#also how taiki always puts an answer for shota in these Q&As too 😭😭😭😭
banqanas · 11 months
Sato Taiki Daily Q&A #3
Taiki has started doing a daily Q&A session in his blog, where he will try to answer 20 questions everyday. I will be sharing some that I find interesting.
Q: If you are a FANTARO, which song would you recommend to a friend who doesn’t know FANTASTICS yet? Taiki: If I can show them the MV, it’s “High Fever”. If I want to recommend them something to listen to, “It’s all good”
It's all good translations
Q: If you were to compare Fanta members with animals, what would they be? I’ll be elated if you can answer! Taiki:
Yuu -> Lion Sota -> Panda Keto -> Squirrel Nacchan -> Goat Leiya -> Monkey Sawa -> Sloth Sekai-san -> Camel Shota -> Hippo
Q: What were some of your favourite games to play as a toddler, Taiki-kun? I will be using it as a reference in my work 🙇 Taiki: While everyone was outside playing together, I was inside the class flirting with my first love, My kindergarten teacher.
Q: If you were to be reborn as one of the characters you’ve played so far, whose life would you most like to live in? Taiki: Ooh! This is a good question! The only one I’d choose is Chiharu’s. My life would always be full of thrills!
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Check out the rest here!
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