#just as book 1 brought me back to the choices fandom
hydn-jpg · 4 months
i just read all the current chapters of id2 and i. i need to lie down
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imthebadguyyy · 4 months
The Alchemy
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pairing : lewis hamilton x reader
fandom : f1
series : the tortured poets department
warnings : none. fluff.
a/n : one of my favourite songs on the album and it just seemed so fitting for lewis?!
this happens once every few lifetimes...
The faint smell of aged paper and fresh ink filled the air as you perused the shelves of your favorite, hidden-away bookstore. It had been your sanctuary for months, a place where the weight of fame and the constant scrutiny of the public eye couldn't reach you. You pulled your hoodie tighter around your face, hoping to remain unnoticed in this quiet haven.
You were known to the world as a dazzling pop sensation, your songs dominating charts and your name lighting up marquees. But here, you were just another book lover seeking solace in the written word.
As you wandered through the aisles, your fingers danced over the spines of novels and poetry collections. Lost in thought, you didn’t notice the tall figure turning the corner of the same aisle.
Lewis had always found a unique peace in bookstores, a stark contrast to the roaring engines and high-octane adrenaline of the racetrack. That day, he was seeking a quiet moment away from the world of Formula 1, hoping to get lost in a good book.
He glanced up and saw you—a woman with an aura of quiet mystery, your face partially obscured by your hoodie. Yet, there was something familiar about you. He watched as you pulled a book from the shelf, your eyes lighting up with recognition and joy.
“Excuse me,” he said softly, not wanting to startle you. “That’s a great choice.”
You looked up, startled, and then your eyes widened slightly as you recognized him. Lewis Hamilton, world champion, standing just a few feet away. You offered a tentative smile, your nerves betraying you.
“Thanks,” you replied, your voice a tentative whisper. “It’s one of my favorites.”
Lewis smiled warmly, sensing your initial apprehension. “I’m Lewis,” he introduced himself, extending a hand.
“I know who you are,” you said, your smile growing a bit more confident as you shook his hand. “I’m... well, you probably know who I am too.”
He chuckled. “I do, but it’s nice to meet you away from all the cameras and crowds.”
You nodded, your eyes scanning the shelves as if seeking comfort from the books surrounding you. “It’s rare to find a place where you can just be yourself, isn’t it?”
“Absolutely,” Lewis agreed. “That’s why I love places like this. It’s like stepping into another world.”
You fell into an easy conversation, discussing your favorite books, the pressures of fame, and the rare moments of peace you both cherished. For a while, the world outside ceased to exist, leaving just the two of you amidst the comforting silence of the bookstore.
As the conversation flowed, you discovered a shared love for poetry. You mentioned a collection by Rumi that had always resonated with you. Intrigued, Lewis asked if you would read a passage to him.
You hesitated for a moment before pulling the book from the shelf and opening it to a dog-eared page. Your voice, soft and lyrical, brought the words to life, and Lewis found himself captivated by the raw emotion in your reading.
“Beautiful,” he said quietly when you finished. “You have a gift.”
You blushed, the praise warming you from within. “Thank you. It feels good to share it with someone who understands.”
You exchanged numbers, promising to stay in touch and perhaps meet up again at this quiet sanctuary. As you parted ways, you felt a spark of something you hadn’t experienced in a long time—hope.
Lewis watched you leave, a smile playing on his lips. It was rare to find someone who truly understood the complexities of your worlds. In the quiet aisles of that bookstore, amidst the words of poets and authors, you had found a connection that felt as timeless as the books around you.
And as you stepped back into the world, you did so with a lighter heart, knowing that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t as alone as you thought.
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i haven't been around in so long...
The cozy nook of the bookstore in Milan had become a secret retreat for you, away from the prying eyes and relentless pace of your public life. You were flipping through a collection of contemporary Italian poetry when your phone buzzed. It was a message from Lewis. Since that serendipitous meeting in the bookstore a few days ago, the two of you had been exchanging texts about books, life, and everything in between.
Lewis: Found another Rumi quote for you. "The wound is the place where the Light enters you."
You smiled at the message, feeling a warm connection. You typed back a reply.
You: Beautiful. Rumi always knows how to get to the heart of things.
Lewis: Speaking of hearts, how about we grab some coffee and gelato? I know a great place nearby.
Your heart skipped a beat. The idea of spending more time with him sounded wonderful. You quickly replied.
You: I'd love that. Where should we meet?
Lewis sent the location, and you made your way through the charming streets of Milan, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. You arrived at a quaint café with a picturesque view of a cobblestone piazza. Lewis was already there, waving at you with a warm smile.
“Hey,” he greeted, standing up to pull out a chair for you.
“Hi, Lewis,” you replied, taking the seat and feeling instantly at ease.
He ordered a couple of espressos and a selection of gelato flavors, and the two of you settled into a comfortable conversation.
“So,” he began, leaning forward slightly, “tell me more about your music. I’ve been listening to your albums non-stop since we met.”
You chuckled, a bit shy. “Well, I’ve got a mix of rock, pop, and ballads. My last single was ‘City Lights,’ a rock anthem, and before that, it was ‘Eternal,’ a ballad about love and loss. And there was ‘Midnight Echo,’ a pop track that’s just for fun.”
Lewis nodded, clearly impressed. “I love the range. You’ve got such versatility. Do you have a favorite?”
You thought for a moment. “I think ‘Eternal’ is my favorite. It’s the most personal one. But honestly, it’s hard being so exposed. Everyone scrutinizes every word, every note.”
Lewis’s expression turned serious, empathetic. “I can understand that. Being in the public eye is tough. Every race, every interview, it’s all out there for everyone to judge.”
You sighed, grateful for his understanding. “It feels like you can never truly be yourself, you know? There’s always this pressure to be perfect, to live up to expectations.
My whole life, people have been telling me I'm not good enough, my music is generic, I go out with too many guys, I'm just so sick of all the attention. People forget I'm still figuring my life out. I'm in my late 20s, I'm allowed to be a little lost you know?" You admitted, sighing and taking a bite of your raspberry gelato.
Lewis reached out, his hand gently covering yours. “I get it. There are days when I just want to disappear and be normal. But we have to remember why we started. The passion, the love for what we do.”
His words resonated deeply with you. “You’re right. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that when you’re caught up in everything. But moments like this, they make it worth it.”
Lewis smiled, his eyes meeting yours with a look that made your heart flutter. “Exactly. Finding someone who understands, who really gets it, makes all the difference.”
The chemistry between you was palpable, an unspoken connection that seemed to grow stronger with every shared word. As you finished your gelato, Lewis leaned back, his gaze never leaving yours.
“This has been great,” he said softly. “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
You nodded, feeling the same. “I feel it too. It’s rare to find someone who truly understands.”
He stood up and offered you his hand. “How about a walk? There’s a beautiful park nearby.”
You took his hand, a smile spreading across your face. “I’d love that.”
As you walked through the sun-dappled streets of Milan, you felt a sense of lightness, a joy that had been missing for so long. With Lewis by your side, you realized that maybe, just maybe, there was a way to find balance amidst the chaos. And in that moment, with the city of Milan as your backdrop, you felt a connection that was as sweet and enduring as the gelato you had shared.
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these chemicals hit me like white wine...
The sun was setting over Tokyo, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. You were at a rooftop bar with Lewis Hamilton and his friends—Miles, Spinz, and a few others. The air was filled with laughter and the sound of clinking glasses as everyone enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere.
You had been spending more time with Lewis since your bookstore encounter, and he had invited you to meet his friends. You were nervous at first, but their easygoing nature quickly put you at ease.
Lewis’s arm was casually draped around your shoulders, a subtle yet sweetly affectionate gesture that made you feel cherished. His friends were animated, joking about their latest adventures and teasing Lewis about his racing habits.
“You should have seen Lewis last week,” Miles said with a grin. “He tried to cook us dinner and almost set the kitchen on fire!”
Everyone burst into laughter, including you. Lewis playfully rolled his eyes. “Hey, I was experimenting with new recipes!”
“You mean experimenting with how to call the fire department,” Spinz quipped, making everyone laugh harder.
Lewis looked at you, his eyes twinkling with humor. “Next time, I’ll just order in. What do you think?”
You smiled, feeling a warm rush of affection. “I think that sounds like a safer plan.” You had to conceal a blush when he raised your hand to his lips to press a gentle kiss to the skin of your knuckles.
As the evening continued, you felt more and more comfortable. Lewis’s friends were genuinely welcoming, making you feel like part of the group. At one point, Miles turned to you with a kind smile.
“We’re really glad to see you feeling more comfortable in your own skin,” he said sincerely. “It’s not easy being in the spotlight all the time.”
His words hit you unexpectedly hard. You felt a lump in your throat as you tried to find the right words to respond. “Thank you,” you said softly, your voice wavering. “It means a lot to hear that.”
Lewis gently squeezed your shoulder, his touch grounding you. “You’ve been amazing,” he said, his voice filled with warmth and admiration. “These past few weeks, getting to know you, it’s been incredible.”
You looked into his eyes, feeling an overwhelming surge of emotion. “You’ve helped me so much,” you whispered. “Being around you, it’s like… these chemicals hit me like white wine. I feel so much lighter, happier.”
The group fell silent for a moment, touched by the sincerity of the moment. Then Spinz raised his glass. “To new friends and feeling good in our own skin,” he said, breaking the emotional tension with a heartfelt toast.
Everyone raised their glasses, and you clinked yours with Lewis’s, feeling a sense of belonging you hadn’t felt in a long time.
As the night went on, Lewis continued to be sweetly affectionate, his hand often finding yours or his arm wrapping around you protectively. You found yourself leaning into his warmth, savoring the feeling of being cared for and understood.
Eventually, the group moved to a quieter corner of the rooftop, the conversation becoming more intimate. Lewis’s friends shared stories of their own struggles and triumphs, creating a bond of shared experiences. You listened, feeling a deep connection with these new friends who had welcomed you so openly.
When the night finally wound down, Lewis walked you back to your hotel. The streets were quiet, and the city lights twinkled around you. He stopped in front of your door, turning to face you.
“Tonight was amazing,” he said softly. “I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too,” you replied, your heart full. “Thank you for everything, Lewis. You’ve made me feel so… alive.”
He leaned in and kissed your forehead tenderly. “You are incredible,” he whispered. “Don’t ever forget that.”
With those words lingering in the air, you felt a sense of peace and happiness you hadn’t known in a long time. As you watched him walk away, you knew that this was just the beginning of something truly special.
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the worst sleep that I ever had...
The moonlight filtered softly through the curtains of your hotel room, casting a gentle glow over the room. You were tossing and turning, trapped in the grips of a horrifying nightmare. In your dream, the paparazzi were everywhere, their flashing cameras blinding you, their voices shouting questions that echoed around you, hounding you, drowning you, consuming you. No matter how fast you ran, you couldn't escape their relentless pursuit.
You woke up with a start, heart pounding and breath coming in rapid gasps. The terror of the nightmare clung to you, making it hard to shake off the feeling of being chased. You grabbed your phone from the bedside table, your fingers trembling as you dialed Lewis’s number.
“Hi darling” came his groggy but concerned voice on the other end. “What’s wrong?”
“Lewis,” you managed to say between ragged breaths, “worst sleep I ever had.”
“What happened?” he asked, his voice instantly more alert. “Are you okay?”
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. “I had a nightmare. I was being chased by the paparazzi, and I couldn’t get away. It felt so real, and I… I’m still shaking.”
Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Lewis said soothingly. “I’m here. Just breathe with me, alright? In and out, slowly.”
You followed his instructions, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, his calm voice helping to steady your racing heart.
“That's it,” he continued gently. “You’re safe. It was just a dream. No one is chasing you.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, the fear and relief mixing together. “I’m sorry to call so late,” you said, your voice trembling. “I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“You never have to apologize for needing me,” Lewis said firmly. “I’m glad you called. I want to be here for you, always.”
His words wrapped around you like a warm blanket, comforting and reassuring. “Thank you,” you whispered. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’re stronger than you think,” he replied. “But you don’t have to do it alone. We’re in this together.”
You felt a wave of emotion surge through you, the depth of your feelings for him hitting you all at once. “Lewis,” you began, unsure how to put it into words.
“I love you,” he said suddenly, his voice filled with tenderness. “I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while now. I love you, and I want to be here for you, no matter what.”
Tears of a different kind filled your eyes—tears of joy and overwhelming emotion. “I love you too, Lewis,” you said, your voice breaking slightly. “I love you so much.”
“I wish I could be there with you right now,” he said softly. “Hold you and make sure you’re really okay.”
“Just hearing your voice makes it better,” you admitted. “But I’d like that too. Can we meet soon? I'll fly over to London to meet you?”
“Absolutely,” he promised. “First thing in the morning. I'll book you a ticket too. Until then, try to get some rest. I’ll stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep if you want.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of peace settle over you. “I’d like that. Thank you, Lewis.”
He began to speak in a soothing tone, telling you a funny story from his childhood, his voice like a lullaby. As you listened, the panic slowly ebbed away, replaced by the warmth of his love and the comfort of his presence, even from a distance.
“I’m here,” he murmured as you started to drift off. “I’ll always be here. Sweet dreams, love.”
With those words, you finally felt safe enough to close your eyes, knowing that with Lewis by your side, you could face anything—even the nightmares.
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i circled you on a map...
The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over your hotel room in New York. You had just finished a busy day of interviews and rehearsals when your phone buzzed with a message from Lewis.
Lewis: Hey, I've got something exciting to ask you. Can we talk?
You smiled and quickly dialed his number. His voice, always a source of comfort, answered almost immediately.
“Hey, you,” he greeted warmly. “How’s my favorite pop star?”
“Exhausted,” you replied with a laugh. “But happy to hear your voice. What’s up?”
“Well,” he began, his tone filled with anticipation, “I’m heading to Monaco for the Grand Prix this weekend, and I was wondering… would you like to come?”
Your heart skipped a beat. The idea of seeing him in his element, surrounded by the thrill of the race, was incredibly appealing. But a flicker of doubt crossed your mind.
“I’d love to,” you said hesitantly, “but you know how the paparazzi are. I don’t want to cause a scene or distract you.”
Lewis’s voice softened, filled with reassurance. “I circled you on a map, love. I want you there with me. You don’t have to worry about the paparazzi. I’ll make sure you’re safe and secure. We’ve got a great team, and they’ll take care of everything.”
The sincerity in his voice melted away your doubts. “You really want me there?” you asked, feeling a rush of emotion.
“More than anything,” he said. “I want to share this part of my life with you. Plus, my team is dying to meet you. They’re all huge fans.”
You chuckled, the image of Lewis’s team fangirling over you bringing a smile to your face. “Okay, you’ve convinced me. I’ll be there.”
“Fantastic!” Lewis exclaimed. “I’ll have everything arranged. You just pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable weekend.”
The excitement in his voice was contagious. “I can’t wait,” you said, your heart swelling with anticipation.
Two days later, you found yourself on a private jet to Monaco, the journey smooth and filled with excitement. As you landed, a sleek car was waiting to whisk you away to the racetrack, where Lewis’s team had arranged a private entrance to ensure your arrival was discreet.
You had made sure to wear all black and to wear sunglasses to be as discreet as possible, and you own security, Paul and Rio had insisted they accompany you too.
Lewis was there to greet you, looking effortlessly handsome in his racing gear. His face lit up when he saw you, and he pulled you into a tight embrace.
“You made it,” he whispered into your ear, his voice filled with happiness.
“I did,” you replied, smiling against his shoulder. “Thanks for making this happen.”
He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. “Anything for you. Now, let me introduce you to the team.”
As you walked into the paddock, Lewis’s team greeted you with a mixture of excitement and awe. Engineers, mechanics, and support staff all gathered around, their faces lighting up with recognition.
“Guys, this is my amazing girlfriend,” Lewis announced proudly. “And yes, she’s every bit as incredible as you think.”
A very excited Toto walked up to you, pulling you into a hug and saying with a wink "glad to finally meet the woman who has stolen his heart" and you laughed.
The team members took turns introducing themselves, each one more enthusiastic than the last. One of the engineers, a young woman named Mia, was particularly starstruck.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” Mia exclaimed. “I’ve been listening to your latest album on repeat. It’s incredible!”
“Thank you so much,” you said warmly. “I’m really excited to be here and see what you all do.”
Lewis kept you close, his arm around your waist, and you could feel the pride radiating from him. Throughout the day, he made sure you were comfortable, showing you around and explaining the intricacies of the race preparations.
During a quiet moment, he took your hand and led you to a private area overlooking the track. The roar of the engines and the buzz of activity seemed distant as he turned to you, his expression serious but full of love.
“I wanted you here because you’re such a big part of my life,” he said softly. “I love you, and I want you to know that no matter where I am or what I’m doing, you’re always on my mind. You’ve circled my heart, and there’s no ggoing back.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you smiled at him. “I love you too, Lewis. Thank you for making me feel so special and so loved.”
He leaned in and kissed you tenderly, the world fading away as you lost yourself in the moment. When you finally pulled back, the noise of the racetrack returned, but now it felt like a backdrop to your own private romance.
“Ready to watch me race?” he asked with a grin.
“Absolutely,” you replied, feeling a newfound sense of excitement and belonging. “Let’s do this.”
As the race began, you stood with his team, cheering him on and feeling a deep sense of pride and love. In that moment, you knew that no matter what challenges came your way, you and Lewis would face them together, stronger than ever
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I'm making a comeback to where I belong..
The excitement in the air was palpable as fans gathered for your one-night-only concert in London. The venue was electric, filled with eager anticipation. This was a special show, and you had something unique planned for the night—dedicating some of your most romantic songs to the Speedster who had stolen your heart.
Backstage, you were a mix of nerves and excitement, knowing that Lewis and some of his closest friends, as well as a few fellow drivers, were in the audience. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself why you were doing this. It was for him, to show him just how much he meant to you.
The lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted into cheers as you took the stage. After a few opening songs to warm up the crowd, you stepped up to the microphone with a smile.
“Good evening, everyone,” you began, your voice carrying over the hushed audience. “Tonight is a special night, not just for you all, but for me too. I want to dedicate a few songs to someone very special in my life. He’s fast, he’s fearless, and he’s captured my heart. This one’s for you, Lewis.”
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and you could see Lewis’s friends nudging him, grinning widely. Lewis, in the front row, was blushing furiously, a shy but happy smile spreading across his face.
The opening chords of “Lover” began to play, and you poured your heart into the performance, your eyes finding Lewis’s in the crowd.
“We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January, and this is our place, we make the rules…”
The lyrics felt more meaningful than ever as you sang them, every word a testament to your feelings for him. You could see Lewis’s friends—Miles, Spinz, and some of the drivers—beaming and capturing the moment on their phones, clearly enjoying the sweet, romantic gesture.
As the song ended, you transitioned smoothly into “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince,” the crowd swaying and singing along.
“You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes, it's you and me, there's nothing like this…”
Lewis’s blush deepened, but his eyes never left yours, filled with admiration and love. The energy in the room was electric, each song drawing you closer to the grand finale.
The gentle, haunting notes of “Delicate” filled the air next, and you felt the connection with Lewis grow even stronger.
“Is it cool that I said all that? Is it too soon to do this yet? 'Cause I know that it’s delicate…”
The vulnerability in the song mirrored your own feelings, and you could see it resonating with Lewis, his expression softening with emotion. The audience seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of you in your own little world.
After the final notes faded, you took a moment to catch your breath and let the emotion of the night sink in. The crowd was roaring with applause, but all you could focus on was Lewis, standing there with a look of pure love and pride.
“Thank you, everyone,” you said into the microphone, your voice filled with gratitude. “And thank you, Lewis, for being my inspiration and my heart. This night wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Lewis, surrounded by his friends, who were clapping and cheering, looked both bashful and incredibly touched. You stepped down from the stage, making your way through the crowd to where he stood. The fans parted, giving you space, and you reached him with a radiant smile.
“You were amazing,” Lewis said, his voice full of admiration. “Thank you for that. I’ve never felt so special.”
“You make me feel the same way every day,” you replied softly, wrapping your arms around him.
His friends began to chant playfully, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” and you both laughed, the moment filled with joy and affection. Lewis didn’t hesitate. He leaned in and kissed you tenderly, his friends erupting into cheers and applause once more.
When you finally pulled back, you saw tears of happiness in his eyes. “I love you,” he whispered, his voice just loud enough for you to hear over the noise.
“I love you too,” you replied, your heart swelling with emotion.
The rest of the night was a whirlwind of celebration, with Lewis’s friends and fellow drivers gushing over your performance and congratulating Lewis on having such an incredible girlfriend. The energy was infectious, and you felt on top of the world, knowing that you had shared such a special part of yourself with the man you loved.
As the night drew to a close, Lewis pulled you aside, his eyes glowing with happiness. “This was the best night of my life,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
“Mine too,” you replied, leaning into him. “Thank you for being my inspiration.”
With that, you both knew that this night was just the beginning of many more shared dreams and unforgettable moments, united by love and music.
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where's the trophy, he just comes running over to me...
The atmosphere at Silverstone was charged with excitement as the roar of engines filled the air. It was race day, and the tension was palpable as fans eagerly awaited the start of the Grand Prix. Among the crowd, you stood with Lewis's family—his parents, brother, and father—all anxiously watching as the cars lined up on the grid.
As the race began, nerves gave way to anticipation, each lap bringing Lewis closer to victory. The tension mounted with each passing minute, the air crackling with energy as the cars sped around the track.
Nicholas squeezed your hand as the cameras panned to your anxious face, the words "y/n l/n : Lewis Hamilton's partner" appearing on the screens, making you feel a little ooey gooey on the inside.
Finally, the moment arrived—the checkered flag waved, signaling Lewis's victory. The crowd erupted into cheers, and you felt a surge of pride and joy for him. His family cheered alongside you, their faces beaming with pride.
Amidst the celebrations, you caught sight of Lewis, his helmet off and his face a mix of exhaustion and elation. He climbed out of his car, surrounded by his team, and made his way to parc ferme, parking in the no 1 spot, pumping his fist in victory.
As he stood, the cameras flashed and the crowd roared their approval. And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, Lewis's gaze found yours in the crowd.
You watched as his expression softened, a smile spreading across his face as he made eye contact with you. And then, without hesitation, he leaped off the podium and ran towards you, his victory lap forgotten in the moment.
The crowd gasped and cheered as Lewis approached, his eyes never leaving yours. Cameras flashed, capturing the raw emotion of the moment as he reached you, his arms enveloping you in a tight embrace.
In front of the cameras and the paparazzi, Lewis leaned in and kissed you, the world fading away as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. His family cheered even louder, their joy at his victory mingling with their happiness for you both.
The kiss was all tongue and teeth, passionate and fuelled by victory, so emotive and filled with so much as he tilted you down, and the crowd went even wilder.
For a moment, it was just the two of you, lost in the euphoria of the moment, united by love and shared triumph. And as you pulled back, breathless and smiling, you knew that this moment would be etched in your memories forever—a testament to the power of love and the thrill of victory at Silverstone.
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a/n : fin!! this was such a cutesy fic to write and i hope you liked it! as always comments likes reblogs feedback etc is always appreciated!! love u guys!!
ttpd series - @ateezseonghwanot @khaylin27 @imgondeletedis @jj-ever-lovely-jewel @stylestastic
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general - @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird-blog
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marley-manson · 1 year
Could you expand on your dislike for the Raphael!Crowley headcanon? I'm fairly certain I know why but your meta posts are always so thoughtful and articulate and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic
Thank you, I really appreciate it! And fwiw I always enjoy reading your thoughts as well!
And yeah I'm happy to! I mean first I should say that I don't actually like, hate-hate it in fanfic, it's not like an instant back-button for me if it comes up, and I feel like I've seen one or two fics after season 1 where I thought it was fine and it didn't take me out of the story.
But yeah in general I just don't like Crowley being special lol. I like the book vibe where Crowley and Aziraphale are just two... not quite nobodies, given their roles in Eden and the spy allegory of the present day, but certainly not particularly powerful or impressive demon/angels. Crowley and Aziraphale's "superpowers," such as they are, are just their adaptability thanks to living on Earth so long. That's what defines them compared to the rest of Hell and Heaven and sets them apart as uniquely capable of giving a fuck and doing something about the apocalypse. Eg Hastur and Ligur are explicitly more powerful than Crowley, but Crowley escapes them by the skin of his teeth because he's able to break convention by weaponizing holy water, and he's familiar with technology, and more capable of thinking on his feet in general.
I like that all their uniqueness comes from living on Earth with humanity. It resonates with the thematic core of the story, it's fun, and it's interesting. Crowley now being able to perform super impressive miracles and casually resurrect people (something presumably not every angel can do since Aziraphale can't resurrect Edinburgh girl) and read heaven's secret files and potentially stop time in season 1 because he's a former archangel diminishes that vibe to me.
Another con of Raphael!Crowley as a headcanon is that a lot of the time, ime, it feels similar to lost scion of royalty headcanons in other fandoms in an unpleasant way - the way that kind of leans into the idea of someone being inherently superior and worth more by birth (or creation I guess in an angel's case lol). I don't think this is necessarily inherent to the headcanon, or an aspect I think Gaiman will definitely emphasize, but there is that worry lol, especially considering how gary stu-ish Crowley felt to me this season.
Like, why is him being a former archangel meaningful or significant at all? Why does the headcanon exist? What makes Raphael!Crowley different enough from Random Angel #2398!Crowley that it's even brought up as a character detail or plot point that excites people? And I'm not implying that there are no valid reasons (eg exploring why a high ranking angel specifically would fall, or to add some drama for Aziraphale if he finds out and it matters to him, or to add drama between Crowley and the other archangels, etc), but quite often the vibe I get from this headcanon is that Crowley's just inherently more interesting and cool if he used to be a high ranking angel instead of some rando, which is a vibe that puts me off.
Ultimately I just tend to prefer mundane origins to surprise significant origins, and stories about average people (at least in their own context, as angels or w/e) moulded by life who make interesting plot-driving choices rather than inherently unique and special people. And Crowley being Raphael doesn't necessarily make him special, but it does lean in that direction, especially if it's treated as a surprise significant reveal and yk, a source of superpowers.
And to be fair I actually have been thinking about directions this concept could go in season 3 that wouldn't annoy me, and one is to emphasize that archangels aren't inherently special at all and it's an arbitrary designation, and Crowley doesn't give a shit and anyone who does (like other archangels or w/e) is going to be painted as naive and silly and too into hierarchies.
And/or, yk, emphasize that "Anthony Crowley" is emphatically NOT Raphael, regardless of who God created him as. Choose your own destiny. All that jazz. Especially if the Metatron is offering him angelhood again I could see former identity and status being brought into play and held up as extra significant by the antagonists and treated as something to be shut down and dismissed by the narrative, which I would enjoy.
So yeah, at the end of the day I just prefer Crowley as just some guy who happened to get the Earth Agent assignment, rather than the mysterious only fallen archangel.
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Countdown to 2024!
This blog is officially 3 years old! The first event I hosted was the end of the year countdown as a way to look back and remember all the good things we enjoyed as a fandom in the previous year (as a way to hold on to the good even when Covid had taken so much). So I'm bringing it back for the third year!
Please note the countdown number in the prompts is just for fun. You can use that number, more or less, whatever you prefer.
⭐️ December 28: 4 artists or artworks that brought you cheer
⭐️ December 29: 3 writers or stories that made this year bright
⭐️ December 30: 2 edits, moodbaords, social media stories that made you smile
⭐️ December 31: 1+ fandom friendships that made you feel special
*BONUS* ⭐️ January 01: What are you looking forward to in 2024? (this can be Choices stories/books, your own creations, etc) Do you have any creative goals for yourself in 2024?
⭐️ End of Year/2023 Year in Review: Share a summary post of your creations in 2023
Entries will be accepted through January 6
Guidelines + How to Participate
Please make sure you tag @choicesfandomappreciation in any posts you make or share so I can reshare them. You may also use the tag: "choices countdown to 2024"
You can post your countdown as lists on your blog (tag this blog so I can reblog/share) or if you prefer anon, feel free to submit it here.
However, I also encourage you to support the original posts that you enjoyed. Reblog them, leave new comments, or share the creator's masterlist highlighting the parts you enjoyed most.
The number is just for fun, you are welcome to include more or less than the daily “guide” number
You are welcome to self-promote. If your favorite artwork is one of yours, reshare it, tag the blog! If you want to post your personal 3 favorite stories and 3 from other writers, go for it. The goal is to remember things that brought you joy this year! If you are proud of your work, reshare it! I’m happy to promote whatever has brought you joy, because we can all use a little more of that!
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions to make it better! I look forward to a great event!
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bleep-bloop-boo · 15 days
i would love to work at a library one day
iugfbnwqkwsdjf AWW THANK YOU FOR THE ASKK IM GOING TO RAMBLE NOW <33 AND SAMEE i hope you do get to work at the library :)) i need to wait 9 more months before I can applyy
First off all, background In my 7th grade i did Semester 1 online school and Semester 2 in person. I didnt get a choice in elective cuz i switched over so i became an office aide tho i would be sent to the library most of the time to help the librarian. another thing, the librarian started the same time as me. the old librarian quit and the new librarian was just out of college (and also lowkey traumatized but we dont acknowledge that heree) so she was like in her early 20s I LOVE HER SM OMG!! BEFORE BEING A LIBRARIAN SHE PLAYED COMPETITIVE VIDEO GAMES AND SHE HAS AN ANIMATION CHANNEL AND NOW SHES ILLUSTRATING CHILDRENS BOOK AND SHE WAS IN FANDOMS TOO!! SHES AMAZING AT ART, LIKE WHEN YOU ASKED HER TO SIGN YOUR YEARBOOK SHE'D DRAW YOU (i can find the picture of me she drew if youd likee) IN 2 MINUTES!! AND SHE TOLD ME ONCE SHED DRAW A FANART OF NICO GETTING MCDONALDS WITH WILL FOR ME CUZ I TOLD HER I LIKED PERCY JACKSON AND SOLANGELO (i never told her bout the mcdonalds thing, she knew) and it was so much fun cuz id be sorting books and reading books and scanning books and helping kids and fixing books and organizing and just talking with peoplee i loved it smm and speaking of her, she did so much cool stuff!! she had no idea how the library worked or how to do stuff and she did end up crying the first month because of how lost she was but she got a hang of it and i so proud of her for that <33
She made a cozy corner where there are tons of blankets and pillows for people and with cozy curtains and lights
she bought (using her own money) nearly 40 boardgames and made a shelf for people to play with fidgets, cards and games
she brought her switch in so kids could see and watch her play
she made a suggestion box and read every single one
she started a thing where she made slides for the elementary schoolers and read to them every week
she let students come in during lunch and play games and talk and chill (which is amzing cuz our school was HELLA strict, like middle schoolers could only sit at the tables or on the grass. you cant walk anywhere else.)
and we all loved her sm, she was the best <33 i miss her cuz now im in high school and the kid i tutored told on me thursday she moved and she doesnt work there anymore and now i miss her even moree but ill see if i can find her insta time for the actual stories of me and the one other office aide 😭😭😭 - we built a throne out of old textbooks and made a whole photosoot using paper decorations - we spent an entire hour just reading and laughing at this book about toilets - we spent 15 minutes learning how to use a key cuz we locked ourselves outside of the school (we had keys with acsess to the whole school and all the gates, were just stupid) - had so many debates with elementary schoolers who snuck in about the best pjo character and other books - kicked said elementary schoolers out because the school didnt allow them to be there after their school ended (then snuck them back in) - we spent an entire period just playing random songs and videos on the TVs and kept trying to change it to Never Going To Give You Up - kirby. so much kirby. EVERYWHERE - SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR omg, the books come in the shelves pre-pepared but the shelves are like tall, metal blocks on wheels you need to open up yourself and move around. we ended up creating a labryinth and getting trapped then i stacked a rolly stool on a chair and that didnt work cuz the stool was bigger than the chair and even tho i would have surived, they said it was too dangerous so i had to climb on a booksehlf to jump over these 6 foot tall bookselves we opened wrong and escape the maze - selling at said scholastic fair which was so fun <33 (i want a retail job so badd) - the amount of times i just sat and read while sorting books- - theres prolly more im forgetting lol, this is getting long tho so ill just end itt TYSM FOR THE ASK, THIS WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE CLASS IN ALL OF MIDDLE SCHOOL (barely beat geometry) AND I LOVELOVELOVE TALKING ABOUT ITT
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The fandom is so lucky to have you! We appreciate having you here and all that you contribute to it ❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Keep doing you ❤️
Aw, thanks anon! That’s really kind.
1. Reading all the amazing fan fic on AO3 brought me to the fandom. This fandom is so full of talent that it leaves me feeling so grateful! I was inspired to give something back and contribute to it 🩵
2. Eris is my favorite character. I also love Nesta and Lucien. I have a soft spot for Azriel and Cassian. And I need more Emerie and Gwyn— Valkyries up front! For TOG: Manon, Abraxos and the 13. Dorian.
3. Controversial choice, but for ACOTAR: I am going with Silver Flames. Did I agree with everything that went down? Absolutely not. I could write a lot about what I disliked, but I really appreciated getting a fresh POV after so many books in Feyre’s perspective. I loved getting Nesta’s story, and meeting the Valkyries. We got some great Eris moments too. As far as the entire Maasverse: a tie between Empire of Storms and Kingdom of Ash. The 13. Abraxos. Manon. Lysandra on that beach shifting from a sea serpent in EoS…damn.
4. I am a multi-shipper, but an Azris in my heart of hearts. They inspire me like no other, and I write them best. I think there’s something beautiful about two wounded characters healing each other. It’s messy and imperfect but it’s magical too. *Edit to add bc I JUST saw this is SJM and not just ACOTAR (yay reading!) Manon x Dorian are my very first Maasverse loves. Their dynamic is everything.
Thanks for the asks, anon🩵
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Jamespotterthefirst
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @jamespotterthefirst! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog: Jamespotterthefirst Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing back in 2018. I kept seeing this thing called “playchoices” trending as number 1 on Tumblr (lol remember those days?). This would happen, without fail, almost every week! When I clicked on it, the posts were all about the finale of a royal story (The Royal Romance!). People made the most hilarious posts, complete with memes. I had no idea what it was, but I gathered it was an app. I downloaded it, and the rest is history. 
The first book I played was Desire and Decorum. It was absolute torture because it wasn’t completed yet. So I binged the available chapters. Yes, I spent real money on keys and diamonds, telling myself at least I wasn't spending that money on drugs. It was so much fun waiting for a new chapter every week, even if I’m an impatient mess. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom almost immediately after downloading the app. 
As I sat in my living room, tapping my foot and waiting for the new D&D chapter to drop, I went back into the playchoices tag for content. It felt good to find other people who loved the story as much as I did. There were other users out there who were also waiting impatiently for the new chapter, writing fics and discussing theories in the meantime. There were also some of the funniest memes I have ever seen in my life. At first, I would quietly read and reblog. Then, I slowly started posting my own thoughts and theories (which were not very good lol but hey, this is tumblr after all).
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My life is one hyperfixation after another… The one before Choices was Harry Potter. More specifically, the Marauders era. I used to write for the pairing called “Jily”, composed of Harry Potter’s (dead) parents. Kelsey (@takeharryandgo) is a witness of just how much I love James Potter, Harry’s (dead) dad. In fact, our shared love for the pairing and character is one of the things that brought us together. 
In short, this URL is a reference to James Potter the first, Harry’s (dead) dad. Not James Sirius Potter the second, Harry Potter’s (living?) son. 
I saved it as a sideblog, meant only for writing resources for me to use at a later time. One day, I decided I didn’t want the followers on my main page to see all the Choices spam I was posting, so I resurrected the JP blog. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices post was a shitty theory about Desire & Decorum: 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a literal child. I used to write in a notebook and my friends would read during recess. It was awful but they were into it. One day, I used up the whole notebook and my friend was desperate for the next part of the story. I told her I needed to wait until my mom took me to the store (literal child) to get a new one. My friend got me a new one by the end of the day lol.
TL;DR that puts me at about 20+ years of writing. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Without a doubt, Open Heart! 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Oh god, the first fanfic I wrote was Lily Evans and James Potter from the Harry Potter universe. I forgot the exact title, but it was named after an Avril Lavigne lyric. Again, I was a child, don’t judge me lol. It’s handwritten in a notebook I still have somewhere, but I will never open it again lest I die of cringe. 
My first Choices fic, on the other hand, was a Desire and Decorum fic called “A Wedding Gift” that only like 5 people read at the time. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oof. This answer changes depending on the day you ask me. I always overthink it and end up saying picking a favorite fic is like picking a favorite child. To avoid being here all day, however, I’m going to say: Fake Husband, She Walks in Beauty, and Lovely.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, the fic I didn’t expect to do well at all if my first Open Heart fic: Lovely. 
I was so naive back then, knowing nothing about the Open Heart writing fandom. I had no idea what format or tags to use when posting. I was afraid there would be no readers out there who wanted to read a silly little story about my MC posting a thirst trap. All I knew was that the latest chapter of Open Heart Year 2 inspired an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
I posted it and I was so incredibly lucky to receive so much support. Words cannot explain how special that was. To this day, I cannot verbalize how grateful I am for that. 
There isn’t really a fic I can think of that could use more love. It always amazes me that anyone gives my fics their time. So any feedback my fics get will always be valued and treasured by me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Oh no. 
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If forced to choose, I’d say fluff. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Absolutely! While I try to make every MC different, I often pull from experience when I write. My Open Heart MC and I have a lot of things in common (heritage, hometown, astrological sign, etc.) But I also wanted her to be her own character with life choices that are different from mine. Since I'm very boring, it definitely makes for better fiction that way. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It depends on the day. Some days I struggle the most with dialogue. Others, my biggest struggle is descriptions. It's rare when I feel confident in both when I write. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
*laughs nervously in unfinished series*
There are a few series I have yet to finish. Once again, I apologize for leaving them untouched for so long! I plan to get my shit together soon! 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if they read some of the stuff I've written, especially for Choices. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to learn as a writer is reading. As such, I believe I've learned from most pieces I've read, particularly published rom com novels. In the fanfiction world, I admire my lovely friend @takeharryandgo. I've had the absolute joy of following her writing for over a decade. And with every work, I am still amazed by her masterful way with words! And her characterization is always spot-on. I simply love to read her spellbinding work and learn from the master! 
Other writers/creators I admire are:
@heauxplesslydevoted- one of the first OH writers I've ever read! Her smut is top-tier!
@jerzwriter - her stories, dialogue, and characterization are a delight to read. Her angst is painful. Her smut is sizzling hot! 
@liaromancewriter - a true master at romance! Her writing style is magical and synonymous with the best of rom-coms! 
@genevievemd - I bow down because the amount of love and care she puts into every piece truly makes her work special! 
 @lucy-268 - I have always respected the amount of research she puts into every piece. She pours so much care into it so that the narrative flows seamlessly! 
@a-crepusculo - her writing is so vivid and immersive. Reading her work is like listening to the most beautiful of symphonies!
@writer-ish - she is such a master at the craft! Her characterization is so vivid that the reader will fall in love no matter the format. Her text edits are legendary! 
@bex-la-get - such a talented and dedicated writer! She also pours hours of research into her work, ensuring every detail makes sense! 
@potionsprefect - she's such a creative and talented writer. She develops writing ideas like no one else I've ever seen! 
@headoverheelsforramsey- I love her storytelling and characterization! She's created a beautiful, inspiring, and intelligent MC for all of us to adore!
@gryffindordaughterofathena - her writing style is one of the most original I've ever seen. Reading her work feels like reading the loveliest of poetry! 
@coffeeheartaddict2- the dedication she puts into her work blows me away! She's daring when exploring themes in her writing, and she's not afraid to pull from personal experience. 
@lsvdw-blog - the person I'm sending my therapy bill to. Just kidding! Her writing is beautiful, even when it's the most painful angst. 
@trappedinfanfiction - she is such a lovely writer. The amount of detail she's given both of her MC's back stories has my absolute respect! 
@quixoticdreamer16 - I adore her MC and the wholesome, beautiful background she's given her! 
@mysticalgalaxysstuff - Another MC that has stolen my heart. I am so happy she started writing this past year because she's a real talent! 
@peonierose - love her beautiful MC and the beautiful love story she built for her with Bryce! 
@cariantha - a brilliant writer with talent for days! 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see She Walks in Beauty along with its series (1800s AU) in live action. Imagine Ana de Armas and David Gandy in period costumes? That alone would be worth it! 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I've crafted and outlined original stories before but I've never actually written them. One of my biggest goals for the new year is to finally start. Wish me luck! 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love reading, hiking, and dancing! 
Yes, I picked the most “impressive” of my hobbies to seem cool. On most days, you'll catch me cuddling with my dog or bf watching YouTube/TikTok/Hell's Kitchen reruns lol. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I used the orange 🧡 and purple 💜 hearts a lot because they're my favorite colors!
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
For the record, I am also contractually obligated to read anything Kelsey writes 😘 
Thank you so much to every single reader who has given my work a chance these past three years!
Thank you to the wonderful mods of CFWC for all you do to support writers in the Fandom! 
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velarisvalkyrie · 8 months
HOFAS Spoilers: What I Liked vs What I Didn't
Disclaimer: I just need someone to process this with. Usually, I enjoy my entertainment quietly and don't feel the need to make public posts but I need someone to process this book with lol. Anything you disagree with me about is 100% okay!!! I'm not one to argue or put down opinions in fandoms. I'm just curious if anyone else is sharing similiar feelings as me.
What I Did Enjoy:
Bryce flicking peas down to the beasts below her holding cell. It was so on brand of her and funny to me.
Bryce having to explain what a cell phone was.
Nesta and Azriel's friendship. I know this is a CC book and I won't dwell too much on the ACOTAR crossover. However, Nesta and Azriel's friendship has always been one of my favorites and there were sooo many cute moments between them. That hug after she uses the mask??? That hug and him stroking her hair broke something in me then hit the repair button.
Bryce really snatched Az's favorite kitchen knife and jumped in a crystal coffin back home. Iconic.
Hunt, Baxian and Ruhn holding onto their brotherhood in the dungeons through humor. Trying to keep one another from breaking. Acknowledging one another in the darkest of times they endured together. They really tried so hard to keep each other from losing all hope.
Hunt thinking of Bryce to keep moving onward. Thinking of how she brought him so much joy. Calling her his mate and his wife and his princess (I love terms of endearment so personally stuff like this sends me melting).
Hunt calling Bryce his best friend :c
Lidia saving the boys like the badass that she is and doing it with a well thought out plan coordinated with Dec and Flynn and all those lovely sprites.
Confirmation that Lidia is related to Aelin. I sobbed. I already expected it but when I got to that chapter of the book I started sobbing uncontrolllably. Aelin would be so proud of Lidia for working to bring the Asteri down by any means necessary and protecting who she loves and cares for so deeply.
Sprites. No explanation needed.
I really liked Flynn this book!!! I saw a side of him that I did not get to see much of in HOEAB or HOSAB. Flynn was really considerate, protective, and remained mindful of circumstances and adapted to them.
Dec deserves several awards for his hacking skills.
Hunt's Daddies lol what a fascinating concept of Hunt also essentially being "Made" and coming from Hel
JESIBA 😭 Jesiba and her love for Bryce and her respect and just - I cried so much because Jesiba always knew what Bryce needed. She was tough love and really kept Bryce moving forward after Danika died. So for Jesiba to step up and finally be at peace while also saving Bryce was so emotional to me.
Ruhn and Lidia finally having that beer together.
Baxian in a panic cuz flying horses lol
Bryce getting to see her real life JJ - I would also be thrilled to see flying horses.
What I Did Not Enjoy:
Tharion's entire storyline irritated me. I'm sorry to Tharion fans but I just could not find it in myself to connect to his storyline in this book. His inability to make a decision and face the consequences had me grinding my teeth especially if his actions put other people in danger.
Bryce vs Nesta and Azriel. While I love all three of these characters, I did not love all of them together when it became very apparent nothing good was coming from their meeting. Both sides were valid in not fully trusting one another but it really felt as though Bryce was written as the excuse to expose Az and Nesta to new information. Like it all felt very strange.
Ithan and Sigrid. Why introduce Sigrid at all only for her to be killed so quickly??? She was built up to be this key role that would change everything for the wolf shifters but ends up dead by the end of Part 1. Also Ithan didn't truly have a well rounded character arc to me. It was very much: Ithan makes poorly thought out choice. Ithan doesn't like the outcome. Ithan feels heavy guilt. Ithan tries to fix it. Ithan makes a larger mess. Ithan makes poorly thought out choice - like it was the same loop until somehow he is the new Prime ????? How is he going to make wise choices and assert leadership over an entire pack when he can't even do so for himself.
Bryce dismissing Hunt's trauma. I understand a lot was going on and she needed him focused but like Hunt, Baxian and Ruhn were put through a lot of pain. The physical torture was brutal. The mental exhaustion of trying not to let your mind shatter from such torment had to be hard. Trying to keep your emotions from getting the best of you. And yet Bryce wanted him to just move on and do what she needed asap. She could have at least told him that she knows he is hurting and she wants to provide her support and proper attention when they are in the right circumstances that she can offer it. When they aren't being chased down or fighting enemies or surrounded by their friends.
Everyone moving on way too quickly from Hunt, Baxian and Ruhn being in those dungeons. They siffered a lot and everyone moved on so fast as if they weren't carrying some heavy shit on their shoulders and in their thoughts.
Characters thinking about sex so often amongst all the stress, battle, and life altering decision making. Like ? We are in a very important part of this journey. A huge battle is on the rise and lives are at risks and somehow all of you are thinking this much about being with your partners? That is so unrealistic. There is a time and place for that type of intimacy and connection with your special person and SJM wrote those moments in the strangest circumstances and places that it became annoying.
Bryce and her attitude toward the Fae. I was very disappointed im the way Bryce generalized all of the Fae and was considering not doing anything for them after defeating the Asteri. It took away from some of her potential character growth and as much as she hates the Fae she is half Fae herself and there are others like her who need someone in their corner. Her whole conversation with Flynn's sister where she goes on and on about how awful Fae are and they don't deserve to be united really turned me off. I know Bryce had terrible experiences but to generalize everyone because of those experiences and consider doing nothing when she could start the chain reaction toward positive change for the Fae who want to do better and be better was a turn off. I found myself not liking her a lot through the story which is sad cuz I liked Bryce in the previous 2 books so much but in HOFAS she kept disappointing me with some of her thoughts and emotions. It was like she was stunting her own character growth.
Lidia having kids. Why? Why does everyone need children? I don't say that hatefully either! Personally, I love children and I also support anyone's choice to have kids or not to have kids. However, there was no real reason to throw in twins to Lidia's storyline. I don't see how that progresses the plot and it almost felt like writing that she is a mother is a security blanket to make others feel more comfortable with the choices she made when she was The Hind. I'll be so honest, if Lidia just flat out admitted she always intended to be a double agent or she just realized how bad the system was I would have accepted that. Having this plot twist of having twins had me tilting my head.
Did anyone else feel like Lidia became more withdrawn and started leaning into stereotypical traits? Am I the only one who felt like her character in HOFAS was vastly different than how we saw her as Daybright in HOSAB?
Autumn King. I didn't need him to have redemption but it is strange to have scattered a few hints in HOEAB and in HOSAB and even in HOFAS that perhaps the Autumn King cared about his kids at some level and that he had some regrets with Bryce and Ember only for him to be the absolute worst. Personally, just keep him a consistent villian. I already didn't like him for how he abused Ruhn and Bryce, but there were small moments where SJM had me thinking: ... maybe this is an act? Maybe he cares and thinks he is preparing them for the way they may be treated by enemies in the only way he knows how? No! Nope! He was just as awful as I initially thought.
Tharion's marriage. Sooooooo out of nowhere. I couldn't even root for them because the whole time I was thinking about how Tharion had the River Queen, Ocean Queen and Viper Queen all wanting his ass handed to them on a silver tray, fins and all. Like ??? And you just married this girl without considering your enemies might hear the news and snatch her up as a way to play on your guilt, hero complex, and impulse. Like I'll root for this couple when Tharion is less foolish.
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meanderfall · 1 year
on my hands and knees, BEGGING the fandom to stop saying Qui-Gon abandoned Obi-Wan on Melida/Daan.
Look, if you haven't read the book, THIS is how the confrontation actually plays out:
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I feel like even without the added context of the entire book, it's pretty clear that Qui-Gon is giving him a CHOICE, one that Obi-Wan seems pretty well-informed about what it means and the consequences for him.
But like, fine. Without context, it might seem that Qui-Gon isn't being fair because all Obi-Wan wants to do is help these people. I have two arguments against though, 1) other options as to how to help these people are brought up during the narrative, ones more in-line with how the Jedi operate, and 2) Obi-Wan's predominant reason for wanting to stay is not because he wants to help.
This is one of the very first options we encounter as to how this issue could be resolved, or at least helped:
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This is shortly after they first meet the Young and comes from Cerasi herself, one of the leaders of the group. Asking for more Jedi support or at least broadcasting the situation so that maybe other organizations within the galaxy can help. Which is well-within their means as Jedi to at least try and get more support, and doesn't go against their roles as diplomats and peace keepers. (Obi-Wan, of course, doesn't even bother trying this route, nor does he bring up this possibility with Qui-Gon so we could at least see it being debated and how viable it would be.)
And of course there IS a more hands-on approach that they could take:
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Qui-Gon himself tries to come up with a more diplomatic and objective way to broker peace. And the mission was already completed by the way. They were only supposed to rescue Tahl and MAYBE broker peace, but rescuing the other Jedi was the priority. Yoda even tells him before this moment to leave the planet with Obi-Wan as soon as possible because the situation is just too volatile, and he almost lost one Jedi in an effort to help. Qui-Gon is only doing this because he knows how important this has become for Obi-Wan. (And if anyone tries to tell me Qui-Gon doesn't love Obi-Wan, imma start swinging)
It doesn't work, of course. Everyone living on this planet has been steeped in so much anger, hatred, and revenge, that no side, not even the Young are actually willing to talk and really reach for peace. For all that Cerasi and Nield say they want Jedi support, they don't. Not really. Qui-Gon gets stonewalled by them. Both of them mock Obi-Wan whenever he listens to Qui-Gon. What they actually want is for the Jedi to join their army and help them make the Elders listen to them. This is why Yoda wants them to get the hell outta dodge and Qui-Gon feels uneasy and like they can't actually help here. No one actually wants to listen to reason, and the Jedi are not supposed to be soldiers fighting in wars. It gets incredibly obvious in the next book, especially on Nield's end that he wants revenge (a young little warmonger, his parents would be so proud), but honestly? I think we can see it even in this book.
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Hey, did you guys know there's a bunch of kids living away from this war. Like, thousands of them, actually. They literally do not have to fight. Nield could take his group of kids (taking the factory working and conscripted kids with him) and fuck off and let the Elders kill each other, and only this generation would be left. They could ask for resources and protection for their new settlement from the Jedi or galaxy instead of manpower to back up their cause and help fight in a war. If Nield ACTUALLY cared about stopping the war and wasn't out for revenge, this would probably be the best choice.
But this possibility never gets brought up, ever, because Nield hates the Elders and wants "justice", Obi-Wan is too inexperienced to realize this is an option, and no one tells Qui-Gon until it's already too late and the Young have declared war on the Elders if they don’t agree to a cease-fire.
All of these options are a more Jedi way of handling the situation in my opinion. Unbiased and working towards actual peace and the end of violence instead of perpetuating it.
And as much as I love Obi-Wan and I know his heart is in the right place, Obi-Wan doesn't care about that, about doing things the Jedi way. Obi-Wan is very clearly taking a specific side in this conflict. I'm not going to put up all the screenshots I took because there are already a lot in this post (and there are. so many more i could put up), but I have quite a few where it's explicit that Obi-Wan is not taking the side of the Young because it's the objectively correct thing to do, but because he likes them. He feels a sense of community with them. He wants to help them, not as a Jedi but as a friend. He is getting involved. Attached.
And, look, I'm not here to argue the morality of that choice. Choosing a different way of life isn't a failure or flaw. Helping your friends in whatever way you can is good. Wanting to stop war and reach for peace is right. There's probably a bunch of people who think Obi-Wan is making the right choice here, and while I might disagree, I can certainly see where they're coming from. I just feel like there's a huge misconception of what actually happened on this planet and what Qui-Gon’s ultimatum is actually about.
Obi-Wan has snuck out time and again to help the Young.
Obi-Wan has used their starfighter, their ONLY transport off the planet, to help the Young on a mission that could very well have shot down the ship. They could have ended up stranded on this planet and might have lead to Tahl's, the rescued Jedi's, death.
Obi-Wan has not been acting like a Jedi. Qui-Gon knows this. Obi-Wan knows this. And in that moment, Qui-Gon is telling him "helping and supporting the Young in such a personal and attached manner is not the way of the Jedi. Do you want to continue on this path?"
And Obi-Wan makes his choice.
(And if anyone tries to argue that Qui-Gon should have brought Obi-Wan with him anyway instead of letting him stay on a war-torn planet, I'm going to start screaming. Yeah, no shit. In the real world, that's probably how he should have reacted.
But this isn't the real world. It's a kid's book. Where kids are the main characters and they go into dangerous situations. So the children reading can see themselves in them and learn how to be brave. How to navigate difficult situations. To learn it's okay to choose a path and maybe realize at some point it isn't what you wanted at all.)
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c-e-d-dreamer · 6 days
The fandom is so lucky to have you! We appreciate having you here and all that you contribute to it ❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Keep doing you ❤️
Oooooo! How fun! I am all for some positivity in this fandom and this is so so sweet 🥰
1. What brought you into the fandom?
So I read the ACOTAR series in spring of 2021 after they went viral on TikTok post-ACOSF (yes, I'm one of those people who read it because of TikTok, please don't judge me) and then I made the mistake that summer of trying to engage with the TikTok fandom.... Dark times.... But thankfully, I still had this Tumblr from my previous fandom days, so I came here for more Nessian content and instead found the beautiful Tumblr Nessian Community (tm). I saw there was a Nessian Appreciation Week in September and decided to dip my toe back into fic writing, and now here I am... Still writing fic but for Nessian Appreciation Week 2024
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
Definitely Nesta, my beloved and my wife! It's funny, when I finally got my best friend to start the series, she knew Nesta was my fave going in, and she didn't even make it that far before I got a text from her saying "oh, I get it now. Nesta is you." Like damn read me to filth I guess 😂 yes, I too have Daddy Issues and refuse to talk about my feelings. But I also relate and love Nesta's love for her sisters! Despite the way this fandom tries to say she doesn't or doesn't love them equally or whatever other BS they're always spouting. Like Nesta would commit a murder for Elain and/or Feyre with 0 hesitation, and honestly? I would for my siblings too.
3. Out of all of SJM's books, which one means the most to you and why?
Hmmm.... Tough question. I've only read the ACOTAR series (I DNFed CC, sorry). I guess I'd have to say ACOSF? I will say as much as I shit on that book and the questionable/terrible choices SJM made as a writer in that book, there is a lot of good that I love. I love that we got to see the other side of the coin, to really understand and experience what Nesta was going through, and seeing that on page really did mean a lot to me. I just wish we got more than the two dimensional mess we got from the other POV. Wish we got more actual romance and more actual healing. But alas....
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
I mean I have to say Nessian, my beloveds. They got me back into writing fics after I hadn't written one since like 2015. But even more than that, without Nessian, I never would have met the lovely people on this app that I get to call genuine friends now. I love our small little corner of the fandom where we try our hardest to mind our business and make Cassian suffer but also hit it aka make him better
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systemadministratorclu · 10 months
Fandom asks meme
1, 11, 14!
1: list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
First, I'm in more obscure fandoms, so there's not much drama. People are more open to different things because they're just happy to see more stuff for the fandom
Second, most everyone I meet is someone that has been in the fandom for a while. People who really do connect with it and care about it (as opposed to people that just stop by while it's popular for a bit, but leave once the hype dies down)
Third, the fan content that exists for my fandoms is amazing. From detailed AUs to just further explaining something from canon to that joke thing someone claims they 'just HAD' to do, it's incredible and I love it.
11: if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Definitely all my stories in The ScholMander Files. There's really only two people that actually care about this series, but I've had so much fun talking with those two people about ideas for my own fics and theirs, and I've really enjoyed writing these. I've probably written more fics for this pairing than any other single author, and I've got more coming. Which leads to....
14: the ship that always makes you smile
There's a few for this, and a lot of it has to do with RPs here. It's a tie for me between:
☆ ScholMander (Milo Thatch/Commander Rourke from Atlantis: the Lost Empire) - This is probably the unicorn of the fandom in terms of how rare it is. But having written so much for it and even RPed it, this is now canon to me. These two are just so sweet to each other I'm surprised I don't have cavities yet. And it all started because I saw some photoedit fanart that had an image of Rourke with an arm around Milo and I couldn't stop thinking about that image. Now, they are canon to me.
☆ Clu x Tron/Rinzler (from.....uh.....Tron) - This is largely due to RP threads I've done on here. I honestly hadn't thought of this until I started RPing it with people here,but now I love it. Especially Clu and Tron as sort-of-parents for Beck. Ugh, the sweetness!
☆ Halman (Hal 9000/Dave Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey and its sequel movie/books) - This is probably the one canon ship I'm into, and yes it is very obviously canon, especially in the sequel movie 2010: The Year We Make Contact when they have the following exchange:
Hal 9000: What is going to happen? Dave Bowman: Something wonderful. Hal 9000: I'm afraid. Dave Bowman: Don't be. We'll be together. Hal 9000: Where will we be? Dave Bowman: Where I am now.
I mean, it's even more obvious than Spirk (which I also love) and that's saying something. Just the way these two care for each other is just so wholesome and sweet. It's the one ship I don't see much smut stuff for, and honestly, it doesn't need smut, it works so well. They are just so good to each other. Dave does not want to kill Hal, he does it because he has no choice and (my interpretation) he figured out at that point that something was wrong, that Hal was 'sick' and Dave didn't want to see this person he cares so much about suffering anymore. But when Hal is brought back in the sequel, Dave takes extra time during his short visit to check on Hal and make sure he's okay and ultimately saves him from a second death, after which they literally spend eternity together.
Honorable Mentions - Spirk (Spock/Kirk from Star Trek), Jack O'Neil/Sam Carter (Stargate SG1), Claire Finn/Isaac (The Orville), Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens, please don't comment about Season 2 as I haven't gotten to watch it yet), Yugi Mutou/Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yugi Mutou x Yami/Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh, Yami and Atem are the same person to me, just at different points in time.)
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thesilversun · 11 months
20 questions writer meme.
Thank you @bbcphile for the tag :) 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
112 (A few are art rather than fic - but over 100 of them are fics) 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
953,545 (17 years and getting close to the 1 million words mark)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Mysterious Lotus Casebook and MDZS. Previously Torchwood, Doctor Who, Primeval, Being Human, Rivers of London, Shetland, (these are ones with 2+ there are others with just 1 fic)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Futures Written on Shifting Sand   My only fic to pass 4 digit kudos at 2134 kudos. Unfinished wip, that I might still go back to.   My first MDZS fic, Canon divergent AU where Lan Wangji is brought back to Lotus Pier after the Xuanwu cave incident and is there for the Wen attack. 
Time Enough and Life 486 kudos. A Torchwood bigbang fic for one of the big bangs that I ran back on Livejournal. 
Writing up the report on the Night Travellers, Jack finds one line in the Electro guide book that confuses him – it closed in 1977. It leaves him with one question, how did Ianto watch films there if it closed six years before he was born?
As Spring Will Surely Come
MDZS. Written for the Bottomji big bang early this year, 464 kudos. 
Now in their forth year of marriage Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are settled into their life together in the Cloud Recesses, looking forward to a quiet, cozy winter together in the Jingshi. A night hunt at a haunted water mill, old injuries and family illness make it a very difficult winter instead.
Going On 351 kudos. One my earliest fics, written and posted while the first series of Torchwood was still airing. 
Conversations, realisations and angst set after Countrycide. 
Secrets and Hope 339 Kudos. Fix it fic written in the wake of Torchwood series 3. 
As Torchwood slowly rebuilds following the 456 the government is still keeping secrets from them and it's up to Ianto to reveal the truth.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to/mean to then it goes past a few days and I wonder if people really want a reply from me. Then it feels like it’s too long, that I’ve missed the timeframe for it to be reasonable. 
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably In Darkness one of the many Torchwood fics that I wrote.
The ending lines being:
Because if living forever is a terrifying thought, then living forever and losing himself in the process is beyond terrifying. It's something that Jack isn't sure there's a word to describe the sheer horror of it.
Huddling against Ianto, Jack supposes that at least he's got all the time in the universe to come up with one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe New Horizons Canon Divergent SongXiao in the CQL setting (I tend to write novel setting) 
The decision to help a small village threatened by a vicious yaoguai brings with it danger and upsetting news that Xiao Xingchen never expected to receive. With the news comes a choice, one that will change the course of both Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan’s lives in ways that neither of them expect.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, the occasional annoying/odd comment - like asking me to use US spelling grammar or to re-write in past tense as they didn’t like present tense, or leaving a ‘sadly unfinished’ bookmark in a completed big bang fic
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, not so much in recent fandoms - but I have ideas, but Torchwood and Primeval it was a bigger part of it. Most of it had a strong kink element. Generally with the focus being on trust
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Occasionally.  The most ridiculous has to be Hex, Mainframe and the Temporal Trouser Error.
Discworld, Torchwood and Primeval. A conversation across time and space between Hex and Mainframe, two sentient computers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of, that is to say if anyone had they’ve not told me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, as part of a fic writing challenge event, Out of Dark Places, written with Harkpad.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly I have many ships in every fandom I’ve been in. Although Jack/Ianto will always hold as special place, because it was that ship that really brought me into fandom circles. 
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably the ridiculously ambitious alternative 4 season of Torchwood, which used my fic Secrets and Hope as a bridge between series 3 and hypothetical series 4.
13 fic ‘episodes’ which were a mix of creature of the week and had an overarching plot behind it all, using the Rift and Bilis Manger. It was all plotted out, and some ‘episodes’ partially written - but the whole thing would have been something like 300k-400k
16. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly, I don’t know. People have said that I’m good at getting inside characters’ heads. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many thoughts and description and not enough action, probably.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I can’t write well enough in another language to attempt it. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Highlander: The TV series. That was never posted online/shared. The first to be posted/shared was Torchwood.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
That’s a difficult one, there are so many over the years - it’s been 17 years I posted by first fic online 
Maybe  Northern Lights
An unlikely case fic crossover between Shetland and Rivers of London, written with fondness for the times I spent working on an archaeological dig in Shetland 23 years ago. 
The theft of three Pictish stone carvings from a museum in London lead Peter and Nightingale to Shetland. The reason for the theft is clear: The stones are ancient storage devices for magical energy. Who took them and why is a lot less so. That Shetland has its own mythology and magics which are far closer to that of Scandinavia than London doesn't help matters.
Between the lack of information, the cold and wet January weather and Nightingale's cold, Peter can't help but wish they were back in London.
I always feel like imposing on people somehow by tagging them in things, so don’t feel like you have to do this, I do tag you @heyholmesletsgo @hils79 @galadriel1010 and anyone else who wants to do it
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Not 2 be sappy but
“Embrace me, son. I am all you have left.”
“No,” he croaked. He glanced at Annabeth and Piper. “My loyalties haven’t changed. My family has just expanded. I’m a child of Greece and Rome.” He looked back at his mother for the last time. “I’m no child of yours.”
Perfectly encapsulates how Jason's struggle between CHB and Rome stems from trauma of his mother's abandonment of him.
"I am all that you have left" implying that Jason fears that he will have no other home, that the only link he has to a real family is his neglectful unstable mother who gave him up to save her own skin. The way Jason yearns to establish a found family of sorts in either camp, yearning for someone from the very first book TLH to look for him and to care about him. The way he's constantly tying his self worth to how powerful of leader he is and if the pjo fandom had at least 1 braincell to share between them they'd see how his rivalry with Percy wasnt "oooOoOoOO he thinks he's better then Percy 😤" but Jason feeling threatened by the fact that if he can't be the leader then he can't prove himself and therefore he can't be loved.
In fact Percy has a lot of what Jason feels like he doesn't have. Again from the first book, he comments that he wishes he had someone who was looking for him like Annabeth was looking for Percy.
When Jason's memories were wiped he didn't become a blank slate. He still had those feelings that was pent up inside of him all his life, but what he didn't have were the memories to back up why he had those feelings. When he thought that people didn't care for him and only cared for his parentage, that was an expression of what Jason already thought before- brought out of Jason in TLH.
When Jason realizes he can be both a child of Rome and Greece, it's him realizing that he doesn't have to be this perfect leader (like he had to be in Rome) in order to be loved. He could also be laid back and himself at CHB and still be wanted there. He didn't have to struggle between the two because if he chose one over the other he'd have neither (Jason is a roman by heritage and a greek by choice)- and if he had neither he'd be left with nothing but the woman who abandoned him to die so long ago.
So really if anything, Jason's story is about a story of self love and understanding that he doesn't have to tear himself apart to make others happy. That he can be unconditionally loved and he doesn't have to be left with the scars of a woman who couldn't and wouldn't sacrifice for him.
When Jason insists on being the leader it's not because he's overconfident (in fact he's constantly second guessing himself in his POV), it's because it's the only avenue he's ever achieved anything close to familial love.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Very much enjoyed your Cap/David analysis! I have never seen people theorize Cap is a golem - the only character I’ve heard people say that for is Wonder Woman, actually. I’d love to hear your thoughts on that - she obviously has free will but on the other hand she IS made of clay for a specific purpose…?
RE Vision, do you think it would be just him that fits the golem qualifications, or would the rest of his family count too?
Hey, thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you liked the post! I promise you that Cap being the golem is not only something that I've seen repeatedly on Tumblr, but is right now being repeated a lot on comictok and jewtok, and can be seen in a lot of the literature on the subject (it's been a while since I read any of it because I find most of it shallow and/or obvious, but iirc either one or both of Up, Up and Oy Vey and From Krakow to Krypton discuss it).
Anyway as for Wonder Woman, I get what you mean, but the story of the golem is actually more than just "creature made of clay" and I feel like Diana ultimately doesn't fall into it. I'm not extremely familiar with her classic origin story, but as far as I know, she isn't really made to be a protector with the power of God (or gods, as the matter may be) - her heroic nature is not built into the clay and the way she was brought back to life, nor is it part of her weakness. Her stories don't really have much to do with the golem's story either - to the point where I can't even compare and contrast, they just deal with completely different ideas. And that's fine, the few WW comics I've picked up have been great and if any of you have been around for a while you'll know I made the 2017 movie my personality for like a year, but we have to acknowledge two things when we look at WW's origin story and that is 1. Diana was in fact created by Jews like most every important comic book character, and so while it might not be a useful tool for analysis, that doesn't mean it didn't influence the writing choices whether consciously or subconsciously and 2. Greek mythology has its own stories of statues come to life.
(Sidenote, I'm currently reading - and almost done with - The Wolf and the Woodsman, and oh my God that book's discussion of the way stories can be shared across religions and cultures makes me so happy)
As for the Vision family - I think we have to go back to the base question at the core of my thought experiment (bc it is still very much experimental) regarding Vision even being a golem, which is, does he have a soul? Does his family have a soul? Does the reveal that they're based on other people make this better or worse? If Vision has a soul, did he always have a soul, or did he gain one?
I never got more than a couple of issues into Vision due to incredibly bad timing - it started exactly as I was getting into reading comics for the first time and it ended up getting pushed to the wayside, and when I say this whole thing has ended up on the backburner in recent months I mean it - it's a project I'm very interested in, but I've had both real life and other fandom matters to deal with since I wrote the Cap rant last spring. But here's my current theory, with my very vague memories of the few issues of Vision I read and what I've seen of it through other people's discussions of it.
If we take it as a fact that Vision is a golem, and therefore has no soul as of the Vision comic, he cannot truly create like a living person can, and therefore he cannot imbue the power of God into any potential protectors. There's also the fact that while Vision is made to be a hero, none of his family is made with the intention of being heroic. His "daughter" does end up joining the Champions and being an incredibly interesting character in her own right afaik, but he did not create her for that purpose. We do, however, have the aspect of the original story that almost presents the golem as a failed experiment - the golem has to be quote-unquote "killed" at the end because he broke the rules of Shabbat, and not all the members of the Vision family make it to the end, or even particularly far. But they don't die because of their nature - so again, false comparison.
I think that if I were to take Vision as a golem, he would have to stand on his own, and this question has actually got me second guessing the comparison between him and the golem more than anything else anybody else has ever said, so thank you for that. Genuinely, it's always good to have more material.
I still need to read literally anything with the original human torch in it, somebody push me to get on that.
Anyway, thanks again for the thoughtful questions! I'm really happy to have spent a half hour on this, it's been a while since I really have.
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Countdown to 2023!
This blog is officially two years old!!! 🎉 🎊 🎉
Thank you to everyone who has helped make this blog a successful project. It wouldn't still be here without all of your support.
To celebrate, I'm bringing back the first event I hosted here which is a countdown to the new year.
Tumblr media
⭐️ December 29: 3 writers or stories that made this year bright
⭐️ December 30: 2 artists or artworks that brought you cheer
⭐️ December 31: 1 series or ongoing project from the fandom you are looking forward to in 2023
*BONUS* ⭐️ January 01: What are you looking forward to in 2023? (this can be Choices stories/books, your own creations, etc) Do you have any creative goals for yourself in 2023?
The number is just for fun, you are welcome to include more or less than the daily "guide" number
You can post your lists on your blog (tag this blog so I can reblog/share) or if you prefer anon, feel free to submit it here.
You are welcome to self-promote. If your favorite artwork is one of yours, reshare it, tag the blog! If you want to post your personal 3 favorite stories and 3 from other writers, go for it. The goal is to remember things that brought you joy this year! If you are proud of your work, reshare it! I'm happy to promote whatever has brought you joy, because we can all use a little more of that!
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions to make it better! I look forward to a great event!
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xxvalkyriesxx · 6 days
The fandom is so lucky to have you! We appreciate having you here and all that you contribute to it ❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Keep doing you ❤️
😭 that’s so sweet omg 🩷
Thank you, anon 🩷🥰✨
1) I’ve been apart of many different fandoms since a young age so I’ve always loved the culture of it! (Not everything within fandom culture is great though as many people have pointed over).
After I finished acowar in 2020 I immediately jumped into reading nessian fanfiction on AO3 and the rest is history lol. I ended up making this account I believe in 2022 (?) since Instagram and TikTok are just too much when it comes to acotar on both sides.
I had so many theories and head canons and I wasn’t getting a lot of fanon content from those websites so I went back to roots and found that actorwr had a decent size here on tumblr 🩷
2) The Valkyries I feel the most connected too. I’m not exactly like them but they have traits that’s are closer to me as a person compared to the rest of the cast. Like their love for reading and their loyalty they have for another.
Nesta feeling like an outsider when it came to her family (I felt/still feel this way about my own. I love them but there’s sometimes a disconnect).
Gwyn being kinda religious. I’m also kinda am ? Religion is a very complicated matter for me (as it is for many ppl) as it was never my choice as a child. However being 28 now, I’m tiptoeing back into it at my pace bc now it is my choice.
Emerie because I would bend over backwards for my closest friends no matter what. We also happen to have similar tastes of humor too.
3) House of Earth and Blood and Queen of Shadows. HoEaB was my way of falling in love with Sarah’s work again (I read it as i was starting acowar. I liked the acotar series, but I didn’t love it.). I read tog as it released way back in the day but I dropped after a certain ship died LOL (my toxic trait between 14-19 was that I was a first love interest kinda girly. Acotar wasn’t out then so dodged a bullet there). HoEaB in some ways should’ve just been a stand alone novel. It had a perfect ending and although the book is a lot, I never cried harder reading something (okay maybe I cried as hard when I read koa lol).
I decided to pick up tog after finishing acofas in April/May of 2020. Acosf wasn’t out yet so I went back to throne of glass and just picked up where I left off. I didn’t bother rereading the first three books as I don’t really like them (I do plan to read them all whenever I decide to reread the series). Something about Queen of Shadows just kept me at the edge of my seat! It was so good!
Runners up would be Tower of Dawn, Kingdom of Ash, and A Court of Silver Flames.
4) Nessian and Quinlar are probably my most loved! I just love the strong warrior himbo and his mean/sassy girlfriend (Emmett and Rosalie were favorite ship in middle school so that probably answers a lot of my questions haha)!
I enjoy most of the ships in the other series although Day/Night and Rowaelin hold special places in my heart.
Since we’re here my favorite crack ship is Rhysta 🤪 the parallels those two have with each other ???? You can’t argue they’ll be the hottest enemies to stay enemies as they fuck 🙂‍↕️
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