#also i keep making drawings like this HELPPPP
champmorado · 1 year
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Y'know, for years, I was building you up as this awful, pretentious asshole in my head. But you're nice, Strip. You're really nice.
redrew a scene from my fave fanfic: "Sorry's never gonna cut it, is it?"
I LIED theres no fanfic, i just like pretending that there is one 😭😭
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fleeting-sanity · 9 months
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Saxan in Coral Island.
Happy New Year to you. My lazy son as NPC and LI. I think this took about a month to make. 70% of that time is taken by the wedding outfit alone. Commentary on each outfits and his personality backstory under Read More if you're interested :)
Your local veterinarian. He was a bratty and wild child, something his parents tried to coach him out of. Instead, he developed into a lazy and apathetic young man, and eventually his parents learned to accept the person he is. However, he sensed that he's the black sheep or "failure" compared to his successful big twin sisters, irregardless of how baseless it is. Cares for animals, not so much for humans. His character arc can go two ways depending on what you chose during the dialogues. His birthday is on 28th Spring.
He's my Star Wars OC actually. He's a Zakuulan Prince, so I incorporated that aspect into his merfolk form. If you don't see him around town, he might be underwater!
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His spring outfit is based on the doodle I have of him from an ask lol. I kinda like the color cyan on him!
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I forgot that Scott has a similar hibiscus shirt so I figured it was too late to modify it... Oh well.
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Not much to say other than I kinda have a hard time deciding what he should wear for autumn.
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He looks super snug. I really gotta learn how to draw coats to make them convicingly thick idk. He lowkey dislikes winter.
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I kinda debated on if I should put body hair on him but I decided not to seeing almost every male NPC has them. I think. Yes, it's the ace flag colors.
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If you marry him he'll appear in Aesan Gede, the South Sumatran (Palembang) traditional wedding attire. I can't really have his hair free because it'll get stuck on all the golden bits but I kinda am not feeling the bun either so back ponytail it is. Debated whether I should draw the Sundanese one (am half-Sundanese) because it's easier but South Sumatra has been under-represented in Indonesian media so my Srivijayan pride kicked in. Also tumblr keeps killing the transparency for some reason >;[
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Does he look Prince-ly enough here? He's based on the barracuda fish. Considered making him a naga like the rest of the in-game merfolk royal family but I've actually drawn him as a merman before so I want to keep him as a... fish. blublubblub.
I'm currently playing his twin sisters and I'm having a hard time choosing the LIs for them helpppp
And no, sadly I'm not a backer on Kickstarter (source: golongan miskin) this is just art.
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icharchivist · 7 months
After looking through Summer Ayer's FE, I have to say
Siete's life advice is very interesting
On one hand, he tells Ayer that some things are better and more enjoyable if you worked hard for them. He's helping find firewood for a BBQ and Ayer complains that the dude doesn't just use his swords to chop down a tree or something and Siete explains that he won't because it's more rewarding like this. Which is interesting to hear from the most overpowered man in the world
Though the second piece of advice is basically to wear speedos. Because wearing long trunks is a defense mechanism, just as Ayer's snippy attitude. On one hand, appreciate him once again showing off his keen perception but "wear speedbros to show you have nothing to hide" is such a weird fucking take. Especially from the guy who keeps all his cards extremely close to the chest??? I'm in awe
In the end, Ayer decides that he can't take Siegfried or Seofon seriously, which is certainly a conclusion to draw
Also, it's implied that Siete and Siegfried know each other, which makes sense enough. I guess they were both in Poacher's Day and it's not unreasonable to assume they'd have met outside of that as well. Idk. It's fun to think about
What's also very funny and certainly a great relief for Siete specifically is that the FE ends with Lowain dropping grilled shrimp on his crotch. I'm sure Siete must be relieved that he's not the one getting CBT for a change
But I also like the take that these three guys basically all have superpowered dark sides to them, I hadn't really considered that. That's nice. They could totally bond about that, if Siete fucking told anyone anything ever
that's amazing omg
on one hand, a very interesting advice, on the other, telling Ayer to just "have nothing to hide" while he uses his speedo to distract you from all he has to hide is so damn weird.
honestly, respect to Ayer to figure out that neither of them are good advice givers.
Makes sense Siete and Siegfried know each other yeah, shared events and all, and 000 does imply that all the big factions of the skies knew one another after all. (even if the Eternals were not there somehow). And well. they're in our crew now.
AND HELPPPP the CBT curse was passed down to someone else for once... Siete is free..
But yeah for the super powered dark sides, for Siete it's a new development, for Siegfried it is probably more recent development than Ayer's FE. Morality maybe they should ask the 15yo how he dealt with his alter. but that'd require Siete opening up about something and we can't have that </3
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endlayer · 3 years
Didn't draw anything for edo day for gx month so instead ill just talk about him because he makes me insane? the most guy ever
none of this is going to be linear and will instead just be a ton of simple points that exist in my brain that i cannot link together
you ever think about how edo's entire identity revolved around his trauma up until like season 3, and even then his life is still so heavily influenced by it. he was never himself, never edo phoenix. he was a machine motivated by revenge because the idea of justice was the only thing that could keep him alive. the skipping grades, the extreme sports, the pro dueling is all just something to get him closer to revenge. to justice. to closure. edo doesn't know how to actually function because his entire mind is so focused on that one point in his life that it's clouded his entire vision. he can't think about his future if it doesn't somehow involve getting justice for his father.
wahhh edo's self worth is almost completely determined by how useful he is to others this is like outright stated in season 2. motherfucker nearly loses it at the idea of not being "useful enough" to saiou which ties into how he's never "edo phoenix" he is an extension of others he is a tool used to reach a goal, his own identity and bodily safety does not matter when trying to achieve something.
he works himself two steps from death's doorway so he doesn't have to deal with his issues or process things. can't think about your trauma if you're busy kicking ass on the pro circuit!
also hi lol the reason edo took to readily to the idea of fate and destiny (other than saiou obviously introducing that to him at like the lowest point in his life when he desperately needed something to keep him going) was because it's so much easier to think that the things that have happened to you are predetermined and that you can't change anything than to process it and try to heal a little bit from it!
edo has been used by like every single man that has talked to him. other than his dad help😭😭😭😭 people look at edo and go I can use you for my benefit. come here young lad pspsppsosospsppss
wahhhhhhh edo is one of the most loving people in gx im putting them up there with fubuki. edo and fubuki stand together on a podium that says "i love so much that it will (and literally has) been the death of me." i'll never get people who say that edo is unempathetic. he literally isn't helpppp 😭😭😭😭 this kid is driven by his love for others! not even just his father. he's driven by his love for his father, his love for saiou and mizuchi, his love for judai, his love for kids. edo loves so much and in so many different ways. he's just a guarded, traumatized kid.
speaking of edo loving kids here's a hill i will die on: edo's passion is kids not pro dueling. "edo wanted to be a pro duelist when he was a kid!" yeah and i wanted to be a baker look where we are. edo phoenix, ~8 years old, saying he wants to be a pro duelist doesn't mean shit. i think i wanted to be like 7 different things when i was 8. he got involved in it way too fucking early (edo is 14 at the beginning of season 2, and considering his place as one of the most notable pro duelists, he's got to at least have been on the circuit since he was 13) and as he got older it was really just for him to collect intel on his dad's killer! even if it is his passion he's going to burn out with how intense he's been doing it for so long. here's where the kids come in (im rubbing my hands together) season 4 episode like 167 or something it's found out that edo donates like all his money to orphanages and schools and it's like cool! He's a nice kid. then there's the bit where he's playing with the kids at the orphanage and im printing this scene out im putting it on a corkboard and i am banging my fist against the corkboard this is one of the only times we've seen edo content. he loves kids he loves helping kids his biggest goal after avenging his father is making sure that every single kid is safe and cared for. thank you hope you all enjoyed that yelling segment i'm very passionate about it.
these two events aren't necessarily connected it's more just a show of edo's view of himself but if you watch the clip in episode 98 where dd calls edo a mediocrity then watch ep like 167 where edo's hand splits open during practice and he says something along the lines of "a mediocrity like me has to work 1000 times as hard as anyone else to get anywhere in the world" it's the most horrifying thing honestly.
i know i have more stuff to talk about but my brain ran out of energy ill come back and like rb this later or smth sorry i have so many edo thoughts he makes me actually fucking insane. anyways he and mizuchi have sleepovers a lot they watch shitty movies and edos like "i'm really glad i have you you're genuinely like a sister to me i love you a lot" and mizuchi goes "aww thank you so much! you're the gay brother i never had!"
and finally im closing this out by saying that edo has bpd because my psych guy was like I'm fairly certain you have bpd and i need to process it by pinning it on edo phoenix. and also he and manjoume should get into a fist fight. good night everyone!
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skyesins · 4 years
hello skye i just wna pop by to say that i absolutely love your writings and they never fail to make me happy whenever i see an update!! i have been reading since red mercedes and my oh my you are like my favourite writer who keeps drawing me to like baekyun more and more lol. i also wna remind you not to be pressured with the updates and keep doing what you love !!!!
Thank you for reading!! I’m happy that you like what my stuff haha. Feel free to tell me what you think of mullet boy in Red Mercedes any time! 😋
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How can I fight the urge to purge?? I’ve been trying to recover but I haven’t been doing good at all with my intake but I just had something small to eat (which doesn’t feel very small) and I’m having a panic attack, any suggestions?? Sorry if this is tmi you don’t have to answer I’m just kind of freaking out
Hi! First of all, I’m so proud of you for trying to recover and trying to fight the urges. That is a huge step in taking care of yourself and getting healthy!
I’m not a professional by any means, but I’ll go ahead and share some advice I’ve received and things I’ve tried. I would also really really encourage you to speak with a therapist and dietitian if you haven’t already. I think having a supportive treatment team is crucial to recovery and they can really work with you to get better.
1. Eat enough. I don’t mean what your eating disorder tells you is enough, I mean actually enough for a living breathing human of your height and activity level. I know this is so so much easier said than done and is incredibly difficult, and is a major goal of recovery in itself. But having a sufficient intake and weight restoring (if needed) will make the rest of recovery so much more doable. Your brain will function better, you will be able to think more clearly, and you’ll have more energy! This will hopefully help you resist urges. I’d heard this before, but until I’d gone several weeks of eating enough I didn’t truly understand what a difference it makes. Ironically I actually crave food less, so I feel less controlled by it and afraid of it, and I can eat, feel satisfied, and move on---it’s crazy! And regularly eating normal, healthy portions will eventually result in those amounts not feeling so overwhelming, and you won’t feel so uncomfortable after eating, thus reducing purge urges. 
2. Get support. I really hope for you that between friends, family, and a treatment team you feel that you have someone you can talk to about your struggles. When you get the urge to purge, text a friend or family member. You can even message me :) Depending on how much they know or how comfortable you are sharing, tell them that you’re struggling with urges and you’re trying to fight them, or just that you’re having a rough evening, or that you just miss them/want to catch up etc. You can talk through what you’re feeling, or if that seems too much just talk about random crap, watch TV, go somewhere etc. Feeling less alone and feeling supported in your recovery will hopefully give you some strength, and this will also help you engage in something that isn’t purging while you’re feeling urges.
3. Distract. Eating disorders are very tied to emotional avoidance, so long-term I don’t recommend using distractions to avoid your emotions. But purging is super destructive and hurts your body, so if distracting is what will keep you from purging in these moments by all means distract away! Journal, draw, paint, watch TV, clean, paint your nails, put on makeup, take a bath/shower, take a nap, play on your phone, play with a pet or sibling, go for a (gentle) walk, do some yoga, stretch, garden, plan a fantasy vacation, watch a movie, make new playlists, read a book, browse YouTube, scroll through Tumblr....the sky is the limit. Also, if some of these, like journaling, painting, etc, actually help you deal with and process emotions they’re more coping skills than just distractions, and that’s awesome! Find out what works for you and embrace it! 
4. Make a playlist. A therapist gave this to me as a homework assignment, and it’s been super helpful. Make a playlist of songs that inspire you, motivate you, are relaxing, and/or just put you in a good mood. 
5. Put it all together: Think in smaller chunks of time and give yourself time limits to engage in not-purging. Now that you’re armed with your support, your distractions/coping skills. and your playlist, it’s time to actually sit through the urge. 
The bad news: I’ve found that the urges don’t necessarily get easier, at least not a first. It’s going to take dedication and strength to make it through them. 
The good news: No urge will last indefinitely, and it will not infinitely get worse and worse, even though I know it can feel that way. The urges will go away. It might take awhile, but I promise they will! The key is to make it through them without purging. 
When you feel the urge to purge come on, set a concrete time limit for yourself: the longer the better, but stick to something you know you can manage. If that’s 10 minutes, great! If that’s 1 minute, let go for it! Pick a distraction/coping skill, call/text/be with a support, and/or put on your playlist, and promise yourself to engage in this for that amount of time without purging. When you reach the end, see if you can go for another set amount of time without purging. If not, that’s okay---you went a whole other___minutes longer without purging than you would’ve otherwise. The idea is that after enough time doing other things, the urge should at least subside, if not go away completely. By doing this in concrete chunks of time, it feels more doable. Rather than, “I want to purge right now but I’m not going purge at all” which is the eventual ideal but pretty fricken daunting, it becomes “I want to purge right now but I’m not going to purge for the next 10 minutes,” which is less scary and seems more manageable. It also sets you up to have more small successes, even if you’re still purging after waiting x minutes, which will strengthen your confidence and belief in your ability to go longer without purging the next time, building up your tolerance to sit through urges. 
6. Other suggestions:
Think about goals-write down all the reasons you want to recover
Write down all the good things about not purging: you’re closer to recovery, you’re not hurting your body, you’re proving to yourself you can do this, etc.
Think about all the bad things about purging. I found that it was very easy to focus on what I saw as the positive consequences of purging (feelings of relief, emotional release, etc). When trying to stop, tell yourself/write down how tired you’ll feel, how your chest/throat/head/stomach will hurt afterwords, how much you’re putting your heart through, the risk you’re putting yourself at, etc. Repeating this will reinforce these negative consequences in your brain and hopefully weaken the impact of the draw of the “positive” ones 
Be accountable to someone else. Ideally you want your motivation to come from within, but I’ve found being accountable to a friend, family member, therapist, and/or dietitian can really help for motivation to not engage in ED behaviors, especially early in recovery,
Draw on your compassion. I’ll preface by saying this didn’t help me that much, but maybe you’ll have better luck. Imagine that someone you cared about was purging---would you want them to put themselves through that? If not, why is it okay to put yourself through it? What would you say to them? Can you say that to yourself, and hear that?
7. Other facts
Purging will not help you lose weight for real/long term. I get it, it’s not that simple. But if this is part of your thought process, when you purge, your body adjusts the way it digests food and absorbs nutrients, and the way it stores water. Besides the very important point that this majorly screws with your digestive tract and metabolism, it also means that it probably won’t impact your weight long term. I didn’t believe this when I was in the thick of my ED, but after working with a dietitian, seeing things more clearly, and actually seeing what happens when I purge after not purging for awhile, and what happens when I’m just not purging, I promise people aren’t making this up. 
It’s just one meal/snack/binge. No matter how much you ate, it’s just one sitting’s worth of food. It is okay. Your body can handle it and it will be okay. Even if it feels like it (I’ve totally been there), it will not make you gain 10 pounds. Even if it’s super uncomfortable to sit with, I promise it will pass through your body without major consequences. 
Bottom line:Your body after eating once: Eh. Cool. Alright.Your body after purging once: AGHHHHHH *alarms sound* HELPPPP
I had to have several therapists really hammer this point home for me because, while I knew purging was bad, I didn’t think I was ever in any real danger. Purging even once can cause a heart attack, which can kill you, or a torn esophagus, which can lead to cancer. Every time you purge you are thrusting every organ and every system of your body through a violent, painful, destructive experience. You matter way too much to let your life end this way. Also you matter too much to keep hurting yourself in this way. 
I  hope some of this helped, and I’m sending lots of good thoughts your way. You can do this!!!
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How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
"How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is insurance for a mustang?
I need some help how much is insurance on a 2003 mustang for a 16 year old driver thanks.
In need of Medical Insurance?
I'm 18 and a Student and I dont have any medical Insurance is there a way to get I can apply for some aid I dont have a job, Live in California""
Car insurance question?
I'm going to get a car that is 3000 bucks...I dont want full coverage....I want somehting like PLPD or something.. How much is it going to be for insurance? Cant I find anything cheaper than 203.00 thats the cheapest so far. I dont need to pay that much... HELP??
Car insurance?!!HELPPPP?
I'm from Chicago, IL. i don't know how Chicago road law operate so i hope u guys will help me out a bit.i just found out that my car insurance had stop it coverage with me for the last 3 month for whatever reason. I just called them today to reopen up my account again and the new insurance card is being sent home. today Can i still drive my car even if i don't have a actually insurance card in the car? if a police does stop me and ask for my insurance, can i say that it's being mail home and if he/she don't believe me, they can called my insurance agent??""
My bf claims if he adds my name to his car insurance he will get it loads cheaper?
is this true? i cant drive i ahvent knwon him long and his insurance is due for renewal which is over 500 quid so he says he can reduce that amount by 150 quid if he adss my name is this true and legal? i wondered why he asked for my date of birth and postcode says he just forgot
Where to find really cheap car insurance?
I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month
How much would it cost to import this motorcycle from the U.S to Canada?
this bike costs $ 6000 U.S. How much would it cost to import this bike back to canada. I am looking for all the fees, taxes insurance(if it needs it) every single dollar i would have to spend to bring the bike from u.s to canada. Also if you could list the exact steps that i would have to go through how many days it would take to do everything. I will bring the bike back on a trailer. I have never done this and know nothing about how this works so detail is a must and all the costs are a must to i am looking for dollar amounts. thanks a lot""
Allstate insurance in NY- Question
Hi. I live in New York City and we have a leased 2007 Lexus es350, leased 2008 lexus gs350 and a leased 2007 Mercedes Benz e350, all using allstate insurance. I am under my parent's policy. I am very curious to know how much the insurance would cost for the lexus es350, because soon I'll be paying for it once I get out of school and have the ability to do so, since that's my car. I am 17 years old, turning 18 in November. I have had my unrestricted driver's license since December 2007. I also took driver's education, and we receive an insurance discount for taking driver's ed. No accidents or moving violations. Approximately how much does it cost now, and how much will it cost in about 2-3 years from now if all these conditions remain the same? Thanks""
Anyone have any information on insurethebox car insurance?
I've been looking at insurance quotes from various sites and insurethebox keeps popping up. The company fit a clear box to the car to see how much mileage you used (has to be under 6000 a year). Does anyone have any more information on them? I've googled, and aside from some advertisement articles haven't really found anything. All help is appreciated (10 points for best answer :D)""
What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance?
I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance.
How much will my car insurance go up?
I am the defendant in and have just settled an automobile lawsuit at $100,000. How much will my car insurance go up?""
Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on car insurance?
A friend of mine was diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS just over a year ago. She had several bad relapses one after another but was then put on tysabri and has been getting better and better since then. She now feels ready to start driving again but is worried her insurance will be through the roof. She is in good health now and because of the tysabri is not likely to have a relapse again for at least a couple of years. Does anyone have any experience of trying to get car insurance if you have MS?
Looking for an affordable reliable rehab center in TX.?
I have a family member who is in need of rehabilitation (pill addiction). La Hacienda is 26k for 35 days. Do you know of anything cheaper but reliable, or is that 'normal'? ...show more""
What kind of coverage do I need for my motorcycle insurance during storage months? It has a lien on it.?
What do I need and what can I take off from my coverage during the winter months when I store and not riding it? It has a lien on it so obviously I need to keep some coverage. A ...show more
Can the insurance company take your car if it's totaled?
My car is a collectable and it was hit and run by other car leaving it with minor damage, I have complete coverage, my insurance company told me it was going to be considered totaled, ...show more""
What is the blue sheild of california (health insurance) code format?
Please help.. like the number on the card you get. I need to draw a picture and i want to make it as accurate as possible :) what is the blue sheild of california (insurance company) code format? for example if it is ABC123 = letter letter letter # # #
How much does the sr22 insurance in California???
any websites or cheap places to get it?? how much it cost?
Car insurance estimate for a 2006 BMW 325i for a 17 year old guy?
My mom is being stubborn about getting a quote because she wants to wait until i'm 18, but i don't. I live in Louisiana if that helps. Thanks a lot.""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
Im planning on purchasing an '08 kawasaki ninja 250 for college but I am doing so without my parents approval which means i have to pay for everything (bummer!) But I was wondering how much typical insurance would be for a bike like this???
""Hit by a person with no car insurance, now what?""
I was rear ended by a kid that has no car insurance. He license was also suspended because of this. I called the police and filed a report with my insurance company. Do I have other options? I feel I should not put out a cent as I was not at fault. I have to pay my deductible and I know my insurance will go up, no matter what they say...""
Does anyone here pay less than $2000 per year on auto insurance?
And you're under 25 years old..? If so, what company are you with? Rates are so ridiculously expensive from what I've seen.""
""Car insurance, full coverage versus liability?""
I drive a 98 Chevy Suburban, because it has a lien holder (bank) it has had full coverage insurance the life of the loan. Next month when we get our tax refund we plan to pay it off, not that much owed. Due to it's age wouldn't it be logical to drop the full coverage down to liability insurance. I know with it being that old the full coverage insurance would hardly pay out anything if it was a total loss anyway.""
How can i make my car insurance be less?
hey guys how can i make my car insurance go lower and be less ?
How much is insurance for corvette?
What would be the rough cost for car insurance a year on a 2001 corvette with 60k miles. I'm 19, clean license and have good grades in school if that has any effect. I have a car now but was trying to see how much more insurance would be""
Adding body kit or alloy wheels increase insurance on 17 year old?
I will be 17 in January and was wondering whether adding a body kit or alloy wheels to something like a fiat seicento would increase the insurance... because it may be more desirable to steal? Please give me legit answers...
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)
Is an audi a3 cheap to insure for a new driver?
I came across a forbes article that said that the audi a3 was the chepaest car to insure and this seemed a bit strange to me. Is it true? If not any advice on a good car for a new driver for under 10 grand? I really have a strong preference for vw.
Do I have to give my Friend the car insurance details?
Me, my partner and my friend were in a car accident involving a polish driver who drove into the side of us. We exchanged details and my insurance company have been attempting to contact the polish insurance company with no luck. The accident happened in October and they has still had no luck. My friend said she wasnt hurt but was gonig to make a claim for whiplash. I told her she shouldnt make a false claim and I asked her not to as it would prob come out of my insurance as the polish company were not gettnig back to us. She agreed she wouldnt make a claim. She has since lost her job and spoke to me today saying she has spoken to a company who is going to make the claim for her. She has asked for the insurance details for the polish company as it was there fault and she says she doesnt need any details from me. Firstly - do I leagally have to give her the details for the polish driver/ insurance? and if she has no luck there will I have to give her my details so she can claim on my insurance? I know she isnt hurt and it just annoys me she could be putting my insurance up if she makes a claim against me! Any advice would be useful! Thanks""
Why is my motorbike coming up wrong on insurance quotes ?
I Have a Gilera Runner VX 125cc, When i go onto gocompare & all other insurance websites it asks for my reg & when i put it in and select vehicle its coming up as a VXR 180cc, when i go on to HPI its 125cc & on my logbook its 125 could anyone explain why this is happening ? thanks for your time.""
How much is insurance for a haunted house?
We want to do a house slash forest
Car insurance advice needed for a 17 year old?
As I said in my previous question. I recently bought a Citroen AX 988cc for 500 and paid 2800 insurance for a year. I thought It was really good as all of my mates had paid well over 3000 for their Fiestas etc. I got alot of answers saying I had been ripped off. I would be so happy if you could tell me of a better deal. I called a total of 46 insurance companies, and used comparison websites on a variety of insurance group 1 cars. And this was the very cheapest I could find. Initially Iwanted a VW Golf. (Not the GTI Version) But I was quoted 9000 a year, not bad but I dont earn that much yet. I have 3 jobs but all are minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, 7pm-11.20pm). Could you give me a better deal. Where to go, what other car would be cheaper, and general advice on getting it as cheap as olot of people in my previous question told me they got it. Thanks.""
Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?
Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?
Estimate: How much is insurance for a 15 year old?
My son is turning 15 and we want to get him a car...we really like the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. He's a Straight A student...I heard that honor students get a discount it that true? How much is insurance a month on a Jeep Grand Cherokee for a 15 year old Honor Student. I know no one will no for sure but please take a good estimate.
Question regarding auto mobile insurance company policy?
so i just got with a new insurance company about 2 months ago. Would the insurance company accept a claim and cover all the expenses of a car accident if they didnt withdraw their monthly fee yet, but then i did received their pink slip of the policy number and everything?""
Where can I find the best insurance firms in California?
My son just got out of hospital and am really concerned about the health of my family members - what should I do now? Where can I get the best insurance firms in entire California?
Do i need to add my wife under my car insurance?
Allstate is my car insurance
""I am 17, and I recently got my driver's license. Can I avoid being added to the insurance policy?""
Because my rates go really high, since I'm a new driver. If my cars receive minimal insurance, and they're insured under my parents' name, could I legally drive the cars and would the insurance pay for any liabilities?""
Car insurance for honda civic 2006?
so I'm getting my own car and paying for my own insurance and i'm not sureh wo much insurance is and would just like to get a rough guestimate so that I am able to prepare for it financially. I am getting a 2006 Honda civic with 133k miles on it. I am not getting insurance under my parents or anything and would just like to get some insight. Anymore information needed i'll be happy to provide. thanks.
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
What is a good cheap car insurance?
I live in indiana if it matters
Want the cheapest and most affordable insurance in Florida (Tampa) !!!?
He guys, I'm 19 years old and just received my driving license this week. I want to insure my car that I just bought recently , would someone tell me a name of a company that offer an affordable insurance for student ? Just to let you know , some people say that there is no differences between insurance companies prices. but actually that is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some companies try to get customers by cheap prices > please let me know if you have experiences this situation.""
How much does workman's compensation insurance cost?
How much does workman's compensation insurance cost?
How much do you pay for your teenager's(16) auto insurance?
I just got a learner's permit, and GEICO says that they do not charge for learner's permit. However, when I get my driver's license, it'll cost an additional ~$500 per 6 months. I am a straight-A student, records are clean, and I'm NOT adding an another car--just me--into my parent's coverage. Is this expensive? Normal? Cheap? What do you pay, and what company are you covered by? thanks""
Can anyone recommend a good Classic/Collector Car insurance company?
I'm looking for reasonable terms/conditions and rates to insure a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have any experience or recommendations for insurance companies specializing in classic cars? Thanks!
Insurance for senior parents?
I'm considering enlisting in the military. One of the benifits I will recieve is life insurance at an affordable cost. I can get a joint policy with my 2 senior parents (who are currently uninsured) given that they are my dependents. In order for them to qualify, my parent's AGI has to be less than $3200. My father is a licensed chauffer (cab driver) and my mother retired early, and is recieving SS benifits. Will the annual SS amount disqualify her? My father does not file for taxes, and currently owes for not filing. (cabbies don't deduct taxes, they make what they make, I guess) My question is, will this be a stretch to try to get them insured via my military benifits, considering their situations?""
Can I buy a used car without insurance?
I'm only 18 and I got accepted for a car loan. It's about $200 a month but I can afford the car insurance rate now. I'm buying the car from a dealership. Can I buy the car then drive it home and let it sit till I get insurance? Or can they deliver the car? If I drive it home rate away wouldn't it be like a test drive for the used car?
How do you find car insurance?
Ok heres the situatuion, Am 22 I dont drive yet and i dont have a clue what car i want! Am hoping to pass my test this summer and am willing to spend roughly 750-2000 on a car but i dont want to pay anymore then 500 a year on car insurance. The most irritating thing about this thing is the fact i dont know how i can get a rough quote without having to fill out loads of details etc. Is there any easy way of finding your first car? Am losing my patience really annoyed by the whole process. HELP ME!""
Cost to insure?
04 - 06 sti used in illinois for a 16yr old male. Is it true that males pay more for insurance then females?
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
What is the cheapest car and year range to insure for 18 year old?
My wife is 18 and got her license a few months back. What would be the cheapest car and of what year range, if insured in the USA? Which insurance companies insure 18 year olds, as I am aware most dont.""
""Do you have to have car insurance, or does the car you are driving have to be insured?""
If you are driving a car, the car has to be insured, right? What if it is not your car - then it just has to be insured, right? If you have no insurance yourself, it's okay as long as the car is insured... right?""
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)
18 year old car insurance? ?
Im looking at a Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. Where can i.get the cheapest car insurance.?
Will a new insurance company looking into rates know of a ticket which hasn't been sent in guilty or not yet?
I recently got a ticket for failing to drive in the correct lane, but I haven't sent it in guilty or not guilty yet. And now I am looking into car insurance rates. Will the insurance company know I got the ticket?""
Cheapest Car to insure for a 17 yr old new driver?
What is the cheapest small car to insure for a 17 year old who's just passed their test? I believe the model can affect the price too eg - SX, GL?""
Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?
Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn't get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know.""
What's the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
What's the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
Insurance rates for 2004 Pontiac GTO?
I am almost 18 and looking for a new vehicle. Currently I am driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse Gt (5 speed) and am paying $200 a month! They messed it up so I need to call them back it should only be $120 a month. Anyhow, I am looking to upgrade. I have been looking at Srt-4's which are quite high on insurance, Ion Redline's aka Cobalt SS which is cheaper than the Srt-4, and have currently spotted a 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 speed) , sticker price $12,000 I will try to talk them down to 9 or 10k which might be pushing it even though the car is almost 8 years old. Anyway for the minimum amount for full coverage I only want to be paying no more than $250 a month. Do you think this can be achieved? I have the good student discount and have taken driver's ed. Thanks Guys""
Can someone please explain Health Insurance to me?
Any and all explanations are welcome. Definitions, etc..""
How much would like insurance cost for my 60 year old mom?
i will be paying but is it based on her income? im looking to buy anywhere from $100,000 - $1,000,000 life insurance she suggested i do but i have no idea where to start and what are some legit real life insurance companys? thanks""
Does AAA offer short term car insurance?
I just got my license but will be moving down to San Diego in a week to start college. My parents don't want to start me on a long term insurance plan as I won't be using their cars much so it's a waste of money. I was wondering if there is a short term insurance plan that is cheaper as it would be very convenient to drive this week instead of taking busses.
Will my insurance company raise rates because of a speeding ticket.?
With this ticket the cop said if i pay it before a certain date i wouldnt get any points on my license so would the insurance company even find out?
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
Health insurance....?
I am not available for health insurance at my job because i am only part time. everytime i apply for health insurance online, i get turned down because of my credit or my health. i don't think it's right. i need some kind of insurance because i have to go to the doctor. what should i do?""
Tips on low insurance quotes?
Tips on low insurance quotes?
What is the difference between insurance agencies and insurance companies?
What is the difference between insurance agencies and insurance companies?
Can your auto insurance increase after you already got a quote and pay downpayment?
my auto insurance already gave me a quote and check my license everything and offer me 1800 for 6months then after july the agent called and said the underwrite said to increase the quote to 2200? can your insurance do that? after you already paid down payment? thanks
How much is driving insurance a month for a 17 year old new driver?
I just got my license today, im 17 and hae a 2.8 gpa, and am wondering roughly how much my insurance can be? any recommendations? cheapest insurance? I think i can get USAA if that helps? My grandpa is a vet.""
Auto insurance question?
I'm 20 yrs old and I'm thinking of signing up with state farm auto insurance. I'm buying a car and i have none. So can someone tell me what I need, where I have to go, and what i have to do to get this done?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Can my brother use my bank account to pay for his car insurance.?
My brother doesn't have a bank account and he needs to pay his car insurance using direct debit. can he use my bank account? Would it matter if it was my name on the account? also, If he had a crash would costs come from my account? I hope somebody can help.""
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
Health Insurance in California!?
Hi there, My girlfriend and I are getting married next year. I am British and she's American and I'm going to move to California to live her. I am just wondering how the whole health insurance matter works in California as there is no national health insurance as far as i know! Thanks guys!""
Is motorcycle insurance usually more costly than auto insurance? whats usually the median cost?
I want to get a motorcycle and I have a car. I am selling my car and buying the bike. Am not worried about passing the licensing test or anything like that. Am wondering about how much motorcycle insurance runs. Anyone that can help with some examples or ratios in their personal life of how much a bike costs compared to a car?
""I'm 16 with a permit, can I get a car and insurance in my name?
Im a girl. I'm getting a car in may.. But I'll only have a permit. Will I be able to get insurance and a tag and stufff on my car ??
How much is my no registration and no insurance ticket going to cost?
This is in California, if you have any idea please lemme know thanks!""
What is the cheapest/best insurance for a 24yr old student/ stay at home mom?
My 3month old is covered under medicaid, but I need help finding an affordable insurance for myself. My fiance is covered by his work for free, but it would be $200 a check for him to add me and we cannot afford that at this time.""
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)
Insurance for a car you don't drive?
I'd like to get a 79 monte carlo and I want to register it and insure it as a running car I don't drive. It's kind of like the insurance used for motorcycles when they just sit in the garage during the fall/winter months. Does anyone have any idea how much it might be. I'm a 20 yr old guy, but I would imagine it wouldn't make a difference for a car that isn't driven.""
What kind of health insurance can i get if i dont have legal documents?
What kind of health insurance can i get if i dont have legal documents?
I haven no health insurance?
i have no health insurance and apprantely i cant get medicaid or anything like that but i'm sick and i'm about to loose my job due to the rescission like millions of others..but my question here is what can i do to get medical help if i have no type of insurance?
Insurance question for my situation?
What do you think would be the cheapest insurance company to go with in this situation? 16 year old female, 1992 Ford F 150""
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
What to do when health insurance company won't cover surgery?
We just recently got health insurance a few weeks ago. My husband was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia yesterday and is scheduled for surgery Friday. Our insurance company will not cover the surgery., They said that hernia surgery has a 6 month waiting period and he can not wait another week let alone 6 months. They will only cover it if it is a life or death situation.I could take him back out to the ER, but who's to say that they will say that it is an emergency and do it within 24 hours? I put a call in to the financial aid counselor to see about getting help with the surgery bill, although we are most likely going to be unable to pay big amounts of money. Is there any insurance companies we can sign up for in order to have health insurance and be able to have him get the surgery by Friday? Or is there anything else we can do? We are not eligible for MDCD, already tried that!! Please help with any suggestions.""
How do you get new home owner's insurance after you were dumped?
Hypothetically speaking, say your home owner's insurance company does NOT renew your policy? How long do you have to find a new company and what if no company will take you on due to too many claims?""
How much would I pay for motorcycle insurance in Hawaii?
How much would it cost to insure a 500cc or less motorcycle in Hawaii for a full-time female college student with a 3.0 or better GPA who is 19 years of age and single and has one speeding ticket on her record? I would just like a ballpark range to work with so I can decide whether or not I want to buy a motorcycle for going to college and work while I'm here in Hawaii. I passed a motorcycle safety course and have my M1 license. I want to know if I could afford the insurance.
""Chrysler 300c, tax and insurance?
how much would it cost to insure and tax the 300c for a year and do they drink on petrol cheers
How do i get insurance?
ok i saw one i like what should i do next ? should i call them ? and i want to pay monthly, and how soon do you think my insurance can be started? and can i start today?""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
New Insurance Extension?
If the companies extend insurance to young adults up to age 26, what happens if they get married? Are you automatically removed from your parents insurance when you get married?""
Temporary auto insurance for move?
I'll be moving to Oakland California from Phoenix Arizona and I was wondering if there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance. My vehicle is not currently insured, but I can get a temporary registration from AZ DMV. That would allow me to drive my car for my move. I will be pulling a small utility trailer. I don't want to get a full 6 month insurance policy because as soon as I get to Oakland, I won't be driving the car at all. Are there any insurance companies that offer a really short policy (2 days, or maybe a week) ? I only need insurance for those two days, and so that I can get temporary registration from the DMV. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, and if so what company?""
Unitrin Direct Auto Insurance (Any good?)?
Asked by: hyphenga-ga I recently responded to an e-mail for a free auto insurance price quote (I'm in California). I wasn't really looking to shop around - and wasn't planning to switch companies to save a buck or two, but I was kinda shocked when the price quote I got from Unitrin Direct (same coverage limits and deductibles) was $510 less than I'm paying now. I called and asked what the catch was and they said they sell direct with no agents/offices and pass the savings onto the customer (logical, but obviously scripted answer). They also touted an A.M. Best Excellent rating, but what good is financial stability if they bungle claims (for example) or have terrible customer service? So I guess I'm looking for a little confidence - or a big fat warning - before I jump into anything. Are they reputable? Is there any objective info available about them? (I'd love any good/bad comments from Unitrin customers out there too.)""
Insurance m3 17 year old?
I have found a really nice BMW m3 2005 on eBay and considering it as a first car i have had simlair quotes for 1.4 polo what i was wondering is if i could have it on commercial insurance on my dads policy and me as a named driver as i wouldn't be driving as often as him and around how much would it be if Ive had a quote of 4700 on my own policy?
What is the difference between insurance and banassurance?
Ex. Insurance deals by LIC, GIC Banassurance deals by banks""
Any idea how much motorcycle insurance for a 19 yer old Female in Texas would cost?
i been driving for at least 13 years (since i was 7 i was driving a 150cc) at 15 i started driving a 1600cc yamaha royal star :D (so dont say i dont know) i had a mexican motorcycle license for about 4-5 years (i am verly gonna get tx Licence) And i am planning on getting maybe a 600cc sportbike to use in TX
What's a low cost yet good car insurance co in California(northern)?
I have a gas hog and I am trying to lower my bills since the economy slump and I am trying to find if my car insurance is high and if I should switch and to who I pay every six months 681.00.Thanks in advance.
Health insurance question.....?
My daughter broke her arm. She is insured with my husband's insurance. The insurance company agreed to pay for the hospital and doctor bills but the doctor's office never submitted the bill to our insurance company. There is evidence that they submitted it to the wrong insurance company and are trying to blame us for it saying we gave them the wrong information. I have no idea where they think we came up with information on an insurance company we never had. Moreover they had the right information when they billed our insurance for a previous case. Now 2 years later the doctor's office is trying to collect the money from us saying it is too late to collect on our insurance. Can they do that? We pay a lot for health insurance every month and now we have a huge medical bill too.
I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?
Where to have my car insurance?
My insurance is up for renewal soon and I have a little dilemma. 4 days a week I work away from home living with realatives close to my job and the other 3 days I am at home. not the best situation but as I can't take my kids out of school I have to go where the work is. Now If I insure my car at my realtives address it is 200 cheaper then at my family home but can I legally insure my car away from the family home.
16 year old car insurance with a classic truck?
So my neighbor has this awesome chevrolet apache 10 pickup from the late 50's, early 60's for sale. I am 16 so i am looking to buy a vehicle. I was wondering is insurance more or less with a classic car/truck?""
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.""
How much would insurance be on a 2007 scion tc in Texas?
Im 19 and about to purchase a 07 tc, but I dont know the average cost of insurance for a tc would be""
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)
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