#also had an email from the nursery i applied to at the beginning of the month. finally.
onepiexe · 2 years
couldnt sleept i am. so. yeah.
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A Look Into the Future
Characters: Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Original Characters, Park Chanyeol
Words: 3339
Genre: Parents!Namjin, Preschool Director!Jin, Daddy!Yoongi, Orchestra Conductor!Yoongi, Computer Repairman!Hoseok, College Student!Jimin, College Student!Taehyung, College Student!Jungkook
Warnings: lots of fluff
Summary: “What do they end up doing with their life? Like what does Jungkook decide to do for a job?”; “I need to know how Jimin has been in college. What is he studying?”; “Like I LOVE and ADORE your fic so fucking much it would always be a delight to read new things about and especially about Hoseok’s future? Or at least an update of course! And even more what they all look like in the future BUT DAMN I WOULD READ EVERYTHING ANYTIME”; A look into what the boys choose to study in college and what they choose as a career; Time Period - Jungkook’s first day of college; Ages: Jin - 40, Namjoon - 39, Chanyeol - 23, Yoongi - 23, Sophia - 23, Hoseok - 22, Jimin - 20, Taehyung - 20, Jungkook - 18, Gabriella - 18, Sammie - 4, Chloe - 2 months
A/N: A lot of people were really interested in what each of the boys ended up doing with their lives, so here you go! I’ve also updated the masterlist with the name of another upcoming drabble. Hope you enjoy! <3
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“And you’re doing okay down there with your brothers? I don’t need to come pack you up and bring you back home?” Namjoon playfully rolled his eyes as he shifted in the bed next to Jin, his phone resting in between the two as they spoke to Jungkook the night before his first day of college.
“Dad, it’s literally only been five days, I am fine.” Jungkook’s voice rang through the speaker, attempting to calm and assure Jin. “I gotta go, Jimin’s boyfriend made dinner for us. It’s Mexican night!”
Both Jin and Namjoon couldn’t help but to smile at how excited their youngest child sounded for food. “Alright, Kookie, I’ll call you tomorrow to see how your first day went.” In response, the couple heard the voices of their three youngest exclaiming into the phone that they missed them. “We miss you too!” Jin and Namjoon said one final goodbye before finally hanging up the phone. Jin sighed deeply, making Namjoon look at him. “What do we do now?” Jin looked at him sadly. “All of our babies are grown up and moved off.”
Namjoon scooted closer to Jin and wrapped his arm over his waist, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck. “You say that like we’ll never see them again.” Jin pouted, making Namjoon continue. “Yoongi lives just a few minutes away, and you see him almost every day when he goes to pick Sammie and Chloe up from the preschool. Hoseok lives just across town, and we both know that the twins and Jungkook plan on coming back as soon as they graduate.” Jin grumbled, obviously not wanting to admit that Namjoon was right. “Come on, we’re supposed to be happy that they all grew up to be good, responsible adults.”
Jin sighed dramatically. “I guess you’re right.” He turned to look at his husband of 15 years. “I hate when you do that.”
“Do what?” Namjoon asked, trailing a few soft kisses along Jin’s jaw.
“Get all logical with me.” Jin pouted more as Namjoon sat up.
“Looks like you need a distraction~” Before Jin could ask Namjoon what he meant, Namjoon was already maneuvering himself to fit between Jin’s legs, making Jin start to giggle as he spread his legs to accommodate him. “We still haven’t celebrated your promotion.” At the end of July, the director of the preschool notified the staff of her retirement, spending the first couple of weeks deciding who would be her successor. She eventually picked Jin, who everyone knew was the obvious choice as he had been working there the longest, and the next day would be his first official day as the director.
“That’s right, we haven’t. Someone’s slacking~” Jin teased, playfully smacking Namjoon’s shoulder before gladly welcoming his lips on his own.
“Morning, Daddy!” Sammie greeted as Yoongi entered the kitchen, still tucking his shirt in as he was running slightly behind that morning.
“Good morning, princess~” Yoongi stopped to kiss the top of his four-year old’s head before walking over to the counter to fix his own breakfast plate. Sophia was also at the counter, making a bottle for the newest addition to their family, two-month-old Chloe. “Thank you for making breakfast.” Yoongi lightly kissed his wife before tickling the bottom of Chloe’s foot. “And there’s the little noisemaker~” Chloe quirked her lips up in a toothless grin as Yoongi spoke to her. “Someone just didn’t want to sleep last night, did they?”
“I think she knows what’s coming for her today.” Sophia said as Yoongi took his plate and joined Sammie at the table to eat. Sophia was referring to how she would be taking Chloe to get her two-month shots that morning, something even she wasn’t looking forward to.
“Chloe’s a strong girl, I think she’ll be fine.” Yoongi assured Sophia as she sat down at the table with them to feed Chloe. As Yoongi finished his eggs, he noticed that Sammie was also done. “Come on, Sammie, it’s time to go brush our teeth~”
The preschool started to pout. “But it’s Bubble Guppies time!” Since they ate breakfast at home, Sophia went to the center a little later in the day with the two girls, allowing Sammie to watch an episode of her favorite show before she finished getting ready each morning.
“I know, baby, but Daddy’s gonna take you to school today, remember?” Sophia was quick to explain before Sammie could get too upset. “I gotta take baby sister to the doctor.”
“Oh yeah~” Sammie said as if she had just remembered then climbed out of her chair and followed Yoongi to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
After getting both their brushes prepared, Yoongi looked down at his daughter. “You ready?” Sammie nodded definitively and put her pink Little Mermaid toothbrush in her mouth, observing her dad closely to mimic his movements as he brushed his teeth. Each time he spit into the sink, he would then step back and pick Sammie up, so she could spit too, setting her back on the floor to continue brushing. When they were finally done, he crouched down in front of her. “Let me see those teeth~” Sammie smiled widely for her dad, who immediately began to praise. “Wow, those are the cleanest teeth I’ve seen! Any cleaner and you would blind me!” Sammie giggled as Yoongi stood back up. “Okay, go get your backpack now~” The preschooler ran off to her room while Yoongi walked into Chloe’s nursery where Sophia was changing the infant. “Please wish me luck~” Yoongi whined, wrapping his arms around Sophia from behind and burying his face in her shoulder.
“Why?” Sophia asked, turning around to face him after fastening the clean diaper and making sure Chloe wasn’t in danger of rolling over and off of the changing table.
“The beginners are playing their instruments for the first time today.” Unlike his younger brothers, who were still in college, the school year for Yoongi began the previous week (earlier if one counted his teacher work days), and after spending one week teaching the sixth graders the proper way to hold their bows and the basics of their instruments, it was time to actually begin teaching them to play.
“Oh, you poor baby~” Sophia indulged him by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug.
“I’m serious! If I had to pick something I hated about my job, besides the lack of budget the school district gives to the orchestra program, it would be this day.”
“I know, I’m being serious, too~” Sophia failed at holding in her laughter, so she chose to lean up and press their lips together to muffle it.
“I’m ready to go!” The couple pulled away as their oldest daughter ran into the room with her backpack and shoes already on, and on the right feet.
“Look at you, putting your shoes on all by yourself!” Sophia praised as she picked Chloe up from the changing table. “Come give me and Chloe bye hugs~” The four-year-old listened and ran to her mother, accepting a kiss from her then leaning in and giving Chloe a kiss herself.
“When will you be at school?” Sammie had gotten extremely used to both her mother and grandfather teaching her class, and her four-year-old mind was worried about what would happen without her mom there.
“Don’t worry, Sammie, I’ll be there just in time to read our story.” Sophia assured her before giving her one more kiss. “Love you~” She told the girl before standing up and giving her husband a bye kiss. “And I love you~”
Yoongi responded with another kiss before taking Sammie’s hand and leading her out of the house, both of them yelling goodbyes over their shoulder.
Hoseok exited his apartment with his bag and, after checking the email on his phone one more time just to confirm he had the right address in mind, walked over to the staircase to go one floor up, still shocked that the client lived in his complex.
After graduating with his Associate Degree in Computer Information Systems Technology, Hoseok started freelancing his repair services to have some form of income as he applied for IT jobs at various places. Now two years later, he’d decided to stick with the self-employment route as he realized people were willing to pay him more than what he had been offered from the few companies that had called him in for an interview.
He finally arrived at the correct apartment and knocked on the door. The door opened and Hoseok immediately found himself feeling flustered as he forced himself to keep his gaze from falling on the young woman’s bare legs. “A-are you, uh, Gabriella?”
“Yes, you must be Hoseok, hi, come on in!” Gabriella rushed out, stepping to the side to let Hoseok into her apartment. “My laptop is right in here on the coffee table.” She directed him to sit on her couch and showed him her laptop. “It’s just been glitching and crashing on me every few minutes, which is extremely inconvenient for me because I just started classes at UACCM last week, and the second week of school is not a good time for my computer to stop working, and I was just gonna take it to best buy, but then one of my friend’s brothers, apparently he was a classmate of yours or something, recommended you to me, so I thought why not, and now I’m rambling.” Hoseok held back a chuckle at the young woman as she looked down at her legs. “And I just realized I’m not wearing any pants, excuse me for just a second.” She ran off to what Hoseok assumed to be her bedroom, and he finally did let out a small laugh, simultaneously releasing the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
While Gabriella was gone, Hoseok began playing around with the laptop in front of him, trying to find the source of the issue. When Gabriella returned, now sporting a pair of jeans, Hoseok immediately stood up and looked at her. “Just from initial observations it seems like it might take me a few days to find the issue and resolve it.” Gabriella’s face fell, and Hoseok rushed to apologize to her. “I’ll try to get it done as fast as I can, but I do have other clients, so it might take a while. If you’re okay with me taking it with me…”
“Oh, yeah, go ahead~” Gabriella nodded and gathered the power cord for him as he gently placed her laptop in his bag. “I’ll just use the computer lab on campus and try to stay ahead of my work until it’s done.”
“There is good news to this.” Hoseok offered. “I live just one floor down, so I can bring it right up as soon as it’s fixed.”
“Oh, I might not be home, though~” Gabriella said. “I also work in Morrilton when I’m not in class, so I don’t get home until late. But I can give you my number and you can call me when it’s fixed, then I can pick it up from your place when I get home.”
Hoseok nodded in agreement. “That sounds good.” He pulled a notepad and pen out of his bag and handed it to Gabriella, so she could write her number down. “I will, hopefully, talk to you in a few days.”
“Yeah, thanks, Hoseok.” Gabriella walked him to the front door and waved before closing it behind him.
Jungkook sat at the bar counter of his new apartment that he shared with his older brothers, sleepily shoveling spoonfuls of oatmeal into his mouth. He looked up when he heard someone enter the room, seeing Taehyung shuffling his way into the kitchen. “Why does my first class have to be at 8:30?” Jungkook complained, dropping his spoon back into his bowl so he could slump over the counter.
Taehyung shrugged. “You’re the one who scheduled it~” He responded as he pulled a box of mini blueberry muffins out of the cabinet.
Jungkook shook his head. “I didn’t even have the choice! It was the only time available and it’s a required class.” He picked his spoon back up but froze when he realized something. “Wait, I thought your first class wasn’t until later.”
“It’s not.” Taehyung answered, sticking one of the muffins in his mouth whole. “But I’m expecting a call and I wanted to make sure I was awake for it.” He spoke around his mouthful of food.
A few minutes later, Jimin came out with his backpack and dance bag. “See you later, guys~”
“Woah, woah, woah~” Jungkook called out, making Jimin stop. “I know you’re not planning on walking out of here without breakfast.”
Jimin turned back around to face his brothers. “Guys, don’t worry, I’m meeting Chanyeol at Louie’s for a breakfast date before my ballet class. I’m not skipping breakfast, trust me.”
“We do,” Taehyung assured him. “We were just making sure.” He picked up another muffin but dropped it as his phone started to ring. “Hey, how’d your appointment go?” He asked the second he answered it, running back to his bedroom for privacy.
“Hey, when are you having lunch?” Jimin asked Jungkook.
“I have, like, an hour break between my first two classes at around 11:30~” Jungkook answered before taking another bite of his oatmeal.
“You’ll probably get out early since it’s the first day. I’m done for the day at 10:30, and I know Taehyung gets out around 11:30 too, so just text us when you get done, then we can meet up for lunch. I’m thinking Cane’s. That sound good to you?”
“Oh, definitely~” Jungkook responded enthusiastically, already getting excited for what he had decided was his new favorite restaurant after his brothers took him to eat there for dinner the night he moved in.
“Great, see you later. Have a good first day~” Jimin walked over and ruffled the 18-year old’s hair before finally leaving the apartment.
Not much later, Jimin was sitting across from his boyfriend of nearly two years at Louie’s café as they had their orders taken. “I would like a Spanish omelet, please.”
As Jimin handed his menu to the waiter, Chanyeol stated his own order. “And I would like the number three combo with pancakes, fried eggs, and bacon.” The couple thanked the waiter as he walked off. “So, you excited for this semester?” Chanyeol took Jimin’s small hand in his own, rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin.
“Well, I finally get to start my core social work classes, so that’ll be a nice breather from all the boring gen ed classes.” Jimin answered honestly, letting himself be lulled to total relaxation from the way Chanyeol had now moved on to massaging his fingers.
“I remember a certain someone constantly gushing over their sociology classes last semester.” Chanyeol teased his younger boyfriend.
“Yeah, those were the non-boring gen ed classes.” Jimin retorted. “What about you, Mr. Almost-Done-With-My-Masters?”
Chanyeol chuckled at Jimin’s attempt at teasing him before answering, now abandoning playing with Jimin’s fingers in favor of intertwining their fingers together. “Well, I have a meeting with my professor today to review my thesis project so far, and then I was hoping to treat my adorable boyfriend to lunch and maybe a cuddle session.”
Jimin sighed. “I told Jungkook that we’d have lunch together today.” Chanyeol pouted, looking absolutely adorable in Jimin’s eyes. “Buuuuut…” Chanyeol looked hopeful at this, “…after lunch, Jungkook will be in class until 6:30, and then Taehyung has class from 2:30-4:00, so if you possibly wanted to come over for some cuddling, or even a little more…” Jimin trailed off, just looking at his boyfriend.
A smile spread across Chanyeol’s face as he leaned in to lightly press his lips to Jimin’s nose, making the 20-year-old scrunch it up. “That sounds great.”
After the couple finished their breakfast, they exited the restaurant and began the trek back to campus. Thankfully the Music & Dramatic Arts Building wasn’t too far, so Jimin didn’t worry too much about being late for his ballet class. They stopped outside the building and Jimin didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “Thank you for buying me breakfast~” He went up on his tiptoes, but Chanyeol still had to bend down for their lips to meet.
“You are most certainly welcome~” Chanyeol said as soon as they parted. “I’ll come by your apartment a little before 2:00, okay?”
Jimin nodded and leaned up for another kiss. “Bye~” He whispered against Chanyeol’s lips before molding them together again, teasing his boyfriend by allowing him to swipe his tongue against his bottom lip before pulling away fully. “Gotta go!” He said cheerfully before bounding away, knowing that Chanyeol was probably already planning on how to get back at him later.
“Hey, Taehyung~” Taehyung looked up from where he was scrolling through Twitter on his laptop and saw Alyssa, someone he remembered from freshman year. “We’re having a party this weekend, you should totally come.”
Taehyung politely smiled at her as memories from the last time the two of them were at a party together raced through his mind. “Sorry, but I can’t~”
“You haven’t been to a party since freshman year!” Alyssa exclaimed.
“Yeah, I’m kind of trying to focus on my grades right now.” Taehyung responded. “Wanna make sure I get into OT school.”
“I can respect that.” Alyssa said. “But if you ever wanna get together in some other way-“
“I’m taken now.” Taehyung cut her off.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” She looked guilty over hitting on him.
Taehyung gave her a friendly smile. “It’s okay.”
Alyssa smiled back as she stood up to go back to where she was originally sitting before seeing Taehyung in the same class as her. “Well, I’ll see you around.”
An hour later, Taehyung was sitting at a booth at Raising Cane’s with his brothers, each of them with a chicken strip basket in front of them. “So, Jungkook, how’s your day been so far?”
“Well, I’ve only had one class, but it’s been great so far!” Jungkook picked up a French fry and dipped it in the special Cane’s sauce. “My professor right off the bat asked us to draw something simple just so he could get a feel for everyone’s style, and he complimented me on mine and even asked if he could use it as an example for the entire class. I’m hoping my other art classes today will be just as great.”
“I’m sure they will, Kookie. You’re an amazing artist!” Jimin praised his younger brother as he grabbed the ketchup bottle.
“I’m also really excited for my art history class tomorrow.” Jungkook continued on.
When there was a lull in the conversation, Jimin turned to Taehyung. “By the way, Tae, you might wanna call when you get out of class later, just to make sure it’s safe to come home.”
Taehyung groaned. “Dude, remember our rule about no sexiling!”
“I’m not sexiling you!” Jimin defended himself. “Chanyeol’s not coming over until around the time you leave for class, so you won’t even be home!”
“Just use protection,” was Jungkook’s only comment on the matter as the two 20-year olds began to bicker about the issue at hand. As they continued on, Jungkook glanced at his watch. “I gotta go to class now, see you guys later~”
The twins paused in their quarrel long enough to tell their younger brother goodbye before returning to the matter at hand. “The whole point of you calling is so that we’ll know to wrap it up before you get home!”
Taehyung huffed. “I guess I should be thankful that you warned me instead of letting me walk into it like last time.”
“You said you would be at the library until after midnight!” And thus, started a whole new argument between the two.
Request Drabbles!
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deffy03 · 3 years
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Hi, My name's Arran. I am husband to a wonderful wife and two beautiful children. In April 2019 we made an offer on a home in Crieff, Scotland, having been renting a small home for a couple of years that was full of damp and we had to fight all the way to the ombudsman to prove that the estate agents had rented a property without properly declaring it's condition. We were successful, but what we thought was going to be a new chapter in our life, where we could begin to build a future, turned out to be an even worse nightmare. The Situation: We completed the sale in July 2019, and we were so happy to be moving into our new home - somewhere that was ours, that we could fill with love and fun. We took advantage of the Scottish Government's LIFT Scheme (where the government puts 30% towards the house, to be repaid on sale) - they approved the property after assessing the home reports and documents provided by the sellers. My wife is a full-time mum, and I work in IT (from home now, of course!) and she wanted to contribute to our income. The property we bought had a good-sized garage - perfect for one of my wife's ideas - dog grooming! All it would take is a little bit of renovation and some learning. After taking out a £20k loan to get off the ground (materials, labour and training courses), we hired a joiner to get to work on putting up a partition wall and an electrician to start expanding the electrics that were in the garage. One afternoon in December 2019, the joiner informed me that the garage was completely rotten - to the core! Suddenly dog grooming was a lot further away. We had the garage assessed by a damp and timber specialist, who concluded that the structure was not fit for purpose and posed a danger to life. As he was drilling, one of the main joists in the structure crumbled away due to dry rot. During our viewing we asked about the water stains on the ceiling panels - the sellers told us there was a leak in the roof which they have fixed and that the whole structure was sound and dry. Given it was a also listed as a category 1 - we had felt confident that it was at least a usable structure. The joiner feels that the state of the garage is due to there being a leak in the roof for YEARS, then once the leak was fixed the owners then added new ceiling panels and vents in order to dry out the beams - this is what caused the rot and where the water staining has come from. Of course, we contacted the surveyors who had provided the Home Report (which claimed everything was a category 1, with only a category 2 for 'uneven cobbles' in the front garden). They came out, investigated, and concluded that - yes, they should have marked this as a category 2 - it was obvious (to a qualified surveyor) there had been leakage and damage through damp, and should be noted on the report so that potential buyers could assess. The surveyors offered to send a contractor to fix the structure of the garage - we advised that according to the joiner and the timber and damp specialist that this was NOT an option. We politely asked for a little bit of time to decide, as we'd been recommended to check out some of the other areas of the house given that the garage had been covered up. We organised our own independent home report and the differences between the first one and our subsequent report are devastating! Our surveyor advised that we cannot legally sell this home due to the state of disrepair and our home was devalued by £6000. Our home is also category 3 for damp, rot and infestation (we have woodworm, with no definitive of whether it’s active or not) - the original home report had this as a category 1. We were advised by our surveyor to have the roof, electrics & boiler checked by specialist as these were all recategorized as a 2 and not a 1 as originally reported. There is no way the Scottish Government would have granted permission for us to buy this home through the Lift Scheme. In all, our home report flagged up 14 category 2s and the category 3 for 'damp, rot and infestation' (the original report had ONE category 2 - for uneven stones). We would expect home reports to differ on some matters, but to see such obvious contradictions was soul destroying. It became clear to us that the original surveyors had not conducted an actual, realistic report on the house. As we have been told frequently "you were presented with one house but sold another". We also discovered that the surveyors have an existing 'business relationship' with the sellers, and there was multiple, similar complaints, outstanding against not only the surveyor company, but the SPECIFIC SURVEYOR that was supposed to have produced the report on our home. We had an electrician come to do a report on the house, and he found that not only were the electrics dangerous, none of them met any kind of standard and were highly illegal - he suggested that the electrics had not been done by a professional. Our electrics were subsequently condemned. None of this was declared or noted in the documents prior to sale. Our electrician said that if something were to go wrong with an appliance, we would likely be electrocuted. He also said that if he had the power do to so, he would have to shut the electrics off. Further, he noted that there was no earth wire to the boiler, and recommended we have someone check out the boiler as it looked extremely unsafe to him. The boiler engineer was unable to check anything as he discovered that at some point, someone had drilled a toilet screw into the boiler casing (having presumably lost the original) which had ruptured the case. He was concerned that any attempt to service the boiler would result in a CO2 leak, and cause our gas to be shut off immediately. In the meantime, we are entitled (through Warmer Homes Scotland) to a replacement heating system. We were successful in the application, and an engineer came out to run tests and draw up for plans for installation. On doing a safety check in the kitchen, he found that the electrics were at a dangerously unsafe level, and therefore he would be unable to conduct ANY work in the house. Our shower broke, and the technician found the same thing - the electrics were far to dangerous for anyone to attempt any repairs. What have we done? After our initial panic and anger subsided, we began looking at how we could fix this situation. We contacted the original surveyors again, who came out to reassess. We also contacted our insurance provider, alerting them to a possible legal claim against the surveyors and sellers for misrepresentation; our insurance legal team suggested the case would be for criminal negligence. The surveyors concluded that they had indeed 'fallen short' of their 'usual high standards'. They would not specify in which regard they had fallen short, and offered us £3000 for full and final settlement. They would not specify what areas the settlement was for. Throughout, the surveyor's attitude was belligerent, avoidant and patronising. They repeatedly refused to answer questions or provide documentation that I asked for (such as proof that a surveyor had even attended the property). Given that we were already £20k down on a loan, £129,000 down on a mortgage for a house we would never have bought, we had to refuse the settlement. We then went through The Royal Institute For Chartered Surveyors (RICS) who offered us £4000. Our insurance legal team indicated that we had a likely claim, and we needed to be compensated adequately, not fobbed off early. After months of waiting, refilling out forms, discussions, letters, our insurance finally informed us in February 2021 (having first contacted them just under a year earlier) that they would be unable to cover any legal costs, as we were not covered by their policy at the time of making an offer. We are currently going through a complaints process to find out why we could not have been informed, even indicatively, that this stipulation would apply. We then started frantically contacting lawyers (who would be able to provide legal aid as all our money not tied into repayments, all our potential for credit has been exhausted by living here). We have been waiting for months to have phone calls returned, for emails to be replied to, for ANYTHING to move. Every law firm we have spoken to has said that we have an extremely strong case - but they either don't have the capacity to take us on, or don't provide legal aid. Even the Scottish Law Society (who are supposed to help you find legal assistance in a situation like this) are not taking phone calls and have not replied to a single email. We have called and written to MPs, to the solicitors who acted for us during purchase, to the estate agents who advertised the property - and nobody is helping us. We have recently had the electrics fixed (we could not live in such dangerous circumstances any longer, every day worrying about our children touching something) - and have had to borrow the almost £5000 from my in-laws to pay for it. What Do We Need? We now have NOTHING. We are living out of an overdraft that keeps getting deeper (and we're about at the limit). We have no prospects. To add to our distress - our eldest was diagnosed with ASD and probable ADHD and was excluded from school during his first few weeks in Primary 1. It has since been determined that it was completely unlawful, that he should have been protected by the Child's Plan from nursery and that the school lied repeatedly to try to avoid scrutiny. However, despite all this, there has been no justice for our son. Just a shrug and 'sorry'. Further, I was offered a lucrative opportunity by someone I used to work for. If I could pass the interviews, I would have been on a career path with massive potential. Slowly over a period of a few months, this opportunity was taken from me, without any explanation or reason and then eventually, he has decided to ignore my messages. I imagine the budget it no longer there to hire - but instead of being open about that (which I can more than handle), the decision has been to pretend I don't exist. With hindsight, we should have realised that the reports and description of the home was too good to be true. Given that no work had been declared, and there was no indication on the home report that things were anything less than in great condition - we were really not in the position to get surveys done for a potential offer. We're now left with a house we would never have bought (especially coming from a rented home that was damp), with debts we cannot pay, with dreams crushed, and with no conceivable way out. No one will help. No one is being held accountable. We have all relevant documents, and I am happy to answer any questions We always considered ourselves good people - trying to help when we can, donating to causes, helping friends and family where they need it. Giving people the benefit of the doubt and never asking for more than what we felt was fair. I have asked for £75,000 - to help us pay back our debts, bring the house up to the standard we were presented with at sale, to help us bring this case to court and to give us some room to breathe after being under crushing stress, depression, and hopelessness for so long. It will also allow us to repay my in-laws for the recent electrical work. But any amount would be greatly beneficial to us. All donations have our sincerest gratitude. Arran & family
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jaxstuart · 4 years
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Lockdown in Trieste day 29
More good news today as cases in Italy are down by 16% on yesterday to 3,039 new cases diagnosed. There were 604 new deaths in the past 24 hours, bringing the total deaths to 17,127. Lombardy, the worst hit area has seen 9,484 deaths, they will soon hit 10,000 - that will be a sad moment.
In our region there were 51 new cases and 6 new deaths, bringing the total number diagnosed to 2,154.
Although I feel happy about the dropping numbers here, it is hard to get too optimistic because of what is going on elsewhere.
In the US there were 19,100 new cases and 1,371 new deaths, of which 731 were in New York. I love that city and I am sorry it has been so badly hit. In the meantime Donald Trump is encouraging republican supporters to go out and vote.
The UK did not have a good day either, with 3,634 new cases and 786 new deaths, bringing the total deaths to 786. With Boris Johnson now in intensive care, it might be hard to get Brits to take the lockdown more seriously. I don’t know what has changed in Britain to make people believe they are above the law. When I lived there it was not like that. Here in Italy people generally respect the rules, although there was news today about a lady from nearby Grado who was fined for going to the shops 11 times in one day.
I spent much of today rearranging travel. I was due to leave tomorrow for Marrakech where I intended to meet my Son who was travelling separately from Denmark. My outbound flight was cancelled a few weeks ago but not the return flight. It is impossible to get hold of any travel agent or airline but I managed to apply to change the flights to Easter 2021 instead.
I got news from Sash that the lockdown in Denmark will be extended until 10th May, with borders continuing to be closed. Their lockdown has not been as strict as ours, people are allowed outside. Although they have only 3,377 cases in Denmark, and 203 deaths, the numbers have been growing steadily, but not exponentially like some other countries.
So I had to also cancel our trip at the beginning of May to Scotland to visit my Mum. I managed to rearrange the flights to March 2021, but hopefully we will manage to visit sooner when things settle down. Finally, I got news this afternoon that Sash’s flight to Spain at the end of May has been cancelled, so I have to rearrange that trip to visit my Aunt and Uncle.
I did three long haul trips in the first half of last year, so I stayed at home for the second half, except one short trip to Spain in October, then another in December. I was really, really looking forward to my Spring travels and seeing my family, especially my Son who I have not seen since he returned to Denmark on 1st January. I know there are many people with far worse things to worry about than having their travel plans cancelled, but I must admit I am a bit upset.
My day was much like others on lockdown. Skype call with my colleagues in the morning. Spent some time answering emails. Cooked a delicious lunch, have been inventing a new recipe most days. Lay on the sofa and had a sleep in the sun after lunch. I found a fantastic website that belongs to the space station, they have amazing photos. One is shown here, dustclouds from a stellar nursery 5,000 light years away. I walked Bluebell to the rose garden as the sun went down and joined the flashmob concert crew with a rendition of 'Dancing in the dark'.
When I face adversity of any kind, I often take comfort by thinking that in a month’s time, it will all be just a bad memory. That isn’t the case here, it will take more than a month, but I believe in 6 months we will see some semblance of normality, and in a year we will again be able to do most of the things that bring us joy. And in the history of the universe, this is just a blip, however terrible it might seem now.
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jcabalquinto-blog · 4 years
A Normal Day of Aspiring Work at Home Mom
I used to think that working from home as a mother is quite hard especially if you have a baby that needs to be taken care of. Like many of moms out there,  I have my mom goals and working woman goals. After I gave birth last July 2019 with my first son I  had in my mind that going back to work after 105 days maternity leave will be a big challenge for me. To make the story short I went back to work after my leave, going back to wake up 2 hours before my shift, took a jeep to reach my workplace and the saddest part is I am seeing my son only once a week because I am from Bulacan but my workplace is in Manila. Since I am breastfeeding mom also, I have this cooler bag with me full of milk inside and I used that kind of set up for almost 6 months.
Due to the pandemic my recent company is temporarily closed, and that situation gave me a reason to spend more time with my son. Most especially it gives me an opportunity to apply online and be part of working at home mom out there. It was not easy as I don't have experience working as a freelancer. And I saw this Filipino Virtual Assistance who are conducting an online course,  without hesitation I enrolled and Class Batch 45 has been started this June 2020. I am learning a lot of things that I never imagined.
Now that I am currently taking this course, struggle is real. I didn't expect that taking this course while taking care of my baby and doing other house chores are quite challenging.I can watch the videos and do my portfolio/assignment  when he is sleeping. Time management is very important especially to those moms like me.
"Guilt management can be just as important as time management for mother". - Shery Sandburg
"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed"- Linda Wooten
Now, I want to share my everyday life and what my day looks like. I don't dictate my life around a predetermined schedule, instead I have a general idea of what I need to accomplish that day and try my best to do them. If I don't complete them, it's not a big deal. I just shake it off and move onto the next day.
These are some of my secrets to this motherhood game without going down that road of chasing perfection and falling into anxiety and depression. By the end of this post you get a better idea of my daily life and how I manage my household and time of looking after my son.
6:00AM-My son is awake and crawling in the bed, I close my eyes tightly and pray that he will not cry, which he usually does. I try to stay in the bed as long as I can or at least 5 to 10 minutes.
6:30AM- Alarm goes off. I am usually dead tired and regret sleeping late the night before. I do this almost everyday, Yes I am still working on it.
6:40AM-Brush my teeth, wash my face (sometimes I don't have time to wash my face) and start changing the diaper and clothes of my baby as well give him his morning bottle. 
7:00AMFor breakfast time, we usually eat heavy breakfast (fried rice and egg- typical Filipino breakfast) with coffee. I used to feed my baby after us since he just took his milk a little while. 
7:35AM-While my baby is playing, it's time to wash his bottles and do some house chores. 
8:15AM-It's been 2 hours since my baby woke up and it's time to sleep again (he usually sleeps twice or thrice a day). I Needed to sing him a lullaby song which he used to hear . This buys me almost 30 minutes. 
8:45- 10:45AM-1st set of watching my online course (Freelancing Course). There are some videos that I kept watching repeatedly just to absorb the lesson as I don't want to jump to the next lesson or do the portfolio without even checking to myself if I understand the lesson. 
10:50AM-Time for my baby- need to feed him and play with him as well as take him a bath. Preparing food for him as well as our food. It took more than 1 hour to finish these things. 
12:00PM-It's lunch time. Me, my husband and my baby are eating together during lunch time, it's also our time for bonding and having a little talk with my husband. 
1:00-3:00PM-Nap time again for my baby, it's also my time to watch and learn my online course. This time I am preparing my portfolio and hope to finish before my baby awakes, which he usually wakes up when I am in the middle of creating my portfolio. 
3:00-6:00PM-Opps! Mommy duty begins again! Play with him again, sometimes when he is not in the mood I'll just carry him for a long while watching his favorite nursery rhymes. Sometimes when he is in the mood, my time also to.check my social media accounts and email and some updates I need to know (me time for just 20 to 30 minutes). 
6:00-8:00PM-Dinner time, usually my mother in law is preparing food for dinner. Family dinner at 6:30 in the evening and again a talk and bonding with other family members (we are the typical filipino extended family). Need to wash the dishes after dinner time. 
8:00PM-12:00AM-FREEDOM! I love this time of the day so much. I use this time to continue my online class. This is the time that I really concentrate with the lesson and catch up on my social media. Sometimes I drink a glass of fresh milk and sometimes I do face masks while watching the videos.
And that's it. With my baby it is important to divide and conquer and be flexible with my schedules. I avoid over scheduling and focus on quality over quantity because there is no way I can fit them all into my schedule.
#Freelancer AspiringWorkAtHomeMom VIrtualAssistant CustomerServiceSpecialist SocialMediaManager
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punalavaflow · 5 years
KILAUEA ERUPTION — ONE YEAR LATER: Displaced farmers face ‘a long road ahead’
Like many other nursery owners in Kapoho, Elton Mow lost years of labor when lava from the 2018 Kilauea eruption hooked around Green Mountain and buried the area under more than 60 feet of fresh rock.
Now he faces the arduous task of starting over.
“I’m restarting, but it’s a long road ahead,” said Mow, who lost 12 acres.
A survey conducted by the University of Hawaii and state Department of Agriculture found at least 46 farms affected by the eruption, with more than 1,337 acres of arable land covered. The total agricultural loss: $27.9 million, mostly from nurseries and papaya farms.
Of those surveyed, 87 percent said they wanted to restart or relocate.
That requires raising capital and having a plan to survive before generating income.
“If I survive three years, I’ll get cash coming in,” said Mow, 54.
He said he has been working part time for UH through a federal dislocated worker grant.
Some received payments from crop insurance or aid from the federal government for noninsurable crops, which was capped at $125,000, for those who qualified.
The Agriculture Department offers disaster loans with 3 percent interest, said Dean Matsukawa, the department’s loan administrator. Three loans were issued to papaya farmers for a total of $160,000, he said.
Mow said he had some crop insurance for his orchids and is trying to avoid taking out a large loan.
“I don’t want to take on a big debt, because I’m not that young anymore,” he said.
Mow, who lives in the Keaau Agricultural Lots, where he has a greenhouse, might be in a better position than most because he already leases 4 acres from W.H. Shipman and didn’t lose his home. He started leasing the land following the 2014 lava flow that threatened Pahoa and Tropical Storm Iselle, but hadn’t put it to use. That’s where he plans to restart.
“It’s like an insurance policy,” he said.
Still, the area isn’t as ideal for orchids because it tends to get more rain.
That means he has to use greenhouses instead of shade houses, which are 10 to 20 times more expensive.
“We had enough rainfall, but not too much, and lots of sunshine,” Mow said about Kapoho.
That climate is ideal for orchids and papayas.
According to the state survey, the floriculture and nursery industry lost $13.3 million because of the eruption, and papaya farmers incurred $6.5 million in losses, mostly in lost crops.
Eric Weinert, president of the Hawaii Papaya Industry Association, said lack of access to existing farms has been a problem, particularly along Highway 132. That started to change April 1 when a temporary access road through Puna Geothermal Venture was opened to an isolated kipuka.
Weinert said a few papaya farmers relocated to Keaau, but they face the same problem with the climate as flower growers.
“It’s pretty wet up there,” he said.
Farmers who restart have to wait a year before they can begin harvesting, Weinert said.
Weinert and Eric Tanouye, Hawaii Floriculture and Nursery Association president, both said the disaster has left the demand for their products unmet, causing customers to seek supply from other countries.
“The market will be purchasing foreign product,” Tanouye said, if demand can’t be met locally. “That is a big concern.”
About 25 farms that were destroyed also have loans totaling $2.5 million through the state, Matsukawa said.
He said the loans haven’t been forgiven, though payments have been deferred.
Gregg Adams, whose dragon fruit and palm farm was inundated off Highway 132, said he has a $50,000 loan from the state, but didn’t see the deferral as providing much help since it only applies to the principal.
He doesn’t have access to his property and can’t attempt to restart until the county builds at least a temporary road over the highway. Adams said he can’t access his property through the PGV site.
He said he was expecting more help from the state or federal governments, adding it’s been a “very painful process.”
“I can’t help but feel abandoned,” Adams said. “I don’t see a lot of assistance.”
Email Tom Callis at [email protected]. from Hawaii News – Hawaii Tribune-Herald http://bit.ly/2VHTgMb
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olusegundare · 6 years
Brother Samson and Sister Debbie’s Story Continues
ENQUIRY (june 18, 2014)
(Editor’s note, this is assumably the beginning of a disturbing msg received)
I have resume office work again afta 2 weeks leave...it seems as if d management @ d headquarter has been calling on our office for assistance on d new contracts d company I work secured lately. The staff @ d headquarter are fully occupied on d earlies contracts execution with these additional contracts, d managmt requires additional hands, heads, 2 be able 2 meet d targetted dates of filing d contracts reports. All d branch managers within d island has been invited 4 an adhoc meeting on how 2 go abt d work & d resolution of d managmt according 2 my boss is dat capable & excellent hands 4m all branches should be used 4 d work. All d branch managers have submitted d names of those in their branch who could be moved in to assist the headquarter staff in executing these projects and my boss said my name is among the names of staff he submitted@ d echelon office who could be moved in for these works.
So, I have been expecting a memo from the headquarters of the move, and how to go about it generally. Ofcourse "mai" lord has been intimated of this new development and of d fact that I may leave for the headquarters any moment from now to return weekend and or perhaps two weeks time.
This initial plan of going to headquarters to work with others changed bc d world is now a global village with the development of internet facilities as such the board of directors had an adhoc meeting in which they reviewed the earlier plan of moving people from other branches of the company into d headquarters by writing internal memo to those branch offices that all shortlisted names should stay in their branches and that they will send the materials to work with at their ends unto those branches. They added that, were the managmt to move all shortlisted names, the management will be looking for befitting accommodation for them 2 work in, and that they are not sure of good accommodation that they can secure within that short-time limit which will give all the staff time, comfort (relatively), to maximally work to produce the optimal result within dat short time frame. As such, d management has decided dat all should be in their ends, use the instruments provided in their branches to get the desired results within the shortest time frame possible, the management also wishes to tell all the concerned to ensure that they beat the submission time and date.
The materials to work with will be forwarded into the branches' email boxes from whence we are expected to copy those forwarded messages into individual staff's system and if need be print them out for diligent studies, effective work and prompt completion with onward filing of the report back to the headquarters.
When my boss finished briefing us; four other persons and myself, of this latest development and the need to get prepare for rond the clock work as from the following day, because according to him by then the materials to work with ought to have fully been in the branch office's email box because the management is uploading those files now and after the files full attachment they will be sent.
After his briefing, I, Debbie, was chatting with mr. God-is-good (aka GG for short) on our way back to our respective offices.
"I have been thinking that I will have rest a while before I start some other series of work in this office", Debbie said.
"Me too. I have just finished one last week. It took me time before I could complete the work. No thanks that you were not around, bc I know that u would have assisted me assuming u were around", mr GG SAID.
"Eh-hen? But what about my deputy? Was he not intimated?" Debbie asked.
"He was intimated. He was quite aware of d work, but he could do but little. He has no knowledge about the application required to use", Mr G.G said.
"He grasps things easily. Why dont u teach him how 2 go abt it?" Debbie asked.
"There was little or no time for that and besides he also has some assignments he was battling with which he was not expected to drag into this week", Mr G.G said.
"Okay. Thank God for the success. Pray that God helps us in this new assignment in Jesus name. Amen", Debbie said.
"Amen o...and how is evangelist doing?" Mr G.G asked.
"Splendidly doing", Debbie said.
"It is quite a while that I see him last, I know since u are around now, I will see him before your resumption", mr G.G said.
"Sure", Debbie said, walking 2 her departments office while mr G.G opens d door to his office.
"My regards 2 him 'sha'", mr G.G said.
"Okay sire." Debbie replied as she increased the pace of her walk.
"Olorundara" is d name of mr God-is-good wich is the english translation of d Yoruba name, "Olorundara". But for conveniency's sake, we call him mr G.G for short in d office. He is dark complexioned man, about 169 meters in height, oval face with pointed nose, jovial and accommodating. We attended the same university together, but we did not study the same course in the University.
He was a politician in d school, he was a senator representing his level at the Faculty, but now he is not interested in d politics of the Island, he said, he joined campus politics as a fun, but such couldnt be said abt d outside politics, "it is at the moment dangerously dangerous" he said. He is brilliant, but he is always in a haste to get things done, which sometimes results in mistakes & d need 2 start all over again. The managmt of d company employed us at d same time & day & ever since then have we been close friends in d establishment. He is married with two kids. He wants "mai" lord & I to "pack off the ground the smelling thing", for we are not growing younger. He told me that on our wedding day, as God spares our lifes dat his wife will do our wedding cake, even if we want it 2 be one million steps dat he will foot the bills. His wife knows how to bake cake, it is 4m her dat I learnt how 2 bake cake too. She is a good lady or is it woman now, 4m a responsible family. Before she married mr G.G she asked me about her spouse to be. This is bc she was my junior in the Ladies Our Hope High School (LOHHS) within the Island. She is a graduate of College of Education. Everyone was taken aback that she did not go 2 University, bc she was brilliant and had one of the best O/Level result in the LOHHS in her set. So ordinarily no one had dreamt nor thought about it that she wouldnt go to University. She told me dat it has ever been in her mind to teach, a teacher of children is what she had ever dreamt of. So she said afta graduation 4m LOHHS, she just looked for an institution that will give her better insight into children education, instruction & teaching, and d reply she got was dat Colleges of Education has different courses that have to do with teaching children, so she did not think otherwise b4 seeking admission into one. After being admitted into the school, her performance was excellent in her department and faculty. She was one of the leading students
And during her graduation she received awards as an outstanding female student among other awards. After her graduation she was employed by an Internationally Sponsored Kindergatten and Nursery School in the Island. The school is a new school under the auspices of the Global Children Education Monetary Scheme (GCEMS) in collaboration with the government of the Island to see to the welfare, education, growth and development of children. Their salaries come from the GCEMS & the govt of the Island. GCEMS contribute 85% while the govt of d Island contributed d remaining 15%. The Salary is essentially based on what is obtainable, what is applied at other developed and advanced countries of the globe. Not many people know this. They are special teachers amongst other teachers in the Island. The GCEMS considered them special because they know that such stage of development in children is very vital and dat if a child misses it at this stage, the child may eventually missed out in life. So, best hands are required, employed for these children to handle them. In this school, there are several age growth aids for training the children. According to them, seeing is believing. Children love things they can see. Children appreciates better what they can see and handle. They easily grasp their whatever they are being taught when they see and handle them. So as not to make their education as if what they are being taught are mirage, the GCEMS do send in teaching aids, from their headquarters. They required best of hands to handle such instructional aids as well as coined out several mnemonic for the children during this tender age of their. Even since She has been employed has it been discovered that she is doing well, extra-ordinarily well in her chosen discipline and particularly in the school. She has won several awards session after session for the school and the Island as an outstanding children teacher and instructor. She won within her Local Government,
She won award within the Island. And several times have people from headquarters of GCEMS visited her school, even un-announced and dey discovered dat she was an instructor per-excellence to the children, so recently she won an international award too. This award has never been won by anyone within our Island, the country and indeed continent. I am proud of her. I am proud to be associated with her. This is because she discovers what she wants in life early, what she loves becoming and she pursued it with all her vigour. She did not imitate anyone. She did not deviate. She did not yield to pressures to go and study what her mind did not love studying. Despite the fact that she had an outstanding Ordinary Level Result, yet she opted for College of Education and now she hopes to have additional degree because the institution from which she graduated is now affiliated with a University. Her course has just been introduced into the University system, and it is about two Universities that is approved to lecture and award a degree in that field to students within the Island. Her institution was given a privilege to admit students in that field, either those who have graduated or those who are at the verge of graduation to continue with their studies to get a degree. So, she has applied for the studies, and she will hopefully be admitted. When she contacted me to know about her hubby to be, mr G.G, I downloaded all of mr G.G's characters for him through my buccal cavity. She was very glad for hearing all I said about him because she said she has just come across him then. She came across him where she works, bc he, mr G.G used to take his brother's children to the Nursery School where she teaches and instructs children. Coincidentally, One of the children mr G.G brings to the school is in her class...thru this they become friends, exchanged their fone numbers, as well as become friends on facebook and other social media. "One day", she said, "Mr G.G asked him out on
"one day", she said, "mr G.G asked me out on facebook, I was thinking he was just joking and wouldnt consider him serious, but few days after, he re-iterated his words, ofcourse this time with stronger words of love...I again thought well another second degree joke, so I wouldnt treat his utterances with utmost import...the tertiary degree of love advances made me say, "ohun ti enia ba ntenu mọ, bi ko ba dun enia o si ndun mo enia ni", so, I had to have a pause to look for someone who perhaps know him, and when I discovered that you know him, I couldnt but come to you to ask for some salient things about him even before any other things, and so I have to book appointment with you to see you and u of what u know abt him and having heard all, I say thank u aunti", she concluded. "If you are interested in going out with him and ofcourse marrying him, you should not keep him in suspense, you shd not delay the take-off of the relationship...but if you are not interested, you should not hessitate to shove him off as soon as soon can be", I, Debbie told her that day. She replied that she would act out to the letters my instructions. When I was offering her dis advice, I was yet mostly singularly single. Obviously trusting the Lord then for my partner to surface at any time. I have though known "mai" lord then bc we attend the same church. "Mai" lord again has a special praying group which I am a member. It is one of the members of the praying team, (I think the person is one of "mai" lord, Brother Samson's converts), who coined out the name "mai" lord at our prayer gatherings. And with the continual mentioning of "mai" lord, "mai" lord by that person, it became a generally acceptable word amongst all members to call him within and without the praying circuits. Out of the few spinsters who do attend "mai" lord's praying session, I have never dreamt he will ever come to me. I have not for once thought about it. All I just do is come, pray, tell him about my problems
If any, and he will profer solutions to it as best as he can. He has been wondrous to all members of his praying team. And generally we all held him in high esteem. Every1 of us has been close to him. Ladies, brothers, marrieds, engageds, singles, children etc. So, I did not think about him at all. Me? I am small compared to others whom he has been and he is still ministering to. But alas! He came to me. I was "shy"...I was lost of words...I did not know what to say immediately he came... So, I admonished her based on natural instincts that if she was interested in mr G.G, she shouldnt waste the man's time as well as hers. Afta accepting the man's proposal, i think they must have talked about me and so, I saw her in my office one day she closed from work...some minutes afta, I saw mr G.G entered my department, ever since then has she been visiting her partner, waiting for him in my office. When we close they will leave 2geda bc mr G.G has a vehicle. The vehicle is given him by his brother. Mr G.G got an apartment, 2-bedroom flat 6 months into their relationship. 22 months after, they got married. So, mr G.G and I have been close friends, he was very elated to know "mai" lord and has ever wanted us to make everything snappy...but "mai" lord feels otherwise. Although his advices are good, which is usually based on d fact that both of us are ripe for such, but then, "mai" lord says, "none of them will live with us, none of dem will offer us supports post-marriage wise, and since we understand ourselves and where we are heading for, it is no crime doing things our ways". That is what we have been doing, building a virile relationship and love, building our careers: for "mai" lord business, and for me, my academics...and ofcourse with spiritual not suffering or backwards...so far it has been respledent. So mr G.G entered his office while I entered mine
On entering my office howeva, I saw my love's several missed calls and a text on my fone, d text is 4m d former students' sister leader in the on-campus fellowship I attend...
   PROGRESS. (June 4, 2014)
Sister Debbie In her tertiary office, kitchen, trying 2 cook d food dey will eat, she has put d water on fire, it was just yesterday day she came & prepare stew & potpourri vegetable with sliced animal's liver, sliced animal's lung, crayfish etc when she finished d preparation of dis vegetable, she thought broda Samson would eat it, but he did not taste out of it complaining about indigestion of d foods ate earlier on...And since dey left 4 d church earlier in d day 2geda, dey were unable 2 eat anything b4 going 2 d programme...
Sista Debbie wanted 2 boil rice, fried some plaintain which will be eaten with d potpourri vegetable. Broda Samson likes eating rice with fried plaintain called "dodo" in d local dialect and since he has not made mention of a particular food, "I will boil rice & fry plantain", sista Debbie soliloquized in her tertiary office.
MY LOVE, Debbie is energetic "sha", hardworking, disciplined, respectful, loving, caring, it is now I really, really know dat God has actually compensated me with dis woman, some complained of how troublesome their spouses were during courtship, but, nay, nay, dis lady, for she hasnt given me turbulent times like others claimed 2 experience during their times of courtship. Or maybe she is still pretending, bc I do hear people say some wil hide their behaviours during courtships only 2 become cancerous with metastatical foci all over d place post-wedding wise, people say, dey usually do dat bc dey have known dat d ring, wedding ring, has entered their fingers & nothing can remove it again..
People say some deliberately do court wedding, to seal up everything, and dis acquisition in court wil give dem license to misbehave aftawards...
Some unbelievers howeva said these can only happen 2 Christians and believers, bc according 2 dem, if any lady mis-behaves afta marriage, irrespective of d kind of marriage...dey wil ask d court 2 dislove such union, for according 2 dem, what is d length of years one will sujjorn..
..on earth dat one will not enjoy his/her life, dat one's liver will not rest on gall-bladder, so, they finally enthused. They do add that they cannot withstand psychological stress dat a nagging partner will give, as such dey wil prefer separatuon to developing serious problems which wil be d end product of psychological stresses they wil pass tru 4m nagging, unrepentant & shallow thinking stressors. It is now a recurrent decima as one hears abt divorce here, divorce there these days...infact, some partners whom, I, Samson, think assuming they are distributing for free marrital separation they cannot be partakers of it have since gone their separate ways, due to what dey most times called, "irreconcilable differences"... Such utterances usually beat me hollow, bc I dont know what dey call irreconcilable differences, I dont know how such happen, bc during their courtship era, dey were always 2geda, they were as "1s and 2s", they were as "As and Bs", they were like twins, they were like south and North poles in Magnestism, they were like unlike terms in Chemistry, which usually attract themselves...but post-marriage wise, they become like terms always repelling themselves, and d repulsion sometimes goes to d extreme such that some wouldnt even want 2 see their erstwhile's partner's feaces on d dunghill...It is that terrible! This worrisome development in some families, has over d time been making me belied that majority of people during courtship hide their characters from their partners...and I have been asking myself, "is Debbie also not hiding her characters from me?" I cannot answer that for her bc I do now know her heart, people say, "heart of man is wicked", as d bible said in d book of Jeremiah, but a regenerated mind, a renewed heart, ought not to be wicked and evil. I know so far so good, she has a regenerated heart, as such, a pure mind & heart...I pray Oh Lord, dont let her be feigning her actions toward me, and if she Is not a hypocrite as I assume she is not
..at the moment, Oh, Lord, do not allow the demons to enter her, do not allow d wicked ones to misdirect and mis-instruct her, deliver her 4m demons of pride, let your angel of love continually guide and guard her and "US", LET OUR LOVE continue 2 grow, all these I asked for in Jesus name oh Lord. Amen". The paid TV is on, music oozing out of the speakers, sista Debbie is in her 3rd office, kitchen, & broda Samson in d parlour each subsumed in thought. Bro Samson is neither listening to the music despite the fact that he loves music and d particular muscician's album playing nor watching the paid TV sports being aired, he is subsumed in his thought about his jewel, his love, a beauty exemplified and demonstarted, he is deeply lost in thought of what lies ahead of their future 2geda as one indivisible entity... Sista Debbie in her office abinitio xpected broda Samson, "mai lord" as she usually calls him, but when she did not see him in d 1st 5 minutes that she got into her office, she left the expectation of him and was busy humming softly to herself one of d new songs she learnt. Her thought was that her love is enjoying a program being aired in one of d channels...So they were at different ends, managing the affairs on going in their minds. The new apartment gotten by broda Samson is a room & parlour self contain, just as d saying goes dat "as d hand of rat is, so it uses it to clean its face". He has gotten this apartment not too long ago 2 give adequate room 4 his love's visiatation anytime "T", and to put some things in place in the apartment. Broda Samson could now afford a much more costlier house or apartment than the one he got, but from buz experience, he has known that gotten something costlier would affect some other innovations he wanted to add into his business as such he decided to make it a low profiled one, and since he has a lovely, Godfearing, understanding, love, partner and spouse in Debbie, there is no iotum of problems, they are happily in love
..with their love waxing hotter, to use the physicists language and their love growing to go by the way of the agriculturists, yea, farmers...they can afford whatever they want to eat without fear of running into debts...and all glory 2 God, Sista Debbie's academic is also on the progress side, un-affected, she is also enjoying the full support of her boss and other members of staff in her office...What else do they want God to do for them? They also have overflowing peace and joy of the Lord... So, broda Samson as a business man gets the accommodation now bc he can afford it from his business gains. Who can ever tell him that he will be able to secure such apartment 4m his business outputs in the past 4 years? Even if anyone did tell him, he may not believe it will come this soon, because of his financial status then, but everything has changed for brother Samson. One thing has helped brother Samson and that is he has learnt over the times not to rest or put his needs on people again because, people have always failed him, sometimes some failures may not be deliberate and at some other times some failures are deliberate, bc some people do not want others to exceed where they are, they want people who wil always kowtow to them, they do not want people to be free, financially free and otherwise... Since the time that he discovered this, about people, friends and uncles, even though he got to know this very late, but he "sha" know it, bc some are yet 2 come 2 such realization, as such they still depend on their friends, uncles etc's promises which have never worked out and which may never work out because it has not been working out for them for so many years, yet they have failed to retrace their steps, they have failed to re-chat a new course for themselves, they keep on holding to high-fallutin promises and re-promises. Although b4 he realized this, his social status had been negatively affected, with some mocking him, his peers, contemporaries, colleagues
..moking, but since he got to know people's stance, he has keyed into the Yoruba's saying that, "atelewo eni nikan ati Olorun eni ni ki i tani jẹ". As such he does not rely on people again. If anyone assists, Oh! Praise God, and if no one assists, Alleluiah to God all the same. This has been helping him and he is gradually breaking forth business wise within the Island because his business capital is increasing, he has paid up some loans he got from his group and he has paid half of the loan her love, Debbie, got for him... And their thinking now is on how to secure another loan which she, Debbie can now use as she wants. Debbie however wants another loan which she will get 2 be re-invested into her love's business because "irorun igi ni irorun eiye" so she said. But broda Samson has a contrary view based on d fact dat some of her juniors in d office are complaining that she is yet to get a car, so he wants her to buy a car with her new loan...Apart from this, bro Samson also said d car wil also assist in d business, as it wil help in transporting some goods to the shop and also dat d vehicle will make it easier for him to come to her end on the campus anytime. He adds that whenever she is around in the Island, she can go to the office easily, quietly and early with the car and or it wil be easy for him 2 come and pick him during break for lunch and closing hours. Sista Debbie was yet uncomfortable with his suggestion and she said, "what of the business? How do we increase the capital again? I know we have been enjoying the little sacrifice rendered and I feel the more input, the more the enjoyment, the more the peace. I want to enjoy more. I want the business' growth geometrically. I want acceleration for the business so as to open other doors for us financially". "I have balanced my loan in our group. I have also supplied my application form for another loan, this ought to materialize in 2 or 3 months time latest. When that is out, it will all go into the buz
It will go into the buz", bro Samson said. "Alright darling. I didnt know u have paid up your loan. But do u think that will be enof?" Debbie replied "But, I think I told u about the repayment? Maybe u forgot because of the exams. I paid it up two months ago. I ought to have gotten another loan, but maybe bc of economic meltdown and other unforseen situations beclouding our members lately which make the income of the group to reduce, this has brought about the rationalization of loans to members of the group, otherwise, I should have gotten another loan by now...Hopefully, it should be my turn in the next 2 or 3 months time... And if all things work according to plan, by God's grace I should be close to balancing up that of yours by then to also give room for you to get another loan" He said. "I think I remembered u saying something like that, but I did not actually commit it to my memory. That is by the way. My concern is, will the loan u wil get be enof 4 d expansion and growth of the buz? I know when your buz grows other opportunities will arise which will move you further ahead than this financially. I guess u think I am after any other things apart from your buz growth now. I am less bothered about what my junior ones in the office are saying. They have their goals. I have my goals. They have their pursuits. I also have mine. They know what they wanted. I have also discovered what I wanted and the means to achieve it. So? Why do I need to be perturbed by their rantings, choruses and utterances? What does it matter to me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing", Debbie shifts herself on the seat, and she continued to talk, "You have spurred me on academically. Assuming it is someone else, maybe I wouldnt be considering furthering now. But you ensure I pursue it. I am growing academically, why wouldnt I also want this business to grow beyond people's thoughts and imaginations? Why wouldnt I support your vision for the business to silence enemies? Why should I think
..think of mine alone? Why should I be inward looking based on some insinuations from some quarters, based on some rantings of people whom we will not live together as husband and wife. Who has contributed nothing to my welfare and growth. I do hear them. But their statements have no substance. "Mai" lord, I want this buz ascension, allow my new loan to be sunk into it again", Debbie enthused. Broda Samson having been moved by his love's utterances stood up 4m where he sat down at, walked to the back of the seat of Debbie sat on, bent himself as he rests his body on d back of d chair with d hands and said, "I understand u, but please let us do it like dat, let us use d loan to buy a car, it will be useful on both ends, useful for u, as well as being useful for me on the local runnigs at the Island and atimes coming to your end in school..." Debbie interjecting, "okay. If you insist, no problems. I have always been observing and doing what u said. You are the one who said the more the stock, the more the sales and the more the gains. You have also added that it is out of the gains that a buz person ought to be spending. I am not a buz person for now, so I want what wil bring us more profit, change our financial status as in we will be spending out of our gains, with the capital intact and growing. After which I think we can purchase car and cars easily. Do I need to add that our wedding ceremony's expenses too will be from the gains but not the invested capital. I do not want people to say it is bc of our wedding that the buz collapsed..." "I understand", bro Samson interjected. "I also see other opportunities opening up when this business becomes established. You may include other businesses as it has always be in your mind to go into agriculture, the establishment will make this easier...The bible also says, we wil lend to nations, but we wil not borrow", she concluded. "Thank you love. Let us follow my advice. Let us buy a car with your loan. It will help us.
...And as per the opening of other doors, the chains of opportunities that will follow, "eh", God will do it, and He wil do it even beyond our imaginations and reasonings, including our wedding. Everything will go smoothly and easily and we wil be spending out of our gains in Jesus name. Amen", He said. "Amin. O dara. Mo ti gbọ o. Ki ẹ ma ba sọ wipe emi na ngo se sọ erongba okan mi ni mo se sọ eleyi o. Ati wipe ki e ma ba ro wipe mi o fẹ fi owo mi ba nyin dá ni mo se sọ eleyi o. Bi ade ori eni ba se dara si, bẹ na ni awon enia yo se ma wo si, be ni awon enia yo se mo pataki re si. Be ni awon enia yo se ma bu ola fun si. Mo nfe ki won o bu ola fun nyin gan ni o. Iyawo lemi. Oluranlowo lemi. Emi ki i se omo aiye o. Eyin na le kọ wa ni igbagbo. Ohun ti ẹ ko mi na ni mo ntele o. I have concurred", Debbie finally said. "God richly bless you. God has been proving Himself in d buz and I am sure He wont withdraw His services bc we have also not renege our activities before Him. May we not fall ill. May all the doors of unwanted incidents that usually distort and avert, people's plans and thoughts never come along our ways in Jesus name. Amen" Bro Samson prayed. "Amin ati amin. Alright sire", she said. "But? Talo ba ẹ di irun ori rẹ yi?" Bro Samson asked. Debbie touched her head with her hand and said, "se ko dara ni?" "It is wonderful. O dara gan ni. Mo like rẹ. O wa mu ko look baby-ish", Bro Samson said as he touches Debbies head, using his finger to trace the furrows, and added, "sugbon, irun re fine gan ni o, ko tile ni idoti kankan". "Ẹ se. Hair-stylist mi na lo bami di i, mi o tile wa mọ wipe yo fine to bayi", Debbie said. "O fine gan ni. O wu mi pupọ. Bi mo se nfe ki irun ololufe mi ma ri leleyi", Bro Samson said. "Uhmn. A de o. E seun. But have you just noticed it "ni"?" Debbie asked. "I have been seeing it from distance but I have just appreciated the work done by the stylist ni. My standing behind you gives me ample opportunity of closer look", bro Samson said.
"Alright sire". Debbie replied, holding the hands of brother Samson as the fingers trace the furrows... Brother Samson remembered this discussion with her, the plans for the future. The plans on what to use the loans for even before it materialised. "It is always good to know what one wants to use loan for before securing it lest when one gets it one becomes a victim of personal mis-appropriation of funds which will ultimately result in debts later. As he continued, he suddenly remembered that his love has not surface from his office since she entered there, what is she doing he asked himself...arising from his seat...whistling...he wants to go and see his love in her tertiary office...
B4 he, bro Samson, gets 2 kitchen, he stopped whistling & he saw his love, Debbie slowly jiggling but her moves does not correspond with d sound oozing out of d speakers, "she must not be dancing 2 d rhythm 4m d speakers" he thought, "what cld she be dancing 2?" He asked himsef..he later discovered dat her body movements is in sync wit her hum.
"Ko da bi enipe ebi tilẹ npa ẹ mọ?" Bro Samson said.
"Why did u say dat?" Debbie asked.
"Bc of d mood in which I find u "na ni"" he replied.
"Which mood?" Debbie asked
"Jiggling & humming",bro Samson said as he moves 2 her side.
"Oh! I am tryin 2 master some songs I recently learnt..."
"Is dat so?" Bro Samson interjected
"Yeah" Debbie said
"Do u want 2 exclude me 4m d setting?" Bro Samson asked.
"For ladies only", Debbie replied.
"So does it mean dat d song is not good 4 men?"Bro Samson asked.
"It isnt as if it is not good 4 men, but it is just dat The song is new & we want 2 keep it 2 our chests until d album is released", Debbie replied.
"But I also wish 2 know it maybe I wil become a part of d choiristers", Bro Samson said.
"Well, the song has nothing 2 do with choir, but a band, a group on d campus", Debbie replied.
"That is good. Let me hear it", bro Samson said.
Debbie clears her throat, "Hun-hun-hun" and she starts to sing, "Ololufe mi, Iwo nikan lokan mi yan, Ololufe mi, iwo nikan lokan mi mu, Ololufe mi/3x, Iwo nikan ni temi"
"Is dis d song u want 2 hide 4m me?" Bro Samson asked?
"I am not Done with it yet, the one i sing is its chorus, it has 3 stanzas which goes as this:
1. Bi eja ko se le wa la i somi, Beni ngo le wa la i si ẹ, Ife Re/3x, Lo gbe mi ro.
2. Eiye ki fo ko fori sogi, Ife mi si e ko le ku lai, Ife mi/3x si ẹ wa titi.
3. Eru ki ba kiniun lodan, Be leru o bami lati fe e, Ife mi/3x lailai ni si e."
"Uhm! Its wordings are lovely. Who taught u dis song?" Bro Samson asked.
"Ẹ sa fiyen sile", Debbie replied.
"I want to be 1 of the group's instrumentalists ni, u know we r in d world of music", Evang Samson replied.
"So, can u love an artist?" Debbie asked smiling.
"Sebi u have also wanted me 2 be an actor. You also can bc an artist. "2 ge 4" niyen", Bro Samson said.
"O ti da be", she replied.
"Who taught u?", Bro Samson asked again.
"No one. I have been developing the song 4 quite a while, I just feel like re-hearsing it 2da, so as 2 have a full grasp of it b4 I sing it 2 u, hoping dat u wil approve it, and den we can go 2 d studio later", Debbie said, as she started slicing the plantain.
"It is a lovely song, with instruments, who knows it may win award in d Island", He said.
"Uhm! Thank u. I am not expecting something akin 2 dat, particularly as a 1st album", Debbie said
"Dont say, dat. Have u heard of a man called Tutuola, he was a writer, his novel won an award, he neva thought something like dat would happen", Bro Samson said.
"Uhmn!" Debbie replied.
"When God anoints a song, it may be a chart-burster irrespective of whether or not it is the 1st album", Bro Samson said.
"Well. Until then. But for now, my concentration is on "mai" lord, crown, gem, heart-beat..", Debbie said.
"I thought u wld prepare something faster than dis since u said u were damn hungry", Bro Samson said.
"I guessed as much, but having ate some slices of bread, I am not as hungry as I was when I entered d house, dat is why I decide 2 prepare rice & fried plantain...it is equally a fast food, at least when one has two fire outlets", Debbie replied.
"It is true "sha"", Bro Samson said.
"So what is being aired? I thought u were enjoying what is being shown on d paid tv?" Debbie asked.
"There is nothing spectacular at d moment, it is just dat I was expecting u 2 come and join me, but when I did not see u I decide to come and see how far with u here", Bro Samson asked.
"Ẹ se. I guessed as much too", Debbie replied.
"I hope there is no problem with dat sista?" Bro Samson asked.
"Oh! I have said we wil discuss her plight when we are eating", Sista Debbie said.
"The elders say it is not good to talk while eating", Bro Samson said.
"O dara o. I hope her plight wouldnt be more than what she told me 'sha'", Sist Debbie replied as she turns the plantain she was frying and continued, "she said she got engaged to a brother in the church not quite long ago, and dat everything was smoothly going with dem until she decided 2 brief her friends about her new found love...and her friends on discovering that she did not play hide and seek game with d brother dat she had not fared well, so dey adviced her to play games with the brother a while 2 ascertain his love 4 her...she also yielded 2 their advices, started playing "boju-boju" with the brother... I think afta a while dat she started her games with d brother, d brother became pissed off, creating communication gaps. When d sista noticed dat things were not as before between her & her love, she decided 2 come around 2 sort things out
But wen she got to the man, d man was too cold for her, she thought d man ought to hav warmly received her more dan he did but nay he did not & has not so given her befittin welcome since den...", she turns d plantain being fried again, as broda Samson opens d rice 2 see d level of d water on it & she continued...So, dis lass sensed "fire on her roof-top" & had became restless until she saw me in d church@ d program, wen she saw me she said she heaved a sigh of relief dat I am around bc accordin 2 her she has been thinkin on who 2 run to, 4 counsellin on d crucial matter b4 her heart", Debbie concluded. "Uhm! Wat was your advice 2 her?" Broda Samson asked. "Wel. I admonished her of d need 2 find her lost keys, wat she was doin before dat makes d brother love her & want 2 marry her. I told her dat wen she found dose lost keys she must begin 2 use dem so as 2 draw d man's heart back 2 her 4m wherever d heart has been taking to. I told her dat she shouldnt hav followed her friends' advices bc people are different", Sista Debbie said. "Wat was her response afterwards?", Bro Samson asked. "She ought 2 leave d island next week, but afta listening 2 wat I said, she said she will stay around a-while to settle dis matter with d brother b4 leaving", Debbie replied, as she removes d first batch of d fried plantain 4m d hot vegetable oil into a clean plate & puts another set into d hot vegetable oil. "dat is d mistake many people make, ladies &brothers. Many usually want 2 thread the paths taken by their friends, but dey usually forget dat people are different, destinies differ. A friend may do somethin which will work for him or her, but dat does not mean it will work for d other person. And because such has worked 4 such people many a one will want to follow suit, dey will want 2 do likewise. Some also take d teachings dey listened to sacrosanct, dey consider it as if it is d best & dat oda views or opinions apart 4m dat must be falacies..which ought not 2 be so. Wat one shd do is take d necessary points out of such teachings & instructions & leave d rest, but nay, nay we would do dat. I have also been a victim of such teachings & hav been following wholly some instructions of a particular man of God dat I like on marriage, it was one of my uncles dat God used 4 me 2 break dat jinx 4m my heart, wen, I have a re-thought, a re-orientation, dat was wen, I could come 2 u & I was hopin it will be as usual, but it turns out not to be as usual with u as you accepted me...& here we are now blessing God. I sincerely do hope d sista wil listen to your counsels & get everythin straight with her lover", Bro Samson enthused...d rice is now done, she removed d pot 4m fire & put d stew dia to warm as Sista Debbie continues with d frying. "I made it clear unto her dat, dia is no all-round instructions on how to become engaged, who to become engaged to, wen to become engaged...wen dey are believers & dey have prayed on d issue & dey loved themselves..I told her of d need to express her love to d broda in question & shouldnt give in to d detractors counsels again..I adviced her of d need not to avoid communication gap now dat dey r in love and dat dis is d time 4 her 2 start plannin with d man, 2 start understandin themselves, knowin each others likes and dislikes..." Debbie said. "I pray she yields to dat", Bro Samson said, as he takes out of d fried plantain & started eating it. "But, "mai" lord, she said u know d broda, & would want u 2 be a mediator btw him & her", Sista Debbie said. "No one has in the recent times discuss his/ her relationship affairs with me...needless to say dat I do not even think I know dis lady in question", Bro Samson enthused. "Neither do I. I think she is d silent type in d church until she travelled. But she knows us very well", Debbie said. "Eh-hen?" Bro Samson said. "Yes. She said d broda in question was d one u assisted 2 get a place near d campus wia he opens a barbing salon shop", Debbie said. "Oh, Oh, Oh. I know d broda. Straightforward, diligent, principled broda. But he hasnt told me about his marrital life, although I asked him sometimes about his marrital life & he said everythin is fine. So i did not bother myself 2 go deeper dan dat dat day." bro Samson said. "Since u have known d broda, dat is d broda in question. How can u mediate btw dem?" Sista Debbie asked. "Alright. Do not let us be too forward on dis issue. Let us see how she wil handle it b4 we intervene. But I am sure if she changes her disposition, acts right, starts expressing her love as u hav counselled, d broda wil change & dey wil get on wel again", Bro Samson said. "So we shd stay action abi?" Debbie asked. "Let us stay physical actions, but join them in prayers..& u shd monitor her of d devpts..if things get resolved, without our physical interference, what else do we want?" Bro Samson said. "Nothing", Debbie said as bro Samson takes anoda plantain into his mouth & Debbie said, "ẹ ma jẹ dodo yi tan kato jeun"
   Sista Debbie says, "Let me try my fingers a while, as I await "mai" lord" (March 25, 2015)
My Sun of Love arose out of her closets,
He emanated out of the east of Love,
It was not brightly shinning when it arose,
Nay fewer disdained my love and lord,
Simply because of its low intensities,
In love I found my sun of love,
As it moves along its concentricity, its arrays of light began to increase in intensity,
All spectacles on my Sun of Love now,
The heat from my Sun of love was nay harmful,
The beneficials from my Sun of love could nay be estimated,
Living things convert the heat from my Sun of Love to other lovely things beneficial to self and non living things,
Non living things under the intensity of increased heat 4m my Sun of love become adorable and cherished,
Interstingly, my Sun of Love, spotted me out,
My Sun of Love shone radiantly on me,
The dispersions from my Sun of Love revealed All the necessary rays,
One of the dispersions from My Sun of Love's penetrated my being,
The X-rayic events that followed bring me comfort,
I shone like glitering substance amongts other substances,
Then, I started to attract things to myself,
People started noticing me, as I matter among the many matters,
The disdainers, haters of my Sun of Love now want to block my Sun of Love from shining on me,
They couldnt do it...
My Sun of Love is yet growing...
I am now different amongst many because of my Sun of Love...
   "Find your lost key", Sister Debbie said.
Our church in d island organised a special program 4 d singles...afta d program a sista approached me for counselling, I had 2 excuse "mai" lord so as 2 attend 2 her...we walked 2 a corner within d church premises, dia we discussed. "Sorry 2 disturb u aunty" she said. "It is my pleasure", I said. "My name is Feyisere", she said. "Uhm! It's nice knowing u. My name is Debbie", I said. "Oh, I know u. I am a memba of dis church, but when I finished my skul & job is not forthcoming, 1 of my niece asked my parent if I can come with her so as 2 be assisting her in her buz & taking kia of d children. And I left with her last year" Feyi said. "Oh, sorry, I dont think I have ever come across u", I said. ""Eegun mọni, enia ni ko mọ eegun", sometimes if not all d times, you our leaders do not know us, your followers & membas, particularly when such a person is not an officer in d church", Feyi said. "Thats true. It is easy 4 people 2 know officers but d silent ones, it is not easy 4 us 2 know such pp", I said.
"I have a little problem ma, which I need ur counsel on bc u r educated, older than me, a Believer & by God's grace engaged to a responsible brother in the church", she said.
"May God solve all our problems in Jesus name. May He also guide us into His light and truth in Jesus name" I said.
"Amen" Feyi said.
"Okay. I am listening", Debbie said.
"Be4 I left d Island abt 8 moons ago, I have a male friend in dis church, broda Johnny, we were close friends. Infact people think we were engaged then, but there was nothing like dat btw us then. He is a principled person & I know he is a christian. I entered institution of Higher learning b4 him & graduated b4 him...However, dis does not stop our friendship & interactions with each oda within d campus, d church & at d neighbourhood"...I, miss Debbie, was attentively listening 2 her as she continued.
"So, dis relationship continued even afta our graduation...Afta our graduation, we were searching 4 jobs but when it is not readily coming, he afta listening 2 a lecture 4m your spouse, evangelist Samson, he also decided 2 start something, & he opened a barbing salon near one of d institutions gate in d Island..."
"Okay, I think I know d broda now because "mai" lord told me of a broda who came to him on where 2 establish a barbing salon sometimes ago...pls go on my sista" Debbie said.
"Thank u ma. That is d broda, bc he also briefed me abt d counsels of evangelist Samson, your fiance, & all d assistances he rendered 2 him, financially & otherwise, how he linked him up with some people in d area which facilitated d establishment of d barbing salon near d institution's gate", Feyi said.
"Oh! That's nice of him" Debbie said.
"Few days afta d estab of d salon, I left 4 other island with my neice...Weeks afta, he proposed 2 me...A month afta his proposals I consented, and we were having it nice on air talking daily...When I told my friends about this development, they made me to understand dat men are unreliable and dat I shd not have give in to him easily like dat, dat I shd have kept him in suspense 4 a while, b4 answering him, dey said he will abuse me & consider me cheap...I was sorely sorry 4 myself on hearing dis, and I decided to start playin games with him, I started hanky-panky with him...Whenever he calls, I would not answer him, he will call severally before I answered, dat is if I will answer at all...sometimes when I did not answer his call he will text me, but I will not reply his texts too...Whenever I asnwered his call, I will give excuses and reasons for not answering his initial calls...this has been going on for sometimes now... But I have discovered that he has changed, he neither text nor call me as before again, and to cap it up, when I arrived two days ago, I arrived purposely because of him but, I discovered that he has been cold towards me, even he was not as this cold when we were ordinary friends... I felt unloved, I felt unwanted, I felt neglected... As I saw u dis morning in d church I thank my stars dat u are around & dat u could make dis program, and I decided on d spot of seeing u dat I wil discuss dis issue with u, so dat u help me out", she enthused.
"Uhm!!! Is dat all sista?" Debbie asked.
"That is about all ma. Pls what do I do?" Feyi asked.
"I thank God for dis avenue. Let me ask u dis? Do u love dis broda, Johnny?" Debbie said.
"Yes, I do". Feyi answered.
"Do u think u can live d rest of your life with him?" Debbie asked.
"Yes I can ma". Feyi answered.
"Having resolved these, what I want to tell u is dat your mistake is that you are imitating your friends on dis crucial issue of your life... You have failed to know that individual persons have their own angels, what their angels can condone, your angels may may not condone, what is working for them, may not work for you bc u are created differently...
"...even those people you call your friends may be christians, but they are different from you and you are different from them and the way God deals with you differs..." "As a christain who have prayed on the person you wanted to be engaged to and having loved the person, you need not play hanky-panky with the person any longer...or didnt you pray before consenting?" Debbie asked. "I prayed ma", Feyi replied. "Having prayed, and having gotten God's peace in your heart towards the person and having loved the person unreservedly, you should not have bothered your head about your friends' counsels again because they have misled you as it were now. You should have just continued with the relationship, because in love there is no fear", Debbie said. "Okay ma. What do I do now? How do I win him back?" Feyi asked. "You should search out the keys to your ertswhile friendship and the key you used in unlocking the door of his heart's love. When you find these keys, and you start using these keys, the near dead love he has developed for you in the past weeks will be resurrected and things will return to normalcy, even if the love is not hotter than before", Debbie said. "Pls, expantiate further", Feyi said. "What I am sayin is, what u were doing before that makes your friendship grow, what you were doing before that make you fall heads over hills in love for each other should be re-ignited again, when you start doing those things again, within space of time, weeks, days, his love for you will come alive again and you will be happy again", Debbie said. Kneeling down to thank her, "thank you ma, I will start doing that...I ought to leave on monday but I stay back a while to play with him..", Feyi said. "That will be good. When you start doing those things ensure that you keep it up. Be opened unto each other, as distance has separated you for a while now, tell him your moves, let him know your steps ahead of time, do not assume anything, do not say u will tell him afta u have done such thing, that means u do not value his advice, dat means u do not consider him important in your life and life's decisions and steps and when such happens another gap will be created, he will have some reservations, he will not be able to open his minds unto u again, he will not be willing to divulge impt decisions he also want to make to you...and you also know dat discovering that someone u love did not tell u or carried u along in his or her decision, u know how u feel? One feels dejected, rejected, un-important. So to make him an important person, u also need to carry him along in all u are doing or u wanted to do. You have 2 start dis even before you are married..." As Debbie said dis, she knelt down nodding her head... "So do this and other things that will make him happy and you wil discover that brothers are not the same...brothers are different. Because "mai" lord, I did not play hanky-panky with him since we start dating and so far so good, everyone has loved our relationship, everyone has been blessing God for us...We never allowed any communication gap let alone allow d enemies entrance...even though i may grieved him sometimes, but I ensure that such is resolved b4 I leave for bed dat day...and d same with him...so I have enjoyed to the maximum dis relationship with "mai" lord...I also pray you enjoy broda Johnny in Jesus name," Debbie said "Amen", Feyi said. "Shall we pray?" Debbie said...As they prayed together...
afta (translation after
"Eh-hen? (translation Uhmn mn)  
'sha (translation anyway
PROGRESS. (June 4, 2014)
"atelewo eni nikan ati Olorun eni ni ki i tani jẹ" (translation it is only one’s palms and one’s God that would not tell one lies (it is a proverb encouraging people to be hard work and stop depending or relying on anyone for assistance, because people would disappoint you))  .
"irorun igi ni irorun eiye" (translation it is when the tree is at ease that is when the birds that perch on the tree would be at ease (It is Yoruba Proverb meaning when something or someone that is directly related to someone is at peace that is when the person would be at ease as well as know developments"
 "eh (translation Uhmn)
"Amin. (translation Amen)
 O dara (translation Okay oh) .
Mo ti gbọ o (translation I have heard what you said) .
Ki ẹ ma ba sọ wipe emi na ngo se sọ erongba okan mi ni mo se sọ eleyi o (translation So that you wont say why don’t I say what was in my mind that was why I said this)  .
 Ati wipe ki e ma ba ro wipe mi o fẹ fi owo mi ba nyin dá ni mo se sọ eleyi o (translation So that you wont think I don’t want to help you with my money that is why I said this)  .
Bi ade ori eni ba se dara si, bẹ na ni awon enia yo se ma wo si, be ni awon enia yo se mo pataki re si (translation As beautiful as the crown on one’s head is, that how people will view it, that is how people will know its value and worth (People would view the crown on one’s head differently when it is very beautiful and they would attach more importance to it than other crowns )  .
Be ni awon enia yo se ma bu ola fun si (translation People would value and honor greatly the beautiful crown)  .
Mo nfe ki won o bu ola fun nyin gan ni o (translation I want people to value you greatly)  .
Iyawo lemi. (translation I am a wife)
Oluranlowo lemi (translation I am a helper)  .
Emi ki i se omo aiye o (translation I am not one of worldly daughters/children)  .
Eyin na le kọ wa ni igbagbo (translation You are one of those who brought me up in faith)  .
Ohun ti ẹ ko mi na ni mo ntele o (translation I am following/doing what I have been taught by you) 
"Amin ati amin (translation Amen and amen) . Talo ba ẹ di irun ori rẹ yi? (translation Who plait the hair on your head for you?) 
"se ko dara ni? (translation)  " "O dara gan ni (translation it is very beautiful) . Mo like rẹ. O wa mu ko look baby-ish", (translation I like it. It makes you look like a baby
sugbon, irun re fine gan ni o, ko tile ni idoti kankan" (translation but your hair is very beautiful/fine, it has no dandruffs)  . "Ẹ se. Hair-stylist mi na lo bami di i, mi o tile wa mọ wipe yo fine to bayi", (translation Thank you. It is my hair-stylist that plaited the hair, in fact, I did not know it would be this beautiful)   "O fine gan ni. O wu mi pupọ. Bi mo se nfe ki irun ololufe mi ma ri leleyi", (translation It is very beautiful. I like it exceedingly. This is how I want the hair of my love to always look like) "Uhmn. A de o. E seun. (translation There you go again. Thank you.)  
"ni"?" (translation is ) Debbie asked. ni (translation is
"Ko da bi enipe ebi tilẹ npa ẹ mọ?" (translation It does not look as if you are hungry
 "na ni"" (translation is it)
"Ololufe mi, Iwo nikan lokan mi yan, (translation my lover, its only you that my heart chose) Ololufe mi, iwo nikan lokan mi mu, (translation my lover it is only you that I have picked) Ololufe mi/3x, (translation my lover/3x) Iwo nikan ni temi" (translation you are mine alone)
 1. Bi eja ko se le wa la i somi, (translation As a fish cannot survive outside water) Beni ngo le wa la i si ẹ, (translation so can I not survive without you) Ife Re/3x, (translation you love/3x) Lo gbe mi ro. (translation sustains me)
2. Eiye ki fo ko fori sogi, (translation No Bird during the course of flying has ever hit its head on trees) Ife mi si e ko le ku lai, (translation My love for you can never die) Ife mi/3x si ẹ wa titi. (translation My love/3x for you is for ever)
3. Eru ki ba kiniun lodan, (translation Lion is not afraid in the wilderness) Be leru o bami lati fe e, (translation I am also not afraid of marrying you) Ife mi/3x lailai ni si e." (translation my love/3x is ever for you)
 "Ẹ sa fiyen sile", (translation Just leave that)
"2 ge 4" niyen (translation that is 2 divided 4)",
"O ti da be", (translation That is good
"sha (translation anyway) 
"Ẹ se (translation Thanks)
"O dara o (translation That is good) .
sha (translation anyway) '",
"boju-boju" (translation hide and seek
. "Eh-hen? (translation Uhmn mn)  
ẹ ma jẹ dodo yi tan kato jeun" (translation you will finish this fried plaintain before we start eating)
   Sista Debbie says, "Let me try my fingers a while, as I await "mai" lord" (March 25, 2015)
  ""Eegun mọni, enia ni ko mọ eegun" (translation masquerades know people, but people do not know masquerades (it is a proverb that people who are popular and important in the society are always known by the common people, but those who are popular hardly know common people)
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frettboard2016-blog · 7 years
Useful Tips for College and University Admissions
New Post has been published on https://frettboard.com/useful-tips-for-college-and-university-admissions/
Useful Tips for College and University Admissions
Admission software to schools can be a difficult affair. In between the hustle-bustle of admission notifications and numerous admission notices, there manifest to be pretty a few things that the scholars typically leave out onto. A little alertness and short decisions can do nicely for the aspiring student. To help the students regarding the identical, mentioned here are few hints and tips that could come on hand even as seeking university admissions. Take a glance:
-The most crucial factor at some stage in the admission season is to keep track of the present day admission information and admission signals. It is vital to have all of the modern day admission related data to your fingertips. Missing onto important admission notifications can price you some of the excellent possibilities of life.
-Do no longer follow to faculties randomly. Be clear with the have a look at courses you’re looking for and practice to the colleges as according to the identical. For instance, if you want to take a look at history honors, then there’s no factor in applying for an economics specific university.
-Once you have set your eyes on the selected colleges for admission, make certain that you observe for the same as quickly as possible. Just do no longer delay in any respect in filling the software bureaucracy and submitting them in the corresponding colleges.
-Keep a tune of the colleges providing price waiver facility, in case any of the university you have applied for, gives the identical, be brief sufficient to avail it and get the most advantage out of it.
-With regard to overseas education, many countries offer loose education to the international students, consequently it is counseled to analyze considerably first and music down the international colleges and universities supplying high-quality offers. Colleges pop out with varied admission notices and notifications, all you’re required to do is abreast yourself with all the information you may and pick the university or college which fits your necessities the first-rate.
Online Admission Form – The Easiest Medium to Apply for School, College, and University
With so many things going online, faculty admission bureaucracy has also become towards the Internet. It is a tremendous technological development intended to simplify the admittance manner for numerous educational institutes. This is made viable via a few state-of-the-art internet portals which can be developed to facilitate the web admission manner in India. Some of these websites consciousness only on offering assist for primary, secondary and all of the other instructions of schools, at the same time as the other extra comprehensive ones additionally make bigger their services for the college admission form and university admission shape. Some websites additionally feature worldwide universities to offer an international platform for their users.
This new approach follows the identical procedure but in miles less complicated and less difficult way. First of all, the web-based procedure is an awful lot quicker as you do not have to go to several institutes personally. Second big gain is the fact that the dad and mom and students can observe to a variety of faculties/faculties and universities. Thirdly, this gadget also saves your commuting expenses as you could usually fill the electronic paperwork with the aid of depositing the rate through the web.
Let us discuss some other relevant info:
The Uncomplicated Process
It is an easy method. You just ought to top off your details within the registration forms of the selected websites to create your account. When you’re via with the registration, you will be provided a login ID and password that you could continually use to attain your person account. Then you could search the web page for getting a favored listing of the instructional institutes in the place you are looking for. For instance, if you need to search for a nursery faculty in your youngster, you have to input key phrases like “nursery faculties in Delhi” or every other vicinity to get the excellent fits. After that, you could select some options and get an access to the programs with the aid of depositing the shape prices. Finally, you need to top off the bureaucracy electronically and put up them on the internet site.
How does it work?
After you post the duly filled school/college or college admission shape, it’s miles robotically transferred to the respective institute’s device after which screened via the concerned body of workers participants. If your or your ward’s particulars in shape their admission criteria, they may take delivery of it and method it for enrollment. The worried government will also speak with you through the email messaging device of the portal to offer all the updates for transferring in addition. The faculty administrator repairs up meeting and interview dates with the chosen students and dad and mom through the website’s conversation device. This way you get to without delay trade messages with the involved personnel members and keep away from any pointless visits.
So a web admission form is only a click on away to make things genuinely smooth for you. It is the start of a new admission scheme, in which the dad and mom, students and institute control will now not face any difficulties or extra workload. It is a straight Search-Apply & Enrolls arrangement that may be without difficulty observed by each person.
This Article is written by Vinay Oberoi, a professional guide of AdmissionsAndYou.Com, a portal that provides freed from value consultancy to dad and mom/students and Institutes. In this newsletter, the author has mentioned Online Admission Form, with the unique emphasis on the School College Admission Form to provide School Admissions assist to all international customers.
Student Loans – Just the Facts
One of the questions that maximum college students are asking these days is that of ‘how can I get scholar loans?’, it seems to be on the top of all people’s hot list and rightly so. Because as soon as you have labored out a financing plan with a student mortgage or maybe multiple loans if wished then everything else will fall into location. There may also be plenty less strain because you’ll have triumphed over the first most important hurdle in your schooling and certainly it’ll help to make a big effect on your destiny after your training.
Below we can have a look at some statistics that may help you understand your alternatives. I even have simplified the answers somewhat in order not to confuse you with hundreds of unnecessary ramblings and I have stuck to what Detective Friday used to say years ago, in that T.V. Display Dragnet “Just provide me the facts, ma’am!”
Just The statistics
Below is a listing of pointers and statistics that aren’t in any particular order, it is only a collection of beneficial suggestions that you can store away, hold a be aware of the ones that resonate with you and throw the others away.
1. Before you decide to commit to any loan it’s miles really helpful to speak with your college counselor. They have their finger on the pulse and will have the ultra-modern facts approximately student loans in order to be applicable to you and feature the experience to help you narrow down your look for an appropriate loan. Although, not all loans are ideal but the trick is to discover the one that is perfect for you.
2. Lots of instructional establishments are beginning to head paperless nowadays with many programs bureaucracy simply to be had with a purpose to fill out on the line in the comfort of your private home.
3. The first alternative you must recall when getting a loan is to constantly look at the Government loans first. They normally have a whole lot decrease hobby prices and you can have longer phrases additionally.
4. Government loans have been set up to provide those students that may be financially challenged and/or have a few different difficult situations affecting them in their lives on the way to offer as many humans as viable with their proper to a very good schooling.
5. You can locate the Federal Student Aid application form online and might apply on the line when needed.
6. Quote “For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants” (this has simply nothing to do with student loans, I just desired to look in case you had been still conscious).
7. After you have finished your FASA form after it’s miles evaluated, you will obtain a Student Aid Report that will show what loans you are eligible for.
8. Once you’re granted a mortgage, you do now not have to accept it.
9. It is possible to handiest use part of your mortgage, this will depend on the particular loan company’s conditions, of course, however it is possible.
10. Private loans generally have a higher hobby price, however, can be more flexible with the quantity of money they are able to provide.
11. It is a real buyers’ market, in other phrases, you, as a borrower, are eagerly well known by using a majority of these mortgage companies who’re competing. This can come up with even more of a bonus due to the fact you could think about negotiating or even higher deal with them.
12. Most creditors can have an online portal where you could post a loan software.
Thirteen. The Government PLUS mortgage gadget became installation to assist mother and father are looking for out the satisfactory type of Government useful resource for his or her children.
14. When you fill out the Government mortgage utility it’ll probably be required that you have your parents with you as some of the facts wished will be furnished with the aid of them.
15. When filling out any mortgage applications, you’ll supply special statistics approximately your contemporary budget which includes and loans, credit score playing cards, and some other applicable records.
Sixteen. You may even want to offer all you cosigners info when you have one.
And closing however now not least…
17. “The total weight of that ant, however, is about the same as all of the people”
I wish that this has been of some assistance in supporting making a decision what kind of student loans will quality fit you, desirable, luck along with your research.
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