#also god his baby face allways makes me laugh
sastheforestspirit · 2 years
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This feeling when you were friend at highschool with this kid who is all into being an actor to be a Kamen Rider one day, and more than 10 years later he promo your restaurant at his ig as an actor who played Kamen Rider 😂
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rfsak2 · 7 years
Cactus, a Relationship
So this 1) took forever to write and I’m sorry, I was just not feeling like writing honestly. 2) It’s also short but I like where it went and I didn’t want to add to it honestly. Hope you like it! Drop me a line and requests are always open. Love y’all lots.
Title: Cactus, a Relationship Summary: Every healthy couple has their nicknames, their inside jokes and their rules. The Styles Warnings: Nope
Harry grinned and sipped at his coffee. “You look very pretty today, love.”
Jamie snorted and dropped a tea bag in her mug, tugging at her- Dante’s -frankly rancid plaid shirt. “Thank you, but I’m pretty sure that my shirt has seen better days. I’m not sure it’s going to survive the wash for much longer.”
“How long have you had it?”
“Oh roughly forever…” She grinned and poured milk in her tea. “It was my brother’s back in middle school, I nabbed it when he outgrew it.”
Harry smiled. “He must be a giant, then, love. To ‘ave outgrown a shirt that is still twice your size.”
She put the milk back in the fridge, shrugging as the door swung closed. “He’s maybe an inch taller than you, but I’d imagine he’s got a couple pounds on you. He’s always been a big dude, broad.”
“All muscle though, yeah?” Harry just wanted her to keep talking, he liked the way her mouth moved and twisted around her words, her accent quirking at her lips and rolling syllables over her tongue in a new, interesting way.
Carrying her mug over to the table, she snorted. “Yeah… muscle and probably a few too many slices of cheesecake.”
“Don’t be mean, love.” He chuckled.
“I’m not! He’d agree with me.” She smiled. “He does like his cheesecake. He works out a bit, but y’know.. He’s a musician.”
Harry looked comically offended. “What’s that mean?”
Sipping at her tea, she tapped her fingers against the table idly. “Well… most of us normal mortals have to work to look like Hollywood wants us to. My brother, and I for that matter, don’t always care to put in the effort.”
“What effort?” He scoffed. “Don’t be silly, love. You’re bloody gorgeous. Allways as far as I can tell.”
Pressing a kiss to his forehead, she sunk back into her chair and smiled at him. “You’re sweet.”
“Pretty Boy.” She smirked and laid her arm over his shoulders. “I have somethin’ to tell you.”
Harry sipped on his drink and pulled her into his lap, oblivious or uncaring that the group around them was largely unaware that they were… whatever they were. “What’s tha’, m’ beautiful girl?”
She smiled, giddy off him, and pressed her forehead to his. “I think you’re great.”
He grinned. “I think you’re great too.”
She sipped at her drink and leaned back to push hair off his forehead. “Are you having a good birthday?”
“I am.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “How can I not? I’m at my favorite restaurant with my favorite people around me and my favorite girl in my lap.”
She blushed and pressed a slower, deeper kiss to his mouth, hands framing his face. “You’re my favorite boy too.”
“Am I?”
She hummed and twirled and errant curl around her finger. “Indubitably.”
“I love it when yeh talk dirty to me.” He grinned, eyes on her lips.
“So easy to please.” She threaded her finger through his hair and tugged lightly, revelling in his soft groan.
He sipped at his drink and grinned. “What are we doin’ after this, love?”
“Whatever you want.”
“It’s my birthday after all.” His dimple deepened by the second and she ran the thumb of the hand still buried in his hair over it.
She licked over her bottom lip and nodded. “It’s your birthday after all.”
“Yeh ready to go, love?” His eyes were now on the low-cut of her pretty sequined party dress. He lifted a hand and rubbed it up the length of her thigh. “Want this dress on my floor.”
She smiled and stood, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. “What birthday boy wants birthday boy gets.”
Jamie smiled and reached her arm around Harry’s waist and pinched gently at her youngest’s soft side. The five-year-old squealed and buried his face in his father’s hip. He peeked around Harry and giggled. “Mumma, no tickling.”
Jamie nodded and reached to tickle him again. “Georgie, yes tickling.”
Harry, weather eye kept on his meandering older children, smiled, deeply content.
He smiled down at eleven-year-old Robbie and reached out to drop one massive hand on his shoulder, leading him gently in front of him. “Yeah, mate?”
“Can Mickie and I have ice cream?”
Looking at Mickie- and Georgie and Robbie for that matter -was like looking in a mirror and all three of his sons had mastered the puppy-dog eyes that were sure to get them what they-
“Aw.. Mum.” Mickie scuffed the toe of his converse in the dirt.
Harry shrugging, knowing full well that he’d been about to break. Thank God for his wife. “You heard her. No ice cream.”
“But why?”
Mickie grinned his father’s mischievous dimpled grin and leaned against her free side as if he were unaware that he was already at least an inch taller than her. “Mum, that’s against the rules. You gotta answer.”
Harry smiled and wrapped his free arm around his wife, supporting her against his side. “It is Styles Family Rule Number Three, Monster.”
She snorted. “Didn’t realize we had them numbered, Haz.”
“Well we do.”
Reaching for Robbie’s hand, she rolled her eyes at Harry. She dropped a kiss on Mickie’s forehead and brushed lightly at Robbie’s fringe. “You can’t have ice cream because we are about to eat dinner with Uncle Niall and Auntie Mitzi and the boys. Maybe… Maybe if it isn’t too late when we’re done eating, we can get dessert.” She smiled. “You hafta sleep tonight, we have an early flight in the morning and I’m not dragging grumpy boys through LAX.”
“Mum…” Mickie cast a look at Robbie then up at his father. “When do you ever drag us through LAX? We drag you.”
Harry coughed into his fist hiding a smile and Jamie huffed and knocked her hip against his. “I’ll have you know that I am loads better than I was before I started havin’ kids, aren’t I, Baby?”
Harry grinned and made a so-so motion. “Well..-”
“Mum! Dad!”
They both looked up at their daughters, both girls- small, fair, artsy Evie and tall, brunette, glamazon AB -grinned and stood half in the door of a music store. Evie shoved her phone in her purse and cupped her hands around her mouth. “They’re playin’ one of Dad’s old music videos!  Come see!”
Harry groaned and Jamie snickered as she tugged him toward the store. The girl behind the counter gaped as they entered and Harry pushed his hair off his face and set his sunglasses in his hair. He smiled politely at her and swung Georgie up into his arms as he came to a stop behind Jamie.
The Best Song Ever video was almost over by the time they got there and Jamie rested her chin on Robbie’s head. Video-Harry grinned big and she smiled in kind. “That has always been my favorite part of this video.” She cast a look back at Harry as he set his hand on her shoulder, lightly rubbing his thumb over the nape of her neck. “Such a happy noodle-boy.”
Harry stuck his tongue out her.
“That was before you met Daddy, right Mumma?”
She nodded. “Yep. That was well before I met him.” She winked at Harry. “Good thing I did though, yeah? Now I have five happy noodles!” She leaned back against Harry and offered a kiss which Harry accepted. “Now we gotta go. Uncle Niall gets grumpy when we make him wait too long.”
Jamie sighed and half-turned in the mirror, trying valiantly to find something about herself that she liked in this dress. She picked at the navy velvet neckline and shook her head.
There was an almost wistful sigh behind her and she turned to see Harry. “What?”
He grinned and stepped up next to her. “Yer so fuckin’ beautiful, love.”
She smiled and picked at a piece of lint on his collar. She shrugged. “Eh… I’m not all that into it.”
He made a face and rubbed the velvet between his fingers. “Why?”
She motioned vaguely at the mirror. “Just don’t know.” She smiled. “I like this suit though, Baby. Very nice.”
“Is it the color?”
She nodded. “Yeah it’s a nice color for you.”
“No.” He grinned. “Do yeh not like the color of yer dress?”
She considered herself in the mirror and shrugged. “Maybe? It just feels very heavy… I just don’t pull off dark colors like you do, I guess. It’s all of it.”
Harry pulled her closer to him and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Yeh are gorgeous in literally everything yeh put on, Monster, everything. However, if yeh don’t like it… I did see a very pretty yellow dress that ye’d also look gorgeous in and yeh should try that.”
She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “Yeah alright.”
She paused and considered him quietly. “What’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing… You just have great bone structure. Seriously. Just beautiful.”
Harry blushed. “You have great everything.”
“Hey.” She grabbed Harry’s face, quieting his nervous pacing. “You have great everything.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Go knock ‘em dead.”
“This is my wife, Jamie.” Harry grinned back at her. “She has great everything.”
Jamie laughed and waved at the crowd.
Jamie plucked at the topmost buttoned button on Harry’s shirt. When it popped open, she gasped and looked up at Harry. “Oops.”
Harry grinned down at her, before leaning over to press his forehead to her shoulder, chuckling.
She pressed her hands to his chest as he lazily wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in. She tutted and sneakily rubbed her thumbs over smooth tattooed skin. “Calm your tits, Hazza, seriously.”
He lifted his head, eyes heavy on hers. He kissed her softly and grinned. “Calm them for me, Monster? Hmm?”
She smiled, blushing. “How exactly should I do that?”
“Oh, I have ideas.”
She crooked her finger at Harry and grinned as he came over to her mic and dropped a kiss on her lips, leaning over her guitar.
“Yeh look so pretty today, love.”
She smiled and reached up lightning fast to pluck at his shirt. The button popped open and she grinned. “Oops.”
Mitch groaned into his mic. “No undressing on stage, lovebirds.”
The crowd screamed and Jamie giggled.
Harry popped up behind her and grinned. “Oops.” He plucked at the button on her blouse and cackled as she doubled over to rebutton it, laughing.
She swatted at his arm and giggled. “You behave!”
Lola arched an eyebrow. “I’m sorry… Did I just see an ‘H’ tattooed on your boob?”
Jamie flushed and turned to her, shushing. “Hush woman, the whole goddamn neighborhood will hear you.”
Lola shrugged and cast a look at Harry, who kept peeking at Jamie’s brothers. “You somehow got Freddie to tatt-”
“Of course not.” Jamie re-buttoned her blouse. “I’m not going to ask my brother to-”
“Tattoo your boyfriend’s initial on your tit?”
“What’s goin’ on over here?” Ryan meandered closer and sipped at his beer.
Turning, Lola cackled. “Sh-”
Jamie shushed her again and waved away him. “It’s none ya business, hermano, keep it moving.” When he’d wondered away, she turned back to Lola. “You crazy? You gotta keep ya damn mouth shut. Fuckin’ Ryan will have a bloody conniption.”
“I just can’t believe you let him tattoo your boob. You who has never gotten a tattoo that Freddie didn’t do for you.”
Jamie reached for Harry’s hand as he attempted to look nonchalant. “Yeah well…” She shrugged and squeezed Harry’s hand. “It was nice, right, Baby?”
Harry smiled and nodded, pressing a kiss to her hair.
“So it’s like a kink?” Lola turned to Harry. “Is that somethin’ you’re into, m’hijo?”
Huffing, Jamie flicked her off and pressed her face into Harry’s chest. “Screw you, Lola.”
Suddenly Lola gasped. “Wait! If you’ve got an ‘H’ on your boob…” She pointed at Harry. “Where’d she put it?”
Harry shifted uncomfortably and Jamie huffed. “Hush!”
“Did you tattoo a ‘J’ on his dick?”
Jamie rolled her eyes. “Of course no-”
“Yeah but it’s close, isn’t it?” Lola looked comically scandalized. “You two are into some real kinky shit. Damn.”
A Display Up Next: A Love
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