#also i have a sig now. isnt it cute
coconox · 8 months
with s rank selector coming out next patch, i kinda need help deciding who i should pick
some context: next patch will have an s rank selector up to capri (requirements for getting the selector are similar to the selector back in nanamech patch). iirc theres also a weap selector up to capri too, and ive already decided that i'll get capri's weap since i already have her at sss but w no sig
incoming big info dump below ↓
im gonna omit entropy, lumi, rosetta, and capri from the list since i already have them at sss or higher
so that leaves: empy, plume, glory, garnet, luna, veritas, alpha, teneb, pulse, and ember
most of those characters are at ss0, only exceptions being glory and teneb with ss4.
here are the main builds i use for everyone (minus ember and pulse, they just borrow mems if i ever need to use them which rarely happens now):
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note plume, glory, garnet, and teneb have MULTIPLE sets reso'd (like multiple dps sets or dv set etc etc), i just use what theyre currently holding now the most
whoever i pick i'll essentially just get a small rank up (since you need like 3 copies to sss), the ppl closest to sss are teneb and glory (both are around 2 copies away from sss), but i'm debating on if i wanna get a "head start" with trying to sss empy, luna, or plume (mostly empy)
some side comments i should probably mention:
ice qu doesnt really interest me that much, my ice team rn is kaleido/wanshi/glory but if i want more dmg i'll do kaleido/plume/glory (which explains why glory is carry dv in the screenshot earlier). plus i kinda doubt i'll be playing this game actively post nocti patch so getting qu isnt really smth i have in mind
i dont have scire, nor do i really plan on getting her since her playstyle isnt my thing (i basically skipped ppl from pulao - bambi so that i could get s+ hyperreal lol) (so if i ever do get scire itd be from standard). my dark team rn is luna/teneb/capri
lamias cute but like i mentioned in the first point i doubt i'll be actively playing after nocti patch, so getting her isnt really on my mind rn
i dont use alpha or veritas lol— my phys team is entropy/lumi/rosetta and my lightning team is garnet/arclight/lux
so yeah,, thats the info dump lmao
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nicegaai · 9 months
sorry i want to ramble about fan fiction and i dont want to bothr people in dms
ok chapter 8 is getting its third googledoc draft because part of me does want to do as much of this as possible before the end of the year, especially while i still have so much free time.
thank you to past me for writing up the scene by scene breakdown. that DOES make this much easier to continue on. HOWEVER. why did i leave so much open ended. thats making this much harder. like
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everything was left like this. and then when i add dialogue it changes the course of the scene pretty dramatically. ive spent like an hour today trying to iron out one scene i thought i had THE MOST polished up already. like. Carsex Scene was supposed to be my ease-in easy bit. HOW DO WRITERS DO THIS? im NOT cut out for this kind of work.
well this past year has given me a lot of respect for people who can write. ahhhhh
oh yeah also i cant find the whole first scene for this chapter. i wrote it a while ago and i have NO idea what happened to it. fml i guess
i think if i started rambling on about the plot it might get me into Real Writing Mode but im struggling to do this. thats what im trying to accomplish here with this textpost but it isnt workign yet HELP
ok no i can do this.
first scene i have dennor being cute togehter. unfortunately i havent figured out the whole second half of the scene. my notes are like "they talk about their relationship" and like ok i know this is necessary and ive been putting off them doing this for like 4 chapters but i dont know what to do with that. they should have a talk about the state of their relationship but i have discarded drafts of like mads confessing his love to sig which is no longer canon. i had a version where there was a subplot about them breaking up. now i just want them to have the polyamory talk, bcz someone has to and im not making sufin do it. but tbh i could leave it implied. and just put that off until the fic is over bc i dont care I JUST DONT CARE i dont feel like it
next was more sufin moments i think given some time i could make this bit really good. i love sufin. i love them being together this part is fine actually i just need to start it and the inspiration will come
next umm lets see. OH ACTUALLY this one is funny. im really into this scene even though i can sense it getting really really long. whenever i get into fleshing this scene out im goign to enjoy it. its denice and dennor having awkward boyfriend-sharing interactions. and nor is like sooo how are those wet dreams going lol and ice is like . well youre definitely not in them lol uhhhhhhh. jk he doesnt say this but he thinks it. his life is so hard u guize
the next bit .................. im trying to shoehorn in some norfin. im trying to set up that they should be besties and hang out more. because its true and right. unfortunately this "scene" is 2 lines long bc i wasnt sure what to do with it. could i drop it? yes. but for plot reasons I DONT WANT TOOOO. but what is the scene about? nothing, but i gotta fit in 2 important plot points and so i shall. maybe they will even do a sex. WHO KNOWS! NOT ME
next bit is another one that could get real long if i let it. i love the densu nation and i need their crumbs. i need them to hang out. IS IT PLOT IMPORTANT? maybe not. but TO ME i think it is CHARACTER IMPORTANT. theres some foreshadowing. actually maybe 2 layers of foreshadowing that begin here. and also they are playing videos game and being children about it and i love them
next bittttttttt emil feels like a fifth wheel and gets in his emotions about it :( this scene im feeling ok about even though its vague so far. its a good starting point. i can do something with this
next bit UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH AUUUUUUUUGHHHHH i dotn want to write this one. hm. actually i didnt realize i felt that strongly about this scene. i dont know if its because it sucks narratively, or its just not fun enough... writing emil at school with his friends is just not fun for me in general. i love hk and liech but this is just not my thinggg. it doesnt help that i ended the scene with saying "ughh something happens and plans fall through and i dont know how lol" like what am i supposed to do with that. but i think this scene will end up being important. a whole sideplot rides on this. if i deleted it, it might get confusing at the end. maybe i can just simplify it? eventually. maybe ill cut it out in the end anyway.
oh and then the last scene is the carsex scene. epicballs, i skipped ahead and im working on this first.
ew actually now that ive typed this all up, it sounds like a hell of a lot of work. what am i doingggg. im such a slow writer T_T what AM i doing
step 1 i need to stop editing as i go and just slam down some vibes in the goog doc. i got good at this for a while but ive lost that mojo. i need to revive her *looks at time* maybe tomorrow or something. or for a couple hours >_> if im very good at time management tonight
if anyone is reading this hi
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foxeatr · 2 years
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commission for kinghimbo on twitter of his OC sapphira <3
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klugpuuo · 3 years
hey hey Hey h.
tell me about your favorite puyo puyo character and Why they're your favorite and what aspect (be it fanon or canon) of them do you despise with a burning passion. ok go,
(also yes hi thanks for the nice tags on my art... we are friends now >:] )
oh shit oh fuck oh man oh god oh man uhhhhhhhhhHHH
i don't have a favorite (as in kuro sig [despite, being a real actual person] is my favorite but the number 2 spot rotates every day) BUT today my favorite is tied between wacht, lidelle and amitie so im gonna speak of that
He's my favorite because fuck he's a mood. I also don't get sleep and have problems with my ears. The only things I truly dislike abt him are his supposed hatred of bugs and also the fact that he only has like. 12 lines of dialogue (so my brain substituted his entire personality with sans so i could rp him and i'm never forgiving my brain for such terrible actions against us all /hsrs)
i dont think he even has a fandom
ah fuck where do i begin with this kid
she's great she's amazing she's cute and deserves the world but i hate her with a passion (see: yourfavehateslidelle) . she reminds me of me when i was like 10years old except instead of any anger it's just ALL awkward sadness. she is a gay and needs mental help immediately and i hope her family isfully found soon
hey hey that's me:)
insane. deranged. full of backstory that sega's too much of a coward to give us. YES i am talking about amitieI know who i speak of.
he deserves so much more than he gets, relationship- backstory- and character-wise. honestly the only thing i truly despise abt him isnt even his weird horniness or loudness, it's the fact that I can't refer to him as him without feeling weird but Ican't call him by other pronouns because it makes me dysphoric. i live in hell i suppose
also i dont like all the arson people make him do but then again admittedly i have made him commit arson several times to try to deal with it but still
i think about the funy puyo guys too much ajd project even more so. help
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monsterpie · 8 years
My thoughts on Electrified
Under the cut!
Here’s the link on Kisscartoon to watch Electrified btw!
 Why did the let Moanica go to their school.... Did they not think that through?
 Twyla is as precious as ever 
Mayhaps a concert is not the best place to take an introvert, hmm?
The song Moanica and the zomboys played in the library was honestly so....good and catchy omg
Give me a Silvi sig or give me death
 Why... are there.... pauses... between everything Twyla....says...
Webby is so precious
draculaura doesnt do ‘baby steps’
cleo is acually the heir to a construction company
ari what the helll
is twyla supposed to be the same age as the main ghouls now??
ive got to admit that the animation for the rain on the ghouls/when theyre wet is really good
nice to know the zomboys can run and they still look like nerds doing it lol
why doesnt twyla stay in the shadows the entire time shes investigating
give us blue green iridescent skin frankie
honestly the skelebros/bone bros are so perfect
u can see the scales on deuces snakes and thats good
so if frankie is told what to think about hwen manipulating the lightning to make the dress patterns.... and she made the heart on lala’s dress without any prompting... was she thinking about a certain crush of hers??
raythe use your words and also your voice sounds so much like deuce
the way they animated znap is soooo coool omg
how did they build a cavern with NO SUPPORT BEAMS underneath the salon without the salon floor caving in? cleo wouldnt have let this happen.
“professor dracula” nice to know even moanica is worried about figures of authority and calling them by respectable names still
if moanica was like basically psyched to kill the normies in the first movie and now she just wants to scare them... what theheck.... she could use that electricity to set up a volt field and kill a whole horde of normies but like... whatever
also her hair is so cute when its not handing over her face
frankie sounds like a drang 8 year old and i cant get over it she sounds TOO YOUNG
okay but when moanica is being sweet to the zomboys thats so precious
‘heavy metal’ ‘monster alternative’ ‘goth rock’ ‘smooth jazz’ let wooly/woolie decide literally everything
clawdeen frankie and draculaura are all dating together thanks 
did it seriosuly not feel like a trick walking into a deserted cavern that was previously hustling and bustling and overflowing with zomboys
“i think you ruined my project!” yeah thats.... thats the important thing....
raythe and deuce please stop talking 
ok u got a point rayhe.... where are your (and deuce and the skelebros) electric outfits at
do u really think thats enough refreshments for hundreds of people on the salons opening night....
frankie has so much electricity in her body she could straight up electrocute some hundreds of people
who wants to bet the normies are going to think this is all just some cool trick
“under the cover of perpetual darkness” u know that.... the sun comes out....
salt in ur sugar bowls and ur shoelaces tied together?? how terrible
did the main ghouls forget that they have powers or?>?>
that same normie was at the salon was he seriously not worried about the zomboys like...
yeah lets put more elctricity into frankie
cant believe frankie is actually a hummingbird
now we can see the electric tribbles (which would be a better name for the band than all the rest of the stuff they said)
the zomboy using tp as binoculars is so cute and honestly all of them are so cute 
so we r still gonna let moanica and the zomboys back to school again... serriously
zombeautification omfg
how do u even propose keeping the salon open i mean.... u have school... no time for a salon??
boom, i knew they would all think it was part of the opening.. not like it took a genius lol
the electrified song is also good
lets just keep shocking the zombies.... 
twyla and ari have the same voice actor! huh
okay so final thoughts: it was cute but not really groundbreaking or even especially memorable.... not even moanica was as hardcore/badass as in the first movie. its cute, and i dont regret watching it, but it isnt something i would go out of my way to watch. (still gonna buy it tho to support the brand, esp since i watched it online  👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 )
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