#also i need to change kyla’s color
biosims · 7 months
i have like three posts scheduled that i’m too lazy to go back and edit,,,, so next week i reckon i’ll start putting transcripts under the cut cuz text on the screenshots get hard to read sometimes lol
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poeticandors · 5 years
Come What May Part 2
Poe Dameron x F!Reader (Moulin Rouge!AU)
Summary: You and Poe are sent undercover in order to gain information about the First Order and hope to recruit. But what begins to bloom as you and Poe continue to work closer throughout this mission? And, what happens when you happen to catch the eye of one of the most dangerous men?
Warnings: mature themes, mentions of drug use (like one little sentence), sexual harassment (y/n gets groped) 
A/N: Listen, listen. This is going to be some slow burn shit so… bear with me here because trust me I am also getting impatient and just want them to hurry up and exclaim their love for one another. 
Part 1
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The Crimson Club was unrecognizable at night from when you came in during the afternoon.  As you made your way down the hallway, you saw a Twi’lek pressed up against the wall, kissing her very eager partner deeply. Another pair stood around, the man taking a hit of spice and puffing it out, right into his companion’s mouth who gladly accepted it. Other women were standing around, flirting with whomever and flaunting their assets. Trying to avoid their gaze, you made your way with Poe walking next to you. 
Poe gave you a rundown of what would happen tonight— you were to go on stage, get introduced, and then saunter your way along the lounge area to catch the many eyes around. It was also your job to talk to the workers, get any information you could and determine who to trust. While you were doing that, Poe would stay close by, scanning the area for any First Order officers.  
As you continued walking with Poe, you could feel his eyes on you. He had been sure to check on you every now and then before you made your way down, making sure you were still okay and if you needed anything. He even offered to help you with your dress, which you respectfully refused. It had been sweet really, but you didn’t think much of it. Poe was genuinely a nice guy, at least that’s what you’ve gotten to know about him the last few months.
You thought back to before you arrived at the Crimson Club. How before every mission brief, Poe would come in and hand you a cup of caf or even a small bowl of fruit (how he came by it, you never questioned) or nutrition bars. Or how he would even go out of his way to talk to you outside mission briefs, whether it was a quick hi or a moment to talk about the mission, or even to try and get to know a bit about each other. You never asked him to, he just did. 
“You okay?” He asks, probably for the fifth time.
“Perfectly fine, can’t you tell?” 
You look up at him as he lets out an amused chuckle from your reply. It was… a nice sound, especially considering the situation. A man dunk out of his mind and one of your coworkers stumbled between you and Poe, and Poe was quick to wipe the smirk off his face into a scowl. As soon as they walked past, Poe leaned in close to you.
“If you need anything—“
“I’ll make sure to order a red drink from the bar. And that’s only if I decide to stay longer than planned.” 
“I’ll be close by.” 
“I know you will.” 
You turn to gaze up at him once more, both your stares lingering for a moment. You waited for him to speak first, but all he did was give a slight nod before moving to open the side door to the stage. 
Everyone was rushing around to get to their assigned places. Names were being yelled out and laughs echoed around as Poe led you through. A few of the girls flash looks your way— some friendly, and some not so friendly. As much as you didn’t want to be right, you knew why they were watching you, they had been since you first arrived. They already had to deal with one who was seen as the more desired one, and then they were rid of her. Now, here you were— claiming that spot and worrying them into thinking their clients will be too focused on you instead of them. 
If only they knew you wanted the complete opposite of that. 
Turning away from them, you continued to look around when someone bumped into you from behind, and you quickly turned. Poe, faster and on high alert, made sure to put himself between you and the culprit.
“O-oh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you!” A nervous Rodian stammers. 
“It’s alright,” you hold your hand out, pushing Poe’s arm down. “It was an accident. What’s your name?” 
“R-Rix. I’m Rix Harik. I’m the… well, I work back here on the stage.”
You notice the way he grips his holopad, and give him a warm smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Rix. I’m—“
“Kyla,” he nods. “I know… well, everyone here knows who you are.” 
“Right. Well… this is Tel. He’s my escort.”
Rix glances at Poe. “G-good to meet you both.” 
“You too.”
Just as you go to speak, you hear two loud claps followed by the booming voice of Boz behind you. 
“Places everyone! Where is— Ah!” He grins as he spots you. “There’s our Sparkling Kyber!” 
Boz comes up, taking your hand, and twirling you around. You feign a laugh, stopping and steadying yourself. 
“Now, are we ready for tonight?” 
“Of course, and thank you for this wonderful dress.”
“Only the best for our new crowd-pleaser. Red is definitely your color.”
While you flash a mischievous smile, Poe happens to clear his throat. It catches both yours and Boz’s attention, and he straightens up. 
“I believe Rix was just about to mention that it’s almost time,” Poe says. Rix glances between Poe and Boz, gripping his holopad anxiously. 
“Y-yes, sir. It is about that—”
“Well, why didn’t you say so?!” Boz asks loudly, causing Rix to jump. “Let’s move it everyone!”
You had never seen a group move that fast; it reminded you of a small memory of your first day in the Resistance. Your first day after volunteering, seeing everyone run to their stations and attend to their duties. It wasn’t necessarily an exciting memory, but it was still a momentous one nonetheless— the first step to lead you where you are now.
Rix is quick to move after you give him another smile, and Boz turns back to you, a cunning smile. 
“Now, my darling, let’s show everyone what they came here for.” 
He holds his arm out for you, and you slide yours around his. Glancing back at Poe, he gives a curt nod before you follow Boz away. Poe keeps his eyes on you for a moment, then feels someone run their hand up his arm. Looking down, he sees one of the other women— her name escaping him— looking up at him, one corner of her painted red lips quirked up.
“Oh, come on sweet cheeks. Don’t pout now that the boss man took your sweetheart from you,” she teases. 
Poe shakes his head. “Oh, no—“
“I’ve seen that longing look many times before. You’re not fooling anyone.”
“She’s not my sweetheart. I’m her escort,” Poe speaks quickly. She hums in response, not quite believing his answer, but loops her arm around his.
“Well, then... lucky me,” she winks. “Then how about we—“
“I’m sorry, I have to work.”
Poe pulls his arm from her grasp, straightening his suit before he walks off. He hears her give out a taunting chuckle.
 “You know where to find me later! Just call out for Jeza!” She calls out.
Jeza, that was her name, Poe thinks as he walks away, turning into the lounge.
Music bursts throughout the room as the curtains are drawn, and Poe watches as everyone on stage begins dancing around. Dresses twirling, legs kicking up high— everyone was entranced. The rest of the women entertaining the patrons pulled them up to dance while others stayed and charmed at the bar. Bright, colorful lights illuminated the room, shining on those along the dance floor. Smoke lingers in the air, and Poe finds himself standing against the back wall, observing everyone while also having a clear view of the stage. Scanning the room, Poe’s eyes land on a few recognizable uniforms. 
He watches as two of the First Order officers clink together their small glasses, throwing back a light blue colored drink while motioning for the bar-tending droid for another round. Meanwhile, the other was enjoying the presence of a different Twi’lek girl. Poe became amused at the thought of how General Hugs Hux would react at the thought of his officers in such a place as this, not adhering proper protocol.
The music suddenly changes, and the lights dim— a single spotlight shining on the stage. Everyone becomes silent as the entertainers on the stage slowly part ways, clearing a path center stage. Boz steps forward, his arms out as his voice booms around the room.
“Ladies and gentleman, we have a special treat for you tonight and many more nights after this. May I present to you, our Sparkling Kyber. The one, the only… Kyla.” 
The room becomes alive again and everyone cheers as you walk along the stage, your red dress glittering as the spotlight shines against you. Poe keeps his eyes on you, watching as Baz holds his hand out for you to grab, and spins you around— causing the crowd to go wild. 
As you steady yourself, you keep your smile as your eyes somehow find Poe’s in the midst of the crowd. Not paying any mind to the roar of the crowd and the change in music, you allow Boz to lead you down off the stage onto the floor, and your gaze doesn’t stray away from Poe’s. You watch as Poe gives a slight nod, before you turn to face Boz. 
“I think I’ll go entertain at the bar. I’m absolutely parched.” 
“Of course my dear,” Boz slips his hand away from yours as you walk off. 
Everyone is back on the dance floor, bodies brushing against yours as you try to push through the crowd. While you noticed a few of your coworkers didn’t seem to mind the stray touches as they walked by, you were becoming infuriated.  A few of the men ogle at you, a couple asking for a dance or offering to buy you a drink which you ’graciously’ declined. They didn’t seem to be disheartened by it, they just wanted to be seen talking to you. 
You could feel yourself slowly becoming overwhelmed— all the bodies surrounding you, the looks and noises everyone was throwing your way— but you kept it hidden as you walked past everyone, still flashing a dashing smile. All you wanted was to get out of there, to be safe in the comfort of your quarters or even… even Poe’s presence. 
Looking up, you saw he was still in the same spot he was earlier, keeping his gaze hardened as he watches you make your way towards him. He tilts his head and you nod. He seems to understand, as he starts walking past a group to you, and you feel a sense of relief. 
But suddenly you’re frozen in place, a sickening feeling hits the pit of your stomach as you feel someone grope you from behind. Fists clenched, you can feel the bile rise to the back of your throat at the sound of a man’s voice whispering in your ear, the smell of alcohol hitting you hard. You don’t even hear what he says to you— and you definitely don’t see the way Poe begins pushing past those in his way to get to you— because you’re absolutely enraged.
And it’s already too late because the next thing you do is just react the best way you know how. 
You grip the man’s wrist, twisting around until you hear the sound of his pleading cry paired with a sickening crack. You don’t even care at the amount of eyes that are now on you because all you are seeing is red as deep as the shade of your dress. The man falls to his knees, and you keep a tight grip around his surely broken wrist as you lean down, gritting your teeth. 
“Don’t ever kriffing touch me again, got it?” You snarl, nails digging into the man’s skin. Before the man even responds, you hear Poe’s voice as he calls out your— Kyla’s— name. 
Following his voice, you see Poe standing there, eyes wide— in shock or awe, you’re not quite sure— as he stares at you. It’s then that you finally realize what’s happened, and Poe rushes towards you. Poe shoves the man to the ground and you finally release the man’s wrist as he falls back. Two other security guards are quick to apprehend the intoxicated man, dragging him away. 
You feel each and every pair of eyes on you, but their attention is diverted back to the stage as Boz claps and says something you don’t quite hear. Whatever it was, has the crowd back to before as if nothing had happened, and the music started up again. 
Hands shaking and your breath coming out short from how tight your throat gets now, your emotions get the better of you. You stumble against Poe, who hesitates to gently pull you towards him until you initiate by grabbing his arm. 
“It’s okay. S’okay,” he whispers, holding you upright. “Let’s go.” 
You aren’t sure if you nod or not, but Poe is quick to lead you away from the crowd anyway. The biggest challenge was trying to seem unfazed by the incident, but when most of your coworkers give you sympathetic looks while others roll their eyes, it becomes hard. All you can do is cling onto Poe, who stays silent as he leads you out of the lounge and into the elevator. The entire ride you don’t say anything, and Poe doesn’t poke to try and get you to either. He just continues to hold you close to him, comforting you as best as he can. 
But then everything hits you all at once, and suddenly you find yourself burying your face into Poe’s chest, gripping tightly onto his jacket. You don’t even know why you’re crying, you’re usually so composed. Poe sighs softly as you let out a choked sob, running his hand up and down your back. Poe keeps his arm around you the entire ride up, the entire walk down the hallway, and even after you walk into the Crimson Room. 
Even as you continue to hold tightly onto Poe, he doesn’t pull back. His hands run up your back to your shoulders.
“Hey… hey, Y/N? Look at me.” 
It takes a moment, but you finally look up at Poe— his eyes staring deep into yours. The room is quiet, Poe waits for you to speak first because of course he does. You only just realize how close you are, if you just leaned forward a bit more…
What? No, why would you even think that?
“Are you okay?”
Sniffling, you wipe the tears from your cheeks as you take a step back. “I’m so sorry, I don’t—”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare apologize,” Poe shakes his head, his voice stern and demanding. 
“I probably blew our cover—”
“You didn’t, sweetheart. And it doesn’t matter. That guy had no right to put his hands on you. No one does without your permission.”
The name catches you off-guard, but you brush it off as you move to sit down on the bed. An exhausted breath escapes you, and you rub your temple. Poe sits down as well, leaving space between the both of you.
“...To be honest, I was pretty impressed with the way you snapped his wrist,” Poe says, and you can’t help but scoff as you tilt your chin to look at him. 
“Really,” he smirks. “And I was really hoping that you were going to punch him, too.”
“I really wanted to.”
“I would’ve given anything to see that.”
In that split moment, you weren’t quite sure what was happening. Yes, of course Poe was being sweet and reassuring, but you weren’t sure why. You did almost risk blowing your cover, after all. Shouldn’t he be reprimanding you for that? 
Clearing your throat, you decide now would be a good time to stand, and smooth down the front of your dress. “I’m actually quite tired. You know, after having an… eventful night and all.” 
“Right, yes... “ Poe pushes off the mattress, making his way to the door. “I’ll just—”
Poe stops in his tracks and faces you, watching as you shift in place and fiddle with your fingernails. 
“Could you… help me with my dress? It’s just… it laces in the back and I can’t really reach.”
“...Yeah, of course.” 
Poe walks back up to you as you turn away from him, exposing the back of the dress to him. You feel him behind you, feeling his hands begin to undo the laces slowly. He’s being careful, you notice. Careful not to touch any of your bare skin, careful not to pull too hard on the strings. 
For a moment, you wonder what it would feel like if he did touch you, but you shake that thought away instantly.
As you feel the dress loosen, you hold the front up, and Poe’s hands pull away. 
“Alright, I’ll… I’ll go ahead and take my leave,” he says as you face him again. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m better now,” you nod. “Thank you.”
“I’ll always be there, okay? If you need anything.”
“I know you will.”
Poe gives a light smile, lingering in place a bit before finally taking his leave. As the doors whoosh behind him, you’re left alone with your mind racing about the events tonight. It couldn’t get worse, could it?  
FIC TAGLIST: @tintinwrites​ @sheridans-dynamos​ @agoldpixie​ @shakespeareanwannabe​ @starkiller-queen​ @netflixandsnuggle​ @nowheredreamer​ @blackhawklove​ @jennibradley​ @rewritingstars​ @chewymoustachio​ @iamaunicorn4704
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crowdvscritic · 5 years
round up // FEBRUARY 20
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On Wednesdays we wear pink, and in February, I stay inside and watch Turner Classic Movies because it’s too gosh-darn cold to do anything else. I watched almost as many movies as days in this month, largely thanks to TCM’s 31 Days of Oscar. A few things I learned:
As much as I enjoy a good TV binge, I enjoy the satisfaction of a movie's end more.
Thank goodness TCM shows good movies when the theatres seem barren of them.
If anyone says women’s complaints about their depiction in Hollywood are overblown, I’d challenge them to watch my month’s lineup. Most female characters were basically non-existent or defined as objects of desire no matter what decade the movies were from.
In February, I also watch the Academy Awards. Most of the movies here were nominated for Oscars, but I’m also recommending a few more pop culture picks (including TV, social media, a book, articles, and music) for the month.
February Crowd-Pleasers
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The Imagineering Story (2019)
The Imagineering Story tells the story behind the creation of Disney theme parks, with the greatest highlight of showing you how attractions are designed. Is this shameless Disney marketing on the Disney+ streaming service? Yep, but it’s so well done that for a moment I forgot about their unsettling takeover of the entertainment industry and wanted to quit everything I was doing to go work for them.
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This Knives Out Sequel Twitter Thread
The Internet can be a scary place, but this thread reminds us the fun things that can happen when tons of strangers come together. My recommendation was Knives Out: In 2 the Donut Hole, but that’s mostly because someone beat me to Knives Out 2: Adam Driver Is In It.
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Classic Action Double Feature: The Magnificent Seven (1960) and The Dirty Dozen (1967)
Your girl loves star-studded team-ups, and it’s never better than when an action movie rounds up its squad of special skills. Also a Charles Bronson double feature! (Bonus: I recommend checking out the 2016 Magnificent Seven remake for a reevaluation of some of the elements that haven’t aged well in the original.)
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Classic Comedy Double Feature: Moonstruck (1987) and Road to Morocco (1942)
Moonstruck is like My Big Fat Greek Wedding meets While You Were Sleeping, and Cher’s 1980s hair is a mood. (Arguably, so is Nicolas Cage’s chest hair.) Road to Morocco is like Airplane! meets Aladdin, and the silliness has hardly aged thanks to the talents of Bing Crosby and Bob Hope.
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Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee
The science of joy? This non-fiction book is as fun a read as it should be! It’s not providing answers to deep questions of philosophy, but it’s about a philosophy that can bring life changes. I was amazed by stories of how bright colors, circular spaces, and Northern Lights can inspire joy no matter what your circumstances are. The only problem with this book is that you constantly want to Google every beautiful things she is describing—maybe we need a big coffee table book with photos as a second edition?
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'90s Action Double Feature:Tremors (1990) and The Fugitive (1993)
You know a movie's good when you tense up even though you know what's coming. I'd caught bits and pieces of The Fugitive on TV, but this Harrison Ford/Tommy Lee Jones standoff still sucked me in when I watched it start-to-finish. Tremors is not a good movie—this is a movie so bad it’s great. If on some Friday night you need a big, dumb action movie with terrible dialogue, a monster created with dated special effects, and forgettable characters getting picked off one by one and coasts entirely on the charisma of Kevin Bacon and Reba McEntire (???), have I got the movie for you!
February Critic Picks
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These Pieces on the Grammys Controversy
The New York Times and Variety wrote about why the firing of President/CEO Deborah Dugan and her subsequent lawsuit won’t be disappearing even though the Recording Academy is trying hard as heck to do that. As one too invested in how the arts are recognized and celebrated, I’m paying attention to what appears to be a scandal just waiting to be uncovered.
“Can the Grammys Be Trusted?” by Jon Caramanica (The New York Times)
“The Grammys May Be Over, but the Recording Academy Scandal Isn’t” by Jem Aswad (Variety)
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Dark Passage (1947)
An exception to the trend of weak female roles in the films I watched this month. Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart re-team for their third film (of four) together in this romantic film noir. Bogart plays a wrongfully accused escaped convict, and Bacall is the woman who helps him keep his cover. The unconventional first-person camera angles at the beginning will catch your attention, but their chemistry will keep you invested till the end.
The Oscars
The 2020 Oscars ceremony was one of the most bonkers ceremonies in recent memory. Bonkers is preferable to boring, and I love any night celebrating movies, so I have very few complaints about an evening spent with friends eating movie-themed snacks. (Anyone care for an Adam Screw-Driver?) My favorite moments came thanks to Bong Joon Ho, especially his wins for Best Original Screenplay and Best Director.
The French Dispatch Trailer (2020)
A star-studded team-up about Midwestern journalists from the aesthetically-pleasing mind of Wes Anderson? Take my money!
Classic War Comedy Double Feature: Life Is Beautiful (1997) and Dr. Strangelove (1964)
They were both nominated for Best Picture, and they both find humor in the darkest of war. In Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è Bella), a father transforms a Nazi concentration camp into a game to save his son’s innocence. In Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, a bunch of incompetent leaders try to prevent nuclear war. Neither sounds funny, but they pull it off with delicate execution. (Bonus: Enjoy Robert Benigni winning an Oscar!)
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The Slow Rush by Tame Impala
As my brother would say, this album slaps.
Leap Day Bonus
“What a Man Gotta Do” by the Jonas Brothers
My apologies to the Jo Bros for forgetting to include this in my January Round Up—this movie-inspired music video is a treat.
Also in February…
Yes, I love the Oscars, but considering how much viewership went down, it seems the Academy could do more to draw people in. One of my favorite film podcasts inspired me to brainstorm seven ways the Oscars could make the public care again in a piece for ZekeFilm.
The writers of ZekeFilm counted down our favorite films of 2019, most of which you can find on streaming now.
Kyla and I discussed a rock ‘n’ roll documentary and a camp classic on SO IT’S A SHOW? this month.
If you want to see the full list of movies I watched this month, you can find it on Letterboxd.
Photo credits: Grammys, Tame Impala. Joyful my own. All others IMDb.com.
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tetelfuentes · 5 years
Be My Forever, Friend.
Sometime a long time ago, there was a girl named Nissi.  She was very kind, cheerful and friendly.  Aside from being cheerful and kind, she’s clever and very talented.  As a daughter, she is so obedient and helpful to her parents.  And as a student, she is so hardworking and diligent with her studies, that is why she’s always in Honors List at their school.  As a friend, she is so considerate and understanding with her friends.   One day, there was her classmate at kindergarten who eventually became her best friend.   Her name is Kyla.  Kyla was so energetic.  Nissi became closer to her because Kyla is so friendly and bubbly.  For Nissi, Kyla is the kind of person that is so trustworthy and dependable.  They were very close to each other.   Their parents were closer too and they’ve got to bond with each other on some occasions and in the classroom during school activities.   As time goes by, Nissi and Kyla have treated each other like a sister. They’ve always telling and keeping secrets with each other.  When one of them has a problem they comforted each other. When there are some projects or assignments, they always hand in hand helping each other to have it finished.  Sometimes they share their secrets and talk about their crushes in other sections and talking about kpops, news, entertainments, and other interesting stuff.  They were always being together and treating themselves like there is no someone else. But things have changed until such time wherein an instance happened between the two of them and unexpectedly have gotten wrong about their friendship.  And it seemed everything was changed in just a blink of an eye. One day… “Hello, Kyla!” greeted Nissi.  “Hi!” answered Kyla.  “Fren, do we have any assignments or projects?” Nissi asked.  “None.” She answered.  But Nissi didn’t satisfy Kyla’s answer and it took her to ask her other classmates.   “Guys, do we have assignments or projects?“ she asked.  “Yes, there is” they replied.   Feeling disappointed about Kyla's response to her question, it took Nissi to confront her drastically. “Hey, Kyla what makes you treat me this way? I’ve asked you if do we have an assignment or project and you answered me there was none? Why?  And when I asked our classmates, there is.  Why are you lying to me?” But Kyla just answered sarcastically, “Oh? Okay,” Nissi began to feel annoyed with Kyla but still continued to ask her.  “Are you done with the assignment?” “Yes,”  Kyla replied.  Nissi reacted:  “See! I thought we really have no assignment because you said it?”   But Kyla continued ignoring Nissi as if nothing has happened. At first, Nissi felt strange about her.  Then she realized that it all started when she got the first place in their Honors List while Kyla didn’t make it after she tried so many times just to be in the Honors List.  From that time, everything was changed.  Nissi then had in her mind of what makes Kyla so sad and became indifferent, it’s because she doesn’t want to be surpassed or outshined by Nissi.  She doesn’t want Nissi to be on the top while she herself was not.  Kyla was always striving to be on the top or even at top1 just to make her parents proud of her.   From that time on, Kyla always gave Nissi an annoying look and even staring her angrily.   But Nissi keeps on ignoring her and thinks Kyla is just jealous of her for being on the top list.   But there were times that their way comes across with each other. “Hi! Kyla.”  greeted Nissi.  But Kyla seemed didn’t mind.  Nissi then felt their friendship became cold and can’t feel any more warmness as if it was like before. Nissi became sad about what their friendship going through. She felt the coldness between them and don't want their friendship just ending up like this because she considered Kyla as her only one bff.  She realized that she wanted to talk to Kyla and wanted to ask her about, what's wrong between the two of them.  But Nissi has a problem because Kyla was kept on ignoring her and refused to talk to her. Until one day, Nissi saw Kyla's crush.  His name is John.  Nissi felt walking towards her.  And she’s right.  John approached her and they we’re just talking about stuff. John is smart, handsome and caring.  Unexpectedly, after Nissi got home, John’s name pops up in Nissi’s messenger and chatted Nissi. “Hello!” chatted John.  “Hi” replied Nissi. John began to be more concerned about Nissi and began asking if Nissi had already taken her dinner.   “You ate already?” asked John.  “Be sure to eat your meal, huh.  And after you eat you do your homework.  Do not forget!” reminder of John to Nissi.  John began to be more concerned about Nissi like reminding her to take care of herself. At first, Nissi felt weird about things to go around between the two of them.  He felt so awkward knowing that John is Kyla’s ultimate campus crush.  But things then changed because every time they talked, Nissi felt something and her heart is beating so fast.  She realized that she begins to like him.  So when the time has come that John courted Nissi, she also confesses to him that she also liked him.  That is why the two of them become officially on. “Nissi, thank you very much for accepting me.  I didn’t expect.” John gratefully stated.  “Yes, you’re welcome” replied Nissi. Nissi’s days became more colorful and exciting.  She always felt how beautiful life is because of her feeling so in love with John.  John is feeling the same way of what Nissi did.  They’re so in love with each other and became sweeter and sweeter as time goes by. One day, John called Nissi.   “Hello! Nissi can we go to lunch later?” asked John.  “Yes, sure.” accept Nissi. While at the restaurant Nissi and John were intimate while taking their lunch.  They’re closer to each other and were happy together.  Until suddenly, Kyla aggressively grabbing Nissi’s hair. “What’s wrong Kyla?  Did I do something wrong with you?” Nissi confronted her.   “Why are you with him? Huh? Are you flirting with him?” Kyla indignantly asked.   “What? Haven’t you have known that we’re in a relationship?” Nissi proudly proclaiming.  “What?” Kyla is confused and can’t accept that it’s a reality. And John gets Kyla's hands-off from Nissi and restrained Kyla from Nissi.  “Would you please stop?  Look at the people around us they’re watching. Why are you making such a scene? Aren’t you seeing us we’re so happy until you came and ruin that happiness?  Can you just go out and leave us alone?”  John drastically instructs Kyla.  “But you said you love me.” Kyla tried insisted.  “Tell me that all of these are just a joke.  That you to be with Nissi right now and all of that is just a joke. John! These are all a joke?  Aren’t they?  How dare you to play with me and my feelings, John?  You know that I have a feeling with you.  And now?... This is just a waste.  After all these years, I’d just been wasting my time with you, John... Kyla cried out.  “Kyla, I’m sorry, I love Nissi” John stated.   Kyla then cried so hard and walked out embarrassed and tearfully. “Why did you do this?  To me?  To Kyla?”  Nissi confronted John. “Do what?” John asked.   Nissi continued.  “Why did you use her?  You know she's my best friend and you use her just to be with me?”  You know, I don’t want this.  I don’t want to be happy while there’s somebody who got hurt by all of these.  Now I’m decided.  I'm breaking up with you.  Let’s just stop here, okay!  You know, she's more important than you!”   Nissi then walked out of the restaurant. Despite John was following her chasing her at the mall just to ask for forgiveness, Nissi finally decided that she will never entertain him anymore.  Never hear his excuses anymore.   Until Nissi decided to block him off from all social media communications. Nissi just hates him for using her best friend for his personal interest which makes her bff so hurt.   She came to choose her best friend because for Nissi Lyka is the only one she can depend on everything.  And she wanted that their friendship would be back as if it was used to. Then, their breakup came to the knowledge of her best friend, Lyka. One day Nissi tried to drop a message to Kyla in a messenger.  “Hello, Kyla!  How are you?  I hope you’re doing fine.  And…I missed you, my friend!”  She chatted.   “Hi, bff!  I’m really fine.  I missed you too!”  Kyla replied.   Then unconsciously tears felt down in Nissi’s crying eyes.  Because she wasn’t expecting how Kyla responded to her chat.  Nissi explained, “You know Kyla, I didn’t mean to hurt you.  It’s just that… I didn’t know about between you and John.  And he never told me anything…and…”  “No, don’t be sorry” Kyla interrupted.  “No need to say sorry.  I understand.  FRIENDS AGAIN?” Kyla asked.  “Yes, yes, yes BFF!!!  of course, of course, of course!  Nissi exclaimed happily.
And they are happy together again.
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okietokiee · 5 years
21 Questions!
I was tagged by @klokbloked :D Thank you!
1) Nicknames: Kyle and Kyla and some variations of those mostly
2) Height: 5’0 ;-;
3) Last Movie I saw: Glass (It was my 4th re-watch and I loved it)
4) Favorite artists: I won’t @ bc I don’t wanna bother them :’) buuutt nairaneko, sonderrbeee, pinyapdraws, fairy-of-matter, and misudrawsshit <3
5) The song stuck in my head: Nine Inch Nail’s cover of Physical !! It’s such a skwistok song !!
6) Do I get asks?: Not really, but I wouldn’t mind if you guys sent them !
7) Other blogs:
These are older fandom blogs I had that I don’t really use anymore, but if you wanna check them out:
@mashneto (x-men), @cannibal-graham (Hannibal), @sir-eggsy (kingsman), @prince-patroclus (Les Mis/SoA)
8) Following: about 240
9) Amount of sleep: depends on what I’m doing the next day :P
10) What I’m wearing: pajama shorts and my slayer crop top
11) Dream Job: Forensic Pathologist
12) Favorite Food: taho (really yummy Filipino dessert!!) and Nutella crepes
13) Dream Trip: i feel like I already had it because I went to Japan last year and this January too ;o; but I guess it would be awesome to visit it again?? Maybe Europe too!
14) Play any instruments: violin and ukulele barely lol, but I really wanna learn the electric guitar
15) Languages: English, limited Tagalog, and limited Spanish :P
16) Favorite Songs: asjdkfbg This changes so much tbh, but my favorite songs are usually from the bands Nine Inch Nails, Amon Amarth, Gojira, Ice Nine Kills, Slayer, Behemoth, and Cannibal Corpse
17) Random Fact: I literally haven’t touched tumblr/fandom for over 4 years, and I only started again because I nEEDED somewhere to vent my love for these dumb Dethklok boys ToT I’m really happy to have a fandom to obsess about again, and I find it weird but also fitting that Mtl is the first fandom in 4 years to make me wanna be part of a fandom again :’)
18) Describe yourself as aesthetic things: foggy nights, colorful and overpriced desserts, and fireflies
(There aren’t 21 questions, but I think that’s it 🤔)
I tag: @phantummmutt @fiemaitr0 @danvssomethingorother and whoever else feels like doing this :D
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11humssmabinisblog · 5 years
New Beginnings by Kyla Ffyette T. Adornado
Some of life's most profound lessons can be learned in the most unexpected places if we only take the time to look around us and see with our hearts as well as our eyes.
      On the 15th of October 2016, me and my significant other, Edward decided to go into the nearby beach before we go to our work. Me and Edward are educators. I am teaching Secondary – English and he is teaching Secondary as well but his subject was Mathematics. We realized that we need to unwind and we need to escape from the reality even just a short period of time. At exactly 4 am, our alarm clock has rang and another ordinary day has officially started. After getting ready, I prepared our breakfast that we will be eating as we wait and watch for the sun to rise.  As we arrive at the nearby beach, the defeaning silence has welcomed us. We did not even imagine that we will be finding ourselves sitting in silence at the shore, watching the waves, waiting for the sun to rise, hoping everything would be fine as well as ourselves, however, suddenly, we started to reminisce our childhood but more than that we started to reminisce what we had gone through.
      “ I miss being a kid.”, Edward uttered. “ Likewise. Being a kid is having no worries at any means. No pressure. No expectations. No responsibilities. You just play with your neighbors outside of your house and worry about your mama that tells you to go home before sunset.”, I replied. “ How I wish I could turn back time, to the good old days.”, Edward replied. “ Yes, you can. Unless you are a great inventor that can make a time machine right now.” I jokingly replied. “ You gotta be kidding me huh. But you know, maybe it is just the way of the universe to tell us that life is not perfect and it will never be. Life is not precious and not wonderful the way we expected it to be. “ Edward replied. “ I second the motion. Life just became wonderful and precious because of the people that surrounds us. The people that we have in our life. “ I answered. “ You know, I may not tell you this always, every second or every minute but honestly speaking, I am glad you came. My life has became wonderful and precious since the day that I met you.” Edward replied. I suddenly have nothing to say. I became speechless. I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. We began to act and talk like we are not yet married. Like we’re a couple in high school. “ That made me speechless. I also may not tell to you this always but I am beyond grateful and blessed to have someone like you. To have an understanding, responsible and caring husband. *smiles*”, I responded. “ We came from failed relationships and words are not just enough to express how blessed I am that I have you. Kyla, life may be challenging and testing us again lately but I know we can conquer it because we have each other. I have you.” Edward replied. “Exactly. Maybe this is what I need, this is what you need and what we need. We need to be reminded once again that despite all the trials, obstacles and challenges that the universe and life may give and throw to us, we could definitely conquer it because we have each other. I have you and you have me, always. “ I lovingly answered. “ I could not ask for more, my dear. I firmly believe that everything will be fine and so are we. Maybe we’re just both so exhausted because of our work. I love you to such an extent. We’ll be fine, okay?” Edward responded. As we continue to recall the past and as we sat there watching the ever-changing colors, I realized that tears of pure delight were running down my cheeks. “ I am finally out of words. Keep in mind that we will be still and you will always have me. As I’ve said in our wedding, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”, I warmly responded. We smiled at each other and  Edward suddenly hold my hand. At the midst of our conversation, my phone rang. My co-teacher called and asked me if I will still be going at work. Me and Edward did not notice that it was 8 am already and we’re both late in our first class. Before we leave and go to our work, Edward suddenly uttered “Just like the sun, my dear, it will rise and we will try again. All is well.” “Yep, the sun will rise and we will try again.”, I responded and smiled.
     During my life God has entrusted me and Edward with many challenges. We have learned that facing these challenges developed moral, spiritual, and mental muscle to prepare us for the next gathering storm clouds. We can't think of anything less rewarding than a life lived without benefit of trials and hardships to prepare one for the crises that are bound to come. Without the building of some kind of inner strength, we are as helpless to withstand a sudden personal crisis as is an athlete who enters a sports arena without having developed physical muscles needed to compete in his chosen contest. The contest was lost before it started!
       Life begins as a sunrise. Life lived out, no matter how many years on this earth, is a mere blink of the eye compared to eternity. During the course of that lifetime many changes take place. Sometimes the sun is completely obscured by the storm clouds of life; however, no matter how hard the storms may rage, or how dark the world may become around us, the sun is still shining. It is only temporarily hidden from our view. How wonderful that it always shine again.
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frczenhcartarchive · 7 years
Hello there! I'm really really wanting to join the descendants rp community with a child of Elsa, but I'm seeing a lot of the same things being used and I came across your blog here and fell in love! I was just wondering what to possibly do or not to do when creating my character because your's is so diverse and different and I absolutely am hoping you can help me out!
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this is LITERALLY the sweetest thing i’ve read, and i’ve noticed i’ve got a few of these sitting in my inbox so i figured i’d just answer all of them now. i was an rph for a reason. so consider this KYLA’S GUIDE TO CREATING CHARACTERS. and since descendants is my primary focus in this, please keep this in mind. but i will try to keep this as open to all character types and fandoms as possible.
this will explain step by step how i created my own muse and what i thought of in terms of how i chose his name, personality, appearance and faceclaim. please keep in mind to read ALL THE WAY TO THE END in case i misinformed anything or incorrectly stated anything as i have received hate before and hurtful messages for unknowingly reblogging things and upsetting people.
so let us begin !!
1. THINK ABOUT THE CHARACTER’S PARENTS. in a descendants sort of way, we have to always keep in mind that there are parents involved. whether it be two mothers, two fathers, or a mother and father. even MAL’S FATHER is mentioned in the books. in eldon’s case, i started with hans. but after adding elsa, it changed things. never solely base your character off one parent. if you CHOOSE to have one parent like evie, jay and carlos, or basically every other kid on the isle, please keep in mind that every character has their own personality. do NOT rely solely on the parent’s persona to create the character. it’s not very original and it’s like a copy and pasted version of the parent. 
2. APPEARANCE. i never make the character’s name first, i always start with the appearance. feel FREE to go out of order if you just need help with one thing! but this is where genes take a role. YEP! science is apart of this tutorial! in eldon’s case, a lot of people ask me why he has red hair instead of blonde. ( and it wasn’t just for the lack if blonde male face claims i wanted to choose from ) i kept in mind that elsa had blonde hair because of her powers, BUT blonde hair is a recessive gene, as in even if both parents have dark hair, if there was any sort of blonde hair in their family, the kid can get it. i also noted how a LOT of children of elsa had blonde hair, so i avoided that all together. this is where the other parent comes in handy. hans has RED hair. it’s also a recessive gene, but i found that it’d really make my character look different apposed to his mom’s appearance. 
( CONT. ) putting it all together, you can really just pick and choose what you want. hans has red hair and green eyes while elsa has blonde hair and blue eyes, so instead of solely basing eldon’s appearance on one parent, i mixed and matched. he has red hair and blue eyes. in the part of appearance as well, you want to keep in mind that it’s not just about the hair color and eye color. NOTICE their features. do they look more like their mom or dad? what aspects of their dad do they have? what aspects of their mom do they have? are there any features they have that aren’t their mom’s or dad’s? it help builds a better mental picture of what you want your character to look like! in my case, i presumed eldon looked more like hans with the broad exterior, charming features and the way hans carried himself. though given his facial appearance, he still has a lot of knicks of his dad’s but his facial features give more towards his mom’s side. the previous king of arendelle, elsa’s father, gave eldon his nose, bone structure and could have possibly been the source of his red hair. but eldon’s also been known to have his mom’s eyes. that’s the most notable feature, actually to me. he has elsa’s calculating, protruding eyes.
3. PERSONALITY. this one is what gets me every time. i’ve noticed that a lot of people base their character’s personality PRIMARILY on their parents. a lot of children of elsa ( to my observation ) have a very similar personality to hers. obviously there will be aspects of a parents personality, but REMEMBER, your character isn’t their parent. evie was brought up to want to be the prettiest and thought that she had to be beautiful to get a prince, but while she was discovering herself, she learned to be incredibly bright, intelligent and there was more to her than just her looks. so while some traits are genetic, a lot of a character’s personality is given due to their upbringing. EX. eldon was brought up a lot like elsa was, being shoved behind walls to learn everything in solitude and alone. parents tend to raise their kids as their parents had before them, and while elsa had thought it was the right thing, it turned out to be the wrong thing. not to forget that he’s sent to the Isle for misdemeanor and when he lives with his father, hans does the same thing his own father did by looking to eldon as weak and insolent. this causes eldon to become very reclusive and quiet, primarily callous and mistrustful. while yes, eldon does have some traits from elsa, like his nervousness that gets the best of him from time to time and fear of himself, he also has hans’ personality of being afraid of failure, wanting nothing but to prove his worth to people around him. BUT he also learns that he is independent, strong-willed and wants to help people who are in similar situations that he is in.
4. NAMES. i always find myself falling into this category last. to a lot of people NAMES HAVE MEANING. in the descendants, you notice a lot of the kids have names starting with the same letter as their parents or even the same name as their parents ( ie. gaston jr. ) don’t let this limit you to naming your character. eldon did get his name from his mom’s initials, elsa, but the meaning of his name gives reference to the trolls in frozen that help save anna’s life. eldon is english for ‘from the elves’ valley’, which obviously they’re not elves, but it’s close to mentioning the grove where the trolls were residing and i picked this on purpose because it reminded me of that very situation. i also had mentioned before how his middle name gives reference to elsa as well, as arvid means ‘forest of eagles’ and in american culture, eagles are seen as symbols of freedom. elsa’s want for freedom for her powers i included in eldon’s name.
ALSO. don’t forget that if your character is from a certain ethnic background, it’s a good idea to stay in their country’s language as in eldon’s norwegian heritage plays a part in his name.
5. THINK OF THE LITTLE THINGS. what makes your character like they are? what’s their favorite food? favorite color? what are their hobbies? fears? likes or dislikes? habits? what are they good at? what are they bad at? what would they like to work on? little things like this could make a HUGE difference in how your character interacts or even sees themselves.
6. BIOGRAPHICAL & CHOOSING A FACE CLAIM. i still do make mistakes when it comes to this here. DO NOT STRETCH YOUR FACE CLAIM’S ETHNICITY OR GENDER. i am pulling some strings with using kj apa, as he’s partially samoan but also majority Caucasian, so i’m walking on thin ice here. also, if your character is transgender or non-binary, use a trans!face claim or even a faceclaim who identifies themselves as non-binary. using cis!faceclaims to play trans or non-binary muses can result in insulting muns that are trans or non-binary themselves. IE. my muse moriana is non-binary and her faceclaim is amandla stenberg, who has openly identified as being non-binary.
 if your character’s parent(s) or one of them is african-american and the other is white, that would more than likely make them mixed-raced. i’d recommend keeping your faceclaims the race that their parent is specified, though i did find some place where it’s OKAY to choose their parents’ ethnicity or biographical information ONLY IF they’re ethnicity isn’t stated otherwise. like audrey, aurora’s daughter appears to be mix raced, and her grandmother being african-american also perceives or gives reference to the fact it’s HIGHLY possible aurora is african-american herself. in situations like these, IT’S HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT OFFEND ANYONE’S RACE AND TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE PORTRAYING THEIR CULTURE CORRECTLY. ( me, the mun, am of israeli descent and i sure as hell am not cool of someone portraying my culture the way they want to ) i would highly recommend NOT doing this unless you’ve really dug deep into the biographical studies. i have done it ONCE myself with my daughter of snow white and all i did was created a latinx version of snow white. PLEASE BE CAREFUL IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS. ( i will make the disclaimer that i am in no way encouraging anyone to bend the ethnicity of ANY POC FACE CLAIMS. THIS IS STRICTLY FOR WHITE FACE CLAIMS AND WITH A LOT OF STUDYING AND MAKING SURE IT IS OKAY WITH OTHERS BEFORE YOU DO SO ) 
7. HAVING FUN. after getting all of your character’s information and are happy with what you’ve done, GO OUT AND INTRODUCE THEM TO THE WORLD. roleplaying is one of the BEST ways to understand and work with your character, whether it be an OC or CANON DIVERGENT, you make your character work how you want them to! it’s all about research, learning and finding out how you want your muse or character to be while also being aware of how they can effect those around you!
BONUS. for descendants, children of elsa seem to ALWAYS have the ice magic she possesses, and it’s SUPER ALRIGHT to give your character those powers, but keep in mind it’s also possible they don’t have them. how would they cope with being normal? would they see themselves as ‘different’ opposed to their mom? 
i gave eldon the powers to help me further develop his personality. unlike his mom, he uses his power as a WEAPON but also sees it as a curse. he both fears and abuses his ability and often pays the price for it. depending on how you create your character, you can bend it in all sorts of ways! the sky is the limit though be sure to keep them original and diverse! you want to avoid all sources of mary-sues and gary-stus.
i really hope this has been helpful and i know i am still learning character development myself, IF THERE IS ANY INFORMATION IN HERE THAT IS INCORRECT OR NEEDS TO BE ALTERED, please message me and DO NOT INBOX ME ON ANON OR IN GENERAL. it’s much more civil to let me know 1x1 so i can personally apologize if i may have misinformed or worded something incorrectly.
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feenix-wright · 5 years
I saw this and thought it looked fun (someoneelsemadethis I think their name is at the bottom of p2) Part 1
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I honestly dont know XD it's been a long time
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I can be a bit of both depending on if your someone new but I lean towards outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
All my friend at my next convention <3
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I'd like to think so I never seem to have a problem with people as long as you dont mind my crazy
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Maybe ? I'd hope so if I was left in there care
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Oh, ^////^ um that's alot to unpack but usually outgoing people into the same things I am there more but that's a good overview
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
gosh probably not but you never know love is weird but I also in no rush
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
no one atm but if you count fictional characters Phoenix wright I just saw a cute post
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
depends I dont like talking personal stuff or others personal stuff but in general it's a fine topic
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
A good friend
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
ooof um 1. believe 2. natural 3 bad apple 4. smoke and mirrors 5.duolingo song cover
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
yeah it's nice as long as they ask first
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yes I ask for them sometimes
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I am closer to my friends and farther from some I'm hoping to catch up with alot of them
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah it was my grandma on her cheek :3
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
it would be crazy to say there is not in such a vast universe
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
No idk what even happened to them
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yes they are all very sweet
21. What are you bad habits?
if I'm super excited I will sometimes interrupt the conversation. I also laugh sometimes when I'm nervous
22. Where would you like to travel?
Japan . I'd like to see the tezuka museum
23. Do you have trust issues?
Yes but I'm generally still trusting
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
saying morning to my darling baby birds or flopping into the couch one of the 2
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
hmmmm I'm not really uncomfortable with myself
26. What do you do when you wake up?
planed around work on a normal day maybe between 8 and 10
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I think it's a good color but I'm extra so lighter
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My long time friends and people who know me well
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yeah one day weddings are beautiful but I gotta find a partner first XD
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
yeah but not a long one
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
......^///^ wouldn't you like to know
33. Spell your name with your chin.
myle. (I got close its kyla XD)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
no I never joined one
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV I need music in my life
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yes all the time but crushes are a bit different than likeing I suppose but the answer is still yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
depends on the person I will likely say well
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
I would but I dont really have a dream guy or girl I kinda have a type like julian from the arcana but I leave my expectations open because you never know looks are deceiving
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
hmm I like Nordstrom . Minnesota market. games by James and such.
40. What do you want to do after high school?
well im already out I wanted to do alot of things but now I'm not sure
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
it's a gray area and a complicated topic I belive its story by story
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
something is wrong or I just need a quit moment usually the prior
43. Do you smile at strangers?
yes they may need some positivity
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
oooo tough choice but I'd go space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
the general need to pee and do stuff
46. What are you paranoid about
hmmm being poked in the eye XD
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? navy
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
yeah but who hasnt
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my weak self confidence
53. Favourite makeup brand?
ooooo Laura Mercier
54. Favourite store?
dont really have one tbh
55. Favourite blog? not sure I'd have to look them up
56. Favourite colour? Dark Blue lately
57. Favourite food? cherry cream cheese cookies
58. Last thing you ate? macaroni and meatballs
59. First thing you ate this morning?
caramel (unless you count ice)
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
yeah for visual arts
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
Yes *deep dog sigh*
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
I was so nervous XD but I was a lil more out going than I am now and surprised them with it
65. Are you hungry right now?
I could eat but no not really
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
most of them are my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
not this moment
70. Names of your bestfriends?
*stares deep in your eyes* that's classified
71. Craving something? What?
marichino cherries
72. What colour are your towels?
royal blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
why yes always
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? total alot
75. Favourite animal?
red tailed hawk
76. What colour is your underwear?
no I wont tell you
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
strawberry usually but vanilla is fine
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
as above XD but the caramel core blondies by Ben and Jerry's has my heart
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
ooo Black Jack (it's an anime)
82. Favourite movie?
Star trek into the darkness
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
been a loooooong time since I've watched these
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
I dont know
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
One of my friends
88. Last person you talked to today?
a coworker
89. Name a person you hate?
hate is so strong but trump fits that I supose
90. Name a person you love?
my parents I dont tell them enough
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
the customer who just peed on our stuff
92. In a fight with someone?
never been in that situation
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
3 maybe?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
1 atm
95. Last movie you watched?
the kings speach
96. Favourite actress?
hmmm I cant spell but knightly
97. Favourite actor?
Chris pine
98. Do you tan a lot?
no not a bit
99. Have any pets?
2 birbos
100. How are you feeling?
great atm maybe a bit sleepy
101. Do you type fast?
not as I'd like too
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