#also i love jess chambers and i want to see more of them in flashfam content!!!!
corner-stories · 3 years
flashfam for the fandom thingy
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Bart Allen! When I was a wee little fecker I picked up JT Krul's TT run (i.e the best run of TT v3, no i don't take criticism) and I found Bart's charm and quips to be very appealing. All in all I find Krul's take on Bart to be very underrated.
Of course, like every good Bart fan I checked out YJ and fell in love with him even more. The scene where he gets hit in the head and thinks he's Batman sticks out to me the most.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Barry tbh
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
When I was watching the Flash TV show I found Barry and Iris to be cute but the more I think about how they're technically adopted siblings the more I feel very meh about the ship.
my ultimate favorite character™:
I also love Irey as well
prettiest character:
Jesse Chambers drawn by Travis Moore in the Liberty Belle and Hourman series is *chef's kiss* That Alex Ross cover of hers is very pretty as well.
Jesse's a legit snack, why do all DC artists gotta give her horrible outfits?
my most hated character:
Dan Dildo
my OTP:
Wally/Linda makes my heart very warm, but I gotta admit I've been into Bart/Rose Wilson since I was a teen and I still kinda love 'em now.
Also who doesn't love Jay and Joan?
my NOTP:
Don't really have one but I'm not into Iris/Barry compared to other Flashfam ships
favorite episode:
That issue after Wally and Linda's get hitched where Jay retells what happened on him and Joan's wedding night. It's just fun and you know that he retold that story at Jesse's wedding.
saddest death:
Bart's death in Fastest Man Alive (even tho no one read that series) and also his sacrifice at the end of Kid Flash Lost makes me very upset.
Bart has literally died twice, what else does DC want from him???
favorite season:
Idk if this counts but I'm fond of the Liberty Belle and Hourman side series bc it gives Jesse the spotlight (ya the hubs is there but who cares) and characterizes her as both a dorky nerd (like in her 90s JSA days) and a workaholic hardass (like how we know her today)
least favorite season:
Towards the end of Wally's run post Infinite Crisis after Mark Waid left. Apparently DC stopped caring about the series and just threw random writers onto it.
Also Bart's run as the Flash in Fastest Man Alive is boring, him being written OOC aside. No wonder the Bart fandom doesn't like to talk about it.
Altho I will forever argue that Bart as The Flash had POTENTIAL GODDAMIT.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
It's not really the fandom but I think it's kinda clear that Barry ranks kinda low in all my fave flashes.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
I'm not too big on Eobard Thawne but the meme of "IT WAS MEEEE, BARRY" kinda makes me like the guy
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
*gestures to Jesse and Irey* y'all were full of potential but DC just didn't care
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Don't really have any
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
After re-reading the '92 JSA series I can kinda see why people ship Jesse and Wally. I'm surprised that in all the multiverses out there there's only one (the Arrowverse) where Jesse and Wally end up together, but that doesn't even last for long
But hey, I ain't gonna complain when WallyLinda and JesseRick and canon
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