#also i really loved that he talked about him being conscripted/drafted and how he didn't know if he'd survive
capinejghafa · 2 years
i kind of want to work on a mal set as he’s gotten very little love this season and archie really do a good job.
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trans-ruffboi · 2 years
feel like talking about your characters? I’ve been cruising your blog and seeing a lot of posts about dragon age ocs you mention once and never again, and the curiosity is eating me. anyone anything I just want to know stuff about them.
oh I actually had something in my drafts for this! I love talking about my OCs. I make problematic transmascs and hot dangerous women, as a rule
- Adrian was actually engaged to Nathaniel Howe when they were children! (he's trans) He liked him and all but it got cut off bc Nathaniel preferred Fergus, which is also the reason he was sent to the Marches. I bleed this for some drama in his Awakening scenes but also he just partially makes up similarities between Fergus and Anders to tease Nate for his taste in men
("Well you know Anders, my brother was tall, a bit of a trickster-"
"-liked the whole wine, women, and song thing, though not always women, clearly-"
"-had a scruffy face, light hair-"
"Adrian now you're just lying")
- Renlin was being trained to be Fereldan's Court Mage before the events of the game happened. Fereldan might not have a big Court Enchanter position like Orlais but they do have a king's healer and Kinloch Hold intended to send Renlin once it became abundantly clear that Anders wouldn't work out. Renlin says it was lucky that he got conscripted, because "Cailan’s pet mage died at Ostagar, poor bastard."
- Also Renlin is straight up incapable of fire magic, and it is embarrassing. He excels in ice, electricity, and healing, but can't produce a candle flame to save his life. His Rod of Fire request form was met with sad little cringes from his teachers.
-She's not one of my Wardens but I think that Solona Amell was the girl who died in the one Harrowing that Alistair was forced to attend, and she was Renlin's friend, despite being a bit older. Once he finds out Renlin hates Alistair for it, for a while. And it isn't until he's had his revelation that neither of them really had a choice in anything the Chantry put them through that he starts to forgive and be able to grieve properly.
- Aberion adored and admired Merrill when they were kids, but was also a little jealous of her for having so much of his father's time. (Mahariel's father was Keeper before Marethari) When they go together to look for Tamlen in the ruins it is a bit tense, but he lowkey trusts Merrill more than Marethari, and keeps a fucking death grip on her hand the whole time whenever they aren't fighting enemies.
-Aberion also had the childhood nickname "little bear" which eventually graduated to just Bear, because "Oh, well, it's a bit silly, since we're grown now, but Aberion used to be so little, when we were children. Tamlen would just pick him up and he would growl and sputter like a little bear cub." He is decidedly not a bear of a man, which makes it at least partly ironic.
-Jenna Hawke gets attached to Anders pretty early on because he reminds her of Malcom. They bond over the Malcom's Honor staff, as well as her reminding him of Adrian with her fussing. ("Oh I remind you of the Queen of Fereldan? Maybe people should show me more respect" "The Commander was raised a noble, but I think if you called him the Queen to his face he'd stab you")
- Finn Trevelyan, whose full name is Finnegan Amari Trevelyan, is the youngest of six siblings and apart from one they all fucking suck! His eldest twin sisters are scumbags and his two brothers are templars; the only one of his siblings worth knowing is Rosalyn, who was also a mage, but weak and subtle enough that noone noticed and she wasn't sent away, which Finn didn't learn until much later. He came into his magic reaching for her and throwing a barrier around her when she fell from her horse. She was also the one that gave him the childhood nickname 'Tiger' because he used to be really energetic and feisty before they sent him to the Circle, where he became more reclusive and quiet. He met her again once right before the events of Inquisition and she was so sad that he was hardly the same kid anymore.
-Finn also has a couple ticks from the Circle, which are mostly shared by Renlin, though the context is different because he remembers life before the Circle, arriving at the age of 9 or 10, while Renlin doesn't, arriving at the age of 5. Such as: an appreciation for weather and being able to be in it, a lack of real knowledge on what a lot of animals look like outside of illuminations, and a poor understanding of money and value. (Finn might have been a Trevelyan but inflation really got to Thedas)
-Alraan's parents were a Tamassran-turned-Saarebas and and a Sten, who left the Qun separately for different reasons and found each other afterwards. When he meets the Iron Bull his first instinct is to recruit the Chargers just to make sure he keeps track of the Ben-Hassrath, but he gradually falls in love with him once he realizes how far Bull has strayed from the demands of Par Vollen and how they could grow together.
- Elgara'len, or El for short, is very much in agreement with Merrill that 'A Keeper's job is to remember, even what we don't like or is dangerous.' She thinks that to truly regain what makes them the People they need to get into the gritty and ugly parts of their history and learn what's at stake and what they should grow into. Look back but also move forward. The song Suledin is very near and dear to her.
Let me know if you wanted to know anything about anyone else specific! I love to talk about them even if renlin is clearly my favorite son.
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