#also i think jisung would smell like wood too tbh i think he would just use it bc the others do
sixzeroes · 2 years
you are right with renjun probably smelling like citrus, and i think jeno,mark,chenle are most likely to be wearing strong wood perfumes and jaemin probably smells like coffee beans. Tbh idk about haechan but op who said he may smell like coconut shower gel is onto something 🤔
RIGHT renjun is the embodiment of lemon/citrus to me especially considering he’s associated with yellow a lot too and lemons are yellow…
i agree jenmarkle def seem like they would wear wood perfumes bc for jenmark it’s just their type and chenle i feel like doesn’t rly gaf so he just wears wtvr
JAEMIN COFFEE BEANS but the question here is, is it because he deliberately uses coffee scents or is it because he over-consumes/d coffee? lol
AND I AGREE i’m starting to view haechan as very coconut rn like i feel like he’d have that faint mix of citrus (bc he’s always out n about hugging renjun) + coconut
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jaeminlore · 7 years
here we go w the next monster in the monct house
the way sicheng appeared is a bit of a sad tail tale tbh
so as a werewolf, sicheng was a part of a pack deep in the woods behind monct’s house
he didn’t even know it was there tbh
in case this isn’t obvious,,, sicheng is the runt of his pack
and he basically gets picked on all the time especially by the alfa and the beta of the pack
like they make everything extra hard on him and basically scold him when he can’t do the impossible
and one day sicheng has just had enough like he’s terrified that his own pack members are going to go too far with their punishments and actually kill him
he used to be afraid of running away bc he knew that he would be officially classified as a rogue and his scent wouldn’t belong to any pack
he’d be on his own,,,, and treading back into any kind of pack territory would be an immediate death sentence
and he’s scared and alone,, but he knows this is what he has to do
a pack is supposed to be a family,,, and sicheng only feels like a prisoner
so one night he darts off
he’s the quickest werewolf in his pack, so this works in his favor
OH wait let’s describe the wv: werewolf visuals for a moment shall we
okay you know during johnny’s communication center when winwin looks super duper soft and his hair is that pretty shade of copper brown i know y'all sleep on his visuals but you have to remember look
bc when sicheng transforms into his wolf version, his fur is that same soft copper and his eyes are still big and curious to the world
and he’s limber, both as a wolf and as a human
but he isn’t the slyest,,,, and within ten minutes of running he can already hear his alfa howling from the pack headquarters
it’s threatening and scary and maybe ten minutes is a good head start in human speed but as a werewolf sicheng is doomed if he doesn’t find a hiding place quick
he darts to the left until he sees a light,,,,,, which he realizes is a human house
and…….. tbh………. he’s never seen a human before like he’s heard a bunch of legends about how they’re scary creatures who poke monsters w pitchforks and light werewolf homes on fire
so he’s highkey terrified to go anywhere near the house
but he needs to hide, so he squeezes through the doggy door in the back door of the house
and he panics once he’s in the house bc he can sniff humans and he’s terrified of them finding him so he runs up the stairs,,, into the first room he can find,,,, and he crawls under the bed
and he’s just hoping all the werewolves in his pack won’t come into the house,,, but he knows they can smell him,,,,,
so hesitantly he creeps out from under the bed and looks around for any kind of cologne or perfume
his eyes finally catch on an entire perfume shelf lol like whoever owns this room must collect them for the aesthetic or smth
sicheng just thinks he’s lucky
he transforms back into his human form and like grabs the vials,,,,, and just pours them all over his body,,,,,, and then he pours the rest into the carpet, transforms back into his wolf form,,,,, and rolls around in it to mask his natural scent
this is how you find him LOL
you had just gotten back from your classes and you can smell the absolute floral and fruity storm wafting from your room
and you walk in to see a wolf rolling around in spilled perfume
and tbh you’re a bit startled at first, but you’re even more startled when the wolf notices you and retreats to the corner of your room, its tail between its legs
“hey,,, doggo,,,, idk how you got in here but would you like some food? my moms got a whole t-bone steak in the freezer that i kinda don’t want to cook up so,,,, you can have it if you want”
and the wolf kind of cocks his head to the side as if it’s confused,,,,,,, and before your eyes the wolf forms into a boy,,, a rlly cute boy that is
and he pulls his knees up to his chest like “aren’t you going to poke me w a pitchfork for stealing your perfume?”
you kind of shrug like “look my grandma gets me new perfume every year for my birthday and christmas so i’m just glad they’re finally getting some use.”
“oh” and his voice is so soft and low like he geuinely looks scared of you,,,,, he keeps discreetly checking you out through his eyelashes, only to duck down when you make eye contact w him
“why’d you put it all on anyway?”
nd v v quietly and slowly, sicheng explains how he is a werewolf running away from an abusive pack,,,, and he’s afraid of being caught
and youre like dude!! don’t worry abt it let’s get you cleaned up and fed before i call some friends
so while sicheng takes a bath and gets all the dirt, grime, and fragrance off of him,,,, you call up human!doyoung,, who you know from university
“yo don’t you live at that monster house? can you take one more?”
doyoung agrees to set up a sleeping place for yet another monster
so when sicheng comes out of the bath, freshly clothed in an oversized sweater and some sweatpants you found, you grab his hand like “i found you a place to live!”
and he’s lowkey not rlly excited like he’s already met enough new people for one day thank you very much
but you’re persistent that these people will help him a lot more than you ever could
and you lowkey can’t have a boy at your house when your parents come home it just won’t end well
so sicheng agrees and you drop him off at the monct house
and the first to welcome him is zombie!yuta, who smells like a mix of rotting flesh and honey, and witch!mark, who is excited to meet his new roommate
and sicheng is pretty closed off for the first few days like he accepts the food doyoung slides under his door and then he sleeps the rest of the time
now listen,,,,, around the full moon,,,,, werewolves are forced to transform to like their top physical wolf form
and it isn’t like the soft wolves in the forest,,,, it’s like those creepy walking wolf creatures with elongated spines and long nails
and it hurts a lot,,,, but it can also make sicheng rlly horrible for the night like every wolf gets bloodthirsty and violent and just wants to kill
sicheng warns the rest of the boys abt this and they agree to lock him in a spare bedroom for the night
and none of them can sleep during the night bc sicheng is howling and whimpering and he sounds like he’s in so much pain
mark leaves in the middle of the night to his room to “work on something”
and shapeshifter!jaemin,, after nearly biting off his lower lip in worry, finally transforms into a puppy and toddles over to the bedroom to peak under the crack in the door
he barks for a bit,,,,,,, and it’s like the wolf in sicheng felt a bit of comfort
like wolves are pack creatures and can get super lonely, alright,,,, and sicheng’s been lonely his entire life like he’s never ever been comforted by anything or anyone before
and the rest of nct take after jaemin’s lead,,, like forest fairy!jeno does what he can to try and make passion flowers (which have been proven to calm a dog’s seperation anxiety) grow under the door
witch!mark comes out of his bedroom w a few potion vials under his arm and soot in his hair “i made some healing and sleeping potions for as soon as he’s out of there”
and doyoung calls you bc well,,, you knew sicheng first and he feels it’s important you know what’s happening
but when you get there they seem to have it under control
ghost!jaehyun slides through the walls every hour to update everyone on sicheng’s condition,,, and the worn out werewolf has fallen asleep to the sounds of jaemin speaking puppy talk to him and the sweet scent of the calming plants jeno keeps growing out of nervousness
the next day when sicheng comes out everyone is babying him hardcore
like vampire!taeil wraps a wool blanket around his shoulders and imp!chenle and imp!jisung decided to refrain from unscrewing the salt jar, just so sicheng could have a peaceful morning, and witch!mark is shoving potions down sicheng’s throat
even swamp monster!taeyong becomes motherly w his water bottles reminding sicheng to stay hydrated after his long night!!!!
and sicheng just starts crying???
invisible man!ten is like what did we do what did we do taeiL YOU MADE HIM CRY
but sicheng can only shake his head like “i’m not upset,,, i’m happy”
you dump an entire steak meal in front of him like eat this while you talk you need strength
but all of nct are waiting for an explanation
so sicheng just opens up abt his previous pack and how mean they were for no reason,,,, and he lifts his shirt to show everyone all the scars he has from their cruel punishments
and he looks at you, who nods for him to keep talking,,,,,, and sicheng finally looks at the rest of monct like
“you guys have shown me what a true pack is,,,, i’ve never felt this loved and safe,,,, thank you,,,”
and now it’s an entire monster crying fest like you write your number down on a note and leave it for sicheng before getting the heck out of there
bc when taeyong cries it’s like a mini flood and no one wants to be ankle-deep in that swamp water if they can help it
but everyone is so touched they can’t help it???
and after that sicheng is a lot less quiet around the boys and you
he helps cook and clean and sometimes gets caught chasing his tail when he’s bored
jaemin still transforms into a puppy whenever he wants just so wolf!sicheng has someone to run around with
and sicheng doesn’t call you bc he has no idea how to use a phone
taeil helps him w a lot of stuff like that
yuta tried to teach sicheng how to flirt but that rlly didn’t turn out great
turns out sicheng can’t flirt at all and has no idea how to act on a date like your first date consists of food cooked by taeil and then a nap on the couch
10 outta 10 really you thought it was great
so yeah sicheng is still learning some stuff
but he learns rlly fast and his savagery skills even outdid the dreamies after he practiced a bit
he’s a great edition to the house
except when he transforms into a wolf and sits on the couch,,, he sheds everywhere and doyoung will not hesitate to chase him w a vacuum cleaner
yeah,,, and also,,,, after a few months sicheng stopped being able to smell his old pack,,,, so they must’ve left the woods to find a warmer home for winter
sicheng is so releaved and happy
he finally has a home and friends who love him and a person he highkey already has his heart he just doesn’t quite know what that means yet
so yeah,,, that’s werewolf!sicheng !!
this was fun to write! sorry there wasn’t much sicheng x reader! anyway, part of the collab w @trickortaeil ♥️
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