#also i wanna do another part where kiri puts a spell of his pixie to make them bigger so then they can fuck
bluebellhairpin · 2 years
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Kirishima Eijirou X Reader
Summary: As a dark fae, Kirishima has a kind soul but a wary heart so as to not make others afraid. You, a light pixie, bring him out of his shell like a moth to flame. (wc. 3k<)
Warnings: Reader is called 'Little' a lot (you're a pixie, it a bit of a given). I will be fucking up every single ounce of knowledge you have about dark fae and pixies for the sake of my own plot. (They/Them pronouns used).
Listening to: 'Sunlight' by Hozier - "Know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty oh, my sunlight."
Masterlist || Ko-fi
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Little creatures always fascinated Kirishima. 
The woods were the perfect place to find them. From insects like centipedes, pill bugs, butterflies, and ladybirds, to the kinds that were more mysterious. More magical. 
He himself was no stranger to the magic that lurks in the forests - born and raised as a part of it, he knew all there was to know about what went on there, but the nature of his being meant the smaller, delicate creatures gave him a wide berth. 
With his imposing height, and large leathery wings, his scary looks were only added to when one got close enough to see how his pupils turned to slits, his teeth sharp - and on top of it all, his crowning glory. A set of horns spiraling up from his skull in a richly deep red. The hand he was dealt in the body he was born in meant that taking in the dainty things of the world was a struggle. 
They were often too scared to approach him, and he was too afraid to scare them more - or worse, accidentally hurt them - so he set aside his curiosity and simply admired the small beings of the forest from a distance. Or try to. 
But that was before he met you.
Some turn of the world made a flock of new creatures enter the forest where Kirishima lived. A change of scenery, or something more sinister - either reason didn’t matter, all were safe and welcome. 
A large Tree Troll, a small herd of Pegasi with dark coats, Mushroom Toads, and Nymphs. Among the creatures was a troupe of Pixies, just as small as their local cousins, but shone brighter, flew faster. 
Light Pixies.
Golden like sunflowers and warm like the sun - the only thing that shone brighter than their streamline when they flew was their personalities. Watching from a distance as they zipped around, familiarizing themselves with their new home, and their new family of pink and blue lights, one stuck out to him more than the others. One’s light shone brighter. 
Soon, evident by the clear surprise on the Pixie’s face once Kirishima’s eyes focused, it had gotten a little too excited, flew too close to him, and stopped only inches away from his nose. Nevertheless, they smiled - an act he was not used to, but one welcomed and returned just the same. 
They had a shirt of sunflower seeds, and burnt yellow wings edged with black. Despite how much smaller they were, the joy on their face was undeniable. 
He heard them say something, but like all Pixie’s their voice rang like a bell. He huffed, watching as his breath ruffled their hair.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” Then their bells rang out light laughter. They pointed to him, then flung their arms so wide apart that they spun upside down and back upright again. “Are you saying I’m big?” 
They nodded, clasping their hands together with an even wider smile. 
“Well you aren’t exactly reaching the top shelf on your own, huh little one?” Their smile turned into an opened mouth gape, as if shocked at the new nickname. They reacted quickly, flying up around him and under his wings, weaving between his long dark hair and back in front of him again in a flurry, cheekily upsetting his surroundings. 
This little Pixie was more game than a human child near a raccoon, and he was adoring every second of it. 
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As days passed, Kirishima had guessed your name in a game of charades - though he still called you Little One - and more of the light Pixies warmed up to him thanks to your friendship. Other small creatures of the forest did the same, and after a time he felt himself feeling like he owed you a debt. 
One he wasn’t sure how to pay. 
While he liked Pixies, he knew of them, he knew nothing of what they liked. Being a dark Fae in this forest meant you knew a lot - it was a duty of being a protector - but none of it went too deep. However, Fae and Pixies had their similarities. 
He hoped that this - gifting shiny things - was one of them. 
The light Pixie hive was set up extremely quickly, only a few trees distance from the water and flower Pixie’s homes, and he knew that this was where he was going to find you. Or find someone who knows where to find you. 
With his figure approaching, it wasn’t long before his arrival was greeted by a few of your friends - now, he guessed, his friends too. He asked where you were, and one zoomed off into the hive. You seemed to be home today, just like he hoped. 
When you emerged, you flew right up to his face, squishing yourself into his cheek in a greeting that needed no words - you were warm, even for such a small thing. 
“I have something. For you.” He said, offering a closed palm. Curious as ever, you went down to investigate - as did most of the other Pixies, regardless if the gift was for them or not - and he watched as you jumped back at what was inside. 
A coin, gold and swamped by Kirishima’s palm and clawed fingers. He’d tried polishing it as best he could this morning before he came, but at your reaction he’d worried it wasn’t the kind of gift Pixies liked. 
However a few crowded around his palm, leaning over the edge to poke and stroke the metal, but he watched you as you finally looked up at him after staring at the coin so long. His doubts melted away at the smile on your face. His vision blurred with light, face being tickled by kisses from you and your butterfly wings. 
“So you like it?” he asked quietly, a smile turning to a grin as you nodded ferociously. “Careful there little one, wouldn’t want your pretty head falling off on me.” 
He felt himself chuckle gently as your laughter rang out, then you took his nose between your palms - touch featherlight - and kissed him. Right on the point of his nose. There was a mild ringing in his ears, but then something changed. 
What changed?
“I’m pretty sturdy Kirishima, no need to worry about my head.” he heard, a sweet voice whispered into his ear. He turned to try and find who said it, but whoever it was was faster, and laughed at him for it. “That’s my voice.” He looked down at you, realization smacking him in the face.
A Pixie’s kiss was magic, a blessing. Where you were kissed depended on what magic was bestowed. A kiss on the nose meant… 
“I understand you.” 
“You’d better, I’d worry if you didn’t.” 
He shook his head. “I don’t deserve that -”
“- You dare question a Pixie’s Blessing?” Your hands were on your hips, head tilted to look up at him sternly. 
“No, of course not.” His reply was almost shy. 
“Good.” you said, nodding once in finality. Then your hands moved off your hips to bashfully sway at your sides. “I really like your gift Kirishima. It’s so pretty.” 
He felt himself shying again at your words, but the bell laughter of the other Pixies still waiting and watching him at his palm cracked through and made him focus again. 
“Better get it into your house though.” As he moved towards your home hive, you flew in front of him again. 
“We won’t get it through my door.” 
“Oh.” He couldn’t help sounding disappointed. Of course it was too big. He should’ve known better, there were other things - smaller things - he could’ve given you instead. 
“I know a place we can put it though.” You quickly added. 
“Really? Where?” 
“There is a spot in your house. The branches make some nice nooks, I can find one I like there, and that’s where we can put it.” 
“We can just take it back to my place, it’s meant for you.” He swore he had no control over his voice anymore, not with how childish his protest came out. “You need it somewhere you’ll use it.”
“Well then, now I’ll have more excuses to come visit and spend time with you. Won't I?” You were stubborn as ever, and he folded.
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It hadn’t taken you long to make yourself a home on a ledge just above a shelf Kirishima had. You’d move things of his to make it a space more your own - something he minded less and less the more often you spent time there - and bring things in from your adventures in the forest there instead of your home at the hive. 
He soon realized you were making a home there with him. Even worse - or maybe better? - he liked it. 
He loved your company. Especially now you have given you your Pixies kiss - even if it did wear off when he slept, you had no issue greeting him with a kiss on the nose again, and he didn’t either. He loved you. 
Even though you were small in size, your personality was big, sometimes larger than you could handle. You were kind, with a giving heart and gentle hands. You helped others in the forest whenever you could, and your warmth bled into everyone you met. He adored how you kept him company when he had to patrol the outskirts of the woods, keeping him amused and chatting his ear off with anything and everything. 
And you were so pretty. 
Although it was a strain to see you sometimes, his eyes were much better than others. He could see how your hair seemed to have sparkles in it, and how the skin around your hairline and cheekbones looked splattered with flakes of yellow flower petals. Now you were settled, and your hive had gotten into the swing of things, you’d occasionally show off a new set of pants, or shirt that you’d bring back. 
He did love how you twirled around with a smile to show him how it looked. 
But his most favorite thing was when you’d make yourself a nest in his hair. 
The space between his horns was your favorite, especially in the middle of the day when you could lay there with your feet on his forehead and soak in the sun. But he liked it when it rained in the forest, even if it was mostly a mist, because that meant you hid under his hair, on his neck next to his ear, to protect your wings.
You felt closer, warmer, like that. 
It became clear to him that you’d gotten very comfortable with your new large companion. He didn’t know exactly how you felt until one night. 
He’d been watching you from his bed - nest almost, just like yours - as you fluttered in and out of your nook. Like you couldn’t decide what to do. It was rare he used his proper voice with you, a thing as precious as you deserved to be treated gently, but right now you were flustered, and he knew you’d ignore him if he wasn’t stern. 
“Little one. What’s wrong?” Deep and baritone, he saw how you froze, then turned to him, bashful once more. 
“Whatever do you mean?” 
“Don’t try and fool me, we both know I know better than to be fooled.” If you could stop your foot midair, he thought, you would’ve. Then you retreated into your nook and yelled.
“Close your eyes!” He did so without question. “Are they closed?” He hummed, then heard you whiz over, slower than usual, and make your way up to his head. He felt a tug on one of his horns, nothing painful, but he knew you’d done something to them. “Okay you can open them now.”
“What did you do?” he asked, watching as you flew down and sat on his now open palm. You giggled, and he swore that sometimes it still sounded like the lightest bells. “You did something funny, didn’t you?” Your head shook.
“No, I didn't. I… I’m just nervous.” His head tilted quizzically. 
“Why would you be nervous?” 
“I gave you something.” You started fiddling with your fingers, and looked down at your lap. “I’m not sure what you’ll think, it’s something us Pixies do.” 
His finger bent down, as close to offering his hand for you to hold as he could, and he felt a warmth bloom in his chest when you took it. 
“If it’s from you, I’ll take it happily.” Even though your hands grasped his finger, he felt you sigh. 
“You don’t understand, it’s not a gift. I’m… It’s…” For some reason you weren’t able to get the words out. Then your eyes closed, and he felt your whole body move as you took in a deep calming breath. But it didn’t work. Your words came out very rushed. He almost didn’t catch them. “I’m trying to court you.” 
You, trying to court… Him? 
“What did you put on my horn?” His words were gentle, curious. He wanted you to know it was okay. This was okay. You looked up at him through thick lashes, with stars in your eyes. 
“We Pixies, when courting, make charms.” You explained. “We put them on threads of silk along with other items given to us since we met, and then give it back. We wear it around our necks, and I tried to make yours big, I promise! But it still won’t go over your head.” 
“Can I look at it?” He asked, but watched how your eyes widened.
“You want to take it off?” 
“No no, no of course not, I just,” He felt he messed up, the last thing he wanted was to hurt your feelings, “I want to see the work you put in, I’ll put it right back on after, I promise.” 
At the mention of a promise, you relaxed, nodding. After all, promises were always kept. 
He felt around his horn, taking off a thick strand of leather. He wondered how you managed to carry it, let alone make it, but you always beat his expectations right through the roof. On the leather was an array of items you’d put on yourself, including a handcrafted bead, a shell, and a tooth of some kind. Then was more familiar items, a rock with a sharp edge he gave you, a red feather. 
And the coin he gave you. 
He looked from the charm in one hand to you in the other. 
“I have nothing like this to give you, little one.” He saw you smile, and almost instantly you returned to your normal self. Your body pressed against his finger and thumb, and your legs swung over the side of his palm. 
“You have at least three moons before you have to worry about giving something back, Kirishima.” You said, cheek pressed against one of his claws. “Just wear that, and I’ll wait all the time in the world.” 
“Eijirou.” He said as he put the leather loop back over his horn. “If we’re courting, then now I can gift you my name. Eijirou.” Your head tilted.
“Your name isn’t Kirishima?” He almost laughed at how clueless you sounded. 
“It is, Fae just have two names. Only those closest to us know our first name. Everyone else doesn’t. Names are very precious to us. Almost as precious as you are to me.” He swore your whole body burnt in a flush at his last statement. 
“Well,” you said, “I’m really glad I get to call you by your first name now.” 
A beat of silence passed.
“Eijirou is a pretty name, I think.” 
“Well I think your charm is very pretty too.” You perked up a lot at that. He said something right. 
“Really?” He hummed. You flew up out of his hand into his cheek, hugging his face tightly, and soaking him from the head down with a gooey warmth. “I’m so glad!” 
You pulled back, but his hand came up to stop you going further, holding you close instead. You could feel him grin. 
“Clingy now, huh?” you teased, and he hummed an affirmative again. You leant back again his hand, shying up again, but spoke more freely. “Can I sleep with you tonight?” 
“Only if you make sure I don’t squish you,” he said. “I don’t think I’d bare it if I hurt you, even by accident.” 
“I always choose the best sleeping places, so you could never squish me Eijirou.” 
Oh how he loved how you said his name. 
He was mildly aware of how you tucked yourself in next to his head, making quick work of a spot where his hair could keep the morning chill off when you woke later. He felt more at home here now than ever.  
You’d always fascinate Kirishima.
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