#also i thought there'd be more fanart by now??
hydn-jpg · 4 months
i just read all the current chapters of id2 and i. i need to lie down
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
Literally insane to me how small the general webtoon fandom is outside of the webtoon app itself (and maybe reddit??)
I've talked to multiple people irl who LOVE reading webtoon, but the online community is borderline threadbare ! Most people on Tumblr have no IDEA who our blorbos are! I've checked tags for some fairly popular webtoon and it was like visiting that Tatooine town in the Mandalorian where there are 5 citizens total, but only if you also count the Mayor, the sheriff, and the deputy.
Lore Olympus is the most popular webtoon and has under 2,000 fics on AO3. Lookism has roughly 1,000. Unordinary, THEE legacy webtoon, only has 600, and it's been running for almost 7 years now. It has nearly 6M subscribers and still gets 50K+ likes each week. It's not dead by any means.
I guess it doesn't help that each webtoon is its own micro ecosystem and once a webtoon ends, that ecosystem typically fades with it. But webtoons can go on runs longer than most shows on streaming services, and those fandoms burn hot and bright even if only for the first month of a new season drop.
By comparison, webtoon fans are largely casual about their enthusiasm, even if they're highly invested in the story or characters. From my experience, only the most passionate try to connect with other fans online. But when you're passionate about one webtoon, I suppose it's hard to show constant excitement about the 20+ other stories one might keep up with. Still, between the 85 million monthly readers, you'd think each major webtoon would at least have a dedicated fan base (meaning people who regularly post theories, thoughts, fics, and fanart) of mere thousands outside of the app.
One exception for this is that Batman webtoon? It actually trends on Tumblr every now and again. But it doesn't count, because Batman has a built in fandom who'll eat up and yell in the streets about any content where he's a decent dad.
People who read romance webtoon all tend to read the same comics, and actively understand the references to other popular romance comics (Trashta, Team Seojun, SLS), so you'd think there'd be a greater sense of unity. More people actively searching out others to discuss with and posting their thoughts online and not just in that webtoon's comment section.
I mean, C'MON girls!!! Millions of people log into that app like everyday!!! WHERE is the community?? WHERE is the fanart?? WHERE is the fanfic?? WHY does Odd Girl Out only have 7 fanfics?? WHY are there like 2 people on Twitter posting about Weak Hero?? Head in hands fr
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hellsuwus · 1 year
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I did this at 3 am, threw it in my drafts, and it’s just been sitting there so here we go lmao. Inspired by @ceo-of-sloppy-men tiefling tail headcanons
Exposing myself as that insane anon who said they were drawing zevlor tail charms and also omega fic fanart teehee. Now! Hcs under the cut
Okay so anyway I know nothing about biology BUT I love worldbuilding
I imagine that when tieflings weigh their tails down there's two different types of weights.
The first ones are practical ones. Not every tiefling can just give into their heat. They got jobs to do! Bills to pay! So these ones are more simple and are purely for purpose of weighing down tails. Most of the time it's like, a heavy sleeve and the inside is often filled with heavy beads or rice or pebbles or something ((kind of like a weighted blanket where its inside)) and in the case of stronger tiefs ((like zev 🤭)) they often have heavy metal bracers or cuffs around them as well just to weigh em down a bit more. Some wear em only at the ends of their tails, and some wear em up all the way.
The second one are the decorative ones. Sometimes they start off with the weighted sleeve, like stated above, as a base and then they'll wrap decorations around it. Or sometimes, the decorations are heavy enough that they'll just use those. (( In my brain zev always wears that little sleeve tho, he’s an old man who values comfort over style lol))
And if course the decorations and any meanings vary from tief to tief. Some tiefs wear basic metal charms with some chains and stuff to look cute, others are dramatic as hell and will wrap gold and jewels over their tail.
I dont think there'd really be any specific way to signify being in a relationship or not. A color system wouldn't work since tieflings come in so many colors that they could just be matching their partner. And I love the chains idea but chains are so hot i think everyone deserves them. Maybe they wear a padlock on their tail to symbolize they're taken??
I LOVE the thought of there being a symbol for free use tieflings in heat though. In my mind it would be any sort of bells. Some are more subtle and wear smaller ones on the ends of their tails, others are loud and proud and desperate and will wear large ones and it's a symbol for any other tiefling around to come use em.
I also think it would be really funny if the other races aren't aware that the bells mean free to use and they just think that tieflings are attention seekers lol
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jacscorner · 8 months
The Reboot of Sharkboy & Lavagirl
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So, who here remembers The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl?
...Yeah, I figured there'd be a lot of people. This movie came on almost every other week on Disney Channel some moons ago.
I loved the movie as a kid. While it hasn't aged the best, it still holds a very special place in my cold heart. One thing always lingered in the back of my mind: why isn't this a cartoon? Biased on my half, but I feel animation is better for trying to show an alien world, completely unlike anything we have on Earth. Because live action movies like this, as impressive as they may, will always be limited by budget and the effects of today - or, in this case, yesteryear. And if they're bad, they can really ruin the immersion. SB&LG are no different from this; as impressive as they were for the time, it was purely for the innate spectacle and not necessarily because they were good.
But, this movie still has a place in my heart, so let's push those critical thoughts aside. Cause i really wanna get into my thoughts on a Sharkboy and Lavagirl reboot.
SB & LG Designs
Since these are supposed to be characters dreamed up by a kid, I intentionally made their designs simplified. Cause while I can draw their suits NOW, I certainly couldn't when I was a kid watching that movie. Which, like, I hate how superheroes when made in live action have the most over the top and complicated uniforms to draw. It's such a high bar for fanart and it makes them un-fun to draw. If Japanese shows can make cool heroes that are manageable to draw, then so should we in the west!
For Sharkboy, I gave a wet suit and some clothes on top, to sort of give a pulp-y feel to his suit. I also gave him a pair of oxygen tanks; since Sharkboy apparently can't breathe underwater, but hold his breath for a long time, I thought it'd make sense for him to have something for those deep DEEP dives, or maybe he could give them to someone drowning who'd need it more.
Meanwhile, I wanted Lavagirl to look more like a classic superhero in terms of design. I do regret a little bit not making her suit more pink and instead red, but I don't hate it. I never like it when elemental heroes have suits that's just their element slapped onto them. Makes me feel it's just their body, and that's a strange school of thought to have.
How The Reboot Would Work
I'd imagine this show would be the 22-24 minute format. The show would begin with a segment of Max in the real world. We'd have a short scene that shows Max in live action and something, good or bad, happen to him. Then, the camera would fall onto Max's dream journal, with the book flipping open and pages furling. We then transition to Planet Drool, with the episode title flashing on screen and the cartoon segment takes over.
I think this would better show the distinction between the real world, Max's world, and the dream world - specifically, Planet Drool. Since Max is basically the God of this world, his emotional state and feelings effect Planet Drool. When he's sad, it's cloud and gloomy. When happy, the birds are singing and flowers are blooming.
Naturally, the various friends and allies Sharkboy & Lavagirl run into on Planet Drool are inspired by the people Max meets. Bullies and jerks in the real world play the role of villains on Planet Drool and their punishments in the real world and comeuppance in the dream world correlate. On the reverse, Max's friends are allies for Sharkboy & Lavagirl, and brief flashes of Max maintaining or straining their friendship will reflect on SB & LG and their relationships.
For example: an episode could start with Max in bed; he's got a Summer Cold and is sick. His mother brought him a bowl of sick and told him to stay in bed and rest, and to remember to take his medicine. She then leaves the room as Max just lies down in bed. 
And then the dream journal flips open and the pages furl and we zoom in on Planet Zoom and it's a frozen wasteland. Blizzards are blowing, the waters are freezing. Even Lavagirl is shivering as she sits on the beach, waiting for Sharkboy, who breaks out of the ice. It's too cold for even his shark friends to come out and they think they need to do something to warm the planet before another ice age hits them.
Probably needs a few drafts, but you get the point.
Sharkboy - Deep Sea Mystery
Sharkboy, real name Finn Mako (cause this is Sharkboy and Lavagirl, subtlety does not exist) was found in a small cave along the coast of Sharktooth Bay. He was found at around age 5 by Dr. Marlon Mako; clearly human, but obviously mutated, with shark-like teeth, sharpened claws, pointed ears, and superhuman senses - not to mention that he saw the boy talking to the Sharks that inhabited the cave. Dr. Mako adopted the boy and built his lab in that cave, where he studies marine life and also builds various technologies for the benefits of Planet Drool. Sharkboy grew up with his new adopted father, never too far from his shark friends. Dr. Mako still doesn't fully understand why Sharkboy mutated like this and is searching for the origin of his odd superhuman abilities and where he came from. Sharkboy does not care; he's happy to have his father, and his Shark Friends.
Sharkboy mostly has all the same abilities he had in the original movie; enhanced physical capabilities, underwater adaptability - for the most part, shark-like teeth, and a super capable swimmer. Sharkboy is also super smart and supplies the team with the various tech and gadgets they use throughout the show - all usually shark themed, cause of course they are. Of course, just because he's smart doesn't mean he's passive or a thinker. His first solution is still primarily to smash it - he's a cocky hothead. It was his father's idea for him to carry that oxygen tank in case of emergencies and if not for the fact he loves his dad and doesn't want him to worry, he'd never bring it with him.
And just like in the movie, Sharkboy can be overstimulated and go into a frenzy where he's stronger, faster, but more feral and less cognitive. This can be good AND bad since he's rarely in control of himself. Sharkboy also has a strong distaste for most human food - whether he can or can't eat it, I don't know, but but he at the very least won't eat most sweets willingly.
Lavagirl - Princess of Heat
Lavagirl, real name Pyrrha Redsword is the daughter of the Lava Lord, Ignis Redsword. Lavagirl hails from the largest volcano on Planet Drool, found at the equator of the planet: Mt. Habanero. We'll get into it later, but yes, Lavagirl is the youngest daughter of this Lave Lord, who controls the thermal heating of Planet Drool. A sheltered princess most her life, Lavagirl grew up listening to stories of Planet Drool's heroes. But that many of them were gone now, apparently having been lost after a 'Great War' - which, in the real world, would be Max losing his grandfather, who would be introduced into the story and would have been the one helping him build Tobor (wink wink).
Inspired by these stories, Lavagirl would make her own suit and decide to become a superhero and would leave her volcano home in search of adventure. She's eager to be a superhero and tries to do things 'by the book' and try to do her best to help people. She holds the majority of the team's emotional intelligence, being more socially capable than Sharkboy - though sometimes, a bit too formal. And at times, maybe a little too naive, as her eagerness to help and her lack of experience with people leads to her being taken advantage of.
Like Sharkboy, Lavagirl's powers are the same as they were in the movie. She can manipulate lava and magma, spew it from her hands, and her hair can light up in flames. She can also melt into lava and reform at will. These are all natural abilities of the inhabitants of her volcano home; in this reboot, Lavagirl knows exactly what she is: a Geofolk, or Geoperson. They all can live in extreme heat and have naturally hot to the touch bodies, as well as hair that can light up with fire as a tie to her emotions. They can eat lava rocks, but they can also eat normal food without issue. Lavagirl has older siblings in this reboot; two older sisters and an older brother, though they're not important right now...
Planet Drool
Planet Drool is a reflection of Earth through the warped and twisted lens of a child - one who has a love of superheroes, robots, and escapes to his fantasies while his planets are having marriage problems and he has to deal with homework, bullies, and the world being big and scary. The two planets, Drool and Earth, have no relation to each other outside of Max; SB & LG do not know of Max's existence, though Max is referenced in a religious sense, as a 'Dreamer'; someone with the power to make thoughts into matter, who can create anything, but also destroy it in an instant. Anyone on Earth can be a Dreamer - in fact, maybe we'll explore the 'Dreams' of others, as they may influence Planet Drool.
For now, though, let's focus.
The natural world of Planet Drool is ruled by a respective Elemental Lord - a King, Queen, or something. Lavagirl's father is the Lava Lord and control's the planet's natural heating. The Ice Princess - yes, she is in this reboot - controls the cooling of the planet and is acting in palce of her missing father, the Ice King. Mr. Electric is the (former) planetary electrician, so on and so forth.
Planet Drool once had lots of heroes acting as its guardian, but after The Great War, many of them had either perished or retired. One of them, the Mighty Tobor, is left as a rusting giant robot in the Dream Graveyard, where all of Max's discarded dreams end up - in context of Planet Drool, it's a massive junkyard of broken machines or magical artifacts that don't work. There, Tobor lies, still technically functional, but seemingly beyond repair, a relic of the Era of Heroes that protected Planet Drool and acts as SB & LG's mentor.
As a planet made up of the dreams of a kid, Planet Drool has various locations that don't make sense. The Land of Milk & Cookies, where deserts are made to appease giants, swamps where the sun never seem to shine and is home to frog-like dragons, desert landscapes where the sand is like water and you need to sail it by ship; the planet's landscape is in constant flux. It twists and turns at the discretion of the planet's Dreamer (AKA, Max and his slowly growing collection of friends). The most important thing about Planet Drool is that it's a mismatch of different ideas that might not really work or go together, but that's kind of the point. Cause it's a dream and dreams don't always make sense.
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irkimatsu · 4 months
physical or emotional characteristics you would like in a human husk
Sorry for sitting on this for a bit! I'll admit, part of me was being autistic and overthinking this. Is this about what I'm personally attracted to in Husk, or what I think would be best for his story in canon? Is this about what he was like before he died, or what he'd be like if he could be human again after everything that's happened to him in hell?
I'm going with "how I see him as a human on Earth before death, and who I thought he was regardless of my own personal attractions and biases". (Well, a little bit of my own biases. No such thing as unbiased fiction. But accuracy is my priority on this one.)
First and foremost - human Husk is black. I will die on that hill until canon tells me otherwise. There could be other pieces of heritage in there somewhere - I don't think I'm qualified to speculate on that too hard - but as far as skin tone goes, he's black. I also like when art gives him dreads, it just looks right, though I'm not as much of a stickler on that matter. Gotta have some scruffy facial hair, though, I demand that much.
As for why... is it all the good fanart that made other options look wrong in comparison? Is it because he's voiced by Keith David and I just can't imagine a white guy sounding like Keith David? Those are definitely pieces of it. I know it's not canon and I'm not out here attacking people who lean otherwise on Husk's race, but as for me, he's black, end of discussion. On the shorter end of the average as far as male heights go, but he's not noticeably short in isolation. Definitely taller than my short and stout self. Weight probably fluctuates depending on his situation - his finances as a gambler would be all over the place, and so would his diet, varying between lavish meals in overpriced steakhouses, and dinners at home consisting primarily of cheese puffs and bottom-shelf beer. I do like him with a gut, though. Maybe he's just naturally predisposed to having a gut, even when he's starving. (Told you there'd be some bias.)
I'd definitely want to put decent thought about what it was like for him as a black man growing up in early 20th century Las Vegas, but without being 110% certain that anything I'm saying makes any fucking sense, I'm biting my tongue on that one. Definitely a topic I'm interested in, though.
I should also probably mention that yes, I know it's a common headcanon for Husk to be a trans man. It's interesting! I have no actual reason for not writing it myself. Not sure what to do with it, I guess? If it was canon I'd of course pay more attention to that aspect, but for now, whoops. You guys have fun, obviously! Just like with the popular ship, if anyone ever took "Irk doesn't write this thing" as "Irk thinks that thing is bad" I'd cry, don't do that
I like the name Oscar for him while alive. Saw it in a post on here once and it just felt right. Thank you, random Tumblr user I forgot who you are whoops again! Until canon tells me otherwise, he's Oscar in my heart.
I think his dress style while alive would match a similar trajectory to his Overlord-to-servant transition - a snappy dresser when he can afford it, would never be caught dead looking the least bit disheveled. Button-up shirts, freshly ironed suits, the finest colognes! But after he's a washed up divorced drunk, who gives a shit. His clothes are a lot more tattered now... but honestly, living in a place like Vegas where half the population are various flavors of downtrodden, washed-up addict, he doesn't stand out. At least he has that going for him.
Personality-wise, I think as a child and a young man, he was a big dreamer, even a bit of an attention whore. He's wanted to be a performer for as long as he can remember, ever since he started seeing magic shows and jazz bands as a kid. He may still be introverted in the sense that putting on a show is exhausting and he needs his space, but when he's in the right frame of mind, the stage is where he belongs. He worked so, so fucking hard to be a performer! He really could have been something if Vegas didn't chew him up and barf him out...
That dreamer attitude also made him a serious romantic when he was younger. If you accept a date from that man, he will spoil you. Flowers, fancy dinner (if he can afford it), a personal serenade... he doesn't fall into actual honest-to-god love very often, but when he does, he falls hard and puts everything he has into showing the person he loves that he cares. He does lean toward monetary gifts = affection, though... please, Husk, sometimes your partner really would be happiest with a hug and a song. But he doesn't see it that way, he has to keep gambling to be able to afford the lavish lifestyle his lover deserves. Fucking Vegas.
As an older man on Earth, after a turbulent divorce and decades of addiction and depression, he's a lot like the version of himself in the hotel. Doesn't give a shit about much besides where he's going to get his next drink. He does miss his dreams and wonder what could have been if he didn't screw it all up... but there's no point thinking about wasted opportunity. It just hurts. Drink it away instead. He spends his last few years alone, gambling and drinking and just waiting to finally fucking die.
Death was supposed to be a second chance for him, you know? He could pick himself, become someone again! Too bad for him that "someone" was once again a gambler, and that addiction is always going to catch up with him...
This is a rambling mess. I apologize! I just hope I answered the question correctly! Sorry if I messed it up!
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dani-luminae · 1 year
For Lia and Ayesha!
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom?
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material?
HEY sorry it took me like a week to get to this!!! I legitimately forgot about it until you answered my ask and I was like "hey didn't I have something to answer???" anyways -
FOR LIA: assuming this is main canon Lia,
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom?
Fanfics, fanart (they better not lightwash/whitewash her though), just like general fandom stuff properly.
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
Well there's the Big Reveal part of Chapter 68 in RTS:
"Of course I am [in love with Lia]! How could I not be? I'm madly in love with her, because she's one of the most compassionate and kind people I've ever met!  She's been nothing but supportive, to me, to everyone! She doesn't jump at a chance to fight people or brag about how much more powerful she is. [...] Are you happy now? I'm in love with Lia Hawkins!"
And just. Tell me you can't imagine all the ficlets and gifsets revolving about Lia's boundless love for everyone around her, and this love that makes Ben love her so deeply so quickly. Just look at it!
(And maybe just Mal's betrayed face at the end of it for good measure)
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
"Rewrite the Stars", duh. And probably "Never Enough", too. Heck, we can add "A Million Dreams" to that. Yes I was totally in a Greatest Showman phase, why do you ask
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character
Honestly they can take it away with theories about Lia's upbringing as it took place on Montressor, because I realize in hindsight I've really lacked fleshing that out... along with a lot of Lia's backstory.
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material?
I'm not sure. I mean I would hope a majority of the fandom, but Lia is also dark-skinned and sadly fandoms don't have a good track with dark-skinned characters and especially dark-skinned women. I would hope that fans of color would really like her and appreciate her! I've tried to do my research and put a lot of respectful thought into her character, really trying to avoid the negative tropes about WOC (there were some missteps earlier in her portrayal, but I'm always learning.)
FOR AYESHA: again, assuming main canon
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom?
Treading carefully to avoid grand spoilers for the prequel: the fandom is welcome to piece together the fateful final voyage of Captain Sigalu, and what exactly went down there. I'm sure there'd be a fanfic or two about that.
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
"Jim spent so much effort trying to impress everyone, and it was to no avail.
Ayesha saw him as he truly was, and she had from the start."
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
Okay, frankly I have no clue for these two. I have yet to find a song that encompasses them.
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character
Well I've left the identity/fate of Ayesha's father very very... well, nonexistent in her stories. I'm sure some of the fandom would be all over that, trying to figure him out and ideas about Ayesha as a result.
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material?
Genuinely the same answer as Lia, above.
Thanks for the ask!
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horsewizardart · 2 years
Dare To Be Stupid
I hit 1500 followers on Twitter today and decided to do a little writeup on how drawing ponies has made me feel. The long and short of it is that making inherently silly just-for-fun art like the stuff I’ve been posting has been really freeing for me in a time in my life when I don’t know what my relationship to art is anymore. Thanks to everyone for sharing and enjoying my stuff; seeing it spread around has been really unexpected for me, and I appreciate how nice you’ve all been.
Longer post after the break; I can be very self-reflective a lot of the time so this has been on my mind for awhile.
So here’s the main point: Drawing ponies has restored a lot of the joy that I get from working on projects, after a couple years of having a pretty rough relationship to art. For the majority of my life I have thought that I wanted to have a creative career. However, pursuing that idea has, historically, made me less willing and able to actually be creative. When I focused on this idea, I became self-conscious, scared of what I was or wasn’t making, unwilling to follow threads that I thought would be interesting because of fear of making a bad impression on a future boss I didn’t even really want to have. At some point in 2020, after I graduated college and started working a grueling production art job, I stopped posting new work online and only drew when I felt like I absolutely had to. I was thinking of myself less of a person and more as a potential employee at Future Better Job. I’m still untangling that web in my personal art; I draw nearly every day now, but it still takes a very long time for me to come up with an idea I want to pursue from start to finish outside of fanart. 
Contrast that to pony stuff - earlier this year when I decided I was gonna start posting my pony drawings, it wasn’t in pursuit of anything beyond sharing what I had been making. I've always been hated doing commissions, so there wasn't a financial incentive, and the fact that I'm using a big company's intellectual property means there'd be some Challenges in trying to make anything more out of it than this. The fact that people are interested in my stuff has been an incredible surprise, and has also compelled me to poke my head out a bit and try to make some friends (note that outside of ponies I’ve never been a fandom person, and there’s about a five or six year gap between when I was first interested in ponies and when I got back into it a couple years ago, so I’m still a little new to that part).
It’s also helped me see an alternate path forward, where I can maybe truly separate work from passion. In hindsight this should have been a little more of an obvious thing; I am a certified Jobs Hater who, even at a job I was generally pretty fond of, has spent every minute on the clock wishing the clock would catch fire. Probably makes sense that crossing those two streams would be a tough thing to make work.
This may seem like a lot of fuss over drawings of the famous little ponies holding up video game consoles and drinking Monster but drawing incredibly stupid things (in a good way) has been way more rewarding than I’d have ever expected. It’s helped me find the joy in experimenting and playing around with what I’m making instead of evaluating its potential outcome. It probably didn’t have to be ponies that opened this up for me, but I’m glad that it is. Thanks for being here.
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insfiringyou · 2 years
Do you envision a scenario where Namjoon would do everything in his power (like he is now) to be there for Jieun and help her through everything - but somewhere in the back of his mind give up on the idea of them ever being back to normal? Maybe decide this won't work out but he owes it to their relationship to see her through this?
I know it's absolutely awful to say and I really really don't mean to sound harsh, but I was going through Namjoon's masterlist yesterday and it seemed a little as though unless they're having sex, they're having some kind of conflict, even if it's masked and not explicit. The exception of course is the fic on which their fanart is based (it's so beautiful btw, the fic and the art). Would he categorise himself as happy right now? Would she?
I get the feeling Namjoon is too good a person and thinks of himself as too responsible to ever even question their relationship out loud while she's not doing so well, but I'm afraid he might wake up one day and find himself unhappy to the point of regret. Of course I have absolutely no way of knowing this and I hope it doesn't happen - but if there is a couple that's going to break up in the future, my money's on them.
This is in no way hate to Jieun btw - she's doing the best she can. Thank you for writing such wonderfully complex characters :)
I think at the moment there's still a hope for things to be 'normal', whatever that means to them, as there's always been ups and downs as you say from very early on. But there'd still maybe be a bit of nostalgia for the past, even though things weren't perfect.
It's interesting you say about the sex, because I think they'd both say their relationship was based on anything but as they admire each other's intelligence and mind over the physical aspects. But perhaps that's more why they clash so much, as they are such strong-minded people. But also, he has that intelligent and caring side that WANTS to be able to love her and support her. I actually don't think either of them have asked themselves that question about being happy, or have fully allowed themselves to! And thank you so much - I will pass along your lovely words to admin N and I agree the artwork is gorgeous (I wrote the fic, so thank you).
We do love how complex they are and how there's no easy answers when it comes to them. A while back there was some criticism from some readers who thought she was toxic, but we actually sympathise with her a lot even though she has a lot of flaws.
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