#mal is out here trying his best
capinejghafa · 2 years
i kind of want to work on a mal set as he’s gotten very little love this season and archie really do a good job.
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itsss4t4n · 7 months
Hi!! Could I get some harry hook x male!reader where reader is the eldest child of Anna and Kristoff please? Also maybe reader looks just like his mum but acts like his dad? Thanks and sorry if it's too specific fjdjdjvjs
Always - Harry Hook x male!reader
a/n: I honestly think that reader personaliy is more like anna han kristoff. somehow i really struggled wih that. i lowkey hate this but i still hope you enjoy his <3
warnings: no use of y/n, making out, small fight/angst, ew emotions, I love some good drama, i hate this tbh, not proofread
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When Mal decided to open the barrier forever, it was cerainly an adjusment for everyone.
The Vks that came over to auradon were enrolled into auradon prep and all assigned an auradon student to help them settle in and answer any questions they might have.
You weren't the biggest fan of that arrangementt. Not because you didnt like or trust the vks, you were actually quite close with all of the cour four. You just werent a big people person. So having to share your dorm with someone you dont know and most likely having them at your side 24/7? Not ideal for you.
Especially when you heard who you were going to be paired with. 
But Mal had basically begged you to help. 
"Please. I know you dont like this but he is kind of difficult and i know that you could handle him. I dont know anyone else that could."
So you reluctantly agreed.
Mal was right. Harry Hook was certainly difficult. He was really stuck in ways and refused to change. He refused to follow any rules, he was mean and he hated school. And the worst thing? He was stupidly hot.
Now, you hated school just as much, and you did skip a few lessons here and there but you had respect for your teachers and your peers. And you knew that unfortunately school was important for your future. 
Usually you couldnt care less if other people got on trouble but harry was your responsibility now, so everytime he got into trouble, you were getting dragged into it. And you hated it.
So thats how you ended up in fairy godmothers office for the 7th time that week (it was thursday) sitting next to Harry, who just looked bored while you were about to beat him up.
This has been happeneing for almost 3 months at this point.
"This can not keep going on. Harry If you cannot follow the rules and integrate yourself into Auradon then we might be forced to take stronger action." 
Back in your dorm Harry threw himself onto his bed.
"Well that a tad overdramatic aye?"
You couldnt hold it in anymore. 
Without looking at him you stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind you.
The rest of your day was spend ranting to Mal and Evie about Harry.  Mal hat texted Uma during your rant, telling her to speak with Harry. He would probably listen to her. She was his best friend after all.
You dreaded going to bed that night. Just being in the same room with him.
Uma left your Room just before you arrived, so when you entered Harry was sitting on his bed, a conflicted expression on his face. 
You decided to ignore him, just grabbing a pair of sweatpants and heading to the bathroom to change for bed.
When you exited the beathroom agin harry had also changed into sweatpants. GREY sweatpants.
Fuck. Was he trying to kill you?
His head perked up at the sound of the bathroom door. 
You looked over at him.
"What Hook?"
He looked a little conflicted still, which confused you. Why the sudden change in mood?
"Look... I'm nae good at this but- fuck..." He sighed exxasperated. "I wanted to apologize."
You head snapped to him again In surprise.
"I acted like a total dickhead." He started ranting, trying to get it all outbefore he mentally talked himself out of it. " I didnt care how I might hurt ya. And I don't even have a good reason for that. I was just scared. I was scared of being vulnerable. All I have ever known was the Isle. I am used to hiding myself behind a Tough outside and I was scared to change from that."
Harry quickly wiped his eyes of the tears swimming in them, hoping you wouldnt notice. But you did.
You were shocked by his sudden and surprisingly honest outburst. For a few very long seconds you just stared at each other.
"Harry...." You took a slow step towards him. "I'm sorry. I should've realized how hard this would be. And I know it will be difficult, but i promise you that from now on you wont have to hide anymore. You're safe here." 
Now, standing right before harry, you layed your hand on his shoulder. Harrys eyes met yours, once again swimming with tears but a small smile gacing his lips.
"Thank ye."
You reached up to wipe the tear that had fallen from his eye, your hand resting on harrys cheek, his head leaning into your touch.
You noticed how close you two had gotten. Your eyes flickering from harrys eyes to his lips for a split second.
"Harry?" Your noses brushed against each other ever so slightly.
"Yea?" His voice was barely a whisper.
"I really hope I'm not reading this wrong," You voice matched his. "but can I kiss you?"
Harry was silent, and for a few excruciating second you truly thought you were wrong. Harry was into guys, you knew that much. He didnt hide that part about himself. But did he like you?
"Yes please." 
A small sigh of relief left your mouth as you leaned in, your lips moving against his. Harrys hands moved to your hips, gripping at the exposed skin, thanks to your lack of shirt. In turn your hands wrapped around his neck, your fingers gripping onto his hair.
When you parted for air, you kept your eyes closed, your foreheads leaning against each other. 
For a few seconds all you could hear was you heavy breathing and your own heartbeat, loud in your ears, before Harry leaned in and kissed you again. His hands pulling you flush against his bare chest by your hips.
Once again you pulled back, this time a little more, looking into each others eyes.
"Thank ye, darlin"
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
hi, hi! could I ask for pt 2 of the twst "what to expect when your lab experiment drinks formula," I just thought it was rlly cute!☺ you can do any sort of characters, I don't mind!
What to Expect When your Lab Experiment Drinks Formula Pt. 2
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Hihi! Actually, I wrote that scenario for all the characters in twst I'm writing for right now (I'm new to the fandom), so I've gone ahead and made this into a followup on how they're doing as parents, hope you don't mind! Thanks the ask!
Warnings: Mild Chap 7 spoiler (Lilia), Rook & Floyd want so many kids your house is going to look like the 100 baby sims challenge.
Part one! Rook Hunt! Part Two (here), Part Three!
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is running wild with the new heir. As much as he loves you, so much of his time is occupied by playing with his baby that you don't even see him around as often as you used to.
Your new baby is named Ormr, an ancient name directly meaning 'dragon'. Malleus pouted for a bit that it didn't start with 'Mal' but you assured him that it could be a great fresh start before the Draconia family ran out of names.
While you were still a bit disoriented by the strange circumstances, you were adjusting just fine to being a parent. Your little one kept you on your toes, breathing fire onto your homework when you weren't giving them enough attention and flying away with your food when Malleus taught them how to fly short distances.
Get out the broom. There's a dragon baby with a pb&j on the ceiling.
Malleus' love of your child surprised you a bit. Though you had known that he had technically set up the entire creation of the child, you never expected for Malleus to take so strongly to the little dragon fae.
To be fair, the entirety of Briar Valley seemed to rejoice at the news of your little one, so you supposed that your child was more important than it would be to a normal family. This was the continuation of his bloodline, without posing any risk of losing you, his favorite Child of man.
It was perfect, a blissful life together.
Malleus is constantly supportive of you and works hard to be both a father and a partner. He never fails to make your family feel loved and connected, even in trying times.
Rook Hunt
Rook's baby is... Rook's baby.
The little creature is mischievous, even for its young age.
It may not be able to crawl, but provided anything of importance is in its general vicinity, it will be swiped, hidden, or destroyed with an innocent giggle.
Rook manages the child much better than you. Although you love your child to death, they seem to have inherited Rook's predatory mind in their entirety, and it makes Rook far more equipped to handle the baby's demeanor.
When you look away, you'll most certainly be hit with the first thing in reach of your little one. You blame Rook for this, who reveled in showing them documentaries on hunting through the ages from birth.
Soon, it's more complex weapons. Sharp rocks from your trip outside to play have somehow become entrapped in a very deliberately tangled slinky and thrown at the back of your head.
You know it's all in good fun between Rook & your little one, but your baby will be as skilled a hunter as Rook someday. He was not wrong to call your child his little hunter from the moment it fell into your arms.
Rook wants a large family, so you'd better be prepared for lots of little predators running around the house. Good luck trying to keep them from attempting to murder each other.
Extra: Rook is the type to remember that recipe to a tee. If you so much as mention having another child, ten more are going to show up the next day. Honestly he's waiting for you to slip up and mention it. He's absolutely in love with your family, and would be overjoyed to expand it. Best of luck to you.
Floyd Leech
As soon as you were asleep that night, little child snug in a makeshift bassinet next to you, Floyd was already sneaking out to create more children.
You woke up to six more on the bed with you, one of which woke you up directly by biting you for attention.
Overall you've had much trouble managing all the little literal ankle biters. If it weren't for the liberal help from Jade, Grim and Ace, you would not be able to manage all seven.
However, this does not stop you from loving them entirely. The babies love you to death, and you're extremely bonded to them as well. When you and Floyd fight, there's suddenly seven growling creatures lined up behind you, at the ready to attack.
Despite being 110% like Floyd, they are very certain in their favoritism. Two of your children refuse to have him nearby at all.
He claims it breaks his heart, but you catch him praising your little ones with frozen grapes and soda to reinforce their bond with you.
Definitely not what a baby should be fed but when you said they couldn't eat seafood he switched gears to 'land food', and would take no further criticisms.
The best times are cuddle nights. Twice a week, all of you cuddle up in your Ramshackle dorm room and cozy up to a movie and snacks. This continues until well into their childhoods let's be honest. It becomes a Leech family tradition.
Sebek Zigvolt
"Human! Get it! GET IT!!!"
Your baby is very adventurous.... or something close to it.
Always tumbling off furniture and rolling off changing tables, or falling down for some reason or other.
You can have ten sets of eyes on this child and it does not matter, this baby will stubbornly look into your eyes and throw itself off the couch.
There's so much chaos, constantly, when it comes to little baby Zigvolt.
Sebek's excellent training is the only reason that your child has not been hospitalized for concussions.
But his excellent training has not saved him from the baby's love of biting their father. So, so many times. Every time Sebek catches it.
Every time he bathes it.
Everytime he changes a diaper.
Sebek is covered in tiny little baby bites.
But oh, how your baby adores you. In between bouts of defiance and finger-snacking moods, your baby loves to lie in your arms and cuddle.
It's arguably the most comfortable time you get with Sebek and your baby.
And I do mean arguably, because Sebek swears up and down that the baby is happiest in the presence of Malleus, and it's a hill he's willing to die on. But you know he really just wants an excuse to show off your baby to Silver.
Silver is not impressed.
Your baby is the very definition of a headache to Sebek. They cry everytime they see Malleus, they hate any sort of regimen, they love to play and play and... play more. All day long. No work or training to be seen here, baby Zigvolt will NOT be having it unless you want 4 hours of ear-splitting tantrums. And the baby still won't do the work when they're done.
But still, you see Sebek in every aspect of your baby. The strength, the way your child loves you unconditionally, but treats everyone else cautiously, and overall, the refusal to do anything that doesn't align with their little baby whims.
You've lovingly termed your baby 'Stubborn Ziggy the Second'. Sebek is not a fan, but he allowed it after you let go of 'Swamp dog & Swamp puppy'.
Lilia Vanrouge
And more screaming.
It is not the baby. It is you trying to find the baby.
And then--
"Weh!" The baby pops its head out of a cabinet with its hands up the way Lilia does to scare them.
The baby giggles and coos at its own joke, making grabby hands while it waits for you to come get it.
You're just dumbfounded. You're going to have to scold Lilia, because now your little one is picking up on yet another one of his pranks.
Your baby is a lot like you, with one exception-- your baby is so playful and teasing that it honestly gives The Great Lilia Himself a run for his money.
Last week, you were frantically searching for an expensive piece of jewelry, when it dropped down on your head from the spot where little baby Vanrouge was apparently levitating it from.
Oh yes, your child's magic is coming in strong. Though Lilia's is fading, you tease that perhaps the little one is just absorbing it from him outright, showing him videos of your child's most recent magical displays of strength.
Your family bonds through jokes and playful faces, entirely. Lilia is probably a candidate for The Worst Parent on Earth, so you do most of the housework. It's not like Lilia's never offered, it's that you promised Silver not to let Lilia traumatize his little sibling. All of your best moments are spent by making space in your schedule for your family time.
Lil Vanrouge needs all your love, and Lilia Vanrouge does too. It's a fine balance between upsetting either of them, though dealing with hours of screaming and petty annoyance is not a hard decision.
Just make sure both are getting enough cuddles, and maybe don't judge growing-up lil Vanrouge when they decide they love gaming...
Azul Ashengrotto
Don't forget about Azul, please.
Your baby has the chubbiest cheeks and the cutest smile, but is it as cute as Azul? Cuter, probably. But don't tell him that.
Azul loves your child with all his heart, but he's a bit miffed that it requires so much of your love and attention.
You and baby Ashengrotto are very bonded, so it's rare to see you apart for a moment. And in that moment... Azul is putting on Full-Drama Mode. Cuddles, cuddles. More cuddles. Give him a kiss. Could you please take a bath with him? He's just so tired, he doesn't think he can take a bath by himself. Would you mind giving him a massage? You're too tired? That's ok, you scratch his back and he'll scratch yours. He's not too tired after all. He'll give you a massage.
Your little one is so much like their father, wanting all the attention and love in the world, but getting the priority treatment. Little baby Ashengrotto is Octavinelle's favorite thing ever. Everyone just wants to love on them and see their cuteness.
Azul was going to charge people to see them until you put your foot down and said no.
Azul knows how precious his child is. Secretly, he does want another. Two, just for a healthy statistical number's sake. But he won't tell you that. He's trying to come to terms with the shift in attention with one tiny octomer right now, maybe waiting a couple of years would be more optimal. He will never admit that he's jealous of your child, but claims that he's 'working through his issues when you bring it up.
But Azul will always prioritize his baby as well, even if unintentionally. In the end, the wellbeing of his family comes first and foremost.
And maybe showing off mini-mer to the Mostro lounge staff.
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year
Why hate me
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You, a young fae has been promised to marry malleus since a young age. But how is everything going to work out between the two of you if he hates you? And what if he says something that would completely ruin the last bit of hope you have for him.
You sat quietly by the window as you took a sip of your tea. Humming a small tune that your caretaker used to hum to you. As you sat by the window, you could feel your heart ache at the thought of your fiance.
Malleus draconia
The two of you have been promised to marry each other since you were young. You always loved malleus ever since you were a little girl.
But malleus on the other hand didn't like you very much. You never knew why he didn't like you. You never did anything bad to him or anything so you were always confused as to why he hated you.
But even if he didn't like you, that definitely didn't stop you from being nice to him. You would always ask him to come play with you or take a stroll around the palace garden but he would always decline.
But that didn't stop little old you. You made a promise to yourself to make malleus like you, even if it wasn't romantically you still wouldn't care as long as he feels comfortable around you.
But as you both grew older, the more you started to believe that he might never like you. He would grow annoyed with you when you would check up on him or try to convince him to go walk in the palace garden with you.
He would ignore your every attempt to make him like you.
And the thing he hated the most was when you first visited NRC.
You decided to pay a visit to NRC and to see how malleus was doing, but the moment you step foot in diasomnia malleus was quick to escort you out the dorm.
Of course you felt sad but you didn’t want to make him hate you even more so you decided to respect his wish.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock at the door.
“Come in”
You put your tea cup down and turn to see no other than lilia.
“Good evening lilia”
“Good evening y/n”
“What brings you here?” You ask as you motion him to sit down across from you.
“Well I haven’t seen my daughter in law in a while, so I just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing”
You smiled and poured him a cup of tea.
“Well I have been doing great general lilia” you tease as he just laughs.
“Well that great lady y/n”
“Oh? So we are getting formal now general lilia?”
“Well we most definitely are lady y/n”
You both were quiet for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“Ah, I haven't laughed like that in ages!”
“Well I’m glad you had your fun” he said as he took a sip of his tea.
“So how is everything going in NRC? How silver?”
“Everything is going great! Ah and silver, my sweet boy is doing great!”
“That great!…and um… how mal doing?”
“Malleus is doing just fine. Actually, he been pretty happy the past few weeks”
“Is that so?”
“Mhm. I think it has to do with that new student”
“New student?” You put your cup down and paid your full attention to him.
“Ah I forgot to mention, you know that a few weeks ago we had orientation, right?”
“Well during that, the mirror summoned something- someone”
“And she isn’t from twisted wonderland”
“Oh? She is not from this world?” You say in shock.
“So how is she? Is she alright?” Even though you didn’t know the girl, you still felt sorry for her since she most likely found everything strange.
“Ah you and your sweet heart! But she fine, crowley is doing his best to get her back to her original world…well that what I heard”
“Ah! But she's been hanging out with malleus for the past few weeks! And she made a few new friends during those weeks including malleus!”
“Well that good to hear”
“Say y/n, why don’t you ever visit NRC? Silver been asking about you including sebek”
You stay silent for a moment. You never told him about the incident with you and malleus when you first visited diasomnia.
“Well, I would like to but…you know how I’m busy all the time lilia”
“Well you don’t have to worry about that!”
“What do you mean?” You asked curiously
“Because I cleared up your schedule!”
You looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.
“Yep, everyone in diasomnia is already informed about your arrival, so it would be a shame if you don’t come”
Your heart dropped knowing malleus would most likely be angry.
“Well let’s get going now!”
“W-wait lilia!”
“No waits!”
At night raven college
“Ahh did you guys hear! The great lady y/n will be visiting today!”
“Ehh?! Really!?”
“I heard she's gonna stay here for the week!”
“We need to make sure we meet lady y/n expectations!”
If no one knew that you were coming to visit NRC, well they definitely know now by how the rumors are spreading around everywhere.
“Ahh did you hear that silver! The great lady y/n will be visiting today!”
“Yes yes I heard sebek”
By now, everyone knows that you were visiting and everyone was really excited, even people that weren’t from diasomnia.
And of course, since everyone on campus is talking about your arrival, it certainly reached the ears of a certain someone.
“She visiting…”
“Who? Oh wait, are you talking about the lady y/n? I don’t really know anything about her but from what everyone is saying she seems sweet and very popular”
He just scoffed
“Come on, she might be here by now”
“Wait, we're going to meet her?!”
Ignoring her question, malleus just pulls her towards diasomnia direction.
Stepping foot into diasomnia, you felt a wave of anxiety starting to creep up as your eyes looked everywhere for a certain dragon.
“You seem nervous”
“Me? Hah that funny”
“Are you-“
But before he could continue, the doors flew open and you started preparing yourself for what to come.
“Y/n!” You quickly turn around to see silver and sebek. You felt a wave of relief go through you and you offered them a small smile.
“Ah if it isn’t silver and sebek! It’s great to see the two of you”
“It’s great to see you again!”
“Why haven’t you come visit us sooner?”
“Ah well I have been busy with some stuff back at the castle”
“Well it’s good to see that you took a break!”
“Yeah…it is”
Before the two could talk any further, the door was slammed open and you turn to see malleus and a girl at the door.
“Y/n…what is she doing here?”
“She came to visit us of course! C’mon be more happy about seeing your fiancée malleus!” You saw him stiffen up and you lowered your head down so as to not make any eye contact with him.
“Oh fiancée? Malleus, you never told me that!”
You look up to see a girl standing next to him.
That must be the new student
As she looked your way you gave her a small smile and quietly chuckled when she turned red and looked away.
“Yes..um well if you excuse me I have to go do something”
“Dinner will be ready in a few hours!” Lilia tells him as malleus walks away.
You felt like breaking down right then and there. You just wanted to know why malleus hates you so much.
“Boys go help her unpack”
“Oh no! It’s fine-“
“Don’t worry, lady y/n! I’ll help you!”
“That sweet of you sebek, really but I’ll-“
“We don’t mind y/n, plus I would love if we can catch up with each other while we help you unpack”
You looked at them for a second before nodding your head.
“That would be great”
They smile and lift up your bags as they escorted you to your room.
“Akane, you should come help me prepare dinner!”
“D-dinner?” You three quickly turn around to akane as the poor girl didn’t know what to do.
“Wait father! After we’re done helping lady y/n unpack we can help you!”
“Y-yeah! Or maybe one of our chefs will!”
“You should take a break Lilia!”
“Oh but I’m not tired-“
“It’s okay we got it from here sir lilia!” You three sighed in relief when one of the chefs came running in.
“Oh well thank you!”
“So how are things with malleus?"
You froze when Silver asked you that. You didn't know how to answer without revealing too much of what's going on between you and malleus.
"Things are great.."
"Where do you want me to put this lady y/n!"
"You can put it down there, thank you sebek"
"Are you sure everything is good between you two?"
"Mhm" He decided not to say anything else after that, but you knew that he didn't completely believe it.
"Well thank you two for helping me unpack, I really appreciate it"
"It's no problem!"
"dinner would be serve in a few, let's go"
You three then made your way out the room and downstairs. You were a little nervous to see malleus but you calmed yourself the moment you noticed that you were getting closer to the dining area.
"Oh you three made it just on time! Come! Dinner is ready” you stared in awe as you saw all the amazing and wonderful food that was on the table. Especially when you saw your favorite.
“Where malleus?” Akane asks, you looked around and you saw that he was nowhere in sight.
“Oh I don’t know. Y/n dear”
You stiffen as you heard Lilia call for you.
“Could you go get malleus? Tell him that dinner is ready” Anxiety and nausea is all you could feel. You slowly nodded your head before getting up and excusing yourself out.
As you walked down the hallway of diasomnia, you could feel your heart beat out of your chest.
You were extremely nervous.
The closer you got to malleus room, the more you could feel your heart almost bursting out.
Finally making it to his room. You softly knocked on the door.
“Mal? Dinner is-“ but before you could even finish your sentence, the door flew open and you were pulled into the room.
“What are you doing here” he asks sternly.
“Lilia asked me to come get you-“
“Huh?” His hold on you tightened as you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Why. Are. You. Here”
“I-I..” but as you expected, no words came out of your mouth.
You were beyond scared and you didn’t know what to do to not make him more mad than he already is.
“ I came to visit. Lilia made me come here”
“Are you here to kill us?! Huh?!”
You looked at him confused as he just went off on you.
“W-what? Mal what do you-“
“You know exactly what I mean! And don’t call me mal”
“I- I’m sorry but I don’t know what you are talking about!”
“Stop lying! I saw it! I saw it that day!”
“What? What did you see?!” At this point you were confused. You didn’t know what he was talking about and why he was acting like this.
“Your gonna kill me aren’t you? That why you are acting all nice and sweet. You want me dead don’t you! You are going to do the same thing your parents did to mine huh?!”
You just stared at him. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. You didn’t even know what he was saying!
“Malleus! Please just stop!”
“No! I won’t let you hurt me or anyone!”
“You should’ve died in that fire along with your parents”
Your heart stopped when those words left his lips. You stared at him in disbelief and hurt as tears started to flow down your face.
He just looks at you with hatred. Not regretting the words that just have left his mouth.
You two just looked at each other before you finally looked away.
“Alright. I’ll just leave”
Was the last thing you said before walking out the room.
That was the last time malleus and anyone else saw you.
You never came back to NRC, you never made it back to briar valley, you never made it back to the castle.
It’s like you disappeared
And…maybe you did.
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yarasdead · 2 months
dad!noah on tour.
cw. fem!reader, established relationship (married), children, fluff, angst, hurt & comfort, noah is a girl dad, baby's name is mallory, inaccurate talk of being a parent & touring
a/n. *cracks knuckles* making my writing return with a tear jerker :') i had a different thought with this one that involved less angst, but my mind just decided against it lolz!!! the ending is a little bad, but i hope everyone enjoys <3
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dad!noah being away on tour from you and your nine month old baby girl, mallory, for a few weeks now. and you can't lie it's hard, you love seeing noah pursue his dreams, he comes alive on stage performing in front of hundreds, thousands of people. but, he also comes alive when he's with his baby girl, doing the most mundane things with her, from starting solids a few months ago, reading her stories, singing to her around the house, taking her to the park, he just shines as dad. and you feel guilty for wanting him to just be a dad, not also a performer who's selling out venues.
you try not to replay the chaos scene of noah leaving for tour in your head over and over again.
"daddy misses you very much, baby girl." noah coos over over the face time. you propped your phone up with the pillows in the bed so it would be leveled with mallory's eye line. smiling softly at the interaction as she bounces happily at the sound of his voice. a far too energetic for a baby in the morning.
"i miss mama, too. where is she mal, where's mama?"
"i'm right here." picking up the phone from the spot to bring it in front of you, your tired grin matching noah's.
"how was the show last night?" a question that's asked without a fail after each show, partially because you love to here noah beam about the shows and the fans, and the other because you simply just love to hear him talk.
"talking about the show can wait. i want to know how you are, mama?" noah diverts.
you start to formulate an answer in your head when you get a baby's fist to the gut, groaning as mallory climbs her way on top of you. adjusting her in your arms so the both of you are in frame. noah's attention flipping from you to mallory for a second, cooing and smiling at her, enticing a string of giggles from her.
you can't ruin this by telling him about the day you had yesterday, from the fussiness of mallory of her denying any bottle you give her so you had to breast feed her despite you wanting to completely ween her off, to the crying fits of her in her crib anytime you set her down for her nap times, the clutter fuck of your work and the spilling your coffee on important papers. you'd much rather lie. "i'm okay." giving your best small smile you can.
noah's eyes flicker up from mallory to you, shifting in his seat while his gaze stays on you.
"you don't look okay."
"you know that isn't what i meant, baby. your eyes are puffy."
shit. you know exactly what he's insinuating at.
"it's my allergies." another lie.
fake gasping. "our daughter is right here, noah." you joke doing your best to cover her ears with just one hand, trying to worm your way out of noah's demand.
"the word bullshit from from out our daughters mouth is the least of my concerns. are you going to tell me what's up? please, baby?"
you bite down on your lip, gnawing at the plush skin as you look down at your daughter who looks up at you when you brush back her bed head. her big doe eyes looking up at you with nothing but wonder, while you look back with such adoration. motherhood never fails to amaze you at how some days make you want scream like you never have before while others fill you with such joy.
the both of you being up for barely an hour before noah called you. the time zone in the east being ahead than the west so noah already looks like he's put together for the day, while you contemplate even wanting to get ready for the day yourself after yesterday. caressing mallory's head as it falls into your chest from smoothing at her hair. looking back up at your phone you're met with noah's sweet gaze, it never fails to make your heart flutter. but you know you can't not tell him anything.
"it's hard." is all you say, but you see how those two words effect noah. a slight frown appearing on his face and his shoulders dropping.
"i know. and i'm sorry."
"don't be."
"but i am. i'm here across the country while you're at home with with mal. i should be home too."
"please, don't beat yourself up."
"how can i not when you say you're having a hard time?"
"i knew it was going to be hard regardless. but, i can't tell you to not do what you love, noah." you argue.
"if you told me not to do the tour i wouldn't have."
his words hit you like a truck, and they make you feel even worse for wanting to say them all those weeks ago. "that's selfish. not only to you, but the guys, and your fans."
"i don't care. i care about you and mallory. the guys would've understood, they were a little shocked that you were okay with it. and my love for the fans are immense, i'm grateful for them. but i'm forever grateful for you. i don't love anything more than i love you and mallory, and anyone who says shit about me wanting to be home with my girls can fuck off. don't ever feel selfish for wanting me."
you blink back the tears, wiping at a few that fell down your cheeks. a hand playing with the wisp of hair at the nape of mallory's neck, sitting on the new pile of confessions, not knowing what to say.
"next week we have two back to back shows at the same venue and then a day off, why don't you and mal fly out and it'll be a family day?"
you smile, a genuine one. "noah-" you start, a hand tiny hand clasping over your mouth, mallory making her presence known again between her parents as noah lets out a laugh from over the phone. taking her chubby hand in yours to raise it down from your mouth. "you'd love that too wouldn't you? you miss daddy just as much, huh?" your tone switching as you address mallory, bouncing her in your lap as she babbles out.
"i'd love family day."
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amethxxt · 4 months
i'm ranting about descendants again and this is a long one
Alright, I talked a little bit about this on twitter literally yesterday (https://x.com/amethxxt/status/1798768561613361458) but I wanted to do it here too, so here we are!!
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I think everyone has seen these pictures by now. It's from Descendants new book "The World of Auradon: Royals & Villains".
Now, at first, I got really excited (in a way, I still am) because it'll probably give me more material to use in my fics. Also, Uma looks absolutely stunning, so I immediately began reading her page and... Well, it's not the nicest things, right?
Like I said on twitter, I can't be the only one who sees the majorly different ways they talk about Uma and Mal.
With Mal, they start saying she's a "confident natural leader", and like- no, she's not, far from it.
I think the best version we got from Mal was on D1. She was such a good character and that's when I think the writers succeded the most with her - I believe it was hard to find someone who actively disliked or simply hated her.
When D2 came out, things went slightly downhill. Mal's inner conflict of not being the picture perfect Lady of the Court and feeling that the odd one out because she wasn't doing well in Auradon when compared to her friends is very realistic.
The pressure that she was feeling to be perfect and all the new things that came with being the King's girlfriend makes you understand why she was so anxious and wanted to leave. Now, I think we should all understand that this makes Mal a very insecure person.
She's insecure, she's flawed and runs away the first chance she gets because everything becomes too much. And if they wrote her like that, how is she a confident natural leader?
When the Core Four and Ben go after her, it's when things begin to change. Mal has a few moments in this movie: running away and leaving just a note to her best friend, claiming Dizzy was going to be fine when Evie felt sorry about leaving a child in the abusive place they all grew up in, betraying Uma's trust. Yeah.
I'm gonna make it very clear that I really like Mal as a character. I criticize her a lot because the writers started putting her in a pedestal, overpowering her and trying to erase anything that could be seen as bad.
Why would they have Mal apologize for using a love spell on Ben when they make such a cute couple and would be endgame anyways?
It gets worse in D3. I remember watching them announce that Hades was Mal's father and being like "No fucking way" because you want this girl to be not only half-fairy but a half-god?? Was this the only way to have his ember in the story?
Well, I think we got used to that plot after a while, but then - Oh, Mal's also Lady of the Court, she'll be a part of the decisions that concern the Isle of the Lost and a voice for the other VKs.
Yes, Mal is "a confident natural leader" who turns her back on her people and comes up to the idea of closing the Barrier for good to protect Auradon citizens.
Why do they refuse to bring up the fact that it was her idea?? Nevermind the fact that her and Ben weren't married yet, she was not the Queen and had absolutely no power to make that decision. They make Ben so useless, a King with no voice because he's not the main character, right?
So she makes a decision that's not up to her and proceeds to lie to all of her friends, makes empty promisses to both Celia and Uma, and when shit hits the fan, nothing happens.
Having Evie confront her about it is one of my favorite scenes, but what are the consequences? I understand that it was the final movie, but it's so rushed that makes everyone else feel out of character.
Mal and Evie can be the best of friends, but you can't tell me Mal would be like "I was wrong, I have to be a voice for everyone and I shouldn't have lied" and Evie would be just "Ok, perf".
And what about the opposite? When Mal betrays Uma for probably the third time, Uma has no trouble forgiving her? Of course they don't mention what happens in the books, they don't mention Mal trying to hurt Evie (or even get her killed lol) and they don't mention the "shrimpy" incident with Uma.
They don't talk about Mal's wrong doings the same way they talk about Uma.
Uma, according to the new book, is a "confident and resourceful VK with a major mean streak". Sorry, Uma has a mean streak? I don't think so. What Disney and Descendants keep doing is use the definition of a villain for a character who's an antagonist.
Villains have malicious intentions, they are evil. You're gonna tell me the girl who simply wants for all the children to get off the Isle, a place they were forced to live in along with murderers and other criminals, some of those who happened to be their parents, all while surviving off of the garbage that came from Auradon, is the evil one?
That is not to say Uma doesn't make mistakes or does bad things. Mal and Uma have the common point of using a love spell on Ben, which is awful and should be acknowledged as that, but they only do it in Uma's case.
"When Mal and her friends successfully freed Ben, Uma took it one step further by putting Ben under a magic love spell" x "She [Mal] used spells to mess with other students, to convince Ben that he loved her, and to change herself in order to fit in as Ben's girlfriend. But once she realized she needed to ditch the spell book and learn to survive without magic, she was able to become the queen she was always meant to be"
Those... are not the same to me. They detail every thing Uma does during D2, making it clear that using a love spell was worse than the previous actions of kidnapping him, but with Mal it almost feels like they excuse her actions because, eventually, she learned that magic wasn't the way to become who she was meant to be.
Also, what do you mean Mal felt guilty about the other VKs who were left behind? Mal didn't even look sad when her and Evie were leaving Dizzy behind! Evie was the one to come up with the idea to bring more children to Auradon, and when that magically turned into the VK Day (my arch-nemesis plotline along with Merlin Academy), she didn't look worried at all that it would them so long to free all the kids if they were going to pick 4 each time.
And again, her idea to close the Barrier for good (with no way in or out) would mean that eventually, everyone left in the Isle would die. I know it's Disney, and they would never make that happen, but if you're not going in to even leave your trash there (aka their food source), yeah, they're all dying.
Now, with Uma, they point out how she wanted to escape and get revenge on Mal, but like...... not really? Of course she mentions in D2 how she wants Mal's new turf and tries to make a deal with her to leave with her crew, but when she's actually free and we get into D3, it's been months (I think) and while Auradon's scared she's going to do something, we find out Uma spent all that time looking for a hole in the Barrier to get the kids out.
When she makes another deal to help Mal, all she asks for is the guarantee that every kid who wants to leave the Isle is able to do so. Who breaks that promise? The "villain" with the major mean streak or the confident natural leader?
I'm not saying that Mal is real villain, because she's really not. But she's far from how they describe her and if you're gonna tell me she's a natural leader, I better not see her bringing down the Barrier, letting both the kids and villains out, and acting like it's the right thing to do.
VK Day wasn't the answer to free the innocents, but bringing down the Barrier isn't it either! Mal doesn't "help convice Auradon citizens to accept all VKs into Auradon Prep" she just decides to do that lol
And again, that decision is not up to her, she had no legal right to do it. She was just Lady of the Court and nothing else.
Like I said on twitter, Disney and Descendants like Uma because she's a fan favorite, she was one since they announced her as a character. But they insist on the idea that Auradon changed her for the better, as if she was never someone who fought for what was right. She's not perfect either, but they can't write about her in a way that makes her look better than Mal.
How did Mal stop her at the end of D2? Mal didn't do anything, they were fighting, Ben made a speech, Uma turned around and left. That was it.
How did Auradon transform her? Of course they are implying that because of Rise of Red and her becoming the new principal, and even though this plot still kinda confuses me, it still seems like all the wants is for Auradon to be a fair place that doesn't discriminate against anyone.
I now this is getting too long, but I really like ranting about descendants. It's my comfort franchise but there's so many things wrong with it lol
And I also know I'm probably looking too deep into it, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees the ways Disney has always treated Uma and Mal differently.
I want to get this book and see if there's anything else about them. I really wished Disney and Descendants treated Uma better, though.
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asdfghjklmals · 11 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, angst. hurt and comfort. mentions of blood and injury. WORD COUNT: 4.1k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. high school lovers.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend thought that satoru gojo's infinity was impenetrable... oc gojo girlfriend tries her best to heal satoru after a grueling fight, but will her best be enough? AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic follows 'fated to love you' click here to read. i cut toji and satoru's fight scenes pretty short beause i really don't do well writing fight scenes. would it really be a mals angst without ending on a somewhat good note? literally oc gojo girlfriend's au is me inputting her into the actual jjk manga where i can. 😂 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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tokyo jujutsu high school: oc gojo girlfriend's pov
“have you heard from idiot #1 and idiot #2?” shoko asked as you twiddled with your pencil. you were spending the afternoon studying with your bestfriend while satoru and suguru were on a mission.
you frowned, realizing that you actually haven't heard from satoru since he left. all he sent you was a good morning text saying that he made coffee for you in the dining hall before he left for his mission.
“no… yaga-sensei sent them off on a really important mission regarding the star plasma vessel for master tengen, but that’s all i know about it.”
“the last i heard from satoru was that they were going to okinawa to kill time. why don’t we try calling them?” shoko suggested.
you smiled back at her, "it’s okay, i’ll call satoru later. i try not to bug him while he’s on missions."
deep down, you really just wanted to know if he was okay. suguru had mentioned to you earlier this morning that satoru hadn’t slept yet. he had kept his infinity on ever since they left and it hasn’t been turned off. he was probably exhausted.
okinawa aquarium: satoru's pov
“are you going to get a souvenir for (y/n)? you know she loves aquariums.” suguru reminded satoru as they watched riko gaze at the large tank full of exotic fish.
“i already did. it was the first thing i did when i got here.” satoru smiled softly. it was the one thing he was actually looking forward to doing during this mission instead of babysitting a middle schooler.
“what did you get her?” suguru asked curiously.
satoru smiled cheekily, “i got her a small glass full of sand and seashells from the gift shop.”
suguru started to laugh at the mention of the bottle of sand, “you’re not going to put a love note in there again are you?”
“for the millionth time, it wasn’t a love note!” satoru defended himself. (read ‘souvenirs’ here)
"hey! bangs!" riko called out to suguru, "can we go to the reptile exhibit?!"
suguru closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "i wish she wouldn't call me that."
satoru patted suguru on the back and laughed. he was glad that suguru was here with him on this mission.
later that night: oc gojo girlfriend's pov
after a long day of studying, you laid in satoru’s bed. whenever he was gone for an overnight mission, you would sleep in his dorm room.
it totally wasn’t because you missed him immensely when he’s gone, but because you looked forward to how he would always greet you in the morning by plopping down on top of you and hugging you so tightly to the point you couldn't breathe. and not to mention, he never failed to pepper kisses on your forehead in the mornings. it was a very wholesome way to be woken up.
‘i wonder what he’s doing right now’, you thought to yourself. hesitating to press the call button on your flip phone. you laid there, flipping your phone shut, opening it back up, and flipping it shut again.
“i’ll just call him to say goodnight…” you mumbled, dialing satoru’s phone number. he answered immediately after the first ring.
“are you okay?” you heard him ask you. he sounded worried but tired, you could hear it in his voice.
“wow, not even a ‘hi sweetheart’ to your girlfriend? i should be asking you that mr. no-sleep-and-infinity-always-on.”
satoru sighed, “suguru told you, huh? he’s such a snitch.”
"he's not a snitch." you muttered, "he cares about you, just like i do. why don’t you get some sleep, babe?"
“i have to stay up to protect everyone, sweetheart.”
you bit back, “someone else can be on star plasma vessel protection duty while you sleep.”
satoru laughed at your statement, “who’s gonna protect me when i’m the strongest?”
“i will.” you said confidently, “—or suguru will. he promised me he would take care of you for me.”
“oh, my sweet little girlfriend is going to come all the way to okinawa to protect me?” he teased.
you grumbled, and rolled over onto your stomach. “you know i would if you wanted me to…”
satoru was quiet for a moment. you could hear his breathing through the receiver before he let out another loud sigh. “it’s late, sweetheart. you should get some sleep. we’ll be back tomorrow at 3pm.”
“promise me you’ll rest when you come home?”
“yes, i promise. maybe i’ll nap in your room.” satoru said.
you giggled because you knew he would end up sleeping in your room. that was a given after every mission. it was a hot shower first, then cuddles later. that was satoru's post mission routine.
“goodnight, satoru. i love you.”
“i love you too, (y/n).”
the next day: tokyo jujutsu high 3pm
you felt satoru’s presence enter the jujutsu high barrier. you sighed in relief. there was no way you couldn't detect his cursed energy because it was so strong, and his residuals felt like they were a part of you. you could sense that guy anywhere.
you called out to shoko, “shoko! i’m going to head out to the gates to see satoru and suguru.”
“okay, i’ll catch up with you guys later!” she waved as you left the classroom.
you walked slowly, appreciating the warm spring air and the smell of fresh cut grass. while you were on the way to the courtyard, you heard loud demolition sounds almost as if a building was being torn to pieces. heavy gusts of wind started to pick up, quickly.
you sensed a very familiar cursed energy, it was satoru’s cursed technique lapse: blue… but it was maximum output. you jumped up onto the roofs of the jujutsu high buildings, dashing towards the courtyard's front gates.
‘what the hell is happening? why is he using maximum output here?’, you thought as you sprinted and jumped from building to building. you had a horizontal view of the school, debris was floating in the air. as you were running, you saw suguru running the opposite way towards master tengen’s location. he was with two girls. ‘was that the star plasma vessel?’
“(y/n)!” suguru called out to you, “don’t get any closer to satoru! the opponent he’s facing is dangerous! he doesn’t have any cursed energy! he has a heavenly pact! you won’t be able to sense him!”
“—but i can help satoru!” you yelled back.
“trust me, satoru wouldn’t want you to get hurt. just stay hidden.”
you pursed your lips in hesitation. you wanted to help satoru, but you knew suguru wouldn’t have warned you if he didn’t think the situation was dangerous. and you would probably get in satoru’s way… you were always satoru’s achilles’ heel.
satoru gojo fought at his very best when he was alone. he could go all out and not have to worry about anyone getting caught in his techniques or in his domain expansion. any other sorcerer next to him would be a hindrance to him, even you.
“fine, i’ll stay hidden.” you called out to him, “—hurry and get to master tengen.”
you watched as suguru nodded back at you. he and the two girls started running again. you picked up the pace to get closer to where satoru was, until you saw a swarm of fly heads circling around the center of the courtyard. ‘where did those fly heads come from…?’
you stopped running. it was at that moment where your heart dropped. you couldn’t sense satoru’s cursed energy anymore.
you didn’t know whether or not the threat was still present or if satoru was masking his cursed energy using some sort of barrier technique.
there was no way something happened to him... right?
he was untouchable with infinity… right?
he was the strongest… right?
you jumped down onto the cobblestone pathway and hid behind one of the buildings several meters away. a man with dark hair in a black shirt, white pants, and a scar on his face started walking towards suguru's location.
you looked over to where the fly heads were. you quickly put your hands over your mouth to stop from screaming out satoru's name.
satoru’s body was sprawled on the concrete, blood and debris pooled around him. you summoned a protective barrier of water around satoru and sent a large pressured tidal wave towards all the fly heads, exorcising all of them at once.
“satoru!!!” you screamed, “—satoru, oh my god…”
you ran to his side, throwing ice shards at the remaining fly heads crawling all over his body. he had stab wounds on his head, his neck, multiple gashes on his right thigh, and a large slash through his chest all the way down to and through his abdomen.
a small ripple of cursed energy from his hand danced across his pool of blood. was that the last of satoru’s cursed energy? how could this happen to the untouchable satoru gojo? never in your life would you believe satoru could be defeated like this. there was just no way. he was the strongest.
"babe, please wake up!" you screamed as you shakily lifted his lifeless body onto your lap. you had to get it together if you wanted to heal him your with reversed cursed energy… and you had to do it fast. you focused all of your reversed cursed energy onto his largest wound, his chest. water left your hand to surround his wound, but it didn’t heal him at all. you wished your reversed cursed technique was more refined at this moment. you had been working so hard with shoko to master this healing technique of yours...
“damn it!” you screamed in frustration, tears streaming down your face. your vision was blurred by all the tears. you were so distraught that you couldn’t even focus. were you really so weak that you couldn’t even focus to heal the person you loved most?
you tried it again. water surrounded his wound, but stayed stagnant. you started to break down. catching your sobbing breaths, you hiccuped as you held satoru’s body in your arms. his blood drenched your uniform, but you didn’t care. you were about to lose the love of your life and you couldn't do anything about it. you cradled his head, moving his stray hairs out of his face. if this was the last time he would be in your arms, then so be it.
“please, just let me heal him…” you cried to yourself, begging to all the gods you could, with a small sliver of hope that you could maintain control of your cursed energy for even just a second to heal him.
as you held him, you noticed that satoru’s wounds were starting to slowly heal… but it wasn’t from your reversed cursed technique.
you closed your eyes, thanking all gods above for whatever it was that was healing him.
“satoru… please come back to me. you promised you wouldn’t leave me here alone… you promised to protect me.” you sobbed as you held him closer to you. your tears drenching his cheek.
“wow, (y/n) (l/n) crying over silly ol’ me?” a weak and quiet voice said in awe, “—i never thought i’d live to see the day.”
you wiped your tears with your sleeve. you couldn’t believe what you were seeing… or hearing. satoru gave you a meek smile.
“how are you even talking to me right now?” you scoffed as you continued to cry. “you are literally dead in my arms.”
satoru groaned, “reversed cursed technique, babe.”
“but i thought you didn’t know how to do that yet…”
you held him tighter. refusing to let go of him in fear that he’d disappear from your arms. this must be your imagination. you probably went insane after satoru died. and now you were starting to see and hear things.
as much as satoru would have loved to stay in your embrace forever, he sat up and pushed your arms away from him, “that’s another conversation for later. i have to take care of something.”
you snapped out of it and panicked when he tried to leave your side, “no! don’t go! i don't want to lose you again…” you clung onto his arm, shaking your head to wake you up from this nightmare. you knew he was going to go back and try to dispose of the man who did this to him. the man you saw earlier.
“you’re not going to lose me.” satoru reassured you. “—i’m the strongest, remember?”
tears streamed down your cheek as you sobbed. it was satoru’s turn to comfort you now. he held your frantically shaking body, using his thumb to brush away tears from your cheek.
“i’ll come back to you.” satoru said confidently, “(y/n), i promise that i’m going to be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. i told you that i was going to protect you. i love you, you know that?”
you tried to catch your breath through your sobbing, “y-you pinky promise?”
“i pinky promise.” satoru said as he intertwined your pinkies before pressing a kiss on your quivering lips. “i have to go. can't have the man who made my baby cry roam free, can i now?”
he teleported off before he could hear you weakly say, “i love you, satoru…”
satoru gojo vs. toji fushiguro round 2
enlightenment. the action or state of attaining knowledge or insight.
satoru. a masculine japanese name meaning ‘to know’ or ‘to understand’. if you write satoru’s name in a different way, it could mean ‘to be spiritually awakened’.
and in that moment, on the verge of death, satoru gojo had finally understood the core of cursed energy.
he felt the positive cursed energy from his reversed cursed technique flow into limitless.
cursed technique reversal: red.
it was the first time that satoru had successfully unleashed red. and it was right into the man who spiritually awakened him, toji fushiguro.
“heh, what a monster.” toji muttered as he got up from the rubbish and debris around him after being hit by satoru's cursed technique.
‘sorry, amanai…’ satoru thought to himself, ‘i’m not angry about your death anymore, nor do i feel any resentment towards anyone. right now, everything just feels right.’
“throughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one.”
satoru swiftly dodged all of toji’s attempted attacks with the inverted spear of heaven as the sorcerer killer kept his strikes coming.
toji was from the zen'nin clan. growing up, he was taught about the gojo clan's techniques such as limitless, blue, and red. but the cursed technique that satoru was about to attempt for the first time, was only known to a select few people of the gojo clan. (read ‘meet the gojos’ here)
motion and reversal. positive and negative. born by combining both infinities of blue and red. a powerful, imaginary mass that rushes forward, obliterating all matter in it's path… one of the strongest techniques in the gojo clan.
hollow purple.
"so, any last words?" satoru asked the sorcerer killer as he bled from his torso. an entire chunk of his body and arm was gone from the hit from hollow purple.
"nope... in two or three years, my kid will be sold off to the zen'nin clan. do what you will with that information." toji told the white haired sorcerer as he fell to the ground.
inside the star plasma vessel association hideout
"you're late, suguru." satoru called out to his bestfriend without any emotion in his voice. his tone was flat. it was like he was lifeless, yet he was still alive.
"satoru?! what happened to you?" suguru asked, surprised to see satoru standing in front of him with riko’s dead body in his arms.
satoru ignored him, noticing that suguru was healed up. he sensed yours and shoko’s residuals. "looks like you saw (y/n) and shoko."
"yeah, they fixed me up." suguru started to say, he saw riko's hand fall from her deceased body. "actually... it doesn't matter if i'm fine. i—"
satoru interrupted him, "it's not your fault, suguru. i'm the one that messed up and let my guard down."
suguru took a moment to read the room before he waved towards satoru, "let's get out of here."
"suguru... do you... want to… kill them all...?" satoru asked his bestfriend coldly, referring to all the people applauding the death of the star plasma vessel, "—the me right now probably wouldn't even feel a thing if we killed them."
suguru knew that nothing good would happen if he were to kill all of these people who had different ideals than him and satoru. he shut his eyes and sighed, "forget it. it's pointless and pointless killing is futile. plus, what would (y/n) think of you?"
satoru stayed quiet for a moment before scoffing. "pointless, huh? does there need to be a reason to kill these people?"
"of course. it's important to have a reason. especially as jujutsu sorcerers. jujutsu sorcerers exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers."
suguru geto was and always will be satoru gojo's moral compass. adding onto his morality, an image of you appeared in satoru's newly enlightened mind.
'what would (y/n) think of me if she could see me right now?' satoru thought to himself. he had to be better than this, he knew he was better than this. you always saw the good in satoru, he couldn't disappoint you today, not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
"okay then, let's go home." satoru motioned. he paused after a thought, “actually, you head back with amanai first. there’s something i need to do.”
suguru took riko’s body from him as he watched satoru teleport off.
before returning to jujutsu high, satoru gojo went to dispose of the inverted spear of heaven. he didn't give a damn about the history of this tool and where it came from. there was no way a cursed tool that could nullify his cursed technique was going to stay on this earth. there was no way he was going to take his chances of dying again. and there was no way he was going to let that cursed tool exist given the possibility of losing you.
later that night
after a very long and hot shower, satoru laid in your bed, absentmindedly staring at the popcorn ceiling above. his fingers subconsciously rubbing soft circles into your lower back. it was a habit of his that he picked up ever since he started sleeping in your dorm room.
you couldn’t help but think about how you weren’t able to help satoru earlier today when he was bleeding out in your arms. were you really that weak and not in control of your own powers? you hated yourself for not being able to get your cursed energy under control. you couldn’t even save the one person you loved most in this god forsaken world. you couldn’t imagine your life without satoru and you almost lost him... and you couldn’t do a damn thing.
you felt satoru’s arm dive under your torso, pulling you closer to him. you closed your eyes and pursed your lips, afraid you might start crying in front of him. you didn’t have the heart to face him.
“what’s on your mind?” he asked, peppering soft kisses on your temple.
you scoffed in disbelief, “i should be asking you that. you’re the one that almost died. what happened to you, satoru? who that hell was that man?”
“i got caught slipping,” satoru sighed, “remember that tool that went missing when we went to visit your family?”
you remembered the uproar it caused when you went back with satoru to visit your clan. the inverted spear of heaven was stolen from your clan’s collection of cursed objects that day. that tool came from the last known water cursed technique user from your clan and the six eyes user from the gojo clan 400 years ago. (read ‘fated to love you’ here)
it hurt you to ask, “did that man use that tool on you…?”
“yeah. it broke through infinity.”
tears started to form in your eyes. guilt filling every ounce of your body. a cursed tool from your clan’s collection that the gojo clan entrusted to your clan ended up being the reason why satoru almost died.
“it’s funny, don’t you think?” satoru started to say, “a six eyes gojo ancestor gave that cursed tool to the love of their life, a (l/n) water cursed technique user to keep safe so that no one could ever use it against the gojo clan... and the tool almost killed me. my ancestor would be rolling in her grave right now.”
you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your pajama shirt, “it’s not funny, satoru. i don’t care what the legend has to say. i’m not losing you. not in this lifetime.”
satoru wished things could go back to normal... before this whole mess with the star plasma vessel, before the inverted spear of heaven was stolen. today was life changing for satoru, as he was sure it was for you too. he unlocked a side of him that he didn’t know existed. after tapping into the core of cursed energy, everything inside him changed. he felt a new high that he thought would never go away. would he be able to live his life freely with these new abilities?
“well, i’m still here kicking and breathing. someone has to be the strongest and live to protect the weak.” he said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. “—but really though, what’re you thinking about?”
“i’m thinking about how i almost lost the love of my life.” frowning at the nightmare you experienced today. "and this life for us was just getting started..."
you thought back to yours and satoru's visit to your clan's estate. the memory of you and him confirming your feelings for one another at the lily pad pagoda. you wanted to be with him in this lifetime, and all the lifetimes after that. satoru was end game for you.
he grinned, whispering in your ear, “damn, this guy named satoru gojo must be lucky to have a girlfriend like you.”
“satoruuu—” you whined, hitting his chest softly with your tiny fist, “i was so scared seeing you like that. and i couldn’t even get my shit together to heal you.” tears started to form on your dark eyelashes again, the guilt was still eating you up inside.
satoru cupped your cheek with his hand, wiping your tears away with his thumb just like he did earlier today. the palm of his hand on your cheek was a perfect fit. it was like he was made just for you, to hold and to love for the rest of your life.
“it’s okay, babe. you did everything you could.” he whispered.
“and it wasn’t enough, satoru! i couldn’t even protect you like i promised...” you cried as more tears streamed down your cheek. satoru's thumb wiping away the tears again.
“it's not your job to protect me.” satoru said sternly.
“then what is my job?”
“just to sit here and look pretty for me.” satoru joked as you glared at him through damp tears.
before you could interject with another whine, he hushed you by putting his index finger on your lips, “—your job, babe, is to love this guy named satoru gojo for the rest of your life.”
“now that… i think i can do.” you hiccuped, “—don’t ever scare me like that again, satoru gojo.”
there was a silence between the two of you after you said that. satoru knew he probably couldn’t promise you that something like this wouldn’t happen again, but he knew that he could promise you that he would do everything in his power to protect you for the rest of your lives. it was the very same promise he gave to you, your brother, and the both of your grandparents.
two eyes as blue as the ocean yearned for you to tell him the three words he’s been waiting to hear all day. he stared into your eyes as you gently stroked his cheek with your hand.
“i love you, satoru gojo. so much.” you leaned into him, kissing him with a little more need than usual. satoru tilted his head back, admiring the view of the beautiful you before he leaned back down press a kiss on your forehead.
“i love you too, (y/n). it’s an honor to be loved by you...”
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vulpixisananimal · 5 months
Isapays fluff. For the soul. (And some implied self harm)
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(You sat on the unfamiliar bed, looking at the scars that dotted your arm. Many had healed, many will not, and likely never will. In your other hand you fiddle with your dagger.)
(It was supposed to be easy.)
(You were supposed to be done. Out of the loops. Done with everything. Drama. Sadness. Whatever. Siffrin wished to keep traveling even after the loops were over. Said this was the best time of his life. Yet now, here you are. Going from place to place with some new looming dread instead of the clear skies of their dreams.)
(What a joke.)
(There's a knock on the door. It's Isabeau.) "Siffrin? Are you doing alright?"
(No. You hadn't even gotten changed from your nightware. You all arrived late to this inn, and you were lucky they had rooms left. You didn't sleep well.)
". . . I'm coming in."
(Of course he would. That was the system wasn't it? If there was a response, it was Siffrin or Loop, and they were probably fine. If there was no response, it wasn't. Or it was you, in which case they'd check anyways. Looking at the dagger in your hand and the scars on the other, you could at least see why.)
(Isabeau opened and closed the door softly. He looked at you, and the dagger, and your arm. You could see his shoulders relax a little as he realized you hadn't done anything.)
". . . Not a good night?"
(You nod. He walks over to you.)
"Mal right?" (you nod, he continues.) "Right, may I. . .?"
(He was holding out a hand, after a moment, you reach over and place your dagger in it. He puts it to the side.)
"Thanks you."
(There's a silence, a long, awkward one. You start rubbing your wrist. Isabeau sits down next to you on the bed.)
". . . Would you like to talk about it?"
(You draw a horizontal line with your finger. "No")
"Alright. . . Do you, just need space?"
(You pause, then draw the line again, then flick out two fingers held close. "Not sure".)
"Alright, I'll just, I'll just stay here then."
(Why did you say that. You never wanted company. You were fine staying in your room when you were forced front alone. You were fine being an observer in the corner. It was safe that way.)
(Then why did you not want Isabeau to leave?)
(The two of you sat in silence, a few feet apart on the bed. You did this a few times before. On a rare day, a rare good day, you would find where Isabeau was, and if he was alone, sit next to him. Of all of your traveling companions, he was the one you could tollerate the most. You could never find out why.)
(Odile is too observent, simple enough. Mirabelle is nice, too nice, you felt like you were oil to her water. Nille is a stranger, even Siffrin couldn't look her in the eyes. Bonnie. . . Bonnie was tollerable. Isabeau though. . .)
(You glance to your side, Isabeaus hand was rubbing his leg. Looking up, he was trying very hard to not look at you. Was he shy? Nervous? No, well, maybe. It was hard to tell. He wanted something, or was feeling something. You see his hand move around.)
(. . .)
(You put your hand to your side. You're considering it, why. You shouldn't be. It is selfish. And you don't need it. You consider it anyways. One beat passes, then another. Your hand twitches, and reaches over a little bit to Isabeau. You stop, and put it back by your side. Even if you could talk, wanted to talk, how could you ever ask him. . ?)
". . . Mal?" (You glance at him,) "Did you. . . Do you want to hold my hand?"
(You wince. And then gently nod.)
(Isabeau held out his hand, you hesitated. You placed your hand in his. It's warm, soft. You could feel the rough skin where he worked his fingers the most. He had been sewing more, and he had been training just as much as before too. His hands were a bit sweaty, wait, no, both of yours were. Was he nervous? Where you nervous? Yes, you probably were. Looking up at him, his face is turning a darker shade. You glance away.)
(. . . . . . . . It's nice.)
(. . . . No, it's not nice, it's selfish isn't it? Why would he want to be here, or you? No, you knew that. You couldn't trust them. None of them. "I should never have trusted you." That's what he said, wasn't it? You can't stay close to him. You need to protect Siffrin, and you can't trust a stranger to do that.)
(You're still holding his hand. You're squeezing it.)
(He glances at you. This isn't right. This isn't right at all this isn't, this isn't right or safe! Why are you being so open! Why did you want to be so open! You're shaking. You're shaking so much. Why are you doing this to yourself.)
(You take your hand back. You're shaking so much. You should leave. Just leave and don't come back right? How stupid. You scratch at the scars on your arm. Your breathing was getting heavier. You, you, you-)
"Hey. . ." (Isabeau was talking you. Gently. Soft. His hand was hovering over your own.) "Hey, you're alright, right?"
(You stop scratching, you don't respond.)
". . . Was it, was it the touch?"
(You don't know. You haven't felt this strongly about something before.)
". . . . Do you want me to leave?"
(Your head bolts up. You shake your head. Why. Why did you shake your head. You wanted him around? Why.)
"A-alright!" (He seems, worried. He wants to help you. Why.) "What do you need?"
(. . . . .)
(What do you need? You can't think straight. You need something. You don't need touch, right? You don't need food, or anything material. You need. . . You need something. What, do you need comfort? No. You don't need comfort. It's your job to garuntee Siffrin is the one who gets comfort. You don't need it. You don't. . . .)
(. . . . . You hug Isabuea.)
(You hold yourself close. You don't want to think about it. You're selfish. You don't even know what you want and you're selfish. You can't trust him, why are you doing this!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?!?!?!)
(Isabeau hugs you back.)
(It, it doesn't make sense. You feel conflicted. You feel. You, you don't know what you feel. It's, it's not bad, right? Stars, you don't understand. You just, don't. . .)
(You stay like this for a few minutes. Isabeau is warm. And soft. His shirt is soft. Your feel shivers on your skin. You've been sensitive to touch, much more than the others. But you didn't want to let go. Whatever you were feeling, you wanted it more. Your breathing steadied. You're confused, but a nice confused. Why is there a nice version of being confused? Strange.)
(. . . You can hear his heartbeat. It's nice. Steady. Strong. You look up at Isabeau. He's looking down at you, glancing away as you turn to look at him. Hmm. He is shy about it. Maybe that is what you are feeling? Are you shy? Maybe, that doesn't feel quite right. You keep looking up at him untill he looks back. He smiles softly.)
". . . Better?"
(You blink up at him.)
"Not sure?"
(Did you feel better? Stars. You don't know. You're just staring up at Isabeau. What was so fascinating about him. Why did you care? You're supposed to just protect Siffrin. You're supposed to make sure you all wake up the next day. Yet here you are. You are, for lack of a better word, transfixed by your Defender.)
(You open your mouth. You want to say something. You want to say anything. But he wont understand. But you want to do something. What do you do. Isabeau tilts his head slightly.)
"Do you want. . ." (He looks away again. Blushing.) "N-nevermind."
(?. You reach up and turn is head back to look at you. Then you put your hand palm up and shake it a bit. "What is it?")
"Do you. . ." (He trying to hide his face.) "Do you want to kiss me?"
(Your heart skips a beat.)
(He just asked it? Just like that? Why would he. He didn't at first. You asked him what it was after all. You look up at him. He knew that you were you, and not Siffrin, or Loop. He knew you were the one who was most touch averse. Most aggresive. Most defensive. And yet, he trusted you enough to ask you something like that. What does that mean. Did he trust you? Or was he trying to get to you.)
". . . . . S-sorry. . ."
(Why was he apologising. Did he feel embaressed? Ashamed? Ah. He was assuming that your feelings for him was the same as the other two. Looking at his eyes, you could tell he was terrified he was wrong. It's true, you know your feelings are far, far more complicated than Loop or Siffrins, and truly that is a feat in itself.)
(And yet. . .)
(You reached up and touched Isabeaus cheek. When he looks back down at you, you very gently nod.)
"I-- a-alright!" (You could see his surprise. His. . . Excitement? Nervousness? Maybe that's what you were feeling too. He puts a hand hovering right by your cheek. You nod. He places his hand on your cheek. You wince, but don't pull away. He's gentle, and he's warm. You feel like there's spikes on your skin, and yet his hand feels like. . .)
(He leans closer to you, you're face to face, you can't look away. He's nervous. He doesn't know how to kiss you. It's like at the sleepover. Or at the tree. Or at the end. You want to kiss him. And he wants to kiss you. It should be alright then, right? It'll be alright if you. . .)
(You reach up and kiss him.)
(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)
(Your heart. . . . You're warm. You're shaking. You have, you feel, you feel amazing, you feel so warm, you feel boiling. You kissed him. You just kissed him. It was only for a second but it felt like an eternity. You don't know how to feel about it. You think the feeling is good, you hope it is. Because, because. . .)
(Ok that's enough touch now.)
(You start tapping Isabeaus side untill he lets go of the hug. You sit back in your spot, fists balled up in your lap. You're sweating. And shaking. But you weren't thinking about that dagger anymore. Was that good? That should be good, right? Isabeau is worried about you.)
"A-are you alright?"
(You nod. And hold up a finger. "One second.")
(Isabeau waits patiently for you. You breath in and out. Alright. Alright you're normal again. You ball up your fists and push them away, laying them out flat. . . Then take a hand to your temple and drag it down. "Alone time, please.")
"A-alright. If you need me, or, need anything. Just, just come and find me, ok?" (Isabeau gets up to leave.)
(You tug on his shirt before he goes, he turns. You point to the dagger Isabeau put to the side. Open palms up from one side of your body to the other. "Take it away")
"Oh, alright." (Isa takes the dagger and holds it close.) "I'll protect it with my life."
(The corner of your mouth twitches. Heh. Funny. You look up at Isabeau. One last thing. You drag a finger accross your lips.)
"Our secret?"
(You nod. Our secret.)
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kozumesphone · 13 days
⤷ leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader
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♡ fandom | percy jackson and the heroes of olympus
♡ includes | best friends with hints of romantic feelings (if I ever find the energy to make a part two, it’d actually be cool 😔), barely any angst to comfort, collective adhd levels being off the charts, yapping.
♡ in which | y/n and leo sharing a common love for designing and building things <3, reader and leo, both have nightmares (not described too vividly), reader uses swear words <3.
♡ a/n | jdkfcjqdkb I wrote this and forgot to post it ;-; anyway, this is one of my new fav leo fics i've ever written bc I get to geek out 🫶 + the technical part of this is inspired by my love for fast and furious + my new interest in f1, so enjoy!!
♡ wc | 1.0k
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✮⋆˙ y/n’s pov
“are you ready, child of athena?” a god’s voice boomed around us. I took a few steps to the front to be side-by-side with my brother, malcolm pace.
“you’re not leaving me, now of all times—”
“i’m sorry, mou ilios, I have to. you know I do.”
“mal, please, I— who’s going to lead the cabin if you’re gone? how can you be so selfish—”
“you, n/n. I know you can do it,” malcolm said, and stepped in front of me. he raised his hands and gently pushed me further behind him, enveloping me in his shadow.
“it’s one child of athena you want,” malcolm paused. “take me.”
I sat up on my bed. I picked up a watch from the bedside table—a watch that once was malcolm’s, but mine, now—which read 2:47.
I threw my blanket to the side, which did little to cover me up anyway, and got up to check on the little kids. they were all sound asleep.
for the next 10 minutes—or what felt like an hour—I walked around the cabin, cleaning it up and trying to fall asleep.
but when has sleep ever come to you when you needed it the most?
I feared reliving malcolm’s last moments before he left me, everytime I closed my eyes. stranded me here, disappearing without any advice on how to lead, or how to live.
I leant against the cabin door and felt the cool air from the bottom of the door blowing onto my feet. finally realising that I couldn’t go back to sleep, I decided to go out for a walk.
“and where are you off to?” annie’s voice whispered from her bed. she was still half asleep and groggy.
“heading out for a walk. can’t sleep,” I said.
“take the cap, and don’t get caught. i’m not helping you out with the dishes if you get caught by those harpies,” she grumbled. I smiled and took her cap from the coat rack beside the door, and stepped out into the cold night in nothing but sweats and a tank top.
great choice, y/n. good job on not realising what you were even wearing. now, you can die of the cold, if the harpies don’t get you first. yay!
I put on annie’s cap, watching my shadow disappear with me. I walked around aimlessly, thinking of malcolm helping me pick my first dagger, which was currently concealed with the help of the waistband of my sweatpants.
my feet subconsciously drag me to bunker nine, where I heard noises from. I go closer only to find light glowing from the open door.
I was facing my best friend’s back, hunched over a project, probably. if he turned around, I bet he’d look sleep-deprived and in need of coffee.
before I could take off the cap, he said, “hey, n/n!” and turned around with a grin.
“shut the fuck up, man, how did you just do that—” I complained, taking the cap off.
“I felt the sleep deprivation and negativity enter the room and guess who it was?” he wiggled his eyebrows and left his project unattended behind him.
“whatever,” I rolled my eyes at him and flopped down onto his couch. we looked at each other for an entirety of a few seconds before I opened my arms and he tumbled onto me.
“nightmares?” I asked.
“fuck yes, please.”
it was around 4 in the morning when we wrapped up our movie night—movie morning?—with leo’s face buried in my neck, cuddling.
“wanna stay like this forever,” he said, his voice muffled. I smiled.
“or we could finish building what you were working on before I came,” I suggested. he looked up suddenly, with all his energy regained.
“hell yes!” he whisper-yelled, pumping his fist in the air and getting up. pulling me up from the couch, he continued. “I was working on building my own 1.6 litre four-stroke turbocharged 90 degree V6 double-overhead camshaft reciprocating engine. there’s these things called street races in tokyo, and this engine is basically my ticket to winning the next series there! wanna come with me and check out the coolest cars ever, next year?”
“oh, dude, you’re on! i’ve heard it’s basically motorsports heaven—”
“it is!”
“and we’re building our own fucking engine!?”
“we are—”
“oh, this is SO cool!”
“i’ve gotta start reworking on the specs, because I keep getting them wrong. can you take a look at them once?” he asked.
I nodded and moved towards his work table where used plotter papers lied. after taking in his planning and figuring out where he went wrong, I pulled out a new paper, and sharpened the blunt pencil.
I wanted to put my hair up but realised I forgot my hair tie at cabin six. I turned around to ask leo if i’d left any here when he removed a black hair tie from his wrist and dangled it in front of my face.
my cheeks flushed at the thought of him wearing it everyday. it felt so intimate, but it wasn’t that deep, really.
I thanked him quietly and he pulled two chairs in front of the table, on which we sat down and started working on drafting the new specs together.
after about an hour, neither of us could keep our eyes open and moved to the couch, falling asleep together with whispered promises of finishing the blueprints the next day.
“cute fit, by the way,” he whispered. I looked down and realised it was his birthday gift to me from last year, and smiled.
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etheries1015 · 7 months
I was thinking- what if Vil does one of those celebrity documentaries when he's older? He's settled down with you, you have kids, his career is still going good. He'll talk about when you guys decided to settle down and have kids (the home video clips of him loving his kids 🥲). They'll sit you down and you just radiate loving housewife energy and someone will sneakily catch on camera Vil looking at you so softly while you're recording your part. Him admitting his problems with Neige (and the team interviewed him too but he still has no idea about Vil's true feelings), how he always wanted a role outside of being a villain. Rook having his own interviews being his usual self but also suddenly showing up in your home during filming. Epel wanting to get in on it to kinda reveal the bs Vil made him put up with (and Vil just chuckles cause he still knows he was right) and to promote the farm. And then Vil mentions how he owes Malleus favors (does he reveal he overblotted?). Cue the screen suddenly showing Malleus sitting comfortably in a chair and smiling smugly. And then you notice he's in your home. And he's just like, "Oh, yes. I did Schonheit some favors back then." And it shows some backstage footage of the film crew wondering if they should even try and contact THE Malleus Dragonia to get an interview, and if they do if they actually have the guts to. But before they can decide you pull up, "Oh? You wanna talk to Mal? Let me ask him!" And you just speed dial him and ask and once you hang up he's magically poofed into your home for the interview. He doesn't mind talking about Vil and you but also sneaks in some gargoyle stuff. There's also extra footage of your still young kids hearing Mal is here and running up to him, "Uncle Mal~!!" And you, Vil, Mal, and the kids having a small tea break.
Oh man, what're you doing dropping this beautiful piece in my inbox when you should post it on your page and get the attention it deserves?? Because this is ADORABLE and AMAZING! All the ideas you threw out in here were so cute, Vil finally having the confidence to talk about you and his family, his carreer as a total...plus that Malleus blurb LMFAOOOO, When you're asked what person in your school years affected you most other than Vil or what friends you had that were most prominent, you say "Oh, Malleus Draconia! I think he's king of brair valley right now, though."
Everyone just stares at you in shock, but Vil kinda like "You have his number, right? Call him over." (He did it for the drama...he thought it would be funny for the documentary, and he was right. It became the most replayed part of the entire section.)
AND YOUR KIDS WITH VIL TALKING AND HANGING OUT WITH MALLEUS LIKE OL' CHUMS IS SO ADORABLE. When Malleus comes over, he always has some sort of riches or treasures for your children. He's constantly playing with them. He's your go-to baby sitter and he LOVES it. You being best friends with Malleus while married with Vil HAS to be my favorite thing about ALL OF THIS. It's so adorable i'm sobbing crying shaking throwing up.
The home clips...oh my gosh i'm so soft. YES!! Imagine when the documentary gets released, so many people point out places that they noticed Rook was in the background in the videos when you didn't see them before. It was insane, an entire conspiracy theory trend came out of it.
I like to think you have home videos of VIL being the housewife, cooking in his "Kiss the queen" Apron while holding one of your children on his side and using a spatula to flip the pancakes with the other. He had no idea you released this to the director, it came a shock to him when there was a section of the documentary dedicated to how you felt being married and having kids with one of the worlds biggest stars. He probably cried a little about it, ngl.
PLEASE I IMPLORE YOU reveal yourself!! Or post this!! Because it's such a cute idea and I think you truly deserve the rightful attention! But thank you for sharing, this was such a fun read and I enjoyed exploring / expanding more on it heuheuheu.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Malleus: *received a present from Idia but was only taking it out from its box since he had informed him that it was a piece of advanced technology and he hesitated in using it*
Malleus: Shroud's recommendation suggests that I create a username, allowing this object to promptly recognize my identity.
Malleus: *looks concerned* Nonetheless, I hold reservations about the object's fragility, fearing that I might accidentally break it.
Malleus: What should I do about this?
Lilia: *suddenly appears* Hi, Malleus. Idia was worried you didn't know how to use the present he gave to you.
Lilia: That's why he provided simple instructions that you can follow.
Malleus: *smiles* Thank you, Lilia.
Lilia: First, you have to press that button in the middle. However, it's best that I do it. *laughs* I don't trust your strength.
Malleus: Here.
Lilia: *turns it on* Okay. Next. *giving it back to Malleus*
Lilia: It's voice-activated. So you'll have to say your preferred name. And that's it!
Malleus: Really? Hm. That seems easy enough.
Lilia: Try it now. I'm also curious what this technology is.
Malleus: I have to think of a preferred name...
Malleus: *smiles* I know. Please call me "Mal-mal".
Mal-mal registered into the system.
Your real name is Malleus Draconia. Do you want to keep your username "Mal-mal"?
Malleus: Yes.
*whirring sound then a soft beep*
I am your AI companion. Nice to meet you, Mal-mal!
Malleus and Lilia: *amazed*
Malleus: Nice to meet you too.
Lilia: So, what can you do?
I can talk!
Lilia: That's it?
Malleus: *chuckles* I see that you have quite a sense of humor. I like you.
Lilia: What's with the weird sound?
I don't know how to take a compliment. But I'm genuinely happy!
Malleus: I see. *chuckles* I'll try to be careful then. Oh, and before I forget, what should I name you?
I suggest that you don't give me one.
Malleus: Hm? Why not?
In case of a damage, you will not feel hurt.
Malleus: *frowning a little* Does that mean you won't be my companion for a long time?
With proper care, I can extend my technological lifespan!
Malleus: *smiles* Well then, I would be taking care of you.
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fbfh · 2 months
Curiosity is a Wonderful thing ch. 10
wc: 1.8k
genre: slow burn, little angst, childhood best friends to lovers
pairing: slow burn bff!ben x fem daughter of alice!reader, previously audrey x ben, mal x ben???? yikes!
warnings: political lore and descendants world building from yours truly lol, I think that's it??? minor angst???
summary: determined to figure out what's going on with ben, you remember that many paws make light work.
song recs: dirty paws - of monsters and men, hartebeest - yaelokre, a world of my own - kathryn beaumont
a/n: HI HELLO DADDIES HELLO MY DADDIES HI HELLO also I started watching it's always sunny and every goddamn thing out of charlie's mouth is a vocal stim. I can't go more than two seconds without going HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY. LOOK AT ME GIVE ME EYES. COOL YOUR JETS. NOW GET OUTTA HERE. I love him.
ALSO!!!!!!!! happy 23rd b-day to meself!!!! does a little jester dance while I simultaneously give a thumbs down from the king chair, opening a trapped door and throwing my jester self into a deep dark pit full of lions and poorly made iced americanos.
tags @yesv01@magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sunshineangel-reads @dustyinkpages @inejsknifes @tulipmagnoliaisme @ev3ningrain @yokolesbianism lmk if I missed you and I'll add you to the tag list yell at me in the notes /j (also my dearest yokolesbianism!!!!! thank you so fuckin much for the feedback!!!!!! based on your tags I assumed you'd wanna be tagged?? just shoot me an ask or message if this is not the case lol <333)
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You haven’t given much thought to anything besides your research since it began, but if you had, you suppose you would notice you’ve been holed up in the library for every hour it’s been open for a few days, at least. Each waking moment has been spent pouring through text after text, desperately seeking anything that could prove useful in answering the question of Ben’s behavior. 
The first few books proved to be utterly useless for anything besides sharpening your researching skills. You slam the most recent book closed and lean back in your chair, letting out a sigh of frustration. As much as you hate to admit it - even to yourself - you must begrudgingly admit that you need help. 
You let out another sigh, and stand up. A good long sigh seems to be your only weapon against the inconsolable frustration burbling within you turmoilously. You stretch your aching legs and arms, hoping your blood hasn’t stopped circulating entirely, and throw the window open. You take in a big, deep breath of spring air. 
The scent of gardenia and hibiscus floats along the breeze and into your chest, and you glance down at the flowering culprits below the window. 
Your mind wanders and races in a blurry stumble. There must be some way for you to get information, to get some extra hands on this without getting anyone else directly involved. You never expected to find yourself facing such a fragile, treacherous situation, much less having to navigate it yourself. Without Ben. 
You rub at your aching head, trying to make heads or snails of all this. Your mind reels in a blurry stupor at the dangerous situation your country has found itself in without even realizing this to be the case. You take another big, deep breath. 
“Alright.” You tell yourself with a note of finality, like perhaps if you say it enough things will be just that. Alright. 
There are two heads to this chimera of a situation you’ve found yourself in. Firstly, you have to figure out how to monitor Ben. His words, his actions, if he suddenly decides to shave his head and run about nude. Whatever it is, you must be the first to know. Perhaps if you find a way to stay on top of whatever his next erratic decisions will be, you can find a way to smooth things over, to fix things before they have a chance to snowball wildly out of control. 
The other thing you must consider - arguably, of more importance - is why? Why is he acting like this? As much as you resist confronting the feeling, you can’t shake the sense that this is some sort of political sabotage. It wouldn’t be the first time Ben was caught in the crossfires of political unrest. There was a very tense 8 days when you were both nearly too young to remember where Ben had been kidnapped by a group of radicalist former henchmen. They were convinced that Chernabog was sending them secret messages, and were responsible for the next villain uprising.
This, of course, was untrue and Ben was returned unscathed. The henchmen were understandably sent to the Isle, and Chernabog’s whereabouts are still unknown. There’s some debate over the nature of his crimes, if he’s truly evil or just appears to be scary. You and your mother know right where you stand on the issue - while he appears terrifying, and has incredible amounts of power, you have yet to find any evidence that he wants to cause harm. 
You understand why Overlandians are so quick to fear what they don’t know, but one cannot control their size nor the strength of their power, so your mother has urged the Auradon government to let sleeping gods lie. Besides, Chernabog hasn’t been around for half a century, and won’t be seen for another half century at least, so it’s really the least of anyone’s worries right now. 
You snap from your train of thought, returning to the matter afoot. You must keep tabs on Ben, and find some explanation for why he could be acting like this. You already have so many bites that are far too big, and you have no clue how you’ll chew your way through this by yourself. You’re about to go back when you see a bluebird sitting on the tree branch outside the window. She preens her feathers, enjoying the warm sunlight dappling through the lush green leaves that partially hide her from view. You lean out of the window, your sleeves rippling in the breeze. 
“Excuse me!” You call out. She chirps inquisitively as you get her attention. 
“I do hate to bother you, but I’m stuck in quite a muddling lurch. It’s all quite convoluted you see, and as much as I hate to admit it, I fear I’ve reached a point where I simply don’t have enough hands to handle it all.”
She quirks her head at you, hopping a little closer and lending an ear as you begin to explain the whole kerfuffle. You try to be as concise and clear as you can, but you take after your mother quite well. You get a little sidetracked here or worked up there, and find yourself rambling a great good deal more than you would have liked to. 
By the time you’re just about through with your explanation, you’ve had to pull out a lacy embroidered handkerchief, then soon after, another one for the bluebird. She’s grown quite invested in your woes, and it feels so good to be able to weep wetly over this with someone who shares your feelings. You try in vain to dry your eyes, and she holds her hankie tightly with her feathers, blowing her beak with a loud noise. 
“So you see, this whole thing is quite unusual. I just don’t know what to do, or how to fix things.” You look at her compassionate face, nodding and chirping in sympathy. 
“Do you think…” You begin, “Do you perhaps have any friends that could keep ears and eyes open for anything odd, or relating to all this? If you could possibly keep an ear to the ground - or sky - and let me know if there’s anything unusual, I would be most grateful.”
She nods, tweeting in agreement before you can even finish your proposal. She fluffs her feathers and wrings out your hankie, sprinkling salty tears onto the walkway below and hangs it up on a  branch to dry out. She salutes you, and you wave at her as she flies off to spread the word. 
“Thank you!” You call after her. She chirps back at you, and you watch her land a few trees over, discussing the topic with some other birds in the branches. You grip the windowsill resolutely. This is good. This was a good plan. Animal communication takes a great deal of work on both ends, so as long as no particularly gossipy stoats or chickadees get a hold of this, you’ll be alright. 
Besides, animals generally tend to prefer gossiping with other animals rather than humans. Overlandians never seem to understand the gravitas of the social politics of the forest. Despite the word traveling fast, you can’t shake the feeling you need more. More eyes, more ears, more furry feet and paws and claws spreading the word. You straighten up abruptly, returning to your table. You scribble a hasty note on a piece of paper, and prop it up against your stacks and stacks of useless - in this instance, anyway - books. 
gone for tea, be back in three 
You’re known for ducking in and out for tea now and again, and you’re sure this will come as no surprise to the librarians. You rush down the steps and out of the library, into the grassy courtyard. It feels like forever since you’ve been outside, and you miss leisurely strolls and reading in the dappled sunlight. But regrettably, now is simply not the time for leisure. You walk around for a few minutes, searching and looking until you see a cat lying on a garden wall, bathing in the sun. 
 “I beg your pardon,” you start, and the cat opens one sleepy eye. You take a breath and begin explaining the situation all over again. You’re pleased to find a little bit of the sting is gone this time. Just a little. Soon you have his full attention, and his tail flicks in sympathetic irritation for you, for having gone through all this. 
“So if you could spread the word to some friends, keep me informed on anything you think might prove useful” You ask hopefully. 
He pretends to consider for a moment, then agrees, hopping down from the wall and arching his back in a big stretch. He scurries off to spread the word as you make your way into the gardens for similar reasons. You traipse through the hedge maze, feeling a momentary solace in becoming lost so quickly. Soon you find just what you’re looking for, and after a similar conversation with a mother rabbit, you allow yourself to return to the library. 
You return to your research with more gumption than you had had before. You feel a sense of reassurance - a much needed one, at that - that all these kind animals and their friends and relations had agreed to help you and your cause. Soon after, nearly every cat and rabbit are doing reconnaissance for you. Dozens of bluebirds follow students and linger by windows in hopes of overhearing something useful. With all these ears to the ground and sky, you lose yourself in your fruitless research once again. 
When the words begin to look jumbled and meaningless (and not in the good way) you know you absolutely must call it a day. You close your books and place them neatly in the return cart, scratching out titles from your list of Potentially Helpful Books in your journal. More and more pages have become dedicated to this heart aching mystery, though you have few clues, and fewer leads. You ruminate on this as you begin to head for your dorm, nearly tripping over a speckled rabbit. 
He thumps his foot loudly to get your attention, and you startle. “Oh, hello,” you say apologetically, crouching down to speak with him. You listen intently to what he tells you, your stomach dropping in the early evening light. 
Ben and Mal are on a date at the enchanted lake as you speak. 
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lowkeyrobin · 8 days
Hi! Sorry to annoy you, but can you maybe write a story about Maleficent and Hades's other child? She ( or whatever gender ) is Mal's sister, and they genuinely have a good relationship, but she grew up with Hades. She and Hades were like best friends. She had black and blue hair to match him and her mom. She was neglected by Maleficent, because Maleficent always paid more attention to Mal and in turn it caused a lot of arguments between her and Hades, causing their split up. Fast Forward, the reader, Chloe, and Red go back in time, and the reader sees her parents so in love and happy. She is filled with bitterness seeing them, but also longing, cause she never really got to know her mom. She tried keeping her distance and helping Chloe and Red. Little did she know, she caught her parents attention, who were trying to figure out the confusing person with dark black and blue hair. But the reader mostly got the attention of Maleficent. I don't know what else, except maybe make it angsty, but in the end make it sweet. Again, I kept saying 'she' but it could be gender neutral, if you want of course! I've never requested a story before, so this feels weird. But thank you! :)
this is definitely a long one but it's okay lol ; also dw about sending long reqs (that goes to everyone) but maybe use the small font cause I do go back and look over when I'm writing / it's a bit of a scroll for others but it's totally okay!! ; but I can definitely try to do this, this seems really cool! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; this is kinda one run-on sentence but I really don't care 😔🙏
HADES & MALEFICENT ; a sense of belonging
summary ; as you go back in time to stop qoh's coup, you see your parents at merlins academy and catch attention of them, though they don't know who you are
warnings ; language, mentions/talk of parental neglect / arguing / stuff like that
track ; lonely is the muse, halsey
word count ; 1.2k
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You didn't go a day without blaming yourself for your parent's breakup. You were never enough for your mom. Never evil enough. You never listened. You were your father's kid, you guessed. Thankfully, you and your sister were still close, your parents never having put a hole in your relationship.
Though, seeing them here, like this, before you and Mal, it made your heart shatter. They were highschool sweethearts. You never knew that.
They seemed so in love, they seemed happy. It was like your entire existence ruined them entirely. Forget the underlying issues between them, you were the problem. You'd always be the problem.
You shouldn't have come. You couldn't fix history. You didn't even know why you lunged at Red while she tried to disarm Chloe. You saw that pocketwatch, you should've assumed it would do something. Though, you wouldn't blame Red, she had good intentions to stop her mother from becoming a tyrant. Messing with time and history would come with consequences, though, you just didn't know how yet.
But it didn't matter in this moment.
As you stand before Maleficent and Hades next to Red and Chloe, all you can feel is the numbness inside your heart. You could feel your heart constricting inside your body, like it was actively shattering here and now. They stand behind Uliana, her hand held in his.
It didn't matter to you that you were one of the first VK's to attend Auradon Prep, or that you helped outsmart Uma and save the king, or that you helped Mal's final decision to open up the Isle for good, you'd forever be a windchime in the window, catching mean, snarky comment that was thrown your way. You would always reassemble yourself to fit the perfect view of how your parents saw you. To Maleficent, a gift from Hades himself, sadly. To Hades, the best kid he could've ever asked for, even if he didn't agree with every decision you'd made in life.
You would just exist to decorate every miserable moment of their lives, including the past now, apparently. You were the muse to their world-renowned painter, the lonely muse who would forever be forgotten after being discarded, ar least to your mother. You couldn't begin to process what awful time paradox you were creating here.
As you walk away, following Chloe and Red back to the dorms to plan, your head hangs low. The past few minutes of actions had been erased from your kind as you blacked out, trapped in your thoughts. Your eyes has glazed over entirely, blindly following the duo you'd been dragged to the past with.
Your mother hissed at the audience who'd witnessed Uliana's fall into the enchanted fountain, something she did to scare you. Thank God she was a lizard now. Hades held his ember tight, his eyes fixed on you as you walked away.
Lonely is the muse.
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You didn't know how or why, but you'd caught the attention of your parents.
The following afternoon, you decided to separate from Red and Chloe while they went to visit Bridget in her dorm, needing to borrow some powerful cookbook. You needed some air. You felt so heavy and held down here.
You run a hand over your navy blue and black hair, sitting in front of the fountain alone. You wanted to cry but there was no effort, no amount of emotion, left to do so.
You hated your mother because of how she treated you. You hated because you grieved the fact that you never knew her. She didn't tell you bedtime stories of her wicked past, she didn't teach you spells or how to be evil, you didn't know the damndest thing about her. You were always just a figment of her life to be tossed aside for her golden child, Mal. You spent years trying to become everything she'd ever wanted, and failed. Over and over. You were never enough for her.
You'd caught her attention here though. You were perfectly out of place for her to finally bat an eye to your presence. How ironic.
She slowly approaches from behind, her head slightly tilted, one arm crossed over her chest, her other hand held close to her face. She didn't know what to say, she just wanted to know who you were. You seemed so distantly familiar.
You quickly look over your shoulder, sensing her presence. She always felt like that, she always gave you that sixth sense. You walked on eggshells your whole life because of her. Her presence alone sent shivers up your spine.
"May I ask who you are?" she asks. "Where are you from, exactly?"
You blink, knowing you can't answer wholeheartedly. You couldn't tell her you were her kid, Y/n, one of two that she had with Hades on the Isle of the Lost.
"My name's Y/n. I'm... a transfer student. Far away place" you nod, quickly finding an excuse to give her, hoping she wouldn't see through you.
She slowly nods. "Your hair... I've never seen one of you with such a unique color. It doesn't look very... hero-like"
You glance back at Hades, who leans against a wall out of earshot, tossing his ember about. "Uh, yeah," you awkwardly chuckle. "I wouldn't say I'm a hero."
"Oh?" she smirks, quickly thinking to recruit you for whatever reason.
"I'm not staying for long," you quickly reply.
She nods, her smirk fading away. "Nice meeting you, I guess"
You nod, watching as she spins on her heels, returning to Hades, their hands intertwined as they depart, leaving you at the fountain alone again. You watch as they walk away, feeling the last fragments of your taped-together heart ripping apart.
All you wanted was to save that picture in your mind forever. To see them so content, to see them so proud of themselves. You really did ruin them. You'd ruin them in every timeline, and you couldn't fix it. You'd forever live knowing you broke them apart.
You did that to them.
And all you did was watch.
You knew you belonged with them, you knew you were supposed to be evil and follow in their footsteps. But you failed the moment you were born. Something just threw you off to her.
She couldn't ever love you.
At least she could pretend for Mal.
But what did you get? Nothing. Not even a thank you for trying to give her a second chance in that coronation hall. Not even a glance. You were invisible to her.
But here, you weren't invisible.
She wanted to know your name.
That was the most you'd ever gotten from her in your twenty years of life.
But you couldn't do anything. You couldn't ruin this for them so early on. You couldn't change their story to try and fix yourself. It doesn't work like that, you knew that. But something deep down inside wanted you to just reach out and make the most of it while you could.
You just wanted to know her. You just wanted to feel the warmth of her cold voice congratulating you for stealing candy from a baby or for scaring someone away, or lighting them on fire. It didn't matter. You wanted to make her proud. You watched on for years as Mal was her center of attention. Nothing you did was worthy for her to be proud of.
But here? You could make a difference.
A difference that wasn't worth making.
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abrakuxas · 2 months
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Should I do a part 2 with Lilith, Mal, Gnarrk Karen and Duela?
Hey, it's the Teen Titans!
My iteration of the fab5 with both Donna's costumes
Current headcanons of this version:
- Dick Grayson | Robin (14): mostly the same but I'd say he kinda forced Bruce to accept him. Bruce kept saying he would deal with Zucco with his billionaire influence but Dick would not accept it, telling Bruce he can and would escape the mansion to take revenge. When Bruce noticed Dick would end up in the same path as him, he decided it would be best to guide him through it and that having an adult around to help him do it right is better than letting him do it alone with no training and Dick would 100% do it alone if necessary.
- Wally West | Kid Flash (14): I'll be honest, I don't think I have any relevant or little difference in my head for Wally. Mostly because I haven't read him outside of Titans comics and I think he's cool there. He starts off a little annoying but then he drops off and as Flash he is just a great friend to Dick and everyone so idk?? Not enough knowledge about him.
- Garth | Aqualad (13): My immediate headcanon for Garth is him already being able to use hydrokinesis. I feel like he'd be the youngest and least experienced of them along with Donna as both of them came from other places and are still learning about other cultures and all that. He has particular beef with Roy who mocks his whole dependency of water thing but he comes to learn that Roy is just trying to feel better about his insecurity as Garth is not only capable of doing magic but also being raised underwater means he is actually very very strong while Roy feels shooting arrows makes him the weakest member of the group so messing with the youngest kid, the fish out of water makes him feel more powerful. I'd say Garth and Donna would be easy friends as they know about each other's culture far more. Garth is also the wisest and calmest of them, I'd say but when he does get angry it's a very scary thing as his magic powers are no joke.
- Donna Troy | Wonder Girl (14): Donna Troy is a mystery. She's not the only child in Themyscira as Amazons here are quite capable of having children with each other (hello, DC comics, you don't need to make them r*pists if your canonize trans Amazons. They can literally just have women centered pregnancies without magic or abusing men for it), but Donna was adopted by none other than Queen Hippolyta. As far as she knows, Wonder Woman saved her from a burning building but after never finding her parents and sensing something different about her, she decided to take her back home where they found out Donna is not only quite similar to Amazons, but quite similar to Diana specifically... But Donna is NOT an Amazon, nor a clone. Donna was created by the Titans of myth, from clay to life, just as Diana once was, she was named Troia by them as she was designed to work similarly as the Trojan Horse, infiltrating the Amazons and eventually growing into their champion to destroy the gods and free them from Tartaros. What they did not expect is that Donna would follow Diana's footsteps and go to men's world in her younger years where she would meet her best friends and learn not to be a warrior but a human girl. She is a great fighter, of course, the strongest of the team, she became fast friends with them and even thought at first they could even be demigods: Aqualad had power over water and came from Poseidon's Atlantis, Kid Flash ran like Hermes, Robin was a strategist as Athena and that Speedy boy? His bow and arrow and handsomeness could only be taken from Apollo, right? It took a while for Donna to learn about humanity and teenagers but she fell in love with that world, even developing her own sense of style and fashion, changing a lot from the Amazon warrior into a teenage girl. A superhero teenage girl. (Maybe I'll develop this more with her transformation into Troia later down the line)
- Roy Harper | Speedy (15): My biggest headcanon is that Roy's mother (who as far as I know we have no info about) was Navajo and died in childbirth. Roy's dad raised him until dying saving Brave Bow and Brave Bow took Roy and raised him knowing who his mother was. I'd just like to make him a little bit less of the white guy raised by natives trope that lots of golden age comics did for some reason. Well, Roy here was not much different, eventually being adopted by Ollie and training with him and Dinah. In the Team, Roy is the rival to Dick. He is flirty, a showoff and wants really bad to be a badass not only to impress Donna but to come on top of Robin as he feels GA and Batman are rivals and so should they as the only regular humans on the team and at points he even denies being part of the Titans, only being at the same place at the same time. After his insecurities and anxieties take him to a dangerous path and conflict with Ollie, he learns to warm to the Titans as friends and family after they take care of him and don't judge him, trying their best to help and understand him.
What do you guys think? :)
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comphy-and-cozy · 9 months
oh I have a marty thot for sure! I’ve been thinking about riding his thigh while he sits back and just watches, kinda unimpressed at the show and telling you “you can do better than that, can’t you?”
Earn It
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Pairing: Matt Martin x sugar baby!reader (f)
Universe: sugar daddy Marty
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY). Sugar daddy/baby dynamic, lap dance, semi-public/risque sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, choking, mild degradation, creampie, a little bit of cum play (lmao jfc).
Fridays are supposed to be celebratory; the end of the week, welcoming in a few days off to relax and reset. What they’re not supposed to be are stressful, non-stop, chaotic. 
Yet here you are, already thinking about the large glass of wine you’re going to pour yourself when you get home; the only decision you’re planning to make for the rest of the night is red or white. 
Setting your keys into the bowl on the table beside the door, you eye the pristine leather sneakers next to your shoe rack, but make no move to greet the person you already know is waiting on the couch. You knew you’d regret having the extra key made for him, that he’d show up unannounced like a poorly-timed pimple, but it’s not like you really could say no—not when you consider that he all but pays your rent. 
When you round the corner, bag left on the quartz countertop (an upgrade he insisted on when you were signing your new lease), you finally offer him your attention.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he muses, glancing up from where he’s scrolling on his phone. You do your best to mask the shiver that runs down your spine when his eyes lock with yours. Based on the smirk that quirks up on his face, you’d wager a guess that you did a poor job of it.
“Hi, Matty,” you say. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“You need a new dress for the charity gala,” he drawls. 
“I do, do I?”
He ignores your attitude, standing up to walk over to the island and setting the invitation in front of you. You glance it over, admiring the thick, black cardstock and gold foil detailing the casino-themed event taking place at UBS Arena next month.
“Black tie attire,” you hum. “I don’t have anything that’s black-tie appropriate.”
“That’s why you need a new dress.”
“And that’s why you’re here right now, sitting on my couch after a day from hell, full of back-to-back meetings, am I correct?”
Matt smiles again. “Already have a bubble bath going for you, my little brat. I’ll be here tomorrow at 9 to pick you up.”
You feel a little guilty for the sass, smiling bashfully at him as he plants a sweet kiss on your cheekbone on his way to the door. “Lock up behind me, darlin’.”
Goddamn him. Always knowing exactly how to charm you to get you to bend to his every will—but not without giving him the kind of attitude that makes his dick hard. A fair tradeoff, in your opinion.
That’s why you work, why your dynamic makes your relationship feel so smooth and seamless and… perfect. Except the part where he’s paying you to fuck him.
Either way, it’s how you find yourself walking along Fifth Avenue, following Matt as he leads you into stores with price tags that intimidate you so much, your cheeks get hot. He lets you browse on your own, warming you up a bit, picking out a few items for work along with a new Yves Saint Laurent purse.
Purchase after purchase. Item after item. The ease with which Matt whipped out his thick, black credit card—you know, the heavy ones that just feel luxurious—almost physically pains you as you try to do the mental math of what he’d spent today.
Finally, you follow him to the dresswear section of Bergdorf Goodman’s, admiring the ease with which he carries the multiple bags in his large hands. You feel well and truly spoiled, thinking to yourself that the dark green lace set he purchased at Fleur du Mal will come in handy later when it comes time to show your gratitude.
“This dress,” he murmurs against your temple, pressing an affectionate kiss to your skin as the fitting room attendant readies a room for you. “I want everyone there to imagine fucking you out of it.”
At this point, you’re used to his blunt and sometimes crude nature, but that doesn’t stop your skin from heating at his crass words. You can’t deny the warmth that radiates between your legs, though, at the thought of him showing you off, claiming you as his, publicly. And, well, how are you supposed to say no to him buying you a dress that’s worth more than your groceries for the month?
The selection is enormous, and you find yourself overwhelmed by the options—lace, chiffon, silk, crepe—all of it doesn’t mean much to you, so you rely on your stylist to select a few options that complement your body type. Matt sits quietly in the corner of the fitting room, watching you try on dress after dress, making barely any comment other than an occasional hum.
When the stylist leaves you to contemplate your options, you glance over your reflection, at the Alex Perry gown that stares back at you. It’s the first dress that feels right, and you can’t help the feeling of excited anticipation that fills your chest when you think about wearing it beside Matt at the gala. Maybe he’d wear that delicious gray suit that you like, the one you almost stained permanently humping his thigh like a fucking dog in heat.
“Is this the one you want?”
You do a final spin in the mirror, checking the various angles and standing on your toes to imitate your height in heels. It’ll need to be altered a bit, but you’re pleased with the way it fits your body and, more importantly, the way it makes you feel luxurious. With your nod, Matt leans forward and glances at the price tag hanging out of the back. His eyes flick to yours in the mirror, and you stew in discomfort for the few seconds before he’s sitting back, apparently approving of the price.
A wide smile forms on your face, feeling a bit like a child on Christmas morning at your excitement. You like Matt for far more than his wallet, but you can’t deny that it feels nice to be spoiled by him, to feel lavished by his gifts and special treatment. 
“Think it’s time for you to say thank you, don’t you?” 
Matt’s low purr snaps you out of your thoughts, eyes focusing back on the navy silk material that’s hugging your body. The corset bodice keeps you tucked in, accentuating the curve of your breasts, fabric draped across your middle and fastened in place with a large, glittering piece. But the real attention-grabber is the slit on the left side that goes up to your hip, revealing almost your entire leg.
You cast a glance at him in the mirror, a flutter in your chest when you see the way his eyes rake in your reflection. He hums, and though he told you it was your decision, you’re pleased that he likes what he sees.
“Thank you, Matty,” you say, batting your eyelashes at him. You lean forward and press a kiss against his lips, warm and soft—the kind you could fall into with ease. He smiles, crooked and patronizing as he tsks.
“Oh, sweetheart, you know that isn’t good enough. Look at all these bags—all for you. I think I deserve more gratitude than that, hm?”
The hidden meaning of his velvet words are enough to make you shiver, your heart chilling as you realize what he wants. His eyes glitter as he watches you, sees the recognition on your face and the hitch in your throat. 
Your voice is hoarse as you whisper, “Here?”
Matt blinks, lazily, with a raised eyebrow, like he’s challenging to you to deny him. Of course you can’t, and he knows it. He leans back on the bench, his back resting against the wall and his legs spread comfortably. It’s a silent invitation, one you can’t refuse, and you find yourself moving to sit in his lap with a shaky gulp.
His hands weave their way to your hips, warm through the material of your jeans. “Good girl.”
With just the right amount of pressure, he encourages you to move your waist, swaying your hips as your ass brushes against his groin. He’s half hard, the bulge firm against you as you set a rhythm, listening for any other customers entering the dressing rooms nearby. The classy elevator music hums softly through the speakers while the silk covering your ass glides against his slacks in a filthy narrative.
A low hum of approval sounds from Matt’s chest, eyes glued to the way you work your hips. It isn’t long before you’re glancing behind you, meeting his eyes as he regards you with his easy, lazy gaze. Beneath the firm press of your ass, you can feel him hardening as the tick of your heartbeat increases in your throat. His signature smirk slides its way onto his face, smug, soaking in the fact that he’s got you wrapped around his finger, willing to do practically anything he asks you.
It isn’t long before he’s stiff, solid beneath you, and you feel an involuntary throb at the size of him. Every moment, you remain vigilant, ears perked for voices—or worse, the sound of someone’s gasp. It reflects in your movements, not lackluster but certainly not to your usual level of enthusiasm. There’s something about him when he’s like this—cocky confidence rolling off of him in waves, his gaze heating your skin—that drives you desperately, deliciously wild, a feral urge in you snatching control of your conscience.
But not right now. And he knows it.
He hums, displeased, and you have a split moment to register his disappointment before he’s purring, “Sweetheart, I think you can do better than that, can’t you?”
The velvet of his voice strokes the flame inside you, sending a wave of warmth between your thighs. Another throb against the stiffness under your ass. His hands remain at his sides, not offering any assistance. You can practically feel his lazy gaze on your ass, waiting patiently for you to react.
He senses your hesitation, knows the reason you’re timid—waiting for the fitting room attendant to come back at any minute and discover the lewd situation unfolding. So he changes his approach, voice honeyed and silky smooth. “Look at that gorgeous dress. Y’look fucking stunning in it, baby. But you gotta earn it, darlin’.”
You meet his gaze in the reflection of the mirror, see the glitter in them that tells you he’s serious, accepting the small nod he gives you. Bracing your hands on his meaty thighs, you resume your movements, pressing yourself into his groin with more force.
Matt’s words echo in your head as you work him—and yourself—into a frenzy. Earn it. He didn’t specify what his… end goal was, but from the glint in his eye you think it’s safe to assume it’s more than just a clothed lap dance in the middle of the dressing room. 
How you ended up half-naked, thong tugged to the side, hands bracing yourself against the wall of the fitting room, you’re not sure; all you really know is the feeling of Matt’s weight behind you, so tall his face is almost out of your view in the mirror’s reflection. He’s not looking at you, instead focused on tapping the head of his erection against your ass.
You bite your lip to stifle a whine, staring at him in the hopes he’ll offer you just a glance so you can beg him silently to please, put it in. Eventually, he does, sees the desperation pooling in your eyes and chuckles smugly, pleased at the rash desire he finds in them.
“Arch it for me, sweet girl.”
Obeying, you press your ass out toward him, thinking you’d break your back right here, right now, if it meant he’d provide you with some relief. His warm palm presses against your spine, encouraging you to go further, and he hums in approval at the view you present him: expensive dress bunched over the swell of your hips, ass out, pussy dripping, eyes wanton and pleading with him in the mirror.
“You want it?” he asks, his voice so low you strain to hear it.
You’re almost embarrassed at how fast you nod, not wanting to waste any time. He smirks again, and you know he’s biting back the urge to tease you, instead just offering, in all its simplicity: “Slut.”
There’s a brief moment where he allows his words to sink in, a flood of arousal seeping out of your bare, uncovered core, threatening to drip onto the faded wood flooring of the dressing room. You’re grateful that he didn’t make you beg—he usually does—but then he’s pressing into you without warning and a loud cry leaves your lips.
Your hand slaps over your mouth to muffle the sound, but he’s already gotten what he wants out of you, a more than obvious admission of the debauchery occurring just inside the fitting room. Instead, he focuses on the warm wetness enveloping his dick, watching the way your cunt sucks him in, greedy.
Despite his reckless attitude, he’s aware of the slap of his hips against your ass, and instead of jackhammering into you the way he wants to, he’s opted for hard, deep, slow thrusts; hard enough to have a soft, involuntary sigh every time he sheaths himself to the hilt inside of you. It’s the opposite of a quickie (even though that’s exactly what this is); instead, he’s diligent, indulging himself in the feeling of your tight walls throbbing around his length. 
All things considered, you’re pleased with the minimal amount of noises sounding from your stall; though your body shivers when you hear the low groan rumble in his chest. With a glance in the mirror, you can see the way he’s watching himself pull out of your cunt, biting his lip at the sight.
Matt offers a light slap of his tip against your lips before he’s jutting his hips forward, subtly, to rub his length against your clit. The sensation makes you shiver, the slickness of his shaft sliding against the tender button, and you feel the shockwaves coursing through you at the movement. 
With his free hand, he gathers your hair in his fist and yanks backward, arching your back until your head is resting against his chest. The sharp pain melds into pleasure, loving the way he knows exactly how to take control over your body to have you dizzy with lust. Hot breath fans over your ear, soft and subtle pants puffing air down your neck. “Fuck yourself on it, baby.”
His warm fingers press into your hips, urging you to move; you do, seeking out that delicious tingle when the fat tip of his cock brushes against your clit, running between your folds. You hear the pleased hum in your ear, quiet, and then the chuckle that follows when he slips into you, a loud gasp leaving your lips.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he murmurs with a low groan. “So fucking wet for me, just the way I like it.”
Matt urges you to keep going, biting back another moan at the feeling of him being buried inside you. Your hips roll him in and out of you, and Matt’s hand trails over your ribcage, groping your breast on its way up to finally land at your throat, fingers curling around the base and squeezing. “Makin’ too much noise. Someone’s gonna hear you, and then I won’t get to flood this pretty little cunt with cum, will I?”
Swallowing the urge to whine with need, you shake your head, trying to tell him with your eyes how badly you want that. His lips press softly against the place where your shoulder meets your neck, keeping eye contact with you through the mirror while he angles his hips in search of the spot that’s going to have you dribbling down your legs. He knows he’s reached it by the way your mouth falls open, your brows scrunching in pleasure when the nudge of him against your g-spot has your eyes fluttering shut.
He hums again, and you know he’s pleased—both with himself for reading your body like his favorite book, and with you for being obediently quiet. The hand around your neck tightens while the forceful punch of Matt’s hips grows more intentional, aiming for precision rather than speed.
The smirk in the mirror, flashed in your direction is enough to make you shiver in his arms. “You think you can stay quiet while you come for me? Hmm?”
You’re trapped—can’t nod, can’t speak, barely hanging onto your last shred of control before you’re succumbing to the release that rips through you. Your legs shake, lungs scrambling for breath as the wave crashes over you, hands clutching the wall in search of purchase. Tears prick at the rims of your eyes, blurring your vision. 
Matty’s eyes glitter as he pulls out of you, grinning when he hears the slickness between your legs. 
“Love it when she purrs for me.”
It’s only when you feel hot liquid oozing out of you that you realize he met his climax, too, burying the evidence deep within your core. Your shaky legs clench together in an effort to prevent his cum from seeping down your legs and onto the floor.
Matt’s hands linger on your sides to make sure you’re steady before he’s tugging your panties back in place and swooping the dress back over your hips. He hums at the creamy drips on the inside of your thighs, swiping up to collect it on his finger. You don’t even have to be told to open your mouth, eyes fluttering shut when he presses the salty mixture onto your tongue. He hums when your lips close around the digit, sucking it clean before he releases it with a pop.
His eyes are still dark when he presses the call button on the wall with a crooked grin, and when the attendant knocks gently on the door, he says simply, “We’ll take the dress.”
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Pls pls plssss Carlos x reader fluff!Maybe angst in the beginning?
Turned To Stone | Carlos De Vil
Pairing: Carlos De Vil x reader(no binary pronouns)
I use NB pronouns when I don’t know the specific gender you want just to be safe
Summary: reader is from the isle and had still does have a crush on Carlos(he didn’t know) before he left without a word to Auradon (reader was chosen to be apart of the program) <- little bit of Carlos and reader backstory so when so when Mal tells everyone it was her idea to close the barrier reader storms off mad
Warning/s: angst obvi with the happy ending who wouldn’t want that, betrayal, panic attack/breakdown and possible spelling mistakes I’ll try my best to find them lol
Authors note: Hi! Thanks for requesting I’ll try my best not to let you down :D reader is a VK you’d probably guessed that from the summery that’s pretty much all I have to say I think. Enjoy :) oh Carlos and Jane aren’t dating is this fic p.s if you’ve watched newsies I’ve hidden a newsies reference
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You don’t honestly know how you got here but your here. You all walk into the cabin expecting Audrey but no one was there- *bang bang* everyone turned to the noise seeing a closed/locked door, everyone stayed clear of the door as Ben looked inside quickly opening it.
Your Pov:
Seeing chad on the floor with his knees tucked to his chest ”i want my mommy….” he flinched when Ben tried to touch his shoulder I stopped listening during that honestly just stood there and looked around kinda bored.
I tuned back in when chad started saying “I’m free….I’M FREE OH MY GOD!” As he ran out, okaaaay I missed something but judging that he said he’s free he was with Audrey to bad we can’t ask him anything cause he just up and left.
We started to move out of the cabin i obviously tuned out the conversation I felt something fluffy by my leg looking down seeing that it was dude I knelt down and whistled him over he turned around to see me and he walked over to the hand I had out and let me pet him.
As i was petting him i let my thoughts slip out.
“why can’t i just tell Carlos” even though it sounded like a mumble it was loud enough for dude to hear it “just tell him” he startled me to be honest “shit- why did i forget you could talk kinda a major detail oh.my.god…seriously at least warn me before talking.”
“Sorry, but just tell him.” I look at the dog annoyed “i can’t-“ “can’t want?” My eyes widen when before i looked behind me seeing the said guy i couldn’t tell, “hi Carlos. They want to tell you that they-“ i eyed dude before saying “dude.”
I get up and face Carlos “sorry about that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about” he nodded but i don’t think he believed me. “I have to tell you guys something” We turned look at mal who has sorrow? Or maybe regret? In her eyes.
“I lied to you.” What? This got my interested as i fully turned to her “the kids wont be coming of the isle” “what’d you mean?” I look back to her “the program is shut down…and the barrier will be closed for good” my eyes widen filled with tear as i felt someone touch my shoulder to see Carlos as well with tears in his eyes.
I look to mal feeling betrayed a tear slipped through my eyes finally as i got the words out “mal… i thought i could trust you. y’know i feel the same right now as the day you left for auradon with out a word…” it felt worse when Carlos left. Felt like so many stab wounds.
a small sad upside down smile left my lips as I continue “the isle is my home and now your telling me i can’t see it and my mum again…” while i said that i started walked towards her.
“Y/n…” i heard Carlos say softly as i walked. Towards her “there is a lot i wish i could say..” as i said that a grabbed the ember that’s in her hands and threw it in the bird feeder full of water having hugs sparks appear around it.
I didn’t really know what was being said after but i didn’t care i just wanted to leave i heard running towards me i didn’t turn around but i heard dudes voice say “wait up!” I continued walking hearing the paw steps stop and but then start but further away.
I didn’t make that far when I realised i was lost groaning in frustration you turn around again realising “where the fuck am i!” “Calm down…damn your a fast walker, come this way something. Has just happened” looking down to see dude i rolled my eyes “if its about mal i don’t want to see her” “it not its about the others tho i think you’d be more interested in this one”
My eyes widen before saying show me. As he walked me back to the outage to see mal was nowhere but everyone was stone Carlos was the closest looks like he was gonna star to follow me but dude was quicker since he was affected.
I reach my hands to Carlos’s cheek as a tear slipped out “no…. Carlos” “if you want to tell him now you can cause he can’t see/hear you” i looked at dude like seriously that doesn’t make it better look
my tears slipped out faster as i started to sob lifting a hand to my face to muffle them i sat down by a tree leaning my back against it with my hand still against my face as I bring my other to grab at my hair in my panicked state
as my sobs grew faster and it was getting harder to breath. Dude laying by my side probably trying at his way of calming people down but i didn’t work.
My tears stoped along with my cry’s but my breathing still wasn’t any better my breathing was rapid and not solid and it still was hard to breath I’m not sure how much time past with my struggled breaths but it felt like eternity i must’ve had my eyes closed cause i didn’t see the person who put their hand on my shoulder.
It panicked me more until i heard the voice the hand belonged to “hey hey hey… it's me Carlos take some good big breathes for me okay” i listen to his words as I opened my eyes to see the boy i loved for so long, i started to bring a shaky smile to my face my breathing comes back to normal
My sobs started come back but not those panicked ones i quickly embraced him as i sobbed into his shoulder as his arms wrapped around my waist holding me close. “It’s okay i’m alright I’m-“ i cut him off with a kiss i didn’t know i had the corrage to do that.
Feeling him not pull away and one of his hands come to my face it’s safe to say he liked it. I pulled i away averting his eyes as with both got up from the ground feeling his pointer finger under my chin with his thumbs against my chin he softly guided my face to look at him
Seeing his smile it melted me like butter. “Not that i didn’t like it but why” he was still smiling as he said that i was probably blushing madly. “Well remember when i said ‘i can’t’ you probably do you where there but i was saying how I couldn't tell you how i loved you since we were kids thinking you probably didn’t like me like that”
his smile still planted in his face confused me but i had a hunch on why it was there “i love you too, do you know how much it pained me to leave you on the isle. When we started the program i told them we can't go back and not take you with us” it was my turn to smile now seeing that he felt the same as i moved forward grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss.
His hands landing on my waist as he kissed back. We pulled apart smiling at each other “we should probably catch up with the others but…before that will you Carlos de vil be my boyfriend?”
He smiled at me nodded at the we should catch up with them comment “yes i will y/n y/l/n” we shared one last kiss before running off to find the others.
A/N: I read through it and I edited some mistakes and found I forgot a word lmao but it should be fixed now
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