#tho ykno it is a possibility that ye is saying beliefs that hes always had but this convo is still important.
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Guys seriously i understand the sentiment to argue against it but sometimes negative aspects of mental illness can make you a bad person. Like, yes. Sometimes paranoid delusions can make someone racist. It happens. And all that really means is the person need medical attention. Delusions can be quite powerful especially if your sense of reality is that distorted by paranoia. It doesn't mean that everyone with mental illness is a bad person but negative aspects can absolutely turn someone into a bad person if they do not have the access to people who can help them.
I have personally known someone who's morals were unfortunately destroyed by horrible paranoia and trauma and took a lot of racist stuff to heart because when you're that far out of your mind you can be INCREDIBLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO PROPAGANDA (especially if you've been singled out by a nazi already because alt right are known manipulators thru self admittance and take advantage of unstable people constantly, like it is a researched fact). this is not to say a person can't be held responsible. What it does mean is they need to be helped into a place where they can heal, reflect, and learn about why and how their past beliefs are wrong and dangerous. And they can reflect on all that and grow without having to be forgiven for their past.
If you are going to hold an addict accountable for deplorable actions done while searching for a high without demonizing their disease, you can do the same for mentally ill people who fall into this trap.
ALSO BEFORE ANYONE ACCUSES ME OF SAYING I SUPPORT YE OR ARE SHRUGGING OFF HIS ACTIONS. NO TF IM NOT. IT SUCKS. WHAT HE DID WILL HAVE VERY BAD RAMIFICATIONS. BUT there are better ways to talk about this than to claim that mental illness never ever makes people do very bad things when it absolutely can.
I can say my uncle did a shitty thing in stealing a motorcycle and stealing from me and my mom but I can ALSO SAY THAT while understanding that addiction can make people do MANY HORRIBLE THINGS. There is an aspect of personal culpability AS WELL AS BLAME ON THE BAD PARTS OF BEING AN ADDICT; and I can expect the same thing for people who are mentally ill.
Just because I'm autistic doesn't mean I should be allowed to punch you if you are loud near me , but it is ALSO something that I HAVE done in the past. Am I proud? No. Did I apologize? Yes. Is it something that was an unexpected action for me to take at the time? Fuck no. Looking back now I fully get why I did it, but I also understand that it was not right. And now I have ways to curb thta bad behavior before I hurt someone, because someone I cared about stepped in and got me help and access to better ways to cope.
Hope this rant makes sense.
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robotlesbianjavert · 7 years
it’s my main dude’s bday snape my buddy my pal i don’t got anything to contribute but hey what about his top seven moments.  what i specifically as an individual consider his top seven moments, while keeping in mind, he has a lot of great moments and it was painful paring it down like this.
it was going to be top five bc i was too lazy for a top ten but couldn’t justify fitting what i wanted into a top five and hey seven is the magic number right
‘It has happened,’ she told the silent staff room. ‘A student has been taken by the monster.  Right into the Chamber itself.’
…Snape gripped the back of a chair very hard and said, ‘How can you be sure?’ 
(Chamber of Secrets, pg 217)
chamber of secrets may have been his smallest role, but i had something cheesy to say then i got embarrassed by just how much i love this tiny easy-to-miss bit.  it just think it’s nice.  
also shout out to all the times he kicked lockhart’s ass.
Dumbledore opened his eyes.  Snape looked horrified.
‘You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment?’
‘Don’t be shocked, Severus.  How many men and women have you watched die?’
‘Lately, only those whom I could not save,’ said Snape. 
(Deathly Hallows, pg 551)
honestly, a crucial moment in understanding how snape’s priorities have broadened since his defection, principally to save lily’s life and then to act in her memory.  but this (whatever dumbledore and snape himself might think about the underlying motives) suggests that even though snape’s never going to be nice, he is capable of caring about the other lives lost in this war.  at the same time, we’re reminded that by virtue of his undercover role, snape’s ability to save and protect other people is highly restricted, now moreso with harry (the central figure in his lily-related incentive) than anyone else. and i just think that’s neat.
also since they’re part of the same sequence, shoutout to “Would you like me to do it now?  Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?” and his attempt to save lupin during the seven potters battle and accidentally cutting off george’s ear that’s hilarious of course that happened.
Snape smiled.
‘Before I answer you – oh, yes, Bellatrix, I am going to answer!  You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord!  Before I answer you, I say, let me ask a question in turn.  Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions?  And do you really think that, had I not been able to give satisfactory answers, I would be sitting here talking to you?’
She hesitated.
‘I know he believes you, but –’
‘You think he is mistaken?  Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him?  Fooled the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen?’
Bellatrix said nothing, but looked, for the first time, a little discomfited. 
(Half-Blood Prince, pg 31)
actually managing to shame bellatrix for thinking that he could possibly be capable of bamboozling the dark lord like holy shit how does he keep a straight face!!!!!  (the best part is that she doesn’t live to find out she was right this is hilarious and badass)  like bitch!!!!!  bitch!!!!
DOLORES UMBRIDGE: If you’re late for class, why are you not heading back to the school?  Why are you heading to the lake?
There’s a moment of pure silence.  And then SNAPE does something hugely unusual – he smiles.
SNAPE: How long have you suspected?
UMBRIDGE rises off the ground.  She opens her arms wide, full of Dark Magic.  She takes out her wand.
DOLORES UMBRIDGE: Years.  And I should have acted upon it far earlier.
SNAPE is faster with his wand.
SNAPE: Depulso!
UMBRIDGE is propelled backwards through the air.
SNAPE: She always was too grand for her own good. There’s no turning back now. 
(Cursed Child, pg 194-195)
not only is this hugely satisfying just in general because, ykno, umbridge – but it’s nice to see one universe where snape is actually able to ditch the undercover bullshit and act openly, even if it’s just for a few moments.  the fact that those moments involve him giving hope to an increasingly despairing and hopeless scorpius is even better.
Snape strode forwards, past Dumbledore, pulling up the left sleeve of his robes as he went.  He stuck out his forearm, and showed it to Fudge, who recoiled.
‘There,’ said Snape harshly.  ‘There.  The Dark Mark.  It is not as clear as it was, an hour or so ago, when it burnt black, but you can still see it.  Every Death Eater had the sign burnt into him by the Dark Lord.  It was a means of distinguishing each other, and his means of summoning us to him.  When he touched the Mark of any Death Eater, we were to Disapparate, and Apparate, instantly, at his side.  This Mark has been growing clearer all year.  Karkaroff’s, too.  Why do you think Karkaroff fled tonight?  We both felt the Mark burn.  We both knew he had returned.  Karkaroff fears the Dark Lord’s vengeance.  He betrayed too many of his fellow Death Eaters to be sure of a welcome back into the fold.’ 
(Goblet of Fire, pg 616)
gof is the first book i clearly remember reading myself – i knew the plots of ps and cos (either through the movies or my mom), knew there was a werewolf in poa, but it was gof that some visiting family decided to bring me as a present when i was nine.  i remember being fucking furious with snape at several points – especially the teeth incident and when he read those magazine articles out in class.  I sat there going “wow he’s terrible i will never ever like him” and then i got over it in like a chapter or two bc i was nine also i laughed a bit?  in conjunction to my anger.  terrible.
anyways by the time this moment rolled around, i was over that kneejerk anger and fully intrigued by whatever the fuck was up with this weird asshole, unaware that i’d be completely hooked for it’s been over a decade now holy shit??
anyways outside of me being nine, this is a real ballsy moment on snape’s part – a last ditch effort to make harry & dumbledore’s story credible in fudge’s eyes, and a risky thing to do in case fudge decided to react differently.
And now Snape stood again in the Headmaster’s study as Phineas Nigellus came hurrying into his portrait.
‘Headmaster!  They are camping in the Forest of Dean!  The Mudblood—’
‘Do not use that word!’ 
(Deathly Hallows, 553)
we’re all agreed that snape throwing a slur at his friend, although he was sixteen and being assaulted at the time, is incredibly inexcusable & terrible and lily was super right in cutting off her ties with him at that point.  strangely enough tho, a lot of people want to freezeframe snape’s beliefs and ideology during possibly the most vulnerable & lowest period of his life .  snapping at phineas for calling hermione (a student he does not even like) a “mudblood” suggests that he has dealt with his past anti-muggleborn views, the only character we see doing so in the main series – did draco apologize to hermione for calling her mudblood like a gazillion times in cursed child i can’t remember that’s not important this ain’t about draco.
…as Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason at all.
(Philosopher’s Stone, pg 163)
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