#also i know punching someone isnt super comperable but its the best personal example i got.
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Guys seriously i understand the sentiment to argue against it but sometimes negative aspects of mental illness can make you a bad person. Like, yes. Sometimes paranoid delusions can make someone racist. It happens. And all that really means is the person need medical attention. Delusions can be quite powerful especially if your sense of reality is that distorted by paranoia. It doesn't mean that everyone with mental illness is a bad person but negative aspects can absolutely turn someone into a bad person if they do not have the access to people who can help them.
I have personally known someone who's morals were unfortunately destroyed by horrible paranoia and trauma and took a lot of racist stuff to heart because when you're that far out of your mind you can be INCREDIBLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO PROPAGANDA (especially if you've been singled out by a nazi already because alt right are known manipulators thru self admittance and take advantage of unstable people constantly, like it is a researched fact). this is not to say a person can't be held responsible. What it does mean is they need to be helped into a place where they can heal, reflect, and learn about why and how their past beliefs are wrong and dangerous. And they can reflect on all that and grow without having to be forgiven for their past.
If you are going to hold an addict accountable for deplorable actions done while searching for a high without demonizing their disease, you can do the same for mentally ill people who fall into this trap.
ALSO BEFORE ANYONE ACCUSES ME OF SAYING I SUPPORT YE OR ARE SHRUGGING OFF HIS ACTIONS. NO TF IM NOT. IT SUCKS. WHAT HE DID WILL HAVE VERY BAD RAMIFICATIONS. BUT there are better ways to talk about this than to claim that mental illness never ever makes people do very bad things when it absolutely can.
I can say my uncle did a shitty thing in stealing a motorcycle and stealing from me and my mom but I can ALSO SAY THAT while understanding that addiction can make people do MANY HORRIBLE THINGS. There is an aspect of personal culpability AS WELL AS BLAME ON THE BAD PARTS OF BEING AN ADDICT; and I can expect the same thing for people who are mentally ill.
Just because I'm autistic doesn't mean I should be allowed to punch you if you are loud near me , but it is ALSO something that I HAVE done in the past. Am I proud? No. Did I apologize? Yes. Is it something that was an unexpected action for me to take at the time? Fuck no. Looking back now I fully get why I did it, but I also understand that it was not right. And now I have ways to curb thta bad behavior before I hurt someone, because someone I cared about stepped in and got me help and access to better ways to cope.
Hope this rant makes sense.
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