#also i say ship name because ships arent always romantic ^-^
ivorypiano · 2 years
we need a separate ship name for qpr ricky & jane
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cluelessbees · 1 year
okay. name your top 5 byler moments, your top 5 lumax and/or another ship you love, and why.
But here we go
My Top 5 Byler Moments (In no particular order):
1- The Shed Scene:
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Just the way Will turns to Mike and suddenly it’s only them two in the room- in the world. Like- if you were to just watch their moment you wouldn’t know there were other people.
The fact that Mike is so hesitant but is willing to let his guard down to try and reach out to Will and show him how much he means to him. The was he relaxed when he said ‘I just walked up to you and I asked’ like it was the easiest thing ever I love it so much. Mike literally saying asking Will to be his friend was the best thing he ever did?? (Keeping in mind this is after the events of season 1 and El like— that was a genuine confession of love).
Even from a film standpoint it’s gorgeous. The way the scene is so stripped down- only two shots of just Will and Mike, minimal editing— it’s so raw. And the way Will is essentially illuminated and there’s that sense that he feels seen by Mike. And Mike, in contrast, being covered by shadows but still having half his face be equally illuminated almost like he’s breaking down his walls and letting Will see him be vulnerable. It’s just *chefs kiss*
2- Crazy Together:
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I mean an obvious favourite. It does so well to establish their dynamic and their relationship as a whole. I feel like this is the first moment tells you like— oh their relationship is different- not necessarily in a romantic sense, but there’s something more to them. There’s something special about there bond.
Like- not only do we see Will open up to Mike and tell him that the others wouldn’t get it. You see Mike do the same. Mike — who was depressed, more defensive, and closed up — starts to actually open up about his feelings. He tells Will how he feels instead of shutting him out. Like—
You get this like same filming style of showing how they’re in their own world. The camera starts on a wide-ish shot of them on the couch and it’s panning in. Then it’s just two shots of them- and it’s like we’re peering into this small world they’re in. Ans after the moment it cuts back to the wide shot and we’re panning out- exiting their world.
3- Bedroom Scene:
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This scene- THIS SCENE. Ugh I love it like— there’s so much tension between them it kills me. I feel like I could talk about this for hours. There’s such a hesitancy from Will in the beginning- like he turns away and doesn’t try to push the conversation forward out of like …this fear of breaking this rare instance where they’re normal. And the way Mike kinda fumbles to continue the conversations.
Like?? they both want each other and want to be okay but Will is scared of breaking it and Mike is scared of losing it. The vulnerability from Mike again it’s like you only see him like this with Will. He’s so willing to let down his walls just to show Will he cares. The fact that he can openly tell Will how much he means to him consistently. He wants Will to know he means the world to him just- (also the clear flirting)
And AGAIN I’m sorry the film nerd in me loves how it’s portrayed in the shots. Like- there’s this hesitancy in the shot types. We aren’t immediately immersed into this bubble they’re always in. They’re both scared. It starts with wide shots but they slowly pan in and it slowly builds into close ups and it’s that feeling that they’re in their own world and everything is okay. Idk I love it so much.
4- The Final Shot:
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Lmao there isn’t much to say about this one but I still love it because it’s so clear that byler is endgame at this point. And also the fact that at this point I was still in denial that byler was endgame. I was like ‘WHY WOULD THEY PUT THEM TOGETHER IF THEY ARENT ENDGAME >:(‘ like….bestie- you’re almost there.
I also just think it’s a gorgeous shit composition and I’ve said it before it looks like a painting and I love it so much. Also byler in the centre?? You know we’re gonna be the main focus hehe I’m excited.
5- The Cabin Scene:
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This sceeeene i love. Because for me personally it tells us a lot about what their dynamic is going to be next season. Will is more reserved now. He’s the one that is keeping to himself. After the van scene, mikes confession (‘confession’) to El- he’s trying to let go and stop hoping. Stop setting himself up for pain. He still wants Mike in his life but he’s trying to keep a bit of distance for his sake.
And it’s Mike who in turn is the one who has to reach out. The one who’s keeping consistent eye contact on Will. The one who’s reaching his hand out to him initiating physical touch. It’s so telling of what’s going to happen next season and I’m so excited.
Not to mention the shot is absolutely the most gorgeous thing ever. The way Will is quite literally bathed in sun and mike is again casted in shadows. I just love the like consistent idea of sun and moon with them. It’s so beautiful. And the fact that Mike leans in and reaches into the sun and no longer hides essentially??? It’s just so beautiful.
Anyways okay— this post is very long 😭😭 I’m really sorry— i don’t think i should add a top 5 for lumax/another ship otherwise it’ll be too long but lmk if you want me to!!
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mocha-wuv · 9 days
pinned post edit this better later
probably when i actually use this blog preferably.
main ship/focus: stevenocha ( steven strngled red x mocha )
tagging is usually self-explanatory. specific ships are tagged as the ship name and also the characters separately, in case they arent always together.
( but the post will usually be implied ship so thatd usually be tagged anyways ) .
page is an open secret . my main is @synthetic-sonata
no nsfw. at most suggestive , usually jokes . posts considered suggestive will be tagged as such. and bc this blog mainly focuses on romantic and/or platonic ! although i do draw nsfw its like. for myself and i dont want to post it outside of my friendcircles - i am over 18
if you selfship with the same character ... idk??? its really dependant. its mostly if you dont interpret them well and just have the worst takes . the 'he would not fucking say that' pill . otherwise, i dont really care and will handshake you.
main character of this blog for now is mocha , because he's my current favorite oc and also ... kind of me? it's complicated - system stuff basically but hes one of the hosts of our system and also a fictive but not really but kind of ( ocs are hard to really figure out if its a 'chicken or an egg' situation - did the oc or alter come first typa thing ).
treat him as an oc, because in most selfship context, he is an oc. but im also called mocha as one of my main aliases and i am also mocha ! but theres seperation between oc mocha and alter/me mocha. think of it as a sona of sorts i suppose
fanart is accepted and appreciated, but obviously try not to make them unrecognizable if you do - its appreciated heavily though! fanwritings... also allowed but itd be really hard to write an oc that you dont own without seeing how i write them so thats more on the iffy side.
this blog much like any selfship or oc canon blog is self-indulgent as fuuuuuuccckk . this is mainly for self indulgent ships! something like dirkpink or ultdirkmagna, a popular long-running oc x canon i had, wasnt really for me per se? just the fun outcome of rp shenanigans. so i post freely about it on my main. stevenocha, for example, is way more self-indulgent and personal to me.
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phoenixfangs · 1 year
>:3c fandom askies for aa, depending on your Mood
Salty: 1, 8, 10, 25
Neutral: 16
Posi: 17, 18
JAJAJAJAJAJAJA pepper coming in clutch as always, and u KNOW im gonna do all of them, mood be damned. going under a readmore because i rambled!!
the character everyone gets wrong
maybe its a boring answer but phoenix. good god do people just Not understand him. i think the fact weve seen him in so many forms (feenie, trilogy, 7yg, aa5/6) makes it hard for people to get a pin on him, but thats the thing: u cant really get a pin on someone like that. too often i see stuff where, well into his thirties and having gotten his badge back, people portray him as just as outwardly emotional (and sometimes emotionally volatile...) as he was when he was dating dahlia, and Thats Simply Not The Case, especially after how guarded and jaded he became during aa4. hes SUCH a complicated character i cant even go into specifics and try to give other examples, because they each require paragraphs of their own explaining context and nuance in what goes through his head. i dont know how else to go on, just know that i am the only person who is correct about phoenix wright, and if anyone requires consultations for fic or art, my fee is steep but fair
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
all of them. no im kidding, uhhhhh hm. i guess that klavier and apollo Immediately knew they liked each other/were attracted to each other and spent any time pining for the others affection during aa4. i like klapollo as a ship, i just dont think klav teasing apollo with flirtation when they first meet means he was Seriously Flirting with apollo, i think its possible there was a base physical attraction but he was mostly just trying to get apollos goat for fun since he was a rookie attorney. and because of that, what reason does apollo have to be drawn to klavier? apollo isnt some stock tsundere, i think he probably was really annoyed by klavier and Didnt Like Him All That Much at first. plus, with aa4s story being what it is, i just dont think any romantic feelings are on either of their minds until well after the last case. with their ship, i like to imagine they start as professional adversaries (not rivals in the sense phoenix and miles are rivals, its a different vibe), then become friends, THEN graduate to exploring other feelings
10. worst part of fanon
all of it. no im kidding, the worst part of fanon is how rigidly people expect u to obey it. if u dont portray miles as a gay trans man, people look at u weird, for example. which isnt to say that its Bad to follow that fanon, obviously i also think hes gay (i dont personally headcanon him as trans though) but just that it is fanon. until we get concrete proof in a game or anime or what have u of miles demonstrating or naming his sexuality/gender expression, it is just as perfectly valid to portray him as a cishet man as it is to portray him as a gay trans man, even if i personally think its weird and impossible to imagine him with a girlfriend or something. its fine to have different interpretations of whatever; its Not fine to get mad at somebody because theyre not following fanon that u personally ascribe to
25. common fandom complaint that ur sick of hearing
'i dont read wlw content because its all the same :( why are all the mean lesbians getting so mad that my mlm ship is just better :( its not my fault those stupid broads arent written as well as my spicy yaoi :( what do u mean one half of my mlm ship is a lamp ur just being mean to a mlm because ur bitter that ur stupid bitches arent written as well as my mlm gay disaster babies :( stop bullying me for no reason u crazy psycho cunt this is why nobody gives a shit enough about ur dumbass wlw ship to make anything for it :('
obviously nothing wrong with mlm ships, i have been known to enjoy many mlm ships! but when a wlw (particularly a lesbian...) complains about the disproportionate amount of mlm fan content between characters who literally never spoke, stood next to each other once, or where one of them is literally Not A Character (clay terran is a prop i am not wrong about that), its SO FRUSTRATING to see the response be someone taking it as a personal attack and throwing the blame back out at wlw for not just shutting up and dealing with it. that post that showed among us had significantly more mlm fics over wlw fics on ao3 when Those Stupid Creatures Dont Even Have Gender/Character applies to like literally every other fandom
16. u cant understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
any situation in which phoenix depends on miles for money during 7yg. similarly, royalty/medieval au where phoenix is some kind of servant to prince miles, and yes being a knight counts as being a servant in my mind. these two things feel wayyyyy imbalanced to me but in fanworks theyre portrayed as like necessary and appreciated by phoenix (in the money situation) or really romantic (in the royalty/medieval situation). idk, to me, phoenix would rather saw off his own arm and eat it than accept money, especially from miles, during 7yg, and if he did accept it it would only be because miles says 'let me do this for trucy then if ur gonna be so stubborn about it' and he Begrudgingly Agrees; with phoenix being miless knight, it just feels too much like people seeing phoenixs one-sided devotion to miles in aa1 and going 'this is normal and desirable behavior', and idk how to tell people this but phoenixs savior complex over miles is Not Good fjkdsjlfslak like it worked out for them but i dont think phoenixs behavior towards miles in aa1 especially is indicative of a well adjusted, emotionally stable person, and that hardly ever gets talked about its just 'wee wah hes soooo in luuuuurve isnt that romantic'
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
siblingsssss there are so many good sibling pairs/groups in aa. also wlw ship stuff In General because there is never enough in any fandom. also also (because i love to kick the hornets nest) more fic where the intention is to Tell An Actual Story With The Characters instead of projecting the authors trauma and/or kinks and/or personality onto the characters where it doesnt fit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. its absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
idk if krisnix counts as slept on because ive only been in the fandom for a couple years, i know things were different like 10-15 years ago and maybe it was more popular then, but. krisnix. jfkdsjfls. there is soooooooo much narrative drama u can cook up with these two, so many scenarios and angles, and uve got 7 whole years to fill!! and u can be as serious and somber as u want, going into mental health and toxic relationships and what it means to spend so much of ur life with someone who is so bad for u but letting go isnt easy because thats years of ur life with that person ur being asked to let go of, OR u can be silly and say that kristoph is christian grays lawyersona, because come on i dare anyone to try and tell me kristoph Isnt Also the worlds worst dom
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
I saw this SNS say that they're against SS romantically, but that Sasuke and Sakura would be good friends :/. They say that if you dont think so you must be a fujoshi that doesn't want her to get in the way of your ship. They say that if you think Sasuke and Naruto don't care about her you're just projecting your dislike for her. I looked at their other posts and they also go on and on about her "wasted potential" and say you're just as bad as the dudebros that make fun of her because she's weak and useless bc you're using their same misogynistic words. When they spoke about Sasuke caring for her they mention that he broke that sound shinobi's arms for her. Why do you think Sasuke and Sakura arent considered friends (besides Sasuke saying Naruto is his one and only friend 🤭) and would they have ever become friends if Sasuke stayed in the village when they were genin?
LOL. Who cares???
Fujoshi is a derogatory term given by men who don't like their women fantasizing 2 men having intimate relationship. A 100% misogynistic insult given by Assholes who fantasize bobs and vegana.
It doesn't matter whether we ship them sexually or not, it doesn't matter whether our headcanons are warm and sweet, it really doesn't matter whether we ship them because they truly love each other... The Origin of that name denotes A Woman who loves seeing 2 men together.
By this Logic... Emi 10 Rankai is a Fujoshi... Nilo is one... KSL is also one... Mo Xiang Tong Xiu is one... I am one... Everyone who ships SNS/ or any MLM is one... That SNS shipper is also one.
That Virtue Signalling SNS shipper was just guilt tripping everyone by using this TradeMark words, "If you don't do this, you are this"... Well, As a President of Showing Middle Finger to the Guilt Trippers Club, my appropriate response would be..
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I am indeed a Fujoshi or whatever the fuck they'd like to call me as... What are they going to do now??? Slash my throat???
They also go on and on about her "wasted potential" and say you're just as bad as the dudebros that make fun of her because she's weak and useless
She is indeed weak and useless for the most part. What's wrong with speaking the truth anyway???
I wrote here as to why I hate Sakura in a very short post... It's not like I hate her cuz she is annoying or useless... I must say that's one of the reason. I hate her because she was an Ass towards every character in this series.
Why do you think Sasuke and Sakura arent considered friends and would they have ever become friends if Sasuke stayed in the village when they were genin?
Well, Everyone would've considered them as Friends had one of them acknowledge the other as Friend....
Whenever Sasuke is near, Sakura would always wet over him... Sasuke never addressed anyone other than Naruto as Friend... The narrative never literally gave the audience a chance to deem them as Friends.
At the very least, we can take that Sakura is his comrade who has very lower relevance level than Team Taka in Sasuke's Bonds’ hierarchy.
Even if Sasuke stayed in the Village, he would've probably become friends with other quiet guys like Neji or Shino.... But not Sakura because she can’t see him as anything other than an object of Romance and he can’t see her as anything other than a comrade who worked with him.
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sugarcarnation · 3 years
random hc because you're my fellow resident rachel stan:D I don't really think rachel wants a romantic relationship? she thinks she does and endlessly pines after fantasies of them but she doesn't really want the reality. she's just much more invested in healthy platonic relationships and kurt is her queerplatonic soul mate <3 I also see her as someone who'd be down with an fwb type thing...
how would you rank all the main rachel (both romantic and platonic) ships)?
first of all i’m honored
second of all i think you might me onto something here. like okay i have a lot of rachel ships but i also actually really like the idea that she doesn’t really care about romantic relationships
this actually reminds me of @angelhummel rachel berry is a lesbian post and while i personally always headcanoned her as bisexual i do think that both of you are bringing up interesting points
i definitely think though that probably all her canon relationships at least started with rachel building up an idealized imagine of the other person. i think in later seasons this wasnt as much the case but season 1 rachel probably just figured that if she was gonna be a big successful star she also should have a boyfriend by her side to complete the imagine of stardom she has in her head
and im not sure if she is actually interested in actually having a boyfriend. whenever she talks about possible partners her only concern is how good of a singer they are
and i think both her relationship with brody and with sam seemed a lot more mature than the ones she had in earlier seasons (for the most part at least). and both these relationships were pretty casual
also i firmly believe that rachel would be totally down with taking over the world together with kurt on her side. she even says so in the show. why should they need boyfriends when they have each other?
(i feel like at this point i might be starting to convince myself that rachel actually doesn’t have a real interest in romantic relationships with guys)
basically thank you for this ask because it has given me a lot to think about
(ranking under the cut in an attempt to not make this post ridiculously long)
this is gonna be an entirely subjective ranking. i don’t care who has the objectively best relationship. this is only gonna be about what i like and wanna see lmao
also im just gonna mix platonic and romantic relationships together because why not. also half of my romantic ships arent canon (but they’re canon in my heart)
1. hummelberry
im a sucker for their friendship. they’re two of my absolute favorite characters and i wanna see them together all the time (also they’re a good friendship. people are just mean)
2. pezberry
okay i really think that they could have been an amazing couple. i really would have liked to see them become a couple in season 4 and 5. and they have amazing chemistry. also they’re literally always holding hands so that has to count for something
3. bones
no i haven’t given up on using this ship name. it’s amazing. also i really think that mercedes would have been so good for rachel. she’s probably her biggest rival when it comes to being an amazing singer and i think rachel needs someone who can keep up with her. also mercedes isn’t afraid to tell rachel how it is and i actually believe that rachel appreciates that. also together they would make the biggest power couple. no one could compare to them
4. tinchel
similar to bones i think rachel would profit from having a partner who’s not afraid to speak their mind against her. also they would be cute. and theyre my two favorite female characters so of course i want them to date
5. st berry
definitely my favorite canon rachel relationship. i feel like they’re on the same wavelength. would have liked to see more development in season 6 though
6. anderberry
idk i just like them together. they’re both incredibly talented dorks. they are a force to be reckoned with. but also i feel like blaine is one of the few people rachel actually let’s her walls down with. like she becomes so happy and goofy when she’s with him and i love it
7. faberry
not my favorite rachel ship but like that doesn’t mean i don’t see the chemistry. and i think that seeing them date would be so interesting
8. brochel
theyre overhated. they were actually pretty good together and brody was what rachel needed at the time. i don’t see them working out as a longterm relationship but they were cute (if we ignore the messy ending of their relationship)
9. finchel
okay i love them but also i think it’s mostly just nostalgia. and me really liking the fanon version of them. realistically i don’t think they would have worked out (at least not in season 4)
10. samchel
i just didnt really care about them. i don’t have a problem with them but i just wasn’t really into their relationship
was that everyone? i feel like i’m forgetting something but yeah this is my ranking of rachel’s main relationships
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I Have Too Many Opinions. ep. 1
lmao. i got encouragement to post my opinions on fandom things and now i want to make a miniseries doing just that. so here i am. doing just that.
im putting it under the cut cuz this was 4 whole pages including the disclaimer. yes i put a disclaimer and i explain why.
Anyways, here is the first piece in what inevitably will become fandom info dump, this time on thomas astruc’s writing on miraculous ladybug. but only some of my opinions cuz we would be here all day otherwise.
So… a disclaimer before I begin… 
I do not hate Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (yes i'm using their government name). I am quite a fan of the show actually despite its faults. I am also older than the intended audience but was obviously younger when the show first aired which is how my interest was piqued (the fact that its been 6 years and only 3 seasons says more about the show than me being a fan for that amount of time but also i never want to rush content creators cuz they're doing their best) and due to my age, there will be inherent bias in my approach of what i'm about to say as there is in EVERY opinion. The fact that it is an opinion should imply the presence of bias but most people tend to lack the critical thinking skills required to draw that conclusion ANYWAYS…
If I did hate the show I would not have this blog nor would I be even writing this because i tend to not give more than 2 seconds of thought to things i actively dislike (some of yall should give this a try) and i'm allowed to like things that are designed for an audience that i was originally a part of but grew out of. (I don't suddenly stop liking things because I'm older despite what many younger fans seem to believe about older audiences. I also don't need to be ‘allowed’ to do anything cuz i wasn't asking for permission anyways.)
This will not be character bashing, astruc bashing nor fandom bashing cuz, again, that would imply i hate any of those elements and if i did, i would not dedicate brainpower to them. Analyses and criticisms of media are fun and engaging and required if you wish to produce good enjoyable content. Now most of this should be already assumed and self-explanatory but people on the internet like to play morality roulette roll dice on purity culture and I rather have documentation that I am in fact not bullying fictional 14 year olds or a grown man. But alas, people get trigger happy whenever someone has less than 1000000% positive opinions on something they like and will throw out words they can't define (gaslight, baiting, toxic, problematic, gatekeep etc) in an attempt to defend their blind devotion, 
which is not needed, if you like something you never have to defend it, even if i don't like it. If you respond to anything I post saying you disagree with me, I will not argue with you. I won't debate back and forth and try to convince you that the things you like are wrong. Unless you are being absolutely tone deaf to what i'm saying, you wont get a negative reaction from me. So don't try to fish for a fight. Please. I got metaphorical hands for days and I'm mean, you don't want me hurting your feelings on the internet. Do yourself the favour. Difference of opinion is how we get diversification in media and is inherently a good thing. Now that that's out of the way, please don't ever let me have to say that again. I beg.
Now onto the fun stuff
I didn't know what I wanted as a first topic so my trusty internet friend @moonlitceleste suggested astruc’s writing… 
AND BOI do i got some opinions on ole tommy boi. Again I don't hate the dude. In fact, he has worked on a few shows that had defined my childhood, including but not limited to W.I.T.C.H. (all eps available on youtube for those interested, 2 seasons, general fun time all around).
So I don't think he’s scum of the earth but I do think his approach to writing mlb specifically has more misses than hits.
The first big miss is that he has no idea how to write 14 year old girls. At all. Almost every girl he has ever written feels like some terrible archetype built entirely for marketability and childish projection and pubescent self-insert (kind of). He has never been a 14 year old girl. I have. In fact when the show first aired, I WAS around the (assumed) age of the mlb characters. The behaviour he passes off as quirky or awkward or just the character’s genuine personality tend to perpetuate harmful stereotypes of teen girls found in the media and are never actually addressed as harmful. they just get swept under the rug. Marinette’s exuberant collage of teen heart throb model boi Adrien Agreste and her very painful almost fan worship she has of him (which flip flops like a paper sandal in the rain) being portrayed as a cute school girl crush uwu, Chloe being the y7 Regina George, Alya being the token best friend of colour with her ‘sassy’ personality (i want y'all to imagine me eyerolling so hard i bust a vessel in my eye), Kagami being the very damaging Perfect Asian Child stereotype. And before y'all get on your dusty soap box and defend going on about “BUT IT'S FOR CHILDREN”,,,, know this.
 i don’t give a solid fuck. 
Not one. 
Children arent stupid. Children are always going to remember the richy bitchy blonde who bullies the art kid, and the big kid, and the shy kid, and the non white kids, and was only nice to her equally rich white friend who she probably had a crush on or was only ever civil to her equally white lapdog. They're going to remember the half asian girl who was never allowed to actually be asian or the only black girl who existed solely as a soundboard for enabling bad habits or chastising the main character for the same habits she enables in the first place (boi aint THAT a topic for later). Like do i really need to explain that alya chastising marinette for taking max’s spot in gamer just to play with adrien rings absolutely hollow when she actively encourages her to sabotage the contest she’s in just so Kagami doesn't win?? Like I don't have to explain that right?? Again kids arent stupid and its quite something that Mari gets chastised for proving herself the best video game player regardless of her intentions just cuz it comes at the expense of max’s feelings/ego but is actively encouraged to sabotage not only kagami but herself by extension cuz kagami is ‘competition.’ Adrien is not a trophy to be won. And no I don't expect 14 yrs old to be perfect and to always make good decisions but these decisions are never addressed as being bad decisions. they get swept under the rug cuz those decisions were necessary for the ‘plot’ but astruc can barely keep characterization consistent and his characters suffer for it and it's the same children you preach are watching it that suffer as well. Cuz guess what? I KNOW 14 yr olds aren't like that cuz i've been there done that (this is the last time i'm saying that i promise) so I know astruc is just metaphorically throwing darts to figure out who says and does what without consideration for pre established personalities to drive the stalemate plot along. The same kids you say are watching this don't know that that's not how preteens work and will absorb and internalize those dynamics like baking soda and vinegar. Cata-fucking-strophically. 
And I haven't even gotten to the boys yet. Which honestly doesn't require much explanation anyways cuz they suffer the same fate as the girls. Tired archetypes with nothing to give them life. Nino falls into Adrien’s person of colour token best friend who dates the female lead’s person of colour token best friend so they can have cute double dates uwu. Except the plot goes nowhere and we have no inclination of romantic development beyond moments that only act to actively convince me to anti ship the lovesquare (i don't want to do that so i self indulge in fanon that actually cares about the characters and plot. may i interest you in True Sight on AO3?). Max is the residential nerd but it doesn't matter (cuz he and everyone are dumbed down for the sake of ‘plot’), kim is the sports jock (which interestingly subverts the asian comedic relief stereotype but only barely) and luka is cute older guy ™ that wears black nail polish and is in a band. The point of all this is to say there is no depth in the characters. It's especially blatantly obvious with the characters astruc doesn't like (chloe). Again, it being a show for kids is not an excuse to be absolved of putting effort into the characters you make.
This is one of the biggest misses astruc has. I haven't even gone into all the nuances of this particular miss. And i havent gone into how that works against him in the plot either. Mostly because the plot itself hasn't gone anywhere and partially because I wanted to go into the plot (or lack thereof) separately as its own miss. 
AND BOI is it a miss. 
SO home boy astruc wanted to reap the benefits of a serial show with ‘engaging’ plot without putting in any of the work to make a linear storyline and relying on the episodic format for, again, marketability. You can't have the best of both worlds, you are not Avatar: The Last Airbender. Which btw has a lot less episodes and a desired end goal that didn't involve top dollar. Legend of Korra did but that's not the point and it had its failings with that too. I challenge you, tell me how many episodes actually contribute towards a plot point or introduce new thematic elements to the show? Can you name them? I can and I'm going to include the plot points that moved the story in some direction if only temporarily. Yes only temporarily for some of these and i will explain later. (if you're in the server you already saw this list *wink*)
25/26. Origins- self explanatory, the beginning of the story, 
24. Volpina- introduction of the grimoire and Master Fu (kind of) and no, Lila is not a plot point,
28. The Collector- proper introduction of Master Fu,
37. Sapotis- introduction of Rena Rouge,
41. Syren- introduction of new aquatic power ups,
44. Anansi- introduction of Carapace,
47. Frozer- introduction of new ice power ups,
48/49. Style Queen- introduction of Queen Bee,
51/52. Heroes’ Day- introduction of Mayura and mass akumatization,
66. Startrain- introduction of Pegasus,
67. Kwami Buster- Marinette wears multiple miraculouses,
68. Feast- backstory as to how the miraculouses were lost,
69. Ikari Gozen- introduction of Ryuko,
70. Timetagger- introduction of Bunnyx,
71. Party Crasher- introduction of Roi Singe and Viperion,
73. Chat Blanc- alternate timeline that essentially means nothing but got a reaction out of fans anyways (myself included)
 77/78. Love Eater/Battle of Miraculous- Marinette becomes guardian and other heroes lose their miraculous,
New York Special- other heroes exist and there is an American miraculous box,
That's 21 episodes. 21 out of a heaping 78 plus 2 specials. Everything else was just your typical akuma of the day episode and everything that happened outside that had no lasting consequences on the plot thanks to the miraculous status quo. Was it entertaining to watch Lila stir the plot of the class dynamic? Hell yeah. Too bad it meant nothing by the end of the episode cuz we were struck with miraculous status quo. She literally doesn't appear again until Heroes Day. that is from episodes 25 all the way to 51, she means nothing and yet she is treated with the severity of a b-villain/rival thing. She means nothing by the end of Volpina if I'm being honest. She is only relevant for 20 mins of episode time she’s in then it's back to magic status quo that undoes any shift in dynamics and relationships. It's like Spongebob who can't get his driver’s license. The worst part is I actually like Lila and I wish the story treated her with the seriousness we as an audience are expected to treat her with. Despite being painfully inconsequential by the end of each of the 3?? 4?? episodes she’s in, it's entertaining to watch a character create drama just because. 
Too bad it means nothing.
Astruc is constantly building up suspense to something ‘important’ only for it to not deliver and fans are constantly having the rug pulled out from under us. Oblivio teased us with a reveal only that gets undone cuz memory akuma. Chat Blanc teased us with romantic development but that gets undone cuz time travel bullshit. Feast introduced more miraculous lore and the history of the guardians but that means nothing by the next episode or ever (i'm not including any reference to the season 4 trailer cuz i've been around the block a few times and im familiar with this lil dancy dance). Heroes Day teased us with a possible future team of heroes but that gets undone in Battle of Miraculous cuz ????? why?? (here's why; astruc was having a jolly ole time letting us know how irredeemable Chloe is at the expense of shooting his own stagnant plot in the foot. Again, discussion for later.)
Too bad anything that slightly swerves off course from the akuma of the day gets undone or ignored. Too bad nothing has any lasting consequence. I mean, if anything did, the episodes would have had a consistent order and release schedule so im not scrambling to watch the leaked ep in Portuguese or something while the french dub is two episodes behind while the english version hasnt even been dubbed. I really wonder how he plans to conclude the show when he’s so afraid to step out of the corner he painted himself in.
Again, not going into nuances. If you want you can ask for more specifics (i doubt anyone would) but this is really just a slightly detailed general overview of my opinions on astruc’s writing. 
I was going to include another miss in his approach to this show but imma save that for another time. 
How’s that for a ‘first’ post?
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btsandvmin · 4 years
Collection of asks 2 - BTSandVMIN
I had to make a second one because the length of the first one was getting way too long. If you are curious about some of my older asks here is the link to my first collection post - Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN
I have this post because I feel some of the asks I answer are worth saving, for me personally, and perhaps for you as well. But I don’t want to put them all in my Masterpost where I want to keep it a bit more structured for my longer posts and analysis. So for asks that are more about answering specific questions or about general things or my feelings I will put them here.
Asks are written more in the moment than my usual posts, so they might be less accurate as it’s all mostly from the top of my head. The newest ones will actually be on top, and then they will get older going down the list. I’ll update it regularly as I answer more asks. :)
Look at jhope's interaction with maknae line
Sorry for spamming with asks
You're so right about how any ship can be possible if you focus on it
I reject any idea of a couple being pushed to protect another 
What do you think of vmin’s busan forehead kiss?
About tae changing the choreo of fake love
What do you think of that famous ji/kook trip together ?
"Friends" doesn't speak about a friendship to me and the title seems like a way to "hide" the true meaning. Thoughts?
I honestly do feel his "best" friend is only ever needed when it's convenient to him
When j/k wore matching shirts asked them something like are u guys dating Its so differnt from his rn to vmin
Looking at th and jm for what they are or represented to be their bond shouldn't be taken at face value. Just reminding that jealousy amongst bandmates do exist
Jimin kissed tae on the pretext of kissing tanny. tae blanked out for a few secs after that
Jin in Jimins Festa profile this yr called Tae his "Bf" and then the next word is "best friend"
I dont think vmin or any other ship in bts for that matter are in any form of relationship right now.
Kind of agree with vmin not spending much time together outside of work & things they do/say barely even give off that "possibly a couple" vibe in general
IF feelings are involved, who do you think fell first and why? 
You already said that you ship them, but do you think that they're real?
I found it kinda weird how jimin apparently "didn't know" 4 o'clock was inspired by him
Have u seen that one radio interview in the past Th openly called out jm for liking men? 
We never see them hangout tgt I mean we have seen ji/kook tgt more often and tae with his wooga squad
What did you think about jimin playing the video game using tae's acc while the latter looked from behind?
When tae posted 'lets keep going for a long time i only have u' they probably only knew e/o for about 2 yrs and now we also know that at that time they still argued and fought with e/o alot. Yet they felt so strongly for their frienship.
What are your thoughts about tae choosing " my time " to recommend it to a non army.
If we look at their personalities tae is more of introverted and shy these days while jimin is more outgoing and loud. But when it comes the them jimin is always the one who seems cautious
Is it my imagination or is Jimin VERY loud lately? I feel like the roles have somehow been reversed.
The timeline of the dumpling incident really confuses me. 
Why do i feel like vmin dont hangout outside of work anymore
Just read your ji/kook vs vmin post regarding festa and I agree. you can tell that jm gets very serious when it comes to tae
A possible sexual relationship between Jimin and Tae. I've seen subtle hints where this might be happening behind the scenes like the recent bang bang con
Whenever joon says stuff like 'what a nice friendship/bcoz he is your friend' vmin have a very neutral or blank face
When do you think their friendship turned into something more?
Did u see how tae coloured jimin's name on the soft board with purple. 
Jimin recently in this festa says jk is his soul brother
Nj nearly always tries to underplay vmin's bond.
Sweet Night: “Sharing my fragile truth That I still hope the door is open Door' 
I feel like jimin was reluctant to talk about the dumpling incident probably bcoz it involves him getting drunk?
Your opinion on the whole "that's smth a couple would do" "you two look like a couple" for ji/kook vs "it's cause he's your friend "
What ur opinion is on the new kdrama that is based on homosexuality. 
Tae has many a times mentioned wanting to have kids or wanting to be father.
Taehyung has always talked about having a family, children and wife etc. 
I personally feel the maknae line in general have been advised not to do lives alone tgt bcoz of the intense shipping
I spend hours reading your posts and I could never get tired of it
I have a doubt about vmin  recently V is so close to JK it seems like V avoiding jimin
Taehyung talked about the movie Call Me by Your Name and its soundtrack
I honestly like how unpopular vmin are.
Let's say JM and TH have other partners - do you think said partners would be okay with a whole song of vmin declaring each other as soulmates? 
In the end there is no moment that is unique to a ship. do you agree?
Some vlives are arranged by the company and sometimes members themselves when the find free time they go live. 
What was the point of making a decision tght to come on vlive tgh infront of the fan to then not do it?
It cant be the company stopping v and jm from doing a live can it? 
Do you the think the reason vmin dont do vlive is because taehyung's feelings are one sided?
Theory on a possible reason on why vmin has not gone to do a vlive on their own for so long?
On bon voyage 3 j hope mentions how v and jk were hugging each other in their sleep.
Ji/kook is obvious (ear nibble) and Tae reacting blank to Vmin moments
But why they dont have funny bro handshake like v/kook?
You are so delusional like seriously how do you function in real life
You know how vmin called eo soulmates. The term can also be taken in a platonic way too right
If there’s a real ship in bts, can you give me your opinion on who?
Tae kissing jimin's cheek after they won an award in some music show (About ship edits)
I think vmin is real. Can you do a Sweet night analysis because in my opion the song dosen't match with the drama
Why are you a Vmin shipper if you don't think Jimin is gay or at least bisexual? 
I don't blame V and Jimin for not doing Vlive together
You know that blurry picture of vmin in 2014?
Tae and jk seem like the members who are most non straight to u and also that jimin might be straight so then isnt it more possible for t**k***k to be the couple?
Do you think that vmin are straight?
Can you tell me what makes you think jk is not straight
Ppl connect sweet night and 4 o' clock with vmin After tae's live yesterday n i m also seeing some ppl being offended by it.
Why do I sense that Tae has more of crush on Jimin (and realized it) but Jimi is oblivious?
Will you still publish that long vmin and lgbt in korea analysis.
Even namjoon said they should go live to discuss about their song.
I dont really consider minjoon vlive as one they did themselves. it was mostly organised by the company
Maknae line avoid vlives and  its really weird that jimi would do it with rm but not tae
Shouldnt it be easy for them to go live tght than anyone else?
Tae is very reluctant or scared to do a vlive with jimin
In the past month when vmin did mention about the song they just made superficial comments
Hi 💙 do you write vmin fics?
I also feel that jm is nervous to talk about the song even though he said he will in the comeback show
If jimin doesn't go live today as well maybe we can get a vmin live?
Vmin antis say vmin are not friends irl and use the fact that they are never spotted hanging out offscreen as "proof"
Will you do a Vmin throwback - 2019?
Can we even be considered delulu anymore for thinking not all of this is a coincidence?
Sweet night doesn't really fit the couple relationship in the drama
What do you mean when you say 'not being delulu'?
I dont know why after listening to sweet night i feel very nervous?
Maybe the lyrics to SN are very well just about the drama/webtoon.
Do you think the songs lie and stigma are related ? 
Namjoon talking about Friends 2 - Making excuses
Namjoon talking about Friends 1 - Can’t write about them
About the “Hello my alien” line in Friends
Do you think they gone do fansing this period of promoting?
Jm said when he wants to make and gift a song if he finds someone he loves and he actually helped write n produce the melody of chingu
Omg Ive been crying over the vmin song lyrics ever since they came out.
Thoughts about the song and what you took out of it
Its not a light hearted thing to call each other soulmate
This kind of debunks the christmas song theory… i feel sad like they are commercialising their friendship
Jimin is partly involved in the making and it will be about Jimin and Tae’s bond
I fear that vmin will become the next larry 
Chrismats song, smile awards. Arent those awards previously decided and even the words written for them by the company?
I was wondering if you're going to write something about bv4 and all the vmin we got there
Do you think that vmin say they love each other truly or for fan service?
Recently i watched a vkook video to compare
Do you know how exactly vmin met?
Whenever I do get the chance to focus on Vmin it’s usully one of three things
At the airport Tae had his arm around Jimin's shoulder but removed it quickly when they arrived in front of the cameras.
I don’t care if people don’t ship Vmin romantically. But with Vmin doing things like this you can’t really blame us if we do.
I got a looooot of asks on the Christmas song and I will adress the ones I have left all in one go
The reaction in bv was probably cause he wants to visits there and jm got there first
Vmin talked about tannie and how they went to visit tannie at tae's parents house
Just do it how you feel comfortable, we are waiting for your analysis
What video is the gif you post with this : Jimin and V talking about going to the Sapporo snow festival and playing in the snow together 
This break was an opportunity for them to be around other friends and family so maybe they just wanted to spend this time apart
Do you really think vm are soulmates? Sometimes i feel like we might be over using this word for them 
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Once again thank you for all the asks you send! And also sorry for not being able to keep up and answer them all. I’ll try to answer some old ones as well whenever I can, and I will keep adding some of them to this list. I hope you found something interesting. Thanks for reading!
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killyourrdarlingss · 3 years
Just some Legacy Of Kain stuff under the cut that I'd like to address?
Every time I look in the lok tag and someone says in response to Raziel/Kain:
"everyones opinion is valid, but I personally ONLY see them as the canon father/son"
I'm always very confused, one, I'm so confused as to where this headcanon comes from or if it's just one of those things where people go "he turned him so they're related" not really sure.
Raziel and kain arent related by blood like so fucking far from it and it's never written ever that Kain is Raziel's father, (I know that Raziel has BRETHREN but I'm going to point to sr2 and say they were a Brotherhood of knights...)
Another thing is that Raziel was a full grown adult when he was turned.
I'm just going to say and I want to make it really clear I dont tag any of my razikain posts nowadays since most people always seem to look towards 'raz and kain father/son relationship' and not, actual romantic ship which is honestly my one pair I truly love the most?
So, I block them, because honestly, I'd rather not interact with anyone who thinks a ship I adore deeply equals incest to them... it just makes me highly uncomfortable and if I block you because you favor parental relationship for them... please don't bother me too much, it's really just me keeping my space comfortable.
Hope that clears anything up! Also I LITERALLY go by razikain on tumblr, and I highly prefer to block people who are visibly uncomfortable than have them see my name and get upset. Have a nice day everyone!
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chxoticmuses · 4 years
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Status: Accepting
@streetsofsecrets​ said: our ships?? 🥺 ( Oscar & Cassandra )
How did they first meet?: He always saw her around since he was around Nick a lot, but they didn’t officially meet until he introduced himself at an event they were at.
What was their first impression of each other?: “Sexy! Sexy! Sexy!” Is all that rang through Oscar’s head when he first saw her, but he also liked the way that she carried herself and was attracted to her from the jump.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?: hmmmm, I feel like Oscar forced Nick to talk good about him to Cassandra and convince her to give him a chance. So yes, but not really.
Who felt romantic feelings first?: Oscar, heh. It was a love at first sight type thing for him.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?: Nah, Oscar was open with his feelings from the get go. He thinks Cass has always liked him from the jump too, but just plays hard to get.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?: There’s no way, that it was just a list over love type thing maybe, but the more time they start spending with each other the more that they’ll see that they probably are soulmates.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?: You already know it was Oscar, I don’t think that needs to be stated Lmaooo. He called her his wife or fiancé from the get go tho because he thinks that boyfriend/girlfriend title is so childish.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?: Dates really arent Oscar’s things at all, but he managed to go all out for their first date. He rented out some high end restaurant so it was just them and the staff and even got them their own entertainment for the night. They had fun, but he learned that all that extra stuff wasn’t necessary to get her to like him or to impress her.
What was their first kiss like?: A heat of the moment type thing like that gif set you sent me. She was fixing him all up after he took a pretty bad beating after a failed hit on someone and there was a lot of tension in the room. He was mad because of what happened and in a way she was kinda mad too that he ended up getting himself hurt like he did. So, to make that tension go away he pulled her in for a kiss. It wasn’t just no quick sweet kiss either, it was a full on make out session that lasted a good 30 seconds before either of them pulled away. Very much worth the risk of him possibly getting slapped afterwards.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: Not, not really. They were at an age already where they had experienced a lot.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?: Oscar is considered to be a pretty short guy, he’s not that tall so they’re probably like at each other’s shoulders with him being like two inches taller. As for age, math again? Whew, lemme see….either they’re the same age or he’s older by like a year and some months.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?: Oscar has been working with Scozzaris for a while and is affiliated with the Mendozas and both of those families like each other, so they both get along with each other’s family really well. They’re all really acquainted.
Who takes the lead in social situations?: Cassandra. I see her being the more dominant figure in their relationship. What she says goes, so she’s usually the one talking and figuring things out.
Who gets jealous easier?: Oscar. He doesn’t trust the little street rats and criminals that she interacts with. He knows how grabby and flirtatious they can be because he was one at some point.
Who said “I love you” first?: It was Oscar. A full on dramatic speech about how much he loved her and how it was okay if she didn’t love him back.
What are their primary love languages?: Touuuuuuccccchhh 🗣
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?: Not very often. They both prefer to show their affection off in the comfort of their own house when they don’t have a million eyes looking at them. The most they’ll really do is a hug or kiss in front of family members.
Who’s better at comforting the other?: Oscar’s a lot better at talking with Cassandra and trying to understand how and why she’s feeling the way she is. He doesn’t always bring her up from her moods, but 80% of the time he does.
Who’s more protective?: As you can see from that ask I sent you like two days ago,
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?: Physical. Oscar just loves touching up on her and showing his love to her that way. He also compliments her like 24/7, but he gives her random little hugs throughout the day more.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?: I really need to expand my romantic songs knowledge because I can not think of a song to save my life.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?: He calls her wifey like all the time.
If they get married, who proposes?: Pft, in Oscar’s mind they’ve been married from the jump, but he would take the time to get her parent’s blessing and plan out a whole extravagant scheme for him to propose.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?: They both have really big west hot families, so I’m thinking something like the wedding from The Godfather just dialed down a bit.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?: do I wanna torture Cassandra with twins? Nah, instead I’ll just give them two separate children who are close in age.
Do they have any pets?: Oscar has a bulldog named Issac and that’s really it. He always has more room for new pets tho 👀👀👀
Who’s the stricter parent?: I feel like the both of them are really strict, but when it comes to keeping their children out of trouble and getting mixed up with crime then it’s definitely Cass. I just know she doesn’t fuck around when it comes to stuff like that. While Oscar would tell them all the cons, but ultimately let them make their own choice.
Who kills the bugs in the house?: Oscar. He had no remorse for any flies, spiders, or insect that comes into his house 😤. It’s like he’s a hitman for Raid too.
How do they celebrate holidays?: Surrounded by family of course. They have too big of a family to not do things with them. Oscar likes to go all out for the holidays, so he probably transform their house to fit the holiday theme on some Kardashian type stuff.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?: Oscar will get out of bed, pick Cassandra up, and carry her back to their bed if he had to.
Who’s the better cook?: Oscar. He knows a lot more recipes then she does and likes to fuse stuff together to create whole new dishes.
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galactichoneybee92 · 4 years
Thoughts on Isaac and Representation
I don’t have a point- let me just say that now. This also stands to be perhaps my most controversial post, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take in order to get my thoughts out. This will be long and rambling. You have been warned. 
With the release of Sex Education Season 2, fans have been introduced to a character named Isaac, to mixed response. He is Maeve’s new neighbor, a barrier to her relationship with Otis and potentially a new love interest. 
It’s not unusual to introduce a new love interest into a show to prolong the drama and keep the tension will-they-won’t-they romance alive. In season one we Otis in love with Maeve, thwarted by the fact that Maeve was dating Jackson, and that Otis never really believed that Maeve could like him anyway. Resigned with this fact, Otis attempted to move on with Ola who had appeared conviniently around the time that Maeve had realized her feelings for Otis and ended her own relationship. It was all very ships in the night. 
In season two we get a sort of role reversal: This time it’s Otis in the relationship and Maeve left pining, thinking that he could never love her. It makes sense that this would be the time to introduce a new love interest for Maeve, sort of HER Ola, if you will. The difference here is that Ola is sweet and wonderful and Isaac is sketchy AF. 
I hate him, and I’ve made no secret of hating him, because personally I find him sketchy and manipulative.  There are other fans who like them though and ship the two of them. That’s fine; it’s a perfectly valid opinion, and shipping wars have been around as long as fandom. That’s nothing new. There is another issue though...
Isaac is in a wheelchair. 
While that isn’t necessarily a problem in GENERAL, it is something that effects the way his character is handeled, as well as viewer interpretation. It’s my experience that in media, certain characters are usually gifted a sort of “plot armor.” While that term is most commonly directed towards characters who play too pivotal a role in the story to be written off, I find it often also applies to characters who fit into the role of “representation.”
But wait, you might say, that doesn’t sound right. POC and queer characters get killed off all the time. It’s practically a horror movie trope, and “Kill your gays” didn’t come from nowhere. To which I would reply: Exactly. We have all seen it a million times, have raised it as an issue, and I would like to think that as a society we are attempting to move past it. That gay characters are less likely to die because of the attention brought to the “kill your gays” trope.  
It’s my understanding that these common minority tropes originally stem from their initial introduction into media. At first they didn’t have any representation at all, and then gradually they were allowed to be incorporated in media in small ways that didn’t offend anyone’s delicate sensibilities. A very famous example would be the inclusion of African Americans: At first they weren’t in movies at all. Then they were(sort of?) but they were represented by white actors in blackface. Then when black actors were allowed to play their own roles, those roles were harmful stereotypes; You wouldn’t get a black actor playing a heroic lead, but he would be the brutish savage, or the “mammy” character. They were either relegated to minor side charactes, comic relief, or the villain- roles that didn’t challange the views of society. 
There was a similar experience in regards to homosexuality in films, where once gay characters started appearing they were portrayed as sexless comic relief or villinous. The general idea behind it seemed to be that there could be homosexuality in films, but it had to be shows as wrong and corrupt, or destined to end in tragedy. After all, how could anybody in such a relationship possibly be happy? Ridiculous. 
While media  (and society) are still making strides towards diversity and inclusivity, you can’t say that media isn’t in a better place now than it was even ten or twenty years ago. I was born in the 90′s and the amount of difference I see even in the twenty-seven years I’ve been alive is actually a little astounding. I can’t even imagine the difference for people who are older than I. Even just since I graduated highschool (2010) I’ve seen such a huge difference in regards to representation across the board and while we still have a ways to go we are certainly far from where we started. 
But what does any of this have to do with Isaac? He isn’t a POC, he isn’t in any way queer. No, but he is disabled which is another sort of representation and one that doesn’t get as much publicity. As such it is admittedly one that I don’t know as much about, but If I had to guess it’s probably because theres never (to my knowledge) been a big court case about whether or not disabled people deserve rights. It’s never been a hot button issue in a political debate the way that race politics or gay rights have and so I feel like it hasn’t gotten as much attention. Still disability representation is still a topic that comes up in conversation when discussing media.
So what does that have to do with anything? Why was I talking about plot armor? I had a reason, I promise. I’ve found that due to the problematic history of representation, shows (at least the socially aware ones) have been taking strides to try to avoid falling into the same harmful patterns as their predecessors. Since there was a long history of POC characters being cast as villains, evil characters to be defeated by the white protagonists, there was a stretch of time there where you wouldn’t see a single POC villain at all. It wasn’t quite true equality, but it was an effort to combat the harmful stereotypes that the media had perpetuated for so long.
Eventually we got to a place where it was generally acknowledged that you could have a POC villain as long as they weren’t the ONLY POC in your entire movie. The same goes for people of various gender and sexual identies. You can have a gay antagonist, but it’s impportant to include other gay people who ARENT evil to show that it’s the character that is evil, indepent of his sexuality. This isn’t seen as often however, probably due to the relative novelty of the inclusion of queer characters, which is why my examples for these points are POC characters who have a comparitively longer history of inclusion. That’s not to say that the history has always been positive, just that queer inclusion is a newer development and active disability rep seems even more recent. 
I apologize if I’m phrsasing any of this poorly, but I’m hoping that you’re tracking the main points. Now. I repeat: What does ANY of this have to do with Isaac? 
Isaac is, as of now, the only disabled character in Sex Education. As such, I feel like it’s kind of expected for him to be given “plot armor”, not in regards to being killed off but in his depiction. As the show’s only example of disabled representation, as well as his introduction as a love interest for Maeve, I feel like the expectation is that he would be a protagonist. At the very least he would be a good guy.  And maybe some people think he is? I don’t know, he has his fans, but I’m not one of them. 
This is the part of my post where I stop having a point and just start listing my thoughts.
When I met Isaac I expected to like him and I wonder how much of that stemmed from the fact that he was in a wheelchair and as such I expected that the show wouldn’t possibly portray him in a negative light. Even when he was rude to Maeve in the beginning I was willing to forgive it- I don’t mind my characters being prickly and Lord knows no other character on this show is perfect. And he was handsome, and snarky, which are usually traits that I love and I really REALLY expected to love him. However as the show progressed he just gave me bad vibes. I find him manipulative and untrustworthy.
I’m not going to go into my feelings about Isaac because I’ve already made one very long post duscussing his character, but instead I’d like to discuss his role in the show and how his disability factors into that role.
As I said before, it makes sense that this season would introduce a new love interest for Maeve. It’s not a terribly uncommon formula in shows like these. Considering that Maeve is considered the “bad girl” (even though we all know she’s a cinnamon role that just deserves ALL the love) who has self esteem issues and an inaccurate view of herself, I was honestly surprised that the show gave her such a cute, healthy relationship with Jackson. Were they perfect for each other? I don’t personally think so, but there wasn’t anything inherently problematic in their relationship. Jackson is a legitimately nice guy, I wish him the best and he was a pretty good boyfriend. 
It wouldn’t be unheard of though to see her fall into a more toxic relationship, and while that’s a very strong term that even I am hesitant to use toward Isaac at this point, it does look as if the groundwork might be there for that kind of subplot. It could really go either way at this point- maybe Isaac’s actions are influenced by his own personal insecurity and he would be much nicer once they were in a relationship. Or maybe he would be scared of losing her and things would get worse. It’s not just the fact that he deleted her message in the last episode, but that he’s seemed very manipulative throughout the entire season. 
It seems to me that Isaac fits the stereotype of the abusive boyfriend- He’s handsome and charming, but also very skilled at manipulation. If you watch their relationship, it also falls into a lot of the same patterns as romantic comedies. That’s not meant as a compliment however, a lot of romantic comedy relationships are built on very questionable foundations. The leading men do a variety of unethical things, but are forgiven on behalf of being handsome and funny and those actions are forgiven and even romanticized for the sake of the love story. This also reminds me of Maeve and Isaac. How often does he push himself uninvited into her life? How often does he managed to get out of facing the consequences of his actions?
It’s a fairly common trope tbh, and the only thing that isn’t common is that he’s also physically disabled. Which honestly lead me to doubt whether or not he was being sketchy or not. Like, could I be wrong? I eventually concluded that I don’t think I was, but it leads me to consider the fact of his disability on viewer perception. 
Are viewers more likely to forgive his behavior because his wheelchair paints him in a more sympathetic light? That isn’t to say that everyone who likes him only does so because of the wheelchair - I’m sure some people just legitimately like him- but I wonder how many do? And why? Is it because you feel bad for the character? Or is it because, as our only disabled character, we are programmed to view him as a protagonist? Is his disability part of an effort to be more inclusive, or to subtly subvert our expectations regarding his character? Neither? Both?
If he is indeed going to be an antagonist then that raises further questions in regards to Isaac as disability representation. On the one hand, it’s not like being in a wheelchair automatically makes someone a good person- as with any other demographic of people there are going to be nice guys and assholes.
Is it better that they’re treating him like they would anyone else? Like, he’s just a regular guy who happens to be in a wheelchair, and the guy that he is, is prone to questionable behavior. Is it better that they’re treating him the same as they would any other able bodied character in this role? Or, as their only depiction of a disabled character, should they be portraying him in a more positive light? I personally find him to be very manipulative, and often he uses his disability as a part of his manipulation. Is that just an example of Isaac being opportunistic and using the resources available to him, or is it indicitive of a larger problem with his depiction? 
Have physically disabled people faced the same issues in media as other groups, in that their depictions were historically negative? I’m going to be honest with you here, that’s not a question I know the answer to. I haven’t seen them largely portrayed as villains, but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. 
I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, and I won’t until I see where season 3 plans on taking this, but these are the thoughts that have been circling my mind since I finished season 2. Do you agree? Disagree? Did any of this even make sense? 
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1) Ducktales 2) Drakepad 3) Della (even if i was only supposed to send one, at least you have options for what you want to answer ^^)
Favorite character: Drake!
Least Favorite character: M*rk B**ks
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): drakepad, fenro,dellumbra,dellene, three gay caballeros!
Character I find most attractive: seleeeeene!! and della 
Character I would marry: frank’s alluded to morgana coming to dt17 and im staying hopeful so...magic wife
Character I would be best friends with: launchpad bc he’s everyone’s friend!!
a random thought: its a good show watch it @ my non dt followers!!
An unpopular opinion: change is good just because they changed your fav character from the old one doesn’t mean the new one and the old cant coexist and be loved by everyone w/o any fighting!
My Canon OTP: there’s no real canonical ships except maybe scroldie? which i do like even if i constantly battle between gay scrooge and lesbian goldie and then back to bi for both
My Non-canon OTP: drakepad hands down!
Most Badass Character: ms. beakley!!!
Most Epic Villain: lunaris was p formidable imo!
Pairing I am not a fan of: besides the obvious incest (this includes webby and the triplets yall!!)/pedophilia...c/rackbea/ks is the ship name i think for fenton and m*rk? 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmm not really thinking of anything atm except ig that it feels like there should be more about donald in the terms of him post moonvasion (but like obviously we arent that far so it might get expanded on so thats why i dont wanna concretely say he was “screwed up”)
Favourite Friendship: all the kids being friends makes me 🥺🥺🥺
Character I most identify with: drake and huey probably!!
Character I wish I could be: an interesting question that i don’t quite have an answer for yet!
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When I started shipping them: well i kept seeing cute fanart of them before i even got into dt and after i saw the hype for dwd i explored more, found drakepad, but didnt REALLY ship it til i gave dwd a try and was like “ok wow the fans werent exaggerating the gay huh”
My thoughts: its such a good ship i want it desperately to become canon i’ve never wanted a ship to become canon so badly before this is THE OTP for me.
What makes me happy about them: they care about each other sm and are already a family and are always trying to make the other be a better version of themselves
What makes me sad about them: that nagging negative feeling that theyll only be implied or never shown beyond platonic
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: tbh i can’t think of anything bc all the fics ive read of them are super sweet!! especially @/mighty-ant  @/bassiter’s fics  @/taylorthegiant@/transdarkwingduck(and some others but idk their tumblr urls)
Things I look for in fanfic: mutual love and understanding (also lots of angst AND PINING GOD THE PIIINIIIING!!!!) its also really great if gosalyns in there too bc then fambily.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i lowkey like fenton with either! 
My happily ever after for them: get married and adopt gosalyn and then grow old together :’)
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How I feel about this character: she’s badass and complete wife...
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: selene and penumbra! 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: i really love how much she loves her kids she wants to be a good mom and i love it ;u;
My unpopular opinion about this character: she deserves her time to shine screw what my uncle says she ain’t annoying! we’ve had a bajillion years of donald and della only made a select few appearances in some old comics no one really knows about so!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: she faces her fear of not being a good mom and just growing and adjusting and facing what she went through for over a decade
Favorite friendship for this character: donald and i really want for us to see her and gyro itd be hilarious
My crossover ship: um...idk if crossover since she might appear but...morgana x della? i would think morg would be the same age or only a couple of years older in the reboot! 
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Thanks for the ask(s)!!
Send me a fandom, ship, or character!
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I was tagged by @vildeliens thank you Queen (of clowns and headcanoons) ❤️
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.  
Skam France
The Walking Dead
Doctor Who
1. Who is your favourite character in 2? Well that one is easy as hell. Lucas Lallemant, without the shadow of a doubt. I just adore that boy... I really do believe that he’s the most developed character of the whole skam universe. Also, i relate to him so so much, being parisian and 17 and queer and just, globally similar. And that Acting (TM) sure helps (will i ever be over axel’s acting? I dont think so)... I am gonna stop before i write essays (you all think this is a joke but i actually write random stuff about Lucas when i get bored in class, thats how bad it is). I just really love this boy folks...
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1? Well that’s an easy one too. Vernon Schillinger, because he is a neonazi, which is enough. And he is just plain BAD (rapist, murderer, coward, blackmailer... you name it)... And it’s not even a love hate situation, i despise the guy so  much, he makes me wanna crawl off my skin whenever he is on screen. Also i think he’s quite one dimensional which is very weird for that show but yeah. He is The Bad Guy.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4? Well that’s a harder one lmao, because you know, the show has been going on since 1963, which means i have many many favourites... Imma go only with reboot, cause thats the one i know better and i have to say it’s the one i enjoy the most. I think my all time fave is the two parts one, The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, because those are just so perfect in every aspect imo. But i also love love love the library arc from season 4 (i think lmao) because KUDOS FOR MAKING US INSENSITIVE ABOUT A CHARACTER’S DEATH ONLY FOT IT TO KILL US LATER (and overall the episodes are so so good). Also, because i’m a hoe for big dramatic moments, the episodes with the Master (end of s3 and end of s4 mainly, i dont really like Missy) and the two parts The Stolen Earth/Journey’s end (i remember being so hyped by all of them squading up). Also, it’s not an episode but it deserves its place there: the entire season 6. Because Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston and Arthur Darvill are just so good. I didnt really enjoy seasons 8 to 10 (even tho i adore Peter Capaldi), but season 7 also has some that i loved (Angels in Manhattan and The Name of the Doctor killed me). And the 50th anniversary. I MEAN THIS IS COMPLICATE I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH IT HAS SO MANY GOOD EPISODES (and it’s the first show i got obsessed with so theres that)
4. What is your favourite season of 5? I think i’ll go with season 2 (?), because i love the og squad and they were all in it in s2, and i think the arcs were done really well (and the last episode, haha, me dead)... S3 and 4 i enjoyed less cause i think the teams didn’t really work without Tosh, Owen and Ianto... I couldn’t really find that magic again (and yes i’m still bitter). 
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3? It’s hard to find ALIVE people to form couples with lmao so i’ll go with one that is in kinda stand-by... it’s complicate...  Rick and Michonne cause i loved how they were best friends first and how their whole story was built... It made a lot of sense to me. Also i love the show less nowadays but i think those are still strong characters (minus Rick now lol)
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2? I had to snort. I know, it’s going to surprise you all, but it’s Manon and Charles OF COURSE. Kidding (pls. break. them. up). It’s Eliott and Lucas (how many of you all are surprised) because. Do i need to explain. Just. Everything. I can’t even put it into words. they’re just a perfect match and so in tune and so in love and i should stop now but i won’t so i’m sorry. I love how they complete each other and understand each other, and i loved how Lucas made Eliott’s dream real (polaris), and i love how they arent perfect yet they learn with each other and they make each other better . I love how cute they look and how in love and how raw. I love the way Lucas’ voice softens when he talks to eliott, and the way eliott’s eyes are so full of wonder. Also the way they fight sometimes but always come back to each other and love stronger. And their ship names literally means “chosen one”, how could I not ship? LISTEN THEY JUST FIT OKAY AND I WONT TAKE ANY CRITICISM
7. What is your favourite episode of 1? oh god i don’t remember them all at all lmao but imma try to come up with one (not 22838 like i normally do). So i’d say 4x11 (revenge is sweet)?? but honestly the show is so continuous that its hard to choose one ep... id say s4 is my favourite hands down though
8. What is your favourite episode of 5? YES THAT I CAN!! it’s from season 1, even though i love s2 better overall, Countrycide. I loved everything about that ep, and it still sends shivers down my spine when i think about it. I particularly enjoyed how it depicted the team’s relationships and how it showed that monsters can be amongst mankind (which, we been knew, but still. it was very well done for a show that fights aliens to fight humans)
9. What is your favourite season of 2? Another easy one! Season 3, as my entire blog can attest. It’s just. A masterpiece. That’s it that’s the post.
10. How long have you watched 1? I bingewatched it in like two months (cause i had to take breaks because school) in 2016. It’s a show that ended around 2000 so it’s not like i HAD to wait, and the episodes aren’t really stand alone so i had to watch them in a row.
11. How did you become interested in 3? I started watching with my dad because he is a cinephile that shows me loads of movies and tv series, then showed it to my mom. And now my dad stopped watching so i watch it with my mom exclusively even though i dont enjoy as much as i used to (still love it though). 
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4? Matt Smith (even though i adored Eccleston, and couldn’t appreciate Tennant’s AMAZINGNESS cause i was too sad to see 9 go aoimjdk). But Matt Smith is the funniest, most Doctor-ish one imo.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? This is gonna sound like a betrayal to shows i’ve watched for so many years but Skam France, hands down. (i’m obsessed okay)
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? 3 because it has more eps and i’m caught up with both, so logically its 3.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Umh i think i’m kinda similar to Clara in some ways (?). Maybe. Like in the way we’re both hopeless romantic in search of an adventurous life. Plus, she is a lgbt+ icon and you can’t convince me otherwise so there’s that. i mean i think i globally identify with companions cause i wanna be them so bad lmao (imagine how cool it would be for my nerdy self ugh). But i look like a Sontaran so. Mayhaps i’d be one of those instead
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? umh that’d be funny as hell. The Doctor just jumping in a zombie apocalypse. Though i think they’d find a way to stop the apocalypse, so the second show would be annihilated by the first one. Mmh. Interesting still, up for it (i’m up for anything tbh)
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? That’s the hardest one i had to answer GOD. I’d go with the crack ship, Ryan O’Reilly and Miguel Alvarez, tho they would both kill me and then burn my body if they ever saw this
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Weeeelll i think The Walking Dead used to have an amazing storyline (the Governor’s arc was spectacular), but now i’d go with Torchwood cause sometimes (a lot of times), shows that don’t try to make it last for ages tie everything better. And Torchwood did tie things well enough imo (even tho i’m forever sad and bitter)
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? I don’ think Skam France has a theme music?? more like soundtracks (amazing ones)??? But i mean even if it did Doctor Who would still win cause the themes are fantastic (yes i went there)
This was so fun guys so imma tag @evnisak, @isak-valterssen, @jebentnietalleen, @demauryy, @srodvlv, @takaoparadise, @starcassstic, @thebananaslug, @sleepingthroughmyproblems, @akalousthings and anyone else i forgot, or anyone wanting to do this really
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fairyharps · 5 years
hello!! i just finished kh3 so below are my thoughts. obviously, spoiler warning if you havent finished the game.
first of all...... wow!!!!!!!!!! its real!!!!!!! i held the game in my own hands and played it!!!!!!!!! 12 year old me has been screaming non stop since the release im in a fog of emotion. every time i started up the game and heard that new kh3 rendition of dearly beloved with the ocean waves i just absolutely lost it
however, in the end, i feel mixed. i guess the hype over the years built up to an astronomical amount and while the game was incredibly fun and beautiful and i love seeing the story finally pan out into the finale, in a way it also felt very short? as of writing the first few paragraphs here i have just started san fransokyo, so i havent seen the actual finale, but these are my current thoughts and i will update this as i play. i still feel like there is so much more that is going to happen and ive barely even scratched the surface
theres a lot of new information that got me going WILD. piecing everything together & theorizing is always something i find fun about kingdom hearts since its so unpredictable. in fact i got so into it i had to start taking notes and making diagrams. i love a game that makes me bust out a notebook. (i do this for hm/sos/stardew and acnl as well lmao)
also every single time ienzo came on screen i went absolutely HOG WILD. when he laughed? the little laugh?? his smile?????? just thinking about it now is making me misty eyed fellas i love my boy
the implication that demyx, luxord (was his name always pronounced luke-sord??? i always said luck-sord wtf), and obviously marluxia and larxene's somebodies are from before the keyblade war is out of control!!!! vexen and demyx being double agents for ansem the wise?? ANSEM THE WISE'S REUNION WITH IENZO!!!!!!!!?????????? also zemyx is real sdfjsdlkfjsdlkfsdlkfjsdlkf jk
uHHHHHHH VENTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BABY MY SONION!!!!!!!! AND AQUA!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EMOTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!! im honestly losing my mind everything is coming together aaaaaaaaaaaa literally seeing ventus looking SO BEAUTIFUL is making me lose my mind AND UHH AQUA.... REALIZING SHES IN THE WORLD OF LIGHT...........DAMN U NOMURA FOR MAKING ME FEEL
S-SAIX................................. I LOVE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
i felt very mixed about the paopu sharing scene. while i know this ship was always going to be endgame, i really hate how little development it actually gets throughout the Whole Series so instead it feels So forced. that scene is bone dry. the whole time i was wondering why they werent including riku since he was like.. 20 feet away.... like hes your best friend too guys.... i really am unable to understand this scene. like... nomura you KNOW how to write compelling relationships so what happened buddy. woody and buzz had more romantic tension than sora and kairi. also like when she leads him into the light or whatever.. whats the deal
i LOVE kairi but god. can you PLEASE let her do SOMETHING????? CAN I PLAY AS KAIRI??? im so tired of her being reduced to a damsel even when she has a weapon shes supposedly adept with now. she has had like.............. no development. im so sorry this happened to you kairi
im surprised there arent more worlds. i thought there would be the same or a greater number of disney worlds as kh2 but theres actually fewer?? and they feel much longer, or at least some of them do. worlds like the caribbean and toybox felt gigantic and took me forever while corona and monstropolis felt smaller. and some of the worlds you cant even fully explore until after you played through the story????
also im very intrigued about this new female character that keeps getting mentioned vaguely. i suspect there will be some intense retcons put in place abt her since she has NEVER been mentioned before dispite it seeming like shes very important. 
the final world place is very interesting conceptually but like how many times in this series am i going to have to collect soras lmao ALTHO i loved hearing from namine ;_; i miss u sweet girl
also uhh i could write for forever about sora as a character and how complex he is when you actually think abt it. i STILL see ppl saying riku is more interesting as a character but i feel like ppl only look at soras optimistic outlook. sora really keeps his feelings locked up way more than you think he would & not only that but hes so empathetic he ends up tackling everyone else's feelings too.. the idea that he is only powerful or useful because he has friends really hammers in how he says "my friends are my power" like.. every 5 seconds.. god  i love u but pls take a break for a Second. i just want him to go home and hug his mom
ok i just finished. like 5 mins ago. im still trying to like.. register what happened. the final act really packed a LOT together. i feel like theres too much to even mention right now. and theres still SO many questions. 
like i said before, i feel mixed. while there was a LOT to like about this game, there was also a lot that i did not like or was confused/put off by. i thought the first like, 2/3 of the game was too long and kind of boring sometimes? i couldnt handle in arendelle how they included the songs.. i get why they did it but it was NOT for me. the disney worlds kind of dragged on and, outside of the story connections to the finale, felt a little pointless. nothing happened other than the org popped in to egg on sora and then left. and the final act went by SO QUICKLY i didnt feel like there was enough time to register all the shit that was happening. also i fucking HATE how after everything, kairi was reduced to a damsel YET AGAIN. are you KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!! everything she does is off-screen and her "death" acts as a motivation for sora which is the worst way to do things like what the fuck
i personally really liked the game, even if parts were not as i initially expected. there was a lot of hype surrounding this game, but i think for what it was, it was as enjoyable to play as any kh game, and it delivered a lot of emotions, answered a few questions, created more questions, and wrapped up the dark seeker saga pretty nicely while still leaving room for future stories to be told. and BOY do i have some questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people who dont like how convoluted, dramatic, weird,  tropey  or heavily-retconned the plot is might think its bad. but ppl have thought kh in general is bad for those reasons for years anyway. honestly while these are all things that i can understand and empathize with, in the end for me its about how it makes me feel rather than like, how well it follows storytelling rules? and it sure made me feel a Lot. like im saying this as a long-time superfan so lmao
anyway i cried a lot for a very long time about the following: old man yaoi, ventus and roxas being in the same shot, how everyone looks rendered in beautiful next-gen hd, lea isa  and xions new outfits, namixi date, uhhh seasalt trio finally got to go to the beach together, namine being ALIVE, all the shit everyone said after i beat them in the labrynth, how often everyone cried in this game, sora uhhh not existing??? what happened????? is this what the next game is going to be about??? 
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Allura couples rating
This is my Allura couples rating and is based on season 1 to 6, but I am open minded and this may change depending on what happens in the next seasons
Rate: 10/10
It's my OTP, and it's not something I hide.
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I began to shipped them first for aesthetics, honest it was superficially in the began, I had seen fanarts before watching the series and I felt they looked good together, like a sexy couple of power. Then I started watching the serie and that's where I fell in love with the ship. They have many things that I like in a couple, both are mature, good leaders and seek the same goal. Since the beginning of the show, they have maintained a respectful shared leadership that feels organic, their relationship was similar to that of husband/wife work and both complement each other in a good way: The colors, white lion/male and black lion/female, heart and head and JDS said "If Shiro has sort of been like the edge of the sword, she’s been at the very, very tip of the sword saying like, 'That’s where we gotta go.' " And then there is the fact that they care about each other, Allura sacrificed herself to save Shiro and Shiro returned to save her knowing that was dangerous. When Zarkon attacked Voltron Allura ask for him and when Haggar attacked the castle Shiro screamed her name.
Now, Allura learned to absorb the quintessence in the episode that Shiro died and that is the same skill she used to put the quintessence of Shiro in Kuron's body. Allura was the one who killed Lotor (not on purpose) and also the one who brought Shiro to life. It was the beginning and the end of somthing
they both think highly of each other, The potential and those are details that they have make me ship them so hard.
Rate: 9/10
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I love them since the third season. Always though that they had potential since I heard the story of Coran and saw the memories of Zarkon, the fact that Zarkon gave the helmet of Lotor to Allura. And the past in common that they had.  Lotor found in Allura everything he was looking for in 10 thousand years, Allura found someone who understood her and knew her culture, someone who helped her to be closer to her father's legacy. And I am always to see couples with an hero and an antagonism, they are so complicated relationships and full of different nuances and feelings, the anguish always is interesting, seeing how things will be resolved: if the antagonist could change to be with the hero or if he destroys himself by not being able to change?, how will the hero overcome the feelings has toward someone should not? Will the hero overcome her feelings for the antagonist or in the end forgive him and try change the mentality of the antagonist and show him a better way of life? etc... And then there's the fact that they share many things in common, and Lotor relly love Allura (Naraku wanted and love Kikyo, but in the end he ended up destroying her because he didnt understand and accept his feelings, love is not always good, sometimes it's something violent and passionate that becomes destructive, is a kind of love and relationship that heals you or destroys you. Everyone has the ability to love, only some dont know how to love and prove it)
I'm sure Lotor is going to come back and I want to know what's going to happen to them, It's complicated with a lot of potential for chaos or something really good and is interesting their relationship. 
Rate: 8/10
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I love that Lance has genuine feelings for Allura and that he is a better person for her, but even so I think Lance needs to mature (Just like girls who dont feel complete if they arent with the boy they love, their maturity begins when they are alone and love themselves without a man. That's the kind of maturity Lance lacks) I think Lance has to be alone for a while and love himself without seeking recognition from anyone. And Allura loves Lance as friend/family but she has not seen him as a romantic interest. If Allura begins to see that Lance's feelings for her are genuine in the coming seasons and begins to look at it with different eyes, in addition to Lance maturing. It may have a lot of potential but it must be something of a slow fire and not start right now that Lotor is not there.
Rate: 5/10
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Kallura was a big part of the original tradition of the other versions. But as I said before in another post, this version has changed many things although it tries to maintain the essence of the previous versions (For example, Lotor is not a misogynistic type with harem but is still surrounded by Women, he develop feelings for Allura but in this version his feelings were reciprocated. At some point like the original version Keith was the black paladin, Lance the red and Allura the blue as in the original version but the real black paladin in this version is Shiro and he was never the blue paladin, he had a more active role as leader and he didnt disappear for a long time to be the first paladin that Romelle knew) Kallura may or may not happen.
At this moment I didnt see much of kallura, only in the first few seasons I got to see some pictures that could be read as future romantic interest, but even their relationship was very tense and when they were co-leaders didnt work. Allura was a rookie, she didnt know how to handle her lion and keith wanted to destroy Lotor (he put the whole team and her in danger), when they went to the other reality Keith told Allura not to go (Allura ignored him), they didnt have good communication so much was so that when Shiro returned, Allura gave more reason to Shiro of what Voltron should do, than to Keith who was the current leader. But hey, Keith spent two years with his mother, solving his insecurity of abandonment. Maybe this maturity will cause Allura and Keith to have more chemistry, it's a matter of seeing what will happen in the following seasons. But right now this couple is in pause for me.
Rate: 4/10
This couple could have been higher in my rating, because I think they have potential but the truth they dont have much chemistry and they have not interacted much either (thing that hurts me). But the interest on Matt's part existed, I think it's cool that he found her beautiful and I got a lot of laugh at his reaction, see that he doesn't flirt and is like that with all the girls that he know is something I loved it. I had faith that they would interact more, but I think in the end Matt was just a boy admiring the beautiful in a girl and he is aware that there are many things to do, so he´s more focused on the mission than on finding a couple, something that I find refreshing and is the kind of maturity I expect from Lance.
Rate: 3/10
Pidge and Allura have not interacted much and that these two are my favorite girls. I want them to interact more and talk about more things. relley I want that in these seasons their relationship grows. 
Allura x Hunk/Shay
Rate: 2/10
it's a bit difficult to see Allura with any of them because Hunay are my second OTP, they are very beautiful. Hunk fulfilled his promise, went to her planet to save her and taught a new way of life. Shay inspired Hunk to really want to be a paladin. Hunk when he can mentions Shay and Shay when she can mentions Hunk. both have a super pure relationship, in addition to both characters share a same core of goodness even though they are big and strong on the outside. They continue to be innocent in their own way.
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Allura x Romelle
Rate: 1/10
I love fanArts are super beautiful, but they have not interacted in anything and I still dont trust Romelle at all. In any case the only character at this point with which could see Romelle is with Keith because Keith took 2 years to reach the colony how much did it take to get out of there?, the vortex of time teaches visions of the past and future. That means that Keith and Romelle had to have seen things from them, whether they want to or not. He is the one who takes her out of the colony and the first to believe her story soo he was the help she needed.
(it's based on my personal taste and perspective)
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tumblunni · 6 years
Randomly a list of ships i ships
Cos i dont think ive ever written it down? I've probably forgot some from older fandoms.
Jupiter x Looker or Jupiter x Mars (pokemon dppt) oddly she's the only one of team galactic i ship anyone with!
Dia and Pearl (dppt manga: pokemon adventures version)
Steven and wallace, maxie and archie (pokemon rse) these are my ships with the most canon evidence so far!
Lillie x protag (pokemon sun and moon)
Oikawa and Cody's dad (digimon season 2) ALSO CLOSE TO CANON YO! It makes his whole plot even sadder if you read him as he's in love with his best friend but never confessed and then had to watch him die shortly after marrying someone else...
Oh and also ken and davis from the same season because SERIOUSLY 'our hearts beat as one' when their digimon unlock a new rainbow sfx fusion transformation
Alphys and Undyne from undertale are EVERYTHING GOOD IN RELATIONSHIPS
Protag daughter x Cube (princess maker)
Protag x Yosuke (persona 4) FUN FACT in this case we have actual proof the creators copped out on making it canon, there's fully voiced dual language audio for a scrapped romance route. But instead they ditched it and then the next game in the series was somehow also empty of lgbt options and also regressively homophobic all over the place...
SPEAKING OF WHICH yusuke and protag from persona 5. Srsly wtf why does this guy have such a similar name when theyre nothing alike? Aside from the fact poor yusuke is way more out about his sexuality and gets to be the butt of a million jokes...
Protag x ellen, protag x victoria, the hypothetical polyamourous triad of all the witch girls that exists within my heart (magical diary)
Maka x Crona, black star x soul (soul eater)
Chrom x specifically male protag (fire emblem awakening) female protag version is actually canon but i always HATED how her scenes with him are all cliche anime 'whoops fell into boobs' and 'nobody likes a woman who doesnt cook'. Male protag route is infinately more romantic just cos it actually shows their personalities! I mean if they both had the same dialogue just like most other scenes, i woulda been fine with the fem protag romance geez..
Virion x Panne (also fire emblem awakening) i have no idea why this obscure pairing grasped my heart and why more people dony like it! I like it cos panne snipes back at virion and takes none of his shit like sully, but without the whole 'girl who says she doesnt love him in the first scene eventually loves him if he keeps wearing her down' thing. And i like all the interesting cultural exchange that comes from a really pompous nobleman clashing with a rough and tumble stern fighter from an ancient lost lineage of lapinthropes. I dunno, his development into appreciating women just seems more genuine when you have this sort of auxilary sign that he's changed. He's willing to drop his pompousness and go on a big mountainclimbing adventure just to get her a traditional courtship flower amoungst her people! And its really adorable to see that like.. Its his first time ever getting nervous around a woman, cos this time the feelings are genuine instead of just lust and nothing else. And it was hilarious that he tried to get drunk to get over his fears, and then he fumbled the confession because of it! They have so many great sarcasm battle scenes, its hilarious AND adorable! Oh man and the scene where they actually got really emotional and panne talked about hoping her dead family is watching from the moon, and virion being vunerable about his past and just... AAA its such an unexpectedly good couple for such wildly different charries!!
Avery x Mason (hustle cat) mason is the most badass lady ever holy shit everyone should date her and she should lift them all over her head and maybe seven cars. She's a biker gang badass and a super cake chef and can turn into a cat and just EVERYTHING IS PERFECT ABOUT THIS CHARACTER THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
Husky and Cooro (+anima) i know theyre just kids but i totally get a precocious crush vibe from cooro, and like it only ever seems that husky gets embarassed over 'but what will everyone think' rather than because he doesn't like him. And husky has a lot of issues with internalized 'i need to be super manly' type anxieties and all.
Quale and Quan (ff9) okay i guess not really a ship but a past ship? I kinda saw them as a toriel and asgore type divorced couple from how stuttery and awkward quale is about how quan left and betrayed qu society. Headcanon that really it was more like 'my boyfriend wants to go adventuring and i wanna stay and live in this safe town, and he decided that adventure was more inportant than me'. I prefer this headcanon cos really neither of them would be at fault here, yknow? Complexity! Also grandpas shipping! Both great things!
Cloud and barret (ff7) cmon yo they have a load of chemistry and have so much in common backstory wise and in terms of putting up a grumpy front and being scared of letting themselves ever love again. And barret is the handsomest character in the game! And he's super tormented and in need of love just ss much as vincent geez, even if he isnt a funky fashion vampire. But he's a BIG HUGS BEAR MAN!! And he has a sweet little daughter! And there's several opportunities for cloud to act nice to marlene and seriously imagine him as a dad!! And barret even does get a 'date' with cloud if you play the game super precisely to unlock that easter egg but its clearly meant to be a joke and all. I hope maybe they could make it more legit in the remake now we're in an era of more lgbt representation and all. Also i feel bad but i never felt any chemistry between cloud and any of the female characters? It seemed like tifa was intended to be his canon love interest and all but i never liked it, and i never felt anything more than bffs with him and aerith. Plus aerith and zack is classic sweet star torn lovers! And then literally no clue why people ship him with yuffie and elena from the turks (???) Try barret sometime. We need more barret fanart in general, even of nobody else likes this ship! Appreciate him!!
Bebop and Rocksteady (ninja turtles) look, 6 year old me wanted them to get married before i even learned that That Thing Is Supposed To Be A Man And A Woman Under God or whatever. Proof that lgbt headcanons of children's media arent just 'adults polluting innocent things'. (Srsly what is that logic? A man and a woman kissinh isnt too sexual for tv but a gay kiss is?) Anyway these weird trash mutants were good together, courtesy of the ancient small me of the past.
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