#also honorable mention for torque saying 'good night' at the end of edge of the world
gayregis · 4 years
do you have any examples of the witcher subverting common fantasy tropes? (other than the obvious like ciri being the chosen one but doing evil actions, the male lead being a pacifist etc) i like the books but i have friends who don't wanna read it bc they think it's just another generic fantasy story based off the netflix trailer, i obviously am not gonna force them to read it if they absolutely don't want to but it always hurts when good works go unnoticed because of misinformation
okay!! i won’t give book quotes for this one, this is just off the top of my head, because i think including quotes would take a really long time and wouldn’t helo the point. also there’s probably things i missed here
tropes: Icy Cold Killer / Witches Stealing Kids
actuality: is a very emotional man who was born into his profession of killing and never had a choice in the matter. doesn’t want to kill for a living, is a pacifist at heart. adopts ciri because he truly is a good father and loves her and eventually teaches her witcher skills so she has a form of self-defense.
trope: Bitchy Witch
actuality: sincerely selfless woman who risks her life multiple times to save her child from harm, does many things to save her lover, only seems bitter and closed off to the most of the world because she has been hurt by everyone she knows and doesn’t let everyone in.
tropes: Prissy Princess / Chosen One
actuality: she is a princess for approx. 1.2 seconds and then she loses everything she’s ever known, and will continue to lose everything she’s ever known. 
as the chosen one, her powers don’t help her much, she’s super powerful but still super vulnerable and her life continues to be shit - she loses everything again because of her powers, which make her a target. everyone is after her for her powers, she’s the macguffin of the story, she’s been reduced to the holy grail because of them. being the chosen one is more of a curse than a blessing.
tropes: The Coward / The Freeloader / Slovenly Bastard
actuality: okay yeah he’s all of these things never mind he demonstrates incredible bravery and loyalty (doing something even though you’re scared to death to do it is bravery), he keeps being by geralt’s side not as a nuisance or a leech, but because geralt genuinely needs him there as his best friend.
trope: The Girl of the Company
actuality: isn’t just there to be sexy while shooting arrows, is not a love interest to any of the main male characters, literally just exists in the company as a woman and no one is creepy towards her because of it. pregnancy arc is handled relatively well and she is given actual story and emotions of her own instead of being reliant on any male characters for developent
trope: Every Single Vampire Trope Ever (esp. being heartless/part of an evil organization)
actuality: “the epitome of humanity,” is a healer/medic/surgeon whose profession it is to preserve life, is kind and acts with goodwill. 
the vampires in the witcher don’t drink blood to survive like hungry beasts or out of evil cultlike activities, but instead it’s like alcohol to them and they face the same social issues as humans surrounding it. also of course every other vampire trope is broken, like sunlight, garlic, wooden stakes, running water, religious symbols...
trope: Evil Soldier of Darkness
actuality: he is a young man who was manipulated by his family and his society into service of an imperialist nation, he never wanted to cause harm to ciri but raher just sought honor for his family. he then spends the entire rest of the saga redeeming himself.
trope: Shitty Orphan Does Crime For Fun
actuality: she’s an extremely young woman who has faced abuse her entire life and has stolen and killed out of pure survival. she is actually a genuinely good person and warns geralt of the attempt on his and his company’s lives.
the sorceresses who were on thanedd and of the lodge
trope: Vain Women Get Nothing Done And Only Think About Men
actuality: 10 insanely powerful women form a powerful political cabal, at least one is a lesbian, they unanimously decide to bar the organization from men because they speak about how men are too emotional and can’t be trusted, they are capable and dangerous as an organization and would have succeeded if not for freak accidents.
witchers in general
trope: godless fiends who thrive on violence
actuality: they were created as a profession to eliminate monsters as being threats to humans, but the threat of monsters has faded and now finding work is more difficult than ever.
sorceresses in general
trope: witches steal kids
actuality: sorceresses take in unwanted daughters, from families who gave them up, and if they show magical prowess they continue to be trained
the striga (princess adda)
trope: Horrific Monster
actuality: a 14 year old girl who has been mistreated all of her life
a grain of truth
story: beauty & the beast
actuality: the real beast is the beauty who tries to rip her boyfriend’s head off
the lesser evil
story: snow white & the seven dwarves
actuality: snow white is no princess, she has been forced into a life of killing which she has become comfortable with
the last wish (heading into the bounds of reason)
trope: love at first sight
actuality: electrocute your ass at first sight, yennefer and geralt fight in the last wish, and after they fall in love date for 4 years they inevitably break up again because love at first sight doesn’t exist and they’re both too immature to hold a sincere relationship until much later
the bounds of reason
story: a peasant can kill a dragon, dragons are beasts that attack villages
actuality: you’d need professionals to kill a dragon, and also the dragons were trying to protect their child and are sentient, intelligence, respectable, and beautiful creatures.
trope: Evil Doppleganger
actuality: dopplers are incapable of being evil, they mimic forms to survive in this world dominated by violent humans.
the aen seidhe
trope: Elves Are Pretty Boys Who Don’t Do Violence
actuality: these pretty boys do a lot of violence. they kill humans because humans have usurped nearly all of their territory and pushed them out.
the aen elle
trope: Elves Are Pretty Boys Who Don’t Do Violence
actuality: these pretty boys do a lot of violence. they’re colonizers and slavers who take over entire worlds.
trope: Unicorns Are Pretty And Docile Creatures
actuality: unicorns and elves have been at war, unicorns are incredibly intelligent and sentient and are their own civilization
trope: Evil Empire
actuality: it is an imperialist nation, thus it is evil, but there are many nilfgaardian POVs throughout the saga which demonstrate that even though they are committing atrocities they are still very much human. they’re not faceless evil.
geralt’s company
trope: Grand Quest To Save The World
actuality: geralt in the saga, i think as one of the sorceresses said, is just running around lost, getting upset. geralt running around with his gathered company in the wilderness is not a grand march towards power or fame, but rather the journey of how geralt becomes a better person and a better father, he finally accepts help, he finally becomes a leader.
the quest doesn’t concern power or being a grand hero, it’s not a beautiful march. it’s a bunch of idiots traipsing through the forests, grasslands, and marches, trying to dry out their boots and footwraps because the ground is muddy. 
the goal of the quest is not to save the world or find great power or complete a prophecy or save a desperate lover, but rather to just get geralt’s daughter back. his daughter. because he loves her and wants her to be safe. that’s all.
you can’t step two inches in the witcher without breaking a trope. they’re strewn everywhere, like crackers on the sidewalk. step, step. now the pigeons are eating the crumbs
i think largely you have to look at sapkowski’s personal history with writing and fantasy bc iirc he was a scholar or something about arthurian legend and also he was influenced by many polish folktales
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