#also holy shit the top ship for this fandom on ao3 is yuri and the second is incest. nature is healing
asymmetryestablished · 8 months
how are there more people who ship Jikka with Shugen than with Gantetsusai
like no judgment, ship and let ship (my only issue with it is that my preferred ship has zero fanworks) but like. I'm confused
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mollymarymarie · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for tagging me @squintclover you treasure ❤️😘 i'm gonna make this a keep reading, because i get wordy
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
In total, I have 39 works on Ao3
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
so i didn't know this but apparently i have over a million words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I don't write for HP anymore, but that's the majority of my fics. I have a few for the marvel universe and two weird real people fics (which now give me the ick so i won't be writing those anymore either)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dear Your Holiness (lots of people share my priest kink apparently)
The Road Not Taken (for the angst, i'm sure)
The Lad That Loved You (it's my oldest wolfstar fic)
Bird Set Free (figure skating, Yuri On Ice, what's not to love)
When It Counted (this one sort of surprises me, but it's amortentia-based, so I think that aspect is the draw)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! not as often as i'd like but i do read them all right away, i have notifications for ao3 comments turned on. in that way, i get to enjoy them twice!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a short oneshot called Midnight about Halloween 1981 and I have another one called Where The Willow Don't Bend about Remus being a ghost at Hogwarts. I think those both end pretty angsty
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In general, all my fics have happy endings. i go to fiction to escape the fact that almost nothing in life has a happy ending so i don't really like ending stories with anything except happiness. I really like the ending of We Can Pretend - they're in love, they get to be together, they're in Paris, their friends are all there with them, they're singing Nat King Cole to each other on a balcony while coq au vin is on the stove. fantasy scenario tbh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
sure do. i won't list it. one thing that happens (which isn't exactly hate, but it makes me laugh) is when people criticize the fact that wolfstar are mentioned as having greys in The Road Not Taken because they're only 28/29 so they can't possibly have grey hair lol (i definitely had greys by that age, 100%)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah most of my fic is smut, but i'm sort of getting away from that. the TENSION is the best part, in my opinion.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nah, not really interested, i guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. my fics have been put up on other sites without my permission but my name was still attached to it, at least.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few! usually DYH. it's always nice to have someone ask for permission to translate.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, mostly because i'm a control freak lol
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
it used to be wolfstar (kinda soured on me for multiple reasons, the biggest one being JKR is a piece of shit and getting associated with her works is not fun)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
back when i was watching Preacher, i was (still am) obsessed with Joe Gilgun, so i definitely have a Proinsias Cassidy fic in the WIPs somewhere that will never get finished, but i do go back to it from time to time because, i mean, irish vampire. give it to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
do i have any???? people tell me i do tension well. maybe that?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
first of all, NOT PLANNING AHEAD, figuring it out as i go and then having to go back and change a bunch of shit when i inevitably fuck it up. also, commas. i use FAR too many commas. i won't be stopped.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have a few fics that i have done that for. with French, with Russian, and now with Portuguese. it's difficult, Google Translate will only get you so far, but i LOVE languages so much. people will usually politely correct me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OH TRUTH BE TOLD the Good Charlotte fandom, i am not even joking you right now. wrote an ENORMOUS self-insert fic for me and my friends with the members of Good Charlotte (i was with Benji, obviously) at the age of like 15 and the plot was SO fucking ridiculous. i mean. john mayer was there, ville valo from HIM was there (the main character had dated both of them before benji, of course). Elijah Wood was in there at some point and i think he was a murderer???? i should do a dramatic re-telling of what happens in this fic over tumblr (i will not post it, it is so so badly written)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
truthfully, i think it's Dear Your Holiness. i wrote that just after losing my grandmother and all of the conversations about faith still sort of hit me in the gut even now. plus the tension is really nice, i love the idea of a heavily tattooed Remus, and it's the music of my teenage years so it's very sentimental for that reason, too.
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yuriyuu · 7 years
2017 fic writing round up
Found this survey on dreamwidth and I wanted to fill it out. :3 It’s basically my thoughts on the fics I’ve written throughout 2017. It’s long so I post it under a cut. <3 Please feel free to fill it out if you’re interested! I’d love to hear your own thoughts! Blank survey can be found here
Total year-long word count: Ummm probably around 40k. I don’t write many long things. That’s only counting finished fics tho. Idk how many words i’ve got of WIP haha. 
Word count by fandom: Dude it’s all Yuri on ice lol. everything is Yuri on Ice.  Fics completed: Probably about...18-20 I wanna say? 13 or 14 of them are on AO3, and then the rest are posted on my tumblr.
Works-in-progress: We do not talk about that lol. I’ve got too many.
This year I wrote and posted: a lot more than I thought I would.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? A lot more. I’ve always enjoyed writing but I always struggled to post what I wrote because I wasn’t very confident. I always felt like my ideas were dumb and overused, so I never wrote fic for my old fandom which was much larger bc someone probably already did my similar ideas but 10000x better. When I got into Yuri on Ice, all of my ships were rare so I had no choice but to write and post my own. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Milabek!! 
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Hmmmmm idk. To be honest, all of my fics make me very happy. Not because they are good, bc they aren’t really, they’re just self-indulgent shit I write to make myself feel better, but each of my fics comes from a very personal place. Writing is how I cope with events in my life, esp past trauma, and writing the kinds of fic I write is just a very soothing process for me? Idk, it’s weird lol. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? My biggest risk was actually writing and posting stuff. I’m so happy people seem to enjoy my stuff, esp because I don’t have any confidence in it.
Your best story of this year: uhhh idk. 
Your most popular story of this year: Sharks! It’s a yuriyuu story where Yuri is transgender and comes out to Yuuri, although it didn’t go as planned. (Don’t worry, it’s a happy ending and there’s no transphobia in it!)
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: Pretty Boy. It’s a vikturio story which also features trans Yuri. Basically Yuri misses wearing girly things, like skirts and lingerie and lipstick, but he gave up those things so people would take him seriously as a guy. But like, Viktor doesn’t want to see Yuri deprive himself of things that make him happy for the sake of social expectation, so he introduces Yuri to the concept of crossdressing lol. I mean I can understand why it’s not very popular, considering trans male crossdressing is a huuuuuge taboo and a no-no for most ppl, but it’s a topic I hold very dear to my heart for personal reasons and I wish more people would give it a chance lol. In case anyone has sex triggers tho, there’s 2 scenes with extremely mild non-explicit sex. Like you can tell they had sex but I wrote none of it lol. It’s very fade to black. I have a severe sex trigger so I’m warning in case anyone else is sensitive to sex. 
Most fun story to write: Birds of Paradise! Definitely Birds of Paradise hands down. It’s a silly little story where Georgi finds out Yuri has a massive crush on Yuuri and gives him shitty unsolicited love advice. 
Story with the single sexiest moment: Definitely the bloodplay scenes in Red. That is all I will say about that lol. Though I also found the scenes in Pretty Boy where Viktor makes Yuri stand in the corner so he can admire how pretty and gorgeous he looks to be really sexy. Yeah uh, i’ll just see myself out lol. 
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I don’t consider it wrong because it was consensual kink that people actually engage in, but for people who are unfamiliar with sadomasochism, I think Red might get this reaction from people. It’s a sadomasochistic knifeplay yuriyuu fic I wrote which also features bloodplay. I also pretty much only write fluff or hurt/comfort, so I guess me writing a sexless hardcore kink fic is a bit shocking lol. The aftercare scenes are extremely fluffy tho! :D
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: Hard to say since I usually don’t write a fic unless i’m deep into that particular headcanon lol. I guess Birds of Paradise because I didn’t realize how much I loved Georgi being a supportive idiot until I actually wrote it lol. 
Hardest story to write: Not one I’ve published. Hardest story i’ve starting writing is this very personal fic that is very similar to the trauma I went through in my childhood. I don’t know if i’ll ever finish it, I doubt I’ll ever publish it, but I feel it’s a story I need to write. I don’t even want to say which ship it is because even that feels like revealing too much.
Biggest disappointment: Nothing really. I post my fic with zero expectations that anyone will read or enjoy it lol. 
Biggest surprise: Sharks got translated into Portuguese!!! 
Most unintentionally telling story: I’m sorry I don’t understand this question lol. 
Favorite opening line(s): “Sometimes for Yuri, life is loud. Sometimes it’s nothing more than a cacophony of dirty memories etched into his skin, violent thoughts on infinite repeat, adrenaline that turns into outward aggression at every person, intentions be damned. Sometimes, most of the time, that’s all he feels life is.” (from Reprieve) 
Favorite closing line(s): Listen, I went through all of my fics on AO3 searching for my fave closing line and my fave closing line is also from Reprieve lol. “Safety is not a luxury Yuri could afford. Safety is conditional, safety is a reward. Perform well enough and you can escape the looming danger for a little bit. But in Yuuri, Yuri finds reprieve. And for that, he’s thankful.”
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere:
  “Is this...guilt tea because you feel guilty?” (from Guilty), 
“Grab a spoon and help me finish the ice cream before it turns into soup. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s good and healthy to eat your feelings worth in ice cream.” (from Heroes) 
 “Perhaps maybe, home is less of a physical place and more of a slow culmination of warm, fond feelings.” (from unfinished vikturio wip) 
“Really, Viktor doesn’t know anything about him either. I saw the bruise on your shoulder. But somehow, he already knows too much.” (also from the same vikturio wip), “ 
 “You're a masochist, you like pain. Pretend this is a scene or something.” (From Red. And yes I know that quote makes no sense out of context, but the context is that Yuuri is cleaning Yuri’s wounds from their scene and Yuri is bitching that the anti-septic stings lol)
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated:
Yuuri bathing and bandaging Yuri in Red
The knifeplay scenes also from Red lol.
Yuri and Viktor sharing pocky together during Kiss and Steal
a scene from my dark forbidden fic i’m still too embarrassed to finish writing or even post LOL. 
The scene from Slowly where Yuri and Yuuri fall asleep on the couch together by mistake, so Viktor just comes over and cuddles with the both of them while they’re sleeping. (It’s a viktuurio fic, so if you like viktuurio and getting together fics, please check it out! <3)
Fic-writing goals for next year: Just to keep writing more fic. :D Maybe work on my self-esteem a little bit heheh...
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