#also having to convince Aki that Hidaka loves him for more than how good he looks in bootyshorts and heels
ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Thoughts on an Incubus AU, AkiHida where Incubus!Hidaka is seduced and shut down by Aki who works as a pole dancer/stripper at night? (I blame Hibisha for this lol)
Poor incubus!Hidaka, he probably thought Akiyama would be an easyscore, so shy and gentle and kind. Maybe Hidaka’s like in disguiseduring the day, he’s secretly an incubus and he spends his daysskulking around a college campus where he’s a student, looking forfellow students to seduce. He usually goes for girls with big boobsbut every now and again he tries to seduce a guy just for the thrillof it. He feels kinda bad about it sometimes because Hidaka’s a niceguy (er…incubus) and he likes people as more than just food, hewants to make friends and hang out with people and not always have toseduce them and have one night stands where he eats all their sexualenergy and stuff. His roommate and chillest incubus ever Gotou thinksit’s kinda cute how earnest Hidaka is about this whole thing.
So then maybe one day Hidaka and Gotou are walking around campus withfellow incubus classmates Enomoto and Fuse and Hidaka’s happilybragging about someone he bagged last night and being really proud ofhimself. Just as a joke Fuse dares Hidaka to show how good he is byseducing someone who’s not so easy to get, Hidaka’s like you’re on,pick someone. Fuse chooses quiet studious Akiyama, who sits next toHidaka in their math class and always lends him pencils whenever heforgets one. Hidaka’s a little surprised by the pick but he figureswell, this can’t be too hard Akiyama’s kinda uptight but he’s prettygood looking and he’ll probably get so flustered he’ll be easy toseduce. Hidaka keeps trying to ask Akiyama out throughout their nextentire math class and Akiyama keeps telling him to hush because theteacher is talking. After class Hidaka tries again to get Akiyama tocome out to a club with him after class, Akiyama refuses because hehas to study. Hidaka’s annoyed at striking out but determined tosucceed so he decides to go over to Akiyama’s dorm room to try andconvince him again, Akiyama’s roommate Benzai informs him thatAkiyama’s out right now and won’t be back for a few hours.
Hidaka’s a little crestfallen when he spots Akiyama jogging acrosscampus with a duffel bag over his shoulder. Curious, he followsAkiyama to this nearby strip club and Hidaka’s gives a low whistleand a smirk, like huh that guy’s not as uptight as I thought thisreally will be easy. Hidaka heads into the club and is looking aroundfor Akiyama while also probably enjoying the nice view. He’swondering if he maybe was seeing things when a new stripper steps outon stage. It takes Hidaka a minute to drag his jaw up from the flooras he realizes that it’s Akiyama up there, doing an amazing routinein skimpy clothing and stiletto heels and just killing it. Fora minute Hidaka totally tries to convince himself that maybe Akiyamahas a twin or something but he keeps inching closer and closer to thestage. Akiyama spots him and gives him like this playful wink butdoesn’t talk to him. Hidaka decides to wait for him outside the club,he’s expecting Akiyama to be nervous and desperate for Hidaka not totell anyone, instead Akiyama pins him against the wall and gives himthe scariest gentle smile ever as he says that Hidaka won’t tellanyone about this, right? Hidaka nods and fears for his life.
The next day Hidaka is still trying to figure out what exactlyhappened last night. Akiyama is totally his normal self in mathclass, all sweet and kind and stuttering a little when one of theother students compliments him and Hidaka just can’t believe thatthis gentle nice guy nerd is actually the hot stripper who threatenedhim last night. He keeps trying to talk with Akiyama all throughclass and finally afterward Hidaka sort of corners Akiyama in asupply closet. Akiyama’s annoyed and tries to leave but Hidaka’staller and kinda corrals him into one spot, wanting to know what’sgoing on. Akiyama admits that he works at the club in the evenings topay for his schooling and he doesn’t want people to know because it’sembarrassing and inappropriate. Hidaka laughs and says he didn’tthink it was so bad and he starts turning up the charm, takingadvantage of them being trapped in this small space to try and steala kiss. Akiyama deflects him with a binder and slips out the door,saying if he wants a show he’ll have to pay for a private session,apologies.
So after this Hidaka pretty much keeps desperately trying to seduceAkiyama while actually being seduced himself. He visits the club fromtime to time and tries paying for a private show, figuring this ishis chance, except Akiyama notes that this profession is all aboutlooking not touching and he keeps smacking Hidaka’s hands away. Inthe meantime though Hidaka’s getting weaker because he hasn’t gottenany energy lately, Gotou says he can just go find a one night standor something but Hidaka refuses because he wants to win the bet first(but really he’s having weird feelings about hooking up with somerandom person when he and Akiyama are just starting to get along).One day Hidaka walks with Akiyama back from the club and faintshalfway there. He comes to in Akiyama’s dorm room, Benzai’s gone forthe weekend visiting family and Akiyama didn’t know where Hidaka’sroom was. Hidaka tries to blow off his fainting as just having noteaten for a while but Akiyama’s all fussing over him. They keepmoving closer and closer as Akiyama presses his hand to Hidaka’sforehead to feel for a fever and Hidaka just leans in for a kiss.Akiyama responds way stronger than expected, practically pinningHidaka to the bed, and the exertion and sudden rush of feeling causesHidaka to lose control of his powers and suddenly he’s got wings anda tail and Akiyama pulls away like well, this is new. Hidaka admitsthe incubus thing and Akiyama is very confused because this doesn’tseem very logical but then again, Hidaka does have wings. Hidaka alsoadmits that he’s weak because he’s been trying to get with Akiyamaforever, that it was just a bet but now he doesn’t really wantanother guy because he thinks Akiyama’s interesting. Akiyama’s allsurprised for a moment and then he smiles gently and says that Hidakajust needed to ask, leaning in to kiss Hidaka again. Things progress,Hidaka probably ends up tied up and he wakes up the next morning soreand amazed at how refreshed he feels because who knew that being onthe bottom gave him twice as much energy (and also Akiyama’s sittingon the edge of the bed smoking and Hidaka didn’t expect to find thatas hot as he does).
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