforming segments, attack type
Nellile = helper/tutorial character (Omochao/Tikal type), support type
Dentain = final boss
Dentain = (ENTP) arrogant, selfish, manipulative, delusional,
Starkin = (ENFJ) heroic, optimistic, brave, curious, intelligent
Nellil = (ESFJ) considerate, helpful, intelligent,
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