#also get detention so kendall isn't lonely
Imagine, during Kendall's career day his mom was too busy to make it, so he didn't have anyone. So his best friends are like: you can share my mum/ dad!
Then when Katie's career day arrives, their mum is busy yet again (but they don't blame her), so kendall asks his friends if their parents can go instead, but they are all busy so kendall decides to go instead.
Since Katie's scheduled time for her parent is in the afternoon, kendall ditches school and runs to Katie's school, but he is slightly late. So Katie's class is just waiting when kendall suddenly bursts through the door and shouts: sorry I'm late! Some idiot tried to run me over as I was running across the road!
A few kids and parents recognize him because he's bagged their groceries a few times. Kendall explains his 'job' of being a big brother and his job at working at the supermarket.
Once he's done he sits with the other parents and Katie's teacher is like: don't you have to go back to school?
And Kendall's like: nope, schools practically over by now, so I'll chill here until Katie's done.
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