#also i did listen to a bunch of stuff on spotify on my laptop yesterday but the phone app shows the last thing from sat. night
youweremyridehome · 1 year
Rules: Share a picture of your lock screen, the last song you listened to, and the last image you saved.
tagged by @mafaldinablabla
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tagging @kevystel @snikkeler @expatgirl @troilvs @mistermooneyes
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monsterhunting · 9 months
Hello! I was re-reading -i bet you think about me- yesterday, and saw your reblog about the commentary posts 👀 would v much enjoy some info on the writing process for that fic. It's my favourite modern-era version of Jonathan, that perfect mix of grumpy and sweet 🧡 also love how that fic gently played around with the mean/petty elements of both Steve and Jonathan's personalities (v underappreciated character traits of theirs in my opinion)
[i bet you think about me; from this ask meme!]
omg well firstly this is very very nice of you to say!!!!! i am very honored that is a fic you would want to reread, i had a lot of fun writing that one!
and ok so originally i thought that fic might be a long oneshot (this happens very often I fear.) once i outlined and started writing, I realized that wouldn’t be the case, but before that?l? the idea for the fic was inspired by the fact that my Alexa is synced to my Spotify, which means sometimes i’m listening to music on my phone or laptop and it randomly cuts off bc my mom started listening to the Alexa at home. (Luckily this hasn’t screwed my algorithm up too badly. although i did get an email the other month thanking me for being one of earth wind & fire’s top fans.) ((also: i realize now this is a weird jump to “hmm stonathan exes to lovers au where….” but that was indeed the jump i made.))
so for several months the fic sat in my Google docs with just a few lines of prose/dialogue here and there and a couple of notes with ideas. I think the first little bit i wrote was the beginning when steve tells robin about realizing Jonathan still has his Spotify (and by that i mean that for a while the only words in the Google docs were “you know what’s funny about this? You and Jonathan have, like, the opposite taste in music.”) and then for a while I’d randomly come up with little ideas and quickly add them to the doc. In fact, i distinctly remember driving home from a vacation with my family in the car, coming up with a bunch of ideas, and quickly writing them down when we stopped at the Starbucks drive thru. (I think that was when I threw in the what makes you beautiful karaoke flashback and also the scene post-confrontation where Nancy tells steve Jonathan is seeing someone and then has to clarify it’s a therapist lmao)
So that was the ~early stage stuff, and then i fully outlined it and started actually writing and then posting it in chapters, which is around the time I decided it would be nonlinear with flashbacks breaking up the present day sections. Also: the flashbacks were very much my favorite part to write!!!
And then from there i was mainly focused on creating, like….the vibe. I pretty much knew i wanted the fic to start out fun with a lot of Spotify shenanigans but get a bit more angsty as it went on, and i wanted that to tie in with Steve’s general attitude at the beginning being “the breakup wasn’t a big deal and we weren’t even serious” (which you kinda know from the get-go can’t be true because steve and jonathan were neighbors and friends for over a year before they even started dating) and then as the fic goes on you realize it very much was serious and steve is very much not over it. And then alongside that i was trying to walk the line of “these are two fucked up individuals who are very fucked up over each other and the reasons why they broke up make sense for them as characters and are realistic but also you should root for them to get back together regardless.” which was….hard at times lmao. i mean i feel like stonathan kinda have a toxic yaoi vibe depending on characterization / context so it wasn’t hard hard but also i did want to show they were genuinely good together and happy before they self sabotaged their relationship so that was another line i also struggled to walk.
relatedly; i’m glad you said you liked steve and jonathan’s petty/mean elements because i worried at several moments i was making them too mean! i think i was especially worried people would think jonathan was too mean, mainly because you don’t get his pov so you don’t really know what’s going on in his head. which is partly what i added in a little wrap-up of the events of the fic from his point of view when he and Steve talk toward the end. but also, tbh — and maybe this will sound bad lmao — i was thinking about it and then i was like “hang on. you’re writing M/M fanfiction. The only way someone would get mad at you because they think either of them is too mean is if one of them was a woman. So you’re fine.” And that helped lmao
Not really sure when I decided what the ending would be but i knew i wanted their reconciliation convo to start with Jonathan playing a song that had some sort of significance to steve / their relationship. And I knew i wanted them to be like “we’re gonna try again and work things out” but i wanted there to be a sense that they’d be successful without necessarily doing an epilogue??? so I just did a lil paragraph at the end that was like steve imagining them living together and giving speeches at robin and Nancy’s wedding and stuff, and that was basically a little confirmation that they’d be fine and things would work out. And then i ended with a flashback to Steve suggesting they share the Spotify account initially bc I thought that would be nice and full circle :)
Thank you so much for asking!!!
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hana-bean · 3 years
I spent half of yesterday trying to get all my favorite YouTube rips of #ayumix2020 songs on some of my Spotify playlists. Why it took so long is because I have a MacBook from 2010 and it runs on coal. These missing songs were a bunch of my top favs so I decided to put in the time yesterday to re-rip them from YouTube and re-add them to Spotify.
I had already added these songs a couple of months ago, but then I dared to move some into other playlists and then boom, they disappeared from my phone. They played and showed up on my laptop, but for whatever reason, would not on my phone. Of course, as a lot of Spotify FAQ answers go, I was screwed. Thanks for nothing, Spotify Desktop.
I know I’m like a year late on this but some of these remixes are so freaking creative and amazing. Like you can tell when people have such an ear for music and it feeds the soul.
It was also super refreshing to hear some of Ayu’s songs with a more modern sound. While ayu-mi-x 7 aged pretty well, if you listen to any of her old ayu-mi-xes, you can really pick up on that early 2000s sound. And then some of them (especially the ones released on singles) sound like absolute noise; it makes me wonder if we even had ears back then. For some old remixes, the sound is super nostalgic and still vibe-able, but when that’s all we had for 10+ years, it’s SO NICE to hear some new takes.
I realized I tend to be partial to the remixes that aren’t techno in nature but of course I always appreciate a good house/trance/EDM remix! Below are some of my favorites, and you just might understand why I worked for 12 hours trying so hard to make these songs accessible ;)
1. LOVE ~Destiny~ (Alonso Montero Remix) - Alonso Montero This remix turns this sleeper into a cute and simple techno track, and not in a bad way at all! 
2. SEASONS (Aura Qualic Remix) [Uplifting Trance] - Aura Qualic I’ll admit, I would groan anytime I saw any song from Duty or I am... show up in the hashtag, only because there are already 8294739 remixes of those songs, and I’m craving some remixes of her more obscure and overlooked albums/tracks. But this one of SEASONS is pretty damn good and well-produced.
3. kanariya - beamgame a.k.a. 8LY [éitli] This version gives this song a sultry touch. kanariya is already sexy in its OG form, but this is a different sexy.
4. evolution (PHUNKSTAR Remix) - Bentley Jones Modern, well-produced, and just plain good :)
5. HANABI ~episode II~ (REMIX) - DJ cha-p I might be biased because HANABI ~episode II~ is my most favorite Ayu song ever, but damn this remix slaps.
Real Me (80′s lover remix) - DJ cha-p I’m DJ cha-p’s number-one fan, I swear. I did notice the ‘80s sound was a trend among a lot of the remixes in general.
6. HANABI (Orchestra Version) - DJ 秀吉 That beginning piano is just so haunting and gives me chills. So beautiful T_T
7. SEASONS - DODOWAKA This version is so fresh and summery and such a bop!
8. Moments (Dominant Space Future House Remix) - Dominant Space I go so hard to this remix, I wish it was 7 minutes long. 
9. INSPIRE (Rockabilly remix) - Hidetaka Suga OMG like I love how much this works!!!! I kind of hate it too but I LOVE IT!!!! He has a bunch of other good bluesy rock remixes, but INSPIRE is my most favorite.
teddy bear (Rock Ballad Remix)
ANGEL’S SONG (Rockabilly remix)
10. INSPIRE "KAZUKI's 90's Inspired Remix" - Kazuki Shintaku This seriously takes me back to LA Gears and Zubaz pants.
11. LyxKP
Just.... just listen.
blossom (Nostalgic 80′s Italo Disco)
I am... (Flute, Piano, Strings)
Duty (Bass, String Section & Guitar)
Pride (piano sonata + choir)
vogue (Acoustic Mood)
HANABI ~episode II~ (Cello, Guitar & Piano Trio)
12. kanariya 〜おしゃれピアノリミックス 〜 - Michisuke-P Another slow and sexy version.
13. BLUE BIRD (Otak’s Flashback Remix) - otak11 Out of all the throwback remixes of this song, this one is the best. I love the beginning.
14. Terminal (Orchestra) Demo - S W This version is so fucking evocative and beautiful, it works too well and drives you crazy. Ayu needs to re-record this song just like this. 
15. Sean North Hearing stuff like this makes me so impressed with people. I love how someone can hear Ayu and be like, this needs Celtic flutes. It’s so creative and brings a sound to Ayu you never would hear officially.
BLUE BIRD [Celtic arrange]
fairyland [Celtic arrange]
16. M -takamatt remix- - takamatt Again: simple, modern... something nice to bob your head to.
17. is this LOVE? (Terusik Piano Remix) - Terusik I’m just happy to see this song get some love.
18. M (TTSYa REMIX) - TTSYa This was one of the first remixes I heard right after Ayu announced the campaign. It reminds me of the first part of quarantine when it was fun. So good!
19. vogue (Xelakad 20th Anniversary Remix) - Xelakad The strings part reminds me of the music on the sand levels on Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. I love it :) I also am partial to Xelakad remixes; I love his Reggaeton remix of ourselves and his Ambient mix to Two of us—oldies but such goodies!!!
20. evolution 〜祭〜 (和風 EPIC TAIKO REMIX) - 김대석SAMSARIDER This remix is just plain cool!
21. Voyage - 林勇太郎 I read on AHS someone saying this sounds like an anime opening and now I can only imagine it opening to some coming-of-age epic journey anime, like Demon Slayer or something.
22. Days (Lo-Fi Reggae.Ver) - 音楽学校バンブースタジオ It’s just so sweet!
Honestly there are more I love, and everyone who participated did such a great job, but I’m tired LOL. I hope Ayu blesses us with ayu-mi-x 8 soon and we see some of these awesome tracks.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How many times a day do you talk on the phone with your significant other?: I just answered this on another survey lol. Idk it really depends how long or short our conversations are so there’s no one definite number of times, but generally I talk to her throughout the day. If we’re both busy, talking in the morning and before turning in for bed would be enough as well.
Other than English, what was the last language spoken to you?: Filipino.
What math level are you currently taking/did you last take in school?: I’m taking up a journalism degree so there’s very little math required for me to take. The one and only math class I had was Math 1 in freshman year and it was so basic we didn’t even take up actual math – it was a class on the history of math lmao.
Who was the last person to ask you for relationship advice?: Kate. I haven’t checked up on her and the guy, actually. Last time she went to me she seemed stressed and I never heard a rant from her after that, so I dunno if they fixed stuff or just broke up altogether.
Do you have a sleeping problem?: No, I sleep just fine.
Have you ever taken a survey with a friend, listing both answers?: Nooooooo no no hard pass. I wouldn’t want my friends to know I do surveys.
Where would you order your favorite burger from?: Pound’s burgers are so good. I stopped looking for other burgers once I got to try theirs.
Who have you been hanging out with most often these days?: Myself...and by default Kimi, who follows me literally anywhere.
Do you know a guy who has hair longer than yours?: Yes.
What color was the last cup you drank out of?: It was just a clear glass.
If you’re in school, what do you do to fill in time between classes?: I go to our org lounge, which is a place in the college we call Skywalk since it’s a walkway on the second floor connecting two buildings. There’s always stuff to do or people to hang out with there, so it’s my favorite place to go to and kill time.
Do you have friends in your classes? Not always. I wasn’t one of those people who needed to enroll in every class with a friend. I just walk into my classes to do my acads, submit shit, and finish off the class with a good grade. It’s cool if I spot a friend, but otherwise it’s not my priority.
When did you last encounter someone you disliked? Today and generally daily, pretty much.
Ever been to a real haunted house?: I don’t think so. Though when we went to Laurice’s house she told us that the house in front of theirs is abandoned – and it did look creepy lol – so we just assumed it was haunted. A couple of the boys went in to check it out but the rest of us just stayed at Laurice’s.
Where was the last place you got lost?: Probs the last time I went to BGC. That place has so many fancy schmancy traffic rules of its own and so many one-way streets and stoplights that anyone who isn’t from there can easily get lost.
What windows are open on your desktop right now?: I have a Try Guys video paused on YouTube, the Google Doc file for my thesis, the Google Forms file for my thesis questionnaire’s results, and a digital copy of the book I’m currently reading.
When was the last time you had cheesecake?: The other day I had ube cheesecake. It was supposed to be my dad’s Mother’s Day gift for my mom, but I asked for some heheh.
When you last shed tears, was it because of a person?: Technically? I cried from of a song, but it also kinda reminded me of a person.
Which music artists were at the last concert you attended?: Paramore <3
What was the last thing you discussed through text messages?: I spent my last peso texting Gabie we had no internet at home for the night so I won’t be able to talk to her, and that I’ll try again the next day.
How many songs are on your iPod/MP3 player?: I don’t keep one anymore. Technically, any songs I wanna listen to are accessible to me on Spotify now. Though it’s safe to guess that my iPod probably reached a peak of 500+ songs.
Other than yours, whose house did you last fall asleep at?: Gabie’s, most likely.
Have you ever had a significant other whose parents didn’t like you?: I don’t think so. I get very insecure about this every so often given that we’re in a same-sex relationship and that I don’t always have the money to woo her parents and buy them pasalubong, but Gabie always reassures me her parents are more than alright with me. And there’s zero reason not to believe her when I do meet up with her parents as they’re very lovely people, so I guess it’s all good in the hood.
What’s so unique about your computer?: The stickers I’ve placed on my laptop case are probably the most unique about it.
How was life for you six months ago?: November was mostly uneventful for me. I think I was still mostly reeling over Nacho’s death.
How much is gas in your area?: I dunno, I never check lol. There’s been a series of rollbacks since March because of the virus, but this week my dad mentioned something about a price hike so it might be starting to come up again.
What’s something interesting you learned in the past week?: A bunch. I just got into a YouTube channel called Oversimplified which posts hilarious narratives of historical events (mostly wars) complete with doodles to make them easier to follow. Yesterday I learned about the Battle of Hastings which would also apparently become very influential when it came to the English language, so it was pretty cool to learn it was more than just a physical war.
Do you know what you plan to do for your next birthday?: Out-of-town trip or an overseas one altogether. Either sounds ideal.
Was the last book you read for fun or assignment related?: For leisure.
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themousai · 5 years
Q+A: Once Foretold
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Where did the name ‘Once Foretold’ come from? Robin and Nathan were always complete nerds growing up, and after like 2 weeks of really stupid names in the group chat Nathan found a Magic the Gathering card called “As Foretold” and one of us (can't remember who) decided to change the “As” to “Once” and that was that really. We were seriously pushed for time since we had our debut show not far after that and the band name was kind of the last thing on our minds at that point.
Where did you guys all meet? Nathan and Robin - We mostly met each other through school, Nathan (being a good friend to robin at the time, and just starting to learn how to scream) came along to a practice for Robin's old band called "Our Last Days" and we ended up making a band called "A Reflection of Yesterday" where we became mates with Lily through SFRQ and playing local shows (rip kings arms...). Nathan also used to play in a band called "Overseer" and that's where he met Max. We met shay after our first drummer Ross left us, he had just finished playing with Fire For Glory and I was at his last show with them where the frontman josh said that if anyone wanted him for a band they should snatch him up quickly because of how good he was. A little while later we put out a post on facebook looking for a drummer and he hit us up.  Lily - I used to play in a post-hardcore band in high school called “Hello Headache” and when we did Smokefree Rockquest Nathan and Robin’s band “A Reflection of Yesterday” was at my local heats. They fucking killed it and I was their biggest fan haha. We actually ended up becoming really good friends over time. I asked Max to join the band when I happened to stumble across a guitar demo he posted to Soundcloud and asked if he was interested in joining the band. I met Shay at an EP release show I was playing with my other band REI back in 2017 at the UFO and I totally didn’t know how amazing of a drummer he was until I got him to audition. Will be sad to see him go after these last shows we have booked.
Where do you guys draw inspiration for your music? Robin - Periphery, Architects, Dali Thundering Concept Lily - Maximum the Hormone Max - Thornhill, Silent Planet, Erra Nathan - I draw inspiration from whatever the other guys listen to. Also Parkway Drive, and Killswitch Engage.
Do you find that the creation process of your music is equally collaborative? Or do certain members take on certain elements? Robin and Max - We make a basic layout and present it to the band where they'll tweak it from there during the learning process, we tend to give Nathan creative freedom vocally which tends to yield the best results as it's something most of us are not exactly familiar with doing.
You guys just completed a little run of North Island shows - if you could put together a full NZ tour featuring any other two NZ bands - who would they be? Robin - Seas of Conflict, Pale Flag Max - Pale Flag, Seas of Conflict Lily - Banks Arcade, Lookin Up Nathan - Cripple Mr. Onion, Liit
Do you have any fun stories to share from your tour? Robin and Lily - it was a reaaaallly cold windy day (like 4ºC) when we got wellington, but Max decided he wanted to jump into the harbour from the jumping platform they have in front of Te Papa, he called Lily who was at our accommodation with the guys from REI and made him meet us there with Max's towel. After Max jumped in and came back up we noticed a bunch of signs warning people not to jump in as the water was polluted quite badly. after this for the rest of the night max was freaking out thinking he was going to get sick and googling all the different illnesses he could get from it. We just kind of kept adding fuel to the fire by telling him he was screwed and was going to start growing extra limbs and stuff haha. Max - Getting a speeding ticket for going 87 in an 80km zone. Nathan - Playing out of Auckland.
What can we expect from you guys in the near future? Unfortunately Shay will be leaving us soon, which is a huge bummer for all of us but we are extremely grateful for all he has done with us, so we will be on the hunt for a new drummer soon. We just finished pre production for the EP we have been working on and will start tracking the songs very soon, Shay will be recording the drums with us before he leaves which is awesome as he really contributed to the material we have made and it wouldn't really feel right for us to not capture that.
Lastly - convince our readers to come catch you at ‘Auckland Will Be Laid To Waste’ in 3 words Robin - Break downs, spin kicks, best friends. Nathan - Free eternal erections. Lily - Crash Team Racing Max - Defend Pop Punk
Quick Fire
The one song I wish I wrote is... Robin - Garden of Sankhara by Monuments. That band really meant a lot for me when I was learning songwriting and this song really showed me that even if you are a crazy technical band, less is more sometimes. Nathan - The Final Episode - Asking Alexandria Max - Indonesia - August Burns Red Lily - Z Densetsu: Owarinaki Kakumei - Momoiro Clover Z
Three things I can’t live without are... Nathan - Coke, Oxygen, skin Max - Bikes, Defending Pop Punk, open notes Lily - Fried chicken, pho, Tekken
If I could only play music in one genre for the rest of my life it would be... Max - Probably metalcore/progressive metal because I find it most fun to play on guitar but. Pop punk is up there though although if I was just playing guitar in the genre I wouldn't want to do it forever. Robin - Progressive metal, the nature of it is to experiment and try new stuff, so it would keep me happy. Lily - Post-hardcore. I am das uber emo mans.
Three adjectives that describe my life are… Robin - Impulsive, chill, creative Max - active, nerdy, fun Lily - Dance, Gavin, Dance
If I held a world record it would be for…Robin - Losing a phone the most times in one party. Max - Having the most hobbies. Lily - The most powerful roundhouse kick in terms of weight to power ratio.
My first memory of loving music is… Robin - My sister used to show me a bunch of music and I owe a lot to that, but I remember hearing Metallicas “wherever I may roam” for the first time and being like “duuuuuuude”. the ambient intro into that chunky ass riff immediately got me hooked and I wouldn't stop listening to it. Max - Buying my first CD which was Linkin Park’s Meteora. Lily - Being introduced to Linkin Park by my older brother. I literally only listened to LP up until year 9.
The song of mine that I am the most proud of is… Robin - one you guys haven't heard yet! Max - Parallax Lily - Sovereign. It’s a song I wrote but tbh I’m mainly proud of it because the working title for the song was “Anus of God”.
My favourite venue I've ever played is… Robin - Kings arms, 100%. so many crazy bands have played there and I genuinely feel honoured to have been a part of it's story. Max - Kings Arms Lily - I’ve never played the Kings Arms but I wish I did. As a consolation, I’d say Valhalla in Wellington because WELLINGTON IS AN AWESOME CITY TO PLAY IN.
The ideal environment for me to create music in is… Robin - I used to say in my home recording set up, but now days as i'm getting into electronic production a lot more I sometimes really enjoy having a space with no distractions away from home, uni is great for that I find. Max - I’m just the classic bedroom soundcloud djent guitarist who just needs some monitors, an interface and a DAW with some decent plugins haha Lily - Alone in a room with a laptop that has Guitar Pro on it.
If I could have any two bands open for me they would be… Robin - Metallica and Slipknot... just to flex. Max - I feel awkward picking any bands to open for me because all the bands I think of are either equally as good or better Lily - The Jackson 5, and Momoiro Clover Z (But only with the OG line-up, they’re really not the same without Momoka)
(disclaimer: This interview was sent prior to Auckland Goes To Waste, and so the last question in the interview is now invalid. However I would like to testify that Crash Team Racing was very present, and I won 100% of the games that I played. If you didn’t make it along - you can read about it here)
Keep up to date with Once Foretold Facebook | Instagram | Spotify
Interview + Photo by Mandie Hailwood
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themousai · 5 years
Q+A: Once Foretold
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Where did the name ‘Once Foretold’ come from? Robin and Nathan were always complete nerds growing up, and after like 2 weeks of really stupid names in the group chat Nathan found a Magic the Gathering card called “As Foretold” and one of us (can't remember who) decided to change the “As” to “Once” and that was that really. We were seriously pushed for time since we had our debut show not far after that and the band name was kind of the last thing on our minds at that point.
Where did you guys all meet? Nathan and Robin: We mostly met each other through school, Nathan (being a good friend to robin at the time, and just starting to learn how to scream) came along to a practice for Robin's old band called "Our Last Days" and we ended up making a band called "A Reflection of Yesterday" where we became mates with Lily through SFRQ and playing local shows (rip kings arms...). Nathan also used to play in a band called "Overseer" and that's where he met Max. We met shay after our first drummer Ross left us, he had just finished playing with Fire For Glory and I was at his last show with them where the frontman Josh said that if anyone wanted him for a band they should snatch him up quickly because of how good he was. A little while later we put out a post on facebook looking for a drummer and he hit us up.  Lily: I used to play in a post-hardcore band in high school called “Hello Headache” and when we did Smokefree Rockquest Nathan and Robin’s band “A Reflection of Yesterday” was at my local heats. They fucking killed it and I was their biggest fan haha. We actually ended up becoming really good friends over time. I asked Max to join the band when I happened to stumble across a guitar demo he posted to Soundcloud and asked if he was interested in joining the band. I met Shay at an EP release show I was playing with my other band REI back in 2017 at the UFO and I totally didn’t know how amazing of a drummer he was until I got him to audition. Will be sad to see him go after these last shows we have booked.
Where do you guys draw inspiration for your music? Robin: Periphery, Architects, Dali Thundering Concept Lily: Maximum the Hormone Max: Thornhill, Silent Planet, Erra Nathan: I draw inspiration from whatever the other guys listen to. Also Parkway Drive, and Killswitch Engage.
Do you find that the creation process of your music is equally collaborative? Or do certain members take on certain elements? Robin and Max: We make a basic layout and present it to the band where they'll tweak it from there during the learning process, we tend to give Nathan creative freedom vocally which tends to yield the best results as it's something most of us are not exactly familiar with doing.
You guys just completed a little run of North Island shows - if you could put together a full NZ tour featuring any other two NZ bands - who would they be? Robin: Seas of Conflict, Pale Flag Max: Pale Flag, Seas of Conflict Lily: Banks Arcade, Lookin Up Nathan: Cripple Mr. Onion, Liit
Do you have any fun stories to share from your tour? Robin and Lily: it was a reaaaallly cold windy day (like 4ºC) when we got wellington, but max decided he wanted to jump into the harbor from the jumping platform they have in front of te papa, he called Lily who was at our accommodation with the guys from REI and made him meet us there with max's towel. After max jumped in and came back up we noticed a bunch of signs warning people not to jump in as the water was polluted quite badly. after this for the rest of the night max was freaking out thinking he was going to get sick and googling all the different illnesses he could get from it. We just kind of kept adding fuel to the fire by telling him he was screwed and was going to start growing extra limbs and stuff haha. Max: Getting a speeding ticket for going 87 in an 80km zone. Nathan: Playing out of Auckland.
What can we expect from you guys in the near future? Unfortunately Shay will be leaving us soon, which is a huge bummer for all of us but we are extremely grateful for all he has done with us, so we will be on the hunt for a new drummer soon. We just finished pre production for the EP we have been working on and will start tracking the songs very soon, Shay will be recording the drums with us before he leaves which is awesome as he really contributed to the material we have made and it wouldn't really feel right for us to not capture that.
Lastly - convince our readers to come catch you at ‘Auckland Will Be Laid To Waste’ in 3 words Robin: Break downs, spin kicks, best friends. Nathan: Free eternal erections. Lily: Crash Team Racing Max: Defend Pop Punk
Quick Fire
The one song I wish I wrote is... Robin - Garden of Sankhara by Monuments. That band really meant a lot for me when I was learning songwriting and this song really showed me that even if you are a crazy technical band, less is more sometimes. Nathan - The Final Episode - Asking Alexandria Max - Indonesia - August Burns Red Lily - Z Densetsu: Owarinaki Kakumei - Momoiro Clover Z
Three things I can’t live without are... Nathan - Coke, Oxygen, skin Max - Bikes, Defending Pop Punk, open notes Lily - Fried chicken, pho, Tekken
If I could only play music in one genre for the rest of my life it would be... Max - Probably metalcore/progressive metal because I find it most fun to play on guitar but. Pop punk is up there though although if I was just playing guitar in the genre I wouldn't want to do it forever. Robin - Progressive metal, the nature of it is to experiment and try new stuff, so it would keep me happy. Lily - Post-hardcore. I am das uber emo mans.
Three adjectives that describe my life are… Robin - Impulsive, chill, creative Max - active, nerdy, fun Lily - Dance, Gavin, Dance
If I held a world record it would be for… Robin - Losing a phone the most times in one party. Max - Having the most hobbies. Lily - The most powerful roundhouse kick in terms of weight to power ratio.
My first memory of loving music is… Robin - My sister used to show me a bunch of music and I owe a lot to that, but I remember hearing Metallicas “wherever I may roam” for the first time and being like “duuuuuuude”. the ambient intro into that chunky ass riff immediately got me hooked and I wouldn't stop listening to it. Max - Buying my first CD which was Linkin Park’s Meteora. Lily - Being introduced to Linkin Park by my older brother. I literally only listened to LP up until year 9.
The song of mine that I am the most proud of is… Robin - one you guys haven't heard yet! Max - Parallax Lily - Sovereign. It’s a song I wrote but tbh I’m mainly proud of it because the working title for the song was “Anus of God”.
My favourite venue I've ever played is… Robin - Kings arms, 100%. so many crazy bands have played there and I genuinely feel honoured to have been a part of it's story. Max - Kings Arms Lily - I’ve never played the Kings Arms but I wish I did. As a consolation, I’d say Valhalla in Wellington because WELLINGTON IS AN AWESOME CITY TO PLAY IN.
The ideal environment for me to create music in is… Robin - I used to say in my home recording set up, but now days as i'm getting into electronic production a lot more I sometimes really enjoy having a space with no distractions away from home, uni is great for that I find. Max - I’m just the classic bedroom soundcloud djent guitarist who just needs some monitors, an interface and a DAW with some decent plugins haha Lily - Alone in a room with a laptop that has Guitar Pro on it.
If I could have any two bands open for me they would be… Robin - Metallica and Slipknot... just to flex. Max - I feel awkward picking any bands to open for me because all the bands I think of are either equally as good or better Lily - The Jackson 5, and Momoiro Clover Z (But only with the OG line-up, they’re really not the same without Momoka)
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Interview by Mandie Hailwood
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