#also i guess this is just an arjuna loveposting blog now because i'm too shy to talk about my ocs extensively
corvidmasters · 1 year
my favorite thing about arjuna's character has always been that he's so upright he paradoxically cannot believe that he's upright at all. from his refusal to accept imperfections in his actions and thought processes, to his deep-rooted fear of disappointing people and being discarded and unloved if they see him being too flawed, to panicking about being "caught" to the point where he has some extreme and violent contemplations (likely a product of the violence he's known throughout life)...it's all very human and relatable.
i hope one day he will appear in a work as the sole servant to a sole master that has their own character and can actually grow alongside him. i do wonder if they've refrained from this so far because he's most marketable when "we" are that master for him in fgo (need that yume money). But maybe someday. The Miracle will happen.
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