#also i have projected myself onto mason sooooooo
So, I wanna know about Mason and Ryuki more.
Of course! They met in elementary school. Mason was really shy and mostly kept to himself. Ryuki came up to him and sat with him at lunch and they were practically inseparable ever since. They were both dorks. They played together, watched anime together, and drew together. They were over at each others houses constantly. It was the norm for them to be together.
It seemed natural for Fernando to assume that Mason would go to the same private middle school he sent Camille to. Honestly deep down, Mason knew his family was thinking that. But it didnt feel real until the last two months of sixth grade and his dad taking about getting the paperwork done for the transfer. No discussion, just the unspoken understanding, like it was some law he couldn't break. So Mason didnt even fight it, he just retreated. At the end of the school year, Ryuki promised him they would keep in touch. They could still hang out whenever they could. At first, it seemed that would be easy. The whole summer, they hung out at each others houses, sleepovers and text messages.
It hit Mason as soon as he entered his new school without this best friend next to him how lonely and anxious he was. Everyone at this school seemed to single out Mason, feeling his nerves and uneasiness. He was vulnerable and an easy target. He was alone and miserable. He wouldn't talk to his family about it, always responding with 'It was fine' when the how was school question was asked. He still kept texting Ryuki, but never mentioned what actually happened at school. Ryuki was used to being the more talkative of the two, and normally Mason would be grateful for that, but hearing how Ryuki seemed to be doing well, you know besides missing his friend, made Mason feel like he was the only problem he had. His responses got shorter and shorter. He retreated into himself, would only go to school and then lock himself in his room. He wallowed in his growing depression.
Ryuki did his best to get through school. It was really weird to not have his best friend with him, but he needed to adjust. He followed all his school work well, and acquainted himself well enough with classmates. But he never really stopped thinking about his best friend. He texted him every day. He wanted to make sure he was doing okay. He wanted him to remember that he was always going to be his friend. And it was fine for a bit. School got in the way of actual visits but as long as they kept communicating it was fine. But their conservations started to get shorter. And by the end of the school year, he never got another reply. He really wasn't sure what to think of it at first. What he did notice is that he would always read the messages he left. Rarely he would even see the little ... come up but eventually disappear. This just made him keep texting him every day. Just to remind him that he will always be there for him whenever he needs him. He texted him everyday, always hoping that hell reply one day.
The start of Masons eight grade year was torture. He was getting bullied, and he just stood there and took it, not caring about himself anymore. He went home and did homework. When he finished, he would do literally nothing. Ryuki kept texting him about his new friends he met this year, and he just kept thinking how he was better without him and how he was just kinda drifting through life, not sure why he still even bothers. Hes thought about dying but had no energy to act on it, even though he now slept excessively.
Meeting Stephanie was shock. His cousin was just as shy and awkward as he was, and she was an artist and getting into anime. It was probably the most he talked in a day since 7th grade. But when Steph was talking about her friends she offhandedly mentioned Ryuki and he just sat there on his bed in shock. Steph put two and two together and realize not only was Ryuki Masons only friend, but Mason was the person he texted every day with no response. It was weird, but Stephanie knew how much they both missed each other and after a ton of talking and crying with both each other, and his family and cousin Al downstairs, he decided to finally talk to Ryuki again. Steph suggested a hangout at Ryukis house the next day (a Sunday) Ryuki accepted his best friend back with open arms. After the hangout with all the friends getting to know each other, with only Mason left at Ryukis house, he finally told him about what happened. Tears were shed and hugs were given, and they promised to never lose contact again. With everyone agreeing, they all hung out together every weekend until Mason could finally go to the same school. The rest of eight grade went by well, with Mason finally shrugging off the bullying and focusing only on schoolwork and his new friends.
High school made it feel like the gang was officially complete. They were the weirdos that sat in halls drawing during breaks and lunch drawing. They were cool with that. They all became happier and comfortable with each other and that's all that mattered. Now with that said, it was obvious to everyone since that first meeting that Mason and Ryuki were crushing hard on each other. Not that anyone was gonna do anything about it. Ryuki may have been the most outgoing of them, but he was still shy when it came to that department, and Mason was a gay disaster who was bad at feelings so neither was going to confess. (No one else could push them they aren't any better XP)
It was actually in their junior year, which was last year, when they went to a con when they got together. (Luckily quarantine didnt affect this part of the story, barely. Literally it happened like two months before it started) These dorks have gone to cons since freshman year together and this year they decided to cosplay as My Hero characters. What ended up happening was that Mason went as Todoroki and Ryuki went as Midoriya and this group stans Tododeku and they kinda subconsciously ended up couple cosplaying. They didnt mean to, but walking around the con they stuck together, having fun in character and being awkwardly close together. A lot of people came up to them and asked if they were couple cosplaying. They were awkward messes (pretty in character honestly) and eventually this caused them both to ask themselves how they really felt. (As a cosplayer/roleplayer I feel my characters feelings so much that genuinely feel the hurt/anger/happiness/love) I feel like these feelings were pushed to the surface and both realized how deep they really were. On Saturday they hung around a group of BNHA cosplayers and they all decided to throw their own party in someone's hotel room (they were all minors and they wanted to nerd out and party) Usually shy these babies, but surrounded by equally nerdy people made them go for it. It was fun, snacks, music, watching the show. Then one of the cosplayers had an idea. They put on a slow song and encouraged all the OTPs to dance together. A few of the them get up, and others just dance for the hell of it. Mason and Ryuki looked at each other for a bit, but they danced. They really fell into the moment. They were really close to each other by the end of the song. Mason ended up pulling Ryuki to the balcony and awkwardly but eventually confessed. They were awkward, but happy. They embraced and softly kissed eachother. (The whole party saw them and cheered for the OTP. They were peeved, but still keeps in contact with a few of them, especially a Bakusquad they got along with, they actually seen some of their webcomic before!)
Quarantine starts two months after they got together. That sucks. But they face time every day. And they've met up maybe three times, but as safely as they can. They can't wait until they can actually be together again. Because they will never let anything come between them again.
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