#also i loveee alice so no shade to her but why dont yall extend the same grace to ryan as you do to alice - oh wait i know
Ryan Racism
The way yall don’t understand Ryan and actually are committed to misunderstanding her and mislabeling her motives is annoying. If she was yt I don’t think yall would be reaching this hard to paint her in such a negative light. And i’m speaking to everybody on this. Internalization runs deep. I’ve seen just as many Black folks not liking Ryan too. I think yall are really forcing it calling her emotionally manipulative, a user and abusive. I’ve been in emotionally abusive and manipulative relationships this is not that. First of all her and Sophie aren’t even really in a relationship right now as they are barely friends. Second, Ryan doesn’t have to be nice to Sophie. Sophie has acted like a typical Crow to Ryan in the past, and even said herself that Ryan had no future and was basically some thug. So I’m sorry if Ryan doesn’t kiss Sophie’s ass every time she sees her. Like can yall understand that Sophie just quit the Crows last week -_- don’t act like she’s been miss perfect this whole time. Also they both have “used’ each other to the others benefit. Sophie and Ryan’s “relationship/partnership” whatever you want to call it has pretty much been - Hey I can’t stand you but I need you right now. 
I also love how if Ryan shows Sophie any kindness for helping her or being on her side yall are like WOAH WOAH WAIT I THOUGHT SHE HATED SOPHIE NOW SHE JUST LOVES HER BECAUSE SOPHIE IS DOING WHAT SHE WANTS HOW ABUSIVE!! Like Jezusss let the girl have emotions. I already explained this in another post but Ryan has mixed feelings when it comes to Sophie and the Crows. So if and when Sophie does helps Ryan out GOOD but also when she’s not helping it’s like ok fuk you Crowphie why are you in my house (and honestly why are we acting like this was said with so much malice, she was literally almost teasing at this point and just being a little shit. if this was a yt girl yall would eat it up). What people fail to mention tho is that Sophie also has the same mixed emotions for Ryan. Because not too long ago she was throwing Ryan in jail and profiling her. They both have mixed emotions about each other and it comes out at different times. Ryan has stronger emotions about it because she was the one being locked up and profiled- BY SOPHIE (something yall casually fail to mention). 2.15 also SHOWS us why Ryan is so pissed, and why she has her guard up with Sophie (actually nearly every episode shows us why the Crows are trash). Yes Sophie has come through for Ryan but she’s still a Crow. And Sophie was actively choosing to be a Crow DESPITE everything. It had to take all of this for Sophie to come to her senses. I’d be irritated with her too and I’d make it known. *NOW* if after this episode, Ryan is still taking shots at Sophie or if she blames her for what happened to Luke THEN I would be upset with her. But right now she’s not done anything to warrant the hate. Also let me not mention how yall love Alice and she can do no wrong but you hate Ryan. And please don’t say it’s because she is the villain. It’s because she’s white and yall allow it. Next.
I hate how people think that if Ryan doesn’t kiss Sophie’s ass every time she sees her that she’s an angry moody aggressive manipulative Black girl. Ryan is allowed to harp on the fact that Sophie was working with the fuked up white supremacist Crows. Ryan is allowed to not want Sophie in her place. Also let’s stop acting like Ryan was cussing Sophie out and degrading Sophie and trashing her and making her cry every second. Sophie is grown. If she didn’t like Ryan or didn’t like how Ryan treated her she would have left the hang out, she would have not helped Ryan, she wouldn’t keep hanging out and having drinks with her. Yall actin like Ryan is a bully and like Sophie is some poor helpless little lamb is weird. 
Darker skin Black girls and women are misunderstood, misrepresented, and often hated. If we speak our minds we have attitudes, if we argue or we’re sassy or we just don’t take people’s shit then we’re mean and nasty, aggressive, hostile, and abusive. We don’t have to look any farther than Makhia Bryant to know that internalization runs deep and it’s often other Black women. I had to make this post because I’m noticing far too many people in this fandom hate Ryan simply because of her tone. She’s not an easy pill to swallow and she talks back and speaks her mind.She holds grudges and she’s a sass master and yall hate it. I feel like once again if Ryan was yt, more people would be calling her behavior towards Sophie, flirting, or you’d be coming up with reasons as to why she was acting the way she was. But instead, Ryan gets no grace or empathy. People just look for ways to crucify her and I can’t help but think it’s because she is a darker skinned Black woman and she is not docile. 
One last thing: I’m thinking about when Sophie says her and Ryan aren’t happening, “not even an enemies to lovers maybe” SHE CALLED RYAN HER ENEMY. Like pls stop acting like Ryan is just some big bully and oh poor Sophie. These two take the piss out of each other and give each other shit. Don’t make it into some “abusive” thing. 🙄
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