#also i need to force my gumshoebowl agenda onto anyone who will listen
chibistarlyte · 1 year
i want an instance where gumshoe gets really injured on a case
like maybe in trying to apprehend a culprit, he gets shot and has to be rushed to the hospital
and i want phoenix and miles to be beside themselves
like. miles endlessly pacing, jaw clenched and heart racing, mind going a million miles a minute thinking of all the potential outcomes of the situation and growing increasingly frantic and panicked as the idea of losing gumshoe becomes more and more real
and phoenix trying his best to comfort miles because he knows how important gumshoe is to miles, but being terrified and panicked himself because he also treasures gumshoe, not just as a coworker so-to-speak but as a dear friend and he can't imagine a life without gumshoe in it
and despite a close call during surgery, gumshoe lives and miles and phoenix keep a constant vigil at his bedside while he recovers. meanwhile, gumshoe doesn't understand why they're so scared and morose, tries to lighten the mood and joke around that he's too stubborn to die and "aw, don't spend so much energy worrying over someone like me, pal" and stuff like that
and miles and phoenix are just "you idiot, of course we were worried!" and wanting to throttle gumshoe for even daring to think he's not important enough to them to be worried over
may or may not end in three grown men trying to cuddle on a tiny hospital bed. because gumshoe deserves all the cuddles
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