#also her actress did confirm it but word of god is always iffy to me but in canon its pretty clear
findafight · 9 months
Y'all fucking looooove "media analysis" until that media analysis means understanding Vickie is bi through the means of "she had a boyfriend but they broke up, and now she is flirting with Robin, who is established to have a crush on her." Like ooooh I wonder what the lesbian being flirted with by her crush who her bff has been telling he suspects likes girls and just broke up with her boyfriend means!!
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chikicha · 6 years
Okay, it’s time to share my Westworld thoughts. Now that I’ve snuck over to the Westworld reddit and read some information, I’m less “??????????????????” than I was two days ago, so my thoughts have less question marks in them :P
I don’t think anyone who follows me watches Westworld, so this is me basically just talking aloud to myself:
I will be continuing to check the #westworld and #clementine tags until someone’s gif’d the sequence that was most DEFINITELY a direct reference to The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - with Clementine and her horse very obviously being Death - so I can reblog the frick out of it. (EDIT: IT WAS GIF’D!) Clementine made for such a wonderful representation of this because of how.. well, “dead” she looked. Her skeletal facial structure and that expression she kept on her face.. it was incredibly gorgeous imagery.
I’m annoyed that we never received an explanation for Maeve getting OP mind-control powers. There has to be SOME explanation for it, right? I thought maybe Ford orchestrated it, until Ford made Bernard stand close so he could deliver the message “whoa I just meant for you to escape but you came back holy crap you’re a pretty cool gal, didja know you’re my favorite? anyways pls don’t die yet, okay bye”. Her power was just so absurdly OP that I kept waiting all season for the Deep Underlying Reason™ behind it, but it never came. (Unless it just completely went over my head?) The biggest reason I’m annoyed about this is because of the writing; it seemed like a very cheap way to escape conflicts her and the gang otherwise wouldn’t have been able to escape from. The writing seemed especially cheap around the Shogun era episodes, where her abilities did or didn’t work depending on whether they wanted the characters in conflict or to escape conflict. (“You can’t command them ‘cause you’re not doing it in their language” “Oh guess what you know every language ever, but I guess you still can’t command them” “Hey but now you can command them with your mind!”) I feel like most people’s Maeve thoughts have been “YYAAAASS QUEEN YOU’RE SO POWERFUL” while I’ve been standing in a corner going “...this feels like really cheap writing .__.” (I still love Maeve as a character, I just don’t like her superpower.)
I suppose we still have a chance that season 3 might provide an explanation, but I’m wary. Her power was introduced too early in this season to be a “Oooh, cliffhanger that will only be answered in the next season!” thing. Plus I thought it was gonna be some deep intricate Ford-orchestrated thing to make certain season 2 events get rolling the way he wanted them to. ..But it wasn’t.
I freaking KNEW William would be a robot (or something else fake) that didn’t know it!! ...However, I definitely didn’t predict anything else about what happened with him. :P Plus now I’m pretty sure the William we saw during season 2 was human. (An interview confirmed that the post-credits scene is a “future” William in the “far, far, future”.) Tumblr user @dare-to-do-our-duty‘s theory was my first exposure to the “Fake!William is being tested to see if there’s any way he goes through the experience without killing his daughter” idea, and I’ve gotta agree with something along the lines of that. 
Wanting to kill himself but not being able to (when it showed him pointing a gun to his head, I thought there was a chance they were gonna use that to reveal that he can’t die ‘cause he’s a robot or something) while also being stuck in some endless loop of a game is a pretty torturous hell. And very Black Mirror-esque, which is why I loved the James Delos thing as well as this concept. They’re things I can easily imagine being in a Black Mirror episode. So would William ACTUALLY do that to himself? ..Then again, he now appears to really hate himself, so yeah, I kinda think he would.
I’m curious about if there’s any scenes other than the post-credits scene we saw that were actually from Fake!William’s timeline instead of human William’s timeline. (It’s not like it would be easy for us to tell.) I know everybody’s already pointed out how he took 230492398 bullets but still didn’t die.. but, well, you know how TV shows can be sometimes. :P
Why was Dolores bulletproof against William?? Did I completely miss something??? I’ve even been googling this and can’t find an answer
In the post-credits scene, William says, “I’m already in the thing, aren’t I?” Emphasis on “A L R E A D Y”. I think this implies that he came up with the idea for this fairly shortly after he killed Emily. (At the very least, he came up with the idea before he reached the Forge.) This is why he uses the word “already”, because in his mind he’s probably like, “God dammit. I came up with this idea and looks like I actually went and did it. God dammit. I went through with it, and now here I am as one of the fakes. God fucking dammit.”
My lurking on the reddit helped me understand that William didn’t like his user profile and wanted to prove that it’s possible for him, a human, to change (through putting himself in these loops). You know, the opposite of what Digital!Logan says. Thanks, reddit. (I mean that genuinely, not sarcastically)
I suspect that the moment William kills Emily is his equivalent of James Delos always coming back to the scene where he talks to Logan for the last time. That’s probably what stays the same each loop, unfortunately. 
“I’m nothing like you.” YEAH NO, SORRY DOLORES, WILLIAM IS A WORSE PERSON THAN YOU BUT YOU CAN’T SAY YOU’RE “NOTHING” LIKE HIM. You freaking maxed the aggression level of the most pure cinnamon roll character of the series (Teddy) against his will, and he’s such a cinnamon roll that even at his max aggression, he killed himself (and didn’t kill you) because of what you did to him. So no, sorry, you don’t get to claim you’re NOTHING like William >:l
Dang, what’s with the amount of people on Tumblr that want William actually GONE from the series? I understand you’re supposed to root against the villain and all, but I never thought I’d be THIS alone in enjoying some good ol’ fashioned well-written, well-acted, fictional villainy on screen. I know most of my favorites tend to be villains and anti-heroes, but still. Hot Take™: Would Tumblr hate him less if he were attractive? ..Nevermind, pretend I didn’t say that >.>
I hated Lee during season 1, so I’m pretty impressed at how much season 2 got me to like him!! I LOVE THAT HE GOT TO GIVE HIS OWN WRITTEN SPEECH ;__; His death made me genuinely sad not just because of that, but because I think he’s one of the few characters that genuinely won’t be coming back.
On that note, I didn’t mourn any of the other 230498 character deaths (except maybe Elsie’s), ‘cause come on now, you KNOW they’re coming back from robot death. :P I’m sure Felix and whatshisname will help bring Maeve back, for example. I’m serious.
I liked Stubbs’ last scene, heh (and no, I don’t think he’s a robot; in this context, him being human is actually cooler)
I’m doubtful about whether or not any of Dolores’ brain balls are Teddy. Seems to me like he’s the only one she thinks deserves robot heaven.
Charlotte being Dolores wasn’t as cool as a plot twist to me as it was impressive that Charlotte’s actress could pull off Dolores’ persona so well. I feel like there weren’t enough hints or foreshadowing to give it that “WHOA” factor, unlike season 1′s “William = Man in Black” twist. (Which had a ton of hints, making me super annoyed at myself for not seeing it earlier. :P) I’m not finding myself looking back on season 2 and going “OHHHHHHH”, is what I mean. The writing made this a lackluster twist, in my opinion.
I LOVED how Ford’s “death = becoming music” thing was extended to how people’s coding was represented in the Forge!!
Bernard’s confusion throughout the season irked me ‘cause it mirrored my own confusion too closely for comfort, haha
Me: Hey Bernard, can you please go back to your regular straight-thinking self so that I can know what’s going on again? Bernard: Actually, since I know important stuff I can’t let others know, I need to turn my head into scrambled eggs. Sorry. /faints Me: Gosh darn it Bernard
Even with me now knowing that Benard purposely turned his memories into scrambled eggs (and for good reason), I STILL think season 2′s absurd amount of time jumps were unnecessary. In my opinion, only a FEW of them were necessary. This is my main complaint about season 2.
Overall, I was actually kinda disappointed with season 2 because season 1 blew my mind while simultaneously making me go “OHHHHHH, WHOA”, but season 2 didn’t, plus in my opinion the writing was poor in certain areas. My favorite episodes were the one about the James Delos experiment, and the second-to-last episode about William and his family. I do enjoy the whole “we’re trying to achieve immortality for humans” plot point. Also, my opinion on Dolores is iffy, leaning more towards the negative side I think??
I uh, think I’m done now
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