#also i was unaware that drawing all the logos is actual hell
grubbyraccoonhands · 1 year
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@n-ico-ando s Rookie Seb and Lewis au had me inspired ✨
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Not venting, just using thus blog as a personal diary I guess. Ok maybe it's venting idk.
What frustrates me about my coding abilities is that I feel like there's this huge amount of basic practical knowledge that I am just... unaware of???
For example, someone mentioned "if you know some python you can automate downloading all the works in your ao3 history"
Ok. I have a degree in computer science. I know python's code syntax, its logic, and a little bit about how it works under the hood with memory management. How do I actually do that? Ok I just checked and there's an unofficial API for ao3, which answers one part of the question, but now I'm wondering how the hell would you program an API for a website. Ok I've searched further and it's called web scraping and there are tools for that. I feel like it would be redundant to ask how you program that. But then comes the question of how you actually add that to your code base and then export your finished code and have it respond to a usable UI.
Idk I guess it's a case of just thinking of random shit to code and researching how to make it then?? But that's frustrating because I kinda expected to be able to make most stuff after I graduated. It seems like all my classes just assumed I would figure out this miscellaneous basic knowledge on my own. In my sophomore year I took a class called Object Oriented Programming and we had a major group project to make a music app or something.
(It was part of a deal with a startup, and all 60+ people in my class concluded that they just wanted free labor and ideas. Everyone purposely made shitty apps that still passed for a good grade. This is irrelevant, I just wanted to share)
Well my group just...didn't know how to start writing the app. We all knew how to code but didn't know how to translate that knowledge into a usable app. I asked my professor about it and she said "yes that's normal" and I don't think I got any more information out of her, probably because I was too shy to ask anything else. We spent most of the semester Not Coding (UML diagrams I think) until one guy programmed it all by himself and passive aggressively dissed us in the group chat for it. I think he used some pre-made app platform for it? How do you find that shit?? How do you know to do that? Also shouldn't we know how to do this without using that? I repeatedly asked my group how I could help bc I genuinely didn't know what was being coded, how I accessed the code, and what I needed to do and they said after the third time "you can draw us a logo." Thanks. Thank you one passive-aggrssive guy who didn't include anyone else in this process. My entire learning experience for my coding class has amounted to drawing a picture.
I have other stories like that though. It seems like I was constantly learning things about theory, and professors just assumed I would figure out the practical stuff if they just assigned me a group project.
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