#okay i know i ramble but these two are my OTP okay????
blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
4, 7, 9, 12 for the ask game <3 (all glee if possible)
Yay, thanks for these Crys! 7 was previously answered so I went ahead and skipped it :)
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I don’t ship St. Berry, but I am of the opinion that if it couldn’t be Finn, I’m glad it was Jesse. He and Rachel really are two sides of the same coin and they seem to love each other very deeply and I hope they’re happy together!
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Samcedes 😭 they are my emotional support heterosexuals your honor. But also, they are two genuinely good people who care deeply about one another samcedes you will always be endgame to me
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
Okay this is gonna be a lot because I AM going to do all the active fandoms I’m in! So under the read more!
First of all you, Crys! And @backslashdelta You are both so talented with your gif making that it kind of drives me insane.
@kurtsascot is probably one of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I feel so lucky that we’ve gotten her so late in the game! I feel similarly about @rockitmans and @thelegendofjenna
@esilher @twinkkurt and @justgleekout make the most BEAUTIFUL fanart I’ve ever seen, and I also wanna thank @carsonphillips for klainegifs and keeping the fandom interesting with their events!
@somefeministtheatrepls is not only an amazing friend but the most thoughtful beta reader and honestly partner in my writing?? Writing is much less stressful because I don’t even worry about things being clunky or weird because I know her ass will help that chapter SHINE
@nancysgillians @kurthummeldeservesbetter also get shoutouts because they are wonderful people to have in your life
I could fill novels with how much I love and appreciate @somanywords! Their amazing storytelling and also volunteering to make art for the MiniBang I hosted earlier this year??? On top of listening to my insane ramblings?? They don’t make em like this anymore folks
@one-paper-bag is also SOOOOOO incredibly talented with their art, and their lovely comments on my Spider-Man AU keep me going (on GOD we are gonna get you another chapter ON GOD!!!!)
@livesincerely and @agentsnickers are some of the most prolific and INSANELY TALENTED writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, and also genuinely lovely people! You know when you see someone on your dash and ur just like “wow. I hope they are having a FANTASTIC day and life. They deserve one.”
@piedoesnotequalpi and @regina-cordium are also so incredibly FUNNY and have the most correct takes on every single newsie and that’s on that ❤️
I’m relatively new to this fandom, so I don’t know a ton of people yet, but there are def people I see on my dash that I have noticed!
@cranberrymoons @lesbianrobin @insertlovelyperson have written some of my absolute FAAAAAAVE fics! I feel like they really have a handle on who the characters are in a way that’s true to the show and kind of difficult to pull off!
@texasbama makes amazing gifs and honestly anytime I see her on my dash I laugh bc genuinely she’s so funny. Also on the list of hilarious contributors is @buckgettingstruck
And a couple of people who I think have genuinely great vibes are @buckera @leathercouchcushion and @yaz-the-spaz
And of course I can’t talk about 911 without a second mention to @regina-cordium who puts up with all my Texas!Buddie nonsense andbansndbsk
Okay yeah so that was a LOT sorry!! I didn’t mean for it to get so long BUT I do mean every single word! I’m really blessed to have met so many amazing people through fandom and my experience on this site has been nothing less than superb because of yall ❤️
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AITA for arguing with someone over ships?
🧀⛵ so i can find this later
Yes, this is ship discourse AITA #294729472 you can scroll away, english isn't my first language, my apologies.
So I (16M (But 13-14 at the time)) am in a very niche fandom. As in, we didn't have any new content for the past 5 years and media is old af (2013), very few fans, most of us know each other already.
I used to have these mutuals Cheese (Not their real name) (around my age i think?? I can't remember) and Breadstick (Not his real name) (18M).
We all had our little ships, ok? I like the little (dumbass golden retriever boy) x (badass traumatized man) ship, Cheese liked the little (badass traumatized man) x (literally the same thing but evil and abusive) and Breadstick liked both ships.
I met Breadstick before meeting Cheese so we were already friends before i met Cheese. I thought "Cool, another person likes this little niche thing i'm hyperfixated on!" So we became mutuals.
I didn't anticipate that we would argue about ships, but oh well. So, i'm a very chill person regarding ships, literally any, although i do have NOTPs, i'm not really toxic about my hatred, i just go "Ah, not my thing" and scroll away not without blocking the person, but really nothing personal and no hard feelings, i can perfectly be friends with someone who loves my notp.
In fact, that was the case with Cheese. They shipped my NOTP, like A LOT. But I was okay with it, i mean these are just characters and all we're doing is being silly. I didn't take this THAT seriously. However, when I seemed to talk about my ship, Cheese seemed uncomfortable in some way.
When I was talking about my fankid (call me cringe idc) of my OTP, Cheese got very confused and asked who was i talking about. Breadstick came in and introduced my fankid to them, since he knew about it before. Cheese just started being rude, literally saying swear words (Not against them but, the context didn't really call for it? No one was being mean or mad), saying, and i quote as best as i can, "I don't know what the fuck made you think i knew who the hell [Fankid] was".
I got very mad about it, so i privately dm'ed Breadstick about Cheese's attitude. We began trash talking about them, which, i admit was a very trashy thing to do and definitely asshole material™.
Reason why may i be the asshole: over time, Breadstick just started complaining a lot about Cheese, and I could honestly agree, it came to the point of us disliking them to some degree but not telling them and not breaking the mutual, that could be considered two faced behavior.
This was partly influenced because of another incident. So Cheese and Breadstick where rambling about an OT3 (3 person ship) they had in common, basically sharing ideas and stuff. I thought it would be fun and went "Hey, I have an OT3 too, maybe i should post about it too". So I went and posted about it, but Cheese felt very uncomfortable with that, since basically my OT3 was exactly like Cheese's OT3 but one character is different, "basically".
They said "You have your thing, let US have ours". Felt bad and honestly, maybe i shouldn't have intruded their ot3 rambling. I didn't expect such negative reaction out of them.
In other occasions they complained about me posting a little too much about my ship, even though they did the same thing with theirs. And they also had a mutual that said "If you ship [this character] you suck and i fucking hate you. [character] is too abusive to be shipped with anyone and you can't just make an AU, that would just change him as a character completely" which, dear god, that language wasn't needed, right?. And despite that crazy person saying that, Cheese agreed with their take, despite literally shipping the character in question with another one. And abusively too, which like you do you, lord knows i do that too, but agreeing with a take like that while doing exactly what it is complaining about is weird. On the other side, that person wasn't my mutual, so it's unrealistic of me to expect Cheese to control their mutuals over me, Cheese can mutual whoever they want, but i can still be weirded out right?
That is without including them telling other people to kill themselves over shipping, so it was clear that Cheese took this shipping thing seriously while me and Breadstick to some degree didn't. Honestly another reason why i might be an asshole, clearly they felt their otp was personal and me not liking it + ignoring it caused a bad environment, mala mía, but what else could i have done?
So, clearly Cheese is kind of an asshole to some degree. But i think what makes ME an asshole too is when I trash talked behind their back and cut them off way later than i should've. And also, i guess i shoved my ship down their throat taking by how mad they were about it? I didn't do it intentionally though and i could definitely say they did the same thing too when 80% of the fandom and character tags was them posting about their ship. Again, small niche fandom for old unpopular media, we are keeping it alive ourselves.
What are these acronyms?
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
idk about anyone else but i always love crack ships and ships in general, i can always appreciate other ships, even if they're not my otp. It just means more content to enjoy!
Luci and Solomon would be fun as a pairing i think. If I had a crack ship, it'd be Solomon and Mammon. I don't know if they've had any moments at all together. Maybe one.
But Solomon has been steadily climbing up my favorites list on the ladder since nightbringer. Though he'll never take Mammon's place for number one lol. But I like to imagine them both with my mc.
I can imagine Mammon accidentally getting his hands on a really rare spell book and instead of selling it, gifting it to the two of them with the excuse that he couldn't get any offers for it (he is lying and it's obvious from his blush)
Or Solomon coming across a rare item he forgot about and gifting it to Mammon because he thinks he'd like it. Or digging through his collection for something he's willing to part with to help Mammon with debt, saying something about needing to get rid of it is all.
and after writing these little blurbs i will be thinking about these dummies a lot more, it is no longer an 'if' i think. new ship and new ot3 ig akskfj
okay I'm done rambling LMAO thank you for your time
- ✨ anon
Okay, yes, I absolutely love crackships. I can also appreciate other ships, I have no problem with any of that at all. I say people should ship whoever they like.
While I always write x reader, I actually have quite a few Obey Me ships that I like. DiaLuci of course which I actually did write a little story for per a request I received. Those two are just so obvious, how can you not ship it, right? I'm also fond of SoloSim because I think those two have an interesting dynamic. And of course there's SimeBarb which is also just really cute. I'm down with BarBeel and Solodeus too though to a lesser extent. And while I never really considered it before, apparently there is also Diavolo/Belphie (sorry I don't know their ship name lol), which is not something I thought of, but I don't dislike it!
My favorite crackship is absolutely SoloLuci. I love their relationship already, it's so funny to me, and I just can't help but enjoy the idea of them actually ending up together because it would be even funnier to me. Like I could write whole stories about them.
My other big crackship is Mammon/Barbatos. (BarbMam??) Again, I just find this to be absolutely hilarious. I could write whole stories about them, too, and I'd be laughing the whole time lol.
Okay one last crackship from me that I think would be fun is Diavolo/Asmodeus. Because listen, Asmo would be so into being queen lololol. And I just think it'd make Lucifer so mad, too. I'm sorry I just think it's so funny I can't help myself.
Of course, any and all of these become a little less crazy if MC is involved, but I generally consider these ships without MC. I did write that little blurb about a Solomon/MC/Lucifer threesome, but I generally like to think of them without MC because that just makes it so much funnier to me.
I love your description of a Solomon/MC/Mammon throuple situation, though. I always felt like Mammon didn't like Solomon lol but yo neither does Lucifer so. But I think with an MC that they both love and care for to kind of initiate the necessity of them being in close proximity and getting along... yeah, I could see all of the things you describe happening.
That'd be super adorable, now I'm just imagining them starting a little trio band and calling it MC and the Mons. (I'm so sorry.)
Anyway, I love your new ot3 I hope they bring you much joy!!
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
What's your favourite Captain Swan moment in canon and perhaps in fanfic?
Ooo okay I’ll try not to go off on a tangent but
There are so many!!!
From the top of my head…
I wanna say the entirety of the CS Back to the Future adventure. But the “You traded your ship for me?” moment is so significant and beautiful. It’s just you know… There’s Emma “I’m not used to someone putting me first” Swan who never had a home, who had been betrayed and abandoned time and time again. There’s Killian “I didn’t have anything to live for” Jones. And there’s the memory of him snapping sharply at Ariel that “She’s not just a ship.” And the Jolly Roger is not just a ship; she is his home. She is the vessel that carried all the memories of his lost loved ones, but also his pride and reputation, his most prized possesion and his actual home…
And after all their crazy adventures, Emma asks him how he got to her in the first place. And the cocky grin that’s barely masking the vulnerable softness in his eyes falls away and he grows serious when he responds with a quiet “Aye” to her stunned “You traded your ship for me?”
And that’s where she realizes he traded his home for hers, that he gave up everything he had so that she could have a chance to be with her family and so that he could perhaps be a part of her home and she is so not used to that. In fact it is in stark contrast with her past experiences for someone to put her absolutely and completely first like that. And it’s not like he was going to use it as a way to make her feel like she owed him something. In fact, he wouldn’t have even mentioned it had she not asked directly like that. And it’s that kind of selfless love that is so rare and beautiful and unexpected for Emma and agafsgahjajahahshabgsgsgsgsv!!! Ya know?
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So that.
And the moment where Emma finally finds Killian in the Underworld and fucking runs over those metal beams over a river of eternal torment and dashingly rescues her beloved pirate. And Killian even then putting Emma first and telling her she should not have come.
“I never listen.”
“You’re impossible.”
“And you love me for it.”
And then just a gentle, warm, loving embrace that feels like being welcomed home, even there in the deepest ring of hell above a pit of liquid dispair… your otp could never
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But because I like tragedy I have to at least mention the Hellevator goodbye with that improvised hand kiss💔 It was just so soft and painful and… yeah
But then there is the adorable graveyard reunion with a million cheek kisses.
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And obviously pancakes🥞✨ because that scene is perfect in every way including Snow barging in like that because
“Am I interrupting something?” “Yes.” “No.” is just so fucking funny.
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As for fanfic moments, none in particular come to mind right now, I don’t know sorry🤷‍♀️😅
So anyway I’m really holding back because I could just ramble about these two on and on… Their story is truly made of so many beautiful moments, big and small, sweet and sad and happy and meaningful and… I love them all.
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uncontrol-freak · 3 months
Obligatory Outsider submission or Jacob :)
sdkkasjdkjdksad okay >:)
How I feel about this character the light of my life, the void in my heart. I speak through him to the world. only he can convey things I have on my mind. I love him, in simple words, though it lacks the depth.
All the people I ship romantically with this character obviously Corvo. occasionally Daud, if I feel like.
My non-romantic OTP for this character BILLIE. I'm literally obsessed with their post-doto friendship potential (or maybe I'm just too brainrotten after a few nice fics I've read). I kinda like that this friendship is often considered as Almost Canon.
My unpopular opinion about this character revealing his backstory in dh2/doto was a good move, I don't think he's lost any charm after we've been told he's a former human (though I guess this opinion would be called unpopular somewhere on reddit lmao).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. that damned Harvey Smith's commentary where he mentions him having coffee and pastries. it should have been in the game.
(also weird void sex with Corvo) who said that
Jacob Boyer (thank you for letting me ramble about him)
How I feel about this character honestly I feel for him. he's the one out of pack that I oddly resonate with. I want to protect him at all costs (or maybe make him worse). also he looks cool hehe.
All the people I ship romantically with this character to be honest he strikes me as someone barely interested in romantic relationships. I kinda get the appeal of Jacob/Dev though.
My non-romantic OTP for this character OH MY VOID. IT'S REMI DE LA FUCKING ROSA. maybe I'm biased and suffering from duckling syndrome because Jacob and Remi was the first combo I did with my friend but oh void these two have such a fun chemistry. I couldn't get enough of their banter. they give off found family vibes tbh, and this is what I liked the most. Remi saying "everyone knows I'm the daddy" still lives in my head rent free.
My unpopular opinion about this character (Redfall fandom and popular opinions are two never crossing parallels unfortunately) he's a bit of stereotypical 'loner merc' type of character but honestly I don't care much.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. I would ADORE more interaction between him and Miss Whisper. the gal gave him that eye. for what reason? why it's HIM out of all people?? and she doesn't even control him via that artifact??? I need answers. also yeah I'd love more reaction from him to her death because of the reasons above. like he gets really bitter during Addisson mission but barely reacts when it comes to the one who turned him into a cryptid. hello Arkane??
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paramountpetrichor · 5 months
meows at you. whats ur fave celestialcest ship...... and feel free to ramble abt them as much as u want I'll happily listen ☕️👀
dear god this ask has been in my inbox for So long now i am So sorry- i promise i haven't been neglecting it/this blog i've just been busy isgwigogwogq
ANYWAYS. do you know how Hard it was for me to pick a fav celestialcest ship. it was so hard i actually Couldn't and ended up tieing btwn two lmao:
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who could've POSSIBLY seen this coming. ts/ams sxm my BELOVED. theyre THE otp and fucking ADORABLE- literal soulmates and each others entire world. so whipped for each other its near comical.
like ik antis would call me crazy but yall have SEEN how much these two hit on each other, right?? esp moon to sun??? whenever i watch gameplay eps and they laugh like idiots together i just go 'oughh theyre kissing So hard whenever the cameras cut istggg'
the day moon confesses to being touched starved and sun starts being more touchy to him in canon in response is the day i lose my minddd. cause i already stim like an absolute codswallop whenever they're just on screen n playing together, but if they actually show intimacy??? ohhh im DONE for
and all of that is them w/o even mentioning the story and the drama from the bs that is their lives, as well as the slightly toxic power dynamic (esp when its old moon n sun) btwn them born from suns need for moons approval and moons need to protect his personal beam of light no matter the cost and I EAT THAT THE FUCK UPPP 🤌🤌🤌
they make me INSANE and if anyone ever wants to yell about them please please PLEASE know my inbox is always open cause they make me coocoo for cocoa puffs iagosgohaoya
anyways, the only ship that rivals That one:
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ignore that the image isnt rendered i got lazy igsajgajash
okay so tbch this one started as a 'im shipping this bc the cold/cynical/analytical characters are always my favs to ship together, and moon n clipse fit that role Perfectly. not to mention enemies to lovers is my fav romance trope of all time' but then it spiraled so fast the more i thought about them
its about them going from being unable to stand in the same room to tolerating each others' presence to the mourning of what they couldve been to the mutual silent agreement to try again to gentle barbs/teasing to shared laughter over stupid things to suddenly wanting to be around each other more often to actively seeking out each others' presence to spending whole nights in the lab/p&s working on tech together to inching closer and closer together until fingertips can be touched to desperate chaste kisses being traded in the middle of the night to those kisses becoming Not So Chaste to them becoming more public to 'oh no, when did i fall in love with my own worst enemy?'
^ im normal about them i promise (FUCKING LYING)
one last thing w them- they have been walked in on while making out in p&s so many times that everyone is more shocked whenever they're Not doing that. what can i say i write them as handsy mfers sigoagoaa
honestly idk if i could choose btwn these two or moon n sun. best case scenario? shove all three of em together, and Any of em can be the monkey in the middle :3c
(...but again im a multishipper so my Real solution to what my fav ship is? ...looks at my ao3 page... family-wide polyamorus blob :D)
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The Problem with Rayllum
Here is my promised salt post about my issues with how Callum and Rayla's relationship and individual characters were written in season 4. I know a lot of people really enjoyed the season, so please feel free to skip. I have no idea how long this is going to be since I intend to ramble until I've gotten all the Big Feelings off my chest. I still love the show (arc 1 will always be one of my favorite stories), and I adore these two and their precious relationship... it's one of my top two OTPs of all time. I want to see them happy, but I also want their characters done justice.
First off, a lot of my issues could potentially be resolved by what happens in season 5 onward, and I truly hope this is what happens. I want to be able to look back on season 4 and see it as part of the whole picture, even if I seriously doubt it will ever be one of my favorite seasons (right now it's for sure my least favorite). I went in with a lot of hope and faith in the writers, and I'm going to be watching season 5 with a lot more caution.
For starters, Callum. This sweet boy was dealt a devastating blow that fundamentally changed him as a person, but 4x01 makes it abundantly clear that he's still deeply in love with Rayla, to the point that he can't even be happy on his own birthday because of how achingly he misses her. When she abruptly reappears in his life, his reaction is realistic. He's cold and distant and makes it clear he does not want to talk to her. If anything, he seems annoyed that she showed up. But as he says later on, the two emotions he immediately felt were happiness and anger. We see the former at the very end of the finale, but basically none of the latter. Instead, he spends the entire season icing Rayla out, turning down her multiple attempts at getting him to talk with her. And I can't help but wonder why. Does he not want to get angry at her? Because boy, he needs to. He has EVERY RIGHT to be furious with her, for leaving him behind and never letting him know she was okay and then randomly popping up in his study in the middle of the night without so much as an apology (more on that later). This is what I expected and hoped for going into season 4... that he would snip at her for a while, leading up to a confrontation where all the Big Feelings come out. He needs to let himself be angry, to shout and scream and let out two whole years of hurt, because I'm not convinced Rayla understands just how deeply she wounded him. But instead, he just seemed... indifferent, if not mildly irritated by her, ignoring her flirtacious remarks (or icily shutting them down) and turning away her efforts at a conversation.
Speaking of Rayla... GIRL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHY DID YOU JUST NOW DECIDE TO COME BACK!?!?! I'm honestly flabbergasted by how they approached Rayla this season. Through the Moon and "Dear Callum" were such lovingly crafted looks into her psyche, and all that just fell flat on its face. I still really loved seeing her this season, but they did not address the fallout of her decision at all, and she seemed more or less unchanged by it. In "Dear Callum," she expresses her belief that she very likely may not come back, and despite how desperately she longs to stay, she cannot return until she knows for certain that Viren is dead and therefore Callum is safe (that's another issue... she says she was after "revenge," but TTM and "Dear Callum" show that her main motivation was protecting Callum). But she never found Viren, or any proof of his demise. So why come back? Why go two whole years and then randomly decide to give up? The first words out of Callum's mouth after her name are, "Why are you here?" She offers no explanation beyond, "I came back." Girl why? What happened? Why did you change your mind, when your self-appointed mission isn't complete? Especially when, as far as I can tell, she doesn't understand that what she did was wrong. That's why, despite acknowledging that her leaving was painful for Callum, she doesn't apologize. Because in her mind, there's nothing to apologize for. She did it because she loves Callum, therefore it's right. But then again, why apologize to Ezran and not to Callum?
That's another reason I think Callum needs to fully express his anger at Rayla, not only for his own healing but to show Rayla how wrong she was, that he may be safe physically, but his heart has been shattered beyond repair. That he's no longer the same sweet, open-hearted boy she left behind entirely by her own doing. She seems to have some awareness that she tossed their relationship away ("We had something so special"), but for the most part expects to pick up where they left off, hinting at wanting to cuddle him and go on walks alone and receive his attention the way she used to (kind of strange, considering how terrified she was in her letter that he would hate her for this). Ezran even acknowledges how much she's trying to get things back to they way they were. But she can't, not without understanding the gravity of her actions. I need season 5 to demonstrate how Rayla's journey changed her, because right now it seemed to have very little impact. Again, most of this can be fixed by future seasons, if they take the time to explain just what happened to Rayla during her time alone and what motivated her to suddenly return. And I'm decently confident it will, since clearly there's going to be a lot of Moonfam drama going down.
As for the Rayllum relationship, I was initially upset that there was no romance, especially with how it was hyped up in the marketing and after reading so many wonderful fics. After sleeping on it, I realized that's not my problem with it. It makes perfect sense that they wouldn't be ready to snuggle and kiss again yet. Most of my issues stem from the points addressed above, that Callum treated her so coldly instead of telling her how he felt and that Rayla expected to resume their romance without an apology or explanation (and dang, it was painful to watch him reject her, like a knife in my heart). A lot of their interactions were just... weird, as Soren put it. She sweetly tells him he was the best thing that ever happened to her (while he sleeps), then just... leaves and doesn't show up again until that night. Why? Where'd she go? What was she doing? She didn't think it might traumatize him to leave again while he slept, right after she came back? Lucky for her it didn't... which is even more weird. Callum doesn't even acknowledge Rayla's absence, or that she ever came back at all, upon waking up. She could've left for good again. That could've been the last time he ever saw her, and he's completely unfazed. Again... so, so weird coming from the lovelorn boy in 4x01. But one thing I just can't accept, that future seasons can't smooth out, was that when push came to shove, Callum let her go. Rayla sees Viren. Her worst fear, that impossible fear that drove her to abandon Callum for two years in the first place, is realized. Viren is alive, and this time, Callum knows it too. It makes sense to me that she'd go after him... this is her chance to complete her mission, to protect Callum once and for all. What doesn't make since, what I seriously doubt ever will, is that Callum lets her. This time, he knows she's right. He saw Viren with his own eyes! She's not chasing after a ghost, but a very real and very much alive dark mage who she nearly died fighting before. Yes, I think he was right to give her his blessing to fulfill her mission, but not in letting her go alone. Without him. He just got her back after two years! Two years of not knowing if she was dead or alive! Two years of misery and pining and feeling like his heart had been torn from his chest, and he just lets her do it again! This was his chance to prove to her that she was wrong, that they're stronger together, that they always have been. That she can't keep leaving him and breaking his heart, even if she thinks it's what's best for him. Particularly when there's a very good chance she could die. Callum has always called her out on her self-sacrificing tendencies in the past, but this time, when it matters most, nope. He lets her go without any argument. And then, he breaks down and sobs over her blade, believing she died in her efforts. Which was very sweet of course, and a much-need reassurance of the depths of his devotion to her, but honey??? You let her go, you let her run off alone to what would've been an impossible battle. What did you expect? I fear that had Rayla not gotten the coins, she would've continued chasing Viren and company instead of returning to the group, making it all for nothing. She's right back where she started.
There you have it. Most if not all of my salt over Rayllum in season 4. Thankfully, the season ended with Rayla wrapped in Callum's arms again, and the implication that he's ready to talk to her. But as much as I ravenously desire them to get back to the sweet, romantic, pitifully-in-love couple they were before, I need them to TALK. I need it to happen ON-SCREEN. I need Callum to vent all that heartache and betrayal, and I need Rayla to apologize, really apologize, and assure him that whatever they have to face in the future, they will face it together. I don't want Callum to forgive her while she thinks there's nothing to forgive, I don't want him trapped in an endless loop of abandonment and heartbreak, and I don't want Rayla left pining after the love of the man she's so hopelessly devoted to while he lets unspoken emotions continue to fester.
Let Callum voice his hurt. Let Rayla own up to her mistakes. Let them talk. Let them work through all the pain between them. Let them save each other's hearts and grow back into the precious love they've found. Please do my Rayllum right again.
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mx-werebat · 5 months
You should talk more about g1/g2 Drac x Frankie, I'm really interested
Hii okay to be real I'm gonna preface by saying I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, and I hope you don't mind me using your ask as a means to infodump!
It mostly started as a joke ship for me, I didn't actually ship them seriously at first, but as time grew on I realized I actually really love the ship and now it's my OTP! I think this also stems from shipping my two favorite characters together. I did ship them for g3 as well until it was revealed Cleo and Frankie were going to be a couple, which made me ship them instead for g3. I don't know a whole lot about g1 and g2 to be truthful but I've always felt the two have a chemistry with each other.
Headcanon wise I think they're the autism x ADHD couple (but they both have autism and ADHD comorbid). Draculaura is big on physical affection but tries to tone it down around the other ghouls because she doesn't want to make things awkward you know? I don't really know how they would've gotten together but in g2 I like to assume it was sometime after the events of the Electrified movie. My brain is blanking so if I have more I'll reblog this post with it! Thanks for hearing my ramble lmao
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eeblouissant · 3 months
Thoughts on our favourite Italian, Sophia?
How I feel about this character
I think it goes without saying that I absolutely adore Sophia - it’s very hard for me to find characters that I don’t feel the need to place an essays worth of headcanons on for whatever reason, but Sophia is an exception!!!!! I adore adore adore everything about her character - flaws & all. Nothing feels out of place with her, if that makes sense? She’s just the perfect little old lady haha, she’s a huge comfort also. (She reminds me a lot of my mother 😂 like a looottttt. We joke about turning out like Dorothy & Sophia one day, & have since I was small)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Would it be too out there to say Alvin? I actually really want to draw something for them sometime, they mean a lot to me. Otherwise obviously Sal - they seemed so sweet & silly!! I love the way she talks about him (and how they interact in the flashbacks 😂😂 oh lord)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Alvin once again, I also adore them as friends! They’re just two peas in a pod imo. Can I also mention here that I think Jean and Sophia would have had some golden interactions if they had had more screen time (or well, if Jean had had more screen time. Although her episode is very special to me.) I also want to add Rose here - one thing I do headcanon about Sophia is that she actually has more of a soft spot for Rose than she chooses to express. Not to say she has a favourite in the house but like, she also definitely does and it’s definitely Rose in my head!!!! Any time they share in stories I just want to hug the screen because I know Rose (with and without my headcanon that she’s autistic honestly) is just soooo so excited to have someone else around that knows her love for storytelling about the past/their hometown/etc!!! Even if Sophia complains about her stories the way the others do, Rose is equally excited to sit and listen :)
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t think I have one … I’ll come back & edit if I think of one. Maybe that I think she’s especially fond of Rose? But I don’t think that counts.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
(cw for the most brief mention of parent loss, sorry for the angst)
Okay, this might be stepping into unpopular opinions territory now that I think about it … but I wish so badly that she had left the show with Dorothy. I know it wouldn’t have worked out well for the golden palace but just hear me - I think Dorothy and Sophia need each other. Dorothy leaving crushed her regardless of if it was ever outright stated. I mean think about it, she’s pushing 90 (90!!!!) at the end of the show; her son & husband are dead, contact with Gloria is iffy, and then there’s Dorothy. Who unknowingly put her into a home yes (Stan 🙃), but immediately came to her rescue and was worried sick when Sophia showed up at her doorstep. We see Dorothy become especially defensive (like, sort of violent with her words and mannerisms actually? and I mean that in the best way) of Sophia lots but that episode where Sophia becomes close with a lady that they hired to care for her sticks out especially - when Sophia (HAS THE NERVE TO!!!!!) call(s) her pussycat, she calls her Ma, etc - I’m rambling examples now but my point here is that they should never have been separated because I think it would have just been much too hard on Sophia. I don’t want to get too sad here, so I apologize for the angst, but you hear lots about older couples kind of passing one after another yeah? Within a year or two of one passing the other seems to grow especially weak & follow shortly after? I think that Sophia and Dorothy had a bond this strong. And that if Dorothy truly left permanently, and so far away like that, regardless of having Blanche and Rose with her - it just would’ve been too hard on her heart.
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Please tell me your DCMK OTPs, OT3s, OT4+s, BroTPs and NoTPS.
Canonical or otherwise, canon-compliant or completely adjacent (wrong word?).
Het, Yaoi, Yuri and poly all welcome!
I love your question, thanks for asking.<3 First of all, I must say that I am more of a fan of Magic Kaito than DetCo and that I am multishipper. Oh, please! Yours count too, maybe we are ship brothers.
My supreme OTPs (which I will order from my favorite to my least favorite): Shinichi x Kaito: I really like rivals to lovers, okay? They have two very gay songs, I don't think I need to say much.
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Akako x Kaito: And I like enemies to lovers too much. She tried to kill him, but he still saved her.
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Aoko x Hakuba: I have these little crumbs of Aoko x Hakuba, and I don't know, the fact that she has his phone number, it made my mind think "I think they would look cute together".
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Also, the fact that their dynamic is somewhat similar to Iida x Ochako made me pay attention to them a lot.
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Sonoko x Ran:
Oh yeah, I like friends to lovers too.
They have shared interests, how much they care for each other, I think they are quite cute together. There are two movies in particular that shaped my liking for them, where they both face the pirates and where Ran loses her memory.
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Ships I like (but not as much as the ones above): Aoko x Akako: Aside from Kaito, Aoko is the only one who makes Akako blush. Also the fact that Akako is willing to protect her instead of hurting her.
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Kaito x Saguru: I have an obsession with rivals to lovers, okay?
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OT4: Ekoda Gang. Kaito should stay with the 3, Keiko is the spinster friend.
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Kaito x Keiko: One day I was just rambling and it occurred to me. I had no light, I was bored, I thought it was reasonable.
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Akai x Akemi: It makes me laugh a lot that they met because she ran him over with her car.
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Kazuha x Hattori: Kazuha is great, Hattori makes me laugh so much, I don't know what else to say.
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Finally, I will comment that I like HeiShin as an incredible BrOTP. I really like the headcanon where Kazuha thinks Hattori is in love with Shinichi. I'm sure I have more ships, but I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll leave you with those. Oh yeah! I like KaiAo and ShinRan, but only because they're canon, I don't really think about them that much and if I had to choose one of the two, I guess I'd choose KaiAo because I'm obsessed with Kaito. And I only have 1 NOTP, I don't like kogoro x eri, I just don't, I can't. THIS REMINDS ME THAT I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE YUUSAKU X YUKIKO, AND TOICHI X CHIKAGE. I have a love-hate relationship with Kaito's parents, I like to make fun of Toichi (a lot) but well, before all the fuss about his parenting, they were some of my favorites.
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bluebelleisabelle · 1 year
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More Clankie OTP questions! I love doing these and seeing other people make these, so maybe I'll make this a weekly thing 🤭 I started off with 10 questions from here, and I might continue next Tuesday, so let me know if you guys are interested in hearing me nerd out some more sjsjhsj. Also, feel free to reblog with your own ideas/add-ons, because I will guzzle that up 😩
I saw a video about something like this recently (frankiestein.monster on Tik Tok -- credit where credit is due cause their video made me laugh out loud hdhshdj). I can totally see Cleo going all out for Frankie and pairing it with a “I know it’s not a lot…” And Frankie would give Cleo something adorable and homemade like a glittery card or homemade jewelry (as they’ve done before), and Cleo would absolutely gush over it. She’d be like “omg, precious, this is so sweet🥺”. So, to answer the question, Cleo would likely go all out for Frankie, though the two of them typically prefer homemade things. That’s just the vibe I get from them, especially with Frankie making Cleo jewelry to make her feel better, like-- HOW GAY IS THAT JJJSJ
It’s tough to reach an answer; both of them would totally sleep in the other’s lap. If Cleo were to fall asleep on Frankie, Frankie would protect her with their life and almost cry because of how adorable Cleo looks dhjdj. If Frankie were to fall asleep, they would really snuggle up against Cleo (they’re such a cuddle bug), and Cleo would just let it happen. She may even use Frankie’s head as a place to rest her jewelry materials when she’s not using them djjds
Frankie, definitely JDJD. Frankie likely doesn’t understand the social rule of not entering a space half-naked. They’d walk into the living room (in an instance where they and Cleo are living together) to ask Cleo a random question that either does or doesn’t have to do with their missing clothes. They would either enter like “hey, Cleo, have you seen my shirt?” or they’d be like “hey, Cleo, do you remember when Mrs. O’Shriek’s essay is due?” And Cleo’s response would just be to look away all flustered and say “Frankie… you could have warned me” with an apparent blush on her cheeks.
Frankie would definitely spend a lot of time tackling a project or something late into the night. Cleo appreciates her beauty sleep, and would head to bed with a “don’t stay up too late” to Frankie. Frankie would spend hours looking into something or working on something in the lab, and by the time they went to bed, it would be at least 5 AM jjshsh. Expectantly, from their lack of sleep, they would wake up tired and cranky, and Cleo would just give them this look of “I told you so”.
Omg, Cleo would get so excited at the idea of making something for Frankie. But there would only be enough for one batch, and poor Cleo would end up burning the food. The acrid smell of burning food would alert Frankie, and they’d enter the kitchen with a “what’s burning?” Cleo would feel so bad about the situation that she’d ramble something like “I tried to make you dinner, but I burnt it, and I can’t make another batch, I’m sorry 🥺”. Frankie immediately rushes to reassure Cleo and is like “no darling, it’s okay.” In an effort to cheer her up, Frankie is like “hey, how about I make us some spookies, okay? We both love spookies.” And Cleo smiles and is like “thanks Frankie <3” At first, I thought Frankie would be the one to burn the food due to their inexperience in the kitchen, but now… I fully believe that they’re an absolute genius when it comes to baking. @a-dauntless-daffodil made a post highlighting this, talking about how, in an episode, Cleo was like “that’s like three-ish” when making some sort of concoction😭 Bless her soul, but keep her out of the kitchen jjsjhs
Frankie would be the first person who gets excited djhd. They would be like “Cleo, look, it’s just like us!!” and Cleo’s response would be like “eh… we’re cuter than that.”
Cleo is constantly borrowing Frankie’s letterman jacket to the point where it basically becomes hers whenever the two of them are hanging out. Frankie will go over to Cleo’s dorm, and allow Cleo to wear their jacket when they cuddle
Cleo is constantly shopping, and she has a long shopping list that she’ll sometimes accidentally forget to add some items to. She’ll call Frankie up while she’s out shopping (just to chat), they’ll be shopping together, or Cleo will come home after shopping, and Frankie is just nonchalantly like “oh yeah, did you remember [thing]?” And Cleo is just like “holy spirits!!” and runs off to buy said [thing] that she forgot djkjdj. Also, random side note, I like to imagine that Frankie offers to go out and buy things for Cleo, cause Frankie loves roaming around the different store isles and gazing at the lobsters in the seafood department at grocery stores lmao. Though the couple typically goes out shopping together (Cleo and Frankie shopping maul two-pack WHERE?! 🤨🫵) Also, I bet Cleo gives Frankie shopping hauls when she gets home, and Frankie guzzles it up JDJJ
Based on my headcanon that Frankie’s flashbacks resemble seizures (and would prohibit them from driving due to their unpredictability), Cleo definitely drives them around while Frankie gives her real-time directions on their iCoffin. They’d be driving and Frankie would be like “oh, the next turn is on your right.” And right as Cleo is turning right, Frankie would frantically be like “I meant left! I meant left!” while Cleo swerves on the road because Frankie (as much as I love them) is so bad with directions 😭
Frankie would draw Cleo while she dramatically poses like a woman in a renaissance painting. Frankie’s tongue would be sticking out with concentration, admiring how beautiful Cleo is while painting her. Occasionally, they’d be like “you’re so pretty, Cleo”. Cleo would blush upon hearing this, resulting in Frankie looking up and down between their painting and Cleo and adding more blush to Cleo’s cheeks sjksjs. They’d be like “huh, I forgot to add blush”, absolutely oblivious to the fact that their words are what caused the blush to appear on Cleo’s cheeks. And Cleo would also only have eyes for Frankie while she watches them paint her. She would probably find their concentrating face really cute hjjsjhs
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
EoS Part 2 FireHeart
Random (contextless-hot-mess) Thoughts “Round Up” Rambling:
*Spoiler warning up to Chapter 52, I have not read further so please avoid spoilers after pg. 484, thank you!*
— Will write more on these random notes later but for now:
She (Elide) is playing a Fortune Teller right as Aelin is freaking out over seeing the future? Or is she playing an ACOTAR type of character?
Elorcan is for sure a thing, they have the HoF ending vibes of Rowaelin with the whole “they don’t want to leave each other” piece now.
Thank goodness for hidden carriage compartments; I REALLY hate the Ilken
Grrrrreeeeaaaaattttt more self doubt for all the traumatized children of Terrasen
She outsmarted him with assumption and I love her for it. Let’s go Queen Elide!
Wow she just leveled up by deciding about another Queen when she meets her (yesss girl; also noooooo Lorcan just calm down bruh)
What the hell are we doing Lorcan? YOU TELL ME!
Another life debt, that should come in handy; though wow is she being cold… why? Maybe the Rowan thing? A few pacing’s here are just a little off but maybe it’s perspective or plan? Idk that just felt off for Aelin or maybe… more Celaena?
“Fussy Fae males” and their love for their (what I’m calling because let’s be real they practically are) wives😂🥹
Abraxos found somewhere safe🥹 it was with Dorian😭he knew😭
“Cunning cruelty” yasssssss Elise descriptions (I love a classic 2-3 word description by Maas)
Why this way? Why not that way? What does it mean? Why can’t you go the right direction? I DON’T TRUST ANYONE!
Is it just me or do I also love Fenrys now?
“Witchling” & “Princeling” otherwise known as QUEEN AND KING
Okay so Dorian just did the same Rowan “nothing to me line” only this time it was flirty & not heartbreaking— INTERESTING (plus if it reminds me of Rowaelin it’s a good sign cause come on talk about OTP)
How does the shifter sea dragon thing work? A few chapters ago Aedion was saying it drained her too much? Yet it seems pretty constant? Is she also immortal? How does the human power thing work? Further same question with Dorian and his… shadow hands? —(Idk I’dhave to ask Azriel😂)
Finally YAS Elide let’s full circle this loop girlie (GO FIND AELIN NOW) — DAMMIT NO LORCAN BAD LORCAN DON’T KILL THE QUEEN CAUSE YOU MISS UR BRO — ughhhhhhhh😩 (thank the Wyrd god I can trust in Elide😅😂😭 like babe you have a place in this court; it’s called THE ONLY VOICE OF SANITY & Lysandra is trying but babe she wasn’t built to be the sane one she is a lion for Pete’s sake let the girl be wild too but Elide mommy we need you )
No one else I’d rather have at my back — thank you Dorian for once again healing everything
All the home metaphors for Rowan🥹😭🫶 I LOVE THEM
Where do we go now that we’re “stuck” on a boat with our “enemy” who we happen to think is cute shirtless and we’ll follow to the depths of Morath and say things like always cause it’s super casual totall who knows? Your just “his WIFE”😂
Okay Aelin’s note wins her extra points😘😘
The nightmares… fuck… are they “just nightmares”?
The shift of Rowan into fae but her telling him she just loves him and nothing else, and showing more of that side, and their powers, yet there still them, and just lovely😭 Break my heart again Rowan with your whole I didn’t know if I could get you back schpiel — wait she’ll always come back to him — ROWAELIN I CAN’T😭
I see you & I AM NOT AFRAID
crying cause he doesn’t know how to get her back from the gods but he’d go to hell with wyrdkeys if he had to but things are getting scary and I just want my babies okay
Aww Rowan just wants to be worthy of her, precious bb, you already are!
You’re all I need — see, I TOLD YOU ROWAN
You can’t hurt me — well you sure can hurt me
Rowan Pretty words Whitethorn😊
lol the two assassins retiring — yes please🫶
The “Yielding” … interesting… this feels bad… but cool?
The speed of certain ships is either due to soulmates, lack of perspective, or perhaps wreckless personality. It doesn’t bug me when I think on it (honestly I’m a bad judge after all these Rowaelin pining books) but I am curious about it.
“Courting death” the Manorian romance novel😂
The rest of them watching Rowaelin spar and pretending to ignore them even though they are a “storm” lol
She kept her friend and words to herself she’s growing and you can give the girl some points Dorian
I’m with ya Manon not until I have no choice! EVERYTHING IS FINE! To whatever end😭🖤
The 13 are fine. I agree. I am with Manon; until proven otherwise. That ilken knew nothing😅 because it’s just messing with her🥲 nevermind the fact no one knew that about Asterin🫥 or the Matron is off wreaking havoc🫠 she thinks Manon’s dead that’s gotta help right😭 MY GODS RIGHT😩 ITS NOT TRUE THERES NO FUCKING WAY THEY WOULD DO THAT TO ME LIKE THAT NONE AT ALL
If they friggin kill Fenrys five seconds after me being like well hello sir —
Why did the powers stop??? Why did both Aelin and Rowan’s powers stop? THATS NOT NORMAL!
Okay is her power water or healing or one in the same?
Umm… Is she preggers? … … … why did she call Lysandra? Rowan bud are you okay? Is it the vision — what was the vision?
Elide is giving Mob wife energy 💅🏻 😂 *hey google play “please please please” by Sabrina Carpenter*
NOOOO NOW ITS The Prophecy for Aelin
THE KEY I KNEW IT I KNEW IT (still think it’s a lock though)?
“Uncle kitty” I AM CACKLING
“She asked for him” I love Aedion and Aelin
More stars lines more breaking my heart great another quote time
Elide Lochan remaining a lovely human “not a monster” despite 10 years of trauma
How did Manon know that? OH GOODNESS ITS A REAL PROPHECY? Is it the Valg - witch connection? How’s that work with her Crochan blood?
Oh my gods IS SHE PREGNANT?!
Okay well at least I’m not crazy Maas did make us go there
Not to be that person but also like they should’ve talked about that one BEFORE😂 or at least recently… and I kinda hate that the “marriage & babies” is all “a queen is only good for” kinda mentality is getting into her head and not becoming a full talk with Rowan; where I feel like Maasverse already has a tendency to do messy pregnancy plots (there’s nothing wrong if she wants to get married and have kids: I’m just saying this time when stating it, it did not sound like she wanted kids; as much as “an heir” in “preparation for her inevitable doom” that she’s way too easily accepting)
Let’s have an adventure lol WRONG PEOPLE GUYS, THAT WAS CHAOLS LINE lol …also the line “Don’t leave”🥹 so many feels… and also A lot of repeated phrases either by intention or trope but I’m curious to see which it will be…
The more I think on it the Husband lie was quite genius as Elide always is
Who was it that they knew? … Whats up with the shape shifting Ilken?
The key is talking to Elide now (great🙄 that never goes wrong)? — Does it only talk to magic and witches? — HOW DOES IT WORK? (Also can my girls please stop wearing them so closely like literally on their hearts HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF A HORCRUX — BE CAREFUL GIRLIES)
Blaming her — AGAIN?! — REALLY??? … WHY?!?
The goodbye with Abraxos😭😭😭
The marsh… sure… nothing bad ever happens in creepy swamps… 😅😅🙃
The King of Adarlan and Queen of Terrasen (okay I see you boo’s)
The cloak turned into a single ribbon🖤
Where to now???
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junk-thrillz · 3 months
I nEEEED to hear your thoughts on boss leader x mr Puckett PLLEEEEASE this crack ship is actually driving me insane I-…I don’t think it’s a joke anymore
Anon. Your mind. It’s an absurd and wonderful place. I love it.
Shipping a crackship as a joke is such a slippery slope, it happened to me with Lisa and Max, and NO ONE PREPARES YOU FOR IT. I don’t know what it is about shipping for comedic purposes that so quickly spirals into something serious that takes up all your brain space… but allow me to think about your newfound OTP from both a comedic and serious angle, because I’m actually kind of loving this.
The comedy angle is obvious. Max's future stepmom is a spirit obsessed with suitsies who spends her time either being super cryptic, or trolling everyone. Max's first meeting with BL is a tonal rollercoaster, she freaks him the fuck out by appearing out of nowhere, he makes some snarky jabs, and then shit gets SERIOUS. He's rightfully suspicious of her and the information she's withholding, but also willing to hold a conversation with her. All this to say that I think the whole taking-her-seriously thing would deteriorate the second she starts dating his dad. BL would try to bond and Max would just be yelling the whole time. Their relationship would not be worse off for it but I think it would stagnate. There's also the comedy of the ship itself, you have this immortal spirit woman who's been reincarnated a trillion times (?) dating some 30 year old freak running a 7/11. It's awesome.
Okay, let's take this seriously and think about it happening in canon. It would mean that Peter is a spectral of some kind, which raises the question of, did he know June was a spectral? Probably. In this scenario, would he have any way of knowing that BL was June's boss?? It has potential to get weird FAST, but that's kinda what I love about it??
Also, this is a ship that has June haunting it. Not maliciously, just, in the same way she haunts the rest of the narrative. BL and June knew each other - maybe Peter and BL would be able to bond over losing her. It's hard to say how much closure BL could provide Peter, because the details of June's death are still unknown. But at the very least I could see this relationship beginning as a shared catharsis between the two.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Peter wasn't a spectral before the comic's present? He becomes a spectral and suddenly has access to this world his wife was a part of, and that he had no idea about. Spirits are real, and he's one of the spectrals, and many of them knew June. I keep thinking about Peter meeting BL in a dream world and losing my MIND.
In terms of like, actual romance romance, I think they'd be tentative. BL has enough tact to not push Peter too far, and June's death is still fresh for the whole family. Also, Peter has his kids to think about - one of them is a spectral and has met BL before. You kind of have to be careful when navigating a spectral's world. And Boss Leader is still THE boss, you know? She's caring for an extremely powerful spirit, is HERSELF an extremely powerful spirit. Peter is just some guy. I don't think they'd be UNHEALTHY, I just think they'd have to be CAREFUL.
Their relationship would be completely different from June and Peter's, and that's not a bad thing, it's even by design. But that also means things would turn out differently, Peter would treat everything differently.
I think I've hit the point where I've begun to ramble but I'm sure there's more I could say about these two. This ship is such an interesting thought experiment... it being canon would shake everything up but I think I would love the melodrama of it all.
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banannabethchase · 9 months
My predictions, because I have some batshit crazy ideas:
Beneath a cut, because. Well. You know how much I ramble.
Zero Hour
Yuta vs. Hook - Hook wins, but Yuta beats the shit out of him at the end of it. Danhausen comes out to make the save, but Yuta beats him up. And then Danhausen challenges for the Pure Rules title.
Willow vs. Kris - ONLY IN WRESTLING CAN AN OTP FIGHT EACH OTHER. Stokeley is gonna corrupt Kris against Willow, but not until the women's tag belts are announced will he make his final move. Stokeley, secretly working in the background for the Renegade Twins, will unleash his final blow right before the finals of the women's tag titles tournament, causing Staturday Nightingale to lose, and triggering a full on battle between the two of them, likely culminating in match for the women's world title (RoH, probably.)
20 Man Battle Royal - Okay. I got 3 ideas: Sara's dream book, the best story, and what likely will happen.
Sara's Dream Book: Bucks and Hanger come back. Bucks sabotage everybody else to get Hanger to almost win, then Hanger steps back and lets someone else win but leisurely jumping over the top rope when it's him vs. the other person. "I'm above this championship," he says, taking the mic during the other person's celebration. Offical Superdick Party debut, official heel turn, official idiots.
The Best Story: Only 19 people are in or around the ring. Toward the end, a guy in a hoodie, with his face slightly obscured, shows up. It's Jack Perry. He wins, and cashes in the "any time" clause during the Christian vs. Copeland match.
What Likely Will Happen: Midcardapalooza. A very fun, non champion level person like Komander, AR Fox, Kip Sabian, or Andretti win to create a fun flippy match with the winner of Copeland vs. Christian that they will ultimately lose.
Main Card
Eight Man tag (Jericho/Sammy/Darby/Sting vs. Ricky/Bill/Takeshita/Hobbes) - I really. Look. Lot's of stuff about this match is convoluted. It's mean to take the place of the tag belts, which I understand, but they should have bitten the bullet, dropped the Jericho/Golden Jets story completely, and provided a title chance to an actual tag team.
Eight man tag (Bryan/Claudio/Mark/Danny vs. Lethal/White/Rush/Brody) - I think the BCC and friends win, but I think this may lead to Danny being inducted into the BCC. Otherwise this match is kind of weird. However, it means that everyone in the C2 got a match on the pay-per-view, and I like that.
Andrade vs. Miro - Look I KNOW it's all about Miro's redemption or whatever, but he's pissing me off lately and I want Andrade to win to show that CJ's management is effective. But I also think it could be cool for Andrade to lose, to show that a lack of CJ's management causes him weakness. It could develop a more introspective story of talent vs influence that could be approached by both Miro and Andrade in different directions. But it's wrestling, so I doubt the nuance necessary for the storyline would be possible.
Swerve vs. Dustin - Yeah sorry Dustin. Swerve is gonna KILL you. Super sad to hear about Keith's injury. This match was going to absolutely BANG and him being unable to finish this storyline is a heartache.
Julia vs. Abadon - SPOOKY SHENANIGANS! I hope Skye gets out there and she and Julia do some MK Ultra tag level nonsense. Give me shenanigans. Give me lesbians. I love it.
Copeland vs. Christian - You already saw my idea for Perry, but here I think Copeland wins by pulling unexpected allies out of his back pocket.
Eddie vs. Mox - EDDIE BETTER FUCKING WIN THIS. He deserves to be a three belt holder, to hold up RoH, to continue his work. Mox may be my first AEW love, but Eddie. Eddie deserves it.
Toni vs. Riho - Mariah May shenanigans result in a Toni win, but perhaps Riho has an original in the wings waiting to save her. Crossing my fingers for a Jamie return PLEASE.
MJF vs. Samoa Joe - Joe wins. MJF is injured, shit goes down, the Devil and his goons interfere, and Joe is our new World Champion. We also, we gotta, reveal the Devil.
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le-panda-chocovore · 6 months
Hi, I really love reading your blog, also, thanks for sharing your posts. Even if I'm not the one who asked your otps, do you mind if I asked why you love those couples (your otps)? You can pick at least 3 couples, if you want to write the reasons.....
Oops I completely forgot about this ask sorry-
SO I'm gonna pick so much more than 3 ships lmaooo be ready for my rambling <3
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka), from Avatar the last airbender : they're simply idiots in love. I'm not sure I can explain why I love them so much. I think they're beautiful together and that their personalities complete each others.
SuguSato (Gojo Satoru/Geto Suguru) from Jujutsu Kaisen : AH. I won't talk about them or else I'll be writing all night. They're my current hyperfixation (since 2 years). I already made too much posts about them. They smart and idiots in the same time, they're kids who are learning how to love, they're the definition of bromance, the incarnation of gay/bi panic & awareness.
BokuAka (Bokuto Kotaro/Akaashi Keiji) AND KuroKen (Kuroo Tetsurou/Kenma Kozume), from Haikyuu : yes I have to put both because I am not able to choose only one. I know they're in highschool but they're just married. They're two married couples. They're soulmates. They are perfect for each other. They love each other so fucking much it's overwhelming. It's a captain/setter relationship that is so pure and wholesome. They're not even in the same year yet they fit each other perfectly. Also, they're sexy.
Karushuu (Akabane Karma/Asano Gakushuu), from Assassination Classroom : they're just the whole Enemies to Lovers trope for highschoolers and it's so fucking hilarious to imagine them flirting and bickering at the same time. I can imagine them in so many situations, and that's why I keep writing fanfiction about them. They have the exact same personality but just, slightly to the left, and that somehow makes them total opposite. Yet the relationship works.
EraserMic (Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi) from My Hero Academia : married couple too but they are adults and they also might have adopted a kid (Eri) or 20 (the entire 1-A + Hitoshi). It's the Sunshine/Moonlight trope, one hyperactive extravert in love with the tired emo introvert, and they work very well together. I also write fanfic about them. I had a 4 year long hyperfixation on them.
AziraCrow (Aziraphale/Crowley) from Good Omens : I don't need to say anything, just watch the show. It's on Amazon Prime. Alright, okay, I will say one thing : Genderqueer In Love.
Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes), from the MCU : It has been a while since I've read or saved anything about them but I will never forget how much I love them. I will never NOT be mad about the queerbait. They are in love till the end of the line, they cannot be separated, they are a whole pack yet Marvel put them apart. Just, let them be together, I'm begging you.
Alright that's all for today ! Really I can talk for hours about each one of these ships, I'd write entire paragraphs if you allowed me to. But there's like 7 couples here so it'd be way too long if I say everything I have to say about them lmaooooooo
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ashxketchum · 5 months
Okay for the OTP ask A, D, E, I, N, Z
Very interesting choices, thank you for sending these in!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
When I saw this post and read 'not everyone has OTPs' I laughed and shouted COULDN'T BE ME lol. But currently I'm into TaiyoxMutsumi from Mission Yozakura Family, I was following this manga since it started almost and I'm very excited that the anime is finally airing! I just wish more people were watching it 🥹 I also recently started catching up to The Apothecary Diaries so MaomaoxJinshi is another ship on my mind, And even though Sousou no Frieren has ended, my obsession with StarkxFern is still going strong.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Do I drop the entire list or I think everyone knows that most of the Tyson, Hilary ships apart from TyHil are my notps. But I'm mostly okay with TyKa or TyRei or HilaryxEmily or HilaryxMao in those if I absolutely have to sorta scenarios, but TysonxTala and HiromixMing-ming are the two ships that I'm just never going to like, no particular reason too lol but they're not the vibes for me.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
HAVE I?? Idk I think other people would have to judge just how crack-y my content is by the normal crack standards 😂 Mimato was considered a crack ship for the longest time in the fandom so I guess a lot of my contributions can be considered crack lol. Though there is one Bleach fanfic I wrote, which was definitely intended as crack, where it's a high school AU and Gin is the school's guidance counsellor and well, he doesn't really take his job as seriously as one would hope 🤣
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
VOLTRON. I watched the first two seasons in one sitting almost, and then I came online and met the fandom and I noped out of there pretty quick. It's difficult to explain why tho...like it was an experience for sure and I'm just very glad that the fandom has quieted down now (or maybe I just became much better at blocking things).
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
More TyHil.
I'm thinking, maybe......more TyHil.
Listen we just can't go wrong with more TyHil???
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Speaking of TyHil, because whenever am I not I have this perfect hate at first sight sort of meet cute planned for them in my Regency Era AU setting, and I'm hoping that when the new season of Bridgerton rolls around right in the middle of Mayblade, I feel inspired to write something that I can post. Not to give away too much but also wanting to rant about it at the same time, basically Tyson and Hilary and first meet on a train and their interaction isn't very nice. Later they end up travelling on the same ship to some other country in Europe which I haven't decided yet, most likely France and are dragged together for meals and stuff by others. Hilary writes mystery novels under a male pen name and one of the scenes that I've given a lot of thought about is how Tyson badmouths her books over dinner one night, and she ends up defending it to the point where her identity is revealed. By the time they're getting off the ship, Tyson starts to feel guilty about his behaviour and wants to apologise but she keeps getting away, and thus begins the never-ending game of chase.
Send me a letter!
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