#also i didnt mention crystal/niko because i dont really have much to say on it
dtheshadows · 5 months
Ok, it's time to post about my opinions on the different relationships, so I'm not doing so in the middle of the night when I'm supposed to be sleeping.
To start off, I just want to say that these are all just my own opinions at the moment of posting, and I'm not trying to drag anyone for what they ship. People can enjoy what they want even if I'm just meh on it.
Crystal and Charles
Alright, so let's get this one out of the way first. I appreciate how the show kind of portrayed this as them going to each other for comfort more than for love. That being said, if this shows' goal was to make me think they were going to be an endgame pairing, then it failed. I think that they'll have their thing, but settle on just being friends, and that can still be beautiful. I just don't see it working out in the long term with Crystal being alive, and I don't feel like she is going to die. The show works well with her being alive and the boys being dead. Half the comedy is her interacting with the boys while everyone else just stares at her like wtf. They could very much be right person wrong time.
Monty and Edwin
I really like Monty. I love him, and that scene with him and Edwin on the swings was so sad. I don't know how much further this pair could go with Monty being a bird again, but I want to hope he can return. I feel like there is a little more to explore with this being that they were each others first kiss, and it could be cute, but not endgame.
Cat King and Edwin
I'm very meh on this one, unfortunately. I can see the appeal, but it just doesn't read to me, and I tried getting into it. I don't think they'll be endgame, but this one has the 2nd most potential.
On a separate note, this is the pairing that also makes me question why they didn't age the characters further. I feel like how ghosts mature after death needs to be explained a bit further. Otherwise, I see this being quite a fandom divider, and there has already been some division. Again, though, ship what you want. I literally don't care because these are fictional characters.
Charles and Edwin
Obviously, this is the big one. I adore this ship, and it has the potential to be exceedingly beautiful, whether it ends in friendship or romance. I, for one, want it to be canon because I would love to get a queer slowburn best friends to lovers romance arc for once. I feel like I never see long-standing male friendship that becomes romantic. It's either they've become close because they are into each other, or they were friends, but not best friends, and it always happens in a single season. I will say as well though that if they just remain friends I'd be perfectly fine with it as long as they revisit the possibility of it happening, because you can't have Charles say what he does in response to Edwin's confession and not revisit. Like the chapter isn't closed yet.
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